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S10.E08: Hibbing 911

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Jody Mills reluctantly attends a mandatory sheriff's retreat and is partnered with an overeager sheriff who wants to bond. Even worse, a body with just strings of meat and skin hanging off the bones is discovered. Jody calls Sam and Dean for help.
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So Doug really was a massive dick.  I'm a bit disappointed that Donna didn't get to tell him off, or kick him in the nards.  We got Sheriff Mills telling him off, but she shouldn't have been the only one.  Heck let Donna, Dean, and Sam all get something in on him.


I liked Donna and Sheriff Mills as a team.  Just please Supernatural writers, don't kill either one of them.


I may be alone, but Dean and Donna have chemistry.  Okay I'll shut up about that.


One last thing, thank you for finally using "The Weight".

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I have a feeling a lot of people won't like this one, but I enjoyed it. I'd go as far as to say it was my favorite episode of the season. 


- terrific use of Jody, grudging mentor to Donna, slowly won over by Donna's pluckiness and heart, Jody as the worried mother, Jody trying to help Dean and Sam with emotional support, while not interfering in their lives 


- continuity that helps remind us that the characters can interact when they aren't oncamera, which this show often doesn't do (I'm talking about Sam calling Jody when Dean went missing)


- remembering that Jody became a mother to Alexis, and using this as part of her character development even when Alexis isn't around


- the parallels for being a monster were clumsy, and that slo-mo run the sheriff vamp made toward the woman's corpse was cheesy, but the guy who played him did a terrific job 


- good use of Donna and Jody without overshadowing Dean and Sam, or the main plot of the season 


- terrific writing for Donna, making her seem less like a caricature - a woman that has some pain under her chirpy facade, but is also tough and smart and adapts well 


- the continued parallel of Dean and Donna (in her last episode you could tell he related to her far more than he would let on), as we saw her big happy grin when she beheaded the vamp, and he was happy for her 


- decent, non-sluggish pacing


- some fun lines and banter between Sam and Dean and between Donna and Jody


- an overall sense of caring and warmth instead of forced flipness 


- classic rock music 


- Dean looking hot (and the belt removal scene...)


This was much better than I thought it would be.

I may be alone, but Dean and Donna have chemistry.  Okay I'll shut up about that.


They do. They did last season too. I've seen more people shipping Donna and Jody, which I totally get, but I would like to see more Dean and Donna interaction.

Edited by Pete Martell
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My favorite parts were Dean's wave when he said hi to Jody on the phone, the whole FBI badge kinkos conversation and Sam and Dean's silent communication during the Vamp monologue.


Other than that...I was kinda bored.  I mean, I like Jody and Donna.  Their interaction was fun.  But...I don't know.  I watch this show for two very specific reasons - Sam and Dean.  So any episode where I feel like they play guest stars in their own show, I'm not really into.  I liked the Mark of Cain stuff.  But yeah.  I haven't deleted any episodes off my DVR yet and this will probably be the first to go.


That promo for next week though....


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I still want Jody and Dean to hook up some day, but Kim Rhodes said that might kill her.


Jody said Alex was only 17? Why did I think she was more like 25? 


I thought SPN vampires weren't overly affected by sunlight, or am I remembering wrong? Anyway, if your'e going to use that much sunscreen you should really invest in gallon size bottles. It's more cost-effective.

Edited by Tippi Blevins
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I thought SPN vampires weren't overly affected by sunlight, or am I remembering wrong? Anyway, if your'e going to use that much sunscreen you should really invest in gallon size bottles. It's more cost-effective.


"Sunlight hurts them like a nasty sunburn" - John Winchester

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I loved it!!!!  The guy doing the graffiti having his art work turn to blood, made me laugh.


I loved hearing "The Weight" and now anytime I hear that song I really hear Jensen's voice and really wish he would release it on an album as it really fits his voice...but the song made me smile.


I loved Jody and Donna, although I thought they showed them on a golf cart some time ago which I didn't see in the ep...so that made me go huh?  Maybe I'm remember it wrong.


Loved Sam and Dean talking.  I thought it was a decent pace.  I liked the writers for this one, so I hope they will do another one soon. 


It didn't feel like Sam and Dean were guest stars as the use of why they weren't involved at first worked for me. 


I really needed the laughs so I was really glad for the stupid parts. 

Actually they did a good job of distracting me, because I didn't guess vamps so the reveal was interesting for me.


Will have to rewatch it again.  :)

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Really liked it. It helps to have more engaging characters on this show.


Two women in the backseat that aren't angels or demons? This must be a first.


The MOL had really odd priorities on what to archive: A study in werewolf tansgenderism?



Dean, for the first time that I can remember, uses the puppy dog eyes on Sam!


I know! It worked! Sam should NOT fall for that one!


Dean, your pants are on fire. You might wanna see to that.

Edited by supposebly
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I keep thinking of things!


I don't know why Dean is being so secretive about how the Mark is affecting him.  It's really kind of a big deal.  He was all about wanting to talk things out a few episodes ago, now he's keeping things to himself again.  I mean, I get that he probably is worried and doesn't want to worry Sam and maybe he thinks that if he downplays it, it's not actually as big of a deal as it is.  But to tell Sam this is the *first* time he hasn't felt moved by the mark...well, that's not good.  Talk to your brother, Dean!  For your safety and for his!  It was so refreshing when they talked things out earlier this season.  Just give me that BM scene, Dean! 

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I really liked this episode.  I was motivated to rewatch it right away -- always a good sign.


Dean/Donna - I ship it like FedEx.  I don't care if it's a freaking cliche.  There IS chemistry.  And she told him 'Stuff You'. I bet our British friends will get a kick out of that.


Dean using puppy eyes. So blatantly.  Dean, you have no shame. Please keep it up.


Sam Sam Sam.  How could you have failed to call Jodi and tell her you rescued Dean??? It's been months. Listen young man, you need a good spanking. I vote Jodi.

(please feel free to interpret that any way you wish).


I'm glad they dropped the golf-cart scene. It would have been too campy and I like Donna/Jodi too much to do over the top campy. I did enjoy Donna being the happy greeter that everyone knew and loved.


Doug needed to get eaten. I know it would have been a distraction, but he's got to go.  Or Donna needs to save his ass some day (in a future episode) and tell his to buzz off. 


I love The Weight and I also loved that they used the Family theme while Jodi was essentially welcoming Donna to the family and Dean was confessing to Sam.  And YES, he's been lying.  Thank you Sam for having great patience and not ripping him a cornucopia of new orifices for hiding the sensation of being driven by the Mark during kills. Of course I'm worried he grabbed his arm. We're supposed to be worried.  Well done show.


Finally, I like the new version of Vampire Teeth. It's still more teeth than most shows but it's less artificial looking.  Good job SFx guys. 

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Well that's it. I am fully shipping Dean/Donna 4 ever.  I loved them together in The Purge. And it's just reaffirmed here. Dean could have a woman that hunts and is brave and smart and fun. And she told him to Stuff it which I think he really respected. I love me some Donna. There is a spark between Jensen and Brianna that I just adore.  And Jodi and Sam can have some fun too.


Fun episode with some genuine suspense. I really thought Donna might die.


I am really worried about Dean. :(.  I know that he said he felt like himself...but is the himself the MoC side or the regular pre-MoC Dean? 



ETA: I was really hoping Dean would punch Doug the Dick. 

Edited by catrox14
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Sam Sam Sam.  How could you have failed to call Jodi and tell her you rescued Dean??? It's been months. Listen young man, you need a good spanking. I vote Jodi.

(please feel free to interpret that any way you wish).


I'll then interpret it in the naughtiest way possible. I'd enjoy the hell out of Jodi/Sam.


Well that's it. I am fully shipping Dean/Donna 4 ever.  I loved them together in The Purge. And it's just reaffirmed here. Dean could have a woman that hunts and is brave and smart and fun. And she told him to Stuff it which I think he really respected. I love me some Donna. There is a spark between Jensen and Brianna that I just adore.  And Jodi and Sam can have some fun too.


Dean/Donna would definitely be fun... we need a shipping name for them, but that's not gonna be easy, since a smush gives us Deanna - which is already a character name and so therefor confusing.


Jodi/Sam isn't easy either, though Jam, Jami, or Jammin' could be cute.


The episode was light, but fun, and a nice palate cleanser for what I'm assuming will be an intense episode next week.

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I loved, loved, LOVED this episode, even though I figured out the vampire situation immediately.


Dean and Donna have chemistry, I mean, how could he not like a woman who fed him powdered doughnuts and sliced off a vamp's head. But I don't ship it. I think a mentoring thing would be great, maybe mentoring by proxy through Jodi. Anything to keep these two awesome ladies around except as love interests.


The hippie-dippy girl was OTT, but then she was actually an original hippie so that kind of worked.


Don was most excessively a dick, but I'm glad neither Dean nor Sam did anything about it, and Jodi shouldn't have either. Donna needs to do it so she can finally put his lame ass behind her.


I thought the pacing and directing was good, but the vamp barn monologue could have been tightened up just a bit. However, it did give them time to realistically work through their ropes, so...


I like that Sam is skeptical about what Dean's telling him about the MoC. He should be skeptical, but he isn't being angry or confrontational about it, at least, not yet, which is a good thing. I see Sam really appreciating being around Dean now, after coming so close to losing him. He really learned his lesson, it seems, and that does my heart good. I don't foresee anymore run-over dogs in his future.


Next week looks awesome. I'm just disappointed we'll have to wait a long time until new eps come back. Oh well, I have all the Blu-rays and if I don't feel like changing out a disk, I'll just fire up Netflix. It's what I've been doing since June and I haven't tired of it yet.

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I like this episode for more then I thought I would. It reminded me of good first & second season eps with it's use of reasonably three-dimensional secondary characters and the monster of the week. It helped a great deal that Jody had a believably warm relationship with the boys that the episode deepened rather than crapped on as has been a bit of a trend lately. I like the friendship that developed between Donna and Jody, two strong women who were proactive, smart and didn't need to be rescued. And I have to admit the scene where the head vampire whips off Dean's belt may have added a bit to my appreciation of the episode.

The chemistry between Dean and Donna was undeniable and surprising but I really do like them together. Alright, I give in. There has to be fanfic out there about them. Someone might as well point me in the direction of something good; I would appreciate it.

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It'll be nice for Jodie to have someone else in law enforcement she can talk to about monsters; it must be very lonely for her not being able to.

I liked that they didn't have Alex be all 1000% adjusted back to the world of humans.

I think killing the vampire and saving Jodie are what Donna needed to feel good about herself again and hopefully kick Doug to the curb for once and for all.

Starr the hippie vampire? Like Starr the hippie almost-vampire in The Lost Boys?

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I don't know why Dean is being so secretive about how the Mark is affecting him.  It's really kind of a big deal.  He was all about wanting to talk things out a few episodes ago, now he's keeping things to himself again.  I mean, I get that he probably is worried and doesn't want to worry Sam and maybe he thinks that if he downplays it, it's not actually as big of a deal as it is.  But to tell Sam this is the *first* time he hasn't felt moved by the mark...well, that's not good.  Talk to your brother, Dean!  For your safety and for his!  It was so refreshing when they talked things out earlier this season.  Just give me that BM scene, Dean! 


Maybe Dean doesn't know how to articulate what's going on with the MoC or how it's making him feel or how he's changed since having it? Maybe that's why he'd ramped up his research into it? There seemed to be a disconnect between what he was trying to tell Sam at the end about feeling like himself and what Sam was hearing. Like catrox14 was saying, what does Dean even mean by feeling like himself? Like he wasn't having to fight the MoC so hard and it was feeling more like a part of him? Like he was feeling more how he felt pre-MoC (which iIrc was actually not all that good, either)? Like he's was his element in the vamp fight? Like it was good to kill in a big melee like that again and that's what he's supposed to be doing (violence)? It was maybe also weird for him to say he felt more like himself, after he'd gotten a little too "in character" when they were trying to scam people into thinking they were FBI, earlier in the episode, too. IIrc, Sam asked if it was a good thing that he felt like himself, because Dean didn't even seem happier -- either during the conversation or after, when he was standing outside the car by himself. I don't think he was lying to Sam, but I don't know what he was trying to tell him either.


Or maybe he was thinking of making a John-style "save me or kill me" request and then saw Sam looking all concerned and thought better of it? Idk.


I like this episode for more then I thought I would. It reminded me of good first & second season eps with it's use of reasonably three-dimensional secondary characters and the monster of the week. It helped a great deal that Jody had a believably warm relationship with the boys that the episode deepened rather than crapped on as has been a bit of a trend lately. I like the friendship that developed between Donna and Jody, two strong women who were proactive, smart and didn't need to be rescued. And I have to admit the scene where the head vampire whips off Dean's belt may have added a bit to my appreciation of the episode.

The chemistry between Dean and Donna was undeniable and surprising but I really do like them together. Alright, I give in. There has to be fanfic out there about them. Someone might as well point me in the direction of something good; I would appreciate it.


I thought this episode was pretty tightly written, and I liked that it had a sense of place. It did remind me more of earlier SPN, it had a good tone to it. Tbh, I like when everyone is getting along, and to have FOUR people getting along and genuinely helping each other, on THIS show?! WUT. That's *miles* sweeter than this show has been for...years, maybe. I guess this episode was supposed to double as their Christmas special. :P


I didn't see the chemistry between Dean and Donna, but I wouldn't be opposed! Donna was a fun character in general, imo. I liked how she was Miss Popularity in Hibbing, and I liked the sorta-fight between her and Jodi over how her ex was treating her. Though I can't say I understand why it was a problem for Jodi to call out the ex, considering the douche was tearing Donna down right in public and in Jodi's face. SOMEBODY needed to step in because WTF was that man thinking? He can't just walk around thinking that behavior is OK. In Jodi's place, I probably would have said something at the very first "only a quarter of the way there" comment, tbh. And when he grabbed Donna's ass as she practically jumped three feet in the air trying to get away from her hand?! Apparently that man didn't have even one single manner, and desperately needed to be taught the very basics of human interaction, and you'd think that a room full of upstanding civil servants would not be able to see one of their own in such a sad condition and not at least offer a helping hand (which they should probably use first thing to smack some sense into that douchebag, though, natch). I guess it would have been best for Donna to be the one to set him straight but what, was Jodi supposed to let him get away with whatever he wanted right in front of her face just because he used to be with Donna?


Anyway, I liked Jodi's relationship with the guys a lot, and how they really did all seem like old friends. I'm (as always) a sap, so I thought it was very sweet when she asked after Dean and invited him and Sam over for a bowl of chowder, and that he looked touched by the invitation, too. I also second everyone who said it was nice that the show paid attention to Jodi and Alex's relationship, too. I would love if Jodi, Donna, and Alex -- sometimes! just on weekends and school holidays maybe! -- went hunting together.


Oh, on the completely superficial side:  why did Sam and Dean look so rough? They looked like they hadn't showered or shaved in days.

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My guess is they've been busy researching. For all we know Dean isn't really sleeping again and if Sam is picking up on things being wrong with Dean again he probably isn't sleeping too well either.

I forgot to say I loved that mutual look of disgust between Jodie and Donna when the gun dealer was talking down to them.

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Reading through some of the tweets from the cast...Jensen mentioned that he worked with Fred Ewanick (the sheriff vamp) on Dark Angel. Apparently Fred played Luke, and Bird the Steelhead. Did he interact with Jensen? 



Yup, as both characters.  Bird was a bad guy and Luke was a good guy.

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I was really nervous about this one. I've been trying to have no expectations this season, but I was really looking forward to Jodi and Donna so much. I'm most pleased, and relieved, to report: I rather enjoyed myself with this one--up until the monster-monologue anyway. Either this show has beat me into submission, or the rest of the episode was sufficiently enjoyable that I can simply ignore it. I'm going with the latter! The writing was fairly tight with some nice character beats and a decently plotted mystery; there was the banter rather than bicker; a little tie into to the MoC story; the pacing might have been off a bit, but still had that old-school Supernatural feel and I loved it! I hope that's the last vampire story for a while, though, you wouldn't know they were basically extinct a few years back or anything.


I think that's three in a row now. Wow, show, I didn't think you had it in you anymore. Kudos!


"Shut the f....front door." Hee!


bethy, on 02 Dec 2014 - 2:12 PM, said:

Benders is playing on TNT today, and it's set in Hiibbing, Minnesota. It would be fun to see Deputy Kathleen again.


I was so hoping for this to happen, you have no idea how much I stared at my tulpa sigil. I think I forgot there needs to be more than just me believing. Sorry, my bad. ;)


AwesomO4000, on 02 Dec 2014 - 11:40 PM, said:

Dean/Donna would definitely be fun... we need a shipping name for them.


Do we? Do we really? ... Okay then, carry on.

Edited by DittyDotDot
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I really enjoyed this episode. I like Jody so I'm always happy to see her in an episode. I liked Donna in her ffirst appearance, I had no idea she'd be in this episode so I was pleasantly surprised to see her show up. I really enjoyed the Donna/Jody interaction and I liked that there was more to Donna then the happy/goofy character. I really wished Donna had told Doug off instead of Jody but I was just happy someone told the asshat off.

I liked the mystery as well, I really thought it would end up being the young cop. As soon as the Sheriff told Sam to run, I thought yep, he's the good vampire nd his deputy is the one killing everyone. I liked that it turned out to be the hippie chick from the start of the episode.

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This is the second episode in a row I forgot to watch "live."  I remember clearly checking the listings last night and have SPN favorited so I don't overlook it in my scrolling. :(


And it's DOUBLY weird because this season is not sucking. Last couple seasons have been brutal, but I remembered to watch every one of those eps live. Now it's really good and I forget? 


I was really dreading this season and it's generally consistent and good. Sure, there are some problems, but who'd have thought they could pull out of the nosedive? Not that it's excellent, but an improvement usually doesn't happen in shows this old. 


I'm always happy to see Jody, but I also worry when I see her, like will she be killed horribly just to punch us in the guts?  And it was nice to have a rare (only?) episode that passed the Bechdel test.  Usually when shows put the main characters aside to focus on secondary guests stars this late in their run, it's pretty bad and obvious that they're cutting costs or the real stars are off filming a movie or something, but it worked so well.  Jody and Donna did such a fantastic job you didn't really notice the boys were hardly around, no Cas, no Crowley. 

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Julia, on 03 Dec 2014 - 08:47 AM, said:Julia, on 03 Dec 2014 - 08:47 AM, said:

I'm a little confused about the sixties Bob Dylan references (Hibbing MN, the hippie chick, the Band). Why?


Nostalgia? Because they could? Maybe Jenny Klein is a huge Dylan fan? Which reminds me: I think this might be the only episode other than Out With The Old Jenny Klein has penned I actually enjoyed far more than I didn't. Interesting.


Tippi Blevins, on 03 Dec 2014 - 09:00 AM, said:Tippi Blevins, on 03 Dec 2014 - 09:00 AM, said:

I don't know why, in all their poring through research, the Winchesters didn't mention actually looking up Cain. Maybe killing him like he wanted would also remove the mark. I mean, maybe not, but it should come up in conversation anyway.


Man how I wish I had a nickel for every conversation that should be happening on this show and never does. I don't think I'd really need my day job anymore.

Edited by DittyDotDot
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Nostalgia? Because they could? Maybe Jenny Klein is a huge Dylan fan? Which reminds me: I think this might be the only episode other than Out With The Old Jenny Klein has penned I actually enjoyed far more than I didn't. Interesting.


If I had to fanwank it, I'd say it's because Woodstock was held (near) Woodstock because Dylan lived there and was a huge hippie magnet and they hoped he'd perform. He took off for the Isle of Wight festival instead (and then moved out of Woodstock when he got home) because he hated hippies. Which is actually a decent parallel for vampire sheriff's situation, but a little obscure.


Also, second the spin-off for the sheriffs.

Edited by Julia
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So Doug really was a massive dick.  I'm a bit disappointed that Donna didn't get to tell him off, or kick him in the nards.  We got Sheriff Mills telling him off, but she shouldn't have been the only one.  Heck let Donna, Dean, and Sam all get something in on him.


I totally expected the last scene to be Donna going back into the retreat with her two handsome FBI boyfriends and rub it in Doug's face.  I was actually confused when the credits rolled and it hadn't happened.



I don't know why, in all their poring through research, the Winchesters didn't mention actually looking up Cain. Maybe killing him like he wanted would also remove the mark. I mean, maybe not, but it should come up in conversation anyway.


This has been bothering me ever since they got rid of the jawbone.  Without that, can he kill Cain like he promised?  Crowley probably still has it somewhere but I would have thought their FIRST step would be to seek out Cain and kill him while Dean was still sort of demon-y.  Hopefully they do something with him eventually because I really liked Timothy Omundson in that role.

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Thirded. I think Jody is the only supporting character the show's had in years that could support a spin-off. Just so long as they have occasional cross-overs so we could see Jody and the Winchesters interacting.


I was a little skeptical of the vampire sheriff's attack of conscience, and was over Vampire Winona Ryder's (or should that just be Winona Ryder's?) monologue after the first ten seconds, but overall the episode was very enjoyable to me and felt like a return to form for the show.


I'm always happy to see Jody, but I also worry when I see her, like will she be killed horribly just to punch us in the guts?  And it was nice to have a rare (only?) episode that passed the Bechdel test.  Usually when shows put the main characters aside to focus on secondary guests stars this late in their run, it's pretty bad and obvious that they're cutting costs or the real stars are off filming a movie or something, but it worked so well.  Jody and Donna did such a fantastic job you didn't really notice the boys were hardly around, no Cas, no Crowley. 

I think most episodes with Ellen and Jo passed the Bechdel test, but it's been a long time since more than one well-rounded female character was on the screen at the same time.

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Do we? Do we really? ... Okay then, carry on.


Okay, maybe not, but.... Dammit, Jim, I'm a taxonomist! It's what I do! ; )  *


* (As in that is my real world job - I'm a taxonomist, so I identify and put names on things, and so I'm a bit OCD about that. Okay, yeah, I need professional help. ; )  )

Edited by AwesomO4000
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A+ Star Trek reference and I'm slightly jealous of your job.


From the review:


When there are too many feels, time to pump up the classic rock

We HAD that moment! (sort of). The Sheriffs were feelsy over dick husband and dick teenage daughter and slumped off to their rooms while the strains of "The Weight" started to play. It was an excellent musical transition and obsessed SPN fans were thinking of that time Jensen sang that song at a convention.


So...quibbling... but I think it should get at least 1/2 a point for "The Weight".

Edited by SueB
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Upon rewatch I discovered that Dean, for the first time that I can remember, uses the puppy dog eyes on Sam!  And it works!  Sam totally gave in on going to help Jody with just one look.  Dean learned from the best.  I'm adding this to my favorite things list.



Second, actually.  ;-)



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I'm a little confused about the sixties Bob Dylan references (Hibbing MN, the hippie chick, the Band). Why?


Beyond the easy cliches Woodstock can create (they write themselves), it's also a sure way to play into the "can you change?" theme, as many hippies tried their best to run from what they were, sometimes to the point of becoming everything they once despised. 

Nostalgia? Because they could? Maybe Jenny Klein is a huge Dylan fan? Which reminds me: I think this might be the only episode other than Out With The Old Jenny Klein has penned I actually enjoyed far more than I didn't. Interesting.


The director, Phil Sgria (?), had the story idea, and she did the rest, I think. I don't know. Other than the goofy humor, and the cheap trans joke that for some reason was the sneak peek and led some to not watch, this didn't seem much like her episodes at all - it wasn't crass, it wasn't tryhard, it had a decent flow.

I think most episodes with Ellen and Jo passed the Bechdel test, but it's been a long time since more than one well-rounded female character was on the screen at the same time.


There was also Jody's episode late last season, with Alex, and the vampire "mama."


That's one of the reasons why I think Jody is important to the show - I think she's the female character who can most feel like a way to have female representation that doesn't just veer the line of tokenism (I like Charlie but I think she sometimes veers that line).

I totally expected the last scene to be Donna going back into the retreat with her two handsome FBI boyfriends and rub it in Doug's face.  I was actually confused when the credits rolled and it hadn't happened.


This has been bothering me ever since they got rid of the jawbone.  Without that, can he kill Cain like he promised?  Crowley probably still has it somewhere but I would have thought their FIRST step would be to seek out Cain and kill him while Dean was still sort of demon-y.  Hopefully they do something with him eventually because I really liked Timothy Omundson in that role.


To me Cain made it fairly clear you had to kill him with the blade. 


I think the stuff with her ex could have been cut for time. Either way, I kind of preferred it this way. Sometimes you just don't have that "moment" with a shitty ex, even if you wish you could.

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I thought this episode was pretty tightly written, and I liked that it had a sense of place. It did remind me more of earlier SPN, it had a good tone to it. Tbh, I like when everyone is getting along, and to have FOUR people getting along and genuinely helping each other, on THIS show?! WUT. That's *miles* sweeter than this show has been for...years, maybe. I guess this episode was supposed to double as their Christmas special. :P


This was such a pleasant surprise. I get that this is a "gritty" show, but sometimes the grimness simply doesn't feel earned, and just seems self-conscious and sour. It was just terrific to have a break from this. I was very happy that Donna didn't get a long speech about how she needs to get away because she's going to die and all those around her will die and life sucks. I like that some of the characters get a chance to take what they can out of hunting and make something positive of it. It may not be consistent to some other material, but everyone in life is different.


I wish we had more episodes where everyone gets along fine and there's no angst or misery to be found. One of the reasons I'm not as in love with the TFW concept as many is because we just never really got that with TFW, whether it be Sam/Dean/Cas/Bobby or Sam/Dean/Cas. It's a shame.

Edited by Pete Martell
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I was very happy that Donna didn't get a long speech about how she needs to get away because she's going to die and all those around her will die and life sucks. I like that some of the characters get a chance to take what they can out of hunting and make something positive of it. It may not be consistent to some other material, but everyone in life is different.


And it was nice to see someone get into hunting without having a family member die horrifically.  How often does that happen?  Charlie is the only one I can think of....


I'd also like to add that "swallow a bag of knives" is now my new favorite saying.  Such imagery!

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I was very happy that Donna didn't get a long speech about how she needs to get away because she's going to die and all those around her will die and life sucks.

I really liked how they handled this too!

First they naturally try to keep the uninformed, uniformed.  I think that's legit because in-story, over-awareness of monsterdom would probably result in some level of hysteria.  False accusations, repeats of "99 problems", etc.. come to mind. 


But Donna is not Joe-citizen. She's in law enforcement. And this is her second run-in. As Jodi herself said, "this wackadoo stuff keeps coming, it's best to be prepared".


Which is why Jodi offering to educate her is perfect.  Jodi isn't going to become a hunter and neither is Donna.  But Jodi is informing someone who was unintentionally exposed with real answers and practical solutions.  #1 should be what Jodi did: when you have a hint it's wackadoo -- notify Sam & Dean for backup.  #2 is understand the basics: what kills what, what to look for.


So I love that Jodi cleared the way for Donna to be indoctrinated. And Donna, EVER THE CHAMP, handles it well with "Heck. Just Heck."   Imagine what she would say regarding Angels & Demons.  Someone PLEASE, put a script together with Cas and Donna.  I could watch that shit for hours. 

Edited by SueB
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Someone PLEASE, put a script together with Cas and Donna.  I could watch that shit for hours. 


Seconded.  How much better would Cas's recent road trip have been with her in the car rather than Hannah?

Edited by cassandle
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First, I was wondering if Sam/Dean had the correct FBI badges when Donna recognized them and called them by their fake FBI names. They use different ones each week. Embarrassing to be caught with the incorrect Kinko's paperwork.


HATED that Donna let Dick talk all over her like they were still married. She needed to kick his *ss or at least appreciate Jodi for doing it for her. Donna, Donna, Donna ... you don't need that from any man. I was hoping that Dick would be the next vamp victim. THAT would have been satisfying.


Not one of my fav episodes, because of the Mean Dick to Wimpy Donna scenes and dialogue. I was also disappointed that the boys knew for sure it wasn't vamps they were dealing with. Then it was vamps. Don't the boys know better? And to let themselves get so easily caught. The heck? No, not a fav episode, even if I do love me some Jodi.


Cas and Donna ... yes to that. Especially now that Hannah's gone home.

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I really liked how they handled this too!

First they naturally try to keep the uninformed, uniformed.  I think that's legit because in-story, over-awareness of monsterdom would probably result in some level of hysteria.  False accusations, repeats of "99 problems", etc.. come to mind. 


But Donna is not Joe-citizen. She's in law enforcement. And this is her second run-in. As Jodi herself said, "this wackadoo stuff keeps coming, it's best to be prepared".


Which is why Jodi offering to educate her is perfect.  Jodi isn't going to become a hunter and neither is Donna.  But Jodi is informing someone who was unintentionally exposed with real answers and practical solutions.  #1 should be what Jodi did: when you have a hint it's wackadoo -- notify Sam & Dean for backup.  #2 is understand the basics: what kills what, what to look for.


So I love that Jodi cleared the way for Donna to be indoctrinated. And Donna, EVER THE CHAMP, handles it well with "Heck. Just Heck."   Imagine what she would say regarding Angels & Demons.  Someone PLEASE, put a script together with Cas and Donna.  I could watch that shit for hours. 


Some fans were convinced she was supposed to be a reference to Cas (given the coat and jacket she was wearing), so you never know.


The whole thing with Sam and Dean not wanting her to know, her beginning to find out, and her not wanting Dean and Sam to know all led to some good comedy material the show usually doesn't do. I laughed when she asked them to leave so she could confide in Jody.


There were several ways they had Donna help out while still keeping her close to her characterization in the first episode, like when she was able to get in to see the body. And the goofy comedy Brianna Buckmaster sold so well, like, "I guess she left her manners back in Sioux Falls!" 


She would have been great on one of those syndicated '80s sitcoms.

Edited by Pete Martell
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I love seeing Jodi Mills, which always makes me nervous she's about to be killed.


It was just an okay episode to me - I like to see Dean and Sam, then guest stars, not the other way around.  The episode was still enjoyable, I guess I can't just have an episode of the camera focused on Jensen's face, right?


Just the idea of Cas and Donna together makes me smile.  That would really be fun to watch!

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It's really too bad they didn't work in some sort of Benders call-back. I half expected a reference to backwoods cannibals when the sherif was asked what he thought was responsible.

Was Dean lying when he told Sam the Mark hadn't flared up on him when he killed the vamps? It didn't seem to me like he was, but then he rubbed his arm before getting in the car. Maybe he was thinking about it, so rubbed it? If he was lying, yeah, that's stupid and so, so done on this show.

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He said he felt like his old self, which isn't really a lie...I'm pretty sure he meant how he felt when he was killing people late last season.


The Benders seems like a different show almost. I would have loved seeing Hudak pop up at the end though, shake her head, smile, and tell Dean and Sam to split before the real cops come.

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I totally expected the last scene to be Donna going back into the retreat with her two handsome FBI boyfriends and rub it in Doug's face.  I was actually confused when the credits rolled and it hadn't happened.




This has been bothering me ever since they got rid of the jawbone.  Without that, can he kill Cain like he promised?  Crowley probably still has it somewhere but I would have thought their FIRST step would be to seek out Cain and kill him while Dean was still sort of demon-y.  Hopefully they do something with him eventually because I really liked Timothy Omundson in that role.

I rewatched that episode with Cain, and he is going to come to Dean when he is ready or " when the time comes" and it wasn't " come kill me after you kill Abbadon" like I had initially thought.

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