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RHoBH in the Media

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I don't know if there is going to be a truce anytime soon between the Hiltons and the Umanskys- Kye claims she never spoke to Rick Hilton about quitting the show:  http://www.realitytea.com/2016/01/07/kyle-richards-denies-rumor-quit-real-housewives-beverly-hills/


As far as Kathy spilling, I am beginning to believe that her camp may be behind some of the earlier rumors regarding Mauricio.  Rick seems to have overstepped and this group is just bizarre-who give an on camera interview of made up stuff?  There is something off about how these families interact.  They are all hearts and flowers when it comes to the kids but pretty cut throat when it comes to each other.  Does anyone expect these sisters to compete against each other?  It seems weird.

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Is Rick on drugs? How can he just give an interview of made up stuff---Kyle leaving the show? Or is he mentally ill?

This is an example of the Richards' sister (and by extension Rick's) sense of humor and maniacal ways.  Rick knew that Kyle had fallen all over herself apologizing and writing blogs about revealing the events surrounding the wedding.  So as kind of a double dare you not talk about the family he made the statement which in essence forced Kyle to address his comments.  After a week or so she finally did-but only when asked directly about it.  So it is here we go 'round the mulberry bush.  Kyle talks about it and it airs, LVP asserts that her family keeps her churned up with their various machinations, Kyle writes a blog, Nicky issues a tweet "shocked" in response to someone asking about Kyle talking about it, Kyle writes more about it and her inability to control what airs and finally this gas bag, Rick Hilton, decides he will force Kyle's hand and make her look like the bad guy for not "quitting".  What was and is absurd, is RH don't quit three weeks into the airing of the season, (Adrienne Maloof quit by refusing to go the Reunion), they simply don't sign up for a new season or they aren't renewed.  The way Rick worded his statement he made it sound like Kyle was taking a stance.  There is no stance to be taken it is what happened.  Maybe they need to take responsibility for their actions. When an article appeared claiming Kim Richards returned to Season 6 for free-it was Kathy who took it upon herself to claim Kim was paid.  Why these two Rick and Kathy feel the need to comment on Kyle and Kim's careers at Bravo is disturbing.  Sounds like they haven't been able to sell a project to Bravo.  Even the presence of Hilton & Hyland is off the Bravo screen with the departure of the Altman Brothers, who were H&H continuing link to Million Dollar Listing.   


Much is made of the fact Kyle chooses to use social media for her various businesses and Kathy and Rick act has if it is so low brow.  They might want to visit their daughters, sons and finally Kathy's social media accounts  where their own self-promotion is prominent.  The fact Farrah sells a $43 million dollar house is not something Rick or Kathy should be looking down at announcing but you will never see a reply tweet from either Kim or Kathy saying "good job" or "congratulations". 

  • Love 6

Maybe Kathy was threatening Lisa V.

Yes he probably is on drugs. He and Kathy were notorious back in the day for being coke heads while the girls were little.

IMO, that warning was too ALL the BH women, not just Kyle and/or LisaV. For some reason Kathy thinks LisaV, Eileen and LisaR fear her, like she is some heavy weight in their circles and that they count on her blessings in their daily lives. As IF! LOL

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I don't know if there is going to be a truce anytime soon between the Hiltons and the Umanskys- Kye claims she never spoke to Rick Hilton about quitting the show: http://www.realitytea.com/2016/01/07/kyle-richards-denies-rumor-quit-real-housewives-beverly-hills/

As far as Kathy spilling, I am beginning to believe that her camp may be behind some of the earlier rumors regarding Mauricio. Rick seems to have overstepped and this group is just bizarre-who give an on camera interview of made up stuff? There is something off about how these families interact. They are all hearts and flowers when it comes to the kids but pretty cut throat when it comes to each other. Does anyone expect these sisters to compete against each other? It seems weird.

I really believe those 3 sisters have been in "competition" with one another from the days they were born. I know many don't like HOUSE OF HILTON but there are many direct quotes in that book, from people who were actually in a position to know, and no, they weren't all blind quotes, many are attributed to specific people. For example, that woman that Kim's dog bit, who has known the family for decades, and I think was a neighbor of Big Kathy's (and friend.) Also, many direct quotes from Monty, and others in that book.

She specifically said Big Kathy pitted the girls against one another, praising the ones bringing honor or money to the family, or favoring them. Little Kathy got a lot of attention, being first, and starting her "career" while still in diapers, and then eventually landing a Hilton, which thrilled Big Kathy. Next up? The little bread-winner Kim, after all, Little Kathy was out of the house by then, although it seems pretty obvious that Little Kathy's great achievement of marrying well was drummed into both Kim and Kyle. Marry young, marry well, and do what mommy did, get pregnant to seal the deal.

Kyle was the little girl that wasn't as pretty, at least not in the way Hollywood wanted, the youngest, probably always trying to "earn" her share of love/praise from mom, and earn her keep too.

I think SO much of what these sisters are is rooted in childhood traumas. I think Big Kathy showed them lots of love, which is why the girls all seem to still have her on a pedestal, but I think mixed into that was a sickening stew of competition, focus on money and fame, and expectations. We've seen it play out on RHBH for a long time. Those expectations though were all about money/fame/hooking a rich man, not about education.

One of Kyle's most "real" moments for me on the show was when her daughter graduated from college. For once, I think those tears were real, the first grandchild of Big Kathy to ever do that. (not the taking kids to college bullshit, the actual graduation) Kyle talking about how she wished she'd continued her own education felt very true. The first glimmer that her sainted mother might have gotten a few things wrong.

Kyle's new show probably won't accomplish it, but damn I'd love to see a real version about these sisters and that mother play out on TV. The focus though, to me anyway, needs to be on the fascinating Big Kathy, more than her offspring. In spite of her obvious issues, that woman had a drive that, had it not been linked to pimping out her little money-maker daughters, could have been impressive. I find her absolutely fascinating, in spite of the built in competition and one-upsmanship still playing out among her girls.

Edited by Umbelina
  • Love 10

What Big Kathy did was drill it in to these girls heads there was never any accountability for bad choices. Kathy Hilton seems to be the one that carries that to the extreme.  Kim is obviously a mess and simply acknowledging the obvious was a big no-no to Big Kathy.  Kyle just doesn't have a lot of crap going on because if she did Brandi would have outed it by now.   So far her kids have been well behaved.  I would say she is pretty much home free with the oldest and the other three have a long ways to go.  Seems Alexia is now attending college in Boston.

  • Love 5

The funny, or ironic part, of all this is that Rick and Kathy are the ones who are coming off kind of desperate.  Mauricio left Hilton and Hyland and has become extremely successful.  Kyle, the child who was pretty much in the shadows of Kathy and Kim, has become a popular reality star who happens to have a seemingly great husband and good children.  And where are Rick and Kathy?  The vast bulk of the Hilton estate has gone to charity.  Their children, for the most part, are an embarrassment.  Kathy has tried realty programming but failed.  Kim is an addict.  


In the end, Kyle got the brass ring.  Sure, she has issues because of the history of the family dynamic.  But in the end she came out on top.  I think this bugs Kim, Kathy and Rick no end.  Rick's statements about Kyle quitting was just another ploy.  A manipulation attempt.  I don't think it's gonna work.  When asked about what Rick said, Kyle skirted it without putting down Rick....like a good younger controlled sister but she didn't give in to what 'they' want.  She's been put through enough of a guilt trip by her sisters and brother in law.  But in the end, it ain't gonna work.  She won't say anything bad in public but she 'knows' what's going on - and certainly Mauricio knows.

  • Love 14

Is Rick on drugs? How can he just give an interview of made up stuff---Kyle leaving the show? Or is he mentally ill?


Well, since He, Kathy, and Kim used to party with Rick James and his crew, I am going to say yes drugs are most likely a part of his chemical makeup. As Rick James famously said "Cocaine is a hell of a drug."

  • Love 5

What Big Kathy did was drill it in to these girls heads there was never any accountability for bad choices. Kathy Hilton seems to be the one that carries that to the extreme. Kim is obviously a mess and simply acknowledging the obvious was a big no-no to Big Kathy. Kyle just doesn't have a lot of crap going on because if she did Brandi would have outed it by now. So far her kids have been well behaved. I would say she is pretty much home free with the oldest and the other three have a long ways to go. Seems Alexia is now attending college in Boston.

"Good behavior" (success in the entertainment industry, or landing a rich man, through marriage or impregnation) clearly excused bad behavior to Big Kathy. Edited by Kokapetl
  • Love 2

Not bad considering it was up against the State of the Union address. I wonder how the 3 and 7 day ratings are doing?  I am surprised the ratings are as high as they not because Brandi is not on but because of the Yolanda business.  It is unnecessarily depressing and unnecessary in general.

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Wow.  The Curse of Oak Island is doing really well.  I don't watch it but see the commercials.  I'm not surprised at Fixer Upper.  It was a new episode IRC.  I really like Joanna.  I call her the lovely lady.  Chip is getting more and more annoying.  Moonshiners is more popular than RHBH?  Haha.  It's such a guy show (yes, I've sat through a few with the boys.  Don't understand why they don't get arrested after being on National TV)  Sorry - going off topic here.  It's a little bit fascinating to me.

Edited by breezy424
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One of the Best recap so far.

The conclusion is on point, IMO.


In a broader sense, the Housewives are all Faye Resnick. They're all capitalizing on a tragedy, whether it's a sister's death or addiction or Lyme disease or the O.J. trial. They have to play their scenes with passion or they won't work. And if they can manage a bit of self-awareness, a tiny wink to acknowledge the irony of it all, then they can really win the Housewives war. It's not that different from Saturday Night Live. The cast's awareness of the comedy is part of what makes that show exciting — they could mess up at any time — but nobody wants to watch them laughing between their lines. And so, I have to salute Faye. At the end of her confrontation with Kathryn, she doesn't even crack a smile when she says, "You look beautiful, by the way."

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Thinking about this made me realize that for all her current shadiness, Lisa VP and Erika are the only ones not capitalizing on others for their storylines:

Kyle - originally Kim, now Faith's connection to OJ, Hiltons

Yo - Lyme, kids' Lyme

LisaR - Yo

Eileen - sister's death

Kathryn - OJ, because let's face it, it there wasn't that connection, she wouldn't have been asked to be a HW

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LisaV definitely capitalizes on the storylines of others-- by CONSTANTLY bringing up the storylines of others. She initiates and/or delves into 'business' and then AFFECTS concern, laughing disinterest, or injured party feelings(when attempts are made to hold her, rightfully, accountable). Bringing up/delving into Mauricio's personal 'biness' . Bringing up Kim, persistently. Delving into Eileen's marriage(s). Delving into EriKa's s#!t. And on, and on, and...

But, for some peculiar reason, viewers don't accuse LisaV of the same intrusive fame'ho'ing behaviors as some of her fellow castmates. However, she IS an intrusive fame'ho'ing castmate.

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Book elitist, she definitely does those things, as all of them do. That's the nature of the show because everyone wants to know everyone else's business. What LisaV. doesn't do, which is my point, is try to make herself relevant through something not directly connected to her. She brought up Max's adoption but not in a "poor, woe is me way", and she did include Pandora's wedding back when, but again, it made sense to acknowledge it because she was the mother of the bride and it gave us party porn. I think LisaV.'s being less subtle this season, and she's looking a bit haggard. Maybe Ken's finally rubbed off on her too much.

  • Love 1

I thought Pandora's wedding was included as a last minute palate cleanser after Russell killed himself.

I think the wedding was always to be part of the show even before Russell's suicide. That wedding really did show more of what the initial show premise was supposed to be about, over the top parties/events/gatherings/weddings and silly petty fights among all the women without them getting nasty/in the gutter. My, how timers have changed! LOL

ALL of THIS is based on editing.

I'm sure that Kyle is involved in all sorts of rich 'Beverly Hills' 'sorta-working a job' , social,...activities that have

absolutely nothing to do with Kim. But, it will not be shown. The same with the others. Eileen and LisaR actually WORK(well, you what I mean). However, we do not see that aspect of their lives. LisaV possesses more than irritating banter with an eye for lucrative(?) businesses. Yet, we will probably NEVER view her troubles, embarrassments,...because The Big Dawgs will not show them--probably never ever.

A lot of this reliance on Kim as a storyline, reliance on whomever and whatever as a storyline is dependent upon the manner in which it's edited. It excludes a great deal minimizing their lives. The editing makes expansive other portions of their lives. Both of these produce inaccurate skewing. And, LisaV is a part of that inaccurate portrayal.


Edited by BookElitist
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Book elitist, she definitely does those things, as all of them do. That's the nature of the show because everyone wants to know everyone else's business. What LisaV. doesn't do, which is my point, is try to make herself relevant through something not directly connected to her. She brought up Max's adoption but not in a "poor, woe is me way", and she did include Pandora's wedding back when, but again, it made sense to acknowledge it because she was the mother of the bride and it gave us party porn. I think LisaV.'s being less subtle this season, and she's looking a bit haggard. Maybe Ken's finally rubbed off on her too much.

I would take it a step further and say that not only do all want to know everyone's business, many times they may actually WANT the others to know their business are glad for the chance to discuss themselves. 


The wedding stuff and Lisa asking Kyle about it, seemed premeditated by Kyle to have it out on the show even if she claimed to be uncomfortable with the discussion later. The same seems to be true of many of the discussions that Kyle has had with Lisa where it concerns Kim. And, yes editing is also a HUGE part of it.


For all of the flack that Lisa is getting for the questions she asked Ericka, I see no actual animosity between the two of them. Just watching that hoverboard clip showed that Lisa and Ericka seemed to enjoy each other and could have fun together. Actually, I could see a friendship developing between the two of them if Ericka weren't so TeamYo because the two of them seem to have quite a bit in common. 


The questioning of the housewives on film has been used for exposition ever since the show began to focus on filming the housewives interacting with each other rather than just focusing on their individual lives. The problem is that now most of the cast on the show are pros. They know they need to interact and get to know their coworkers and the best way to do that is to ask questions. But, it's a doubled edge sword, because the person who is by all accounts "just doing their job" by asking the questions risks being made the villain for the episode or the season. And that could be true even if there was no actual drama between the two housewives after the interaction. 


For all of the posts about how Lisa was making digs with her questions about Ericka, I would be willing to bet that there are hours of footage of the two of them actually having fun. It sucks that there is footage of Lisa and Ericka holding hands and giggling as Ericka chides Lisa to take off her heels before getting on the hoverboard, yet all we got on the episode was Lisa acting as an investigative reporter and asking Ericka about her personal life. It just shows how much of the drama is manufactured in the editing process. 

Edited by MatildaMoody
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I am surprised this season has been doing decent in overall viewers, the demo has slipped overall but I expected worse due to how borings its been.

I think goes back to the "fan fav" factor.

As long as this show doesn't lose LVP and Kyle, viewers will still watch. Look what happened to RHONY when Jill, Kelly and the blonde got cut the ratings have never recovered since S4. Again these shows are like daytime soaps. Imagine Y&R getting rid of Victor Newman, Nikki Newman, and Jack Abbott at once that they probably would lose 500-600K of viewers. So yeah it can be boring but so as long the favs are there and add some new faces to back it up then they will be ok.

  • Love 6

I don't think Jill, Kelly and Alex were fan favorites though. It seems to me that the real decline in RHONY ratings was that it took nearly a year between S4 and S5 (when the whole cast shakeup first occurred) to air. I'm sure their departures contributed somewhat to the ratings decline, but I think any show would have had difficulty retaining viewership with that long of a break between seasons. 

  • Love 7

I don't think Jill, Kelly and Alex were fan favorites though. It seems to me that the real decline in RHONY ratings was that it took nearly a year between S4 and S5 (when the whole cast shakeup first occurred) to air. I'm sure their departures contributed somewhat to the ratings decline, but I think any show would have had difficulty retaining viewership with that long of a break between seasons.

Actually season 4 was the best rated season of RHONY. Hate Jill and Kelly if you want but I can't knock the fact there is something to "the love to hate factor" that kept people watching. Once they left that show it went down south in terms of the numbers. Cohen sure doesn't want to admit he made the wrong mistake but he did. He let the fan pressure of "The We Hate Jill" cries get to him. He tried to circle the show around Ramona and Sonja for two years and the new women but it didn't bring back viewers. Not even Bethenny can bring viewers back and she was the most popular thing the first three years.

Edited by BlackMamba
  • Love 8

Only on this show would “have a piece of bread!” be taken as a death sentence worthy offense.

Kyle is instapissed that Kim Twitchards has been brought up. You guys are stealing her only storyline. Kyle, who brought her addict sister on national TV, dragged her through the mud purposely numerous times, set her up to fail publicly and suffer the wrath of the twitterverse, and chased her through a hotel in season one to out her addiction on camera, feels bad. LOL! KYLE IS THE FUCKING WORST.


She says she doesn’t wanna talk about Twitch, so Rinna says that she feels bad talking about Twitch. But then keeps talking about Twitch.


Rinna tells us how scary Twitch got in Amsterdam, and the editors cut to Rinna throwing a glass at Twitch. Shady ass editors are national heroes, people.


Erika’s back at the home Don Rickles’ Ball Sack Built. She’s giving us a little inside look into what her marriage is like. Fucking awkward. I can say this: she’s earned every goddamn cent.



Erika tries to get in on the convo, as she senses her cash cow is about get milked by another farmer. Don snaps “Excuse me, Erika! I’m talking, not you!” Then he turns that twinkle back on as Lisa giggles. I think is is the best scene of the season. I’m dying over here.


  • Love 2

I don't think Jill, Kelly and Alex were fan favorites though. It seems to me that the real decline in RHONY ratings was that it took nearly a year between S4 and S5 (when the whole cast shakeup first occurred) to air. I'm sure their departures contributed somewhat to the ratings decline, but I think any show would have had difficulty retaining viewership with that long of a break between seasons. 


The show also felt nasty and played out. RHONJ kept all the people who made that show feel nasty and played out, and their ratings still dropped like a stone.


RHOBH is lucky to not have dropped more because they've consistently made the wrong choices in narrative year after year after year. They can't seem to help themselves. Way too much Brandi, way too much Kim, way too much Yolanda. Toxicity and obsessive coverage of that toxicity. The Brandi/Joyce/Carlton stuff in particular was just unwatchable and trashy and made a joke of anything Cohen puffed the show up to be.


If Yolanda goes Rinna will probably end up taking that messy, overexposed slot.

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Forgive me if this has been mentioned already, but I was watching Inside Edition last night, and they showed Bella Hadid before plastic surgery.  First off, I had no idea she even had plastic surgery since she looks so much like Gigi, but lo and behold, she apparently had plastic surgery to look like Gigi!  Before plastic surgery she was the spitting image of her dad, Mohammed!




More photos here -->https://twitter.com/bellahadidb4su1


HOLY CRAP, she's a completely different person now!

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