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Current Plots Discussion: Actually Today's Episode

Message added by scarynikki12

Spoilers are not allowed in this thread. Period. Any posts that include spoilers (and casting information qualifies) will be removed. There are several other threads that allow spoilers so take that discussion to one of them.

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17 hours ago, FnkyChkn34 said:

According to Wikipedia, his name is Jackson Steven Kiriakis.  So they might have meant it like Jackson "Sonny" Kiriakis, instead of saying "Jackson Kiriakis, aka Sonny Kiriakis."  

On Sonny's first day in Salem, he explained this. There were too many Jacks in his school/family so Sonny ended up being his nickname and it stuck. His name is Jackson Steven Kirakis or Jackson "sonny" Steven Kiriakis.

  • Love 1

Yes, that's what I thought, he was called Sonny from the Jackson part of his name. It's not a big deal, just annoyed me that the placard when they booked him said Jackson Sonny like it was his middle name, not a nickname when I remember him being named for both of Adrienne's brothers. At least put it as Jackson "Sonny" Kiriakis. Totally minor nitpicking on my part! I did like the girls night out, more friends hanging out together please!

  • Love 1

I have no words for the cheap plastic Dollar Store flowers and vines they decorated the Martin house with. Zero budget is no excuse. Is the production team trying to make this show look like crap?

I find it rather telling that Dena only has Marlena reference the bad stuff Andre has done since she came back for the 50th. Correct me if I'm wrong here, but aren't Andre's recent transgressions against Hope and Sami essentially nothing compared to all the other crap he's pulled in the past? How well-versed in the show's history is Dena?

Do you guys think they are setting up Anne to be Lucas's next love interest or are they just toying with us and giving Anne something goofy to do in her occasional scenes? I hope it's a slow burn set-up because it's kind of working for me....

Ladies Night was a fun idea but I find the production team undermines things. The music over the scene was too loud and I felt like they didn't think enough about how to frame the shots. It's like the cameraman have this general instruction to follow the actresses and keep them in the frame but there's no thought given to how framing them within the scene can augment the storytelling. I guess it sounds like I'm nitpicking but soaps used to seemingly put a lot of thought into how they choreographed things. Now everything feels just haphazard...

To whoever said that Val was more at ease in that scene then she's been on the show to this point I fully agree. I think having more laughter and friendships in the show will probably make even the less comfortable actors seem better than they are. Val is bland, but in a way so was Lexi and yet you could enjoy her because she wasn't given overly complex emotions to play. I seem to recall her having two expressions and yet I never minded it.

This show really craps on Kayla. You would be nice to see that change.

Deidre keeps doing the same things in all her scenes. I find it grating. Maybe it's because she doesn't really have a storyline of her own and just keeps popping up to talk to others about what's happening in their lives. I hope that when she's given more meaty material she mixes things up a little. Marlena has never felt so stale as she does now.

  • Love 1
1 hour ago, DisneyBoy said:

...It's like the cameraman have this general instruction to follow the actresses and keep them in the frame but there's no thought given to how framing them within the scene can augment the storytelling. I guess it sounds like I'm nitpicking but soaps used to seemingly put a lot of thought into how they choreographed things. Now everything feels just haphazard...

Was it Days that I was watching recently where two characters were talking, and all of a sudden an actor or an extra just stood up and walked right in front of the camera?  Um, hello - editing?  Re-shoot the scene.  It was so awkward.  I can't recall for sure that it was Days, but I think it was.

  • Love 1

Wouldn't surprise me. But they're always doing one take these days...



Dear Show,

If Joey was in counseling to discuss how he murdered Ava, the counselor would be obligated to report his crime to the police.

Also, you already had Nicole talking to Brady about kissing Eric last week. Now you have them acting as though they never told Brady. You might want to try for some consistency.


All the best,

Embarrassed Viewer

  • Love 5
6 minutes ago, DisneyBoy said:

If Joey was in counseling to discuss how he murdered Ava, the counselor would be obligated to report his crime to the police.

In reality, that all depends on the state - many states recognize doctor-patient privilege, so a doctor would not report her patient's confession nor be compelled to testify.  Ava is already dead, so it's not as though the doctor would be reporting an unknown crime or an impending crime, either.  But, since Salem USA has laws that change on a daily basis, who really knows.

Bye Jade. See ya in the fall if you return.

You really should admit your lie to Tripp about Kayla and Steve. No, you don't have to say that Joey was the killer, but enough of this crap. You cannot force someone to love you.

Wow, the Salem Hospital finds another victim. How convenient.  Eventually they will figure out that it was Tripp exacting some weird revenge on someone who had nothing to do with anything.

Nicole, Brady knows that you kissed Eric at the party. He also knows that you were drugged and were having visions of DDD.

Dario, put some clothes on. No hotel or bed and breakfast would like a sweating guest in exercise wear to sit at the breakfast buffet area. And Abs really isn't interested in going anywhere with you. Athleisure is one thing; your running wear, another.

  • Love 6

When I originally heard that Peter was coming back to wrap up a final storyline for Bo before leaving.  I actually thought he would come back, amicably get closure with Hope and then move away.  What they decided to do was the biggest clusterfuck I'd ever seen.  Or even if they were going to kill Bo, I would of much rather seen Hope grapple with the love of her life dying while also being newly married to Aiden and navigating those feelings of possible guilt toward Bo and fairness toward Aiden.


YES. A thousand times yes. Our thoughts are one. That's where I thought we were headed too and I really appreciated it. Mature character development! Yay! But instead we got cheap theatrics and viewers so relieved to see Bo again that they didn't care how much damage the plot did to everyone.

...like Bo would really have sex with Hope after all the injuries they'd just sustained, in the same bed her murderer boinked her in hours earlier....and then tell Rafe he gets the next turn at bat. Disgusting.



That restaurant Jenn and Abigail were in was a new set, wasn't it?

It's just the Martin House living room.


Dear Show,

It's 2017. People have internet access on their phones. No one subscribes to porn mags anymore. And Xander would have so many women interested after doing a single push-up in public that it's doubtful he'd have much time for porn anyhow.



Bemused Viewer

  • Love 4
21 hours ago, DisneyBoy said:

Wouldn't surprise me. But they're always doing one take these days...



Dear Show,

If Joey was in counseling to discuss how he murdered Ava, the counselor would be obligated to report his crime to the police.

Also, you already had Nicole talking to Brady about kissing Eric last week. Now you have them acting as though they never told Brady. You might want to try for some consistency.


All the best,

Embarrassed Viewer

Did Nicole tell Brady that she and Eric kissed or just woke up in bed together fully clothed? I don't remember her talking about a kiss but I have a bad memory . 

21 hours ago, DisneyBoy said:


Also, you already had Nicole talking to Brady about kissing Eric last week. Now you have them acting as though they never told Brady. You might want to try for some consistency.




So I wasn't going crazy! I truly thought I watched eps out of order when watching yesterday's and even checked the date to be sure.  I knew I had seen Nicole talking to Brady about the kiss.


  • Love 1

Well today's episode was kind of humorous in that I enjoyed watching Brady throw a tantrum over Nicole's kissing Eric only to have him do a 180 when he realized it was all about Daniel.  Damn near made me snort out loud--fine acting there EM :):)

I still have hope for Tripp--the kid's a good actor and I think the character is still redeemable.

  • Love 5
4 minutes ago, kitmerlot1213 said:

Well today's episode was kind of humorous in that I enjoyed watching Brady throw a tantrum over Nicole's kissing Eric only to have him do a 180 when he realized it was all about Daniel.  Damn near made me snort out loud--fine acting there EM :):)

Did you see that last scene with the Ava picture? Trip is going to be a villain, Steve dealing with a son that is reminiscent of Jack before his redemption should be the story that impacts Steve and Kayla in the present. Heck, Jack was part of the Steve and Kayla story,  years before he even arrived on the scene. It is why Jack is really Billy was so powerful.  Even after Jack tried to destroy them, a part of Steve could never really let go of Jack.

  • Love 3

Who is this guy Abigail asked for a listening device from?

Brady, to Nicole: "I wondered where you went today, now I know."  Uh, she went to work.

The nurse said she heard about Kayla being suspended.  Wasn't she standing right there when it happened? Wow, that nurse is a real bitch, isn't she?

Hey, Tripp, who ever said anything about Kayla "messing" with the dosages?

Did Eric think he was kissing Daniel, too?

Oh, well, if you kissed another man because you thought he was Daniel, well, we all know we don't any of us compare to Saint Daniel and we all live in his shadow, so, no big deal.

Is Brady running Titan now that Sonny is in jail?

Do all of Caroline's kids own shares in the pub? Or is it just Caroline's?  I was wondering if Kayla had authority to give out free food.

Andre!?  Really?

  • Love 2

Caught the last half of the show today. First time I've watched since that day I lucked into seeing Daniel's latest appearance. So, of course, today Nicole was again going on and on about Daniel. I am so sick of hearing that name. I really hope Ron stops this obsession with this character that died 18 months ago.

  • Love 5

Did Nicole tell Brady that she and Eric kissed or just woke up in bed together fully clothed? I don't remember her talking about a kiss but I have a bad memory . 


They were on the couch, Nicole and Brady, at Victor's and Nicole said "kiss" and my ears and brain went all "When did Nicole tell Brady she kissed Eric - between this scene and the previous ones?!? Boy, Brady sure seems fine with that..."

Continuity editing matters Show, especially in an A storyline like this.

So sloppy.

  • Love 1

Well, happy trails, Jade.  I'm actually very surprised she didn't out Joey as Ava's true killer on her way out.  But hey, at least Trade finally happened, if only for a moment.  Tripp's portrayer was probably the only actor with whom Gabrielle Haugh had any chemistry whatsoever, so I'm only very slightly bummed for what could've been there.

Oh, Kayla.  Why did you have to trash Jade to Tripp like that?  Now he's back on course to ruining you!

Now, see, this is the Abigail for whom the writers should've been writing for years now.  The smart young woman who's actually showing some agency of her own in trying to get to the bottom of what her new husband is really up to.  Bugging him is totally something either Jack or Jennifer would've done, and I'm glad she finally thought like her parents.  I don't think she's gonna like what she hears, though.

I really hope that Nicole's days of Eric trashing are over now.  Looks like they are, but . . . you never know with her.

  • Love 9

Kayla has forgotten that she let Tripp use her tablet when doing the job shadow thing? Given that he has just shown up and has no idea how his biological mother really died, he is a suspect. Trashing Jade may not have been a good idea but it may cause Tripp to increase his misguided 'revenge' and then he will eventually get caught. Not much he can do to her now if she is temporarily suspended. And you'd think the hospital would have had her files as being an exemplary doctor for years. So much manufactured story. Better if it was slowed down over a lengthy period of time.

Brady, stop being an insecure idiot. Nicole really doesn't owe you much. She and her ex, Eric, were drugged and had hallucinations. I'd be more concerned with the continued talk of DDD.

Abigail, good for you in investigating your new husband but you do need to be careful. He can easily slip you some meds that can send you back to Shady Pines or whatever it is called.

  • Love 7
2 hours ago, Star Aristille said:

Oh, Kayla.  Why did you have to trash Jade to Tripp like that?  Now he's back on course to ruining you!

This is the problem with not letting people finish talking! They MIGHT be fessing up about ruining you! I always assume people are going to open up to me about some crime or other, and so I allow them to ramble on in real life. (I have shady friends.) But, yeah, Kayla let her Jade hate get the better of her, and Tripp managed to re-commit to avenging St. Ava.

27 minutes ago, Frozendiva said:

Kayla has forgotten that she let Tripp use her tablet when doing the job shadow thing? Given that he has just shown up and has no idea how his biological mother really died, he is a suspect. Trashing Jade may not have been a good idea but it may cause Tripp to increase his misguided 'revenge' and then he will eventually get caught. Not much he can do to her now if she is temporarily suspended. And you'd think the hospital would have had her files as being an exemplary doctor for years. So much manufactured story. Better if it was slowed down over a lengthy period of time.

The only good thing the writers did with Tripp WAS to make him seem eager to shadow his father and Kayla and have it seem genuine. Hopefully Kayla will now realize, having caught a glimpse of the Ava part of Tripp that all of this is a little too convenient, timing-wise.

  • Love 6
1 hour ago, annabel said:

I don't remember if Ron has ever written a flat-out domestic violence storyline, but if Dena had not been replaced I could totally see the Abigail/Dario relationship going there.

I actually felt that the show should have done that with Ben and Abigail, instead of making him a serial killer out of the blue.  His need to control and possess Abigail and his jealousy.  Plus, his own abusive past with his father.   Abigail would hide her abuse  from her family. Eventually, it would come out and this could have pulled Steve and Adrienne into the story, drawing on their abusive past, with Duke.   I The show has such a rich history and they choose to ignore it. 

  • Love 6
10 hours ago, Star Aristille said:

Oh, Kayla.  Why did you have to trash Jade to Tripp like that?  Now he's back on course to ruining you!

I wondered what happened to put Tripp back on the revenge trail. Now I remember I walked out of the room when Nicole was sobbing about her "true" love to her "new" love, so I must have missed the scene with Kayla trashing Jade. So Jade's gone? Never warmed up to the nu-Jade.

  • Love 5
On ‎7‎/‎15‎/‎2017 at 6:06 AM, buffynut said:

I wondered what happened to put Tripp back on the revenge trail. Now I remember I walked out of the room when Nicole was sobbing about her "true" love to her "new" love, so I must have missed the scene with Kayla trashing Jade. So Jade's gone? Never warmed up to the nu-Jade.

Well, Tripp was just about to confess to Kayla that he was setting her up.  But Kayla suddenly went into a rant about forgiveness and how she'd tried to give it to Jade, but could never do it because she hated how much she'd impacted Joey's life.  Tripp tried to speak up in her defense, but Kayla shot him down, warning him that she could do the same thing to him.  Then, Tripp brought up that Jade had left town, and Kayla acted a bit too happy about it for Tripp's liking.

Needless to say, that was more than enough to once more convince Tripp that Kayla needs to pay for Ava's death.

As for Jade, yes, she left town yesterday.  Very early in the episode, surprisingly.  She's going on a vacation with her mother to make a new start with her.  She and Tripp shared their first (and possibly last if she's not recast) kiss before she left, which was probably why Tripp was so protective of her.

Edited by Star Aristille
  • Love 7

Daniel is dead, and yet he is still on 24/7 ruining everything.  Not only was Daniel not a great guy, he was boring.

The writers should just put Brady, Nicole, and Eric in a threesome relationship.  It would cover so many soap trope SLs.  Siblings involved with the same person, someone sleeping their way through an entire family, former enemies becoming lovers, former friends who became enemies becoming friends/lovers again, step relatives being in a romantic relationship, people who thought they were blood related, but found out they aren't (until they retcon John Black's parentage again) being romantically involved, they could all talk about how great Danial was (gag), Nicole could admit her secret love for Sami, talk about how they were to much alike to ever make their relationship work, and how she felt she was always second to Kate when it came to Sami's love/hate relationships.  Brady and Eric might discover between the two of them they have half a functioning brain cell which they will need since Nicole lost all of hers.  Who thought turning Nicole into a wimpy crying mess was a better version of Nicole than the schemer she used to be?

I want to watch Kayla, but I hate the SLs she is given.

Why does Ken Corday hate the fans so much?  Is there any fan favorite Corday has not tried to ruin?

Edited by TigerLynx
  • Love 7
On ‎2017‎-‎07‎-‎15 at 10:08 AM, TigerLynx said:

Daniel is dead, and yet he is still on 24/7 ruining everything.  Not only was Daniel not a great guy, he was boring.

The writers should just put Brady, Nicole, and Eric in a threesome relationship.  It would cover so many soap trope SLs.  Siblings involved with the same person, someone sleeping their way through an entire family, former enemies becoming lovers, former friends who became enemies becoming friends/lovers again, step relatives being in a romantic relationship, people who thought they were blood related, but found out they aren't (until they retcon John Black's parentage again) being romantically involved, they could all talk about how great Danial was (gag), Nicole could admit her secret love for Sami, talk about how they were to much alike to ever make their relationship work, and how she felt she was always second to Kate when it came to Sami's love/hate relationships.  Brady and Eric might discover between the two of them they have half a functioning brain cell which they will need since Nicole lost all of hers.  Who thought turning Nicole into a wimpy crying mess was a better version of Nicole than the schemer she used to be?

I want to watch Kayla, but I hate the SLs she is given.

Why does Ken Corday hate the fans so much?  Is there any fan favorite Corday has not tried to ruin?

I can barely stand looking at this version of Nicole.  When is she not frowning or fretting or crying?  Blech.

  • Love 2
On 7/15/2017 at 0:08 PM, TigerLynx said:

Daniel is dead, and yet he is still on 24/7 ruining everything.  Not only was Daniel not a great guy, he was boring.

The writers should just put Brady, Nicole, and Eric in a threesome relationship.  It would cover so many soap trope SLs.  Siblings involved with the same person, someone sleeping their way through an entire family, former enemies becoming lovers, former friends who became enemies becoming friends/lovers again, step relatives being in a romantic relationship, people who thought they were blood related, but found out they aren't (until they retcon John Black's parentage again) being romantically involved, they could all talk about how great Danial was (gag), Nicole could admit her secret love for Sami, talk about how they were to much alike to ever make their relationship work, and how she felt she was always second to Kate when it came to Sami's love/hate relationships.  Brady and Eric might discover between the two of them they have half a functioning brain cell which they will need since Nicole lost all of hers.  Who thought turning Nicole into a wimpy crying mess was a better version of Nicole than the schemer she used to be?

I want to watch Kayla, but I hate the SLs she is given.

Why does Ken Corday hate the fans so much?  Is there any fan favorite Corday has not tried to ruin?

Just popping into this board for the first time.... funny comment!

I also noticed they screwed up the talk about kissing last week and then revealed it this week.

But you know what drove me to this board for the FIRST time?  Nicole's makeup.  What the hell?  Ease up on the bronzer makeup team!

  • Love 1

That whole thing with Nicole/Brady regarding Eric just made me sick.  Being a recovering drug addict himself should make Brady realize that things that happen under the influence aren't always clear immediately.  

She and Eric were figuring out what went on and why they did what they did, but before they could get it fully together,  Eric comes bumbling in like the Neanderthal he often does, and gets all angry and jealous like they were sober when it happened and deliberately hurt him.  

Give them a chance to say what happened, don't make Nicole feel like she has to plead for your forgiveness.  Ugh, that made me sick!

Then, the thing that made it all OK, was Daniel of all things?!  Not that she was drugged by somebody against her will and didn't know what she was doing.  No, that's wrong, but since you thought it was St Daniel, it's OK.  Yes, Brady you were being an ass.

And then even more sickening was Nicole saying how grateful she was to Brady for forgiving her!  Screw that!  She should be telling him that she is not going to put up with him yelling at her and making her explain herself to him like a child every time things are perfect in his eyes.  She deserves more respect than that.  Brady is far from being a saint so he needs to back down.  What happened to Nicole's backbone?  All she does is cry and act stupid!

On another note, I hate the thought of Tripp becoming this villain.  I'm glad Jade is going out of town but I hoped Tripp would try to redeem himself a little.  I'm guessing he's going straight-up bad guy now.  Such a shame.  

  • Love 7
4 hours ago, swtrgrl said:

Oh yes, please. Let's do get rid of the grease.

If memory serves, his hair will be back to "normal" pretty soon as he got it cut irl.

Depending on when he got it cut that means we're stuck with greasy Sonny until Christmas?  Or are they not filming six months in advance anymore?


RC's episodes start Wednesday if memory serves.

Edited by SanLynn
  • Love 3
2 hours ago, Frozendiva said:

Couldn't care less about Eli, Lani, Abe, Valerie, Theo, and Abs.

Well, I could.  And I do.  Today's scenes between Eli and Lani definitely confirm to me that the writers have picked their lane where they're concerned and are going to put them together.  Which is fine with me, but also squicky due to their parents getting together.  I also liked Abe and Lani's father/daughter scene.  And I like that Theo's being more involved in the DiMera front since he is biologically a DiMera (one-fourth of one by way of Lexie).  I even appreciated Abe bringing Lexie up to Marlena, even though Marlena's right.  Lexie's been gone for about five years now, so it's really time for Abe to move on and stop feeling like he's betraying her by doing so.  And hell, it was good seeing that Eli's fully over himself regarding Valerie.

I appreciate the black characters being at the forefront in stories, is what I'm saying.  And with Ron's work starting this week, I hope he keeps it up.  I know he wanted to do that on OLTL before the network forced them to drop most of the black characters.

Edited by Star Aristille
  • Love 9
21 hours ago, SanLynn said:

Depending on when he got it cut that means we're stuck with greasy Sonny until Christmas?  Or are they not filming six months in advance anymore?


RC's episodes start Wednesday if memory serves.

He got it cut a couple months ago so...October/November maybe...maybe sooner.

7 hours ago, Jaded said:

RC's full fledged stories don't start until later this year. What we are seeing now is still Dena's stuff tweaked by Ron.

What you said...except his stuff doesn't air until tomorrow. What we've seen the past week and yesterday and today...all Higley.

Edited by swtrgrl
  • Love 1
14 hours ago, Frozendiva said:

Not much to say about today's episode. Watched and deleted. Sonny's slicked back hair is simply awful. Couldn't care less about Eli, Lani, Abe, Valerie, Theo, and Abs.

I haven't watched for at least 2 weeks, and I agree that the only person I care about in that list is Theo.  Lani needs to go back to Miami...

8 minutes ago, FnkyChkn34 said:

I haven't watched for at least 2 weeks, and I agree that the only person I care about in that list is Theo.  Lani needs to go back to Miami...

I am starting to enjoy Lani and I am loving her vibe with Eli.   We  need to learn more about them to make us care  about them, as individuals, before they become a couple.  I hope that it is a slow burn. Ron has Sherry  Anderson, by his side to guide him on how to do just that.  She  is the queen of that,  she gave me, my favorite supercouple on the show: Kim and Shane. In fact, all of the supercouples have her fingerprints all over them, it is why, they remain popular, till this day..

Edited by Apprentice79
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Message added by scarynikki12

Spoilers are not allowed in this thread. Period. Any posts that include spoilers (and casting information qualifies) will be removed. There are several other threads that allow spoilers so take that discussion to one of them.

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