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S02.E11: The Akeda

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I normally don't get that angry over character's deaths but I am DEEPLY upset about Frank. At least he went out like a bad ass defeating War and will probably come back in some form but...bah.  Ichabod, getting that motorcycle is going to have to wait.



Show, you really need to determine where you're going with this.  I hope the time off will get you back on track.

Edited by mtlchick
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Wowza! That was pretty much excellent times ten. I feel bad that Irving died but somehow I had a little inkling that Henry was going to stick it to Molock. Unfortunately what else could they do with Frank? His soul was gone and I must say that he wielded that sword like a bad ass.

Edited by missbonnie
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Is Irving going to really be gone for real? Or will he show up like Andy now?

I'm so upset about Irving - he was such a badass tonight... I am seriously upset that he's gone - after being sidelined the ENTIRE season... just wrong.

So angry.

If Henry isn't dead going forward I will be so upset. Abbie loses everything.

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No they did not kill off Irving. So they leave him in the insane asylum all season only to have him escape so they can kill him off. No just No. They better bring him back, even if he’s an evil SOB, which I don’t want him to be. But I just want him back.


On a very shallow (and inappropriate) note, considering what had just happened, Crane holding Abbie from behind as she broke down over Irving’s death was hot.


Thank you Abbie for reminding Crane that NOTHING they’ve gone through has been reasonable, especially her mother sacrificing herself to save her and Jenny.


Was Abbie in the scene with Jenny, Irving, Crane, the Horseman and Katrina? I wonder if this episode was filmed when Nicole Beharie was out sick, because she was missing from several important scenes. Then she suspiciously gets hurt during the big battle with the Horseman of War. Btw, Irving kicked major ass in that battle.


OMG the endless take me, take me with the Crane and Katrina was just…argh.


Well at least Moloch was back to giving orders. Only for Henry to suddenly grow a heart and kill him. I call BS on this. So is Moloch really dead? If so, where does that leave the whole apocalypse story since he was the big bad who'd been leading the charge for centuries.


The episode had a few good moments, but for the most part was crap. Nothing about that ending is inspiring me to watch in January.

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Wowza! That was pretty much excellent times ten. I feel bad that Irving died but somehow I had a little inkling that Henry was going to stick it to Molock.

Yeah - that was predictable - but boring and dull. Not to mention contrived.

I hate that the Cranes get proven right about Henry - that shouldn't have happened.

Though it looks like my theory that anyone can be a horseman is right - the horseman basically embodies someone - which means they can be anyone. So the horsemen can always have personal issues and drama... yay! Not. Can't we just have real baddies?

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More in-depth thoughts later, but my initial reaction: That was disappointing.  Except for Frank's sacrifice, which nearly made me cry, this episode pretty much fell flat.  And damn!  So close, sooooo close to getting rid of almost entirely useless Katrina.  I mean, okay, Moloch in his earthly incarnation is defeated for the time being, but I hate that they seemed to have redeemed Henry, which I absolutely don't buy for a minute, and he did not kill Katrina, despite my yelling "Kill the witch!" at the tv.  Phooey!

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I loved it. Moloch designed his own defeat by betraying his "son." That wasn't very smart on Moloch's part, screwing over the man who has abandonment and daddy issues. I never thought I'd be thankful for daddy issues.

Of course, this only delays Moloch's plan, and just because Henry turned on Moloch doesn't automatically mean he's Team Witness by default. Although Katrina and Crane definitely made a good impression on Henry.

Frank's soul will end up in Hell, or Purgatory. Moloch will recruit him, and Frank will play a long con and dispose of that bastard once and for all. That's my story, and I'm sticking to it.

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This was a lackluster mid-season finale, but that might be rage talking.  I was bracing myself for Jenny to die and honestly thought Irving was safe.  Noooooo!  While the Frank Irving we knew might be dead, I don't think we've seen the last of Orlando Jones on Sleepy Hollow.  Henry has his soul for a reason.

I wish I could be more excited about this episode, but something was off.  I was expecting more . . . everything.

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No they did not kill off Irving. So they leave him in the insane asylum all season only to have him escape so they can kill him off. No just No. They better bring him back, even if he’s an evil SOB, which I don’t want him to be. But I just want him back.


On a very shallow (and inappropriate) note, considering what had just happened, Crane holding Abbie from behind as she broke down over Irving’s death was hot.


Thank you Abbie for reminding Crane that NOTHING they’ve gone through has been reasonable, especially her mother sacrificing herself to save her and Jenny.


Was Abbie in the scene with Jenny, Irving, Crane, the Horseman and Katrina? I wonder if this episode was filmed when Nicole Beharie was out sick, because she was missing from several important scenes. Then she suspiciously gets hurt during the big battle with the Horseman of War. Btw, Irving kicked major ass in that battle.


OMG the endless take me, take me with the Crane and Katrina was just…argh.


Well at least Moloch was back to giving orders. Only for Henry to suddenly grow a heart and kill him. I call BS on this. So is Moloch really dead? If so, where does that leave the whole apocalypse story since he was the big bad who'd been leading the charge for centuries.


The episode had a few good moments, but for the most part was crap. Nothing about that ending is inspiring me to watch in January.

Two points.  First, there's plenty of other demons in the Lake of Fire.  Second, it was clearly more than Moloch pushed his manipulations of Jeremy too far and they backfired.


Moloch's statement that there have been previous Horsemen is interesting, as is Jeremy noting that Horsemen are immortal.  There might very well be other Horsemen kicking around out there.

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For now, my mind is blown. I'll re-watch tomorrow, without alcohol (although, that might help), and see what I can process.

For tonight, all I'm taking with me is that Orlando is a serious badass with a sword!

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Yeah, the episode felt flat to me.  Ugh, I hope the Cranes don't lord this redemption of Jeremy over Abbie.  I was really disappointed in Ichabod and I can't see how Abbie would feel any different.  He got played by JerHenry and if Moloch hadn't been nasty to JerHenry at the end they all could've died.


Yeah, I don't buy Jeremy jumping on team witness either.  I do not trust him.


I am curious to see how the show will resume.  They have a horseman "locked" up and now what happens with JerHenry?

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Really good episode! Now that is how you do a fall finale--I can't wait for the show to come back in January! The pacing was a little odd, but I'll forgive it because I generally loved the episode. The only thing that didn't entirely work for me was Irving's death, but that's just because we all know he'll be back in some capacity. It was a pretty badass way to end his first life though, gotta say, and Orlando Jones was working the sword and the crazy eyes like whoa.


I have a feeling Henry may be a Gray Hat for a while--obviously Moloch won't take him back, but I don't think he'll be Good for a while either (I'm not sure he's just going to blithely let Team Witness go, for starters). He turned on Moloch for pure self-interest, not out of any altruism. Which is fine--the character will be more interesting as a frienemy.


I was loving Jenny tonight. My heart when she was the first to shoot Henry and was patching Abbie up when Abbie got shot. And DAMN Abbie, with her inspiring speeches! She's truly the leader of Team Witness, make no mistake.


Hawley is much more tolerable in small doses. I think I would like the character 80% better if he hadn't been so shoved down our throat for his first 5ish episodes and if they hadn't totally sidelined Jenny to bring him on. This was much more the role he should be playing.


Bring on the back half!

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Yeah, me and the peanut gallery called Henry killing Moloch and we all rolled our eyes Abbie-hard.  Why was there so much talking in an episode about the apocalypse?  Just kill people.  Enough exposition.   My brother was pissed that Irving wasted so much time showing off with the sword instead of taking him down.   I guess that could've been more well written.  I guess the Cranes have yet to sacrifice anything...I feel bad for headless...

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Badass Frank Irving is the hottest thing I've seen on TV in quite some time. I refuse to believe that he's dead. There's got to be something with Henry owning his soul that's going to serve as a deus ex machina.


Did everybody in Sleepy Hollow get fencing lessons on the down low? These folks were working that sword like Yoda.


When Katrina said that her powers were weakening, I thought, "As if you could be more useless."


I screamed twice during this episode: once when Frank died and the other when Ichabod stopped Henry from killing Katrina.


Abbie on a motorcycle was little more than fan service and I'll happily take it.


I want to start a Twitter feed for Ichabod's hair. Maybe I'll call it @CranesShinyTresses.

Edited by marceline
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I yelled "Shut the fuck up, Katrina!" every time she spoke.  I went from being apprehensive on her character to just wanting her dead.  And of course her magic craps out when she needs to save Irving's life, but it works when she needs to re-enchant the necklace.  Priorities, of course.


On a positive note, here's hoping the Crane marriage really is dead.  No way should those two be together.  And Katrina is definitely catching feelings for Abraham.  She's not playing him as much as she thinks.


RIP, Irving.  Damnit.  At least he went out like a badass.  Is his soul in limbo or something?  Didn't even get to say goodbye to his family.  


Wow, Moloch didn't care about Abraham or Henry?  Color me shocked!  /sarcasm.


No need for Hawley, really.  The gunfight was less than five minutes so the weapons weren't really necessary.  I figure he was meant to be a red herring for the character death.  


I'm actually sad that Henry is being redeemed instead of Abraham.  That would be a lot more believable.  I just don't buy Henry turning good in a snap, even with his mother's kind words.  And it's not like Moloch is dead, just...back in Hell?  Or wherever he's from.


Poor Abbie, losing Corbin and now Irving.  At least she still has Jenny.  And the Mills sisters were kicking ass tonight.  

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I loved it. Moloch designed his own defeat by betraying his "son." That wasn't very smart on Moloch's part, screwing over the man who has abandonment and daddy issues. I never thought I'd be thankful for daddy issues.

Of course, this only delays Moloch's plan, and just because Henry turned on Moloch doesn't automatically mean he's Team Witness by default. Although Katrina and Crane definitely made a good impression on Henry.


I have a feeling Henry may be a Gray Hat for a while--obviously Moloch won't take him back, but I don't think he'll be Good for a while either (I'm not sure he's just going to blithely let Team Witness go, for starters). He turned on Moloch for pure self-interest, not out of any altruism. Which is fine--the character will be more interesting as a frienemy.


I agree with this.  Henry was mad that Moloch didn't seem to care about him.  He calls Moloch "father" after all.  He was WAY  more invested in that relationship.  Moloch is a demon, just using different "tools" to get what he wants.   Who knows what Henry will do now?  Regardless, I don't think he's redeemed at all.  As for Moloch, he's probably just stuck in purgatory again.  Henry killed his presence on "Earth", but I'm sure he's still around and plotting.


So very sad Irving is dead.  Like others, I hope it's not permanent somehow.

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Poor Abbie, losing Corbin and now Irving.


I hope we get to see that actually affect her. After having to endure half a season of "All My Cranes" I'm ready for Abby to be allowed to fall apart a little.

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It was clear that Henry's motivation was not love for his parents but anger at Moloch. I wonder if the Cranes will realize this. Probably not.




Taking a theory on that to the spoiler thread.


Not even watching the show, just keeping up with what's going on via here and Tumblr.  After reading the comments here, I have no desire to watch this shit.

Edited by FierceAfroChick
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After Frank's fight with Henry's War-vatar, I had to fight tears, calm my Chihuahua mixes after yelling at the TV, and I kind of had no patience for my favorite time-displaced history professor-cum-spy-cum-Witness. Actually, he or the Mrs.


Anyone who couldn't tell that Henry was going to wield the sword hasn't watched TV for long.


Now Jenny and Abby will have to tell Macy and her mom about Frank; thanks Cranes! Katrina, there are no healing spells in your repertoire? Are you only good at one specific type of magic? Is it largely just defensive? Your bang-to-hype ratio is lop-sided. I'm one who wants to like you, so losing Irving because you cannot heal the man is peeving me, madam.


The only good thing to come out of this is Crane realizing that motorcycles, like bow ties, are cool.


Still settling my feelings, but those were my first impressions.   


edited for clarity

Edited by Actionmage
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Does anybody have any straws I can grasp that Irving isn't truly gone from the show?

He was SO EPIC with that sword... wow. That was so - SO hot.

Now Jenny and Abby will have to tell Macy and her mom about Frank; thanks Cranes! Katrina, there are no healing spells in your repertoire? Are you only good atone specific type of magic? Is it largely just defensive? Your bang-to-hype ratio is lop-sided. I'm one who wants to like you, so losing Irving because you cannot heal the man is peeving me, madam.

Bish managed to save Ichabod when he was sliced in the middle by Headless - but she couldn't save Irving?!?! BS!!!

And I'm SO not interested in the Katrina love triangle - SO NOT interested! Anyone who honestly thinks the Cranes' marriage is really done is deluding themselves - now they'll "sell the epic love to us"! Gag. I'm so irritated with this show.

There were more Ichatrina scenes than Ichabbie scenes - there are SERIOUS issues with that.

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Of course, a season where the black characters have been completely sidelined, where the CFD has taken precedence over everything, it further sidelined its black leading lady so completely in the mid season finale, that the white supporting female character became the de facto leading lady.


Abbie's job now is to give motivational speeches to the real heroes, the Cranes, while she takes orders from her now boss, Ichy, to watch over his beloved wife.


Of course, the Witnesses are basically worthless, when the Cranes are the ones, who do and undo at will.


Of course, Abbie, through reason and self-sacrifIce is the loser and proven wrong, while the Cranes triumph over everything through selfishness and gross melodrama.


Frank gets to sacrifice himself after a season of being sidelined.


Henry's completely unearned redemption happened because of Faith and Love for StruggleWitch. Goffman is like... "You must love Katrina! Her love is the greatest redeemer and it will save the world! Don't you see Abbie is wrong? I hate her and so should you!" 


The best or worst part is that the only hope I had for Ichy was dashed to pieces in this episode. I really thought he'd side for once with Abbie against Henry, but his final choice was again his family over everything. Fuck him.

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Yes, Abbie is definitely the leader of Team Witness. Her speeches are awesome.

What was her plan though?

I think her plan might've been for them to wait for Henry to come to them then kill him. Remember she faked him out by pretending to have the enchanted sword. When he overcame her, one by one the rest of the crew came out to help.

I think those who think Henry might've now taken over the role of the Lead Big Bad might be right. As pointed out. He did have several opportunities for his heart to get the better of him. Only when Moloch, his father, told him he didnt give a hoot about him did he do the witnesses a favor. If that is the case, that gives me no joy either because that means that Henry will further eat the the show as will the CFD.

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Does anybody have any straws I can grasp that Irving isn't truly gone from the show?

I would be shocked if that's the case. The fact that Henry owns Irving's soul has been way too highlighted to not come to any fruition. It totally means he's coming back, probably working to undermine Henry from within.

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Does anybody have any straws I can grasp that Irving isn't truly gone from the show?


If Henry really is a good guy now, then there's a possibility that he can return Irving's soul to his body, assuming Henry still owns it.  


No certainties, just a theory.

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On a positive note, here's hoping the Crane marriage really is dead.  No way should those two be together.  And Katrina is definitely catching feelings for Abraham.  She's not playing him as much as she thinks.

Nah, the Cranewreck marriage is far from dead. They had that same discussion, when Ichy learned about Mary's fate, but in the end it meant nothing. Goffman is so blinded by his "love" for Katia/Katrina, that he'll keep pushing her as the most desirable woman, who ever lived as long as he can. Ichy will go back to wax poetic about her useless ass in the first episode back.

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I have faded in and out of this episode. Katrina's breathy, little girl voice sickens me. The few times I was watching I tended to yell at the TV a lot. ("My power is weakening". Weakening?!? I yell)

Fuck them for killing Frank.

The show runners are idiots.

I am so sick of As The Cranes Turn . . .like sand through the hour glass - these are the hours I've wasted

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I agree that Abbie's screen time was not ideal but if the writers wanted me to think Henry's actions proved the Cranes right they missed the boat by a long shot. All I saw was a brat mad at "Daddy" Moloch throwing a tantrum. The Cranes were not a factor in his decision at all.

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fucking showrunners. I loathe the decision to kill Irving so very much. I am so upset with this show. My disappointment can't even be measured.

What happens to Irving' daughter?

I am so fucking sick of Katrina. It's pretty clear to me that Katrina is going to be the focus from here on out. I just have no words right now for my utter dismay with all of this.

I hate what they have done to Ichabod. They have made him a fool and that is the biggest insult for me. Abbie is just there and that kills me.

Henry killing Moloch doesn't stop the Apocalypse does it? Isn't that supposed to be one of the witnesses? I surmise it's not even really Moloch that he killed.

My only hope is for Zombie Irving.

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I have faded in and out of this episode. Katrina's breathy, little girl voice sickens me. The few times I was watching I tended to yell at the TV a lot. ("My power is weakening". Weakening?!? I yell)

Fuck them for killing Frank.

The show runners are idiots.

I am so sick of As The Cranes Turn . . .like sand through the hour glass - these are the hours I've wasted


LMAO! Best comment I had seen in a while! LOL! 

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For the most part, this was an excellent episode that did a great job with the action.  Some epic stuff.

I'm upset about the death of Irving.  He was a badass in this episode with the sword and I think the battle for Irving's soul was a compelling storyline.  That being said, I think he was ill-served this season and the writers ended things way to early.  Not happy about it.


While I like Henry slaying Moloch in theory, I'm not happy with the Cranes being proven "right" by their "son."  Ichabod and Katrina's faith in him was completely unearned and wreaked of a self-indulgent "ME ME ME!" personality.  I wish they had been proven wrong on this one.


They left things off in an interesting place.  I'm curious to see where the rest of the season goes.

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Wow. So all of Team Witness's plans fail and it comes down to Jenry feeling betrayed by Surrogate!Daddy!Moloch??

I cannot tolerate all of this screen time for Struggle!Witch. She just entirely ruins the show for me.

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