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^ to continue the theme that Yo is a lying liar who lies


FFS her lips didn't just plump up right before she went into modeling-nor did her breasts.  You can fix a deviated septum without changing the shape of the nose.  I am shocked that Yolanda let her go under the knife with her Lyme Disease and all.

I do think it's a somewhat common thing that when young people go in to get their deviated septums corrected, they also use it as an opportunity for cosmetic enhancement. I knew someone in high school who did this as well. I don't think she would have gotten a nose job if she hadn't already been going on for surgery.

Deviated septum is a very subjective diagnosis.  It is an excuse for a nose job pure and simple.  Own it Yolanda own it. 

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^ to continue the theme that Yo is a lying liar who lies



There's no way those lips plumped themselves, and I don't see any lip liner extending the upper lip.  If those lips are silicone free, then I'm Elvis, alive and well, living on a secret, remote island in Alaska.  When you look at the side by side photo, plus other side by side photos online, it's like looking at two completely different women; two completely different women who aren't even related!

I do think it's a somewhat common thing that when young people go in to get their deviated septums corrected, they also use it as an opportunity for cosmetic enhancement. I knew someone in high school who did this as well. I don't think she would have gotten a nose job if she hadn't already been going on for surgery.

Very true.  My High School was loaded with "deviated septums".

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More and more, I'm getting the idea that you're nobody in Hollywood if you haven't suffered through at least 5-7 body repairs by the time you're 16.  Like mommy like baby.  Sweet 16 means a trip into surgery for a fat lip or some other  "reconstruction."   The Hadids have given the world's hospitals and clinics so much money in surgeries that it's a wonder there aren't hospital wings all over creation bearing their name.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      .

Edited by Lura
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While I can see Yoolander and Yoolander's mom in Gigi, I'm starting to wonder if she hasn't been tweaked more than we realize when you see the complete overhaul that she put Bella through.   I wonder how much of Mohammed Yoolander had to have surgically removed from both of them.? Look out Anwar, you're next.  If you already don't have some Mummie's Modeling Cure scheduled in the near future.  Now according to Yoolander's chronology, the same time Bella was undergoing her bride of fashion rehaul she was also purportedly too sick to fulfill her dreams as an Olympic Rider, wasn't able to get modeling contracts she should and couldn't keep a car on the road.  But was fine to undergo a couple of her mother's 'dis face ju ugleee, vee need ta fix" procedures.   Priorities.  Bigger boobs.  Definitely.  Getting a proper treatment for what ails her (I mean other than her piece of crap mother being surgically removed from her life), nope.  Lets play with that for years.


I say this adopting Yoolanders "truth".  Not the actual truth.


I do laugh at her claims that Bella "inherited" her lips from Yoolander's mother.  Gee.  My one grandfather has the most amazing thick hair that he never had to dye and simply went the most amazing shade of silver.  And the most amazing curls.  I have seen women he does know actually find an excuse to touch them.  If Bella can inherit those lips not until she is in her late teens, I can still hold out hope for those curls can't I? 


Oh Yoolander.  At this point you couldn't squeeze out the truth if Daisy shoved a barrel full up your ass first.

  • Love 8

I brought Ilana over because I made the mistake of reading about 90 questions to Andy for the Reunion. I was curious where the opinions came from. I stopped reading Tamara Tattles regularly because of her beating people up for not believing Yolanda was ill. Now she is in the Yo is full of it camp.

The funniest thing about Ilana  Angel, is she went on and on, about what an evil person LeAnn Rimes is. Ilana decided to go to one of her concerts was stopped and denied entrance and didn't even get refund.  She had spent weeks taking about going and how awful Leann was.  My estimation of LeAnn went way up after that move.

Edited by zoeysmom
  • Love 4

Bella got a nose job, but I don't see what the big deal is. She probably would have had one even if she wasn't going to be a model, she lives in a superficial town. And her lips look tastefully done, she's not Kylie Jenner or Lisa Rinna. I'd bet money there's no silicone in them. nxkrjp.jpg

I think it's because Yo insists the nose was purely for health reasons.

It seems standard for people to claim they had deviated septums. I sort of expected Lisar Jr to have a new nose after her tonsil surgery.

It's not really appropriate for Yolanda to squeal the details on her daughter's plastic surgery, no way would Bella appreciate it.

Than she shouldn't respond to random SM questions about it which is what Yolanda did.

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I have no problem with Bellla having surgery (assuming it was her choice and not her parents).  Without going into details, I know what its like to have a beauty (and a highly accomplished one at that) for a sister. As nice as nice can be but it ain't easy.


Genetics don't play fair, and I'm all for cosmetic enhancements if they make Bella feel better.


The problem with these kinds of things is the denial.   If, for example, Bella said publicly she had cosmetic surgery and explained her feelings on the matter, who cares!


Not saying Yolanda is faking it, but if she came out said she was experiencing depression or something, who cares! I mean I'd care, but I'd have far more empathy for her than I do watching her surround herself 24/7 with health specialists.


The denial about not being perfect or something is what is damaging.

Edited by Jextella
  • Love 2

Forgive me if this has been mentioned already, but I was watching Inside Edition last night, and they showed Bella Hadid before plastic surgery. First off, I had no idea she even had plastic surgery since she looks so much like Gigi, but lo and behold, she apparently had plastic surgery to look like Gigi! Before plastic surgery she was the spitting image of her dad, Mohammed!


More photos here -->https://twitter.com/bellahadidb4su1

HOLY CRAP, she's a completely different person now!

I love before and after pics like this, even though I usually think the person looked better to begin with. In Bella's case, imo she looked more natural and happier before. Here's another link with a bunch of pics: http://beautyeditor.ca/2015/10/09/bella-hadid-before-and-after

On edit: It could be that she only looked happier - more smiley - in the before pics because more recent pics of Bella are mostly modeling pics.

Edited by nexxie
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I never mentioned this on here, but about a year or so ago, I saw Marisa at a very high end supermarket we have here in Los Angeles, and I couldn't help but notice that she was with a much younger, very attractive guy. Their energy definitely seemed...flirtatious. Obviously, I have no idea who the guy was, but I for sure filed it under "Things that make you go hmm..." Not surprised to hear of the divorce.

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Real Housewives of Beverly Hills Week 14 Recap


This show is cringe worthy and the simple truth is we used to covet the lives we saw, and now thank God we're not as mean and stupid as these women. This is a dirty group of hags who will stab each other in the back for an extra minute of camera time.  Beverly Hills has gone beyond a train wreck, and is officially garbage TV.


I'm usually not fond of this blogger, and we, in the past, usually see things quite differently, but her opening paragraph pulled me in.  This one is worth a read, because she does nail some of the reasons this show is just about over for me as well.


Reading more now, and I may have to start reading her more often, she is over ALL of them, and pretty much clearly states why in this one.  So, if you have "favorites" beware, they are all getting nailed here.  I ADORE it.

Kathryn is talking shit, Eileen is lapping it up, Rinna is being an idiotic twat, and I want to impale myself. These chicks should be ashamed of themselves. Particularly those who are raising daughters. LVP asks Erika why she talked smack about her, and Erika is clearly shocked Kathryn ratted her out. I guess she forgot the cameras were there filming the whole thing.



Cut to Kyle going to LVP’s to ride to dinner. Kyle cannot walk in heels. She looks like she has a pole stuck up her ass. In fact, so does LVP. Get some sandals and call it a day ladies. Back to Yolanda in time to hear her complain about her illness again. I feel sad for her, but I also feel sad for David. Erika and Kathryn have arrived to the dinner first. Let the games begin.


LVP tells Kyle she texted Kim for her birthday and got a reply. These twats should not be talking about Kim. She is off limits and honest to G-d, anyone who thinks Kyle Richards is crying real tears over sister is a moron. She is a bitch and the absolute best thing Kim could do for herself is stay the hell away from her truly disgusting sister. Too harsh? I don’t think so.



Really? Kyle has been fake crying about starting a relationship with her sister and she wants to talk about Brandi first? Kyle is going on and on about Brandi being to blame for the break in her relationship with Kim. Important to note I think Brandi tweeting pictures with Kim is the same as Leann tweeting pics of Brandi’s kids. Their goal is to hurt, not share..


That said, Brandi had nothing to do with Kim and Kyle not talking. Kim is being calm and lovely while Kyle is a fake crying baby. Kyle is making it all about her, which is gross. Kyle tells Kim she thinks she hates her. Actually, we all hate you Kyle. Am I being particularly mean this week? If by mean you mean honest, then yes. The truth can be mean sometimes.


Kim tells the camera she loves Kyle with all her heart, then says she guesses she is just hard to love. Crushing. Kyle is as much to blame for Kim’s issues as Kim is. Just my opinion of course, but this is my blog so my opinion wins. Kim is extending a hand and Kyle is insisting on a miracle, instead of simply extending her hand back. Kyle is a revolting human being.


Edited by Umbelina
  • Love 3


Real Housewives of Beverly Hills Recap: Golden Lyme Awards
Kathryn gets an ear implant and can hear now! That’s fucking amazing. Hopefully she’ll realize how stupid she has sounded to everyone else and just be quiet for a bit.


Back to show the newest gold diggers on the block how this shit is done: Miss Camille Grammer and the giant Mall House That Frasier’s Ball Sack Built!


Every time I pause on Camille I laugh. Love this dimbulb. She may not be on Dancing With the Stars, but thankfully, no one’s told her that.



She announces that “some” of the money from tonight will go to cancer research, which is kinda funny. I used to work giant charity balls in New York, and it was amazing how much money went into these huge parties.


Rinna tells us that it’s unfair that she can’t confront someone who’s “sick”, which makes zero sense. You’ve done nothing but throw stones, talk on national tv about how Yolanda is faking it, and you are literally confronting a “sick person” right now. You’ve obviously got no limits on that.

If you wanna have a fight with someone, you have to get the hell out of your kitchen and have actual relationships with people other than your ass waxer, manicurist, or fellow QVC hawkers, woman. Get your own damn storyline. It’s hard enough watching Yo’s JOURNEEYEE without you holding onto her bumper for the ride and then crying that your bony ass got scraped on the gravel.





ratings for March 15th

OJ - 2.884/1.17

RHOBH - 1.70/0.67

MD EXPERIMENT - 0.415/0.15


Hi everyone. Y'all know we're pretty relaxed around here, but please lets not turn every single thread into the Kim/Kyle thread. This is the Media thread. For link to blogs/media/whatever about the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills. It's not another place to discuss Kim and Kyle. Take it to their threads.

There needs to be a separate thread for "BH wives' children" so this won't get so messy.

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Oh gosh it is rumor time  http://www.allabouttrh.com/2016/03/25/kyle-richards-denies-rhobh-chopping-block/  I thought Andy Cohen's response was pretty funny.

That story cracks me up. Kyle has nothing going on? Huh. She has one store, is on Celebrity Apprentice, and is currently casting for her sitcom. She is beautiful, has a terrific marriage to one of the most successful agents in the US, and a whole host of rich/famous friends. She can give us travel and house porn. And dogs - she can give us constant glimpses of her fabulous dogs. Sounds like a successful recipe for a BH housewife to me. 

  • Love 14

Camille is still handily leading the pack of the poll  "Who do you want Bravo to bring back?"


Brandi is in 5th place, after 2nd Gretchen, but Brandi is nearly tied with 3rd place Caroline and 4th place Kim.


Jill lags pretty far behind in 6th place, downhill for the others from there.

I was in epic shock for a moment thinking that Kim Richards was in fourth not Kim Z. 


I was hoping that Brandi wouldn't even crack the top ten. Meh. 


Sixth place is pretty strong for Jill Zarin considering how loathed she was/is. The people who know are never going to forget the Susan Saunders shit and that's just a drop in the bucket when it comes to that bitter battle axe. 


I only want Camille back if she's going to be season 1 Camille. Or at least the Camille we saw at Lisa's tea party in season 2. If she's too scared to have opinions or to ever be controversial again then I have no interest in seeing her take up a spot. She can continue to be a friend until she's willing to bring something to the table other than her pretty house in Malibu which we've seen numerous times already. 


I voted for Joyce mainly because I think it's lame that she's outranked by former housewives like Danielle and Alexis.  

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See, while I still loathe Jill, I'd kinda be okay with her returning now since she's been pretty much universally vilified. It's not like there's anything she could get away with at this point. We all have her number, and there's something rather entertaining about the devil you know.


I wanted to vote for Gretchen "Suntheen" Rossi (because who doesn't love a delusional HW who brings the malapropisms?), but sadly there was no "but without Slade" option.

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I voted for Jeana but not because I want her back but because she was the first housewife even though Vicki says she is with that OG of the OC nonsense. I've been so disappointed with HWs returning as "friends of HW" with TPTB giving them pots to stir in lieu of interesting stories that I don't really want anyone back anymore.

Me too.  Although Jeana is now a grandma just like Tamra and Vicki.

  • Love 1

Me too.  Although Jeana is now a grandma just like Tamra and Vicki.

Ha! The Glam-ma angle might be fun for this OGs of the OC group. Kara would probably love to play along and we already know the other two have and will do it for a Bravo check.

Back to Media. The OC Register that used to really drop the scoop on this franchise was being sold. Who ended up owning it? I ask because I think a bigger rag fish scooped it up.

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