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S04.E03: Something Wicked This Way Comes

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OMG, Helen is such a special little snowflake, isn't she?  She expects to be rewarded for something that she worked hard on even if it looks like crap.



I thought Helen was channeling a 50s/60s diner server with that thing on her head.


I was getting more of a Tsarina's tiara vibe from it, maybe because she's an out of touch princess.

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No offense to anyone who shaves their head but Michelle looks downright fugly to me.

I few times so far this season (again last night), I saw Michelle onscreen and wondered who that guy with the weird mohawk was.  I swear it takes me a few seconds to recognize her sometimes.  I'm not sure that her hairdo would look good on anyone, but I think it really doesn't go with her face (and her face is fine).


I too was disappointed with just black and white (with one grey exception). 


I cannot for the life of me remember anything of Samantha from her season. 

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How in the everloving world were they able to get Betsy Johnson as a sub judge, but we're stuck with random actress #5 as the guest judge?

I suspect the Power of Weinstein compels them with the lure of adding to their brand the way Kors has done.

If we have to be subjected to tv actresses week after week, I wouldn't mind seeing Katey Sagal as a judge. And she needs to bring Gemma's barbecue fork........

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Yes, I concur that I'm glad Chris is gone. It's not his cuppa anymore and he needs to stick with his fabulous costumery and red carpet one offs. He was pretty miserable to watch and it's good he's out, IMHO, so I can hang on to my not insubstantial March love.


Helen: what the fuckity fuck? Channeling Henry VIII's dead wives is not a good look for her. And that dress? I could not believe everyone including Zanna was talking about how scurd they were of her fabulous creativity? That dress was horrendous, and not even in a trainwreck I must watch kind of way, but just horrible. Here's hoping she keeps up the trend and goes home soon. And takes Michelle with her.


I don't really have a problem with Michelle riffing on Zanna in the work room. I have little to no respect for Zanna as a fashion authority, based mostly on her own personal style.

The judging on this show continues to mystify me, though: Ariel from Modern Family? Better than Snooki, but still. Isaac of QVC? I guess at least he has something nice to say to the designers in most cases, even when the dress is terrible. Betsey Johnson? Had a couple of good years in the 80s and now just recycles the same "trash couture" over and over.


I couldn't believe Dmitry's was in the top. Although I did love the back. Then he goes and says, you know who doesn't love Nina? People who suck. Hey, Dmitry! I suck.


ETA: Guys, let's give Alyssa's "stylist" a break! She (Alyssa, that is) is a grown woman who's been in the public eye for years and I'm pretty sure she has a mirror. As I said previously, there's no way someone could force me against my will into something that made me look laughable. She has to take her share of the blame. As far as the designers oohing and aahing over her when she appears, I'm pretty sure it's written into their contracts.

Edited by PepperMonkey
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How in the everloving world were they able to get Betsy Johnson as a sub judge, but we're stuck with random actress #5 as the guest judge?  Did Georgina call in a favor so there would be respected fashion opinion there instead of Sitcom Actress?


I have nothing against Ariel Winter, but what is she, like, the 5th most stylish person from Modern Family?  6th?  


I have no respect for Zanna.  I think she's an idiot.  (Inadvertently echoing Pepper Monkey's post above mine.)


I have a lot of affection for Sonjia and I'm happy for her win.  Almost had a heart attack when they put Fabio on the bottom.  I usually like Alyssa but she seemed personally offended by his choices.  To me it wasn't awful -- it just seemed way more wicked than good.  And I agreed that the themes of the dress were mish-mashed - the bondage stuff at the back with the pretty, conservative front.  Confusing.


These designers seem so much more mature and sure of themselves (in a mostly okay way) than the ones in the regular season. They even seem sincerely fond of one another. It's relaxing! I can't bring myself to dislike any of them. :)


I recently watched All Stars 2 and 3 and I've found this consistent throughout the seasons.  It's given me a greater appreciation for the All Stars series as a whole.  Much, much easier to watch than the regular season with the 2 or 3 designated assholes and their chosen victims.

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
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One final point, I am noticing that there is an overall lack of drama this season that I'm finding refreshing. Being able to enjoy the season and look at the clothing as opposed to every little bit of drama (real or manufactured), has given me a bigger appreciation for the designers and their work. More episodes like these, please!


I think this is a combination of the All-Stars mostly knowing each other and also the show only being an hour long. The first season of PR where the episodes were an hour and a half, I appreciated the extra time in the beginning because they didn't have to short-shrift some of the middle-of-the-road designers' screen time. But now it seems that they use the extra time for the DRAMA and not the DESIGN. Like the producers forgot why we're actually tuning in to this show. But All-Stars being an hour, they can't waste time. Here's the challenge, now make a dress and get it on the runway! Quick! We've only got 38 minutes after commercials!


That said, I liked the design of Chris' dress, but I don't think pink really says evil, and unfortunately, the fabric did look cheap, which brought the whole thing down a few pegs. I'm sorry to see him go because I've always enjoyed his designs, but he never really seemed to be on this season anyway. I feel like production doubled his stipend or something just so he'd agree to show up. He always looked reluctant to be there.


And ditto to everyone who complained about the lack of originality in color. Black for wicked and white/off-white for good? HOW ORIGINAL. Also, it's really becoming clear that they're keeping Michelle around longer just because she's a winner. Because her dress was completely boring and flat and should have been in the bottom three easy.


I gasped when I saw Dimitri's sketch, so I was kind of disappointed in his final dress. He mentioned flames, so I thought there'd at least be some blood red along with the black, but no. And gone was the asymmetry, too. I actually liked the back better than the front, where the pieces didn't meet. It was just more visually interesting. I think if he'd been able to apply that to the front, he might have actually won this one.

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Please, somebody stop these people! This was a jank runway all around.

In what celestial plane is any of this stuff considered haute couture? Helen made my blood pressure go up about 15 points - her dress was hotel curtain fabric and a gigantic tampon wrapper sheet glued to her model's hip. There was nothing Parisian or couture about that shitfest. I hope no one French was watching this show, cause we're going to piss them off again. I can hear it now: fucking Américains, thinking that is HAUTE COUTURE.

Jay. Jay. Were you smoking something when you made that traversty? If a couturier ever did ask you to make something, and you made THAT, he would stab you with his scissors. The top looked like a gigantic monster baby bib that had exploded and the shrapnel ripped up the edges. Barf. And I see he still thinks he's God's gift to fashion. You're not.

Did Kate do anything? I guess I was so blinded by rage I wasn't paying much attention. I don't recall what Sonjia made either - and her dress WON.

I have no words for what Fabio made. Really. Well, yes I do - the top/blouse/coverlet looked like something you wear when you go get waxing done. Seriously - it's the same smockette that they give you at the salon. Barf.

Michelle, go away. And stop wearing sheer tops and bikini bras like you're 23. You're not. I don't want to see neither the outline, shape, or suggestion of your breasts. Gag.

WHO LET ALYSSA WALK OUT ON STAGE IN THAT TRAVERSTY???? She looked like a silk pillow decoration I had seen at Bloomingdales this past weekend. Somebody really hates her, or her poor child, who is being subjected to torture while still in the womb. Maybe we need to call an exorcist - I think her stylist may be possessed.

Edited by BathKol
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She expects to be rewarded for something that she worked hard on even if it looks like crap.

Sadly, too many people think that the whiny "But I worked SO hard" seems to mean their results should be superior.  


An example I always use: If you spend an entire day shoveling dirt out of a hole, and then back into the hole, you have absolutely worked hard.  But you have NOT produced anything of worth.  


Today, looking at the photos of the dresses on my HUGE work monitor, I realized that Benjamin's dress is really stunning.  

Edited by leighdear
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Sadly, too many people think that the whiny "But I worked SO hard" seems to mean their results should be superior.  


An example I always use: If you spend an entire day shoveling dirt out of a hole, and then back into the hole, you have absolutely worked hard.  But you have NOT produced anything of worth.  


Today, looking at the photos of the dresses on my HUGE work monitor, I realized that Benjamin's dress is really stunning.  

Have you put Helen's dress and all of Alyssa's dresses into that hole before putting the dirt back on?  Because that would be worth something :)

  • Love 16

I was very uninspired by everything that came down the runway.  The "wicked" costumes (except for Chris's gray and pink dress) were all black and looked like skimpier redesigns of Elphaba's act 2 dress (the dress the Elphaba actress wore at the beginning of this episode).  The "good" costumes were all white/cream, and many looked bridal (I guess we can all be thankful that Kate drew "wicked;" otherwise she might have created another bridal gown).  I was hoping to see more creativity here - "wicked" dresses in colors other than black (dark green, dark blue, crimson, etc.) and "good" dresses in colors other than white/cream (pastels, etc.).


I was hoping one of these designers could pull off the amazing yellow dress that Sandiya and Char failed to do on regular PR.  


Helen: what the fuckity fuck? Channeling Henry VIII's dead wives is not a good look for her. And that dress? I could not believe everyone including Zanna was talking about how scurd they were of her fabulous creativity? That dress was horrendous, and not even in a trainwreck I must watch kind of way, but just horrible. Here's hoping she keeps up the trend and goes home soon. And takes Michelle with her.


Unfortunately for us, Henry is no longer around to behead those who displease him.  Even Catherine Howard had more taste than Helen does.


I think Zanna was the one that told her to use less of the ruffles.  But Helen is the ding dong that listened to her.

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I think people commenting on Helen's talent were subconsciously getting a Christian Siriano vibe from the fluffy stuff she was adding to the dress, plus the almost triangular-shaped side drape.  He's done both elements many times. 


Christian has also done a ton of those type gowns in pale colors.   One fairly recently for Taylor Swift.  All you have to do is Google "Christian Siriano Gowns" and you will be bombarded with much, much, much better versions of that thing Helen sent down the runway. 

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Even navy would have been nice, rather than black. I love a good navy gown.

People like Helen probably were always rewarded for their efforts, regardless of outcome. Not just her, but it seems to be the way many schools operate these days...everyone gets a ribbon.

Again...if AM likes your design, it has to take away some of the pleasure of being complimented. I cringe imaging her in any of these dresses. And that hairdo with her opening-act tutu. Really? In all of her years in public, she never learned that a fussy dress needs sleek hair? I mean, that is the least of her style issues but it is such a basic. Plus both outfits looked very uncomfortable. I agree that she plays a big role in choosing these disasters...no one could force her into those things week after week. And it was no better before she was pregnant.

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What a sad state that runway was in, and none of the dresses I liked best (save Sonjia's, which was decent) were in the top.


I have no idea why Samantha was in the Top 3. I think the judges thought her terrible construction was deliberate, because they kept using the term "raw," which isn't the case. The camerapeople must have agreed, because they kept doing close-ups of the dress, where you could see threads hanging down and bad stitching and all that.


I think Helen was definitely thinking of a Christian Siriano look, but you have to have more of a concept than "ruffles" to make his style work.


Betsey Johnson wasn't drunk...she's always like that.


I'm sad to see Chris go, but I agree that he seemed over the competition before it even started. His dress wasn't the worst of the bunch, but it wasn't bad in a boring way (which allows you to slide by...Michelle), it was bad in a way that could be picked apart deliberately.


Dmitri is cool, but every dress he makes is like "Eastern European Hookers on Ice."

  • Love 6

I think people commenting on Helen's talent were subconsciously getting a Christian Siriano vibe from the fluffy stuff she was adding to the dress, plus the almost triangular-shaped side drape. He's done both elements many times.

Christian has also done a ton of those type gowns in pale colors. One fairly recently for Taylor Swift. All you have to do is Google "Christian Siriano Gowns" and you will be bombarded with much, much, much better versions of that thing Helen sent down the runway.

Not really. If I recall, Christian actually makes/made his signature ruffles, layers, and crinkles. Helen went and bought some premade shit that looked like a cross between a dead alpaca and a nappy tupée all in one. Then she had nerve enough to take said roll and just stick it to her model's side, like a wart. Then to add more manure to the roaring flame she dared mentioned Paris Fashion Week, herself, and the dress IN THE SAME SENTENCE.

But I did like her crown - though not technically on her head. She should stick to black, ivory clashes with her tattoos and claws.

  • Love 1

What a sad state that runway was in, and none of the dresses I liked best (save Sonjia's, which was decent) were in the top.


I have no idea why Samantha was in the Top 3. I think the judges thought her terrible construction was deliberate, because they kept using the term "raw," which isn't the case. The camerapeople must have agreed, because they kept doing close-ups of the dress, where you could see threads hanging down and bad stitching and all that.


I think Helen was definitely thinking of a Christian Siriano look, but you have to have more of a concept than "ruffles" to make his style work.


Betsey Johnson wasn't drunk...she's always like that.


I'm sad to see Chris go, but I agree that he seemed over the competition before it even started. His dress wasn't the worst of the bunch, but it wasn't bad in a boring way (which allows you to slide by...Michelle), it was bad in a way that could be picked apart deliberately.


Dmitri is cool, but every dress he makes is like "Eastern European Hookers on Ice."

Is she?  I don't dislike it, but it reminds me of someones drunk crazy aunt, but it more amusing to me.  I just imagined a flask situation.


You say "Eastern European Hookers on Ice" like its a bad thing?


Not really. If I recall, Christian actually makes/made his signature ruffles, layers, and crinkles. Helen went and bought some premade shit that looked like a cross between a dead alpaca and a nappy tupée all in one. Then she had nerve enough to take said roll and just stick it to her model's side, like a wart. Then to add more manure to the roaring flame she dared mentioned Paris Fashion Week, herself, and the dress IN THE SAME SENTENCE.

But I did like her crown - though not technically on her head. She should stick to black, ivory clashes with her tattoos and claws.


Oh she was very clear that she made them fucking ruffles.  She had to wrap up her poor aching hands from it all.  

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I know everyone keeps saying that Chris did not seem like he wanted to be there but to me he was the same old Chris that he has always been.  He is a low energy guy.  Even on his own 30 minute show that he had he was low energy.  I didn't think he was disrespectful to the judges either.  But then again I don't think he was that broken up that he was off.


I would Not have had Samantha in the top 3.  That was a horrible ill fitting dress.  Just yuck.  And on my tv it was just black on black.  What did they call it? Crow?  In other words black?  


I liked Dmitri's okay-loved the back.  I liked it better than Sonjia's but I am not a big fan of the high low skirt thing anyway.  And the dress in the back looked so stiff and unmoving.


Michelle's hair bothers me too.  I did not think anyone even did that anymore.  


I agree Betsy is always like that.


I still like this better than Project Runway-it's shorter and less drama.

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SO classy for Michelle to respond to Zanna's commentary in the workroom with that clicking mouth-noise thing.  I expected her to follow it up with an exaggerated wink an shoot "finger guns" at her.  


Oh I am sure that will be next because the Michelle of this season is carefree and wacky and just a barrel of laughs :)


This may seem mean but I loved how pissed off Helen looked when she realized her dress was in the bottom and I especially loved IM telling her that just because she worked hard on something, it doesn't make it good.  The Special Little Snowflake needs to hear those words and absorb them.  Her dress would have been ten times better without that stupid lace sideboad thingy.


I am happy for Sonja and her win and Dmitri continued to rock but what the hell was with Michelle and her stupid Russian accent when she was talking about his design?  Does she have the guts to talk to him like that to his face?   

Edited by kitmerlot1213
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For the second week, I agreed with the judges.  I guess we're drinking the same Kool-Aid.  I thought Chris' dress was one of the ugliest evening gowns (if you can call it that) to ever grace the runway.  He was rightly eliminated.  Betsy Johnson added nothing. Ariel Winter added even less.  I was disappointed with Fabio's look. All in all - not a great runway show. 

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You say "Eastern European Hookers on Ice" like its a bad thing?



I agree Chris has always had that low-energy thing.  Though on his show, he usually amped up his enthusiasm around his clients.  I remember Jennifer Coollidge in particular, when he was designing a Mardi Gras gown for her.  But that was in New Orleans, and he wasn't competing.  I think it's the whole competition thing he hates. 

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I didn't think Betsey Johnson added much either, but at least she's relevant to fashion. The Modern Family girl was just annoying... I don't get why they have random actress/whoever judges when they can apparently get actual designers/people that have something to do with fashion. Like last week, why have 3 guest judges that are Snooki, Jwow, and Elie Tahari? Why not just scrap the 2 useless ones, and keep Tahari? I don't especially like Betsey Johnson's clothes, but at least she's relevant to judging a fashion competition, quasi-drunk as she may seem!


what the hell was with Michelle and her stupid Russian accent when she was talking about his design?  Does she have the guts to talk to him like that to his face?   



Edited by wovenloaf
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When I saw AM's opening dress, I thought, the poor woman should really try a pair of pants for a change. MAybe it would balance out her proportions instead of the tents they keep draping over her.  The cupcake and tablecloth dresses are doing her NO favors.  Then she came out in pants for the runway show...that wasn't any better. 


Dimitry - another ice skating dress


Helen - her dress was seriously FUG.  It could have been something "OK" if the frilly shit was placed better??  The brocade-y fabric was pretty enough.  As for her runway look - I thought I was seeing Wallis Simpson back from whatever Nazi loving circle of hell she's been in.  Not attractive! (the crown was pretty bad too).


Michelle - I do not get her stuff.  Ill-fitting = couture?? Her affectations are so annoying.  It must be exhausting to be around her more than the 43 min we are subjected to once a week. 


Chris- I always liked his personality and his designs.  I'll miss some of his commentary, but I think he's successful on his own without this show.  I didn't think his dress was so bad.

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I am happy for Sonja and her win and Dmitri continued to rock but what the hell was with Michelle and her stupid Russian accent when she was talking about his design?  Does she have the guts to talk to him like that to his face?   




Never did. Michelle was the queen of meangirling behind peoples' backs in her own season, and apparently someone in PR production decided that America's lack of interest in her since then meant we wanted to see  more of her.


Bluntly, I'm a little worried - she's getting the Amanda edit, and her twitter is full of pictures of her with Anthony Ryan, who got a win he didn't earn in his own season and ascended bodily into QVC to be seated at the right hand of Isaac.


OTOH, the thought of Michelle trying to sell dumbed-down sweatshop knockoffs in synthetic fabrics of that one golden girls tribute signature tunic she knows how to make is kind of fun :)

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The sad thing is that AM was better dressed and coiffed on "Charmed"! Maybe they could get those stylists to come back to dress her and do her hair? She's a beautiful woman, but somebody has no taste.

Are other shows paying for their stars to be judges? I can think of no other explanation for this parade of Irrelevence unless Heidi just has a lot of friends who want to be on. It must be so annoying for the real judges.

Edited by picklesprite
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Oh she was very clear that she made them fucking ruffles. She had to wrap up her poor aching hands from it all.

Is that what she was complaining about? I kind of tune her and Michelle out so I only remember her with a bandaged hand bawling at Zanna and then showing this ugly nap Sherpa rug thing on the ironing board.

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I think the past few guest judges were designed to get us primed and amped up for Nina's grand appearance.  Normally I wouldn't be interested in that, but after Jersey Shore and then the middle sister on Modern Family I actually am kind of excited.


I liked Helen's tiara thing.  I couldn't figure out whether it reminded me of really old European religious paintings, or maybe something more Asian.  It was fascinating, and a really nice contrast to the boring-ass runway they produced.  I was also comparing it to the weird black headpiece Kate picked out (y'know, cause she's wicked *giggle*), and Sanjia's headband.  Of those, Helen's was my favorite.


The runway left me wondering...is there a trend of feathers placed on someone's shoulders?  It seemed like a lot of that was going on.


I didn't agree with the judging, except for the winner.  I don't know how Samantha and Dimitry wound up in the top, even though most of the outfits seemed to be good only on the top or the bottom of the gown.  The comments from the judges didn't make me understand their positioning either.


I was fine with Chris's attitude as he left.  It must be weird to get critiqued by Alyssa Milano, given what she wears, and a child actress who probably should have been judging the PR: Junior edition of this show (if any- does she have any connection to fashion?).  I'd be a little grumpy about it, too.

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I really like Chris March, and his show on Bravo was a hoot! He is a wonderful conceptual designer and really, this should have been his challenge, but I think he undid himself in underestimating his time (he had more than he thought) and was not as ambitious as he should have been. In a way, now that he is gone, since I will have no favorite to root for, the rest of the season will be more interesting for me.....

I correctly guessed the winner and loser in this challenge. I agree with the poster who encouraged us to put aside our opinions of the designers themselves and focus on the clothes shown in this challenge.

Chris March may be a fan favorite (I like him ok but I never really understood the mad love. To me, he doesn't seem that outstanding or charismatic), but that dress was awful. MAYBE it would be ok as a costume (I haven't seen wicked) but I see no scenario where someone would wear it as an actual couture gown to an actual event.

I also don't get the Michelle hate. I liked her winning runway show from her season and while she hasn't really produced anything of note so far on AS, I don't think her personality is all that vile. She comes across as awkward and dorky and maybe a little annoying but harmless. As far as sh*t talking goes, I feel like beloved Dmitry is right there with her.

Speaking of Dmitry, I just can't with his designs. Although they are usually impeccably made, I find them stale. I like fresh, clean, modern and functional. So much of this is just a matter of taste, really.

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I agree with the poster who encouraged us to put aside our opinions of the designers themselves and focus on the clothes shown in this challenge.

I also don't get the Michelle hate. I liked her winning runway show from her season and while she hasn't really produced anything of note so far on AS, I don't think her personality is all that vile. She comes across as awkward and dorky and maybe a little annoying but harmless. As far as sh*t talking goes, I feel like beloved Dmitry is right there with her.

These people present themselves in such a way that we just can't help but laugh at them. They're on TV presenting themselves to the whole world performing acts of major tomfoolery. It wouldn't be fun if they weren't. ;-)

Michelle isn't ALL that bad, no, but she's so geocentric in her thoughts she just looks like an ass half the time. I grudgingly liked a few of her designs on season 11 and her final collection was admittedly very beautiful. But she has fallen to such low levels of hilarity. I'm not a big fan of Count Nemesis either but at least he is so busy sipping from his chalice he barely has time to talk. Or he just knows when to be quiet.

Anyone ever notice Dmitry does not have a shadow? I've never seen his reflection either. Garlic, anyone?

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OMG, Helen is such a special little snowflake, isn't she?  She expects to be rewarded for something that she worked hard on even if it looks like crap.



I was getting more of a Tsarina's tiara vibe from it, maybe because she's an out of touch princess.



Oh she was very clear that she made them fucking ruffles.  She had to wrap up her poor aching hands from it all.  

It seems like Helen is trying to improve her Helen of Cry image from her prior season.  She almost seems like she's on downers with her odd smile and low affect.  But she is still such a special snowflake that even if she's not doing her grand over-emoting cries of specialness, she still can't stop herself from being a drama queen.  Oh, I sewed sooooooo many ruffles I had to wrap my hands.  I am soooooo special I need to put on my special outfit for the runway.  Get my hair glue and tiara!  She really does come off like she expects constant affirmation of how truly wonderful she is and how all of her efforts are so much more important than everyone else's.  She really didn't expect to be on the bottom but at least she didn't immediately break down and start sobbing.


I think the outcome was skewed by the way they had two designers compete for top and bottom.  If not, we may have seen both Michelle and Chris in the bottom.  Her dress was incredibly boring and ill-fitting.  But his was a train wreck.  So she may have barely edged him out - still kept her out of the bottom.  A few of the pairings either had better design versus better design (as compared to the entire runway) or poor design versus poor design.  That led to a bad split overall.  They should have just done the good or evil and skipped the designer vs. designer.  


I did not get the love for Samantha's dress at all.  It looked like an ill-fitting sequined sack that someone tore a hole in.  That material must have been very impressive in person or something.  Also, the exploding chicken that Jay sent down the runway was laughable but it still won his pairing.  

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It looked as if Alyssa Milano stuck her head out of the sunroof of a VW bug and someone threw a tablecloth over it.


I was flabbergasted when Justin claimed that the Wicked Witch's dress is what inspired him to be a designer.  It looks like everything that every widow ever wore on any black & white TV western you care to name.

  • Love 8

As others have mentioned, Chris just seemed depressed. Like, seriously beaten down. On his mother season he had his dark moments admittedly, but I think he kind of regretted getting back on PR again. He looked like he was on the right track with his dress, but the deep cloud gray killed him, I think. Pink and gray are complements but the ripped center piece plus the Victorian ruffling AND the tightness was just wrong together. Plus his styling was pretty bad. Though his model looked a little livelier than Michelle's - her lady looked like one of the walking dead.

Edited by BathKol

I really like Chris but his dress was awful. When it came out I immediately said he was in trouble. Helen's was hideous too but there was something there, not much, but a bit of crazy design. Chris' just looked like what everyone said, a long torn t-shirt over a dirty looking series of petticoats. Fug.

I liked Dmitry's but would have liked it much better if he had gone with "flames" in red or really any color other than black. Blue would have looked good too, or you could harken to the show and throw in that wicked witch green color.

The winning design was not really my style. That mullety look is so downmarket in my opinion. If the whole dress had been that lasercut "lace" type thing I would have liked it better.

I was flabbergasted when Justin claimed that the Wicked Witch's dress is what inspired him to be a designer.  It looks like everything that every widow ever wore on any black & white TV western you care to name.


I think he was referring to Glinda's light blue, poofy, sparkly bubble dress?


Even if it was the wicked witch's dress, in Wicked her act 2 dress is actually quite intricate with colors besides black in it.

Helen's dress looked like she made it from old, musty curtains and stapled a bathroom rug to it. She should have gone home.


That said, I hated Chris's dress. HATED. It was so disappointing--this was a couture-inspired challenge. If anyone in this group should have crushed it, and made something beautiful and out there, it should have been Chris. I like him, but he really did seem to just give up.

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Fabricationary, Justin did specify that it was the wicked witch's dress that inspired him, and my interpretation was that he was talking about the black dress we were seeing.  I never saw Wicked, so I'll take your word that the dress in the next act was better.  My comment was based on the black dress they showed us.  For that matter, I wasn't even slightly impressed by the poofy white one either.  This isn't the first time that I've thought that awards often focus on something other than what they're supposed to be judging.

I really find Michelle to be repulsive in every way, attitude, personality, hair, stupid mouth etc. I think could she could even be the up there as most dislikable ever for me. I have to FF past her...I just can't bear her. I know this is strong for just seeing someone on TV, maybe she is charming in person but she ain't selling it to me. Her clothes either.

I also am kind of way over Justin and I never much liked his stuff anyway. I find it hard to believe he is a teacher in fashion? Is that right? Maybe I heard wrong.

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I correctly guessed the winner and loser in this challenge. I agree with the poster who encouraged us to put aside our opinions of the designers themselves and focus on the clothes shown in this challenge.


At this stage in their careers I think they have to pull off some kind of nice/attractive personality in addition to decent designs.  So for me, I don't necessarily agree with the idea of trying to set aside our opinions of the designers when judging the looks.  


I do however try to embrace the idea that people legitimately change (or maybe the edit was particularly harsh for storyline purposes that no longer apply).  It's hard, though, when you have someone who was so specific in their presentation in a previous season- I struggle with Helen.  I'm struggling with Kate in the opposite way, because I enjoyed her in her second run but here she annoys the crap out of me.  


Point is, maybe Michelle isn't fake.  Maybe she's just different.

I can see Helena Bohnam Carter in it. In fact, I immediately thought of her as it came down the runway.

There is someone they should have as a judge for the unconventional materials challenge!


Michelle doesn't bother me all that much.  She's not as funny to me as she thinks she is, but the reverse would be true as well.

Lnmop -

I think if Christian Siriano had been part of this challenge, his Wicked look would have been like this:


And the Good, like this:


True enough.  Sadly he's not in the competition.  I am hoping the others perk up at some point.  Color, bring some color, anyone?

I turned on the TV when they were just getting ready to deliberate. Was there a reason Helen seemed to be wearing an old-fashioned nurse's uniform? It even looked like she was wearing a cap.


Well her typical Elvira/Morticia Adams look didn't go with the "good" theme.  I thought she was going for virginal librarian.


I've liked Chris and Dmitry in their previous seasons, but they've both been bitchy and somewhat unlikeable to me this round.


I thought Fabio should go home.  I don't care how likeable he may be, he knowingly did not abide by the challenge.  They said do a gown, and he did pants.


Considering Alyssa's going to pop any second, the finalists will probably get two weeks for their collection.  So it will be crappy.

I agree with those complaining about the designers' lack of originality regarding color. The Broadway stars both went out of their way to stress Wicked's message of not being able to judge good or evil based on what you see, and how something that appears good may be wicked and vice versa. So 100% of the designers took from that that white = good and black = bad?? So disappointing.

Dmitry is a really beautiful man. I'm envious of his gorgeous skin. He cracked me up when he said, "It's called the work room, not the talk room. Let them talk. I will work."

I love Chris, but that dress looked ugly and cheap, like a skeleton shirt I'd make out of an old t-shirt for Halloween on a budget.

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