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Jeopardy! Season 31 (2014-2015)

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Irish wolfhound was a TS in the 'Hound Me' category -- seriously ?  Ireland was in the clue, and it implied it was a big dog.


That Canadian cities category was a complete washout.


Seemed like Dan was just dominating on the buzzer tonight.


I liked Victoria's necklace.

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Congrats to Dan for making it to the ToC.  Was he the second five time winner in a row?


Canadian Cities just killed the middle guy. 


I would have gone first to "Don't Hound Me" instead of leaving it until last.


I'm afraid I had no idea for FJ. 

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The Canadian cities category made me laugh - the middle guy just kept guessing (wrong) and totally screwed himself over. And did he say Edmonton was in Ontario?
To be fair, a couple of those questions were hard, but to just keep guessing yourself into the red at the end of the DJ round is pretty bad. And the "Winnipeg" response makes me think he'd never even heard of Moose Jaw, because if he had, it would have been a really really easy clue.

I was surprised Edward (Moore) Kennedy was a TS.


Sports is my weakest area so I would have bet $0 on FJ and wouldn't have even been able to hazard a guess. Though I was quite annoyed with Alex assuming that the woman would have a hard time with a sports category.

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Yay for Dan! Blind wine tasting sounds like my kind of hobby.

Too bad Randy flamed out by continuing to guess wrong on the Canadian cities. I enjoyed his Pope story. Interestingly, I managed to run that category and the director one as well.

That wasn't a necklace Victoria had on. It was a hideous tattoo. Sorry, I'm not a fan of tatts, and that kind of turned me off.

I was clueless on FJ.

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Though I was quite annoyed with Alex assuming that the woman would have a hard time with a sports category.

Yeah, but then of course she had no answer.

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That wasn't a necklace Victoria had on. It was a hideous tattoo.


Unless she not only had a thin chain tattooed as well but tattooed the neckline of her shirt with a continuation of the design (the bottom was under her shirt on one side and over it on the other), that was a necklace.


Thank you, David Duchovny in the X-Files bloopers, for getting me Norwegian Elkhound.  I guessed my way into several others, which was a bit surprising as I know precious little about dog breeds (I'm a mutt fan).


Shouldn't the Publishers Clearing House answer have been Publishers Clearing House Sweepstakes?


Work was a surprising TS.


Alex, sod off with your sexist assumptions.

Edited by Bastet
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That was a tattoo ?  I guess I should have been wearing my glasses.

Well, I got up, put on my glasses and stared at it. There was no chain that I could see. It looked like a big tattoo of a turtle to me.

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The turtle is on a very thin chain.  It is visible in this week's meet the contestants video here: 

 Hers is at about 35 seconds.  


I'm continually disappointed that the categories I think I'll either do well in or want to learn more about end up being the ones with clues left on the board.  Last week, it was Native American Tribes, today it was the Hounds category.  

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Unless she not only had a thin chain tattooed as well but tattooed the neckline of her shirt with a continuation of the design (the bottom was under her shirt on one side and over it on the other), that was a necklace.

It was a necklace.  It had a chain; it was 3-dimensional; it moved (away from her skin); and it had a shadow!  And it was beautiful!

Would have made a pretty cool tattoo as well.  But it wasn't.

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I randomly read Ted's eulogy of RFK last night and failed to get the Moore question which is why I am glad I will never be on the show, I would annoy you all with my chants of "stupid, stupid stupid" after missing such obvious questions!

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I thought yesterday's show had a lot of difficult answers. There was a time there when the went through three categories before I knew one and I'm usually better than that. And on FJ I said the three point line even though I knew that was much later than whatever year they gave. Not my day, I guess.

Edited by HelenBaby
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Irish wolfhound was a TS in the 'Hound Me' category -- seriously ?



Okay, so the one day I don't get to watch this show there is a DOG category? Are the questions archived somewhere? 


Glad I missed Trebek's latest sexist remark. I was starting to appreciate him after watching Richard Quest. Now I take back all that good thinking. He's still a pompous jackass.


Back to Friday:

But the category called for islands starting with "C"--Santa Catalina starts with an "S". So I think that question was unfair in the category.


As soon as I saw the category, I said "Catalina." For sure it had to be one of the answers. Yeay for me. Heh. I guess Alex wasn't asking for first names in this category either, hence "Santa" wasn't required.

Edited by saber5055
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I thought yesterday's show had a lot of difficult answers. There was a time there when the went through three categories before I knew one and I'm usually better than that. And on FJ I said the three point line even though I knew that was much later than whatever year they gave. Not my day, I guess.

I said five second rule. I guess food is my best category!

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It's missing because it wasn't revealed on the show; they ran out of time. I was unhappy about that because I was running the category.

Of course! I forgot that it wasn't revealed even though I was also unhappy about it at the time.

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I enjoyed both Victoria's and Randy's stories. Victoria saying she learned to say the alphabet backwards because she thought that was a requirement for staying out of jail was cute and funny. With Randy's story, I particularly loved how he described people getting into midnight mass at the Vatican, priests shoving kids to the ground and people in wheelchairs going up stairs. Very visual.


I wasn't sure about FJ. I was guessing either the 24-second clock or the 3-point shot. 

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In what universe would the answer "autism" be interchangeable with "obesity" as a cause of juvenile diabetes?  It seems like the judges play fast and loose with the rules these days.  It was the "French Hueguenot" part of the clue that helped me guess FJ today. 

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Yeah, I was confused by the autism reversal. And I do not care for Jacob and his loud, chirpy voice.

Edited by ABay
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Pfft. Whatever. Jacob's enthusiasm was too much for me.

FJ was written in another language to me. My history knowledge is not broad enough for me to have ever heard of that guy.

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FJ was written in another language to me. My history knowledge is not broad enough for me to have ever heard of that guy.


I thought FJ was asking for the event so I blurted out Garfield's assassination, I had no idea who the assassin was.

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I am sorry to see Dan go but at least we'll see him in the ToC.


My second favourite song from Evita was a clue!



In what universe would the answer "autism" be interchangeable with "obesity" as a cause of juvenile diabetes?

That made no sense to me either.


I had no guess for FJ.  I knew it was too late for Lincoln's assassination but couldn't come up with any other heinous act in 1881.  I am Canadian, so American history is not a strong point for me.  For that matter, neither is Canadian history.

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I can't recall the exact wording of the diabetes clue. Was "juvenile diabetes" the term they used? Because type 1 diabetes (typically diagnosed in kids and sometime referred to as juvenile diabetes) is not at all influenced by obesity and the vast majority of epidemiological studies haven't found a link between it and autism either. If you're talking about type 2 diabetes, then obesity plays a significant role and autism really doesn't have anything to do with it.

I was sad that nobody got The Mentalist.

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I can't recall the exact wording of the diabetes clue. Was "juvenile diabetes" the term they used? Because type 1 diabetes (typically diagnosed in kids and sometime referred to as juvenile diabetes) is not at all influenced by obesity and the vast majority of epidemiological studies haven't found a link between it and autism either. If you're talking about type 2 diabetes, then obesity plays a significant role and autism really doesn't have anything to do with it.


I think the clue said only "diabetes."

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Dan! Dammit you shouldn't have bet it all! I'm gonna miss you. Why did Alex say that we *may* see Dan in TOC? I thought with five wins it was a given.

Can't stand Jacob's half-yelling voice. Hope he's a one and done.

Since when can autism lead to Type II Diabetes? WTF!!?? I call foul on that BS reversal.

I, too, was sad about The Mentalist TS. That Ebola DD was waaay too easy.

I was a slack jawed moron during FJ. Totally clueless.

Regarding my tattoo SNAFU from yesterday, I apologize. I saw the chain for the necklace in the YouTube video but I sure as heck didn't see it on my TV.

Edited by CarpeDiem54
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I was trying to figure out whether justice took as long back then as it does now, and figured Booth might have lived a couple of decades before execution, and then I reread the clue. Ah, well. Sorry to see Dan leave. The conspiracy theorist in me wants to believe that the fix was in when the judges ruled that autism is a causal factor in diabetes.

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I was trying to figure out whether justice took as long back then as it does now, and figured Booth might have lived a couple of decades before execution, and then I reread the clue. Ah, well. Sorry to see Dan leave. The conspiracy theorist in me wants to believe that the fix was in when the judges ruled that autism is a causal factor in diabetes.

Yeah what's up with that. Diabetes causing autism. Never heard of that.

I'll miss Dan.

ETA: the only reason I knew about Guiteau is because I read Sarah Vowell's book Assassination Vacation.

Edited by HelenBaby
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I was puzzled by the "diabetes/autism" thing too. About all I could think of was that they were alluding to some correlation between autism and poor diet (not that improper eating causes autism, just that autistic kids may have an unbalanced diet because of abnormal food likes and dislikes and hence the diabetes).


I knew FJ thanks to Stephen Sondheim and Assassins.


Me too! I knew it had to be one of those guys. The date was too late to be Booth, and Leon Czolgosz (the assassin of McKinley) was born in Michigan, as Sondheim's ballad of him says. 

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I'm sad to see Dan go.  It didn't really matter what Dan wagered in FJ since he got it wrong.  As soon as the loud guy got it right, and bet enough to beat Dan's score going into FJ, he was the new champ.


I didn't get why autism was ruled correct, but if I recall correctly it was only an $800 clue and wouldn't have affected the outcome (unless that threw Dan off his game).  I figured the new champ would have just bet $800 more in FJ. 


I had no clue about FJ. 

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Enjoyed Alex confusing Archer with The Blacklist.



Yes! That was a Great Moment in Jeopardy History. When Alex said correct to Archer, I was all WTH? Archer (which I've never seen) has list numbers too? "I'll take Faux Paus for $1,000, Alex."


I, too, was surprised The Mentalist was a TS. I only saw a couple episodes in that show's first season (and it's in its what, seventh?) but I know Red John is the killer and some word relating to "red" is in every episode title.


I knew FJ was the guy who assassinated Garfield, but for the life of me, I've never heard of Guiteau.


Very sad to see Dan leave. 

Edited by saber5055
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I figured FJ was an assassination, but I thought McKinley.  Couldn't remember the assassin's name either.  And apparently, I don't care - I've heard the OBC recording of the Sondheim show AND I've read Vowell's book - and none of it stuck with me. 


I am really enjoying that site that tells you which channel has J! on and at what time.  I check into my hotel, fire up the laptop, and compare the website with the hotel's channel listing.  I'm in Chillicothe tonight and the "local" channel is out of Columbus, OH.  Next up is Corbin, KY. (I'm finally heading south, towards home.  I can't believe vacation's almost over.)

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Well, that was disappointing. I'll miss Dan.


I wish I had gotten FJ. I read a biography of Garfield a couple of years ago, so I should have come up with the answer.


Why the heck did Alex say Archer was correct? I guess he was asleep at the wheel. Weird.


I too was puzzled by autism being ruled acceptable, so I googled. Apparently there's a link betw the two. Doesn't necessarily mean one causes the other.


I've never heard of ziggurat.

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I couldn't believe "asbestos" was a $2000 DJ answer.


I found all the clues in that category over-valued, which is how I usually feel about this show’s clues dealing with medical conditions.


And speaking of medical conditions, sign me up to the WTF? crew with respect to that autism ruling.  (Per the archive, the wording was: This condition has doubled in the last 30 years in U.S. kids and is linked to increased risk for diabetes.)


I could have sat here until tomorrow night’s episode and not come up with FJ.  By then, I could have settled on Garfield’s assassin, but I’m not sure I’ve ever heard his name in my life so it’s definitely not stored in my memory banks.


I don't watch any of the shows from the episodes category, and the only one I could guess was Friends.


Love and hate was a surprising TS.  I didn't know Empedocles had said that, but it was an easy guess for me.

Edited by Bastet
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My but Dan looked particularly delicious today. Rowrrr.



Can't stand Jacob's half-yelling voice. Hope he's a one and done.

From your lips to God's ears.


I can't even with autism causing diabetes. I'm off to see reaction in the Twitterverse...

Edited by YoureSoUrban
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I have some pretty big issues with the claim that autism, as a condition, has doubled in the last 30 years.  There are so many factors, including the increased cultural acceptability of diagnosis and changing diagnostic qualifiers, that I'm rather angry that they reversed this.

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Wow. How many times do we get a multi-day champ who's that enjoyable to look at? Goodbye Dan. *sigh* 


The autism ruling was the worst I've ever seen. It probably didn't matter in the long run, but still.

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https://twitter.com/jeopardy tweeted the following. I'm sure they'll be asked about these "credible resources." But they probably won't get specific.

In regards to tonight's reponse [sic] about autism, this seemed like a straight forward clue.

When the contestant responded with “autism” we found that our use of the phrase “and is linked” was supported by credible resources.

We had to accept it. It certainly isn’t what we were going for and it’s a very good example of how precise we need to be.



On the plus side, one of the researchers gave an answer I liked.

MCaruso, Besides Jeopardy what is your fav game show?

I have fond memories of #RemoteControl on #MTV. 1 of my colleagues worked on it. ^MCaruso #JeopardyLiveTweet
Edited by dcalley
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I thought FJ was asking for the event so I blurted out Garfield's assassination, I had no idea who the assassin was.

I knew who they were going for, knew which president, and all kinds of details about Garfield's death, but couldn't come up with the assassin's name to save my life, even though I had read it before.


I'm going to miss cute Dan, but the new guy doesn't bother me.  Not yet, anyway.

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Edited to add: Those of you who liked Dan and even his detractors might like to listen to his interview on Facebook.  I think he is actually as nice as most of us thought he was.  Very humble and family-oriented answers.

I also love the story he told on last night's show about doing extemporaneous oral reports on various topics around the dinner table. What a fabulous way to grow up.

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The date was too late to be Booth, and Leon Czolgosz (the assassin of McKinley) was born in Michigan, as Sondheim's ballad of him says.

Czolgosz, Working man, Born in the middle of Michigan....


It would drive Guiteau crazy so many haven't heard of him - he liked his publicity.

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