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Lisa Rinna: These are the Lips of her Life

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I find Lisa Rinna uber irritating. The banging body and the worked up face just barely conceal desperation. She's always leaning too far into whoever she's communicating with, trying to get ahead of whatever the theme du jour happens to be. She was all sensitivity and concern superficially during the recent get together where Yolo's health was being discussed but then you could almost see her sense the mood change and she switched on a dime to follow the soon-to-become Munchausen's theory. We're behind with the episodes here, so it doesn't surprise me to learn that Lisa has filled the role of chief researcher into Munchausen's, relieved at finding a role where she feels indispensable. She can barely get through a segment without referring to 'Harry Hamlin'. Others found this habit endearing, I think it reeks of insecurity. Hanging on to Harry Hamlin must be a full time job for 51 year old Lisa. I actually like Yolo, but I find her fawning over David Foster equally disturbing and disappointing. These women seem to live in terror that should they miss a week of workouts or a facial procedure, their husband will cheat or walk and be justified in doing so! Lisa Rinna looks like she'd happily disappear up Harry's rear and she looks as though she's been dieting in preparation for just such an honour. She seems to live in terror of being left out or the last to be in on a joke, like Taylor. Lisa at least seems blessed with neurological function, unlike Taylor, who seems perpetually stunned. Or that could be the result of her surgeon. And watching Lisa rearrange her face when she casts herself as therapist/sage/wise woman with the other HWs would be amusing but for the desperation running just under the surface. She says she never says 'no' to work and I guess that means she will fill whatever role she thinks her cast mates require at any time. She switched from compassionate girlfriend mode to leader of the lynch mob in a nanosecond when she perceived that was what everyone else was thinking with respect to Yolo. It was creepy and nasty. But that comes from insecurity. I wouldn't want to be the person who comes between her and Harry Hamlin! Finally, I also find her role as self appointed cast comedian extremely irksome. Every interview and every opportunity (such as the segment where she called her parents and got to say...wait for it... PENIS!!! How hilarious is THAT word?!) Lisa will attempt to be Boom Tish! amusing. She should stick to chasing her tail over what role she's supposed to play on this show. I'm bemused because as she herself will frequently remind the viewer, she has plenty of work, she seems to be capable of supporting herself if, God forbid, she had to, so is it an inability to exist unless she does so relative to Harry Hamlin? I think she has deep seated identity issues. Plus she was mean to Yolo. And I DO like Yolo (don't shoot! )

  • Love 8

The first time I heard someone refer to their husband using both names was Julia Roberts.  I had not heard anyone do that before.  I thought it was her way of making sure he did not become Danny Roberts or just Julia's husband.  Everyone now knows that he is Danny Moder! .  I thought it was adorable.  I don't know if she started this or it had been going on for awhile.  

  • Love 1

I find Lisa Rinna uber irritating. The banging body and the worked up face just barely conceal desperation. She's always leaning too far into whoever she's communicating with, trying to get ahead of whatever the theme du jour happens to be. She was all sensitivity and concern superficially during the recent get together where Yolo's health was being discussed but then you could almost see her sense the mood change and she switched on a dime to follow the soon-to-become Munchausen's theory. We're behind with the episodes here, so it doesn't surprise me to learn that Lisa has filled the role of chief researcher into Munchausen's, relieved at finding a role where she feels indispensable. She can barely get through a segment without referring to 'Harry Hamlin'. Others found this habit endearing, I think it reeks of insecurity. Hanging on to Harry Hamlin must be a full time job for 51 year old Lisa. I actually like Yolo, but I find her fawning over David Foster equally disturbing and disappointing. These women seem to live in terror that should they miss a week of workouts or a facial procedure, their husband will cheat or walk and be justified in doing so! Lisa Rinna looks like she'd happily disappear up Harry's rear and she looks as though she's been dieting in preparation for just such an honour. She seems to live in terror of being left out or the last to be in on a joke, like Taylor. Lisa at least seems blessed with neurological function, unlike Taylor, who seems perpetually stunned. Or that could be the result of her surgeon. And watching Lisa rearrange her face when she casts herself as therapist/sage/wise woman with the other HWs would be amusing but for the desperation running just under the surface. She says she never says 'no' to work and I guess that means she will fill whatever role she thinks her cast mates require at any time. She switched from compassionate girlfriend mode to leader of the lynch mob in a nanosecond when she perceived that was what everyone else was thinking with respect to Yolo. It was creepy and nasty. But that comes from insecurity. I wouldn't want to be the person who comes between her and Harry Hamlin! Finally, I also find her role as self appointed cast comedian extremely irksome. Every interview and every opportunity (such as the segment where she called her parents and got to say...wait for it... PENIS!!! How hilarious is THAT word?!) Lisa will attempt to be Boom Tish! amusing. She should stick to chasing her tail over what role she's supposed to play on this show. I'm bemused because as she herself will frequently remind the viewer, she has plenty of work, she seems to be capable of supporting herself if, God forbid, she had to, so is it an inability to exist unless she does so relative to Harry Hamlin? I think she has deep seated identity issues. Plus she was mean to Yolo. And I DO like Yolo (don't shoot! )

So good. Funny and on point. I need a smoke. I will add that I think she's a hack and is fortunate she landed HarryHamlin, else she'd be a regular working stiff. I think she knows this.

  • Love 4

I don't really find it annoying when someone refers to someone else using their full name.  It's a way of emphasizing something.  I don't do it but some people do.


What does kind of  annoy me is when someone makes reference to their spouse as 'my husband' when you know their husband.  Yeah, I know John or Tim or whoever - sometimes better than I know you - so just refer to them as John or Tim.  Same goes for your children.  It's just weird to me. 

  • Love 3

I don't really find it annoying when someone refers to someone else using their full name.  It's a way of emphasizing something.  I don't do it but some people do.


What does kind of  annoy me is when someone makes reference to their spouse as 'my husband' when you know their husband.  Yeah, I know John or Tim or whoever - sometimes better than I know you - so just refer to them as John or Tim.  Same goes for your children.  It's just weird to me.

Using first and last name would only annoy me if suddenly a co-worker started referring to her spouse that way, when in the past, she only referred to him as Harry. Her affectation last season was "What did Harry do?" Not HarryHamlin. Or she frequently called him "my husband". As if the other HWs and us didn't know she's married to HarryHamlin. Maybe she wants to remind us this season. In any event, I fully expect her to call him that from now on, probably while guffawing and slapping her knee - until LisaV is no longer amused. Then it's back to plain ol' Harry.

  • Love 4

So good. Funny and on point. I need a smoke. I will add that I think she's a hack and is fortunate she landed HarryHamlin, else she'd be a regular working stiff. I think she knows this.

I think Lisa Rinna still can't believe she snagged Harry.  I always got the feeling she'd do anything to keep him.  Kind of desperate.

The first time I heard someone refer to their husband using both names was Julia Roberts.  I had not heard anyone do that before.  I thought it was her way of making sure he did not become Danny Roberts or just Julia's husband.  Everyone now knows that he is Danny Moder! .  I thought it was adorable.  I don't know if she started this or it had been going on for awhile.  

I heard her do that when she was with Benjamin Bratt.  She was in a PBS special on Russia (I believe) and she referenced BenjaminBratt a few times.  So she's been doing it for a long time.

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I used to watch "Gene Simmons' Family Jewels" and he always called his girlfriend (of many years, now wife) by both her names: Shannon Tweed. When asked, he said he liked the sound of it and also I think he did say something about how he was still proud and happy to be the boyfriend of model Shannon Tweed. I kind of liked that because he acknowledged she had a career before meeting him and wasn't just his paramour.

  • Love 3

ITA. Lisa R can't have it both ways. She goes on Jenny McCarthy and says she knew that Yolanda's sickness would be the pivotal storyline this season and she didn't want to go there or have anything to do with it because Yolanda was such a dear friend and the topic was so dark, but that if she did say anything it would be something that Yolanda needed to hear versus what she wanted to hear because Lisa R is just a straightforward person. https://soundcloud.com/siriusxmentertainment/lisa-rinna-i-dont-feel-good-about-the-yolanda-storyline

So, did Yo NEED to see a picture mocking her? Is Lisa R having another anxiety attack in the corner right now because she "engaged"? Is this really something that different from something that Brandi would do? 


No.  It seems exactly like something Brandi would do.  I'm not a fan of Starr Jones but Rinna did something similar to this to her a few years ago.  Go ahead and be an attention whore, but why would you want to be known as a mean, attention whore?


Imo, it's one thing to be hateful about a reality star that you don't know on a forum where the likelihood of them seeing it is nil.  But if Lisa is making fun of Yolanda, that's beyond the pale.


I think she did it for attention.  But she's too stupid to see how it could bite her in the ass. 

  • Love 3

I went and looked at Rinna's greasy, possibly Yolanda mocking selfie, and surprise surprise, guess who's also got 2 daughters with modeling ambitions? Perhaps that's why Rinna is trolling for Instagram attention. Keep in mind, this is what her daughters look like. They both have their own Instagram accounts full of bikini photos, which is a little inappropriate for the 17 year old, and really inappropriate for the 14 year old.

  • Love 6

I went and looked at Rinna's greasy, possibly Yolanda mocking selfie, and surprise surprise, guess who's also got 2 daughters with modeling ambitions? Perhaps that's why Rinna is trolling for Instagram attention. Keep in mind, this is what her daughters look like. They both have their own Instagram accounts full of bikini photos, which is a little inappropriate for the 17 year old, and really inappropriate for the 14 year old.


I don't expect that Gigi and Bella will be willing to help the fledging Rinna girls, now.  They would have been good allies to have. 


The younger sister's Instagram:  What a contrast between the pictures of a barely 14 yo's pics (she just turned 14 in the summer) shown with her school chums goofing around, especially the boys who look 12 - and the sultry, kneeling on the beach, barely dressed picture. 


Get off Instagram Lisa and take a look at your little girl's account.

  • Love 5

The first time I heard someone refer to their husband using both names was Julia Roberts.  I had not heard anyone do that before.  I thought it was her way of making sure he did not become Danny Roberts or just Julia's husband.  Everyone now knows that he is Danny Moder! .  I thought it was adorable.  I don't know if she started this or it had been going on for awhile.

No, JR didn't start anything new. Long before Julia Roberts was a household name I knew a couple of women much older than me refer to their husbands by both their first and last names. Edited by Giselle

Ugh.  Stop with the 'sexy' pictures and tell your kids to get an education.  And have a real life.  Lisar is just trying too hard at redeeming her kids from last season. 


Credit to Kyle and Mauricio having Farrah (Yeah, I know she's a step daughter) graduate from college and Alexia being in her second year. 

  • Love 5

Ugh.  Stop with the 'sexy' pictures and tell your kids to get an education.  And have a real life.  Lisar is just trying too hard at redeeming her kids from last season. 


Credit to Kyle and Mauricio having Farrah (Yeah, I know she's a step daughter) graduate from college and Alexia being in her second year.

Kyle came thru for her daughters.
  • Love 3

I really don't understand Lisa Rinna. Twice this season she has unabashedly tried to stir the pot and then immediately backed away in either authentic or inauthentic shame - first, when she brought up Yolanda having Munchausen Syndrome (which she immediately retracted in all of this self-recrimination) and then again when she attempted to stir up shit against Erika before meeting her (and, again, she almost immediately withdrew her judgments and started beating herself up for it). I just don't get it. She generally presents this happy-go-lucky, friendly, devil-may-care, "ha! ha! Ha!" persona but then has these sudden jags of shit talking followed by a deep shame spiral. I feel like I have no clue as to the real Lisa Rinna. Sometimes she is outspoken and will say anything, other times she is proclaiming how hard it is to express her true feelings. I am starting to think Brandi may have been on to something last season when she said that people would come to see how crazy Lisa Rinna is in future seasons.

  • Love 9

I would think with Harry's education history he would encourage if not insist on them going to college all the while allowing them to explore any creative outlet.

I wonder if Lisa with her struggles as a B actress would also encourage education first then creative endeavors.

If they go the acting route they will definitely need to go to college.  The modeling route, sounds like it involves living in Europe and New York and doesn't allow for the college experience.  One thing they have going for them is their parents, much like Harry's, do not struggle financially, especially with a mother as a hustler.

I really don't understand Lisa Rinna. Twice this season she has unabashedly tried to stir the pot and then immediately backed away in either authentic or inauthentic shame - first, when she brought up Yolanda having Munchausen Syndrome (which she immediately retracted in all of this self-recrimination) and then again when she attempted to stir up shit against Erika before meeting her (and, again, she almost immediately withdrew her judgments and started beating herself up for it). I just don't get it. She generally presents this happy-go-lucky, friendly, devil-may-care, "ha! ha! Ha!" persona but then has these sudden jags of shit talking followed by a deep shame spiral. I feel like I have no clue as to the real Lisa Rinna. Sometimes she is outspoken and will say anything, other times she is proclaiming how hard it is to express her true feelings. I am starting to think Brandi may have been on to something last season when she said that people would come to see how crazy Lisa Rinna is in future seasons.

Total speculation on my part, I get the impression Lisar is repeating what others have said off camera.  That Munchausen conversation seemed like she fishing for input.

  • Love 4

I would think with Harry's education history he would encourage if not insist on them going to college all the while allowing them to explore any creative outlet.

I wonder if Lisa with her struggles as a B actress would also encourage education first then creative endeavors.

Wow, you were not kidding about Harry's education.

Yale drama...!!!

Color me impressed.

  • Love 4

Color me impressed.


Me, too.  I think he was the pres of his frat, too.  I'm surprised he fell for Lisa who seems like such a dim bulb. 



Hamlin graduated from Yale University with a BA in Drama and Psychology in 1974. Hamlin then attended the American Conservatory Theatre's Advanced Actor Training Program from which he was subsequently awarded a Master of Fine Arts degree in acting.


Did not know.

Edited by ryebread
  • Love 6

Also, has anyone else noticed how she's brought up several times how close she and Harry Hamlin were to being 'poor'? It's struck me as quite odd (especially since she seems to be cutting manufacturing costs on her QVC line lately). 


I think she's not lying, though 'poor' might be exaggerating.  It costs a lot of money to live in L.A. and they are actors who don't have steady income.  They sold a vacation house in Malibu several years ago.  


I thought it was odd that they had an online garage sale with several items in 2012, I think.  Notably, the "lucky table" that was featured on an episode. It was the head table at their wedding.  She loved that table and said it was so special.  Why sell?





  • Love 2

I do remember Harry Hamlin articulating very well the ups & downs of acting as a career - the audition process, the uncertainty, the long periods of unemployment. This was back during "Harry Loves Lisa" (I know, I know - but Rinna actually came off 10x more likeable than she does on RH). Harry also has the son with Ursula Andress as well as two ex-wives, and he got caught red-handed with Sheridan during his first marriage so it's possible he never saw a lot of his LA Law money.


Rinna has always seemed ready to hustle; I do mean that in a good way - always willing to work. I think I may be reading into her comments that she blames Harry for any lack of funds. Maybe the line about her starring in a diaper commercial "saved their bacon" planted that seed.  

  • Love 5

I think she's not lying, though 'poor' might be exaggerating.  It costs a lot of money to live in L.A. and they are actors who don't have steady income.  They sold a vacation house in Malibu several years ago.  


I thought it was odd that they had an online garage sale with several items in 2012, I think.  Notably, the "lucky table" that was featured on an episode. It was the head table at their wedding.  She loved that table and said it was so special.  Why sell?







Is her wedding table back up for sale? I'd swing buy and buy it if I had the space.

Edited by Giselle

If you follow the link, it appears you can still make an offer.


I'd love to have it but sadly it is too big and just wouldn't fit in my house. If I had the space I would be buying.  It would have gone beautifully with my large French bakers rack that I will never get rid of.


Looking at their webpage I saw the other 8 items they were offering. They are so varied in style I wonder if they are pieces they've picked up for a song and are just reselling.

Edited by Giselle
  • Love 1

Lisa says Yolanda's storyline is difficult for her.  Didn't she just say that about Kim?  Those 2 are making Lisa's life hard.  Bless her heart.


This is worth a listen - it's only  a couple minutes long.  The good stuff is after the 1:25 mark, though.  She's so full of crap, her eyes are brown.  She's being interviewed by Jenny McCarthy who is, imo, the blonde, slightly smarter version of Rinna.



  • Love 3

Lisa says Yolanda's storyline is difficult for her.  Didn't she just say that about Kim?  Those 2 are making Lisa's life hard.  Bless her heart.


This is worth a listen - it's only  a couple minutes long.  The good stuff is after the 1:25 mark, though.  She's so full of crap, her eyes are brown.  She's being interviewed by Jenny McCarthy who is, imo, the blonde, slightly smarter version of Rinna.



I have to admit, Lisa's comment about how it affects her is beyond STUPID! LOL

  • Love 4

I have to admit, Lisa's comment about how it affects her is beyond STUPID! LOL

If I were Kyle and LVP I would be ticked at Lisar for saying they were questioning Yolanda's disease.  They are trying, like everyone else to figure out what is wrong with Yolanda and by that everything that id wrong with Yolanda.  It is always Lyme Disease, added to the mix heavy metal toxicity, silicone poisoning, parasities-need a menu to get through her maladies.  And they are ever changing. 


The only honest thing-Yolanda being able to film.

  • Love 6

The thing I couldn't believe was Lisa being all, "I could just feel it - this was going to be the story this season, this is where it's going to go, I just had this intuition about it." Um, it wouldn't have been a story if you hadn't brought up Munchausen Syndrome on camera, you dumb ass! That's like someone robbing a bank and then saying later, "I just had this deep gut feeling that bank was going to get robbed, I just knew it was going to happen." This woman is kind of bat shit.

  • Love 11

The thing I couldn't believe was Lisa being all, "I could just feel it - this was going to be the story this season, this is where it's going to go, I just had this intuition about it." Um, it wouldn't have been a story if you hadn't brought up Munchausen Syndrome on camera, you dumb ass! That's like someone robbing a bank and then saying later, "I just had this deep gut feeling that bank was going to get robbed, I just knew it was going to happen." This woman is kind of bat shit.

I'm waiting for the scene with the psychic telling the girls that he can't see any Lyme.

  • Love 7

For the drama. With Brandi gone, someone has to "bring it"...and apparently Lisa got the job.


She's certainly well qualified.  Her marching orders from Bravo and her natural meanness are well matched.  But she practically had Jenny McCarthey in tears, ("Ohhh, Lisa" sniff)  because it's killing her emotionally. If raking sick people and their diseases over the coals is killing ya, quit.  But she'll do anything for a buck.  She's got no soul.  But she'll blame her dad and how he shushed her when she was a kid, for that.  I'm sure his Alzheimers is also "very, very difficult" for her and that's why he got her raking, too.

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