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S08.E01: Have a Little Faith

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Just hearing how bad off Bill's back truly was and then thinking about all those times he had the kids bouncing on him and he was lifting and holding and bending, wow. How he suffered through so much discomfort and pain for the sake of his family, he really is a standout husband and father.


The kids were too adorable. Will's speech is just growing by leaps and bounds, even though they had him captioned at times I didn't need help understanding him. And that smile is to die for. Zoey is such a sassy little princess to me, heh, I love how independent she is and how she makes her opinion known immediately.


It was nice seeing the baptism with the two families blended together. I was also glad to see the kids take it all in stride, no scream fits or wailing as they were watered and oiled. 

  • Love 5

I really adore this show. Seeing the kids laugh and smile makes me laugh and smile.

This episode was a hodge podge but I didn't care. Seeing the different things was fun. simply enjoy this family.

Bill and Jen love each other and their kids and it truly shows.

I'm a nurse and I've been in Orthopedics/Neuroscience the past 8 years. To know all the things Bill has taken on and sacrifices he has made the past 2 years with his symptoms and pain increases my respect for him.

Zoey is beautiful. Will's smile can still light up a room.

I'm looking forward to the season and seeing how confident Will has become in the pool. I think I watched that part 2 or 3 times.

  • Love 7

Will and Zoey are absolutely precious. That priest sure did drench those kids, though. He wasn't very gentle about it. LOL

Not to get too political, but I kept thinking that none of their state's representatives are likely to do anything to help people get healthcare (sadly neither are the reps from mine). The opposite is more likely. Surely Bill and Jen knew that.

OK, another soapbox subject... I completely respect that Bill would be concerned about losing the function that he has. However, as someone with paralysis, I really hate to hear all the doom and gloom whenever anyone speaks about using a wheelchair, particularly when that act like we can't parent and are "burdens" on our families. There is so, so much variation among people with differing abilities that you can't really apply the same blanket (negative) assumptions to all of us. But unfortunately, many people do just that. I'd say that those assumptions and attitudes in society are much greater barriers than any other challenge I've encountered. Just as Bill and Jen have successful lives despite their conditions, so do people with paralysis.

  • Love 15

Will and Zoey are absolutely precious. That priest sure did drench those kids, though. He wasn't very gentle about it. LOL

Not to get too political, but I kept thinking that none of their state's representatives are likely to do anything to help people get healthcare (sadly neither are the reps from mine). The opposite is more likely. Surely Bill and Jen knew that.


I looked this up to see what it was about.  It seems to be about Medicaid only.  Since many seriously disabled kids get Medicaid in their home states (often under waiver programs that disregard parents' resources), they often have trouble accessing care in other states.  (I practice disability and Medicaid law when I'm not wasting my time with TV watching and commentary.)


Anyway, here's my soapbox comment:  Medicaid is a state and federal program.  States usually limit payment to institutions and providers in their states, with some exceptions that are hard to get.  So let's say kid needs to travel to another state to get treatment not available elsewhere, they want to make it easier to access that.  They want to make it easier to obtain care at specialized children's hospitals.  The home state would have to pay the out-of-state provider with fewer hurdles to access the care.  Federal legislation could control this because Medicaid is overall controlled by Federal legislation, given that Feds pay half the cost. 


I think that this might have a chance of attracting sympathy support in Congress--at least that's what they are trying to do.  It would only apply to limited numbers of kids with unusual conditions.  It wouldn't really add to costs because ultimately these kids will need care paid for somewhere.  Also, there's lots of attention being paid to the idea now that better care coordination might save money in the long run.


Soapbox 2:

Katydid, I agree with your wheelchair post, but as I work with a lot of wheelchair users and other lawyers (and one who is both) who are big disability rights activists, I realize not everyone is yet up to speed on your thinking. Keep up the fight!  FWIW, there is a difference in Bill worrying about adjusting to a change in his abilities and someone who has already adjusted, or was born without an ability.  Good thing he installed an elevator in his house!

Edited by GussieK
  • Love 4

Let me preface this by saying that I don't believe children have a duty to entertain viewers.  That's not their "job" (or it shouldn't be)...


However, as kids whose lives are being taped for our viewing pleasure... I have to say that, while they're cute, when compared to a certain family of multiples, for example, who were ALWAYS saying and doing something genuinely adorable, not much is happening here!  Zoey "enjoying the beach just like her mama" looked to me like a child sitting in a beach chair, shielded from the sun, eating a snack.  I don't see a lot of progress in Will's speech other than the rather obvious dubbing by TLC, which I resent as a viewer.  I see the parents going through a lot of motions to make things look "crazy" and "fun" (and Jen talking a million miles a minute as usual) in an effort to demonstrate how amazing their kids are, but without much speech going on, it's just sweet smiles and funny expressions.  


And, of course, the endless "High five!" and "Awesome!" from Bill and Jen.  Maybe if they'd get out of the way and just let the kids interact (as they claim they do), it'd be a better show, at least in my opinion.  But, as I say, they're not obligated to "entertain" me...

  • Love 2

Let me preface this by saying that I don't believe children have a duty to entertain viewers.  That's not their "job" (or it shouldn't be)...


However, as kids whose lives are being taped for our viewing pleasure... I have to say that, while they're cute, when compared to a certain family of multiples, for example, who were ALWAYS saying and doing something genuinely adorable, not much is happening here!  Zoey "enjoying the beach just like her mama" looked to me like a child sitting in a beach chair, shielded from the sun, eating a snack.  I don't see a lot of progress in Will's speech other than the rather obvious dubbing by TLC, which I resent as a viewer.  I see the parents going through a lot of motions to make things look "crazy" and "fun" (and Jen talking a million miles a minute as usual) in an effort to demonstrate how amazing their kids are, but without much speech going on, it's just sweet smiles and funny expressions.  


And, of course, the endless "High five!" and "Awesome!" from Bill and Jen.  Maybe if they'd get out of the way and just let the kids interact (as they claim they do), it'd be a better show, at least in my opinion.  But, as I say, they're not obligated to "entertain" me...


Agree.  Both Will and Zoey are very cute, but then I think most kids under the age of 6 are adorable and very watchable, as I'm guessing most women do.  And as a teacher of children that age, I can vouch for the fact that ALL parents say the things we hear Bill and Jen saying."X is amazing, X doesn't miss a trick, X is so smart etc..."  Yep, parents - you're right to feel that way.  They're YOUR kids.  But trust me, for the most part they're all just basically normal kids.  Not really all that amazing or smart, just about as smart as the kid sitting next to them.  Once in a while there's an exception but that's definitely once-in-a-while.  And it's really too soon to know whether or not Will and/or Zoey are one of those exceptions.  I do agree that Bill and Jen should do some standing back too.  To promote more complex language [especially from Will] ask more open-ended questions, ones that can't be answered with just "yes" or "no."  Not "Did you have fun at school today?" but rather "Tell me about what you did at school today..." Jen should try a little less stage-managing too, but it's just her nature.  ALL parents have both skills and "faults" that they need to learn how to use to best advantage in their parenting.  In their case, it's really great that Jen is type A, and Bill is SO laid-back.

  • Love 3
I have to say that, while they're cute, when compared to a certain family of multiples, for example, who were ALWAYS saying and doing something genuinely adorable, not much is happening here!


With six (or more) the odds of getting at least one saying or doing something genuinely adorable is increased greatly. In my experience with kiddos, while 2 & 4 year olds are cute they aren't ALWAYS cute and they certainly aren't always entertaining. Seeing Zoey and Will just do their thing is cute enough to me. As I mentioned above, the little moments like seeing Zoey lick the compressed dirt disk to taste it and when they were eating cupcakes seeing frosting all the way up into her bangs is cute.


BUT I did stop watching about 1/2 way through to go to bed. I didn't like how tonight's episode was cut so roughly. Zoom we're doing this thing. Zoom we're doing that thing. Zoom now we're in DC. Zoom Bill's talking about surgery. Usually they have a theme or one or two activities for the episode. This one was very disjointed. I presume it was because of a - Honey Boo Boo's cancellation and b - they were trying to catch us up on what they did over the summer? 

  • Love 1

I always find Zoey remarkably entertaining because she seems like the only one who knows being on a reality show is just odd. Obviously Bill and Jen know what's going on and Will just seems to get along with everybody and everything, he has a fantastic personality and would make a great congressman someday like Jen joked about. What I love about Zoey is that every so often she just looks at the camera with a questioning, quizzical sort of "what on earth" look that's so natural it cracks me up. It should be strange having cameras in your face and Zoey makes that known occasionally just by the look on her face. I love her! She's just really bright and adorable.

It was great to see the family back and Jen putting her medical degree and new found popularity to good use as always. Anyone who follows her Twitter account knows how much children's healthcare means to her. I liked her speech too, very smart, concise and with personal anecdotes of her early days in hospitals. I thought it was really poignant when she described how her family didn't take vacations, they went to Baltimore for Jen's surgeries instead.

I hope everything goes well with Bill's surgeries and he doesn't have to have the spinal fusion, since the recovery time is so much longer. I like how you learn so much about Skeletal Dysplasia on this show, it's not only an entertaining and fun show but very informative too.

Edited by Limelight
  • Love 2


I looked this up to see what it was about.  It seems to be about Medicaid only.

I'm guessing you made this comment before seeing the show. If so, and you still haven't seen it for this reason, there were only 5 minutes spent on the government stuff after half the show was over, including lunch at the rep's office.


Imagine Will being Texas' next Ted Cruz.


Back in the dark ages, Zoe would not have gotten baptized by some priests because she wasn't named after a saint....liked the kids rosary beads.


Will doesn't seem to as many as two years older than Zoe. I wonder how these kids are compared to other kids their ages?

I have to say the season opener was a let down.  The show was poorly produced and there was no flow and I agree the background music was loud and simply annoying.  The only production change was to move it one hour earlier as viewers have been requesting for a few seasons so thank you HBB for opening up that spot!  The season openers are always an hour long so I am not buying the change to TLC's network schedule.  I thought I had kept my thumb on the FF button too long when we suddenly were in Florida.  I guess we will see if the next few shows follow a similar format.  


I was so hoping for Will to be speaking more than 2 words at a time and to be able to hear them clearly without a caption.  He says his words fast and clipped so instead of "Mamma I('m) wet"  he says "MAMA WET"  and he speaks in commands like when he wanted to get out of the stroller he said "BABA WALK!"  I agree with the poster who said the questions asked should be open ended questions yet Bill and Jen continue to ask him closed ended questions which the only answer to is yes or no.  He has been in speech therapy for a while now and they have the tools in addition to her medical background.  


I usually like Jen's outfits but the dress she wore to the baptism was not a flattering style and the color washed her out.  Bill looks great when he dresses up though and the kids always look great in their outfits.  


That Deacon was horrible and he put so much water on Will it went down his nose and throat but he was a trooper and didn't cry or anything.  


Jen referred a few times to her obsession with cleanliness while potting the plants!  I guess that dirt puck looked like a chocolate donut though for Zoey, too cute!  I loved how Will put his hands together squeezing the soil in one pot and then going into the other pot and doing the same thing, what was that?!!  Hilarious and he was grinding his little fingers in there like he thought he was doing something.


My disc herniated in my low back several years ago and I too lost sensation down my leg and woke up in agony every night for months.  Lifting/walking etc didn't bother me but sitting and staying in one position for a long time killed me.  I also had to sleep face down most of the time.  Well we know his surgery turned out well and he put everyone else ahead of him.  Damn those kettlebells!  

The strangest part was Jen emerging from the bedroom on the Saturday morning of the seed planting and Bill remarking, "I like your hair; your BLONDE hair!"  Also: am I crazy, or has Judy had plastic surgery over the "hiatus"?

I thought she either did her own color or she had just come home from the hairdresser because I too wondered why Bill seemed surprised and then they had a lengthy discussion about new glasses, her previous red hair and I thought where is this going?  Lame filler.


I did a double take when I saw Judy, she looked different but I can't say better and she seemed to have less makeup on which is why I thought she looked different.  

Edited by Foghorn Leghorn
  • Love 1
My disc herniated in my low back several years ago and I too lost sensation down my leg and woke up in agony every night for months.  Lifting/walking etc didn't bother me but sitting and staying in one position for a long time killed me.


Same thing happened to me years ago and yeah, same issue. I could walk and stand but sitting for too long made me cry. 


One other thing I forgot that was super cute - Will wrapping himself in the curtain like a burrito. I don't know what it is about sheer curtains like that but I remember doing it as a little kid too. I remember liking how you could still sort of see the world but not really because of the way the sheer curtain distorted your vision. 

  • Love 3

I'm looking forward to the season and seeing how confident Will has become in the pool. I think I watched that part 2 or 3 times.

Yes, I love that clip of Will diving into the pool.  I watch it on repeat too.  Also when the instructor throws him in the air and he holds onto his legs, which are in split form.  He is my favorite.  So happy and outgoing!


I have to agree that I did not like the editing and how they cut to each different location.


I'm just so happy the show is back.  I enjoy watching the kids do "normal" everyday things.

  • Love 4

I haven't seen the episode yet, and I wouldn't have anything to compare it to anyway ... however the talk about the editing?


I know that the original new season date was somewhere in 2015, and I heard at first it was April.  However, because of the HBB thing, the general consensus was that they pushed up the season premier to fill in the time slot.  With that, I am sure there was some scrambling to edit.  I don't know if anyone out there has any experience in editing, but I do, and it's not an easy task.  I sometimes take 2 weeks to edit 10 minutes of material.  It's crazy stupid hard.  But then again, I am not a professional.  ::giggle::


Anyway, when I watch, I will give them a pass because I would think it sort of obvious that things got switched around, and they had to rush to production.  I am sure it will even itself out.


I actually am looking forward to seeing these kids!  I am a sucker for smiling kid faces!  Kids generally aren't able to fake those too well, they haven't learned that little life skill yet.  HA!

  • Love 7

I'm guessing you made this comment before seeing the show. If so, and you still haven't seen it for this reason, there were only 5 minutes spent on the government stuff after half the show was over, including lunch at the rep's office.


No, I had seen the episode, but I looked up the content of the proposed law on line.  Just was curious and wanted to respond to the other post. 

  • Love 1

I guess those of us then that have seen past seasons and watched last night are seeing something to mention.  


I have to apologize ... if I gave the impression that I negated the topic of editing concerns, that was not my intent.  It was just an observation about editing via personal experience.  Again, my apologies if my comment lessened anyone's comment on the subject. 

  • Love 4

My theory on the editing is that there isn't a whole lot of episode-worthy material here.  It seems almost like a random compilation of snapshots taken whenever they could capture a smile from Will or a quizzical look from Zoey or, of course, a publicity gig like going to Washington to lobby for legislation (not exactly "kids doing normal things" in my book).  With multiples who will not be named, you could pretty much just set up a camera and leave the room and we'd have an hour of cute comments and interactions (who can forget "Hannah's underwears" or "I can't see sheep"?).  Here, there's sure not a lot of dialogue, even with Zoey who - at age three - should be talking, and not just in monosyllabic responses to Jen's interrogation.  So I think they link together whatever useable footage they glean from who knows how many hours and hours of taping to elicit the desired response from the viewers.  Or at least that's what it looks like.

I guess those of us then that have seen past seasons and watched last night are seeing something to mention.  


Not all of us.  Editing, and the alleged dubbing is a total non-issue for me. 


I enjoyed the episode, especially the Baptisms.  Go figure, this old pagan agnostic would like the old church ritual (the priest was comical, too!).  But I like the idea of how it brings family or friends closer together to bond over the children - even if it's in church.  :-D

  • Love 7


Not all of us.  Editing, and the alleged dubbing is a total non-issue for me.


Non-issue for me as well.  I appreciate this show simply for letting us glimpse into the Arnold-Klein's lives.  It's cute and entertaining.  Nothing more. 


I loved the look on Jen's face as she told Will and Zoey "good-bye" and then turned around and walked away when they wouldn't come with her.  Her expression really looked as if she's "got" this mommy thing and she knows what she's doing!

  • Love 6

...That Deacon was horrible and he put so much water on Will it went down his nose and throat but he was a trooper and didn't cry or anything...

I agree. The Deacon was clearly going overboard with the water and the oil. I'm sure his heart was in the right place but was he trying to accomplish? heh heh

That said, I guess there are some religions who take the children/people who are to be baptized directly into a body of water and completely submerge their heads so, in retrospect, maybe this wasn't all that bad. I've just never seen a baptism, performed in a church setting, done with such enthusiasm.

Edited by tinderbox
  • Love 3

Let me preface this by saying that I don't believe children have a duty to entertain viewers.  That's not their "job" (or it shouldn't be)...


However, as kids whose lives are being taped for our viewing pleasure... I have to say that, while they're cute, when compared to a certain family of multiples, for example, who were ALWAYS saying and doing something genuinely adorable, not much is happening here!  Zoey "enjoying the beach just like her mama" looked to me like a child sitting in a beach chair, shielded from the sun, eating a snack.  I don't see a lot of progress in Will's speech other than the rather obvious dubbing by TLC, which I resent as a viewer.  I see the parents going through a lot of motions to make things look "crazy" and "fun" (and Jen talking a million miles a minute as usual) in an effort to demonstrate how amazing their kids are, but without much speech going on, it's just sweet smiles and funny expressions.  


And, of course, the endless "High five!" and "Awesome!" from Bill and Jen.  Maybe if they'd get out of the way and just let the kids interact (as they claim they do), it'd be a better show, at least in my opinion.  But, as I say, they're not obligated to "entertain" me...

BORING BORING BORING even though I do get entertained by their show, they are so damn boring. I totally agree with the progression of Will and Zoey for that matter, I saw no improvement at all. Maybe it wasn't highlighted on this first episode but, they really don't even have scenes set up to where the kids are able to talk and interact and maybe that is because they aren't advancing as fast as they would like. Seeing Bill complain or speak of being in a wheelchair as a reminder that he is a little person is rather annoying. Get over it, you have had a trillion surgeries in your life and you are aware that this is the hand you have been dealt. Be thankful that you can afford to travel any damn where to get medical treatment and take trips all over without any hesitation, I won't mention the fact that they spent between $75,000 and $250,000 for surrogacy and fertility treatments and have had a custom home built as well, oh I guess I did just mention it. They are so blessed and I am sure they are aware of this but, to hear all the doom and gloom and the music to accompany this is one big pity party. We see there lives day to day and I am sure they will be taking trips and having family over, Jen will probably show a hair appointment or a visit to Chloe to get a new outfit. I think it's time for this show to come to an end and leave it to update specials. I don't want to come off as insensitive about Bill but, I too have a disability and granted I haven't had as many surgeries as either Bill or Jen but, I have had my fair share and to constantly say this is a reminder of my disability is, in my opinion, begging for sympathy. As always Jen drove me bonkers, that laugh...UGH!!!

  • Love 2


I don't want to come off as insensitive about Bill but, I too have a disability and granted I haven't had as many surgeries as either Bill or Jen but, I have had my fair share and to constantly say this is a reminder of my disability is, in my opinion, begging for sympathy.


I think they're just creating a storyline, that's all.  

  • Love 1

I was so hoping for Will to be speaking more than 2 words at a time and to be able to hear them clearly without a caption.  He says his words fast and clipped so instead of "Mamma I('m) wet"  he says "MAMA WET"  and he speaks in commands like when he wanted to get out of the stroller he said "BABA WALK!"  I agree with the poster who said the questions asked should be open ended questions yet Bill and Jen continue to ask him closed ended questions which the only answer to is yes or no.  He has been in speech therapy for a while now and they have the tools in addition to her medical background.


Speech therapy isn't magic. It would be lovely if there was just a magic amount of therapy that Will needed and then he would speak clearly. The unfortunate reality is that Will may always have delays. He had a rough start and the damage might not be able to be undone. I'm not trying to be mean about it but sometimes, there's not any fix. I knew a guy in school who lisped and couldn't pronounce the letter R and his parents spent tons of money getting him every sort of therapy and he's 36 and still sounds like Elmer Fudd. I'm sure Bill and Jen don't want Will to have lifelong speech delays. If never ever asking Will a yes or no question and always demanding he thoroughly answer their open ended questions fully would bring about the change they want, I sense they would do it. No one *wants* their child to have serious problems.


I mean, they can throw all the money they want at it, and give Will all the treatments - it might not work. It's not always "the parents didn't do enough" when a child has delays.

  • Love 13

I really feel that Will speaking very fast has a lot to do with Jen.  Jen speaks way too fast in my opinion, and she should be aware that if she wants Will to improve his speech, she must speak more slowly so he can pick it up.  I think Will has made progress. Don't forget that the Wash. D.C. trip occured in July and the baptism, I believe, was in May or early June.  If you watched the Facebook video of Halloween, Will clearly says, "I want more candy."  Zoey, too, is improving!

  • Love 2

The Little Couple is one of the few reality shows that DON'T have a camera crew following them around 24/7.  They schedule the big events with the camera crew and then they spend a couple of a days a month shooting the in-home filler & hospital filler scenes.  I assume because of HBB's cancellation that they had the big stuff from the summer taped already, but they didn't have enough time to shoot filler and edit the episode to be more smooth.


I assume the blonde scene happened because it was originally supposed to come after the baptism.  You can clearly tell that was out of order.  Jen had shorter, browner (I assume natural color) hair at the baptism and then blonde hair everywhere else.

  • Love 4

Fun fact: Bill's dad lives in my town. That church where they had the baptism is about 15 minutes from me. He recently ran an unsuccessful campaign for County Commissioner. Bill and Jen made an appearance at one of this fundraisers. I can't speak to Bill and Jen's political affiliation, but his dad is a Republican.



  • Love 1

I couldn't agree more that Jen's never-ending rapid-fire speech, using a billion words per sentence, must be completely overwhelming to those two kids who are trying to aquire a new language!  If she were less of a...  Jen...  She would speak slowly, use fewer and simpler words, enunciate clearly, and not raise her voice to nails-on-chalkboard levels when excited ("WOWWW!!!" every five minutes).  I get the feeling they've both just given up in the face of all that chattering and giggling!  Hopefully Kate (whom we saw in the legislator's office), who knows how to interact with children, will be an encouraging influence in regard to their speech development, which is clearly greatly delayed in BOTH kids.  Dave was shown handing Will off to the godfather, Bill's brother.  I found it interesting that they planned the three baptisms together (waiting until even the biological child was quite old, by Catholic standards) so as not to have to get together more than once.  I thought, when they built that honkin' big house, Bill said he WANTED to get together often?


I found it interesting that they planned the three baptisms together (waiting until even the biological child was quite old, by Catholic standards) so as not to have to get together more than once.  I thought, when they built that honkin' big house, Bill said he WANTED to get together often?


The families probably preferred to have everyone gather in Florida rather than Houston -- which is not pleasant in the summer.

  • Love 2

It's so nice to see my favorite family back on the air!  I thought about Jen and Bill whenever I watched some other reality shows with spoiled, whining, complaining miserable celebrities (Tori Spelling, I'm looking at you).  This show should be required watching for some of these "celebrities".


I love watching the kids progress from their time in the orphanage.  I remember it was stated that for each month spent in an orphanage, a child would be behind "normal" development by 3 to 4 months.  I'd say Will and Zoey are doing a remarkable job catching up.  I credit Jen and Bill for this, they are amazing parents.


Lol..Jen does talk fast!  I know some very intelligent people who have busy lives who do the exact same thing.  This won't hurt the kid's speech development.   They hear many, many people with all kinds of speech patterns and accents, in real life and from tv and the movies, just like most all of us did.  We all survived the differences.


Love this show!!

  • Love 3

I found it interesting that they planned the three baptisms together (waiting until even the biological child was quite old, by Catholic standards) so as not to have to get together more than once.  I thought, when they built that honkin' big house, Bill said he WANTED to get together often?


Several reasons other than Bill wanting to avoid the family.

1. By having Zoey and Will baptised with the biological child, they're making a statement about family, that Zoey and Will are members of the greater family.

2.It was probably fun for the family of the bio child to have the event filmed and put on tv and they may have held off on the ceremony so their child could participate.

3. It's obvious that TLC wanted to film a family event and this this way there was more family there than could easily be accomadated at the house.


I couldn't agree more that Jen's never-ending rapid-fire speech, using a billion words per sentence, must be completely overwhelming to those two kids who are trying to aquire a new language!  If she were less of a...  Jen...  She would speak slowly, use fewer and simpler words, enunciate clearly, and not raise her voice to nails-on-chalkboard levels when excited


Zoey seems right on track for a three year old. If Jen's speech is too damaging for a child to learn from, Zoey would be showing the same difficulties as Will.


More importantly, Jen does not have some sort of unintelligable speech pattern. She speaks clearly and rapidly. I have no problem understanding her and there's nothing about her speech or her voice that would make it impossible for her children to learn to speak by listening to her. Jen is easier to listen to than say, HoneyBooBoo's mom. She's not damaging her kids by speaking to them in her normal voice. If she was, Zoey would be as off track as Will and she's not.

  • Love 10

I think that this show was kind of a contemplation of everything happening over the summer/early fall for them simply to try to catch everyone up on what's been happening.  It seems like they just can't seem to please everyone, they either tape too much or not enough.  I think they are doing a fine job of finding the balance of tv show and life.  I know I get frustrated by other TV families that drag out events.  It's understandable that we will never see their life in real-time, and not that we need to, but I think they are trying their best to do what they feel is best.  On that note I found the shot of Zoey eating her cupcake adorable....

  • Love 8

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