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Small Talk: The Prayer Closet

Message added by Scarlett45

This is a reminder that the Politics Policy is still in effect.

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss political social media posts of those in the Duggar realm- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

Political discussion is not allowed in this forum- this includes Small Talk topics. Please stay in the spirit of the policy- I have noticed a tendency for some to follow the letter but not the spirit.


While we understand the frustration (change is never easy), please keep in mind that not everyone feels the same way and that for those members who don't, the ongoing conversation about other forums and chat options can equally be a cause of frustration.

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Wanderwoman, thanks for checking in.  Sometimes one thing at a time is the only way to get through the day. I know when my son was tiny I felt pretty darn good if I got two or three things done,  and I wasn't dealing with any of the bigger issues you've got.  I hope you have friends and family who are offering to help  and I hope you can find ways to use them. Be gentle with yourself, please.

  • Love 4

WANDERWOMAN, I guess all the west coast cyber friends are checking in. We want to be here for you and I mirror what everyone else has said. The two big pieces of news, your tolerating the chemo and Maisie getting through surgery and post-op issues were both good to hear. Wish there was more I could do than send hopeful, caring thoughts your way. Thank you so much for taking time from your so stressful life to fill us in. But hope you know we understand when you do not have the strength or energy to do so. Many hugs from me to you, Maisie and DH.

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Wanderwoman, thank you for coming on here and updating us with news of Maisie's successful surgery and how you're doing. No one can possibly understand your struggle, pain, and frustration, and my heart just goes out to you! I wish we all lived nearby and could help pitch in and support you in a tangible, meaningful way. Keeping Maisie, you, and your husband in my thoughts and prayers. Wev'e got plenty of full frontal hugs and ears to listen if it helps to unburden some of your frustration and pain here in the prayer closet.❤️

  • Love 6

My husband and I are also the string team type of marriage. There really wasn't anyone else to turn to. And there are periods where you don't have that, and that can be scary. It helped us to lay down some ground rules for those times - to recognize them, and realize it wasn't that anyone was to blame, but that they were potentially dangerous times if we let them become so. You might try something like that. Because everything DOES pass. Things do get better. You still actually are on the same team - you're just split up right now on different assignments.

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I just watched Sophie's Choice for the first time over the weekend. Oh my -- I had no idea what I was in for!! For some reason I thought I had watched it years ago thinking it was a different movie. There are no words...

I love the Harold and Maude soundtrack. I saw this film many years ago as a kid and was seriously disturbed by it. Watched it again about a month or two ago when I saw it come up on Amazon Prime. That was a very moving film. I ended up buying a few of the MP3 downloads of Cat Stevens songs for my phone.

Mindy, my recommendation for a comedy is one of my favorite movies of all-time, What's Up Doc with Barbra Streisand, Ryan O'Neal and Madeline Kahn.

Edited by msblossom
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Wanderwoman, thanks for having the strength to let us know what is up.  We are all concerned about you and your family.  We would be there in a heartbeat to help if we could.  I will agree with everyone's postings, and to add that if it all possible take advantage of the support from where you are getting your chemo if you have no other options. You don't have to convince Mr. WW to go.  You try and make it when you can.  Maybe you can get a phone appointment.  They are very familiar with the issues you mention and might have some concrete information for you as far as help.  And of course it never hurts to unload on someone who understands.  I speak from experience here.  

Also, you have not mentioned having family/friends who can come and help temporarily.  If this is at all an option, please use it.  Sending ffcyberhugs.

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Wanderwoman, prayers, warm thoughts of light and love your way. Great news about the chemo and Maisie's ears. Love spellcheck Massive. She's a handful I'm sure, but wait 'til she gets older...  As Geml said everything does pass, sometimes the pass is through the mountains instead of a field.


As for giving dog pills: I had a dog that used to get car sick so the vet recommended Benadryl to get her sleepy.  My other two dogs didn't have any problems.  I tried giving her the pill before the trip, she spit it out and her brother scooped it up before I could stop him.  I tried peanut butter, giving them all a treat, she found it and spit it out while my other dog got it before I could get it. I decided she would have to suffer, because I didn't want to overdrug the other two.  They had a great trip, sleeping most of the way, while poor Belle just sat in the corner miserably drooling.  I didn't learn about pushing the pill as far as I could go, holding her mouth shut, then rubbing her neck 'til later.  To make sure I never "drugged" my other two, that was the only way I gave her pills. Luckily, she eventually outgrew getting car sickness.


Love Danny Kaye, and Court Jester is one of my favorites.

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wanderwoman, having been thru everything (all at once) I can tell you that it does get better. Just keep kissing Maisie or "Massive" (love that nickname, coutesy of spellcheck I'm sure) and you will get through this. You and dh are still on the same team. Just think what you guys have been through.

If you are in CO, I will help. Let me know.

I am so sorry..that everything hit the fan at once but the fan will stop throwing shit at you soon. Think ahead to Maisie's activation date. How exciting that will be!

Edited by Jellybeans
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WanderWoman, your family is definitely in my thoughts during these hard times. I'm doing the Dudeist thing and sending good vibes your way.


Suz, we can commiserate in our pets sad health issues together. I'll pull up a chair for you.


I haven't tried the baby food trick yet for Figaro's pills, but I did try the deli turkey because we had some in the fridge. It worked like a charm! I didn't even have to worry about giving him treats afterwards because he just inhaled that stuff. I haven't cried over him today at all, so progress on my neurotic nervous wreck status. Another one of my favorite movies is The Big Lebowski, with The Dude being probably my favorite film character ever, and I feel like Figaro has been telepathically saying to me "You're being very un-Dude right now." When your skittish, anoxic at birth, somewhat idiotic rescue cat (Floyd) is calmer than you are, you know there's a problem.

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The Dude abides!


So sorry to hear about your pets.


My ass of a brother just called me  and said "Why did you want me to call you?  What did you want to talk about?"  I finally have grown a backbone where he is concerned (hubby and I like him and my sister-in-law far more than they like us, it took us a long time to discover) and said "You are the one who called me before you went on vacation 2 weeks ago.  I was just checking in to make sure you were ok since YOU didn't call back like YOU said you would.  But I won't do that again."  I got a meek "oh....ok."  You can't change people.

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My 11 year old daschie is suffering from insomnia. I kid you not. We are working with the vet. The is on her third trial of medication in hopes it will put her to sleep. She gets up at 3:30 am, to pee, then is up for good at 4:30 am only to fall back asleep in an half hour. It is driving us crazy. Not even valium touched her.

I guess dogs are like people, they need more or less sleep when they get older. I seem to need more, she seems to need far less than I do.

I just buy pill pockets.

Edited by Jellybeans
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Thank you for an update WW, I think of you (worry over you) every day. Your manure wagon is absolutely full to overflowing, and you're pulling uphill. I feel incredibly helpless. I don't even have words...and I almost ALWAYS have words.

Dogs and pills: our middle dog is a boxer. She is Sophie (named from Sophie's Choice, no kidding!). I have tried EVERY trick known (and a few creative ones), but the only way I've ever gotten a pill down her throat is the "grab the snout and poke" method. Thankfully, she's the most non-aggressive dog EVER, and she tolerates the "grab and poke" method. I don't care WHAT I hide the pill in, she rolls it around, gets the good stuff and the pill rolls back out like a gum ball machine. I also have a cocker (Ollie) who seems to appear out of thin air, sails in, scoops up and scarfs down said pill more times than I'd like to admit. I have never tried the potted meat trick. Hmmmmm.

Edited by Happyfatchick
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We had a corgi that needed phenobarbital for seizures.   Stormy could find the pill hidden in all sorts of treats, peanut butter, cheese, pill pockets.   She would manage to eat the treat and spit out the meds.   Our local pharmacy compounded liver flavored phenobarb liquid to give with meals.   It kept her seizure free until she passed. 


After few weeks after Stormy died, we adopted Dewey from corgi rescue.  He eats very fast, never noticing anything added to dinner or treats. 

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First, WanderWoman, I am so sorry you are juggling so much right now...it will get easier I hope, and please don't drop off the face of the earth. 


Second, my dog hates taking pills. He was taking benadryl for his itchy skin (which led to him licking all the fur off spots and then licking the exposed skin raw), and now he's on Zyrtec. We tried slipping pills in treats and small fruits, but we discovered the best bet was to cram the pills in bananas. He swallows them so fast he doesn't realize the pill was there. Sadly, they don't make Zyrtec in liver flavor like they do for his arthritis meds. 


It is sort of funny to watch a 100lb labrador daintily inspect his food for pills before chowing down, but after a few rounds of "where the hell did he just spit that benadryl" it got old, and it's worth having to dole out bananas to both the dog and the toddler to get the pills in him (both of them feel it's only fair that if one gets banana the other should as well. It saves us from the dog stealing from the toddler and vice versa.)

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Our labrador eats just about anything, if it hits the floor, it belongs to her.  She loves, loves, loves apple, carrot and chicken but she eats everything from chocolate cake to lettuce.  The only two things she has ever spat out are pills and a raw mushroom.  To give her medication we have to mush up a pill and hide it in a bowl of chicken mince and rice or shove it in her mouth and hold it closed until she swallows. 

When my Pittie had to take pills for his heart condition we used cubes of cheese, hot dogs and Vienna sausages. Fortunately he'd eat anything so it wasn't too much of a battle. Some dogs and cats are tricksters, though. They'll take the treats and spit out the pills.

Figaro was even craftier than just spitting out pills. He will tongue the entire pill pocket, take it to his litter box, and bury it. I was scooping out his litter and found pill pocket after pill pocket. We ended up having his thyroid medicine compounded into a topical gel that we place on his ear because he cannot not take the drug.

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The boys had a great time at the ranch. They went fishing, slept in tents met other boys from the school they are going to and took care of the animals and rode horses.  Later today we will be shopping for school supplies as we have a meet the teacher BBQ tonight where we meet the teachers see the class rooms and pick a music class they want. The youngest wants choir and the oldest wants band and he will be playing a clarinet. I will be doing the happy dance soon as school starts Monday August 3rd and they will be going to a real school. None of the Fundie booklet homeschool shit.

  • Love 17

The boys had a great time at the ranch. They went fishing, slept in tents met other boys from the school they are going to and took care of the animals and rode horses.  Later today we will be shopping for school supplies as we have a meet the teacher BBQ tonight where we meet the teachers see the class rooms and pick a music class they want. The youngest wants choir and the oldest wants band and he will be playing a clarinet. I will be doing the happy dance soon as school starts Monday August 3rd and they will be going to a real school. None of the Fundie booklet homeschool shit.

Welcome Home Seashell, glad the boys and you enjoyed your trip.  ffhugs 

Edited by amitville
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Checking in. The situation isn't really improving and I find I have nothing positive to contribute to the boards. In some ways, I feel like the Duggar's life is mirroring our own situation: one tragedy after another. I've been trying to stay positive but it's hard. Massive got her cochlear and it hasn't been the easiest process. We thought about deferring until Fall but every doctor and specialist said not to wait. She did well in surgery but had a post op issue. It was resolved and we will have the devices turned on in about a week but her breathing issues related to prematurity caused problems. Dh is dealing with this in his own way. He and I have this history of a strong team and now I miss my team mate. There's a distance growing and therapy only works if you go. He's prioritizing work so we don't lose insurance and I'm prioritizing other things like our actual health. I'm torn in too many directions. I'm struggling. My cancer is doing what we expected and I'm actually not having a difficult time with the chemo. I'm having a tough time having the energy and patience I need to be a mom and patient. Money is tight and we had to let the therapist go so it's just me and Maisie most days. I know it will pass.

i have no words but i am sending FFHUGS kisses and love to you my sweet friend

Edited by amitville
  • Love 1

So Figaro got sick again this morning. Different kind of sick, though. Lethargy on top of puking up foamy bile three times in the house. We took him to the vet, and the vet said his heart and lungs sound much better, and his temperature was okay. She also said that she's seen quite a few cats come in with the same problem, mostly cats that like to go outside. We let Figaro outside yesterday evening once it cooled down so he could go and roll around on the driveway and chase bugs, and now I feel like a terrible cat mommy because letting him do that could be what got him sick. He got some sub q fluids, along with an anti-emetic, and we can't give him his Lasix because he's dehydrated and he will just pee it all out immediately. Here's hoping this is just a minor stomach bug. My baby has been through too much already.

So Figaro got sick again this morning. Different kind of sick, though. Lethargy on top of puking up foamy bile three times in the house. We took him to the vet, and the vet said his heart and lungs sound much better, and his temperature was okay. She also said that she's seen quite a few cats come in with the same problem, mostly cats that like to go outside. We let Figaro outside yesterday evening once it cooled down so he could go and roll around on the driveway and chase bugs, and now I feel like a terrible cat mommy because letting him do that could be what got him sick. He got some sub q fluids, along with an anti-emetic, and we can't give him his Lasix because he's dehydrated and he will just pee it all out immediately. Here's hoping this is just a minor stomach bug. My baby has been through too much already.

Aw you have been beating yourself up all week over  Figaro . The vet said Figaro heart and lungs sounded better.  Maybe you can put out a bowl of room tempature organic chicken broth that always makes my furry family better. Please  Give Figaro a hug and kiss from Auntie Amityville 

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Aw you have been beating yourself up all week over  Figaro . The vet said Figaro heart and lungs sounded better.  Maybe you can put out a bowl of room tempature organic chicken broth that always makes my furry family better. Please  Give Figaro a hug and kiss from Auntie Amityville 

I will try that! Thank you. I just feel so bad for the little guy. I can deal with my own multitude of health problems. Granted, I did fall into a bit of a self-pity circle when I got that horrible DVT a few months ago, but other than that I've made my peace with what's wrong with me. I can't do the same for him though. I want him well, active and happy. My jackass of a brother told me to just put him to sleep and get a kitten, and I wanted to slug him. As though him not being attached to animals means they're some kind of replaceable commodity, like buying a new pair of shoes. I will do everything possible to make Figaro's time on this planet as happy, comfortable and long as I can. At the same time, I won't let him suffer if he really starts declining. I won't be the lawyer character in the Kids in the Hall miniseries "Death Comes to Town" putting quarters in my cat's dialysis machine to keep it running, while he is clearly miserable.

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It is always hard, Mindy McIndy.  Have gone down that road a lot with Mr. Lookeyloo.  You will do whatever you can for Fig and when that time comes, you will make that decision for him too.  It won't be easy but you love him enough.  Meanwhile, enjoy him now, as you are trying to do.  I second the chicken broth idea.  My ex's wife kept him alive for years, not exaggerating, when a brain tumor took everything from him but basic bodily functions.  Terrible situation for my kids.

  • Love 1

I will try that! Thank you. I just feel so bad for the little guy. I can deal with my own multitude of health problems. Granted, I did fall into a bit of a self-pity circle when I got that horrible DVT a few months ago, but other than that I've made my peace with what's wrong with me. I can't do the same for him though. I want him well, active and happy. My jackass of a brother told me to just put him to sleep and get a kitten, and I wanted to slug him. As though him not being attached to animals means they're some kind of replaceable commodity, like buying a new pair of shoes. I will do everything possible to make Figaro's time on this planet as happy, comfortable and long as I can. At the same time, I won't let him suffer if he really starts declining. I won't be the lawyer character in the Kids in the Hall miniseries "Death Comes to Town" putting quarters in my cat's dialysis machine to keep it running, while he is clearly miserable.

Apologies if I am annoying, but make sure any broth has no onion or onion flavoring.  I hope Figaro feels better and I am glad the deli turkey worked.

Have gone down that road a lot with Mr. Lookeyloo.  .....My ex's wife kept him alive for years, not exaggerating, when a brain tumor took everything from him but basic bodily functions.  Terrible situation for my kids.


Bless Mr. Lookey's 'lil HEART!!!!! Maybe you can get him (Mr. Lookey) to slurp some delicious room temp organic chicken broth (no onions!!!) and he'll feel well enough soon that you can be relieved of making any further health decisions on his behalf.

I know what you were saying, Lookeyloo (At least I "think" I do anyway - do you really have a pet named Mr. Lookeyloo?)

Makes me think of the reminder someone posted a few weeks back:

Let's eat, Gramma

Let's eat Gramma

Commas save lives.

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In the book The Dangerous Book of Dogs, there is a chapter titled "How To Tell If Your Human Is Giving You Medication In Your Peanut Butter." The first sentence of that chapter reads "If your human is giving you peanut butter, there's a 99% chance there's a pill in it." I'm in no way making light of the challenges of medicating a sick furry companion (been in that spot too many times), but it IS amazing how these "lesser" beings routinely outsmart us, no?

  • Love 6

Since Figaro has CHF just make sure you stick with low or no sodium choices.  I understand the concern over onions.  If he is getting very little and onion is really low on the list, he would be okay, but you certainly would want to keep this a rare treat.  Salt can also be an issue with deli turkey.  Hide the pill in the smallest bit he can have.  We already talked about crushing pills and hiding them in baby food.  You can also give a treat of tuna water.  Trader Joe’s sells a no salt tuna in water which works well for cats with CHF.  (Of course, this works best if you enjoy tuna – don’t want to keep throwing it out). Since he just got fluids, he should be well hydrated now.  So I would be careful about giving more fluids right now.  With his heart and lungs sounding good, Figaro should have a good long time to be your guy. 


I am currently fostering two senior cats, Biscuit and Tommy, both black and white boys.  They are very sweet; they settled right into my home (and on my lap).  Their person lost her housing, so they are staying with me until she gets settled.

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Oh Happyfatchick! Rereading what I wrote made it look like I was easing out the spouse - I refer to him as Mr Lookeyloo!!! But really we have had enough pets that have made it over the rainbow bridge - sometimes with the vet assisting - that I understand and appreciate what Mindy McIndy and the other pet loving posters are going through. Sometimes we have to make the decision for them, and not ourselves. Not easy.

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The boys had a great time at the ranch. They went fishing, slept in tents met other boys from the school they are going to and took care of the animals and rode horses.  Later today we will be shopping for school supplies as we have a meet the teacher BBQ tonight where we meet the teachers see the class rooms and pick a music class they want. The youngest wants choir and the oldest wants band and he will be playing a clarinet. I will be doing the happy dance soon as school starts Monday August 3rd and they will be going to a real school. None of the Fundie booklet homeschool shit.


Seashell - you probably won't be the only one doing the Happy Dance! I predict the boys will be lovin' school big time! You might want to be prepared for some relatively-heavy questions from them. Personally if I was in their situation, I'd be wondering why I hadn't always gone to school with other kids etc. As a teacher, I'd recommend you try to speak to each of the boys' teachers at the BBQ, a heads-up kind of deal, you know. A great idea by the way - a BBQ meet-and-greet event. Wish we had them or something similar when I was still working. Good luck with everything!

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As I was making coffee this morning and looking out the window I was thinking how after nearly 30 years in the same home I barely know some of my neighbors. It is such a different time then when I was growing up when we knew our neighbors well and we knew many of them. 


I was a forum virgin before I hopped in here, and I just want to say I thoroughly enjoy our conversations. So in this busy crazy world we live in, and at the risk of sounding like the wonderful Mr. Rogers, thanks for being my virtual neighbors. And what a welcoming neighborhood this is.

  • Love 15

Seashell - you probably won't be the only one doing the Happy Dance! I predict the boys will be lovin' school big time! You might want to be prepared for some relatively-heavy questions from them. Personally if I was in their situation, I'd be wondering why I hadn't always gone to school with other kids etc. As a teacher, I'd recommend you try to speak to each of the boys' teachers at the BBQ, a heads-up kind of deal, you know. A great idea by the way - a BBQ meet-and-greet event. Wish we had them or something similar when I was still working. Good luck with everything!

The kids are going to a special school that deals with all forms of abuse including exfundies. So I will not have to explain it to the oldest why as he is in 6th grade now and some of his classmates were in the same situations so he understands why he was homefooled. The youngest is in 1st grade so he only missed kindergarten.

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Love the pet vs. pills stories.


My beloved old Labrador had epilepsy from age 5 until his death at age 14. He had to take phenobarbital and potassium bromide for his seizures. This regimen kept him seizure-free for 9 years.  I placed the phenobarbital pill in a chunk of bagel, and squirted the liquid KBr on top.  He gobbled it down with no problem :)


Fortunately both of the dogs I have now are natural born gobblers, and giving them pills is easy. Not so much for my cat, although Pill Pockets do work if I squish them around the pill first.


I give my pups apple and carrot chunks - they like healthy snacks much more then their person does LOL.  Here is a list of fruits and vegetables that are toxic to dogs - look out for those apple seeds:



Edited by direpup
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As I was making coffee this morning and looking out the window I was thinking how after nearly 30 years in the same home I barely know some of my neighbors. It is such a different time then when I was growing up when we knew our neighbors well and we knew many of them.

My fiance and I have been in our home for five years and have met one neighbor in that time. Everyone just pulls into their garages, shuts the door and that's the last you see of them. If I'm out walking my dog and someone drives by, I wave and they don't even look at me. It's crazy.

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I think everyone's nice thoughts and prayers, along with the anti-emetics and fluids, helped Figaro. He's been eating today, he hasn't thrown up, and he isn't lethargic. Crisis averted! Man, he really needs to stop putting me through the wringer like that. Now I need to figure out if I can ever let him outside again. He loves it- he's a cat, duh- but I don't want him getting sick like that. I don't know how much longer he has on this planet, and I want whatever time he has left to be spent cuddling, playing, eating good food and resting comfortably, not puking his guts out and moaning.


Oh, and if anyone is a Kids in the Hall fan, here's a clip from their miniseries that explains what I absolutely refuse to do with my cat, as much as I understand the impulse. (And it's funny as hell.) 

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Difficult time for you & Figaro, Mindy. I'm genuinely sorry re your worries and struggles - but I've also always been a big Kids In The Hall fan and that video really was truly funny. Been there more times than I care to count.


With one of my dogs I had to inject her withers with large amounts of saline multiple times a day to keep her hydrated. (I didn't want to leave her at the vet to have that done on an ongoing basis, so I convinced the vet tech to teach non-nurse me how to do the injections at home.) Soon thereafter, my sweet girl began bleeding nearly constantly from her nose due to some horrible disease whose name I've mercifully forgotten. So right up until she died, I spent huge chunks of each day crushing ice, wrapping it in little ziplock and and pressing it atop her snout to control the bleeding. And I'd do it all over again if it helped her even a tiny bit.


Glad to hear Figaro is on a bit of an upswing. Good, healing thoughts being sent your way.

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Wow, Bitter, that's so sad!!! We're all "wavers" in my 'hood. We've only been here 2 years, but when I'm out walking a mile from my own house (at the edge of a culdesac) the neighbors on that side stop and talk. (When I walk regularly, my beautiful and well behaved fur babies make people think they know me) If one of my literal neighbors drives by, they stop and we talk for as much as 30 minutes. We don't visit each other's homes (except for my next door people). You don't wave around here, pal, you get the stink eye and a reputation!

True story: on my mom's road, there's a string of houses that are my relatives on the left. On the right are non-related. In the middle (and this is rural, so the houses aren't close) is a smallish house where the people don't wave. They don't slash tires, don't steal, don't party all night, don't throw rocks or have hate signs in the yard. They just have the one transgression: they don't wave.

So a couple of us were in my moms last week, standing around the kitchen. Someone mentions that the guy at the "mean people's house" waved at them the other day. We were making jokes about how the guy was probably knocking a bug away from him and the cousin took it as a wave. Another family member walked in, and asked what we were talking about. I explained that cousin said that one guy waved at him the other day. She says, "Really? At the mean people house?"

Edited because English really is my first language

Oh!!! And to add another neighborhood story: when my son deployed to Afghanistan after we'd been here about 8 months, I put a flier on all the mailboxes and asked them to come out and see him off. When he left my house, I'd tricked him into wearing his uni, so he was "dressed". Every single house, EVERY HOUSE had someone at the street with flags. One neighbor (our dogs play) had an entire Boy Scout troop standing at attention, and one elderly man at the end of the street (well into his 80's) was in full dress uni at attention with a flag. It was one of the most beautiful moments of my son's life. I still get a lump in my throat thinking of that day.

Edited by Happyfatchick
  • Love 20
Message added by Scarlett45

This is a reminder that the Politics Policy is still in effect.

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss political social media posts of those in the Duggar realm- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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