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I'd like to see Kim fall in love, and live a happy life.


We should have written in with our requests ;).


But, in all seriousness, this is one area where fully scripted television with a clear actor/character division exceeds reality TV in its capabilities. In non-reality TV, scripts can be written that completely change the character's basic life circumstances, based on the (often moralistic) wishes of production towards the character. If this were The Housewives of Beverly Hills, and not The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, we could speculate more freely about our fantastic desires for the characters, independent of the hard facts of their performers' lives. If the script were to follow my own desires...Kim could fall in love, lead a happy life, come clean about her probable addiction to pain medication, revoke the memory of her deified dead stage mother, and return to acting. She could even be in a TV show on the series (a show within a show), something unlikely to happen on the "real" RHOBH. Lisa's finances would be crippled by her legal problems (IRL, she's already been forced to sell Villa Blanca) and she and Ken would be forced to move in with Brandi in the Valley and they would all get horrific plastic surgery. Camille would open a club/bookstore on the Jersey Shore and return to her (dyed) roots in the Garden State, perhaps entering into a sexless same-sex marriage with Dee Dee. David would leave Yolanda and she would be forced to reinvent herself as an "independent woman" without her King. I'm not sure what to do about Kyle, Adrienne, Taylor, and the rest of the cast eternal.  If only...


Speaking of Lisa's financial demise, did anyone see this article from a West Hollywood paper a few weeks ago? If it's to be believed, it seems her neighbors are not too fond of her and that P.U.M.P. is not doing well. http://www.wehoville.com/2014/10/10/can-lisa-vanderpump-find-love-gay-weho/ There's also this story about a lawsuit from a former pastry chef at Villa Blanca. http://www.realitytea.com/2014/08/21/lisa-vanderpumps-restaurant-villa-blanca-faces-another-lawsuit/

Edited by vrocotamy
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Agreed.  I've always believed that Lisa didn't care one whit about any of these women - that she was 'above' them all.  In real life, I can't see her  choosing any of them as friends.  I don't believe she was ever hurt by Kyle or the others.  Because, imo, she just doesn't care about any of them to be bothered.  Now, production, yes.  Like you said, she was a dutiful employee and brought the drama while being stealthily bitchy and clever about it.  She was a fan favorite (I loved her and I'm a tough nut when it comes to the hos.  I generally don't like any of them.)  But in the last season, she either got lazy or production just felt it was her time. Or both.  And she was gobsmacked.


'Vanderpump Rules' ended my love affair with Lisa.  The cloak of coolness came off with that red hot mess.

ITA.  Lisa was My Love to borrow a phrase from Yolanda.  But that stupid VPR ruined her for me forever.  And sorry Lisa, but Karma's a bitch.  She can't claim bullying now after the way she helped those shallow, vacuous, flea-ridden wastrels on her show gang up on that horrible Kristen.  Doesn't matter that Kristen is horrible, bullying is bullying.  Ganging up is ganging up.  No more moral high road for Lisa.

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Season 1 Kim seemed more coherent and less scattered/quirky.  I saw some scenes from season 1 that weren't included in the show.. one where Kim was hosting an end of year school party for her youngest daughter.. and it looked like a lot of fun.  The only reason it probably wasn't included was because none of the other women went to it... and another scene was Kim doing a charity water bottle drive for Cancel research.. she and her oldest daughter were doing it.  I do think the producers pick and choose which scenes to present in order to enhance the persona they want each housewife to have.


I think production needs to stay out of it.. and let the women act like themselves.  I was hoping with the addition of Lisa R (who has a nice family life, and she is quirky  and interesting) and Eileen D (who has a husband in the poker business, working on a soap opera, has a son and step kids, plus had a foster kid).. that we would be showing more of the day to day life again. Shame Bravo is so behind on the times.

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Sorry Veronica Mars & Mad Men fans, looks like Harry Hamlin won't be appearing much on the show (if at all) - further details about the alleged animosity between Lisa R. and Eileen.


I'm not surprised by this at all.  I can't imagine him being willing to subject his marriage to this show.  I recall his marriage/split from Nicolette Sheridan being a nightmare in a pre-social media world that rivaled Pitt and Aniston in terms of the attention that tabloids paid to it.  I always thought that it basically killed his career after LA Law.

The premiere date and time are Tuesday, November 18 at 9 PM ET. 


The trailer is out, I created a thread for it.

I am stunned that they are turning this show around this quickly, since filming wrapped just last week.  They must not have had to do a lot of editing.  I am beyond thrilled and happy to have been wrong about it not airing until December or January.  Bring it!

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I am stunned that they are turning this show around this quickly, since filming wrapped just last week.  They must not have had to do a lot of editing.  I am beyond thrilled and happy to have been wrong about it not airing until December or January.  Bring it!

I'll take BH over NJ or ATL (I love ATL btw...), because those two to me at least, seems like they come back as soon as they end...especially ATL which, as many said went on forever last season...

The big Brandi storyline is that Brandi has decided to insert herself in between the Richards sisters because Brandi is such a twat.  Brandi of course is on relapsing Kim's side.  Kim did not do well in Amsterdam-why is it Kim can't fly without getting 'disoriented'. 


I think the whole Lisa being incensed by Brandi and never forgiving her was just part of the VanderPump arsenal of bad story plots.  They are bosom buddies again.


Watched the trailer-which I have little faith in as last year they eliminated at least two scenes that held promise.  One was "checkmate, bitch" from Brandi to Lisa and the other was Yolanda surmising Lisa was blackmailing the Umanskys.

Edited by zoeysmom

The big Brandi storyline is that Brandi has decided to insert herself in between the Richards sisters because Brandi is such a twat.  Brandi of course is on relapsing Kim's side.  Kim did not do well in Amsterdam-why is it Kim can't fly without getting 'disoriented'. 


I think the whole Lisa being incensed by Brandi and never forgiving her was just part of the VanderPump arsenal of bad story plots.  They are bosom buddies again.


Watched the trailer-which I have little faith in as last year they eliminated at least two scenes that held promise.  One was "checkmate, bitch" from Brandi to Lisa and the other was Yolanda surmising Lisa was blackmailing the Umanskys.


I would theorize Kim takes some heavy duty anti-anxiety meds before flying that don't agree with her...and she hasn't found a better solution...

  • Love 3

Watched the trailer-which I have little faith in as last year they eliminated at least two scenes that held promise. One was "checkmate, bitch" from Brandi to Lisa and the other was Yolanda surmising Lisa was blackmailing the Umanskys.

I hate when they do that. Didn't Orange County also have footage from the trailer go missing during the season? I think this time it's especially likely since they put the trailer together so close to the end of filming. They're probaby even earlier in the editing process than last year.

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So Kim's pit bull put Kyle's daughter in the hospital this weekend.  Is this when Kim admits that the dog is dangerous?  It was the 18 year old Alexia and she's had 2 surgeries.  Kyle is instagramming pics of the hospital stay.  

Her instagram only says she was attacked by a dog, no mention that it was Kingsley. Where can we find the info that it was Kim's dog that attacked her?

  • Love 1
So Kim's pit bull put Kyle's daughter in the hospital this weekend.  Is this when Kim admits that the dog is dangerous?



Yikes, not good.


A lot of people called this one back when she got Kingsley and I was basically feeling on the fence about it then because I wanted to give Kim the benefit of the doubt since she so obviously needs something in her life and I thought maybe having a pet could have been helpful to her under the right circumstances. I didn't think she seemed responsible enough to own a pitbull though and I never thought it seemed like she was taking his training all that seriously. 


I hope that Kim takes this shit seriously because the next attack if there is one could be a lot worse. I don't know, she just strikes me as one of the worst people to be an owner of pit. JMO.

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That ditzy drugged out whacko having a pit bull is akin to giving a disgruntled postal worker an uzi. Not that the breed is to blame but they are big, strong, headstrong dogs and if Kingsley did this he will likely pay the price, not the stupid asshole, Kim. Hope the girl is okay and unscarred.

In the new season photos, it does indeed look like Kim got some bolt-on boobs. Elective surgery for drugs. IMO

  • Love 8

Thanks for this. I kept searching through Kyle's Instagram for info and, of course there wasn't any because Kyle is still protecting Kim.


Here's a link to a family "selfie" from the TMZ Facebook page, MatildaMoody:




I think most of us predicted way back when that Kim's relationship with Kingsley would not end well.


She really should just stick with a pet turtle, since she loves them so much.


Aw, hell, who am I kidding.  I don't think the moron even knows where she is half the time...She doesn't need a living creature depending on her for anything.


Sometimes I shake my head in amazement that her children survived with her at the maternal helm.  

Edited by Persnickety1
  • Love 7

That ditzy drugged out whacko having a pit bull is akin to giving a disgruntled postal worker an uzi. Not that the breed is to blame but they are big, strong, headstrong dogs and if Kingsley did this he will likely pay the price, not the stupid asshole, Kim. Hope the girl is okay and unscarred.

In the new season photos, it does indeed look like Kim got some bolt-on boobs. Elective surgery for drugs. IMO

Brandi has twice said the Kim's dog has bitten her.  Kim is a teeny-tiny person who on a good day idles at ditzy-I would agree she has no business having any dog that has a propensity to biting.  Hopefully, Kim will send off Kingsley (along with a big check) to a pit bull farm where he can live out his life away from incompetent humans.

  • Love 8
Sometimes I shake my head in amazement that her children survived with her at the maternal helm.



I get the impression that they all seem grateful to have Kyle and Kathy in their lives to help make up for the areas where their mother was lacking. Not saying Kim's children don't love her or that she wasn't ever there for them, but her kids seem like they might have been through a few sketchy periods because of Kim's addictions. Kimberly in particular sometimes gave off the vibe that she was the one who was taking care of her mother rather than it being the other way around. 

Edited by Avaleigh
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When I first read the story about the dog bite on Alexia, I immediately had a feeling that it was Kingsley. The first stories named no dog, but now it's out there. Kim needs to rehome that dog now. She's not a proper owner for a dog of that type.

Sorry to say but rehoming may not be an option. I don't know the laws in CA but at this point animal control knows about this dog. The dog has been documented biting before this and now is responsible for a serious attack. So if Kim had only rehomed or trained him he would have had a chance in life. Now it is most likely he'll be destroyed. It is very sad that the dog will pay the price for an irresponsible owner.

Edited by cooksdelight
fixed quote tags
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What is that thing on Kyle's head in the photo? A matching plaid sleep mask? Did they all stay in the hospital together?


Yeah, that's what I surmised it was after looking at it for a few seconds.


I'm assuming they all stayed with her.  Poor kid was probably traumatized as hell after that.


While what happened is terrible, I shudder to think what the outcome could have been had it been a small child, such as Portia, who was on the receiving end of that attack.  

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As said, I'm sure this is true. I just also think that production additionally uses more covert facilitation and aggravation tactics to get TV-worthy results, in addition to overt scripting/instructions. Most of these women are not trained (or especially good) actors, so they need to rile up them up (and deceive and misinform them in the process) to get "genuine"-seeming emotion. I would assume production's skills are evolved enough enough to use different tactics on different cast members to get material to work with, fitting their attitude, personality, intelligence, etc. There are those like Lisa on RHOBH who treat it like a job (and are smarter for that), and those like Jacqueline on RHONJ who have a thinner life/work division (and hence, greater mental instability); most of the Housewives are probably somewhere in between the two extremes. Often, if there is real substance to the conflict between the women, it's not for a reason we are privy to as viewers.I generally think Housewives get axed not only when viewers cease being interested in them, but when they start trying to resist production or create "fake" drama without the skills to conceal its created status (e.g. Tamra on RHOOC, if she really was fired, or even Adrienne on RHOBH.) This amounts to the women trying to do production's job for them, which I would imagine results in a pink slip unless the results are compelling enough to merit inclusion alongside the outlined drama.


I don't think anything you're saying - in terms of production's scripting - necessarily invalidates anything I'm saying. From what we see, I'd imagine production goes in with a plan, sees if it gels as watchable TV, and then reformulates the storyline as they go along, using any means necessary. Even if the ladies know it is scripted - even if production gives them an outline of what they believe will happen - they aren't different than any other employees, in that they will have feelings about their bosses and their co-workers. I think it's unlikely that Bravo doesn't, on occasion, exploit these feelings for dramatic purposes. Lisa (and her publicists) are more concerned about cultivating fan favorite status than her RHOBH co-stars, so I'd imagine Lisa would be pissed that Bravo would paint her in a bad light. The Housewives cast members generally have huge egos (and you have to, in order to tolerate and encourage the kind of invasive attention reality TV necessitates), and Lisa V. in particular - look at her recent court docs for proof of that - has a huge ego. I don't think it's a stretch to say she could feel betrayed by Bravo, even if she signed up for a heavily staged show knowing it was heavily staged. As said, just because they know it's scripted doesn't mean they always like where the script goes, particularly if they think it could hit them in the bank; Lisa's cash flow probably comes largely from her Bravo-related ventures and she wouldn't want to take a hit in her fan favorite status.


I also would conjecture that production has to try less hard on RHOBH (and maybe on RHOA, which also has a lot of performers on cast) to get the same results they have to try hard for on, say, RHONJ, where none of the cast members have prior acting/performance experience. If you send Kyle or Lisa or Joyce or (relatively sober) Kim a loose script, they can work with it in a way that most of the RHONJ cast can't without production going an extra mile.

One only has to look at Jill Zarin to know that going against the producers set storyline/orders will get one fired and fired permanently! LOL


I get the impression that they all seem grateful to have Kyle and Kathy in their lives to help make up for the areas where their other was lacking. Not saying Kim's children don't love her or that she wasn't ever there for them, but her kids seem like they might have been through a few sketchy periods because of Kim's addictions. Kimberly in particular sometimes gave off the vibe that she was the one who was taking care of her mother rather than it being the other way around. 

I suspect that Kim's children spent MORE time at their fathers homes than Kim's and when they were at Kim's house, nannies were present 24/7!

Kim failed to socialize Kingsley, full stop.  She failed with his training.  Her statement makes it sound like in the crack-stuffed coffee bean that is her brain, the world is supposed to understand that Kingsley is just protective of her, and I'm convinced she confuses that with the kind of love a dog is supposed to have for his humans and vice versa.  I doubt she walked or exercised him.  I doubt elements of her statement.  I think she's a hardcore liar. 


This story makes me livid.  Kim disgusts me.  Alexia could've been killed, not to mention what might have happened if someone smaller like Portia had tried to pet the dog.  I don't wish for a happy ending for Kim.  I think she's a total selfish asshole and it kills me to side in any way with Kyle, but being Kim's sister certainly has had more than a fair share of challenges - which is not to say anything great about Kyle.  But my god.  What a foul person to put out that 'feel sorry for me, at least a little' statement while her niece is recovering from her dog's deep bites.

  • Love 6

I have a dog that's a Mountain Feist/Rat Terrier mix. He is fiercely protective. But, I take him to the park, he's around people in my home, and he loves and licks on everyone. He'd never bite anything other than a squirrel. Kim thinks that by locking the dog away from people, he'll behave. It's just the opposite. She has no idea what she's doing. She and Brandi should never be allowed to have dogs, cats, birds or anything that needs feeding and training.

  • Love 4

What's frustrating about all of this is that she was warned, she was told that she needed to take the training seriously, and on the show she admits that she wouldn't do everything that the trainer would tell her. I thought the trainer was a little weird TBH but I felt like it seemed off when Kinglsey immediately seemed like he was going to attack the guy.


I too am so glad that it didn't happen to somebody smaller like Portia. 


As far as the whole thing about treating it as a private family matter--how does posting pics on Instagram about everything keep the matter private? I'm fine with whoever knowing and I think the attack should have been reported that very day but why bother trying to claim that they're trying to be private about it?

Edited by Avaleigh
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Then why in the hell does Kyle post photos from the hospital at a time like this?

Kim, Kyle, Mauricio and Monty were all together for Halloween.  Kyle and Kim have always been close to Monty.  It is very sad.


After reading Kim's account of the injury I am wondering what kind of health insurance the Umanskys have that provide for overnight hospitalization to clean out a wound?  After seeing the trauma ear piercing caused the other daughter maybe they need a lot of support when going through painful times in their lives.


In California if even your own dog bites you and you go to the hospital the matter is reported.  That is how I spent the day after Thanksgiving this past year with my mom after her dog bit her requiring all of three stitches.  My parents produced the dogs shot record to animal control and they were allowed to do whatever they wanted with the dog. Since Kim announced the circumstances I assume the private part means the Umanskys aren't asking the dog be put down or animal control to do more than check vaccination records.

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Superficial- in that picture, the three girls seem to have a very similar head tilt.  Kyle goes the opposite way.  I have no idea why that fascinates me the way it does, maybe because the kids look similar. 


Me superficial, too. They learned to tilt in response to Mom as she was facing them. Mom alpha tilts to her left, they respond by mirroring her tilt to their right. Opposing tilts when they're all facing in the same direction.

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Usually when a dog attacks a person, it's put down. In most states, anyway.

I was bit and had deep punctures on my arms last year and nothing happened. I didn't go to animal control but the hospital filled out a report. I work at a dog daycare and boarding place doing playgroups and grooming. Not only was the dog not put down but I've had to care for it again, LOL.

This is common in the dog sitting/boarding/grooming industry. A coworker has been bit on the face requiring many stitches (and had to sit te dog again) and another had hand bites almost exactly like Alexia's. I'm curious as to the context of what happened before her attack. In mine I was putting a dog away in a kennel room and a colleague had her back turned from the group in the hall. When I came out I saw one dog biting another's throat and grabbed each by the scruff of the necks to seperate them. I mean it was split second thinking. The dog attacking bit my right arm and was a terrier mix.

  • Love 1

Ok. Kyle gets a pass this time, but that's still no excuse for posing and posting pics from the hospital to Twitter, Instagram or what have you if she deems the matter to be a private family affair. The woman has an insatiable hunger for the spotlight.

Kyle is on a Reality Show so she is absolutely a Famewhore.  No one will ever convince me it is possible to be on a show like this and not be a Famewhore. 


There were rumors about Kyle's daughter and it being an ugly situation as to why she was in the hospital.  Kyle cleared it up by posting a picture of her daughter looking happy which put an end to the rumors.  She didn't throw Kim under the bus or even mention Kim's dog was the one responsible. 


Interesting timing since the Season Trailer was just released this week and we see Kyle asking Kim if she ever takes responsibility for anything.  In the article posted above it sounds very much to me like Kim is blaming the victim in this situation, which seems to be per usual for Kim. Kyle got so hammered in S1 for the Limo Reveal. I've read posts from so many people who have never been able to forgive her for that episode. It seemed to me then, and more so now, that she has spent her life dealing with a personality that would sap your strength on a daily basis and is a better sister to Kim than I could probably ever be in the circumstances. 

  • Love 8

Ok. Kyle gets a pass this time, but that's still no excuse for posing and posting pics from the hospital to Twitter, Instagram or what have you if she deems the matter to be a private family affair. The woman has an insatiable hunger for the spotlight.

I think they are talking about the disposition of the dog being private.  Kyle had no comment when being asked about it.


http://www.tmz.com/2014/11/06/kim-richards-dog-violent-pit-bull-bit-kyle-richards-daughter/  This headline is kind of misleading-Kyle Richard's sister Kim says-geez folks Kim has her own identity.  Maybe next it will be Paris Hilton's Aunt Kim says.


I guess the trainer would know who best to handle the dog.

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Lisa discusses the slap without really saying anything:  http://www.eonline.com/news/595862/how-the-real-housewives-of-beverly-hills-slap-changed-things-for-lisa-vanderpump


Apparently, Bravo borrowed Kingsley's muzzle and put it on Brandi-far more subdued than past season's http://www.fashionnstyle.com/articles/30211/20141107/brandi-glanville-hints-real-housewives-beverly-hills-season-5-drama-slap-lisa-vanderpump-reality-star-mending-friendship-cast-mates.htm


I guess it will be all about thou who dareth slap Lisa Vanerpump.


Lisa Renna makes her presence known:  http://www.thehollywoodgossip.com/2014/11/lisa-rinna-stirring-up-drama-on-the-real-housewives-of-beverly-h/


I guess she is the one accusing Kim of relapsing. 

Edited by zoeysmom
  • Love 2
Kyle got so hammered in S1 for the Limo Reveal. I've read posts from so many people who have never been able to forgive her for that episode. It seemed to me then, and more so now, that she has spent her life dealing with a personality that would sap your strength on a daily basis and is a better sister to Kim than I could probably ever be in the circumstances.



The worst part of this to me was that Kyle was so raked over the coals over the limo incident that Kim still to this day sees herself as the victim who was terribly wronged by her sister in that situation. She took no responsibility for her own offensive comments and behavior whatsoever and actually felt that it was strictly due to Kyle that the world began to wonder if she had drinking and/or substance issues. It's like Kim doesn't get that her behavior is obvious to many viewers without us necessarily needing confirmation from people like Kyle, Brandi, Paul, and the two Lisas. Each time Kim has been called out for being loaded she gets offended and thinks that it's wrong for the person to have gone there. She never for a moment seems to want to blame her own obvious behavior for tipping people off in the first place. Same with Game Night. Kim was never held accountable for her behavior and it was left up to Kyle to do all of the apologizing and damage control for the two of them. The fact that about a year after the incident that Kim was briefly trying to shill shirts that had "Slut Pig" written on them told me all I needed to know about Kim felt about her own behavior with regard to Game Night.

Edited by Avaleigh
  • Love 11

The worst part of this to me was that Kyle was so raked over the coals over the limo incident that Kim still to this day sees herself as the victim who was terribly wronged by her sister in that situation. She took no responsibility for her own offensive comments and behavior whatsoever and actually felt that it was strictly due to Kyle that the world began to wonder if she had drinking and/or substance issues. It's like Kim doesn't get that her behavior is obvious to many viewers without us necessarily needing confirmation from people like Kyle, Brandi, Paul, and the two Lisas. Each time Kim has been called out for being loaded she gets offended and thinks that it's wrong for the person to have gone there. She never for a moment seems to want to blame her own obvious behavior for tipping people off in the first place. Same with Game Night. Kim was never held accountable for her behavior and it was left up to Kyle to do all of the apologizing and damage control for the two of them. The fact that about a year after the incident that Kim was briefly trying to shill shirts that had "Slut Pig" written on them told me all I needed to know about Kim felt about her own behavior with regard to Game Night.

I always felt like they were at the last party trying to get a final photo and Kim took off delaying the wrap.  Kim was bombed and was going to make the night about her because she got her frigging hair and make-up done.  Arrived late told the group of women she didn't like them.  What was amazing at the time of the first Reunion Lisa and Taylor both wanted to confront Kim's drinking issues and Kyle prevented it. 


Kim has had issues with alcohol for years and been in and out of rehab for years-it isn't exactly a state secret.  Prior to Season 1 she ended up on Kyle's watch.  Kim has been banned from Waldorf Astoria (a Hilton owned hotel) had to have her bills paid repeatedly to keep her out of trouble, she has had others raise her kids and has pretty much ignored her nieces and nephews.   People still talk about Kim's stolen house -as if it were a coherent statement from Miss Looney Tunes.  I tolerate Kim and I think we will see her and Brandi get thick as thieves so Brandi can go about  her attempted destruction of Kyle.  Kim never apologizes - apparently a quality they look for in RH.


So Kim has enjoyed a bit of media this year.  Let's hope it all stays positive from here on out.

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