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Current Plots Discussion: Actually Today's Episode

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JJ would take back his comments ASAP if he knew Sami made changes to the article and gave up Abby's name. Sonny and Will should have told him the truth. Instead they protected Sami.


I haven't seen today's show but do we know for sure that Sami gave the editor Abby's name?  (Not that I blame her for doing it. Why should she have to be the only one getting trashed?)


I'm pretty sure Sami could have gotten the article quashed if she had really wanted to put pressure on the magazine or the editor.  ETA:  It might have been more interesting if the editor had tried to play it both ways by burying the story and then we would get to watch it go viral.

Edited by tessaray
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I feel Will should know better about how the publishing business works after he was taken under the wing of that Berkeley professor. I figure there must be certain basics taught in a journalism class.


EXACTLY! Including taping conversations. 

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It's possible Sami didn't name Abigail because the editor didn't go to Abigail for comment.


That's where I find Will's stupidity baffling. Will's assumption is that Sami told the editor, but the editor would have done some digging on her own and probably figured out the name on her own. I'm not saying that's what definitely happened, but the editor probably could have known the name before Sami gave it. The fact that Will wouldn't let Abigail read the article makes me wonder if he gave the name to the editor himself, possibly off the record.

Edited by bantering
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EXACTLY! Including taping conversations. 

Seriously. I know I keep harping on this, but taping conversations without anyone's knowledge (including Abby!) bugs the crap out of me.  I mean, I know I should be more upset about priest rape and murders and extortion and hitmen and cheating mobsters, but I'm not.  Secretly recording conversations is the LAST STRAW for me! DEATH PENALTY FOR WILL!!

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I can't see Chandler Massey doing this stuff -- I think I miss him.


I know that I miss him. CM looked young enough that I could believe he could get bamboozled by the cynical world of publishing.  Even with his Howdy Doody appearance, GW looks like he is old enough to know better.  I also think CM could sell this story better than GW.

I think CM would make it work, too, but for the opposite reason! GW is playing Will as naive or innocent, but CM's Will always seemed a little arrogant, but sincere, if that make sense. I think that weird combination would work in this situation, especially with the dialog as written. Will has always been a sheltered, entitled little shit, and I can believe that he'd be dumb enough to think things would work out exactly as he wants them to. They always have. The only difference is that his mommy and daddy weren't there to clean up his mess before it really got bad this time. 

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"Once in a lifetime"?? Jordan?? Whatever, Lucas.

I LOVE JJ dragging Will. And for stuff that makes sense. People would have figured out it was Abby. Duh.

And I really hope we get to see Theresa taunt Abby for this. At least once. Eve too. Hell, let's bring Chloe back for a day.


I second bringing Chloe back just to bitch slap Abby.  I loved when Abby went after her and Chloe put her in her place regarding Jack. Just a short scene of Chloe back in town to drop off Parker to Daniel and have her run into Abby in the park.  Hell, I'm sure Chloe would of volunteered to team up with Sami.

Edited by JBC344
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Jordan is the dippiest dip that ever dipped. I seriously do not understand what Rafe sees in her -- how can a man go from women with an abundance of personality (Kate and Sami) to a woman devoid of personality? Her brother is not much better. His moments with Abby made me cringe. 


Will. Oh Will. You big doofus. You write a tell-all about your mother and her antics to show what a big man you are and then you get all whiny when people get upset. The fact that you threw your mama under the bus while trying to protect your cousin the mistress pretty much defines your ethics -- so your little tantrum when Sonny raised some good points about how far you'd go just made you look even more ridiculous.


And while I am far from an Abby apologist (most of the time I want one of Wile E Coyote's Acme anvils to fall on her head) she does seem to want to assume some responsibility for what she did (aka talk to the reporter.) It's everyone around her that wants to excuse her adulterous ways. Although I almost cheered when JJ, of all people, called stupid Will out for trashing his mom while defending his sister's dubious honor. 

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I also loved that despite her anger, Sami is still protecting Will and not letting EJ make an threatening comments towards him--she's a better mother than he deserves.


And how awesome would it be if it was the editor who put Abby's name in the article after doing her own investigation?  That Sami had nothing to do with it?  I'm already grinning at the fall out :)

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I thought it was high comedy when JJ praised his mother for being so strong and tough. Jen is, like, the polar opposite of strong and tough---she's this sickly, simpering, spiritless whiner who's too weak to face reality and freaks the hell out whenever every little thing dares not to go her own way. I groaned out loud when she insisted yet again that this "isn't Abby's fault." 


Now Will is some sort of injured victim in all this as well? Like, how DARE Sonny question the journalistic integrity that Will has *already demonstrated* he doesn't possess?! 


And,wait, so now we're supposed to believe Rafe cared ever so deeply about Jordan and that they had some sort of wondrous epic love? What the...? 


These are the deluded days of our lives...


On a brighter note, I really enjoy Kate and Clyde. And...no, pretty much just Kate and Clyde. 

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Since Will was willing to throw his mother under the bus, it's dumb that he's offended that no one would believe that he was trying to protect his cousin.Regardless of whether Sami deserves it or not, if you sell  out your mom like that, I don't think it's illogical for people to assume that you might do the same to your cousin.

Edited by bantering
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Of course stupid idiot EJ had sympathy for Abby and was stupid enough to express said sympathy in front of Sami. It's like he wants her to shoot him in the head again. 


I wish Sonny hadn't apologized for accusing Will. 

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I think CM would make it work, too, but for the opposite reason! GW is playing Will as naive or innocent, but CM's Will always seemed a little arrogant, but sincere, if that make sense. I think that weird combination would work in this situation, especially with the dialog as written. Will has always been a sheltered, entitled little shit, and I can believe that he'd be dumb enough to think things would work out exactly as he wants them to. They always have. The only difference is that his mommy and daddy weren't there to clean up his mess before it really got bad this time. 

Yes, this is true. CM's smirk would be great as he secretly recorded his family and then wrote his shitty article.  CM had the right pissy teenager attitude to make the story work.

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How much do I love that it was JJ who pointed out how horrible Will was to Sami?  Finally someone points out to the little punk that he purposely went out of his way to hurt his own mom. GO JJ!!

Granted, that was impressive of J.J., but at the same time, he spent the better part of a year hurting his own mother, so he doesn't have much room to talk.


EXACTLY!  Sonny's Abby's family but he sees that she isn't an innocent victim and he also knows that Sami's been terribly hurt as well.

Wait, what?  Are we watching the same show?  Just a few weeks ago, Sonny was one of the many people trying to absolve Abigail of all blame, too, at TBD, and Abigail had to remind him that she wasn't blameless.

Edited by Donny Ketchum
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Today, it seemed like Will knew that Zoe was going to go to Sami for comment.


Nu-Will's self-righteousness seemed off the charts today.


Nu-Will sure gave a lot of clues as to who the "anonymous woman" was without even naming her (i.e. the paragraph JJ read).



Granted, that was impressive of J.J., but at the same time, he spent the better part of a year hurting his own mother, so he doesn't have much room to talk.

I think he acknowledged that he had hurt his mom, but that what Will had done would be more difficult to get over. Although it seems Sami has forgiven him and is doing some kind of damage control with EJ....it seemed like she was sort of afraid that EJ might put a hit out on somebody if he found out who wrote the article...I thought she would be gloating about how Abigail got named in the article, but that didn't seem to be her m.o. today -- she seemed more inclined to defend her son from anything EJ had to say.


Although Abigail was upset for 15 minutes, it seemed like everyone else was angrier for her while she was off making out with Ben. I thought for sure she'd run off to Will's apartment, but I guess kissing was more important for the day.

Edited by bantering
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EXACTLY! Including taping conversations. 


I think that's what is the most mind blowing.  Sonny knows that Will was taping Abby and Kate without their permission so that he could get the full scoop on the company take over (Kate) and their personal reaction to the affair (Abby.)  Doesn't Will realize how unethical that behavior is?  And that he's affronted that Sonny would question him about his lack of boundaries is just shockingly hypocritical.  I guess Will really is a Horton.

Edited by kitmerlot1213
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That's another thing -- if Will thought he could get away with taping people without their consent, why is he shocked that Zoe would go behind his back and print Abigail's name? Why would anyone else play by the rules if he's not playing by any?

Anyway, since his journalism skills are so stinky, maybe he didn't realize he was writing for a tabloid of some kind...

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Oh, poor precious Abigail has to be protected from the evil comments online by having her *mother* block her web page?  She can't even do that herself?  What a previous little flower.


I'm loving the smackdowns Will is getting.  JJ was spot in in his criticism, and Will couldn't even come up with a comeback.  What a slimeball they've turned him into. I hope EJ nails him to the wall, but I'm sure they will bond over their attempts to protect poor Abby.  Sami calling EJ out on using that expression was just perfect.


Kate, I don't think you're going to enjoy where Clyde is taking you.

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Before I read or watch anything about today, I have one more complaint about yesterday.


Abby's conversation with Sonny where she said she was finally happy again, as if she had suffered terribly once her affair was exposed, really irked me.

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Abby's conversation with Sonny where she said she was finally happy again, as if she had suffered terribly once her affair was exposed, really irked me.


I fully admit my prejudice, but Abby could recite the Rosary and she'd irk me. 


This is why I don't buy her supposed attempts to take responsibility.  She only says that when she's talking to one of her peeps who she knows will adamantly deny FOR her that she has any culpability in what happened.  Her "apologies" to Sami have been pretty lackluster IMO.


And I don't think it can be mentioned too often that Sami is the one who supported her completely during her pregnancy scare.  How come everyone  in Salem has forgotten that little tidbit, Abigail included?

Edited by boes
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Oh, poor precious Abigail has to be protected from the evil comments online by having her *mother* block her web page?  She can't even do that herself?  What a previous little flower.


I'm surprised Abby doesn't already have parental controls on her computer.


I hope Sami didn't have Abby's name put in the article because I want Will (and Sonny if he accuses her) to have egg on his face when the truth comes out.

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I've finally moved all the way off the fence with whether I'll be able to reconcile with the idea of Ejami potentially reuniting when they leave the show.  I will not, simply because he does not care how Will has hurt Sami. Not one shred of sympathy or concern for her.  That bothered me more than him being upset that Abby's name was outed.


I'm annoyed with myself softening slightly over JJ and Jen saying that even Sami didn't deserve this from her son.  I still think that is only because it allows them to be more righteous against their newest target.  Will is dead to me.  I'm done with that enabler Sonny too.


Please let me have a scene between Lucas and Sami before he vanishes again.

Edited by ParadoxLost
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That's another thing -- if Will thought he could get away with taping people without their consent, why is he shocked that Zoe would go behind his back and print Abigail's name? Why would anyone else play by the rules if he's not playing by any?

Anyway, since his journalism skills are so stinky, maybe he didn't realize he was writing for a tabloid of some kind...


Yep. Will has no high horse to get up on whatsoever, and Sonny will wind up blaming himself. Aaaargh. 

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The Abby propping is fucking ridiculous!!! I am not one to say I'm out when so-and-so leaves, but if this is what I'm facing, I'm out. Please let Melanie take the lead when she returns.

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I want Lucas to go see Sami, but I'm afraid he is another person who will kick her and blame her for everything.


EJ to Sami, "What have you done?"


Me, "Die you miserable lying cheating worthless bastard DIE!"


Now Sonny shows up asking how Sami could do this to Will?  {face palm}


Would someone please clue the idiot writers into the fact that it is 2014, we are no longer in the dark ages, and women are not responsible for what men do.


I want Sami to take Johnny, Allie, and Sydney, leave Salem, and never look back.  I don't even want her to shoot EJ in the head anymore.  It would be a waste of a good bullet.

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Nu-Will's acting seemed sort of fake-y when he was acting offended at Sonny. It was so abrupt that it was kind of weird. He went from sounding sort of defeated to suddenly screaming at Sonny when Sonny apologized.


I don't even know what to say about EJ. He seemed to have Sami for a moment and then he goes and blows it.

Edited by bantering
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I haven't liked NuWill since the actor switch and this storyline has just made him the biggest twerp on the show. When EJ walked in the door at the end I so wanted him to put on the kill-you-with-my-bare-hands leather gloves and wrap his fingers around Will's neck.  It's far past time for EJ to go Dimera on some people.

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It's a terrible shame that Scabigail is being picked on by mean people on her social media site.  I guess she doesn't realize that most people would side with the injured party and not the homewrecker.  I really hope it comes out that Sami wasn't the one who named her to the editor.  Seriously, EJ?  You're going to try to defend 'poor little slutty Abigail' to the love of your life that you cheated on?  On another note, like an idiot I was reading something on the Days Facebook page and like a bigger idiot, I read some of the comments.  There was actually a post on there that someone couldn't wait for John to come out of his coma so he could show off his superb acting skills!  This bitch was serious, too.  I did the only thing I could do...got the hell off of Facebook and came here to see posts written by normal people.  I can't thank all of you who do post for helping to keep me sane without the need for wine or Xanax or both.

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JJ was so on point with his criticism of Will. I mean who isn't going to figure out that it's Abby. I applaud JJ for also saying how Will can do that to his own mother even if JJ doesn't agree with Sami's actions, hell even Jenn said that Sami didn't deserve that. Will is such an idiot and I was so hoping that JJ would have punched Will in the face when he walked up to him.


JJ was on stupid when he said that Jenn is strong. Like hell she is, she's ready to shriek and holler at anything that destroys her perfect world.


Sonny don't go on no suicide mission by confronting Sami. She just got done throwing glass at EJ so she might not make an exception for you. Sonny can't get mad at Sami for what she did. Why should Sami and EJ's names only be mentioned in the article and not Abby's and better yet why is he mad at Sami for doing that to Will. Will had no problem trying to destroy his mother and air out her dirty laundry. Doesn't make any sense to me.


I can't believe that EJ was going to say "poor Abby" WTF? What is wrong with him? Is that something he should be saying around Sami. Too bad her aim was off and she didn't hit him in the head when she threw that glass. Why is everybody's first reaction in all this is poor Abby and not Sami who was actually cheated on. Kayla had the worst reaction with "poor Jenn". Just ridiculous that Sami is the one cheated on but no support at all except from Caroline. I can only imagine how Mar and Roman are gonna react to it. They'll probably say poor Abby as well.


Abby girl bye, and what is a blocked page going to do? Absolutely nothing because she still has to face people when she's out walking the square. She can trade that halo in for some devil horns and a pitchfork. 


Rafe and Jordan don't have some great love that the writers are trying to get Lucas to pitch. Their "love" is beyond boring and stupid and nobody cares for them.

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I thought it was high comedy when JJ praised his mother for being so strong and tough. Jen is, like, the polar opposite of strong and tough---she's this sickly, simpering, spiritless whiner who's too weak to face reality and freaks the hell out whenever every little thing dares not to go her own way. I groaned out loud when she insisted yet again that this "isn't Abby's fault." 


Poor JJ.  When he's anywhere near Jenn or Abigail, his Stockholm Syndrome immediately kicks in and he starts praising his abusers.  He's forgotten, or blocked out - how ruthless his mother became towards him when all of his misdeeds came out into the open and he still refused to say he was sorry.  She was ready to send him down the river and then weep and wail about how badly her son had turned out.  But with Abigail it is and seems to always be a different story.  When she messed with Austin and Carrie, Jenn defended her, and now she's doing the same thing.  No matter what Abigail does, Jenn excuses it.  JJ doesn't get the same treatment and I wish it was written that somehow he understood that.

And I can't help thinking of how even now, Sami is trying to shield that weasel Will after he's done her dirt.  Jenn wouldn't, not if it was JJ.


Oh, poor precious Abigail has to be protected from the evil comments online by having her *mother* block her web page?  She can't even do that herself?  What a previous little flower.


I'm loving the smackdowns Will is getting.  JJ was spot in in his criticism, and Will couldn't even come up with a comeback.  What a slimeball they've turned him into.


Hallmark should start a line of "Abigail, I'm Sorry", and "It's Not Your Fault, Abigail" cards.  They'd be a BIG seller in Salem.  

Everything in Salem is so completely backwards when it comes to Abigail and Jenn.  ABIGAIL has the affair with EJ, but Sami is the villain for being upset about it.  All Sami did was see to it that she was fired, that's it.  Yet people act like she gave Abigail a nuclear wedgie at Mass and tee-peed her yard with kotex, while leading the cheerleading squad in a "ONE TWO THREE FOUR, ABIGAIL'S A BIG WHORE" cheer in Horton Square.  While stomping on Grandma Alice's muffin tins and playing keep-away with Jenn's dentures.  Oh, IF ONLY.


And yeah, as Ollie says, Abigail is "amazing".  If he means that by "amazing" she's got all the loyalty of a jackal and the intelligence of a blow fly, then I agree.  Otherwise Ollie can just STFU and die.  He and Tammie Flue add NOTHING to the show IMO at this point.


How much do I love that Abby is finally getting some nasty comments regarding her part in the affair?  I wish we could read them :)  


How much do I love that it was JJ who pointed out how horrible Will was to Sami?  Finally someone points out to the little punk that he purposely went out of his way to hurt his own mom. GO JJ!!  Yes, Will can be angry at his mom for how she's treating Abby--though I don't understand why he isn't more dismayed that Abby hurt his mom first--


I'm hoping that it comes out that it was Sami that took care of Abigail during her pregnancy scare.  That should be the icing on the cake for normal people to despise her.  Of course, the family will somehow find fault with Sami about that too.  

I'm going to enjoy Abigail's discomfort - and Jenn's too - as long as it lasts because I doubt it will last long.  Someone will do something to the little twit, or something will happen to her that will make all the meanies realize that they too must apologize to Abigail.  

What I'd really like is for her to be run over a pizza truck - over and over and over again.


I wish they could keep JJ far away from his relations, because if anything ruins the character, it will be his mother or sister.  His takedown of Will was a thing of beauty.  And how nice to have him diss Will's supposed excuse about "protecting" Abigail, when he pointed out that anyone with half a brain could have figured it from what he'd written before she was named.  

JJ has some serious mommy issues, due to that harridan Jenn, but he also nailed what a betrayal Will's article was to Sami.  Good job, JJ!


But Sonny can go suck rocks along with his ferret husband as far as I'm concerned.  He caved after Will's tantrum, and seeing the show end with him stalking in to tell of Sami makes him deadtome.

Poor Victor - he has an idiot grandson and a great-nephew who is just as stupid.  


Oh - because it can't be said enough and isn't said at all on the show, so I'll say it again.

Sami is the one who took care of Abigail in all ways throughout her pregnancy scare - the scare she had because she was screwing Sami's fiancee - and SAMI is the bad one????

Edited by boes
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Except for the time EJ was about to blurt out "Poor Abigail", Sami seemed kind of reserved today as well.


Everyone and their dog is probably going to come at Sami for what Abigail is going through (being rewarded with lots of kisses from Ben apparently), but Sami seems pretty toned down. Despite Will's hatchet job, she still seemed proud of his writing.

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Sami being blamed for putting in Abby's name is so stupid because Will said EJ had an affair with:


1) Sami's maid of honor

2) a woman forced to resign from University Hospital


The list of suspects must be in the thousands.  Obviously, the only reason Sami/EJ were on the cover of a magazine is because Will's writing is just that good.  No one would write a follow up story. 


I bet Sami just said Abby's name.  She'll be treated like she allowed the article to be published on the condition that Abby's name was in it.  I wish the publisher is revealed to have just called the hospital or that their gossip columnist covered the wedding.


I worry this might be the thing that is too deeply stupid to continue watching.

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If EJ condemns Will for outing Abby instead of hurting his mother tomorrow, I will scream.  I am beyond sick of everyone excusing Abigail's behavior and expecting Sami to forgive multiple betrayals.  Fuckers.  And if Sonny (and Lucas, if they have him in scenes with Sami before AS leaves) continues to berate her for the actions of others, I will scream some more.


Anyway, there was way too much Abby and Ben today.  Not that I watched them, mind you -- they're both boring and weird looking -- but it sucked having to press the FF so much.  Any why was so much time spent on Jennifer whining and carrying on?  She's such a fucking drama queen.


It would have been much more enjoyable to see more of Sami raking EJ over the coals, more of Kate and Lucas, and more of Kate and Clyde.  She realized pretty quickly that he was trouble.  I look forward to the day she either shoots him, kicks his hillbilly body into a cold river, or sets him up for lifetime imprisonment.


Since Will was willing to throw his mother under the bus, it's dumb that he's offended that no one would believe that he was trying to protect his cousin.


IKR?  What the hell?  Why is he surprised that someone would assume he screwed over his cousin when he willingly and gleefully screwed over his own mother?

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As Sami noted last week to Will, she loves him unconditionally. I'm not at all surprised by how she's being. She had her talk with him, said what she wanted to say, heard what he had to say, and that's the end of it for her. It'll always be a source of hurt for her, but it's one she'll keep buried inside and not allow to affect her actions in regards to her son.


I'm hoping that it comes out that it was Sami that took care of Abigail during her pregnancy scare.  That should be the icing on the cake for normal people to despise her.  Of course, the family will somehow find fault with Sami about that too.


The article not having that VERY juicy tidbit is something that makes me think that maybe it wasn't Sami who gave the name to the editor (not that I would blame her for a second because why should she and EJ be the only ones named? The editor was completely correct on the phone conversation with Will today that Abby isn't a minor or a crime victim, so it's not wrong to name her). She has cited her support during the pregnancy scare to various people, so if she was naming Abby to Zoe when giving her side of the story, I don't know why she'd leave this out.


Will actually said the first smart thing today that I can remember him saying in, well, too long: He said that going head-to-head with Sami never turns out well. Of course, Sonny didn't listen. I have a feeling he's going to annoy me initially tomorrow, but given that Sami does come out ahead in these confrontations and the fact she is still being very loving and protective of Will despite what he's done, I think she can probably talk Sonny around pretty easily. It'd be nice if he went back afterwards and told Will that he really did his mother wrong (especially considering that JJ's words are fresh in his mind as he's talking to Sami tomorrow). Since even the Holy Hortons have declared that Will was wrong to do this to Sami, that seems to be the show's position as well. Finally the show's taking a position that makes sense, after the endless Abby propping and reacting to Sami like she took an axe to all Abby's limbs. (And DAYS also had another welcome brush with realism today, with Abby getting hammered online for the affair.)


Since Sonny getting Will the job is still a secret, I'm wondering if once Will finds out about it, he's promptly going to use that as justification to blame Sonny for the article, since his triumph has turned to ashes, what with everyone lining up to fault him for it. And not only about Abby getting named - probably quite a shock for him to find that the Hortons think what he did to Sami was shitty. So even if Abby had somehow not been exposed, Will still would've gotten censured rather than praised. He can weasel around Abby's exposure all he wants, on technicalities like he never actually named her himself, but he can't weasel around what he wrote about Sami, because he did write all that himself. Now he's learning that people other than Sami, people who are not Sami defenders, think it was a shitty thing to do. So it seems to me like the next logical step (I'm speaking in terms of Will-logic here, you understand) is to blame Sonny for the article. If he hadn't gotten Will the job, Will wouldn't have been given the article to write...


Although I can't stand EJ, I did quite enjoy the sight of him at the door looming over Will with his grim expression. And I'm looking forward to Lucas inevitably turning up at Will's doorstep too, since Kate clued him in today. Which means finally some worthwhile scenes for Bryan Dattilo (even if it is opposite GW) after spending all of this episode propping Jordan and Rafe.

Edited by Black Knight
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Something about the Clyde actor is sort of reminiscent of Roscoe Borne, which makes me wish Roscoe was the actor actually in this role. Roscoe could make me buy whatever this guy is selling, while this actor cannot.

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With the way this SL is going, I won't be at all surprised if Lucas shows up tomorrow when EJ and Will are arguing, Lucas defends Will and the boring twit, but doesn't give a damn about Sami.  EJ clearly showed today he doesn't care about or respect Sami at all.  I'm so looking forward to the next Rafe/Lucas scene where they trash Sami and blame her for everything.  It seems that's all Corday and the writers have planned for Sami's exit SL.  AS deserved a better send off, but then so did Bo and Steve.

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Since Sami emphasized to EJ that this was Will's big break and talked about how good Will's writing is, I think maybe Sami may not have even tampered with the article to a great degree in order to ensure that Will's writing wasn't torn to pieces. Putting a lot of Sami's side of the story into the article probably would have resulted in most of Will's work being cut out.


Why did Will name the anonymous woman as Sami's maid of honor???? I guess Will doesn't think people read the society columns??? And how does naming her as the maid of honor even make Abigail look good as the "other woman"?

Edited by bantering
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Does EJ really think defending Abby is going to make Sami want to take him back? He's dumber than I could have ever imagined.

I know! What kind of stupid strategy does he have? Did he think that would go over well? I've always thought EJ was stupid, maybe a shade brighter than Brady, but I think even Brady would have known that was a stupid thing to say. It's pretty bad when even Brady is smarter than you.


Why did Will name the anonymous woman as Sami's maid of honor???? I guess Will doesn't think people read the society columns??? And how does naming her as the maid of honor even make Abigail look good as the "other woman"?

I actually laughed when I saw that he named the mistress as Sami's maid of honor. He outed her right there with zero help from anyone else. So he just needs to shut his righteous piehole.

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I don't think EJ wants Sami back at all.  I believe he was trying to get DE back without everyone finding out what complete idiots he and Stefano were.  EJ clearly does not care that Sami was hurt.  He finds her pain amusing.  Sami needs divorce EJ, go get Allie, Johnny, Sydney, and leave Salem.

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As predicted, EJ is mad that Sami gave Abby's name. This show is crap.

I've always thought the bullets flying between Sami and EJ were ridiculous, but in this case, I think it would be a good idea for Sami to shoot EJ between the eyes. And then castrate him. And then eat his heart for dinner.

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I think EJ said that ("and poor..[abigail]" without thinking, before he "heard" himself say it. Or maybe I'm ascribing that to EJ because my initial reaction was "Oh, man, poor Abigail." Not that she's an innocent at all -- just as one human to another, you know? But then I'm told I'm too empathetic in real life, so there's that. 

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As predicted, EJ is mad that Sami gave Abby's name. This show is crap.

In a way, it does make sense for EJ to feel bad about Abby because I think EJ knows that Abby was easy pickings.  He's used to Sami's being such a challenge and Abby didn't offer any type of resistance so I thinks he feels badly at how easy the affair was--if that makes any sense :)


I did like Sami's pointing out to Sonny just how underhanded Will's "interviews" were in that his subjects didn't even know they were being interviewed.  Sonny's face told it all--I don't think he realized just how unethical Will was being in writing the article.  And yet Sami's still being a good mother, asking for Sonny to look out for Will.

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Since EJ has no sympathy for Sami at all (when she was the one who was cheated on and hurt), I think that says everything about how little EJ cares about or respects Sami.  Sami needs to divorce EJ, and move on before he ruins her life for another eight miserable years.

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