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Jeopardy! Season 31 (2014-2015)


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Didn't like the correct ruling for the answer of car racing (or was it just racing?) instead of NASCAR. It could've been several different things there. Judging always seems so arbitrary, you have to be specific about THIS but not THIS. :/


I also didn't like Adam having to be reminded all the time to choose. I know they're kids but still should get into a rhythm at some point. Not a huge fan of Kid's week.

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I felt sorry for Gabby, too.  I thought she was going to cry when she was told she wouldn't be able to participate in final jeopardy.  But she did look relieved when she realized she would still get $1000.  


I thought Winnebago was a ridiculous question to have in a kid's jeopardy game. Too bad none of them remembered the name of the category (unfortunately that's how Gabby ended up in the minus, too).  

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Didn't like the correct ruling for the answer of car racing (or was it just racing?) instead of NASCAR. It could've been several different things there.

Agreed. He said "What is racing?" which could have been horse or even dog racing.


I was cheering for the boy on the end (Jake?); he seemed to have knowledge of several subjects. I really felt badly for Gabby; she seems like a good kid. I hope her parents gave her a big hug afterward. 


I too guessed San Juan for FJ. I expect that type of thing drives the "DC for statehood" folks crazy. 

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Does anyone know the FJ clue and answer for Friday 11/28?  It is on the Sony Jeopardy website as, ARLINGTON NATIONAL CEMETERY THE REMAINS FOR ARLINGTON'S FIRST MONUMENT TO UNKNOWN SOLDIERS MOST


  I spoiler-tagged what I think is meant to be the answer, but I don't understand the wording of the clue.

I knew it, although I answered "What is Manassas?"  (But no, I don't call it The War of Northern Aggression.  lol)

I too guessed San Juan for FJ. I expect that type of thing drives the "DC for statehood" folks crazy.


So did I.  I didn't even think about Washington (the city) being in the District of Columbia.

Oh dear. I didn't see the episode, but I thought people in the red at the end of Double Jeopardy always came back out for the end chat with Alex. That makes me worry that she was too upset, but then you guys had said she seemed happy with her $1000.

A post-taping interview. She seems fine.


Wow, they really banished Gabby. Not even back for the parents segment

I thought that was mean! But I hope it wasn't because she was crying or something like that. I'm meh on these shows but like it when the proud parents come out. (The kids look so relieved to see them, Trebek probably weirds them out.)

I went with San Juan too. D'oh!

Alex began tonight's show with a reminder that the kids bring "emotion," that isn't seen on the adult shows.  He also said some of the kids have never lost at anything before. It makes me wonder if Gabby had burst into tears.  Poor kids.  I would probably burst into tears over this amount of stress and I'm old.


I could never be as cool and calm as Courtney.

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Alex began tonight's show with a reminder that the kids bring "emotion," that isn't seen on the adult shows.  He also said some of the kids have never lost at anything before. It makes me wonder if Gabby had burst into tears.  Poor kids.  I would probably burst into tears over this amount of stress and I'm old.


I could never be as cool and calm as Courtney.

Yeah, and since I'm old, not only would I probably cry, I'd pee my pants.

That Olivia was cute as a bug's ear.

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I didn't know the names of the One Direction guys. Zayn is a new spelling to me.


This is why I don't like Kids' Week.  The clues are usually either way too easy and present no challenge (the Washington, DC FJ being a glaringly rare exception) or they want answers about kid's stuff that I wouldn't know, like the names of members of One Direction.


When are the adults back again?

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I got FJ today.  You had to think of Peter Bogdanovich, part of the generation of film-critic-nerd-turned-directors.  I knew he was a fan of Howard Hawks who directed Red River, and I knew he made The Last Picture Show which was soaked in nostalgia.  And I knew the Last Picture Show was roughly 1971.  So I guessed it pretty fast.

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I concur on the FJ -- I've never seen 'The Last Picture Show', so I had no clue at all.


Yet another screw up combination by the writers/judges on the Dashiell Hammett clue.  After having done this for 30+ years (in the current incarnation of Jeopardy), why can't the writers write clues with one answer.  Ann could have been referring to Nick and Nora from Nick and Nora's Infinite Playlist for all we knew. </snark>

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I wound up being home for the show and catching most of the clues, and I cannot believe Dizzy Gillespie was a TS.  I’m also surprised none of them reasoned their way to “Auntie Maim.”


I found the Thin Man clue poorly written; they seemed to just be looking for Nick Charles, rather than both Nick and Nora, but “amateur” detective muddled it – Nick was a detective by profession, who had retired but kept getting pulled into cases by Nora. 


I was obviously spoiled for FJ by having read this thread, but I’d have known it anyway – I’m very familiar with The Last Picture Show.

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Ann could have been referring to Nick and Nora from Nick and Nora's Infinite Playlist for all we knew. </snark>

When she said that, I thought of pajamas that I have.


I was mad that I didn't get FJ. I couldn't remember what movies came out in 1971. Also, I was thinking that the title itself was a reference to another film. Oh well. Roaster, I'm impressed that you got it.



I recognized Dizzy Gillespie, but I just couldn't remember his name. I also knew the Shakespeare quote was by Puck, but again I couldn't remember his name.


Did Alex get new glasses?


I cannot believe Dizzy Gillespie was a TS.  I’m also surprised none of them reasoned their way to “Auntie Maim.”

Same here. Gillespie...wow, and to me the Auntie Maim clue was clear it was about an aunt and since it had to rhyme with Aim, there you have it. Anyway, I like when they have fun with the category names like they did with toothpaste in this game.


I found the Thin Man clue poorly written; they seemed to just be looking for Nick Charles, rather than both Nick and Nora,

That's what I thought as well. i don't think either one of them should have been credited because they added Nora. However since I stan for the Thin Man movies I'm really happy the two of them recognized it and knew the characters' names. I think Jeopardy writers like it too because I think I recall Asta being a clue in a couple of games.

Re: the whole Nick/Nora clue - wasn't the only difference between the correct and incorrect answer was that Ann didn't give the last name?
I thought she said "Nick and Nora" then (sorry forgot his name!) the other contestant rang in with Nick and Nora Charles. I agree with everyone upthread who said the clue was poorly written.
Seems like poor judging is becoming the rule rather than the exception. :/

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I got FJ today.  You had to think of Peter Bogdanovich, part of the generation of film-critic-nerd-turned-directors.  I knew he was a fan of Howard Hawks who directed Red River, and I knew he made The Last Picture Show which was soaked in nostalgia.  And I knew the Last Picture Show was roughly 1971.  So I guessed it pretty fast.

Arggh I tripped up on "river." I immediately thought of _Deliverance_.   Bummed because I loved The Last Picture Show-- beautiful, beautiful film.  

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I thought she said "Nick and Nora" then (sorry forgot his name!) the other contestant rang in with Nick and Nora Charles.


Yep, exactly.  And then Alex said something like, "You gave us the information" that sounded like a partial edit of an explanation, but must not have been, because during the break they decided - I'm pretty sure, as I just came in on the end of her getting some money added back - to give her credit for her answer.


But the category was about Nicks, and the clue referenced this "detective and husband," so the answer should have been Nick Charles, but they muddied up the water by saying "this amateur detective and husband" -- since Nick wasn't an amateur, and Nora was the one who got him to take that case despite his retirement and who helped him with part of it, it's no surprise the contestants added her into their answers.  Now, they're so famous as a pair, perhaps that would have happened even with a clue that more accurately described Nick.  But it was a poorly-written clue.

Edited by Bastet

I knew it because I've seen The Last Picture Show so many times I just happen to know Red River is the, well, last picture show.  Someone described above how they figured it out based on the elements of the clue, so it's obviously something one can work their way to rather than having to be known outright, but I'm not surprised none of the three came up with it or that Alex thought it was hard. 


And for whomever said they read the book fairly recently, but didn't get it -- Larry McMurtry used a different film in the book; Bogdanovich changed it to Red River because he's such a Howard Hawks fan.  So that wouldn't have helped you.

I was pretty shocked that only one of the three got today's FJ--but then, I've been reading and rereading Sherlock Holmes since I was eight or nine.

I was too.  I haven't read SH for a few years now but I've read them all: plus, watching Elementary keeps SH fairly fresh in my mind. "Beastly title character" made it pretty obvious to me. 


The game was lopsided but relatively interesting.

That "What's Killing Me ?" category had a range of vague clues that could have produced a bunch of different answers.  It's almost like they are farming out the clue creation to interns.


"Christine" was obvious, but the answer for "Child's Play" could have been a doll, Chuckie, or a knife (since Chuckie liked knives -- it was on the movie poster).  And the answer for "Oculus" should have been people, because the mirror really didn't do the actual killing as it just drove people crazy who then did the killing.

Edited by ottoDbusdriver
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A PICTURE...of Geraldine Ferraro...with 1984 in the clue...for a Daily Double. Shut UP.


That category was ridiculous, with me grumbling to my cat about a picture of Dewey, sputtering at the TV over a picture of Ferraro, and then nearly dropping my drink when they put up a picture of FDR. 


I also think Benjamin Franklin as the author of Poor Richard's Almanack was over-valued, as was the Tolstoy clue in the same category.


I, too, was surprised only one of them came up with FJ.  I'm also surprised North Pole, Willian Safire, Dorothy Parker and occult were TS.  I missed the first couple of minutes of DJ, so perhaps there would be more.


In the murder weapon category, when The Ring came up, I immediately said video (or maybe videotape).  Why is this noteworthy?  I've never seen The Ring, and don't remember hearing or reading anything about it.  I can't name an actor or character, or even call up a title card in my mind.  But that just wormed its way into the back of my brain somehow.  The returning champ cracked me up with her response to the be more specific prompt on the Transformers clue in that category after she chimed in with robot (I had no idea, either; I remember commercials for the toys and that's about it) -- "A robot that turns into things that kill you?"

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I, too, was surprised only one of them came up with FJ.  I'm also surprised North Pole, Willian Safire, Dorothy Parker and occult were TS.


It's been awhile since Safire had his column, so I wasn't too surprised that a youthful set of contestants didn't know him. But I was disappointed that so many of those "o" words were TS's, especially "odium".


I never read "Hound of the Baskervilles," but I figured it out because I don't know too many stories that mention a creature in the title but that also have an English moor as a prominent "character."


ETA: I looked up Safire and I see he died in 2009 and retired from his column in 2005. For some reason, I thought it had been longer.

Edited by GreekGeek
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