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Current Plots Discussion: Actually Today's Episode

Message added by scarynikki12

Spoilers are not allowed in this thread. Period. Any posts that include spoilers (and casting information qualifies) will be removed. There are several other threads that allow spoilers so take that discussion to one of them.

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Deimos needs to change the locks on the door.

Heh.  Every man in town gets the hots for Nicole as soon as he meets her. :) I guess Shawn hasn't bothered to let anybody in Rafe's family know that he's missing.

Back and white pixels?

I guess they are not going to address Nadia Bjorlin being pregnant. Nice job singing, BTW.

Dammit, Deimos, why are you giving Kate a break?

Go, Jen Lilley, just slaying.

Oh, shut it, Dario, you know that Summer took Tate.

I understand why Theresa did that, but I'm sure they're going to be getting a lot of crank callers.

  • Love 5
3 hours ago, LeftPhalange said:

Martha Madison plays Belle like a cold robot. 

I want Deimos to kill Andre so Kate will have to fend for herself. 

She always has since the very beginning. The only exception is when John Died. She doesn't play nice, kind, soft, heroine, good at all well. She does bitchy, hard & coldness well. She always has had a hardness/coldness too her acting which doesn't suit the character she is playing at all. If you saw her on winterthrone when she came back as Belle she played her the same way.

  • Love 5

Both Theresa and Brady probably should have made the public appeal and offered a reward for Tate. It's very emotional and heat of the moment, but you normally don't get many viable leads. The Salem PD should have probably first issued an Amber Alert. A reward offer so soon probably would not be recommended.

Deimos has only been back for a few hours, so changing the locks probably wasn't high on his priority list.

It's surprising that Chloe has not yet signed any record deal. Unless the one she had lapsed.

Dario should give Summer a call and ask where she is. That's the Salem PD's first real lead, really. He originally knew her from Los Angeles.

  • Love 2

Listening to an online radio station today and what comes on that I haven't heard in a dogs age but "With You I'm Born Again". Instantly, I'm reminded of Melissa and Lars dancing ballet to it way way back in the day. Fast forward to recent times and all I can think of with regard to the music for Days now is the sleazy porn music playing with EJ and Abigail in the supply closet or that weird moany music they played with JJ and Eve.

  • Love 5

Good for Chad for throwing it in Jenn's face that she's an addict and that there wasn't a judge in the world who would give custody of Thomas to her.  And seriously, when has Chad ever shown that he's unstable and incapable of caring for his son?  Just because he lives in a house once owned by Stephano?  This custody battle is going to get ugly fast and it will be glorious.

Don't care about Rafe--I sort of hope the bomb goes off :):)

  • Love 10

Question:  I know that Abby escaped from the mental hospital.  I wasn't watching then.  Did she still have the mask on because her face was burnt from the fire?  Andre said there was a woman matching Abby's description that boarded the plane that crashed into the ocean.  Did Abby recover from her burns on her face then?


I'm ready to get Jennifer some STFU oil.   She's really blaming Chad for Abifail being loose when she was dipping and dabbing between he and Ben.   HAHAHA hate to break it to Jennifer but precious Abifail couldn't keep her legs closed.   Remember Austin? Cam??   EJ???  Your daughter is loose,  Jenn!   She is Jack's daughter and Billy Hortons grandchild through and through.   It's in her veins! 

Oh and Jennifer before she go judging Dimeras for being bad people (they are but) -   Peter Dimera!   She was married him for two years. So If Abifail decided to take a liking to Dimeras,  Jennifer might want to look at herself in the mirror! 

Edited by BlackMamba
  • Love 6

It is funny to think about the duality of the "Dimeras". I would venture to say that most people in Salem have liked/loved more members of the family than they have despised.

Lexie outside of her "evil stint" was beloved by everyone in Salem.

Benjy was beloved by everyone, especially the Brady family.

Kristen and Peter were the "good Dimeras" before Lexi.  I would categorize Peter as shady and Kristen as crazy.  Even still a lot of people were willing to give Kristen a chance when she first returned because of her history of being a great person who they all loved.

Renee and Megan were well liked.

Chad has schemed before but certainly not on a Dimera level.  He has been pretty harmless overall as a character. Most people are fine with Chad.

Theo, Johnny, Sydney are all adored.

Even Anna, Jennifer, Nicole, Celeste, Kate, and Rachel Blake have come out of their marriages/relationships unscathed for the most part.

So really when people mention the "Bad Dimeras" they are really only talking about Stefano, Andre, EJ, and Tony.  Possibly Peter and Kristen depending on the storyline.  There are far more members of the Dimera family that are liked/loved than hated.

  • Love 4
2 hours ago, Lady Iris said:

I haven't been able to watch Days in weeks. I've just been following it here casually. Has Jenn been able to get clean at all? Is she going to the methadone clinic or anything? I remember Jack came back for that one episode, that was the last one I caught.

Jenn hasn't been seen at a meeting since, and you missed a great episode where Bo came back to say goodbye to Hope.



Sparkle P.I. was rocking that black shirt yesterday. Yum-ola.

It's down to the little things for me now.


Ha! To each his own.

Edited by DisneyBoy
  • Love 1

Yes, somebody finally told Julie to mind her own damn business.  Hehhehheh.

Jesus, Ciara, leave Chase alone.

Nice scenes between Jen and Chad. It was time for him to call her out.  I wonder how she would react if he started talking about her family's history of problems with mental illness.

"This is not about me, this is not about what I want." Bullshit, Jennifer.

  • Love 6
On 7/13/2016 at 0:10 PM, TigerLynx said:

Considering it's Salem, they probably have some kind of half-baked "It's only grounds for anullment if your spouse tries to kill you more than once on your wedding night" law.

Shut up Jennifer.  Compared to everyone else in Salem, Chad is a saint.  Not only, is Chad tame for a Dimera, he's tame compared to most of the rest of Salem as well.


3 hours ago, kitmerlot1213 said:

Good for Chad for throwing it in Jenn's face that she's an addict and that there wasn't a judge in the world who would give custody of Thomas to her.  And seriously, when has Chad ever shown that he's unstable and incapable of caring for his son?  Just because he lives in a house once owned by Stephano?  This custody battle is going to get ugly fast and it will be glorious.

Don't care about Rafe--I sort of hope the bomb goes off :):)

1 hour ago, LeftPhalange said:

Jen is sickening. I hope Chad acts like a Real Dimeria and destroys her.

Chad has it coming since he threw his family away for the perfect Horton family.  He would not even give his son his real name so no pity to give  now that Chad has found out what a Horton really is.

  • Love 2
2 hours ago, BlackMamba said:


Oh and Jennifer before she go judging Dimeras for being bad people (they are but) -   Peter Dimera!   She was married him for two years. So If Abifail decided to take a liking to Dimeras,  Jennifer might want to look at herself in the mirror! 

Let's not forget that Jen was married to Jack, a rapist and and attempted murderer, who poisoned the water of Salm.

  • Love 5
5 hours ago, Rick Kitchen said:

Yes, somebody finally told Julie to mind her own damn business.  Hehhehheh.

Jesus, Ciara, leave Chase alone.

Nice scenes between Jen and Chad. It was time for him to call her out.  I wonder how she would react if he started talking about her family's history of problems with mental illness.

"This is not about me, this is not about what I want." Bullshit, Jennifer.

Aren't Julie and Doug a laugh riot??  I guess they thought we'd all bust a gut at how funny they are when, after Jen asked where  they got their list of lawyers, Julie said "We watch a lot of court tv".  AND then Doug followed that line by saying "We met them on our cruises".  HAHAHAHA!  Gosh, aren't they just the funniest two stupid assholes in Salem?  Because, as we all know, it's COMEDY GOLD to try and take a child away from a suffering parent and put the kid in the hands of awful Jenn and those two dessicated hobbits.

I can only take small amounts of Julie, if that, but Doug annoys the crap out of me. He's not cute to me, although I would find him charming if he'd swallow his teeth on screen someday.

I did find it legitmately funny, though, when after Chad apologized for shouting at Julie, she flounced off as if she was the victim and then Doug threatened to throw Chad out of the house.  Doug couldn't even complete the Activia challenge, much less move Chad.

And Jenn is back in full-fledged harpie glory, her voice going to screech mode and all the words pouring out of her pinched mouth chosen to inflict the most pain and deflect any sense of reality or responsibility.  When she went on about knowing how to raise children, did she forget how many years she dumped her kids in boarding school?  Or how ready she was to play the martyr and see JJ go to prison, all the while supporting her jackass of a daughter no matter whose life she was messing with, no matter whose husband she was screwing?

Self righteous and delusional, that's our Jenn.  Doug and Julie need to book a cruise STAT, preferably on the Lusitania.  And maybe reflect on why Julie's son and grandson seem to have both lost her address for the last 20 years.

Ciara is a great volunteer, isn't she?  Because it's completely appropriate to go off on a patient in the mental hospital you're volunteering in.  Those scenes were a little uncomfortable to watch, because Chase is the bad guy in this scenario and Ciara is the injured party.  Yet she's the one I found most unlikeable today.  I'm looking forward to Jenn going after her in this upcoming custody case, if only to watch Ciara try to "emote" on the stand, and even more to see Hope get mad at her bestest "Cuz".

I keep watching that timer on the bomb, hoping the minutes pass more quickly.  But alas, I doubt Rafe will end up in parts.  

Hope and Aiden......I so don't care anymore.  While I liked Aiden a lot before it all went to hell, his return has been a bust.  And I need a vacation from Hope.  She needs to take a long, long, LONG vacation.

Edited by boes
I misspelled "doug" as "dough" - maybe I should have left it...
  • Love 14

How ridiculous for Jennifer to sue for custody of her grandchild. He is well provided for, he has an involved parent. Abs is not some 14 year old who ran away from home. She's probably around 25-27. Yes, she can express concern that the nanny Ciara doesn't have much child-raising experience, but she's young and she was hired to be the summer nanny. Lots of people hire young girls to be the au pair to their infants.  Jenn surely wasn't mother of the year. Surely there is some fascinating cruise to Antarctica coming up that Doug and Julie can pack the bags. I can't imagine too many judges giving custody to the child's grandmother unless there was some major abuse going on or some other dire circumstance. Jenn has been clean for maybe 2 months, if that. If she is even 'clean'.

Ciara, if you can't deal with Chase, find another summer job. People who do commit crimes against others do often see their victims in the community. Keep seeing Marlena or someone to help you deal with your rage and pain.

  • Love 10
10 hours ago, Lady Iris said:

I haven't been able to watch Days in weeks. I've just been following it here casually. Has Jenn been able to get clean at all? Is she going to the methadone clinic or anything? I remember Jack came back for that one episode, that was the last one I caught.

She went to one meeting.  But according to Julie and Doug, she's all better.  All three of them need to fall down the nearest elevator shaft.


10 hours ago, gazebo said:

Question:  I know that Abby escaped from the mental hospital.  I wasn't watching then.  Did she still have the mask on because her face was burnt from the fire?  Andre said there was a woman matching Abby's description that boarded the plane that crashed into the ocean.  Did Abby recover from her burns on her face then?

One day she had the mask on, the next day it was off, and then it was back on again.  If the whys and wherefores were explained, I missed it due to tuning out most scenes with Abigail/KM. 


2 hours ago, boes said:

Self righteous and delusional, that's our Jenn. 

Yes, exactly.  I was just coming to post that it's no surprise where Abigail got her delusional self-importance from.  The ability of those two women to rewrite events to match their whack reality is amazing to watch.  I hope Chad grinds her into dust.

Billy Flynn was the only reason I tuned in today.  The rest was crap.

  • Love 8

I know I'm supposed to hate Chase & feel for Ciara - but I don't - I feel for Chase & watching Ciara try to emote just makes me cringe

Didn't watch any of the Hope/Aiden scenes today (was not in the mood to hear Hope rail at Aiden for all his lie)  Oh & Roman - listen to Justin - it's highly inappropriate that HOPE is in there interrogating Aiden - but then this is the Salem PD - they have not idea what's appropriate & what's not.

I am firmly on Chad's side in this stupid custody case - while I usually like Jennifer - she was making me want to throw things at the tv with all her crap about because Chad's a Dimera - he shouldn't have custody of his child - because he may or may not become evil like the rest of his family.  I'm glad he said something about her drug addiction because that will factor in the court's decision.   And Jen - it's not Chad's fault your precious Abigail took off - she did that all on her own.

  • Love 9

Sorry for the long post, but I have to say that after yesterday’s show, I’m getting very close to calling it quits with this show.  Hope has always been my favorite character and I really came to love her with Aiden.  I know, he did lie and came really close to trying to kill her, but I was hoping somehow they could redeem him enough to make he and Hope a couple again.  I just do not like her with Rafe.  I can’t believe that the remaining half of my favorite super couple is going to be coupled with Rafe.  He’s such a dud.  Eck. 

Hope’s behavior yesterday was just plain ugly.  Especially given all of her transgressions. Has she forgotten that she murdered Stephano?  Has she forgotten that she once tried to set Bo on fire?  Has she forgotten all she did as Princess Gina under Stephano’s control?  I can accept her being angry, her feeling betrayed and hurt, but I don’t think she’s entitled to interrogate, threaten and assault Aiden the way she did.  She’s supposed to be above that sort of behavior, isn’t she?  Oh, and her “just you wait until I tell Rafe what you did” threat almost made me vomit.  Definitely unpleasant to watch.

Added to Hope’s abusive actions, we get treated to Jennifer’s insane rantings.  I mean she really came off as the unstable one, not Chad.  I loved that he called her on her addiction and her retort is that Chad is a DE-Meera.  Oooh.  Good one, Jen.  I don’t think a normal court considers one guilty by association.  Maybe in her twisted sanctimonious mind, they will, but not a reasonable court. 

Then, we had those awful Chase and Ciara’s scenes.  The Ciara actress has got to go.  I wanted to like her and have given her time to get better, but all her scenes are awful.  On the other hand, the actor playing Chase really has some talent. He’s able to draw sympathy from me, when I know a rapist doesn’t deserve any.

One of the worst shows ever.  The abusive behavior from the designated “good girls” of Salem and the overall tone made me honestly consider quitting the show forever.  There is nothing fun or good in Days of Our Lives.  We’ve got the Tate napping, missing Blabagail, Shrew Jennifer and her best friend\cousin shrew Hope, shrew-in-training Ciara, crazy and mean Victor, psychotic Summer, Brain dead Brady, mean, vindictive, entitled, Kate and Andre the clown. Shouldn’t there be a little bit of goodness somewhere?

  • Love 11

What a missed opportunity when Deimos showed up at the police station and asked Roman if he was not accustomed to people returning from the dead. Botox aside, I don't know how Roman kept a straight face when he answered "No".

Real life is keeping me a little too busy, so I'm FFing through anything outside of the Tate-napping and all things Nicole/Deimos/Dario. I worried for a minute that they might be chem testing Nicole and Eduardo, who seemed a little *too* interested in the woman his son is chatting up. I'm paranoid, right? Because as long as Dario is bringing the pretty and Eduardo is wearing that hamster pelt on his chin, I do not want that to happen. (yes, I'm that shallow)

  • Love 7


I must ask -  Did Higley did she get some new medication?   From a dramatic standpoint,  Days was really very good this week. 

Very well balanced,  well paced,  family interactions in crisis,  entertaining and good acting that's a credit to the writing!   Yes,  the writing!  I wasn't bored at all this week that's for sure. 

Yet I won't get too crazy because this is Higley.    Higley does give us a good few weeks then she does the Jekyll and Hyde writing and she might fuck up the show again.   So we'll have to see from here leading into the Olympics what she and Griffith has in store left working together.   But again this week was pretty good. 


So it's okay for Brady to blame Theresa for the kidnapping, but it's not okay for Theresa to blame Brady.

Aiden is still lying about not being the one who put his name on Hope's life insurance policy.

Ooh, flashes of scary Paul!

"The bomb is going off in six minutes.  Get the bomb squad here." Yeah, they can get a lot done in six minutes.  And why didn't she call Shawn or anybody else a lot longer ago than that? Andre needs to find some way to delay the bomb squad.  Stage a car wreck to block the road, or something?

Is Brady really going to get to Las Vegas before Summer leaves?

How does Shawn get his own marked patrol car?

2 hours ago, DisneyBoy said:

I missed everything but the off screen Boom today. What was Scary Paul like? Why did he lose it?

He was helping John to try to find Tate, and got mad that they weren't getting anywhere.  Though they finally did, not in small part to Paul's connections.

Edited by Rick Kitchen
  • Love 1

Rafe go boom!  Oh, I hope hope hope.  I know I won't be so lucky but still, I can hope.....

Poor Dougie doesn't realize his daughter would rather get blown to Kingdom Come than take his call and hear another of his Knock Knock jokes.  

I like ragey Theresa taking it out on Brady.  It's about time he got treated the way he treats everyone.

Marie Wilson in her dark hair looks like a poor man's Morticia Addams.

Could Victor be any bigger of a prick?  Maggie is torn up about the possibility of her daughter being the kidnapper and he sits next to her rubbing it in, casually calling her a bitch.  Damn I wish there was a word like that for him.  Asshole.  I hope Maggie dumps him when this is all over, not because he was right, but because he's constantly a giant dick no matter how often she begs him not to be.

Now can get back to Rafe go boom, please?  It's just such a calming, soothing image.......like sushi made from boneheads.......

  • Love 5

Why couldn't someone from the Salem PD bomb squad (like, really? maybe just an officer or two that have been trained in bomb stuff given that Salem doesn't seem to be a huge city; or someone from Chicago's bomb squad) talk to Hope on the phone, ask what kind of bomb it is, what sort of wires it has and tell her how to disarm it? Yes, that makes sense. Unless someone can transport to that abandoned house, no one will get there in 6 minutes.

Theresa, Brady is showing you who he is again. Think long and hard about marrying him.

I've only been to Vegas once and was in the international terminal. I did not see Vegas as a major hub of international travel. Getting to Monte Carlo/Cote d'Azur normally will take a connecting flight or two. Summer would have been better off finding an airport hotel in Chicago or New York. Or even stayed in LA. LAX is a hub of international travel.

Was it Claire's annual day to spend with her great-grandparents? All they seemed to do was pump her for gossip.

I'm not hugely invested in Rafe's survival as it is quite unlikely that he'll be in pieces on Monday. Hope shooting the chains probably triggered an early explosion, which ultimately diffused most of the bomb.

  • Love 2
17 minutes ago, Frozendiva said:

I've only been to Vegas once and was in the international terminal. I did not see Vegas as a major hub of international travel. Getting to Monte Carlo/Cote d'Azur normally will take a connecting flight or two. Summer would have been better off finding an airport hotel in Chicago or New York. Or even stayed in LA. LAX is a hub of international travel.

Flights into Monaco go into Nice.  Probably not a good idea right now.

  • Love 2
4 minutes ago, Rick Kitchen said:

Flights into Monaco go into Nice.  Probably not a good idea right now.

No, not a really good idea with the most recent attack and Brexit. But the show records months in advance.  The UK isn't a bad place these days, with the lower pound. Very troubling times in a lot of places.

  • Love 3
43 minutes ago, DanaMB said:

I really hope Summer took Tate and she's not a red herring. I really don't want to see what happens to Theresa if it's not Summer. Brady will be more sanctimonious than usual if it's possible.

I think if it was Summer she's already handed him over by now.  There was that brief scene where a woman was at her hotel door.

JL is really convincing and doing an amazing job.  She deserves a prime time role.  I don't know what I'll do when she's gone.  It seems like Deimos isn't getting as much air time and I'm so sick of Hope, Aiden, Rafe and that horrid Jennifer.  And Doug and Julie can shove off too.  What a couple of cornballs.

  • Love 5
10 hours ago, Polaris said:

I think if it was Summer she's already handed him over by now.  There was that brief scene where a woman was at her hotel door.

JL is really convincing and doing an amazing job.  She deserves a prime time role.  I don't know what I'll do when she's gone.  It seems like Deimos isn't getting as much air time and I'm so sick of Hope, Aiden, Rafe and that horrid Jennifer.  And Doug and Julie can shove off too.  What a couple of cornballs.

Tate's kidnapping should have been the vehicle to bring back Kim and Shane to the show..They experienced this with Andrew and the diabolical Emma Donovan...That bitch was pure  evil and took pleasure in witnessing Kim's pain...She looked so angelic and soft, and she was neither...Andrew was missing for close to a year...That story was so awesome....Did you guys noticed that Tate's nanny's name is Emma...I think that the show was subtly referencing Andrew's kidnapping..

  • Love 7

Jen Lilley is doing an excellent job.  It's to bad the writers kept Theresa in dead end SLs for most of her time on the show.

If Jenn's whole case against Chad is that he is a Dimera, then she is going to need a bigger boat.  Chad has plenty of ammunition he could use against Jenn when it comes to her family, crimes and mental illness, Chad is not an addict, and the crimes of the Dimera family are not Chad's crimes.  It would be completely idiotic for Chad to lose custody to Jenn.

  • Love 3

Salem is like a very unfunny version of Gary Larson's The Far Side.  Virtually everything and everyone is crazy and makes no sense.  So yeah, widdle whiney baby Jennifer will get custody.  We wouldn't want a Horton to have their little feewings hurt.  A former addict baby taking care of a baby! Now that's a recipe for success.

Edited by Polaris
  • Love 3
13 minutes ago, Polaris said:

Salem is like a very unfunny version of Gary Larson's The Far Side.  Virtually everything and everyone is crazy and makes no sense.  So yeah, widdle whiney baby Jennifer will get custody.  We wouldn't want a Horton to have their little feewings hurt.  A former addict baby taking care of a baby! Now that's a recipe for success.

First lesson little baby Plot Point will learn from Grandma is how to deliver a good, hard slap and follow it up with a below the belt comment.  

If Thomas follows in his mother and grandmother's footsteps, he'll be crawling all over day care hitting every other kid he sees and calling them trash.

With any luck, he'll give Doug a good hard belt right in his ukelele.

  • Love 7
On 7/15/2016 at 1:58 PM, Rick Kitchen said:

So it's okay for Brady to blame Theresa for the kidnapping, but it's not okay for Theresa to blame Brady.

Is Brady really going to get to Las Vegas before Summer leaves?


All I have to say is...how stupid are these people?? Yeah, it's Salem...I know but still...

Hey, we think we know who kidnapped Tate but rather than call the local cops/FBI or whoever, who can probably be there within minutes,why heck,  let's just get on a plane & fly there. Yeah, that makes sense. I'm sure she'll wait there while we get tickets on the next flight (where's the damn corporate jet when you need it?).  Even if they chartered one, they'd still waste a couple of hours in the air & then go to her hotel & approach her themselves- no backup. Like she's desperate enough to kidnap this kid but not desperate enough to harm the child if she feels cornered? Why didn't the other adults in the room-looking at you John (ha!) try to stop this harebrained plan??

Of course I'm pretty sure by now that if she even had Tate she "sold" him to the interested party who came knocking at the hotel door.

I just really hate STUPID and sadly this show has way too much these days. Such a shame....

Gotta say though that Jen Lilly is totally bringing her all to this storyline.


I'm really sorry she's leaving.

  • Love 4

In other stupidity, we have Hope calling for the bomb squad with a few minutes left on the timer.

Speaking of which it was like there were two different time continuums this week.  Rafe's bomb had 90 minutes on the timer.  During that time Hope found out the truth about Aiden, went to his hotel room and punched him, arrested him and then questioned him, and then drove to the house where Rafe was.  Also, it was like  two days passed in Jen's world because she and Julie and Doug all were wearing different outfits.

  • Love 8

Sparkle is so extremely boring to me. I think I actually laughed a little when he got angry. 

I wasn't aware that Vegas was a international transportation hub. If they were going to have Summer;s Eve go to the west coast why not have her to to LAX? Or O'Hare since Chicago is supposed to be so close to Salem? The writers don't even try.

I'm going to give Brady a slight pass on his idiotic plan to go to Vegas himself since he's panicking, but SOMEONE in that room (like maybe the former Fake CIA agent John) should have been smart enough to call the feds since they know how to handle kidnappings.

Prictor is a vile piece of shit.

Hope should not have been so willing to leave her young daughter an orphan so she could die a martyr with Rafe. I wouldn't be upset at all if they were both presumed dead for awhile. 

Edited by LeftPhalange
  • Love 9

HOPE is boring. I've never understood this character's popularity, and never will. IDC that she was one half of a "stupid-er, super" couple. She is just so dry and uninteresting. Hope and Rafe? Rafe was only ever interesting when interacting with Nicole. Characters like Hope and Rafe need someone that is almost their polar opposites in order to spark at all.

  • Love 3

There are so many bars/night clubs on this show, I can never tell which one they're in.  Is Dario working at TBD. or Edge of the Square? And who owns which?

Why is Aiden even speaking to Andre at this point?

I thought Blanca was Puerto Rican? Now all of a sudden she's Mexican? I like Ximena Duque, but I don't really want another new character coming on the show, like this Guillermo guy. I thought it was interesting that they were giving us the Spanish with no subtitles, but then Blanca called her sister and there they were.

How can there be no sign of Rafe and Hope, if Rafe is running around there?

Man, Andre was on the verge of orgasm, talking about Rafe's blowing up.

Who is this woman Dario wishes would be in his life?  Nicole?  Or Blanca?

  • Love 3
4 hours ago, rcc said:

Hope is boring with anyone except Bo. PR was the most charismatic part of that couple and without him KA is no leading lady much less with GG who can't act worth a damn.

Funny, I actually find her more exciting when she is with anyone other than Bo and Rafe.  I liked her with Patrick Lockhart and Aiden was a nice change of pace for her.

Although I have never found Hope a terribly exciting character, I think Kristen Alfonso was her best when she was playing Gina and Princess Gina back in the day.  As Stefano's parting words, "It was the only time you were interesting".

  • Love 2

Gosh oh golly gee, WILL Hope and Rafe make it out?  Will they be safe??  Are you all as worried as I am?

No, didn't think so.  

Ancient Andre beating up Aiden?  What is this, the Young and the Restless?

I love Momma Hernandez - too bad I don't care about Rafe or Bianca.  I want Show to find something else to do with Momma and I want Show to NOT try to make us give a shit about Bianca and her past.  It's the elephant storyline or Summer all over again.

  • Love 8
Message added by scarynikki12

Spoilers are not allowed in this thread. Period. Any posts that include spoilers (and casting information qualifies) will be removed. There are several other threads that allow spoilers so take that discussion to one of them.

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