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Lisa Rinna: These are the Lips of her Life

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There is the infamous arm pit vagina of Lipsa's.  From TrashTalk's latest review.  http://www.trashtalktv.com/02/03/real-housewives-of-beverly-hills-recap-cud-on-the-dance-floor/378823/

I have always been a fan of sleeveless turtleneck on a woman. Now? eh.........


If she didn't shave her armpits, things would get interesting?

  • Love 1

I don't know why people rag on Lisa R. about her haircut. Goldie Hawn has been wearing her same hairstyle for decades a nobody criticizes it. If a style works well and a woman wants to stick with it, then fine by me. That perky short cut suits Lisa's personality and is part of her brand.

Edited by grisgris
  • Love 7

I didn't see Kim as being harassed on that flight. Not at all. Just because Kim responded with "drop it now" doesn't mean that she was being harassed IMO. As usual, Kim didn't want to have to be responsible for dealing with a mess that was 100% her own making. Kim seemed like she was the one being offensive while LisaR was trying to deal with Kim being a total bitch towards her. The silent treatment isn't really a reasonable solution when they're required to interact with one another. I thought Kim not wanting to talk to her was childish and cowardly but the entire situation could have been avoided if Kim hadn't started off the trip being nasty. (Or to take it back further, they wouldn't have had their issue in the first place if Kim hadn't relapsed and been blasted on however many kinds of drugs.)

Like Brandi, LisaR needs to give Twitter a rest. That being said, being combative through Twitter is ultimately better than being physically combative with people in real life. Again, we're talking about a woman who tried to assault a police officer last year lol. Between the two of them Kim easily seems the most violent. Take Kim on Game Night with Brandi where Taylor felt that she had to come in between them. Kim was so loaded that she was totally willing to go there and didn't stop until another woman came between her and her target. (Brandi was equally aggressive. I can defend her on Game Night all day long but not in the moment where she and Kim both seemed like they were ready to get physical.) Another time that comes to mind is Kyle's White Party in season 2 where Kim was aggressive and totally in Brandi's personal space.

First Lisar tries to grab Kim by the neck


Then she tries to glass her, but the combination of being restrained and Kim being too far away prevents her.



Then, after being pulled back, she smashes the glass.


  • Love 4

Holy shit!

It is a good thing BG was there that day.

Kyle was stunned and did absolutely nothing to defend her sister.

Where is her Loyalty? Lol

Here is the video:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I8eWvdaIN_Y  it happens very fast and Brandi is trying to pull Kim back because Kim keeps going in.  I don't see any "glassing" as in the glass as a weapon.  I do see a little bit of Eileen adding her two cents to the conversation. The hand gesture as in a one handed strangle is very momentary.  Oh Yolanda jumps in to restrain Lisar.  With the audio it paints a different picture.  This was not Kim innocently being attacked.  Kim wanted to fight, Brandi was actually the one who interfered with her forward motion.  It would have done no good for Kyle to jump in as Brandi was enough.  The one who needed restraining was Lisar and Yolanda stepped in.  Kim didn't need defending that night, she needed to be restrained and Kyle's verbal efforts were futile.  I believe if Kyle would have put her hands on Kim to protect her, Kim would have seen not as protection but an attack.   


None of this would have happened had Brandi not lied about Lisar.  To me, Brandi did what LVP was accused of doing to Brandi, stirring her up, to try and garner sympathy for herself.  From the videos of Kim's new show she is still getting physical.  As if the damn finger pointing isn't enough. 

  • Love 8

   To me, Brandi did what LVP was accused of doing to Brandi, stirring her up, to try and garner sympathy for herself.  From the videos of Kim's new show she is still getting physical.  As if the damn finger pointing isn't enough. 

Except that we have never seen LisaV lie to anyone like Brandi out and out lied to Kim. At most, IMO, LisaV says/gives her opinion or says how she was hurt, ect. but Brandi lies, she leaves out critical parts to a story, much like we saw Erika do at the beach with Yolanda, to remove all blame from herself. We have yet to hear ANY of the HWs accuse LisaV of lying.

  • Love 2

I don't often believe Kim, but her explanation about what she was saying about Harry made sense in that addled Kim sort of way.  Whenever Kim is called out she turns things around on the person.  Yolanda had just announced the HH family history and HH being three years sober.  Kim claims, she was telling Lisar to look to her own family and not talk about her.  With this I agree with Kim, Kim had pretty much done everything, from kicking Lisar in the limo on her way to Eileen's to telling her she did not want to talk about it.  Kim being a trained actress, knows how to get the most out of a comment.  And that one was a winner, with traction.  Lisar did not help the cause by trying to play it off as if Kim was engaging in idle gossip.  I also believe Kim when she said she did not recall calling Eileen a beast.  I think deep down and with Brandi's urging, Kim was very envious of Eileen.  Fresh off her Emmy win, employed and beloved actress, happily married with kids and married to a child star.  Not only a child star but a successful professional gambler-all things Kim had at one time.  (Don't know if Monty was ever actually successful as a gambler.)  Kim I think was influenced by Brandi and the Vince/Eileen cheating.  Something Kim has no business talking about since she left both her husbands for other men.


I think Harry Hamlin has explained at least three times on WWHL, that early in his movie career, he played a gay man in Making Love.  It sunk his cinema career but it did get him LA Law and the subsequent "Sexiest Man Alive" title.   From reading Harry Hamlin interviews I do believe he essentially honest and outspoken about a variety of causes.  He came from a family of rocket scientists and talks of their addiction to amphetamines back in the day.  If he were a gay man I think he would step forward and claim it.  There is always "chatter" about lead actors being "gay".  These days I don't think it is as much of a stigma.  I am sure there are many who would applaud him leaving Lisar.   If Kim were trying to revive the chatter she did so at a greater risk to her public persona.   


My complaint with Lisar is she way too talkative about stuff.  It is not believable for one minute Lisar cared or loved Kim.  Lisar was pissed because Kim was under the influence, insulting and rude.

  • Love 3


This right here is why no amount of finger pointing or verbal provocation from Kim will ever justify what Lisa did in my personal moral code. It is very difficult for me to understand how this is not seen as attempted assault. If Brandi had been the one to do this to Kim would anyone be saying Kim was the instigator and it wasn't right but hey what can you expect after all that harassment? Just because we haven't seen Lisa R burn bridges like Brandi doesn't give her reaction of physical violence legitimacy, IMO.

ETA: I'm not comparing this to Kim and the cop. She was rightly arrested. It's not an issue of who is more violent for me, but that in this instance Lisa R is guilty of attempted assault.

Edited by The Mighty Peanut
  • Love 6

To me, all the screeching arguments and bony fingers pointed at someone do not and cannot justify attempted assault, assault or assault with bodily harm. There was a good chance that Lisar could've wounded and disfigured Kim's face. Arguments are not illegal per se, this whole show is based on arguing. Lisar's actions were very likely criminal.

Lisar stood and leaned over the table to try to grab a seated Kim's neck, she stood and leaned over a table to thrust a wine glass at seated Kim's face, the long arms of Brandi kept her back, and while being restrained and pulled away from the table by Yolanda, Lisar threw a wine glass in the general direction of Kim, who had retreating from the table by then.

I honestly think Kim suddenly remembered something from 30 years, something that would finally get Lisar off her case. Lisar seemed to know just what it was, and tried to jam a wine glass in the face of a seated Kim so fast, that there seems to be some substance to what Kim "knows".

  • Love 4


This right here is why nothing Kim said or did, no amount of finger pointing or verbal provocation will ever justify what Lisa did in my personal moral code. It is very difficult for me to understand how this is not seen as attempted assault. If Brandi had been the one to do this to Kim would anyone be saying Kim was the instigator and it wasn't right but hey what can you expect after all that harassment? Just because we haven't seen Lisa R burn bridges like Brandi doesn't give her reaction legitimacy, IMO.

That photo is in mid face/chin grab, not mid neck grab. LOL Not that it excuses LisaR putting her hands on Kim in any way but she did not grab Kim's neck. I think because LisaR was appalled at her own behavior immediately afterwards, more, including me, were more forgiving of her and her actions. Especially in contrast to Kim's smugness in the moments after it all happened, then coupled with LisaR apologizing to Kim the next morning with no apology coming from Kim for her ugly behavior. I do agree, LisaR has the same bridge burning potential that Brandi had. I found it telling that when asked, via twitter, who she is close to on the show, LisaR tweeted Eileen and not Kyle.

  • Love 6

First Lisar tries to grab Kim by the neck


Then she tries to glass her, but the combination of being restrained and Kim being too far away prevents her.



Then, after being pulled back, she smashes the glass.


Right, I've seen these before, and I don't see any evidence of LisaR trying to "glass" Kim. Kim had the contents of the beverage thrown towards her and didn't back down for a second. It's very different when one watches the clip. 


Obviously we have to agree to disagree that LisaR is the more violent and unstable one between the two women. I wouldn't be nervous traveling anywhere with LisaR. Kim though I have no doubt that no matter who she's with she always difficult, prickly, grumpy, quick to be offended, and there's always the risk that she'll be on something which only makes her worse. She's never not been a mean and sour grump whenever they've gone on vacation. (One of the many myths about Kim Richards is the idea that she's nice and sweet when she's "sober". Definitely not from what I've seen.) 


As far as the idea that LisaR's table antics in Amsterdam are in any way comparable to Kim's long list of offenses, I just don't see it. If we're really talking about who has the "moral" ground between LisaR and Kim there's no contest because Kim, as everyone knows, is the type of person who frequently drives around while she's under the influence and this is behavior that has gone on for years. We've seen her driving loaded on camera--this woman was putting people's lives at risk last year on multiple occasions. That is about a thousand times more dangerous than anything LisaR did at that table in Amsterdam. 


Even as much as Kim likes to make herself a victim, she never once claimed to feel unsafe around LisaR. When I think of crazy Kim on that car ride talking about how "ornery" she feels and the way she was physically kicking out, I can totally see why LisaR felt trapped and nervous. Certainly more so than Kim on the flight to Calgary. Kim wasn't been victimized by LisaR on that flight. She was being made to answer for her shitty behavior and had a problem with that because, as usual, Kim doesn't like being held accountable. 


If these aren't indications that Kim is a person that is incredibly difficult for anyone to deal with then I don't know what else to say. It speaks to how awful Kim has been season after season that most people were siding with the woman who foolishly chose to break her wine glass. It was wrong and unacceptable but Kim (IMO) still came off worse on every level because she has a way of being unrelentingly mean and nasty every single season. 


Rinna has only been on for two seasons but I don't get a mean and nasty vibe from her the way that I constantly do from Kim. Many of them have called Rinna a people pleaser and less charitable people think of her as a kiss ass. Either way, Rinna tends to make nice for the most part unless you really give her a reason to not care for you and even then she'll be civil for the sake of filming. This isn't Kim's MO at all. Kim will continue to be a total bitch no matter what she does and she *NEVER* ever makes apologies. She's certainly never apologized for any of the trips she's ruined. That's another difference between LisaR and Kim--LisaR is able to acknowledge mistakes that she's made, she's corrected behavior, and she's even apologized. Kim doesn't do any of these basic things so for me it's impossible to feel sorry for her. I only feel sorry for the people who are in her life who have to deal with her like her family and the various co-stars that she's treated like shit over the years.

  • Love 6

I have witnessed actual acts of this "glassing" (nobody I know has ever called it that), and this was not even an attempted "glassing" (which, by the way, one does not do with a wine glass, and requires breakage BEFORE lunging).


Zapruder the fuck out of that clip, but a single frame does not a smoking gun make.


This is not to excuse any behavior on anyone's part, but I've seen a few real bar fights with real badasses.

  • Love 9

An object like a wine glass does not necessarily need to be "pre broken" for a glassing. They are sufficiently fragile to break and wound if enough force is applied when they strike or impact the face.

Rinna was likely trying to strike Kim with the wine glass. She tried to grab Kim's neck just moments before. She was not going for a trifling attack.

  • Love 3

An object like a wine glass does not necessarily need to be "pre broken" for a glassing. They are sufficiently fragile to break and wound if enough force is applied when they strike or impact the face.

Rinna was likely trying to strike Kim with the wine glass. She tried to grab Kim's neck just moments before. She was not going for a trifling attack.

But she didn't try to hit Kim with the glass at all. She very deliberately broke the glass on the table. 

  • Love 4

It's interesting that as Rinna's going for her throat, Kim seems to be leaning into it.  I am Brandi's size, but a complete coward at heart.  I would be cringing away and crawling under the table.  In my experience, it's the pint-sized women who like to fight.


None of this would have happened had Brandi not lied about Lisar.  To me, Brandi did what LVP was accused of doing to Brandi, stirring her up, to try and garner sympathy for herself.  From the videos of Kim's new show she is still getting physical.  As if the damn finger pointing isn't enough. 


What is "Kim's new show"?

An object like a wine glass does not necessarily need to be "pre broken" for a glassing. They are sufficiently fragile to break and wound if enough force is applied when they strike or impact the face.

Rinna was likely trying to strike Kim with the wine glass. She tried to grab Kim's neck just moments before. She was not going for a trifling attack.


If, if, if.


Lisa was "most likely" tossing the contents of said wine glass towards Kim's face a la Brandi, and then smashed the wineglass down on the table.


Very few "glassings" occur with intact glasses.


And she was going for Kim's mouth, but Kim flinched.


I've watched the tape, too.

Edited by walnutqueen
  • Love 8

It's interesting that as Rinna's going for her throat, Kim seems to be leaning into it.

What is "Kim's new show"?

She did go for the jaw.

More pics, in no particular order, to show Kim being somewhat aggressive (but not violent).





I just like the Pantene spin on the last one.

Edited by Kokapetl
  • Love 1

LisaR repeatedly asked Kim to elaborate so I'm not convinced that she feared what Kim would say. Some people suspect that Kim was forced by production to back off but I'm not convinced either way.

If there wasn't something there, Lisa wouldn't have exploded in such an irrational way that she didn't even consider the safety of the others. jmo
  • Love 5

LisaR repeatedly asked Kim to elaborate so I'm not convinced that she feared what Kim would say. Some people suspect that Kim was forced by production to back off but I'm not convinced either way.

Why risk being charged with assault over nothing? Lisar mostly said "don't touch my husband!", "don't you ever go near my husband!". Lisar lost it really quickly.

  • Love 2

Why risk being charged with assault over nothing? Lisar mostly said "don't touch my husband!", "don't you ever go near my husband!". Lisar lost it really quickly.

I don't think she was thinking about assault or anything logical in that moment. I don't think she was considering risks, I think she was simply (over)reacting. I also disagree that she lost it quickly or that the anger was purely about Harry. I felt like she was responding (inappropriately) to all of Kim's bullshit from that evening. Nothing makes the wine glass incident okay and it should never have happened.

I just disagree that Kim is deserving of any sympathy over the incident. In addition to that don't think that Lisa would have responded in that way if Kim hadn't been so consistently awful from the get go. Both women were responsible for making the scene escalate. Kim was the first to stand up that night. Kim was the first to get rude. Kim was the first to use aggressive body language. Kim was the first to name call. Kim was the first to start using profanity that night. It wasn't like LisaR's anger came out of nowhere or that her response was the equivalent of bringing a gun to knife fight.

She was 100% wrong but I'm not convinced that she's a violent ticking time bomb who is just waiting to assault one of the other women.

  • Love 8

I don't care who started the argument, or why each one argued.  I don't even care about who was right and who was wrong in the beginning.  I don't know (or care) where the law stands on this.  I only know that when the ruckus was over, I was aghast that LisaR was not given a date in court on charges of attempted assault with a deadly weapon -- and yes, a glass can be horribly deadly when slashed through an artery in the neck or elsewhere on the body.


ETA:  I learned an important lesson from watching this episode, though.  At all costs, avoid LisaR when she's drinking and aggravated, and the same goes for Kim!  Maybe an even bigger lesson is to avoid the whole gang whenever they're having drinks or dinner together.  That means a fight!  I groaned the other night when Kyle announced a BBQ!  Sure 'nuf, it was a double whammy -- evening gowns and Faye!  

Edited by Lura
  • Love 5

I don't care who started the argument, or why each one argued.  I don't even care about who was right and who was wrong in the beginning.  I don't know (or care) where the law stands on this.  I only know that when the ruckus was over, I was aghast that LisaR was not given a date in court on charges of attempted assault with a deadly weapon -- and yes, a glass can be horribly deadly when slashed through an artery in the neck or elsewhere on the body.

If she'd attempted to assault Kim with a deadly weapon then I'd agree but I only saw the table being assaulted.

I guess LisaR is as lucky as all of the times Kim managed to not turn her car into a deadly weapon. (Not to mention her weapon of a dog.)

  • Love 5

I don't care who started the argument, or why each one argued.  I don't even care about who was right and who was wrong in the beginning.  I don't know (or care) where the law stands on this.  I only know that when the ruckus was over, I was aghast that LisaR was not given a date in court on charges of attempted assault with a deadly weapon -- and yes, a glass can be horribly deadly when slashed through an artery in the neck or elsewhere on the body.

Well no one was cut (thank goodness) and all Kim got was a third of a glass of wine tossed on her.  Perhaps Dutch law is such they don't waste their time on tourists having arguments.  The bottom line no one was hurt except Kim and Lisar's reputations.  It has been my experience that local constabularies don't ant to mess around with misdemeanors.  Similar to Kim BREAKING THE LAW with her luggage on the escalator and Brandi being hurt-where were the cops?  There many people behind Kim who could have been seriously injured. 


As much as Brandi and Kim tried to imply Lisar had prior criminal convictions or was insane (just so much pot calling kettle) Lisar seems to have prattled through life without a history of bar fights or outbursts.  Can't say the same for Brandi or Kim. 


To me, Lisar lost a lot of dignity with her unnecessary outburst.  It is hard to take her seriously now when she again becomes "enraged".

  • Love 6

Kim on the escalator was a mishap, there was no malice in her actions. She's an idiot.

Intent was formed when she got on the escalator (against the law) with her rolling bag.  I am half way kidding and if someone were seriously hurt Kim could be held accountable.   Totally agree she is an idiot and blaming Kyle for it was even dumber.

  • Love 7

Lisa must've really wanted to shut Kim up - imo there's something about Harry that freaks Lisa out.

I agree.


I think Kim DID say something damaging (at least in Lipsa's view) and BRAVO obligingly edited it out, as long as Lipsa would agree to film that completely staged, obviously fake and tense, following day stuff with Kim.


I will always believe that, and further, I think Bravo left it out more as a courtesy to Harry than giving one damn about Lipsa. 

  • Love 4

I agree.

I think Kim DID say something damaging (at least in Lipsa's view) and BRAVO obligingly edited it out, as long as Lipsa would agree to film that completely staged, obviously fake and tense, following day stuff with Kim.

I will always believe that, and further, I think Bravo left it out more as a courtesy to Harry than giving one damn about Lipsa.

I think Lisa will wear out her welcome very fast. Or even just be disposed of by producers, she's "keeping it real", the "real keepers" don't last.
  • Love 2

I get the impression that the producers like what Rinna brings to the table plus, as has been noted, she's a people pleaser so I wouldn't be surprised if she's considered to be one of the easier women to work with. I think she's willing to dance to whatever tune the showrunners come up with. She's not unlike Tamra in that sense.

I agree that Kim hit a nerve but I don't think that there's anything terribly sinister going on in the Hamlin household. Even if Harry is gay, they're clearly a committed couple in terms of being a partnership so I don't see what the big deal is from Kim's perspective.

I agree that Kim just wants the other women to be as miserable as she is.

The worst thing about that particular comment is that Harry didn't do anything to Kim but she had to bring an innocent person into it because that's the level she works on.

  • Love 6

I think Lisa will wear out her welcome very fast. Or even just be disposed of by producers, she's "keeping it real", the "real keepers" don't last.

Well, that's not exactly true, we still have TeresaG, Tamra, LuannD/Ramona/Sonja and Kenya/Porsha, so production does love themselves those that "keep it real". LOL What happened to Brandi was that she got physical with the slap and the wine throw for no reason other than to cause problems with LisaV/Eileen, she had gotten to the point that, other than Yolanda/Kim, no one wanted to film with her (Oh, and her real threats of physical violence to Kyle both on and off camera). Kim became a real liability for the rest of the cast, production and Bravo with her ongoing addictions. I think TPTB finally realized that THEY would be held responsible in the court of public opinion if anything happened to her or a cast member because of her, Kim's, addictions. Sooo, as long as LisaR doesn't attack/get physical with anyone for no reason, that other refuse to film with her (ala Brandi) or get drunk/high on camera all the time (ala Kim) I think she is safe for now. LOL I also think Andy secretly LOVES the "keeping it real" HWs more than the others. LOL

  • Love 4

I agree.


I think Kim DID say something damaging (at least in Lipsa's view) and BRAVO obligingly edited it out, as long as Lipsa would agree to film that completely staged, obviously fake and tense, following day stuff with Kim.


I will always believe that, and further, I think Bravo left it out more as a courtesy to Harry than giving one damn about Lipsa. 

Except Lisar repeatedly asked at the Reunion and Kim would not say.  So I can't imagine they would go to the trouble to edit it out and Lisar kept asking, "what did Harry do?" She tweeted it, he tweeted it.  it is just Kim' way of arguing.  Dirty.

I don't know what it is but Lisa has the rare combination of shit stirrer/likability going on.

Lisar asks the questions and verbalizes the observations no one else wants to be on their watch. 

  • Love 4

The thing with LisaR is that she is one of the very few housewives to come on the show who was also very open about being a fan of the show and many of the other franchises. So she is in a unique position to call out the things that fans had been screaming for years. Any of her pre-housewives WWHL appearances and interviews about the show will confirm this, IMO.

So, in the limo when Kim was obviously high, she called it out. It's what she did when she infamously uttered the words, "why is everyone afraid of Kim Richards?" Like Brandi, Lisa lacks impulse control. Unlike Brandi, she knows her career depends on her being a people pleaser.

So she makes nice as much as she can with production and does her best to be a cheerleader to the other wives. It's evident in her first season. She was giving 5 star Amazon reviews out like candy to every wife she interacted with - including Brandi. Remember the infamous lunch where Lisa tells Brandi they can't do an intervention for Kim? That was after Rinna did Brandi's podcast, which they also filmed for the show.

Rinna was supporting Brandi, which is why Brandi misrepresenting that conversation to Kim still sticks in my craw.

Rinna's real problem though is that she needs a handler when it comes to how far she should push her lack of impulse control. In her mind, a lot of What she is calling out is what any fan would call out. But then she goes the extra mile by taking it to social media. Like Brandi, she needs fan approval.

She has to make the choice between being a fan of the show and being a part of the show. She can't have it both ways if she is going to last.

I totally get where she is though. For her, "keeping it real" is calling out the same stuff the audience is saying. But, she is also charged with playing nice with production. The best example of that was when Kim came to her room for the "make up" scene after the blowup at the Amsterdam dinner.

Lisa obviously learned the answer to her question about people being afraid of Kim Richards.

Now she needs to learn the difference between being a part of the show and commenting on the show as a fan of it.

  • Love 5

I remember reading an interview with her before the season started airing where she said it was harder this season because without Brandi and Kim, basically it was harder to push for drama. Which explains her behavior. I like her for the show I just hope she gets her comeuppance later in the season/at the reunion and someone rips into her. She seems popular with most of the women.

  • Love 1

Lipsa gets drunk, she's slurry, and combative quite a few times.  (She's not the only one, they all looked a bit more than tipsy in the last episode, and in the one where they had the joint anniversary party, even though Lisa and Kyle's marriages are about 6 months apart.) 


I agree, Lipsa calls everyone out, but then she throws a fucking fit, and a glass, when someone tries to call out the reality in her life.  I may like her more once that actually happens.  As it is, she comes off as a gossip/busy-body, using Kim, Yo, or Brandi in order to have SOMETHING to bring to the show.

  • Love 3

You haven't seen her slur her words, and have trouble walking?  Next time, I'll point it out as it happens.  She's not alone, they all guzzle the booze.

No I haven't.  I do believe most of them try and not be filmed under the influence.  The ones I recall looking sloshed were Brandi and Kim, several times, Taylor, Carlton and Dana, the ladies in Palm Springs doing gymnastics, and LVP at the Hamptons dinner-she seemed a bit under the influence. I have seen them all struggle with walking because they insist on wearing 6" heels.  In Amsterdam Rinna's glass was pretty much full.   

  • Love 7


I agree, Lipsa calls everyone out, but then she throws a fucking fit, and a glass, when someone tries to call out the reality in her life.  I may like her more once that actually happens.  As it is, she comes off as a gossip/busy-body, using Kim, Yo, or Brandi in order to have SOMETHING to bring to the show.


Exactly. That's why I'm really curious if the eating disorder accusations will get any real discussion time, or if the "hey, anyone remember Kim is crazy?" defense will successfully divert the attention from her anorexia.


As for the #whatdidharrydo campaign...pure speculation but I've always seen that as (for lack of a better word) a double bluff. There are not that many things that could be applicable to the accusation she made about Harry. Cheating, cheating with a man, being involved in some sort of financial scandal, being in the midst of his own relapse, or perpetrating some sort of abuse. The affair/gay rumors are the most likely, and from what we've observed on this show with Taylor, Kim, and Adrienne it's that everybody in this group knows the secrets of everyone else and probably knows exactly what Kim was referring to--which is why Lisa R went from zero to 100. Kim broke the we don't talk about that rule as Kyle, Camille, and Brandi have done before her with Kim's alcoholism, Russell's violence, and Adrienne's surrogacy/marital issues, respectively. 


So, whether Kim decided she didn't want to out Harry or Bravo edited it out, Lisa R acted like she was SO INCREDULOUS as to what in the world Harry could have POSSIBLY DONE because she obviously has nothing to hide. Kim is SO CRAZY for suggesting this, look how CRAZY Kim is. EVERYONE LOOK AT CRAZY KIM. It was a safe bet. Either Kim is backed into a corner and can't say anything because it will make her look bad even worse, or, if Kim did decide to spill the beans, Lisa has firmly established that Kim will say anything to anyone and can't be trusted. Kim is pretty fucking crazy, and she does drop crazy bombs on people, so it worked, but (IMO) there was something to the accusation. 


Now she's been accused of something else that probably has some merit, and she's doing the exact same thing--don't look at me, look at this other person. This other person needs to own their shit. Not meI don't have any issues. 

Edited by The Mighty Peanut
  • Love 6

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