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S07.E09: What A Piece Of Work Is Man

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I am guessing the next package delivery will be the last one.  RIP Bobby.


Since they are having the live Anarchy Afterward and Timothy Murphy will be there, they can stay on for as long as they want to.  I will be watching that Afterward a few times.  Sigh.

I am going to go on a limb and say that killing Bobby Elvis tonight is a misdirection.  I predict that 

Unser is going to die tonight.

  • Love 1

I feel like 

from the preview, where we see him talking to Gemma, she might take him out-- the other possibility is the AB's come to visit Eglee in the hospital while he's there

 So nothing really firm, but I think that the shock is better when the person everyone thinks is going to die, Bobby Elvis, won't, and someone else does.  Sutter said a "core": Character. That doesn't have to be a club member  The person in question fits the bill.

 Who knows at this point-- I could be completely off the mark, but I definitely think Bobby Elvis won't die this episode.

  Sadly I'm not watching "live" tonight, looks like it's going to be a late night.  We shall see if this is just  wild speculation.  Fun to try and see what will happen,even if Mr. Sutter has other plans for us :)


  • Love 1
Guest Accused Dingo

Dang it! I was hoping Bobby was going to survive the season. I always kinda liked him.

Well....I guess That's a "no" to cops and robbers then?

Abel is going to be a good serial killer, he can sneak up on people real good.

Gemma didn't see all this...well kinda hard to see it all when you are in the middle of killing you daughter-in0law and blaming it on the chinese and starting a war with basically everyone. Yeah...I can see how you missed something.

Edited by Accused Dingo
  • Love 5

I don't care. Bobby did nothing to stop Jax's stupidity. Jax needs to keep suffereing losses because everything he done has made everything worse. 


Little Psycho keeps collecting data on Gemma's guilt.


The minister's wife must be still high if she thinks Jax is a good person. I still think that she and her son are going to end up dead because of Jax.

  • Love 12

Well, Bobby Elvis had a bad day.  First I watched Bruce Wayne kick the crap out of him in "Batman Begins" on HBO and then . . . this.




Okay, Chibbs and the cop.  WTF? I just kept saying "Wait, is this really happening?"  And then, "Why the hell are you taking off all your clothes?  Just drop trow, turn around, and let him bend you over the hood."  Of course if she did that she'd end up looking right at the other guy and that could be, you know, awkward.  


Abel watching Gemma talk to dead Bobby . . . damn, that was creepy.


Okay -- the whole thing with Marks.  I am SO confused.

  • Marks checked the body's arm and saw a tattoo.  The pastor had a tattoo?  They knew that and took both the head and the identifying arm?
  • Marks kills Bobby and then tells the black kid "If you or your Mother ever betrays me, this is what will happen."  That's a pretty powerful message.  And yet the kid (who tried running away once) is totally cool with continuing to go after Marks?  Seriously?


Juice in solitary with a shank.  Sounds like a set-up for a round of Clue.  And by the way -- I REALLY could have lived without the whole "hide the contraband" scene.


I really do not care about Rat and his old lady so that whole bit about Gemma giving him relationship advice and him acting upon it was just so much pointless filler to me.


Gemma slugs a sheriff in the sheriff's office in full view of other cops and they just let her walk out of there?  Really?


For that matter, the sheriff get's all offended about being reminded that she's on the take and fucking Chibbs?  Really?


I can't wait for this season to be over.  I have to see it through but man this is torture.  BTW -- I'm now betting the other chapters are going to have a vote to have Jax meet Mr. Mayhem.


Happy, as usual, was a ray of macabre humor in an otherwise dark and dank episode.


R.I.P. Bobby

Edited by WatchrTina
  • Love 9

I really do not care about Rat and his old lady so that whole bit about Gemma giving him relationship advice and him acting upon it was just so much pointless filler to me

They really made Rat look suspicious tonight, with listening to Gemma's conversation, and then when he was hugging his girlfriend. Made me wonder if people who posted here that he might live up to his nickname might be right.

  • Love 5

I really hate to say that I felt nothing at all at Bobby's death. The show has eliminated all of the character that the club members had in favour of relentless violence (and really bad scheming). I randomly rewatched some episodes from the first 2 seasons recently and the difference in tone is astounding. The club members had character, personality, and interactions with each other and their families. Now they just follow Jax blindly and mumble the odd one liner.


I understand that this is, to an extent, purposeful. This season is a reckoning, and lets face it, these criminals are all reprehensible human beings who are finally getting what they deserve. I just wish I felt bad about losing a character I used to enjoy. When I compare this to how I felt when Opie and Piney were killed it makes me sad.


I guess I just need to accept it, because as this reckoning plays out we'll only lose more of them in progressively bloody ways.


I just hope that Gemma gets her reckoning. She better not be the last one standing!

  • Love 16

I have such anhedonia when it comes to this show. I think about the other bad endings to shows and realize I'd have to care about this show to think any ending is bad. Even an ending where all of the Sons get away Scot free. I just don't care anymore. Bobby's dead. Meh. Unser is figuring out that Gemma is lying about the Chinese. Meh. Wendy's tempted by heroin again. Meh. Juice is unstable and in solitary with a shiv. Meh. August Marks is arrested. Meh. Rat and his girl are having issues. I have an epic amount of don't give a fuck. I kept hoping Marks had loaded Bobby up with C4 and a detonator to blow the Sons the fuck up. That is how much I hate the remaining players on the board.

Also the hood of the car sex was one of the dumbest things I have ever witnessed on this show. It was offensively stupid.

  • Love 22

When August Marks shot Bobby, I totally didn't expect it. It didn't have the impact I would have expected, though, since this season is just death, death, and more death.

And the Chinese guy they fingered for Tara's murder? Out of town that night. Oh, boy Gemma - you are dumb for never considering that your "murderer" might have had an alibi. And now she realizes she basically killed Bobby. Ugh. And threatening the sheriff? Smart move, there.

  • Love 2

I'm sad that Bobby died. But he remained a trooper until the end. Jax should've died and Bobby be president but I'm glad Jax is suffering along with Gemma, who needs to be killed or in jail. Jax killed and harmed many people without questions now the same thing is happening to him. I still can't believe he can't put two and two together. Gemma is just a bitch who only cares about herself. I feel bad for these kids. Is any day a normal day for them? They need to get away from all this bullshit

  • Love 2

I remember a Susan Jane Gilman article years ago, making fun of powerful and intelligent female characters who make terrible, unrealistic romantic choices "because gosh, he's cute!" Like an FBI agent falling in love with a bank robber because gosh, he's cute. That is all I could think about during the stupidly-written Chibs/Sheriff scene. Come on, lady. You presumably had to work hard and demonstrate intelligence to get to your position, and now you're having sex with an outlaw biker (while another outlaw biker watches) in a desperate attempt for him to prove that he likes you? Jesus wept. Chibs is admittedly a fox but there are limits. 

  • Love 14

Since they gave away that it wouldn't be Juice who'd be first, I was expecting Bobby to die after they took his eye. He's also the last of the old school original crew of Clay's. Clay/Piney/Bobby were the last of the old club with all the rest being the younger ones. Bobby wasn't an Original but he was there for a long time.  I think it's now about the next generation.


Abel being 5 predicted someone else dying at breakfast. lol You can see he's Jax's heir apparent. Jax dotes on him like he's the chosen one while Thomas is a nobody. 


The Happy/Tigg digging up the body scene was great. Really liked Tyler coming in and looking around the cabin too. 



Gemma slugs a sheriff in the sheriff's office in full view of other cops and they just let her walk out of there?  Really?


Unless they wanted to hear how their Sheriff is doing Chibbs and she's taking money from the Sons, Jarry was going to let Gemma walk out of there. 


No montage at the end? It's getting serious. 

Edited by Artsda
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I'm conflicted about Jax's insistence that Wendy take the kids up to the cabin. On the one hand, Wendy is right that missing even more school is bad for Abel. He needs something normal in his life. He is frustrated and distraught, and so accustomed to people dying all around him that even the other club members are starting to notice. Jax can't just erase that by screaming about what Abel "should" or shouldn't feel, and Gemma's repeated insistence that Abel will be fiiiiiine is such obvious denial that I don't understand how even she believes it anymore.


On the other hand, the kids did just get a death threat on their wall, so I think packing them up and taking them someplace safe is a better idea than staying home waiting for someone to make good on the threat.


As far as the Indian Hills charter calling for an investigation, I think it's the right thing to do. It's Chibs's reaction that puzzles me. He fucking told Jax there would be questions about Jury's death and how it was done. Why is it that suddenly he's claiming he didn't see it coming? Did somebody forget to make a script revision for continuity, or is Chibs playing stupid for Jax's benefit?

  • Love 2
I really do not care about Rat and his old lady so that whole bit about Gemma giving him relationship advice and him acting upon it was just so much pointless filler to me


They really made Rat look suspicious tonight, with listening to Gemma's conversation, and then when he was hugging his girlfriend. Made me wonder if people who posted here that he might live up to his nickname might be right.




If he is a rat, what the hell is he waiting on??? He can basically bust the Sons for everything but the Kennedy assassination. Every death that's on Gemma and Jax is on him too, if he's just sitting around twiddling his thumbs instead of reporting to his superiors.


Until Amy gave him her little speech about being on her meds, I had completely forgotten that she was the girl who chucked that brick or whatever through the window of Scoops. Speaking of children not being in school, how old is she? Why the hell isn't her father worried about her and who she's hanging around with? Because as far as I've seen she never goes home. 


Bobby--I felt...empty. I felt bad for Mark Boone, getting so close but not to the finish line, I guess, but there really wasn't much else that could happen. He clearly knew too much to be allowed to live. Gemma sobbing over his body was rich, even for her. Little Abel is compiling quite the dossier. 


When everybody was told about Bobby I was waiting for Wendy to just throw her arms up, yell "FUCK IT PEACE OUT" and just start chewing on her shirt. It clearly was making Preacher Mom delusional-happy, so why not?

Perhaps Bobby would have been better off if he'd approached Jax's plans with a bit more of a critical eye.



*rim shot*

  • Love 3

Abel is 5? Maybe Jax should listen to Wendy and not keep him out of school just because he wants Abel near him while he's out ruining everyone's life. The kid's verbal skills are not up to par for a 5 year old. He should have been in school last year. Oh, and Gemma telling Wendy she's gotta raise Jax's son his way... please, like that's working out so well. 


I'm not sure why the sheriff wanted Chibs to fuck her in front of Quinn. That scene was just awkward and uncomfortable to watch. 


Sucks Bobby had to die because he seemed to be the one least blind (no pun intended) when it came to seeing the destruction Jax was causing, but he needed to do more than just look conflicted. At this point, every member of that club is just as responsible for the club's unraveling as Jax is because they just keep dumbly following him and letting him do whatever the hell he wants despite the fact that bodies are piling up and club members are getting killed. He clearly has no vision for leading the club and if someone doesn't step up and call him on it soon, more members are going to die. Chibs looked angry after Bobby was killed, maybe he's finally seeing the light.

  • Love 7

So, my four hopes for the end of the show are all still in play:


- Nero and Wendy take the various kids and head off to Nero's farm to live.  Wendy is showing will power related to drugs, an almost reasonable level of sense related to the kids (a massive amount compared to Jax, Gemma, and SAMCRO), and Nero is noticing that she's not happy with how things are going related to the kids.  Gemma won't go to the farm because what she's supposed to do out there?  Can veggies?  Take up quilting?  Actually help with the kids or the farm?   Wendy is the female on the show who would see the value of taking the kids away from Charming.   Nero just has to turn the twinkle on in his eyes and come up with a nickname for her.


- Chibs and Althea somehow survive and ride off in the sunset together.   Whelp, they definitely are hot for each other.  I don't understand why she wanted to schtupp him on the hood of her police car in a garage in broad daylight with Happy watching.  Do. Not. Understand.   They're both reasonably smart and practical.  They could end up together after the dust settles.


- Everyone other than Nero, Wendy, the kids, Chibs, and Althea dies.    Yep, the body count continues to mount.   Next week, it should tick upwards again.   I don't understand why Jax and Chibs had to go stare down the Blackwater guy while his boss was being arrested.  Of course everyone could figure out that the Sons were behind the arrest.  Why drive over there and directly piss on his cornflakes?   Mr Blackwater will not take this well.


- Grandma's little sociopath is the one who brings her down ultimately.   Yep, Abel has the Children of the Corn look and he probably now thinks that Grandma killed Bobby as well as his mother.   I expect him in the next episode or two say something along the lines of "Did Mommy kill Bobby like she killed Mommy?" or "Grandma is very sorry she killed Mommy and Bobby".   Hopefully, he says it to the right person.


Poor Bobby.  A good soldier to the end.  The broken jaw confused me until he tried to tell Jax about the gun.   

My husband is convinced that Rat is an undercover cop. I say there's no way since too many people have died, no cop could stand by for all that.


Oooh, I hadn't considered that.   I'm kind of hoping he is, or is the one who was passing information to Lin.


Edited to add one more thing.   How on Earth were Jax and Chibs NOT expecting the Indian Hills chapter to be taking this to the SOA organization?   How on Earth did Jax expect that the Indian Hills guys to just believe him when he said that Jurry confessed to him but no one else heard?  How on Earth is Chibs still not suspecting that Jurry might have been innocent?   Jax is dumb as a box of rocks, but supposedly Chibs is reasonably smart.

Edited by terrymct
  • Love 3
Guest Accused Dingo

I think the cop is up to something. I think the conversation she had with Gemma was a big clue. She is either insanly recklessly dirty or just making everyone think she is

Maybe she's the undercover cop. The good cop going undercover has the worlds dirtiest cop.

Edited by Accused Dingo
  • Love 2

On a show that has been a flaming pile of gratuitousness these past couple of seasons, that scene with Chibbs and the cop was one of the biggest WTF moments in the history of the series.  Just absolutely pointless, stupid and embarrassing.  And I'm pretty sure I've seen Annabeth Gish in other things, and I definitely don't remember her being this putrid of an actress.  The scene with Chibbs, and also the scene with Gemma where she does the arm-sweep-of-rage across the desk?  Beyond cringeworthy.


Just kill them all, what difference does it make anymore?


(On the plus side, Katey Sagal continues to rock it out.)

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At this point, I'm only watching to see what torture and pain can be dealt to Gemma and Jax. As soon as they didn't search Bobby to see if they had planted a weapon on him, I yelled out.  Why wouldn't hardened criminals have seen that coming?  It's too much of a cluster for me, but I guess I'll endure til the end if I have have any chance of seeing Gemma squirm and get squished out.  


Is it just me or does Jax have a very pronounced accent that he hasn't had in previous seasons? Why?

  • Love 2

At this point, I'm only watching to see what torture and pain can be dealt to Gemma and Jax. As soon as they didn't search Bobby to see if they had planted a weapon on him, I yelled out.  Why wouldn't hardened criminals have seen that coming?  It's too much of a cluster for me, but I guess I'll endure til the end if I have have any chance of seeing Gemma squirm and get squished out.  


Is it just me or does Jax have a very pronounced accent that he hasn't had in previous seasons? Why?



I'm hoping the show ends with Jax killing Gemma after Abel tells on her.   I know others have suggested that she needs to live on as a bag lady, shuffling along and thinking about how she destroyed the club and Jax.   That makes a certain sense, but at this point I'd like to see her croak at the hands of her son.


Jax's accent does ebb and flow quite a bit.  Charlie Hunnan is Australian, isn't he?   His accent issues remind me of when Kevin Costner tried to do an English accent in Robin Hood.  Some moments are better than others.

  • Love 2

I remember a Susan Jane Gilman article years ago, making fun of powerful and intelligent female characters who make terrible, unrealistic romantic choices "because gosh, he's cute!" Like an FBI agent falling in love with a bank robber because gosh, he's cute. That is all I could think about during the stupidly-written Chibs/Sheriff scene. Come on, lady. You presumably had to work hard and demonstrate intelligence to get to your position, and now you're having sex with an outlaw biker (while another outlaw biker watches) in a desperate attempt for him to prove that he likes you? Jesus wept. Chibs is admittedly a fox but there are limits. 


Sutter must have some serious issues with women.  All the women, except for Gemma, are portrayed as stupid.  Even the educated, professional ones like Tara and Sheriff Althea lose all their brains for some Samcro penis.  Gemma, although smart, is as toxic as they come.  There's been some redemption for Wendy, but for the most part, women are never portrayed in a positive light.  

  • Love 4

I was actually interested in the brief exploration of the relationship between Rat and the babysitter. It was kind of nice, I thought, that even in the midst of all the chaos that the club is drowning in, one of the guys could still fall in love with somebody. Unfortunately, as Rat is surely discovering by now, the club destroys everything it touches, especially loving relationships. So here's to Rat and Amy and their moment in the sun. It will most likely be the only one they ever have.

  • Love 2

Sutter must have some serious issues with women.  All the women, except for Gemma, are portrayed as stupid.  Even the educated, professional ones like Tara and Sheriff Althea lose all their brains for some Samcro penis.  Gemma, although smart, is as toxic as they come.  There's been some redemption for Wendy, but for the most part, women are never portrayed in a positive light.  


I agree that Sutter primarily portrays women negatively, but at the same time, he also portrays most of the men in SAMCRO as terrible people who make stupid decisions without sufficient regard for consequences and have almost no control over their own dicks. And if he believes, as Gemma stated in this episode, that the men's partners are not idealized versions of women but rather their moral, intellectual, and social equals, then naturally the women are going to be just as self-interested, promiscuous, scheming and yet somehow also stupid, as the men are. There's no point in wondering why Sutter doesn't make the women out to be smarter and better decision-makers. Anyone who has that much sense would have sense enough to stay the hell away from the Sons in the first place.

  • Love 9

Even though Chibs is my favorite and he is so super sexy to me for some reason. I had a "My eyes! My eyes!" reaction to the garage scene.  Just...Ew.  No,.   I kinda dig him and Jarry but that scene was too much and not sexy at all.  That aside....Sutter, I don't care if you kill off every other character on this show, you leave my Chibs alone!!


I had a strange combination of shock and indifference to Bobby's death.I didn't think he'd be one to die, honestly. When Opie died, I cried and it was so very sad.  I didn't even well up at Bobby's death, and I do really like Bobby.  I don't really understand what happened there. What betrayal was August so upset about?  Did he realize the body wasn't the pastor somehow?  I was lost but then, alot of the who's betrayed who this week stuff confuses me anyway. 


Charlie's accent has been really bad this season.  He has never been great at covering up his natural accent  but this season is is really noticeable. 


Back to Chibs....someone behind the scenes must have finally told Tommy Flannigan to enunciate because I have been able to understand about 95% of what he says over these last 2 episodes.  Before, that percentage was closer to 30%.


Still not sure what to make of Abel.  They have to be going somewhere with this so I assume there will be a "Grandma's sorry for killing Mommy" type announcement at some point.   Also, will Uncer actually figure it out? If so, I hope he doesn't warn Gemma that he's on to her.


There are, what, 4 episodes left?  That isn't much time. I am losing hope for a satisfying ending.

  • Love 1

I really dislike Chris Franjola as a host.  I think Chris Hardwick does a much, much better job on the post shows he hosts.


Definitely. I watched the after show the first week, and gave Franiola the benefit of the doubt because it was his first week on the job. Now, however, he's been doing this for a few weeks (albeit on the web), and I don't see much difference. 


I did laugh at Bobby forcing Franiola out of his chair and grousing about not becoming president. But then Franiola went on about it being live TV, and he lost me. He comes across as trying too hard. 


Abel is going to be a good serial killer, he can sneak up on people real good.


Each time I see him I expect him to have a gun or knife in his hand and ready to use it. He made walking up on that plate of cookies look sinister. 


Whether or not Abel plays a part in revealing that Gemma was Tara's killer, I hope he starts avoiding Gemma because he's afraid of her. That would be more punishment than she could take, I think. 


I really hate to say that I felt nothing at all at Bobby's death. The show has eliminated all of the character that the club members had in favour of relentless violence (and really bad scheming). I randomly rewatched some episodes from the first 2 seasons recently and the difference in tone is astounding. The club members had character, personality, and interactions with each other and their families. Now they just follow Jax blindly and mumble the odd one liner.


I understand that this is, to an extent, purposeful. This season is a reckoning, and lets face it, these criminals are all reprehensible human beings who are finally getting what they deserve. I just wish I felt bad about losing a character I used to enjoy. When I compare this to how I felt when Opie and Piney were killed it makes me sad.


I guess I just need to accept it, because as this reckoning plays out we'll only lose more of them in progressively bloody ways.


Yes, those are really good points. I gasped when the gun turned on Bobby, but the actual loss of the character didn't touch me. 


Also the hood of the car sex was one of the dumbest things I have ever witnessed on this show. It was offensively stupid.


Especially because while Jarry was demanding sex from Chibs as a proof of his love, she had to have known that none of the onlooking club members would see it that way. They looked too far away to hear what Jarry and Chibs were saying, and I can't imagine the guys thinking anything but, "Way to go, Chibs, you really have her whipped." 


I agree that Sutter primarily portrays women negatively, but at the same time, he also portrays most of the men in SAMCRO as terrible people who make stupid decisions without sufficient regard for consequences and have almost no control over their own dicks. And if he believes, as Gemma stated in this episode, that the men's partners are not idealized versions of women but rather their moral, intellectual, and social equals, then naturally the women are going to be just as self-interested, promiscuous, scheming and yet somehow also stupid, as the men are. There's no point in wondering why Sutter doesn't make the women out to be smarter and better decision-makers. Anyone who has that much sense would have sense enough to stay the hell away from the Sons in the first place.



I agree with all of that. He's not portraying women in general; he's portraying women operating around men in this morally twisted society. 

  • Love 3

...And I'm back.

  • I mentioned up thread that I really felt that the lack of music in this episode really made the viewer feel what they needed, without the music ( montages, etc)  to make the decisions for them.  Peter Weller ( Barosky) directed this one, and I feel like he did a really wonderful job
  • Too much time devoted to Brooke and Ratboy pledging their love to each other cannot bode well for them. 

    especially in the preview for next week when you see RAT and TO from the Grim Bastards  being held by Moses in his torture room. Unless, of course,they're there as a set-up.

  • Jarry vs Gemma-- I'd love to see Jarry take Gemma down, hard.  
  • Oh Jax, don't feed the animals.  Sure the shot of him driving by with the " nyah nyah I got you" face when they were arresting Marks, made for a good visual, but he proved his point, no need to goad any further.
  • The visit by the new Indian Hils Pres( who will forever be Vincent Van Gogh to me) makes me think that after all the gang wars are settled, wouldn't be a kick in the ass to see the club just implode from the inside?
  • Unser, you're getting warmer.... though from the looks of next week's preview, 

    my quasi prediction was right, and the AB guy and he have it out in the hospital.

  • I loved Tig rationalizing his Normalcy in relation to Happy! Tagging this because this is not a prediction as much as what I hope will happen

    We know Venus is set to return next week. I think that Tig will go to Venus to be comforted after the events of this week. And I can't wait!

  • Nero, please just literally and not figuratively buy the farm, and  GTFO of there with Wendy and the Kids!
Edited by Febgirl
  • Love 3

Showing those "SOA Moments" during commercial breaks is not doing the show any favors. It just highlights the fact that it used to be good and now it sucks.

When I saw "2 hours and 15 minutes" on the DVR, I let out an audible groan. Thankfully the actual show didn't last that long.


And seriously... that garage sex scene was beyond stupid and gratuitous. Like someone else has said already, why the hell would she take her shirt off? The whole thing was absurd. Less is more, Sutter.


Let's get this thing over with. I'm just sticking it out to see Gemma get hers.

  • Love 1
Oh, and Gemma telling Wendy she's gotta raise Jax's son his way... please, like that's working out so well.



I said that out loud to my TV. The characters' delusions are getting more and more difficult to take, especially since Sutter keeps sticking in funny/lighthearted bits, like Gemma's "I'm a helper" or Tig telling Happy he likes working with him because he looks normal in comparison. Those lines stick out like a rhinestone collar on an old mean dog now, they aren't blended into the "club life" at all. 

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