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Small Talk: The Prayer Closet

Message added by Scarlett45

This is a reminder that the Politics Policy is still in effect.

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss political social media posts of those in the Duggar realm- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

Political discussion is not allowed in this forum- this includes Small Talk topics. Please stay in the spirit of the policy- I have noticed a tendency for some to follow the letter but not the spirit.


While we understand the frustration (change is never easy), please keep in mind that not everyone feels the same way and that for those members who don't, the ongoing conversation about other forums and chat options can equally be a cause of frustration.

Out of respect for your fellow posters, we kindly ask that you continue any discussion about alternatives via PM or the Technically Speaking: Bugs, Questions, & Suggestions area.

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Yesterday, my dear colleague and friend was laid to rest in San Antonio with full military honors. I was unable to attend, but a friend of mine did and said the service was very moving.

Our family friend had her surgery today in Dallas. Surgery went very smoothly and from what they could see, the baby's head sized tumor in her stomach appears to be benign. That will be confirmed tomorrow, but I am already rejoicing. Thanks be to God.

  • Love 16

Thanks for the well wishes, everyone! This little thread is such a place of refuge for me, I can't even tell you. I kept the abnormal pap stuff quiet to all of my family and coworkers (they all tend to freak out and it makes it worse for me, so it's easier for me to just keep silent on some things), so it was nice to share here.

Arwen, was your last post the things you were worried about or is there more? I think about you a lot right now, you're my Texas buddy down the road!

  • Love 6
9 hours ago, emma675 said:

Arwen, was your last post the things you were worried about or is there more? I think about you a lot right now, you're my Texas buddy down the road!

Oh, its definitely more, Emma. Hearing about sick and deceased friends is always upsetting. I'm hoping within the next 2 weeks to find resolution of what I've been dealing with. I'm not trying to keep anyone in suspense; still trying to figure things out for myself first.

Yeah, when it comes to family and friends it's best to keep smaller things to yourself rather than having to alarm friends and coworkers unnecessarily. Though, anything to do with our health is no small thing, it's your story to tell when and if you choose to do so. Just keep getting your screenings and if something doesn't look right, get it checked out.

i have a correction: my friend's tumor was located on her ovary not inside her stomach. People use stomach, belly, and abdomen interchangeably. My mom will be 77 this year, and she gets a bit muddled at times and . Bodies do strange things, but  what she first told me really didn't make much sense. The tumor weighed 2.5 lbs and they also removed all her reproductive organs. Pathologists even more sure everything was benign. Still no final word. 

  • Love 5

Arwen and Emma I hope things resolve soon.  Love2 dance I went to UCLA today, nice head of the vascular dept, have to get stress test on heart and pulmonary exam and cardiologist pronto.  Head of Big honcho said I should have had surgery years ago, it's really bad.  So several more visits very soon and surgery hopefully in a week ana a half.  I can be driven there the night before and spend the nite in their hotel and be taken to hospital in the morning.  Alsone.  My driver today was so happy with my dog.  Walked him and got more attention and raves about how good he is.  Makes me feel good.  


Mikey was really in the dumps after his surgery, would not take his pills and hates the colors.  I don't use the cone but rather the blow up kinds.  His butt itches terribly.  Took him to a local vet yesterday to get his rear looked at and since he is impossible with his meds, I got a shot of antibiotics that lasts 2 weeks rather than trying to get him to take by mouth.  I tried, and 3 neighbors tried, and a vet tech tried, and no go.  He is not getting pain pills right now because he won't eat at all if he thinks a pill may be in food.  3 days, no food.  Tried dissolving and that did not work.  He is a fighter   Supposed to have ice packs on his but, no go.  This is not what I call a dog who deals well with illness.  Not by a long shot.  But good grief do people still love that dog.  Most popular, and best looking, around.  My driver is SO proud of him.   

Will be a very busy couple of weeks with driving to UCLA and Culver Cit all the time.  Hate checking myself in alone to UCLA dorm overnight.  They have wee tv so probably can't see it, and I can't read much except on computer that I can't bring.  Bummer.     But Great News is the biopsy on Mikey came back and benign.  About $5500 so far for him.  He is worthy it.  Don't know what my co pays will be.But new really top notch doc for me thinks I can make it.  Should have had it done years ago, so that's why it's so serious now.  Had to have the best.  He promised nevertheless to be mindful of what may go wrong because I have no support system and don't want to end up in worse shape.    I would say I am so happy for Mikey although he is a real problem recovering (typical male) and getting very tired of my constant med trips but happy I have the best chance.  Still scared to death.

Edited by Micks Picks
Apologize for not editing. My eyes are so bad, but I know I have lots of errors.
  • Love 7
6 hours ago, Micks Picks said:

 I would say I am so happy for Mikey although he is a real problem recovering (typical male) and getting very tired of my constant med trips but happy I have the best chance.  Still scared to death.

Poor Mikey. An antibiotic called Convenia is injectable and works for 10 days in kitties. I don't know about dogs. It's not cheap, but is preferable to trying to pill them if it causes distress. Also if you don't have a veterinary compounding lab near you, there's one in Houston, BCP Veterinary Pharmacy, where most meds can be compounded into flavored chews or liquids and transdermal gels. The Houston Zoo as well as other zoos in the country use them. They ship everywhere.  Feel free to PM me.

Yeah, aneurysms are scary. Will keep you in my prayers.sounds like you are in excellent hands. Mikey is probably worried about his mommy. THEY know when something is wrong. 

  • Love 2




Edited by Love2dance
Wanted to bold so MICKS PICKS can see better.
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@Emma, you got that right.  I had to go to UCLA for stress heart and pulmonary tests today, 6 1/2 hours.  The neighbor drove me, and since he loves to be with Mikey he took Mikey.  He had the vet check him out again while I was at med center, and Mikey got the idea to act cool again to avoid the animal hospital, so altho he slumped in, he pranced out.  And then they had many hours to fill going to parks and meeting people and other dogs.  Had a good time, thank goodness.  An hour for me to get to UCLA, 6 1/2 hr there, and 2 hours to get back, and the neighbor wasn't mad.  He will care for Mikey here or at his house or both.  And since the neighbor is a vegan and anti additives and monsanto and everything else (I don't know what he eats, like no choices left) I imagine Mikey will be trying a different diet.  

Thanks all for your good wishes.  I realized my post was almost unreadable,  like I was on drugs, which I unfortunately wasn't.  HAPPY ST. PADDY'S DAY!!!

  • Love 5

It's been a really long time since I've posted in Small Talk!  The stuff with WW really put me off, I had bought into it hook, line and sinker. I'm a fair bit younger than most people on here (I fall between Jinger and Joy age wise) and this was the first anonymous forum that I'd been on, it had been Facebook and Instagram before this.  I knew that obviously there were scammers on the internet but the posts from WW were very medical and, at first, realistic. In my "people are good at heart" naivety I didn't think that someone would put so much time and effort into scamming such genuinely kind and caring people especially considering that (IIRC) she didn't get the money in the end. 

Anyway, that is all to say that I left the Duggars for trashier TV over at Teen Mom 2 where they don't even pretend that their relationships are working out, engage in Twitter wars and generally make me feel good about my life choices.  When my mother asked me why I watch "such crap" I explain that I may skip the gym and occasionally stay up late to finish assignments but I am not unemployed, uneducated, engaged, married, pregnant, on drugs, nor do I have a criminal record.  Improves my self esteem, hahaha. 

I've been skimming what has been going on and I just wanted to send well wishes to everyone here who is going through medical, personal or family issues. It seems that when it rains, it really really pours. 

  • Love 15
3 minutes ago, Arwen Evenstar said:

 I forgot to add the thanks to your son for his service! God bless our fine men and women in uniform!

Thanks :) It runs in the family! My older son (on the left, in the blue shirt), did 12 years in the marines (enlisted), but got out a couple of years ago, and my husband did 38 years in the Navy (enlisted, worked his way through the ranks, commissioned through the LDO program, and retired as 06 a little over a year ago). I think my daughter would have joined as well, but my husband rather put his foot down LOL...She'd have done it; she's very determined, but is working on her master's degree in library sciences now, which is probably a better fit for her. That's her and her husband on the right hand side of the family picture.

  • Love 10
3 hours ago, Westiepeach said:

I also thank all of the Jynnan Tonnix family for your service.

On a totally different note, I absolutely LOVE when we see what our good cyber-friends look like in real life! I know I loved seeing HappyFatChick's photos!

I always love it as well! Which keeps me from feeling a wee bit self-indulgent when I post photos, because I know how much I enjoy other people's, so I figure that at least some of them will feel the same <3 (that's a heart, though I don't think this site translates those things!)

  • Love 5
3 minutes ago, Andalusian said:

Congratulations Jynnan Tonnix!  Your son looks fabulous!  Although for some reason those little green hats the Marines wear always make me giggle. :)

Haha....I had a friend, years ago, who referred to that style as "c*nt caps"...which is, if you look at them, ever so much more apt than those pink "pu**y"  caps of this day and age. I did always laugh/cringe a bit ever after when I had to launder one of those! lol...just waaaay too descriptive!

2 hours ago, Arwen Evenstar said:

Thanks for sharing  the lovely pictures of you and your family. One of my brothers was in the the USAF, and one of our first cousins has a career in the RAF! 

Our armed forces deserve every bit of respect and every bit of support.

A son of one of my cousins in England had a career in the RAF as well, and came home severely wounded...He seems to have made at least a good superficial recovery, though I understand that at least some of the deeper wounds will be a lifelong struggle...

  • Love 2
47 minutes ago, crazycatlady58 said:

Jynnan, is that you in the blue? Did you get your shoes at SAS?

DSW. I wore them all day long, for the very first time out of the box...some of the straps are elasticized, though the ones across the toes are not, and dug in a bit towards he end of the day...but overall, for an un-broken-in pair of sandals not bad at all.  Of course, it might have helped had I  paid more attention to the weather and realized that the 60 degrees forecast was not going to kick in until a couple of hours after the whole ceremony was over, because wearing those for 3 hours in 40-ish temps got a bit old...but, yeah, overall I'd recommend them.

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, Andalusian said:

Congratulations Jynnan Tonnix!  Your son looks fabulous!  Although for some reason those little green hats the Marines wear always make me giggle. :)

My son is a Marine, and his "high and tight" haircut always makes me laugh (inside.)

  I can't remember what he looks like with regular hair. I also have an older son who was in the Marines, and my oldest daughter retired after 20 years in the the Army.

Of course, the 'boys' (one will be 40 in a couple of days!) are always (playfully) ragging on their Soldier sister, and vice versa, about Army vs Marines :) I'm including a photo of when all 3 were still in the service (I blacked out their nametags)


  • Love 21
1 hour ago, ChiCricket said:

My son is a Marine, and his "high and tight" haircut always makes me laugh (inside.)

  I can't remember what he looks like with regular hair. I also have an older son who was in the Marines, and my oldest daughter retired after 20 years in the the Army.

Of course, the 'boys' (one will be 40 in a couple of days!) are always (playfully) ragging on their Soldier sister, and vice versa, about Army vs Marines :) I'm including a photo of when all 3 were still in the service (I blacked out their nametags)


They look great, Chicricket! What a wonderful family! Seems as though your boys look a lot alike, except that you can't see much aside from their mouths from under the shadows of the caps! And your daughter looks like a beautiful, strong woman as well! Congratulations to you and them!

  • Love 4
15 hours ago, ChiCricket said:

I really am! I also have two more daughters...and I'm proud of all 5, and the great people they grew up to be ..not to mention the 13 Grandkids they've given me :)

Ok, one more because my Army daughter was horrified at me posting that picture of her "when she was pregnant with her 2nd child, and FAT, mom!" (her words, not mine..LOL)

So here is a picture of said Army daughter on her wedding day, along with her four siblings. (She can't complain how she looked HERE)

Daughter to the left of the bride works for the airlines (so my husband I fly free:)..such a nice perk! And daughter to the right of bride was a tv reporter/ news anchor, and now is a SAHM of 3, and is planning on doing other tv work (behind the scenes, she said being on air is too much pressure) once they're all in school:)

BTW, these are the high and tight haircuts that make me laugh...(on the inside)..ok..NOW I'm done. ;-)


Edited by ChiCricket
was was missing :)
  • Love 16
16 minutes ago, ChiCricket said:

Ok, one more because my Army daughter was horrified at me posting that picture of her "when she pregnant with her 2nd child, and FAT" (her words, not mine..LOL)

So here is a picture of said Army daughter on her wedding day, along with her four siblings. (She can't complain how she looked HERE)

Daughter to the left of the bride works for the airlines (so my husband I fly free:)..such a nice perk! And daughter to the right of bride was a tv reporter/ news anchor, and now is a SAHM of 3, and is planning on doing other tv work (behind the scenes, she said being on air is too much pressure) once they're all in school:)

BTW, these are the high and tight haircuts that make me laugh...(on the inside)..ok..NOW I'm done. ;-)


What a beautiful family! She does look gorgeous here (as d her siblings), but she looked great in the other photo as well...just a different sort of look :)

Thanks for sharing the photos! I do love to see the faces behind the posts.

  • Love 2
Message added by Scarlett45

This is a reminder that the Politics Policy is still in effect.

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss political social media posts of those in the Duggar realm- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

Political discussion is not allowed in this forum- this includes Small Talk topics. Please stay in the spirit of the policy- I have noticed a tendency for some to follow the letter but not the spirit.


While we understand the frustration (change is never easy), please keep in mind that not everyone feels the same way and that for those members who don't, the ongoing conversation about other forums and chat options can equally be a cause of frustration.

Out of respect for your fellow posters, we kindly ask that you continue any discussion about alternatives via PM or the Technically Speaking: Bugs, Questions, & Suggestions area.

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