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Jeopardy! Season 31 (2014-2015)

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I am astonished that given the wrong answer of "Mean Joe Brown," neither of the other two contestants could come up with the correct name.

I didn't come up with Mean Joe Greene because I was so sure the answer was Joe Namath. 

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I just bought a new Ford Fusion Hybrid, so I was screaming out that answer. There were some odd answers on the show. I also was puzzled by the guess of Arizona for final and Mame for the Tennessee Williams clue.

I like that they acknowledged the champ's hubby. I remember liking him when his games aired. I don't know if they have kids, but if they, do their kids would be ripe for Kids Week.

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Was it the champ who said Tennessee Williams wrote Mame?

Yes ~lol~ I shouldn't laugh because she's gotten about a thousand more answers than I have but it was so damn funny.

I like that they acknowledged the champ's hubby. I remember liking him when his games aired. I don't know if they have kids, but if they, do their kids would be ripe for Kids Week.

I think they do. Isn't she described as a stay at home mom? I like the husband too. He reminds me of the Grinch.
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Does anyone remember the first category they answered in the second round tonight? We missed it.

From F to G.


I don't know the play The Handbag, but those two characters looked so much like Margaret Thatcher and Queen Elizabeth that I was surprised no one got it.


On the other hand, I screwed up FJ. For some reason I thought the clue was asking for a male character. It only says "this character" so I have no idea why I leapt to that conclusion. Anyway, I couldn't think of the boy who joined Dora the Explorer, and then I thought that 2000 was too early for him. Suddenly Bob the Builder sprung to mind, and I was sure I was right. What makes it doubly wrong is that I was actually thinking of Handy Manny.

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For some reason I thought the clue was asking for a male character. It only says "this character" so I have no idea why I leapt to that conclusion.


Because it didn't say "this woman character"?

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I didn't come up with Mean Joe Greene because I was so sure the answer was Joe Namath. 

I knew they were looking for something Pittsburgh related, but the only Pittsburgh player I could think of was Terry Bradshaw, which didn't seem right.  So I said Joe Namath because I knew he'd done that famous razor commercial.  I felt soooooo stupid when the champ answered Mean Joe Brown, thus giving me the obvious answer.  That Coke commercial is iconic.

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Kristin likes Survivor, and therefore I like Kristin. Sandra is one of my least favorite players of all time however, but I can deal. I'm going to have to seach for her blog.

FJ was so out of my wheelhouse. Had no clue, didn't even try. That was excellent betting on her part though, I loved her shock at winning.

Edited by mojoween
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Colin came off as WAY too cocky for his own good.  He shouldn't have bet so large in that DD he missed in the DJ round.

I agree.  He was so far ahead I couldn't believe how much he bet.  Then he got greedy and lost it.  Served him right. 


But I almost gasped when I saw how little Kristin wagered in FJ.  I'm glad she's still champ.  Colin was way too cocky.

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Hearing that Kristin loves Survivor brought me back about 13-14 years (I can't believe it's been that long!) to when I used to watch it religiously. Made me like her even more!
She had pretty much resigned herself to losing, though - and then when she won, her hands were visibly shaking!

Colin irritated me. When he made that huge bet in the DD, I was hoping he'd get it wrong (and thrilled when he did). His swaying back and forth was annoying. He was fast on the buzzer, though, and ultimately his cocky betting cost him the game.

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The element is Krypton, and the clue also said something about making Superman feel at home.


Boy, that was a tense and exciting finish. I'm bad at number stuff. At first I thought the answer was 13, then I changed it to 11. Oh well.


I was surprised that Colin didn't know 'familiar' since I knew it and he knows a lot of facts.


I didn't know that Lifesavers were introduced the year the Titanic sunk. That seems kind of morbid, assuming the connection was intentional.

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So glad Kristin won. Colin, although a good player, bugged me from his first answer, what with the swaying and smug looks.

rarely even notice mannerisms, let alone be bugged by them.  But that swaying was making me a bit dizzy!


And he looked like he was chewing gum.

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I also guessed 11 and was as happy that Colin lost as I was embarrassed I didn't know 1 isn't a prime number!


I knew 1 wasn't a prime, but somehow had gotten it into my head that two wasn't, either, so I smugly placed my bet on 37.

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I was wondering why the correct response on Tuesday was 23 and not 22.

This 2-digit number is the smallest prime number whose digits are both themselves prime numbers.

It doesn't say that the two  digits are not the same.

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I loved Kristin's Cookie Monster sweater!

Kristins' monotone sometimes drove me batty, but her tones were mellifluous compared to Andrea. So naturally Andrea won. Oh well, I won't be watching Jeopardy! until Monday because I'll be immersed in basketball the next two days anyways.

The Dial clue for the DD was ridiculous.

I got Handel but not Bach. Bach didn't even occur to me.

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I got Bach but not Handel.


I was disappointed that Kristin did not break her husband's Jeopardy run. If she couldn't win, I was rooting for Daniel. I loved his story about making the piano string go flying. Andrea looked so sour.

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Andrea looked so sour.

Throughout the game she did but she had a lovely smile when the game was over. 


I forget the wording of one clue that they accepted the answer of diverge when I thought it should have been digress.  Does anyone remember it?

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I forget the wording of one clue that they accepted the answer of diverge when I thought it should have been digress.  Does anyone remember it?

I thought the same thing. But I can't remember the clue, either.

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Throughout the game she did but she had a lovely smile when the game was over. 


I forget the wording of one clue that they accepted the answer of diverge when I thought it should have been digress.  Does anyone remember it?

Was that the one where they didn't accept divert?

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The clue was "to stray from the subject" in the To "DI" for category. I too said digress, and I think they would have had to take it. I think it's a better answer than diverge, actually.

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I said "digress" too.  It was probably the preferred answer, but they accepted the other word.


I've never heard Hoboken pronounced like that.  That's what you get for reading & not hearing anyone talk about it!  LOL.  It sometimes annoys me when Alex corrects their pronunciation, but I bet a bunch of folks in Hoboken would have jumped on him if he hadn't.

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I got Bach but not Handel. I'm terrible about when the composers lived. I didn't think Beethoven and Bach were contemporaries, and I don't think Beethoven is a baroque composer. I thought of Mozart, but I believe he was Austrian. And then I couldn't think of any more German composers.


For "to stray from the subject," I also said digress.


One of my favorite jokes from Arrested Development was the name Bob Loblaw. I hated how Alex said it in an exaggerated way. That's not required and even makes it less funny imo.


The answer for one clue was pajamas. Wasn't pajamas the answer for another recent clue?

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I said "digress" too.  It was probably the preferred answer, but they accepted the other word.


I've never heard Hoboken pronounced like that.  That's what you get for reading & not hearing anyone talk about it!  LOL.  It sometimes annoys me when Alex corrects their pronunciation, but I bet a bunch of folks in Hoboken would have jumped on him if he hadn't.

On the "di" thing, I think they would have accepted "digress." "Divert" is to cause someone else to stray, so it's not quite the same thing.


I didn't recall what the odd pronunciation of "Hoboken" was. I thought the answer was Ho-Ho-Kus, though that might not have fit the geography.

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I got Bach but not Handel.

I got Handel but not Bach.

I got them both, instantly, because I'm a music buff and have read several biographies of both composers. So for me it was a no-brainer.


I groaned when Kristen guessed Brahms, who was born nearly 150 years later than these two.

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I grew up in a Rhode Island and while at grad school lived in Hoboken with my best friend who is also from Rhode Island so I totally geeked out for that category :-)

Got Bach but not a fan of Handel so I would have never come up with him.

I hope the champ keeps the smile she had after winning. She was a Debbie Downer throughout the game.

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I got Bach but not Handel. I'm terrible about when the composers lived. I didn't think Beethoven and Bach were contemporaries, and I don't think Beethoven is a baroque composer. I thought of Mozart, but I believe he was Austrian. And then I couldn't think of any more German composers.


I'm generally really good with the subject, and would've bet everything on this FJ, but although I got Bach right way, and know that Handel was a baroque composer, I don't think of him as a German composer because his most famous works were done in England.  I mean, somewhere in my brain I knew he was originally German, but I think of Handel as English.  So I'd have blown this one big time.

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I'm generally really good with the subject, and would've bet everything on this FJ, but although I got Bach right way, and know that Handel was a baroque composer, I don't think of him as a German composer because his most famous works were done in England.  I mean, somewhere in my brain I knew he was originally German, but I think of Handel as English.  So I'd have blown this one big time.

And that (him spending so much time in England) is exactly why I figured Handel would be part of it. And then completely blanked on the other composer. *sigh*

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