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Small Talk: The Prayer Closet

Message added by Scarlett45

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It's called  Ugly  Dip. Rotel tomatoes , cream  cheese and ground  sausage.  It is ugly but so good. I made it one Thanksgiving  everyone  liked it, I did not make it for Christmas  and my brother , looking  at a table with  Turkey ,  ham, sweet potatoes , bean greens, mashed potatoes , home made  yeast rolls, 3 pies, relish  tray says where is the Ugly Dip.

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I'm about 50 miles from Santa Rosa (near Oakland), and we're blanketed with smoke to the point where we had to close all of our windows. When you can see the sun, it's orange. And it smells like the fire is right outside the front door. 

It's absolutely horrible. Yet again, so many have lost everything. People are leaving cattle behind to fend for themselves because they can't all be moved. Just awful. 

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2 minutes ago, crazycatlady58 said:

It's called  Ugly  Dip. Rotel tomatoes , cream  cheese and ground  sausage.  It is ugly but so good. I made it one Thanksgiving  everyone  liked it, I did not make it for Christmas  and my brother , looking  at a table with  Turkey ,  ham, sweet potatoes , bean greens, mashed potatoes , home made  yeast rolls, 3 pies, relish  tray says where is the Ugly Dip.

That sounds delightful!  My husband would hoover that up!  Thank you!

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I miss Publix.  Their chicken tenders are the best I've ever had, and the sandwiches (particularly the Cuban sandwiches) are fantastic as well.

I mean, the Stop and Shop sandwiches are good too, but still . . . 

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4 hours ago, crazycatlady58 said:

It's called  Ugly  Dip. Rotel tomatoes , cream  cheese and ground  sausage.

I make mine with Velveeta.  We sometimes call it cat puke.

I miss Kroger and Publix.  I have Stop & Shop, Shaw's, Markey Basket, and Trucchi's.  There's an Aldi over in Middletown, RI, but I haven't been in it yet.

Edited by magpye29
forgot my other comment
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4 hours ago, jcbrown said:

Another Bay Area resident here. I am 90 miles from the fires and the smoke is visible with a strong smell even here (South Bay). This is a heartbreaking situation.

It is hazy with a strong smoke smell here near Lodi.  

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So sorry about the wildfires in Cali.  It's heartbreaking. I'm personally suffering from disater fatigue after weathering Harvey, my niece in medical school in Miami fleeing Irma, and my inlaws in PR with Maria. Then there was Vegas, and then these wildfires.  There's been enough heartbreak to go around.

I'd take a hurricane any day over a wildfire. 

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7 hours ago, Arwen Evenstar said:

It sounds like you just can't catch a break.  Why is it that everything seems to give us troubles all at once?


in other news, CNN or Weather Channel showed helos descended on Lares this morning. Aid is reaching the interior. Too late, IMO.  They claim each municipality has a tanker truck to get water now.  Lares still has no power or cell service, but post office is open.

My daughter just got to Rincon, Puerto Rico today. (They live on a boat in Florida)

Her husband is a doctor, and they are teaming up with a (non religious) aid organization, to try to bring medical supplies into the more mountainous areas (and evacuate people if they're in precarious health situations.) She's basically going along as a translator, with a side benefit of hopefully checking up on her dad's relatives up in the boonies. I'm glad they have satellite phones with them!

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I'll bring crab dip.  Last time we went out for Tapas we noticed almost everything we ordered included ham...  ( tasty but a little heavy and salty)

JCBrown and I might be neighbors, we are 90 miles south of the flames but the smoke is impressive. My sons school has kept them in the gym for PE all week because the air quality is so bad, I guess they are getting good at dodgeball.  I've heard of a few friends/acquaintances with homes in Santa Rosa that were spared and one whose home burnt to the ground.  It's just really sad.

I realized recently that I'm starting to have some physiological stress reactions, though my life is fine.  I'm still missing a friend who passed this summer, but other than that  life is ok. But still, Hurricane, flood, earthquake, mass shooting, wildfires.... it's time to dig out the yoga dvds and start trying to get more sleep.

MarshmellowMollie My favorite market turned into a Safeway, they are everywhere, it's so boring. I find myself going out of my way just to go to a different kind of market.

Marigold I'm very sorry for your loss. You might check with your local suicide prevention org and see if they  have any survivor groups that might be appropriate for friends and family memebers.

Smama I hope you hear your mama soon!

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14 hours ago, Stacey1014 said:

You must be in the SE. That sounds like us, but instead of Publix, we have Kroger. Aldi just opened in the area and there are two Lidl stores opening in our area. Kroger and Aldi are my go to stores along with Walmart. I'm not a big fan of Food Lion. I might grab something on sale or if I need something in a pinch (there's one on every other corner around here), but the stores around here need a major overhaul. Harris Teeter is too pricey for me unless something is on sale or they have super double coupons. 

Visiting my husband in Virginia at the moment, where he is working for a couple of years...The stores here are a Kroger & a Harris Teeter, neither of which I was familiar  with (Harris Teeter sounds like a men's clothing store LOL...maybe I'm thinking of Harris Tweed)...I do have to say they are both very nice and Harris Teeter in particular has a lot of nice organic produce. 

At home in CT, I'm lucky to have all three major chains (Stop & Shop, Shop Rite, and Big Y) within a 5 minute drive, even though our house is in a rural area which looks as though it's miles from anywhere. There's an Aldi as well, but that's about 15 minutes away and I've never been, though I do plan on checking it out one of these days.

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I love Aldi's. We also have a Shopper's, Shop Rite, Giant, and Safeway all about 10 minutes from us. Harris Teeters is about 15-20 minutes and Wegman's about 20.  Mom's is within walking distance or a 5 minute drive. I almost forgot, we now have a Whole Foods 10 minutes away.  In spite of all this, my two main stores are Aldi and Giant with Shoppers filling in for quick runs. (It also sells beer and wine). My sister in deep rural had a Martin's which I wish would come into the area. Judging from some brands, I think it was an upscale Giant.

Edited by Catlyn
forgot our beer and wine run store.
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18 hours ago, crazycatlady58 said:

I make using one  of each, 1 block of cream cheese,1 can Rotel  and one pound ground  sausage ,.

I see you even call it the same thing that we call it and also make it the same way

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Smama, thanks for updating us, and good luck with those restorative liquids, that's basically the only reason I buy Gatorade, ( stomach flu) What's the acronym? BRAT? Bananas, Rice, Apple juice Toast? When my son was tiny he barfed do much  they hospitalized him ( us) I'm a tad sensitive to the subject now.

I suspect a lot of people are suffering stress symptoms these days, you are not alone.

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I just woke up (had horrible insomnia last night. I know it's because I'm worried about my daughter being in Puerto Rico.) So yeah, it's almost 2pm here and I just woke up.

BUT...My husband couldn't wait to tell me that he was able to talk for a minute to his brother Gigi (Hector) on my daughter's satellite phone !

It was very, very short, but he says everyone is ok...and then it cut off. So I know my daughter is with family, and they'll know who needs help.

@SMama so glad you were able to talk to your mom. I hope you feel better now.

 PS I think for my own mental health I'm staying away from any and all news for today..I just can't with any more bad news right now. I.just.can't.

PPs Also  have big time Grammie guilt, because I'm usually the go to babysitter for my grands (even out of state) but this time I just couldn't, because I recently had a total knee replacement. So my daughter's 3 kids are being watched by paid babysitters.which hurts my heart :(

(Now I'm rambling, sorry)

Edited by ChiCricket
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SO happy for you @ChiCricket! Seriously, sat phone for my mother is the way to go.  I agree with staying away from news. Sadly for us news has been our white noise. We are not exposing our daughter to it, but there’s always Directv on our iPads and phones. I really need to find something lighter to concentrate on. Bad news for all of you is I might just hang around here more. Again, glad your baby is OK, as well as your relatives. We might have to start our own Grito de Lares to deal with this tragedy.  

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What are some good charities to donate to for aid in Puerto Rico and the CA wildfires? I want to donate to a group(s) that will put the funds to use on the ground, not to pay for executives and overhead. I have no skills medical or otherwise, so donating is the one way I can contribute and feel like I helped a little.

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1 hour ago, SMama said:

SO happy for you @ChiCricket! Seriously, sat phone for my mother is the way to go.  I agree with staying away from news. Sadly for us news has been our white noise. We are not exposing our daughter to it, but there’s always Directv on our iPads and phones. I really need to find something lighter to concentrate on. Bad news for all of you is I might just hang around here more. Again, glad your baby is OK, as well as your relatives. We might have to start our own Grito de Lares to deal with this tragedy.  

I did get a chuckle out of my husband saying "wow..that's the shortest phone conversation I've ever had with my brother!"  His brother is the town gossip, and usually will keep my husband on the phone for (literally) hours.

   His brother must be overflowing with stuff he wants to tell my husband about...he usually has the small town dirt on everyone. ;-)

I believe satellite phone service is expensive, so they're just letting people tell their families they're ok, and that's it. That way, they can let more people get in touch, and not just people we personally know.

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1 hour ago, emma675 said:

What are some good charities to donate to for aid in Puerto Rico and the CA wildfires? I want to donate to a group(s) that will put the funds to use on the ground, not to pay for executives and overhead. I have no skills medical or otherwise, so donating is the one way I can contribute and feel like I helped a little.

Kamala Harris (CA senator) recommended this site: https://secure.actblue.com/donate/kh_wildfire. They split the money between the Redwood Empire Food Bank and Napa Valley Community Disaster Relief Fund.

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5 hours ago, emma675 said:

What are some good charities to donate to for aid in Puerto Rico and the CA wildfires? I want to donate to a group(s) that will put the funds to use on the ground, not to pay for executives and overhead. I have no skills medical or otherwise, so donating is the one way I can contribute and feel like I helped a little.

Salvation Army.  They have an excellent record of low overhead and getting the most of every dollar to the needy.  According to the stats I read recently, United Way and Red Cross are among the ones with the highest overhead and the least percentage being used for aid.

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This is truly amazing people. We are receiving SO MUCH grade A help from our government. How much? I woke up this morning to find out that 91% of the island does not have electricity. It was 87% yesterday, PR is definitely winning. #Sarcasm. Paul Ryan is "visiting" today and will allegedly do a fly over the island. He will set foot in San Juan, but doesn't have time to do the same to the devastated inner municipalities. If my daughter did not have swimming this afternoon or a meet tomorrow, I'd stick my head under my pillow and cry for days. Thank God for my little girl, or I'd be in heavens knows what type of worse shape.

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I know the Salvation Army is good at allocating their money to charitable pursuits but the organization is anti-LGBTQ and that, I cannot support so I will not donate to them. Just a comment. YMMV.

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@SMama, so happy you finally got to speak to your mom. I , too, spent yesterday crumpled into a sobbing heap thanks to Mr Mean Tweets to PR and as a cancer patient to find out our health care could once again be at the mercy of the insurance company robber barons. 

I am sickened to find out that some people on the island still haven't received as much as a bottle of water from our government. I'm sending you hugs because yesterday, like you, I have had to ration my news coverage, because the heartbreak in PR is not good for my health. 

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Charities for Puerto Rico

For Animals:


They feed and control the feral cat population in Old San Juan


Dog rescue.  Seen many sick and homeless dogs on the island myself. It's heartbreaking.

Humane Society of the United States (stipulate Maria relief)


For People:


Founded by Beatriz Roselló, First Lady of Puerto Rico

Song available for purchase on iTunes.  Also features an organization for PR to donate to.  Lin-Manuel Miranda is the creative genius behind Hamilton.  Every Municipality is mentioned to let the people there know they haven't been forgotten.  The organization is HispanicFederation.org




we are one voice Founded by Marc Anthony and Jennifer Lopez. This one seems to overlap with other charities.  I'm told the American Red Cross directs 100% of funds to a  particular disaster if the donor stipulates. 


Hope this helps give some ideas for those who have asked.

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Forgot to mention, the video features the chirp of the coqui, a species of tree frog endemic to Puerto Rico.  It's magical to hear them at night, particularly after a rain, sitting outside enjoying a drink and the company of loved ones.

And for SMama, there's a shout out for El Grito de Lares.

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@Arwen Evenstar I thought about you when the orange repugnancy made those health cuts. One would expect such callousness from a dictator. My daughter LOVES coquis. There a song by silly boy band Menudo titled Coqui. Look it up on YouTube if you want a silly pick me up.  I sang it to her since the day we met. When she first heard them in PR her little face was precious. The next year we were in Maui visiting her grandpa and she said she heard a coqui. She was right, they are all over Maui. My husband and I had no idea. Kids. Glad you know about El Grito de Lares.

Edited by SMama
Added a thought.
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Not to take us into silly territory but I remembered during dinner that I had a Duggar dream last night. I was at the compound (or a dream version thereof) and the kids and a few adults were preparing to go to dinner--all the minor Duggars plus grandkids and their parents plus not sure who else. I was talking to JD and asking if e was not coming to dinner and he asked why he would want to go out to eat with eleventy seven kids. Then he kissed me (inexpertly and almost missing my mouth) and said he would come to the restaurant later. I woke up thinking, WTF? I am spending too much time on these boards, clearly.

Edited by jcbrown
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Donations to help fire victims

the Sonoma County Medical Association Alliance Foundation  ( that's a mouthful)

85 years old, very local


Ceres Community Project


North Bay Fire recovery fund


Sonoma Humane Society



The winds sent the smoke elsewhere today, though it still smells weird outside. People are walking around with masks on.  (90 miles south) The fires are still going, Calistoga was evacuated the other day, North winds are supposed to whip it all up again tonight. So far only 31 victims have been found, but something like 400 people are still missing.  There is a cool wild animal attraction near Calistoga called Safari West, lots of stories in the media about the owner staying and saving all his animals while his home burned down. We stayed there one, it was beautiful.


Almost Like Praying (Lin Manuel Miranda's benefit song for Puerto Rico) is great) the musical theater nerd in me wonders if people know that's the song Maria from West Side Story?  

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Charles Scultz's house burned down, but thankfully, the Peanuts Museum is in another part of town that wasn't affected, and Charlie Brown memorbilia remains safe. I think they've gotten a handle on that part of that particular fire, but there are something like 15 more that need attending. This was the danger after a very rainy winter and no rain between April and October. 

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I'm watching live fire attempts at containment as I attempt to type. It's horrible. We still have our windows closed, and we're 30-50 miles away from the action. Such a large range because it encompasses a huge area, and winds are going to be unfavorable this weekend. The winds will push the smoke back down here, keeping our air quality on par with Bejing. 

Our rainy season needs to come early this year; it's usually early November.

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12 hours ago, Honeycocoa said:


Almost Like Praying (Lin Manuel Miranda's benefit song for Puerto Rico) is great) the musical theater nerd in me wonders if people know that's the song Maria from West Side Story?  

You would be correct.

Here's the interview with him:


My heart goes out to all our California contingent impacted by the wildfires.  The rainy season can't come soon enough, Sew.

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4 minutes ago, Sew Sumi said:

Arwen, thank YOU for putting Lin Manuel Miranda back into my orbit. ?

He's pretty easy on the eyes, is he not? (But then Mr E is from the island and is gorgeous)

LMM is quite a dish and is a huge LGBTQ rights activist. 

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2 minutes ago, Arwen Evenstar said:

He's pretty easy on the eyes, is he not? (But then Mr E is from the island and is gorgeous)

LMM is quite a dish and is a huge LGBTQ rights activist. 

He's also an amazingly talented genius!

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3 hours ago, Arwen Evenstar said:

You would be correct.

Here's the interview with him:



My heart goes out to all our California contingent impacted by the wildfires.  The rainy season can't come soon enough, Sew.

Here's the video he made with a lot of Puerto Rican artists. They named every place in Puerto Rico in it :)

(money goes to help rebuild Puerto Rico.)

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I had attached it earlier, but thanks for attaching again so people who haven't seen the earlier posts can enjoy it again.  It's got a catchy groove to it. I wish my SIL could hear it.  Since nobody can get Internet over there, they don't even know this has been done for them.

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16 minutes ago, Arwen Evenstar said:

I had attached it earlier, but thanks for attaching again so people who haven't seen the earlier posts can enjoy it again.  It's got a catchy groove to it. I wish my SIL could hear it.  Since nobody can get Internet over there, they don't even know this has been done for them.

Oops..you sure did!

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