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S02.E07: Lockdown

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Why is Holt on a bouncy ball the best thing ever? Andre Braugher really needs some awards for his acting chops tonight.


Nice to know that there are competent cops working in the background during all the funny antics.


"Hitchcock got trapped out on the balcony."

"Good, looks like we dodged a bullet there."

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It's a funny thing... in outline, this seemed like an early-season-1 "Jake acts immature against all advice, until he finally wises up" premise. But in fact it didn't play like that really. He was trying to be responsible, by his lights: trying to show that he could be in charge and still be accommodating and laid-back with everyone. In the end, he was prepared to yield to Amy, and she proved to be a good friend (as noted above) by insisting that he had it in him, he just needed to stop trying to be everyone's friend in this case, and be the boss. So this was about present-day Jake, not last year's Jake. One more step for him.


And the B story was a riot. I'm only sorry we didn't get to actually see Holt acting like a jerk for Zeke's benefit.

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Yes. I was expecting to see Holt be a jerk to Terry. Oh well.


The best thing about this ep was Holt. Andre is so fantastically funny. Of course he has wonderful lines to say. "Crumb me up" was perfect.


I don't know if there was too much else to rave about. I liked Boyle, as usual. I liked the banter betw Rosa and Gina. I liked Hitchcock being stuck outside. I still like when people use the "I am the captain now" line. I liked in the fb when Jake says to Holt, "I donated 5 pints all by meself," then faints.


But if all an ep has going for it is Holt's awesomeness, then I'm happy.

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Agreed that it wasn't the best episode, but even an average episode of B99 is better than most sitcoms. Holt on the chair ball was hilarious--I am already mad at whoever from Modern Family beats Andre Braugher for the Emmy next year, because how can anyone possibly have a better highlight reel? (I will allow an exception for the Parks and Rec cast). And I also cherish the visual of Terry Crew being tiny compared to anyone. Rosa's surprising love for "Something's Gotta Give" and Scully and Hitchcock's reunion were also great (Scully and Hitchcock may be idiots, but they're each other's idiots). Overall though the episode felt a bit disjointed and not as good as last year's Thanksgiving episode.


I'm sorry, I meant last year's Turkey Day episode. 

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Why is Holt on a bouncy ball the best thing ever? Andre Braugher really needs some awards for his acting chops tonight.

I just came here SPECIFICALLY to talk about that same Bouncy Ball moment!


For me this instantly goes on the King of the Mountain submission list. Anyone who thought that one with him holding the puppies was awesome?  The Bouncy Ball is a match for that! 

Rosa insisting on the movie was a promise unfulfilled, like Holt's promise to insult Terry.

For me the primo Rosa moment was her description to Gina about her actual "last moments".


Also, Jake's description of Gina is great.  "No no no... she's just being a funny weirdo".

Edited by Kromm
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This show is probably the only one on the air that actually makes me laugh out loud.


Holt on the bouncing ball.

Jake's boss-genie..Brooks and Done. Donezel Washington.

Boyle's obsession with being number two and all that entendre.

And of course Boyle's single lady dance.


I never understood why the captain and Terry were leaving the station but didn't have to report anywhere, but whatever.  Liked how Jake is evolving...he and Amy are a good team.

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I just rewatched, and Holt & Jeffords were going to "a charity event in Brighton Beach" -- a nice contrivance by the writers, as such an event is likely to be long, non-work-required, and at least in part social, so their being late or absent isn't unduly problematic if there turns out to be a crisis at the office.


My own favorite line came from Jake, after Holt explained that the possibly scandalous "healed-over earring hole" was in fact a large scar, from a stabbing in the line of duty: "No one likes it when you do that."

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Not the strongest episode but still a good one.  I too was a little disappointed we didn't get to see Holt be rude to Terry in front of his family but his getting in the right frame of mind was good.


Everyone's mentioned the high points and I just want to add my love for Boyle's Single Ladies dance.  He does indeed have good pelvic movement.


Love Amy and Jake's friendship and I think I'll be fine if they never go full on romantic.

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It's a testament to how strong this show is that even a "weak" episode is funnier than almost every other comedy on TV. Holt saved this one for me, and I need a gif of him on that bouncy ball ASAP so I can look at it and laugh anytime someone pisses me off at my own soul-sucking job.

What was the deal with Boyle's insistence about calling it turkey day?

I'm pretty sure that's a callback to last year's Thanksgiving episode.

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What I loved about the episode was that they addressed the things that were bothering me in the beginning.  Like what happened to checking the surveillance tapes, and why was Gina allowed to scare the civilians by loudly talking about her will and dying?  Those things came back around and Jake addressed them in the end.  I was also worried that they were going to go the route of Jake can't handle being in charge and Amy is always right.  But, the smart writing on this show went in an unexpected, but much more satisfying way.  

Edited by Seelouis
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What was the deal with Boyle's insistence about calling it turkey day?

I'll confess that that was one of the (secondary) "off" moments for me. A year ago, the squad enjoyed playing Boyle Bingo for Thanksgiving, predicting what he'd say and do, and one box that they'd all predicted was that he would say "Happy Turkey Day!" because he always does.


Fine. But he doesn't think that's the real name of the day, nor does he disapprove of calling it Thanksgiving -- he just has his fun (to him) nickname for it. So this felt more like "we gotta do some kinda callback to Season 1 Thanksgiving," and it came off lame and contrived to me. (I sound harsh, don't I? -- I really did like the episode overall.)

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And the B story was a riot. I'm only sorry we didn't get to actually see Holt acting like a jerk for Zeke's benefit.


Yes. I was expecting to see Holt be a jerk to Terry. Oh well.


Giving us a taste and leaving the rest to the imagination was the way to go, I think.


Besides, have we met Terry's wife and kids? I don't think so. If I'm right about that, it's not a good way to introduce them.


ETA: I'm wrong. It happens. Still, it's a headache just to bring them back for that.

What was the deal with Boyle's insistence about calling it turkey day?

Only squares call it Thanksgiving. Hipsters, foodies, 3rd graders, and strident atheists prefer Turkey Day, for different but compatible reasons.

Edited by Latverian Diplomat
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About half way through this episode, I realized I wasn't enjoying it.  Between Jake being incompetent and Terry telling lies I felt like I was watching any sitcom ever.  But then it all turned around for me, and I did enjoy the ending.  It's all character driven: Holt being awesome for Terry. Amy being awesome for Jake. As long as I get that, the humor and my enjoyment comes very naturally.

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This episode reminded me of how I feel about Parks and Rec: the humor didn't work for me ("stinky butt"? Did someone's nine-year-old nephew write that?), but there were enough moments that were sweet and engaging. I like most of these people so much that just getting to spend time with them is enjoyable even when the humor is more dopey than clever and effective for me. 


The bad news is that over the past few episodes I'm back to really disliking Gina. The good news is that I still adore everyone else :) 

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I agree that this wasn't the most awesome B99 episode ever, which is my general standard for the show, but there was enough to love.  My life will be forever brighter for having seen Charles Boyle do the Single Ladies dance.  I also enjoyed Jake telling Holt he looked really good in Amy's purple shirt, and then saying they should dub the lawyers "vegetable medley" because he can't think of anything more gross.  I found Hitchcock's reunion with Scully (and his worry that the worm might make him fall off the ledge) very sweet.  This last bit I think is important to the quality of the show--none of the characters are one-dimensional, even the two who are supposed to be almost purely doofus comic relief.  Hitchcock gets emotional when he hears Scully sing, and Scully rushes to hug his longtime partner when the lockdown ends.  Awww.  Also, the sweetness of their reunion points to part of what makes this show so charming and enjoyable to me.  B99 just makes me feel happy: it makes me LOL every episode, and every episode has at least one moment of genuine kindness or affection that makes me smile.  


The opener was a little underwhelming, but I suppose it at least reinforced the endless Peralta-Santiago competition and set up Jake's challenge in the episode, which was figuring out how to reconcile his immaturity and commitment to unprofessionalism with his professional responsibilities. But I suppose that, after last week's "Hot damn!" opener, they just gave up and admitted nothing will ever match its charm and brilliance.  

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The thing that bugged me is, do you really have to quarantine people because you think they might've been exposed to anthrax? It's not contagious; seems like there would just be some sort of decontamination procedure and then everyone could go home.

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The thing that bugged me is, do you really have to quarantine people because you think they might've been exposed to anthrax? It's not contagious; seems like there would just be some sort of decontamination procedure and then everyone could go home.

I am no expert on such procedures, but to me it would make sense that if you don't know what everyone has been exposed to (it might be something other than anthrax, after all), it makes sense to keep them together until you do know. Letting them disperse could lead to nightmares trying to get the word to everyone later.

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This was an odd mixture of an episode. Not least with the characterisation of Jake himself. His competitiveness with Amy over who could suck up to Holt more, in the cold open, didn't really feel like Jake. He was a bit too childish in the early going, but I guess that was deliberate so they could highlight him stepping up after Amy challenged him on it.


I did like the theme of him being in charge for the first time, and desperately trying to please everyone. Felt very true to life, and very true to Jake Peralta. And Amy wasn't just being the boring, staid one who wants him to play by the rules, she had genuine concerns and she actually wanted Jake to come up with the answers, rather than just take over herself. Instead of just supporting him blindly, like Charles, she was actually pushing him to do what he should, and I loved that as a beat to their friendship.


Also, "told you so! Not too proud." Adorable little jerk. Loved their little moment of camaraderie when they remembered the line was from Captain Phillips. That's the sort of real warmth that sells them as genuine friends, and would hopefully continue if they embark on a romantic relationship.


"Hitchcock got trapped on the balcony."

"Good. Sounds like we dodged a bullet there."


The delivery on that one was outstanding, because it was so casual, and so without any concern for Hitchcock's safety. Beautiful. And Holt recounting Jake's text messages was fantastic as well. He's going to need to work on those, if he wants to impress Amy. We know how she feels about proper punctuation in texts. Holt in general was awesome, as usual. 


I was a bit annoyed that Zeke was such an ass to Terry, because I got the impression in the last episode he was in that he did actually like Terry, even if he teased him. Here, he was just too much of a dick to him. But Terry Crews being insecure and needy was pretty adorable.


I actually wish Gina had inhaled a whole bunch of Anthrax, because I am just tired of her in general, but she was such a fucking useless sack of crap in this episode. She contributed nothing, not even any laughs. This would have been a perfect episode to just say, 'oh yeah, Gina's not in work because it's Thanksgiving and she barely even turns up on regular days'. Instead, she was just there, making everything worse. The only thing she was asked to do was to stop being a melodramatic dipshit.

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"Something's Gotta Give" is a good movie.  I recommend it.  One of the better romantic comedies.  I've seen it many times.


Another promise unfulfilled:  I really wanted to know what Sade song(s) Jake would pick.


Jake's boss-genie..Brooks and Done. Donezel Washington.


Hah.  Thank you.  I love when people recap all the funny quips I missed because they were so fast!


The opener was a little underwhelming, but I suppose it at least reinforced the endless Peralta-Santiago competition


"I also hope that none of the Amys are disappointed that I was chosen over Amy.  Amy."  or something :)


We met the twins in The Ebony Falcon. Jake goes to their apartment, and then becomes over-protective of Terry because he is so worried about him being there for his girls. It was pretty sweet.


One of my favourite moments from the show.  Those girls broke my heart. "There's somebody at the do'"!

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
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I guess the disconnect and oddness from the cold open that people are noticing makes sense because the cold open is actually a deleted scene from the season 1 dvds.  Strange, but I guess it highlighted the more 'friendshippy' Jake and Amy connection that they're building in this episode in particular (alongside of the romantic one they're also building in other episodes of course!).  

Edited by evesix
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Yeah, I wasn't feeling this episode.  Certainly didn't hate it, but it felt a bit lazy at times, and even slow.  Part of the problem is that last season's Thanksgiving episode was so epic (Hungry Terry, Amy's dinner party, "Gerald Jimes" and the Yellow Sweater), that this was just such a disappointment.


While Jake has always and still is immature, I really found it hard to believe he'd be this big of a disaster at first.  At the very least, I don't think he wouldn't have let Boyle talk him into being is "second in-command", and he would have done a better job at shutting Gina down.  I don't know; I guess he has to be goofy and a screw-up at times, but I wish they found a better way at making things get out of control, instead of just making him let everyone walk all over him.


Seriously, Gina really has gone back to getting on my nerves again.  Really, I was annoyed when, at the end, Jake told Rosa to be nicer to her.  She deserved worse.  And, she is useless to the squad.  Not sure what Jake even bothered including her in any of their discussions.  She should have been Scullyed or Hitchcocked.  Meanwhile, this was the first time in a while I even got annoyed with Boyle.  I kind of wanted Jake to snap at him, after his umpteenth time of butting in and trying to insert himself as the "second in-command."


That leaves Amy as easily the best thing about this story.  Glad that she was the voice of reason, and finally got Jake to snap out of it.  And, that it never felt like she was just being a nag, but was completely in the right.  Go Amy!


The B-plot with Terry/Holt was better; loved the bouncing ball gag.  Andre Braugher really does commit to anything they throw at him.  Fun seeing Zeke again and how the actor towers over freaking Terry Crews.  I wish we got to see Holt pretending to chew Terry out. 


Oh, well.  Not every episode can be a winner.

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While Jake has always and still is immature, I really found it hard to believe he'd be this big of a disaster at first.  At the very least, I don't think he wouldn't have let Boyle talk him into being is "second in-command", and he would have done a better job at shutting Gina down.  I don't know; I guess he has to be goofy and a screw-up at times, but I wish they found a better way at making things get out of control, instead of just making him let everyone walk all over him.

On reflection, the saving grace in this (for me) is that he was trying to do that thing that a lot of people (including me) will try to do when put in charge: show that you can keep order while making everyone happy and not restricting them from what they like to do. And unfortunately, you mostly really can't: you have to be in charge, and not everybody can get what they want. (And when a real crisis arose, with the unknown power, he did do what he's supposed to in terms of protocol.)


Actually on further reflection, how does the timeline for this episode work? Holt and Jeffords were letting Jake take charge for "a twelve-hour shift." At 11 a.m., everyone has one hour more and then they go home -- and we do see them intending to go home an hour later. So is Jake supposed to be staying on for another 8? hours to supervise the nameless drones? Ray and Terry were still on their way to the event at noon, yes? they couldn't be on their way back? and yet they're close to Terry's house, and he can't be commuting hours every day. The more I think about it, the more my brain hurts.

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On reflection, the saving grace in this (for me) is that he was trying to do that thing that a lot of people (including me) will try to do when put in charge: show that you can keep order while making everyone happy and not restricting them from what they like to do. And unfortunately, you mostly really can't: you have to be in charge, and not everybody can get what they want. (And when a real crisis arose, with the unknown power, he did do what he's supposed to in terms of protocol.)


I've had bosses in the past who tried to do that, and it always ended up annoying nearly everyone in the end. Worse though, I suspect that if I was ever put in a direct line of command for a group of staff (something I've managed to skillfully avoid thus far in my career), I would be just as bad as Jake when it came to trying to keep them all happy.

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I am no expert on such procedures, but to me it would make sense that if you don't know what everyone has been exposed to (it might be something other than anthrax, after all), it makes sense to keep them together until you do know. Letting them disperse could lead to nightmares trying to get the word to everyone later.


I suppose, though the episode did seem to lean pretty heavily on the "Is it harmless or is it anthrax?" question without really suggesting that it might be something worse. And I'm not sure what else it could have been, since I don't think you can turn something dangerously contagious like a virus into a dry powder.


It's ultimately a minor point, but it just struck me as an oddly fantastical conceit in a series that might have wacky characters but tends to hew pretty close to reality when it comes to the world around them.

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I guess the disconnect and oddness from the cold open that people are noticing makes sense because the cold open is actually a deleted scene from the season 1 dvds.  Strange, but I guess it highlighted the more 'friendshippy' Jake and Amy connection that they're building in this episode in particular (alongside of the romantic one they're also building in other episodes of course!).  


Is it really?   I watched the season 1 DVDs about 1-2 months ago.  When this episode began, the opening scene seemed so familiar that I thought the episode was a repeat.  It never occurred to me that the deja vu feeling was because it was an cut scene from the previous season.

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Is it really?   I watched the season 1 DVDs about 1-2 months ago.  When this episode began, the opening scene seemed so familiar that I thought the episode was a repeat.  It never occurred to me that the deja vu feeling was because it was an cut scene from the previous season.


Yup!  Similar thing for me, though I thought I had just seen a clip/preview and that's why it seemed familiar.  But I went back and checked my dvds earlier today, it was a deleted scene from Full Boyle to be specific.

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Interesting. I noticed that Amy's hair looked different, so I guess that's why.


Another promise unfulfilled:  I really wanted to know what Sade song(s) Jake would pick.

Jake put on some music when he went in the office with the lawyer. Could that have been a Sade song?

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I always remember him as "Me'Shell" from Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story.  But, he is one of those guys who pops up in a few other things I've seen like The Rundown, Django Unchained, and so so forth.  But, I suspect the main requirement for this role was "Who can make Terry Crews look tiny?"

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Once again, Terry and Holt were the MVPs for me. Holt and the chair are now my OTP for comedy. And Terry recounting all the crappy nicknames his BIL had given him was great. I loved how he was most pissed off by one of the names because he found it 'lazy'. Heh.


Honourable mention for Boyle for his impressive Single Ladies dance. I'll give participation ribbons to the hookers(?) in lock up behind him who decided to be his back up dancers. That shit was great.


I appreciated that Amy was human enough to say "I told you so" but classy enough to encourage Jake rather than just take over. Also, thank you again to TPTB for having Amy participate in the contest(?) where they all threw food or something at Jake shortly after Terry and Holt left. I am just immensely glad that Amy is not written as a total killjoy.


I also enjoyed Jake's reaction to Rosa saying that she loved Something's Gotta Give: "totally unexpected and something we will definitely talk about later!"

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Jake put on some music when he went in the office with the lawyer. Could that have been a Sade song?


Haha.  100% not a Sade song.  But some chill sounding R&B.   Boyle dancing to this song was so funny.  


Tunefind identifies it as:   Doin' that Thing by Raphael Lake, Aaron Levy & Jane Afrilu Sammut

"Jake puts on some smooth listening tunes while discussing the possible Anthrax exposure to the lawyer."


Tunefind is a great site by the way.  People go in there and identify all the songs for any show there.  If a song isn't there, you can request to know what it is, and people always respond!

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
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My favorite part was the blind high five and Jake rubbing Holt' s ear. I haven't laughed that hard since Seinfeld. I love those two together.

Absolutely hated Gina. I think TPTB have put her/the actress on the show to simply annoy. It's their way of getting back at anyone who done them wrong.

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