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Small Talk: The Prayer Closet

Message added by Scarlett45

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Calico kitty, that sounds like quite the adventure.  How exciting to have so much to plan, prepare, and look forward to.  I’ve moved a cat once and it was a breeze. The old mister who was so independent he sat in the front, he wouldn't tolerate a carrier, and took it all in.  It was amazing. I think he sensed he had to travel with us or he’d get left behind.  I hope your move goes as well. 

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7 minutes ago, SunnyBeBe said:

Calico kitty, that sounds like quite the adventure.  How exciting to have so much to plan, prepare, and look forward to.  I’ve moved a cat once and it was a breeze. The old mister who was so independent he sat in the front, he wouldn't tolerate a carrier, and took it all in.  It was amazing. I think he sensed he had to travel with us or he’d get left behind.  I hope your move goes as well. 

Neither of mine like the car, at all.  They will have to ride in their carriers, and then have the noise and confusion of the movers a couple of days later.  But they will just have to adapt.  They have no choice!   I hope they don't mind living at altitude, which will be a change for them (and me).  A new adventure for all involved, I guess.

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14 minutes ago, CalicoKitty said:

Neither of mine like the car, at all.  They will have to ride in their carriers, and then have the noise and confusion of the movers a couple of days later.  But they will just have to adapt.  They have no choice!   I hope they don't mind living at altitude, which will be a change for them (and me).  A new adventure for all involved, I guess.

I’d put an old tshirt you’ve worn in the carrier with them. It smells like you and should soothe them. 

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9 hours ago, doodlebug said:

I was a resident when the Challenger blew up, the OB/GYN residents were in their outpatient clinic seeing patients at the time.  To get to the clinic, we had to walk past the residents' lounge.  The senior internal medicine residents spent much of their days playing pool and watching TV down there because that is what medical residents do best.  As we walked past the lounge, a bunch of them were huddled around the TV and when we asked what was up, they told us the shuttle blew up.  We immediately told them that joke was not funny and they were a bunch of sickos (medical residents have a rather dark sense of humor).  We soon found out they weren't kidding.  Isn't it funny how clearly we remember things like that?

derailing this a bit. The Swindled podcast did a great episode on the Challenger explosion recently. The mini episode was about Vladimir Komarov who died on a doomed mission into space as well. Yuri Gagarin was supposed to be the one to go but Komarov knew that Gagarin as a "hero" couldn't be sacrificed. 

It's all really eye opening. So many people blamed themselves for Challenger but it wasn't their fault.

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41 minutes ago, PikaScrewChu said:


It's all really eye opening. So many people blamed themselves for Challenger but it wasn't their fault.

Didn't the engineers write memos basically predicting the tragedy? I watched a documentary on the Challenger a while back and recall that NASA knew and gambled with the launch anyways.

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5 hours ago, BitterApple said:

Didn't the engineers write memos basically predicting the tragedy? I watched a documentary on the Challenger a while back and recall that NASA knew and gambled with the launch anyways.

I just recently watched this. It seems the entire space mission from the beginning relied on solid data with heapings of hope and prayer. But by the time the Challenger mission happened most knew the o-rings were becoming a problem and it seems to me that they once again, relied too much on hope and prayer.

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Plus, NASA was facing huge public and political pressure because the launch had already been delayed and they had a huge P.R. campaign with Christa MacAuliffe. They were trying to get the public interested in space flight again and so many schools were involved with the first teacher in space. So even though they knew cold temperatures affected the o rings, they pushed to launch that morning anyway. And thousands of school kids watched it blow up live, including my first grade self. #NASAnerd

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I was early 20’s when the Challenger happened.  It was a JFK/9-11 moment for me.  I know exactly where I was.  I really thought I had kept up with coverage (sans interenet those days).  I followed it for a long time though.  I just recently watched a doc on Netflix about it, and found out I’ve been pretty much not informed at all.  I was sincerely AMAZED by what I didnt know.  It’s a really good doc, not very long, seemed pretty genuine.  

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2 hours ago, emma675 said:

Plus, NASA was facing huge public and political pressure because the launch had already been delayed and they had a huge P.R. campaign with Christa MacAuliffe. They were trying to get the public interested in space flight again and so many schools were involved with the first teacher in space. So even though they knew cold temperatures affected the o rings, they pushed to launch that morning anyway. And thousands of school kids watched it blow up live, including my first grade self. #NASAnerd

That ends up being the overarching theme of the podcast. 

I mean, the Soviet space program was built on national pride and beating the Americans to space. Valentina Tereshkova ended up being the first woman in space because the Soviets were gung ho about beating the Americans on everything. Tereshkova and Gagarin ended up being huge public figures across the world during the 60s. Gagarin was a bit too cocky though once he achieved that fame. 

NASA had invested way too much into Challenger to call it off. The interviews with those that knew about the o-rings and how they blamed themselves are heartbreaking.

Wasn't born at the time but I have been learning more through podcasts and documentaries about it. Now we know the nitty gritty, 😬.

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PikaScrewChu, does it touch on the accident from the astronaut's view at all? I think the part that haunted me the most was learning that some of them at least survived the initial explosion (there was evidence that Judith Resnick activated an emergency oxygen system after the explosion) and they died when the crew cabin slammed into the ocean. I don't know how their families didn't totally fall apart, watching their loved ones die right in front of them. 

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1 hour ago, PikaScrewChu said:

That ends up being the overarching theme of the podcast. 

I mean, the Soviet space program was built on national pride and beating the Americans to space. Valentina Tereshkova ended up being the first woman in space because the Soviets were gung ho about beating the Americans on everything. Tereshkova and Gagarin ended up being huge public figures across the world during the 60s. Gagarin was a bit too cocky though once he achieved that fame. 

NASA had invested way too much into Challenger to call it off. The interviews with those that knew about the o-rings and how they blamed themselves are heartbreaking.

Wasn't born at the time but I have been learning more through podcasts and documentaries about it. Now we know the nitty gritty, 😬.

Except the one guy. He said he would make the same call again with the same info he had.

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After the recent Space X flight I've been going down (and revisiting) many a rabbit hole regarding space flight. Including watching the fictional movie Away. Following NASA from childhood, seeing flights televised live, watching movies and documentaries and reading about it, always leaves me in a state of awe.

All these super smart men and women make figuring out how to fly to space, land on the moon or the Space Station, as simple as throwing a rock. It really boggles my mind how they planned for, and overcame (almost) every obstacle.

Super hard for me to wrap my brain around it all.

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1 hour ago, emma675 said:

PikaScrewChu, does it touch on the accident from the astronaut's view at all? I think the part that haunted me the most was learning that some of them at least survived the initial explosion (there was evidence that Judith Resnick activated an emergency oxygen system after the explosion) and they died when the crew cabin slammed into the ocean. I don't know how their families didn't totally fall apart, watching their loved ones die right in front of them. 

A bit. They talk about the secrecy in retrieving the bodies as not to contradict the narrative that the astronauts died immediately and there was no suffering. It's the same narrative that was used when Iran accidentally shot down the Ukrainian airliner earlier this year. That everyone was killed immediately and no one suffered. Yeah... Not the case. 

Someone pointed out that was earlier this year, alongside the Australian wildfires, Kobe dying, and a bunch of other stuff. Those two and a half months of 2020 feel like they were years ago, not months ago. 

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1 hour ago, emma675 said:

PikaScrewChu, does it touch on the accident from the astronaut's view at all? I think the part that haunted me the most was learning that some of them at least survived the initial explosion (there was evidence that Judith Resnick activated an emergency oxygen system after the explosion) and they died when the crew cabin slammed into the ocean. I don't know how their families didn't totally fall apart, watching their loved ones die right in front of them. 

At the time, I think the family members watching the launch were just as stupefied as the rest of us and not sure what they were seeing.  I am sure it took a while for it to sink in what had happened and what it meant.

Judith Resnick was from Akron, near where I live and there was a huge amount of local coverage.  Her father was a doctor, as I recall, and quite brilliant.  The family was also Jewish and very proud of their faith and active in that community. The whole family were well spoken and became actively involved in many causes in her memory; most of them devoted to STEM education in the schools.  She was an outstanding student and one of the few female engineers in her college class at Carnegie Mellon and her family has used her passion for science to develop an educational legacy in her name.  There are some schools named after here in this area, amongst other things.  They seemed like a wonderful, close knit family who took the horrible tragedy of her death and did what they could to produce something positive.

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23 hours ago, Ohiopirate02 said:

4.  The complete and utter injustice of having a summer birthday in school.  All of the other kids who's birthdays fell during the school year got their own special day.  Us Summer Babies had to share.  Such bullshit.

Amen to that!!!  My first grade teacher had a special birthday crown that you got to wear on your birthday.  Those of us who had summer birthdays had to take turns wearing it on the last day of school.  I never got a chance because they ran out of time. 


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40 minutes ago, marypat57 said:

Amen to that!!!  My first grade teacher had a special birthday crown that you got to wear on your birthday.  Those of us who had summer birthdays had to take turns wearing it on the last day of school.  I never got a chance because they ran out of time. 


Here you go!

Many happy returns for all your birthdays!


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22 hours ago, Ohiopirate02 said:

The reasons why the mormon church collected these records is extremely suspect.  

They do it so they can baptize dead people into the mormon church. As an atheist I could not care less, but I would imagine that the souls of the people who were members of different churches are justifiably upset by this action.

18 hours ago, GeeGolly said:

That's exactly what the guy in the article said. He said he feels responsible for his FIL's and grandmother's death. All he did was invite his parents and inlaws over.

My best friend's son is getting married today, at the courthouse, with just the parents, and everyone will be masked. They were supposed to get married last May but the lockdown happened. Their baby is due in January and they decided the poor kid will be ready for kindergarten if they have to wait until this is all over.

17 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said:

That’s what I say about various churches, like my parents’, that have indoor, unlimited numbers, no mask required, no distancing, etc.  So, what is the legacy of your church if you have a cluster that wipes out several of your deacons, seniors, kids, even the pastor! All those deaths because you were blatantly refusing to follow precautions....strikes me as terribly ignorant and cruel.  Nothing Christian about it. It’s infuriated me so much that I have vowed to never return.  It’s fundie, so bad memories anyway.  

The bible says "wherever two or more are gathered...", not "build a holy sanctuary and attend services or else". It's already been proven many times over that being in a church service does not protect anyone from the virus, so why take the risk?

16 hours ago, CalicoKitty said:

 I'm old, and decided that I'm ready for a new adventure, so off I go!   I just hope my cats do ok on the move.

I'm glad your house is ready and you're so adventurist. Hopefully your kitties will be content and happy when it's over.

1 hour ago, marypat57 said:

Amen to that!!!  My first grade teacher had a special birthday crown that you got to wear on your birthday.  Those of us who had summer birthdays had to take turns wearing it on the last day of school.  I never got a chance because they ran out of time. 


I was in the first grade in 1970 and celebrating birthdays or having class party invites was not something we did. The class would sing Happy Birthday after we said the pledge and sang a patriotic song and that was it. Birthday parties in my family were whatever family lived close by and maybe a very close friend who was thought of as family. We were pretty poor, so I had to decline the one or two invitations I received during my grade school years because we couldn't afford to buy a present. Which suited me because I was the weird kid who could never figure out how to socialize with other kids. I did pretty well with adults and my family, but the other kids at school were aliens.

Edited by Nysha
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First of all, let me just mention that I have a super summer birthday and was always personally happy I didn’t EVER have to sacrifice part of my day to school.  You guys can have your crowns.  I seriously never gave that a thought, that I was missing something.  

secondly (I love it when I get to say “secondly”), from the first moment of the Challenger disaster, I thought the astronauts themselves were blown to bits with the initial explosion.  According to the Netflix doc, that’s a nay.  They said the entire cockpit area was recovered.  I do recall that they said Resnick had activated emergency oxygen of the pilot, who would have been seated directly in front of her.  It seems (fuzzily) that she also activated another one as well, but I don’t believe her own was activated.  They didn’t “say” it, but led viewers to believe that NASA allowed us all to think that they died instantly to spare us from the truth.   I backed up and listened to that several times, because it was so concreted in my brain that they “poofed” into the clouds.  Vaporized, was what I remember being said at the time.  Even now, all these years later, it is extraordinarily disturbing to know they may have had some idea this was about to be a horrendous outcome.  The speed at the time of impact was ungodly.   I think (now) that NASA knew better the entire time and let us make up our own narrative.  Someone else may remember better, but I don’t recall EVER having heard before the documentary that the cockpit was recovered.  

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Drat! I have a cold and feel horrible. Pretty sure it's not Covid, but the same sniffles my granddaughter had last week after starting daycare again. She and her parents were both tested and were negative, so we went ahead with our small bubble of a celebration for Mr Jyn's birthday on Sunday. I'm congested, have a sore throat and feel run down, but no fever or cough. Don't know whether to venture out and get tested, so I think I'll just hang tight and stay in for a while, and see if it follows a typical "cold" trajectory, which it is so far.

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25 minutes ago, Jynnan tonnix said:

Drat! I have a cold and feel horrible. Pretty sure it's not Covid, but the same sniffles my granddaughter had last week after starting daycare again. She and her parents were both tested and were negative, so we went ahead with our small bubble of a celebration for Mr Jyn's birthday on Sunday. I'm congested, have a sore throat and feel run down, but no fever or cough. Don't know whether to venture out and get tested, so I think I'll just hang tight and stay in for a while, and see if it follows a typical "cold" trajectory, which it is so far.

Fingers crossed its a cold. Don't wait too long to get tested if you start to feel worse. Hope you feel better soon!

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7 hours ago, Happyfatchick said:

First of all, let me just mention that I have a super summer birthday and was always personally happy I didn’t EVER have to sacrifice part of my day to school.  

Happyfatchick—thanks for the alternate way of thinking about a summer birthday 😊. It has given me a whole new perspective on things.

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My sweet little puppy has been sick for a few days now, throwing up and not keeping anything down. I know she needs to be checked  out at the vet's, but I can't afford to take her to one. I'm don't  know what to do. I'm so scared for her.

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1 hour ago, beckie said:

My sweet little puppy has been sick for a few days now, throwing up and not keeping anything down. I know she needs to be checked  out at the vet's, but I can't afford to take her to one. I'm don't  know what to do. I'm so scared for her.

So sorry your puppy is sick! Maybe Google suggested diet for dogs with tummy troubles?

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1 hour ago, GeeGolly said:

So sorry your puppy is sick! Maybe Google suggested diet for dogs with tummy troubles?

Yes. And we tried it. She threw it all up. It also said if they are sick longer than two days to get them into a vet. I can't do that because we don't have money. 

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18 hours ago, GeeGolly said:

I thought the investigation of the Challenger disaster was completed a few months after it happened and the facts of what happened to the crew were made public that same year.

I remember that, too.  As I recall, the debris landed deep in the ocean and it took quite a while to locate the cockpit and recover it.  I do think we were still lead to believe that the force of the explosion killed them all immediately and they were no longer alive when they hit the water.  However, during the congressional hearings into the accident, I believe the public finally heard about the indications that at least some of the astronauts survived the initial explosion and took the initial emergency steps they had been trained to follow.

4 hours ago, beckie said:

My sweet little puppy has been sick for a few days now, throwing up and not keeping anything down. I know she needs to be checked  out at the vet's, but I can't afford to take her to one. I'm don't  know what to do. I'm so scared for her.

Please call your vet and tell them the situation.  Many will give big discounts or write things off or wait for payment.  If your vet won't, google 'emergency vet' and there should be options there.

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Yes, please take @doodlebug's advice. Also, if there's an animal charity in your area (we have one here that runs a large operation including a shelter), you could call them to see if they are aware of any programs for low-cost vet services or financial assistance for people needing vet services. 

Okay, people, this is interesting. I've been contacted by the Neilsen ratings people and invited to become a participant. Twice, most recently by a package delivered yesterday.

The first time, months ago, I got a letter with a $1 or $5 bill (I forget which) enclosed saying I'd been chosen and if I was interested to indicate it, I think by return mail. So I did. Then a few days later I got a phone call from a woman with Neilsen who was obviously reading - fast - from a script. About how we would talk about the follow-up letter or package I had received (I hadn't received it) and she didn't seem to hear me say that, just rattled on with some complicated-sounding instructions for how I would wear a little device all day and so forth. It was frustrating because, as I said, she was obviously rattling her way through a script and ignoring my statement that I hadn't received the mailing she assumed I had, and had no clue what she was talking about. Finally I just said, no I don't want to participate, that sounds like too much trouble, and ended the call. A few days later I did receive a follow up letter from Neilsen, with another bit of cash in it, maybe five bucks, which explained how the ratings thing would work. Having noped out of it, I threw all that stuff away, except the money of course.

Yesterday, to my surprise, I found a package sent by FedEx from Neilsen. Inside was a little box which I opened. It contains a letter, a brochure, two $5 bills and a VISA gift card. It seems Neilsen still wants me to participate. I can keep the ten bucks, and when I call the number in their brochure to agree to join the program, they will activate the $50 VISA gift card.

The way the ratings system works is this, as explained in the brochure:


We will give a meter to you and each member of your household who is aged 6 or older. The meter is high-tech and lightweight - about the size of a small cell phone. All you do is wear your meter throughout the day. It automatically picks up a special signal in the audio the radio and TV broadcasts you tune in to and any other media you encounter throughout your day. Your media choices are automatically sent to Neilsen when you charge the meter while you sleep. There's never been an easier way to have your media choices count.

Note the part I bolded. The idea of wearing a tracking device like that is creeping me out. Almost a physical revulsion, which is a reaction I wouldn't have predicted. I wonder what "other media" it picks up? YouTube? Anything I stream through my computer? If I talk to them, I will ask. 

It's odd that they would send me an invitation to participate, since I'm nowhere near what I believe are any desirable demographics for the TV/entertainment biz. I'm old, female, and single. 

But, creepy as it is, I get a $50 gift card just for agreeing to participate and up to $15 a month if I wear the device as instructed, plus a one time $50 bonus after participating for 90 days. I assume the device is sensitive enough to pick up whether I'm wearing it or have just parked it on the coffee table in front of the TV while I was elsewhere. Obviously I will continue my devoted practice of never watching the Duggars on TV, regardless of whether I've become a Neilsen tracking bot. Heh.

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5 minutes ago, Jeeves said:

I assume the device is sensitive enough to pick up whether I'm wearing it or have just parked it on the coffee table in front of the TV while I was elsewhere.

Do you have a pet with a collar? Maybe you could attach it to the collar when you leave so they can't track your movements?

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3 minutes ago, Nysha said:

Do you have a pet with a collar? Maybe you could attach it to the collar when you leave so they can't track your movements?

Oh, I like the way you think! Sadly, my little dog died last year so that option won't work.

Too bad I decided recently to buy an LG cordless stick vacuum cleaner instead of a Roomba. The idea of taping the device to the Roomba while it roams the house is cracking me up!

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47 minutes ago, doodlebug said:


Please call your vet and tell them the situation.  Many will give big discounts or write things off or wait for payment.  If your vet won't, google 'emergency vet' and there should be options there.

We don't have a vet. When we got her, we tried to get her seen, but because she was in good  health,  they couldn't see her for months,  because of the pandemic.  The emergency clinic will set up payment plans, but we still need at least 100 up front, and money for any meds. 

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1 minute ago, beckie said:

We don't have a vet. When we got her, we tried to get her seen, but because she was in good  health,  they couldn't see her for months,  because of the pandemic.  The emergency clinic will set up payment plans, but we still need at least 100 up front, and money for any meds. 

Do you have a charge card?

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8 minutes ago, beckie said:

No. Just a debit card, but no money. 

This situation is heartbreaking. Again, I'm so, so sorry. The only solution I can come up with, which would be very hard, would be to give your dog up to a no-kill shelter.

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3 minutes ago, GeeGolly said:

This situation is heartbreaking. Again, I'm so, so sorry. The only solution I can come up with, which would be very hard, would be to give your dog up to a no-kill shelter.

That's what were talking about doing if we can't figure out anything else. That would break my heart, but at least she'd get help.

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Maybe you can call a few vets and the animal shelter/ASPCA for advice? You can tell them that you can’t afford the cost of an exam fee or meds but that you’re really scared for your dog, you’d even give her up if it means getting her help. 

My vet waived my I initial exam fee when I told them that my dog was a recent rescue — they may take mercy on your dog because it’s not her fault that you’re broke right now, and they don’t want her to lose her home/family over this. In my experience, neighborhood vets are usually more lenient.

This sounds like an emergency.

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Beckie, call your nearest shelter. There are many people in your situation right now and shelters above all want to prevent suffering and helping pets stay in good homes.

You can try feeding her warm homemade chicken broth or the low-sodium canned variety along with some cooked rice. That can sometimes help if she has gastritis. Any other symptoms? 

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Beckie, how old is she? Is she really a puppy? Has she been vaccinated? Any recent changes in her environment? Any people food she might have eaten a lot of, especially anything fatty? Any pesticides she might have been exposed to? Any new dogs she’s been around? Anything she might have swallowed...a sock? Is she a chewer?

Symptoms...Any diarrhea? Are the whites of her eyes normal color? Is she peeing normally? Are her gums pale?

I don’t know where you live, but tick-borne illness goes up in the fall. Is she on flea/tick prevention?

This could be any number of things. Especially if she’s a small dog, keeping her hydrated is crucial. Try broth, watered-down milk, watered down Pedialyte.

But seriously, call the shelter. Many of them have vets and vet techs on the premises who donate their time and can help.

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I joined an "Art2Life Breadcrumb Challenge" on Facebook.  For anyone wanting to get their creative juices bubbling, take a look at this.  It starts Monday and runs for five days.  There are folks on there from every country and every walk of life.  One lady is in a nursing home and 87.  Her spirit alone brings me pure joy.  Don't be intimidated by the professional artists posting.  View the two warm-up videos by Nick (Nicholas Wilton, the artist running this).  And, enjoy the beautiful work from the heart.

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2 hours ago, crazycatlady58 said:

Have you gotten your books back?

No, I don't! I can open a few of the newer ones but that is all. Did you get an email that said some of our personal information might have been compromised? I am not computer savvy enough to link it, but I thought about you. It says that there was no issue with our credit card information, but somebody might have names, email addresses, etc. 

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2 hours ago, kaleidoscope said:

I joined an "Art2Life Breadcrumb Challenge" on Facebook.  For anyone wanting to get their creative juices bubbling, take a look at this.  It starts Monday and runs for five days.  There are folks on there from every country and every walk of life.  One lady is in a nursing home and 87.  Her spirit alone brings me pure joy.  Don't be intimidated by the professional artists posting.  View the two warm-up videos by Nick (Nicholas Wilton, the artist running this).  And, enjoy the beautiful work from the heart.

Looks interesting. I have no idea exactly what it's going to entail, but I signed up as well. I really need to find something that will jump-start my art!

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15 minutes ago, Jynnan tonnix said:

Looks interesting. I have no idea exactly what it's going to entail, but I signed up as well. I really need to find something that will jump-start my art!



I'm so excited you're joining!  I've spent the past two days watching the videos and reading the posts.  My excitement is building!

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50 minutes ago, Oldernowiser said:

Jynnan, how are you feeling?

Drippy, sneezy and gloopy, a bit run down, but OK. I'm sure it's just a cold. My daughter had the same thing and tested negative for Covid. At least the sore throat has pretty much cleared up. That's sometimes the worst part of a cold - that beginning bit where you can't swallow without pain.

Thanks for asking! I'm sure I'll be back to normal in another day or two.❤️

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3 hours ago, Liddy52 said:

No, I don't! I can open a few of the newer ones but that is all. Did you get an email that said some of our personal information might have been compromised? I am not computer savvy enough to link it, but I thought about you. It says that there was no issue with our credit card information, but somebody might have names, email addresses, etc. 

I went into my local store. A nice young lady told  me the same thing she told me Wednesday that it would be soon hopefully in 2 or 3 days. She  said I might try their customer service number they might give me more info. I just tried that phone number.  The first statement was my hold time was 2 or 3 minutes.  I was on hold for 15 minutes before I hung up. There was no message about the problem.  I am so disappointed in how BN has handled the problem.  The virus/ ransom ware was not their fault.  However I have not had a single email explaining the problem.  They have only posted 2 messages on their Facebook page. I found out whats happening by going to Reditt nook and the comments on the Facebook page. I understand they may not have a idea when the problem will be resolved but there has got to be a better way to handle this. I feel bad for their employees. I am sure they are dealing with upset people and they have no answers.  I did see the article about our cc information being safe but may not the rest of our info. I an not sure what to do about that. 

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I rejoined weight watchers and am starting a new fitness plan- I’m commuting to at least 30min of aerobic activity (likely a YouTube video) Sunday/Monday/Wednesday/Friday. I committed to NOT gaining weight during this pandemic and I meant that shit, and I have been doing well with that, but holidays are coming and more eating, less moving, more sitting around as it gets cold. 

My goal is to lose 15lbs before New Years Day. I will report back. 

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Scarlett45, good for you! I've done pretty well sticking to my low carb lifestyle in quarantine until recently. I was at the beach for a week and always eat junk and due to my outpatient procedure, I haven't been allowed to work out for two weeks. So I need to kick my butt back into gear before the holidays get here. I should get the okay to start exercising on Tuesday, although I will have to modify a few things (certain yoga poses, no push ups, no planks) since I can't put too much pressure on my eye muscles. 

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11 hours ago, Oldernowiser said:

Beckie, how old is she? Is she really a puppy? Has she been vaccinated? Any recent changes in her environment? Any people food she might have eaten a lot of, especially anything fatty? Any pesticides she might have been exposed to? Any new dogs she’s been around? Anything she might have swallowed...a sock? Is she a chewer?

Symptoms...Any diarrhea? Are the whites of her eyes normal color? Is she peeing normally? Are her gums pale?

I don’t know where you live, but tick-borne illness goes up in the fall. Is she on flea/tick prevention?

This could be any number of things. Especially if she’s a small dog, keeping her hydrated is crucial. Try broth, watered-down milk, watered down Pedialyte.

But seriously, call the shelter. Many of them have vets and vet techs on the premises who donate their time and can help.

She was only about five months old. She was feisty and fun, but she liked to chew on everything.  We were constantly talking things out of her mouth. We hadn't vaccinated her yet because we couldn't get her into a vet here for months because of the pandemic. 

We tried everything.  She ate the broth and threw it up, same with the water. Hubby and I couldn't stand to see her suffering and not be able to do anything about it. We made the heartbreaking choice to give her up to a shelter. The look on her little face when we handed her over broke  me. They thought she might have parvo. 

I've been crying for most of the day. We only had her for twelve weeks but she became a huge part of our lives.

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