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Current Plots Discussion: Actually Today's Episode

Message added by scarynikki12

Spoilers are not allowed in this thread. Period. Any posts that include spoilers (and casting information qualifies) will be removed. There are several other threads that allow spoilers so take that discussion to one of them.

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I wish Theor could get more to do. The other teens have their own stories going on while all he spends time with Abe and Lani twice a month and supports Ciara.


Considering the kinds of stories the other teens are involved in, he might prefer backing character now.


Caroline always is the best, and classiest, dressed actor on the show.


Hope kisses her daughter, but she doesn't kiss her granddaughter?


I knew Deimos didn't kill Helena and Victor has been lying about it.


At least Claire didn't tell Ciara that Chase raping her would be impossible.


Who ever said Victor was a "beloved old patriarch"?


That wasn't very smart of Victor, does he think Deimos won't get revenge?

  • Love 4

Wow, Victor truly is one cold-hearted, hypocritical bastard.


VJ is doing a really good job portraying Ciara's anger and shame.  I'm glad she finally confided in Claire.  They were both great today.  But I still hate that they're doing this to Chase.  His character had so much potential.


I used to love to watch Allie Sweeney throw her boobs around. It was particularly hilarious when she'd do it to Chandler/Will and he'd be so casual as to not be leering at his MOTHER'S boobs.


LOL!  I'm a straight woman and I leered at her boobs all the time.  They're pretty amazing.

  • Love 6

DOOL has gotten so dark lately.  And I mean in actuality, not just figuratively.  Anyone else have this issue - almost all the shots are so very dark, it looks like they are shot in a poorly lit room at night time?  Not my TV settings, as commercials and other shows are fine.

Pretty much only the hospital scenes and Summer at the Beach (that would be a great name for an adult beverage) scenes are/were well lighted.  

Edited by salvame
  • Love 5

DOOL has gotten so dark lately.  And I mean in actuality, not just figuratively.  Anyone else have this issue - almost all the shots are so very dark, it looks like they are shot in a poorly lit room at night time?  Not my TV settings, as commercials and other shows are fine.

Pretty much only the hospital scenes and Summer at the Beach (that would be a great name for an adult beverage) scenes are/were well lighted.  


Yeah, it's horrible.  I'm thinking about lighting our tv screen just so I can see what the heck is going on.

  • Love 1

So Phillip is now going to play hard to get in order to get his way with Belle.

I can't think of two characters who deserve each other more.

And I guess the days of Victor as snarky quipmaster are over for good.

WHY did Show decide to waste Chase this way? I can't really watch this completely unnecessary and repulsive storyline.

  • Love 7

Rape, murder, cutting with knives. Whatever happened to Love in the Afternoon?

I'm about done here. Does anyone know if Y&R or B&B is worth my time? I know GH isn't. Actually I know Y&R isn't either, as my sister who'd been watching for over 40 years recently quit. And I watched a bit of B&B last year or so when Susan Flannery was doing her exit story and I'm not sure that's for me either.

Except for a few weeks here and there, I have had at least one soap in my life since high school. Thinking that I will never have one again makes me sad.

  • Love 1

B&B once you get used to the style it's nice. It's only a half hour for one thing and the production values are like 20x what the other soaps are. Not as many characters to learn for a newbie. Some humor and camp. Takes place in LA rather than some fictional town like other soaps. And is about a fashion hour and the employees and family of the founder.

B&B is awful. Brooke has basically bedded everyone in her family and she's the lead. The stories revolve around "who runs the fashion house now?" and Brooke getting in trouble for sleeping with someone else in her family and crying. It's bizarre.

B&B is awful. Brooke has basically bedded everyone in her family and she's the lead. The stories revolve around "who runs the fashion house now?" and Brooke getting in trouble for sleeping with someone else in her family and crying. It's bizarre.

  • Love 4

I didn't get the whole thing with JJ and Chad not telling Abby about Ben being out on the loose.  Like they mustn't upset the princess or worry her mind.  Frankly, I think it would be better to give her a head's up that her crazy ex in on the loose so she can be a little more mindful of her surroundings.  It always seems like people try to candy coat the situations that go on around Abby so that she doesn't need to worry about a thing...and she seems to like them doing this for her so she can go about her own thing.  smh...


He'll probably show up on her wedding day and swoop in ans take her away with him or something crazy like that.  perhaps that's how they will usher KM out of the role...


I still hate the whole Chase/Ciara rape storyline.  Why?  I still think Chase and Claire have chemistry but all that is ruined with Chase being a rapist.  I wish this plot weren't happening.




Hope is a murderer and Rafe an accomplice and Roman covered it up.  They are all corrupt cops


Chase gets established as an honorary Horton at Christmas and two months later becomes a rapist to the girl he was living with as a step sister.  He can't be redeemed now.  


Ciara was a fun/mischievous kid who was suddenly aged and instead of giving her strength and spunk, they victimized her in a way that so many female characters seem to be violated on this soap.  Why? 


Joey murders a woman in her hospital bed and his parents are covering it up instead of getting his messed up ass some help.  How is he going to come back from this?


I just don't get these really dark, awful "point of no return" stories for characters who should not be in these scenes.  I want them to wake up from a Bobby Ewing dream and realize that none of it really happened.


I want a unicorn too.

  • Love 9

Just watched Friday's episode and these "teens" are so painful to watch. I think they should send them all to college and concentrate on the other characters. Then in a year bring 1 or 2 of them back and integrate them slowly. The young actress who played little Ciera was miles ahead of nuCiera. This actress has no range and no smile to speak of. She's horrible. I've given her a good few months but I.just.can't.any more.

And, how did John Aniston, Vincent Irizzary & random day player keep a straight over the semi gay ripping off the shirt & knife scene? That said, VI looks great after all these years. He must drink the same water that John Stamos drinks. They don't age.

Edited by ByaNose
  • Love 2

So, Victor admits that he let his brother go to prison for 30 years for a crime Victor KNEW he didn't commit, and both Caroline and Maggie basically shrug their shoulders and act concerned that Deimos is out to get Victor/them? Are you kidding me? No "What the fuck is wrong with you? You let a guy go to prison! Don't you think he's maybe a little justified in hating you and wanting revenge?" Couldn't they have at least feigned a little moral outrage? Both have done it before, for lesser offenses than allowing your brother to rot in prison for most of his life. At least Caroline thought to ask Victor if he actually killed Helena, but even then, I doubt that it would have mattered.

What the ever loving hell is going on?

  • Love 12

I thought Claire figuring out that Ciara was raped by Chase was a strong scene, mostly because of the actress who plays Claire.  She carried the scene, which really should have belonged to the actress who plays Ciara.  


Victor cutting Deimos was ridiculous.  I wonder where the actors go to laugh about these idiotic scripts.  Is there a bar across the street from the studio?  

  • Love 7

Ugh why the hell is Sparkle calling Sonny. Ugh. If they're going to keep him around put him with that Henry kid and leave Sonny alone. 


Why isn't Chad inviting Kate to his raggedy wedding to that girl? I guess the writers are just going to pretend like he and Kate were never close. 


Since Ari is a Brady she should get used to being kidnapped. 


SMH at Kate hopping into bed with another shady man that she knows nothing about. 

  • Love 4

Yesss... I love druggie Jennifer, she can say whats on her mind about Abifail and being her busy body. Of course Abigail is spinning it on Jenn that she can't take of the wedding.

They finally got Chad out the little shoebox and now in the living room - got an upgrade in color. Now if only they turn on the lights. JJ and Chad are going at it. Chad wants Abifail to have the wedding of her dreams despite Ben being out there.

Gabi is gonna let Marlena babysit Arianna. (These scenes always work for Marlena

  • Love 3

Why would Paul hook up with a teenaged boy just because they're both gay?  Do you want Chad or Eric or Brady or Shawn to hook up with Claire or Ciera?


They can make that kid 18 or 19 in a month like they did Ciara and there will be less than 10 years age difference between then. Or they can put him with someone else. I don't really care I just have no interest in seeing him sniff around Sonny again.

  • Love 1

They can make that kid 18 or 19 in a month like they did Ciara and there will be less than 10 years age difference between then. Or they can put him with someone else. I don't really care I just have no interest in seeing him sniff around Sonny again.

I personally think the Henry and Paul talking is just plot point from the writers.

Lets have Paul be Henry's gay mentor, remind the audience Paul is gay, then we can set up him talking to Sonny again.

  • Love 2

Why can't Sonny be with Sparkle? I noticed today that someone actually remembered Will but since he's gone, why not?


Maybe I wouldn't mind Sonny/Sparkle if they hadn't spent a year trashing Will and then killed him off to give their cheap serial killer story some relevance. Or even if they had bothered to give the Will/Sonny/Sparkle triangle from hell a decent resolution. After the way they handled things I have no interest in seeing a Sonny/Sparkle redux. 


I personally think the Henry and Paul talking is just plot point from the writers.

Lets have Paul be Henry's gay mentor, remind the audience Paul is gay, then we can set up him talking to Sonny again.


They think if they have Sparkle make an appearance every once in awhile people will stop accusing them of being homophobic. 

Edited by LeftPhalange
  • Love 5

They think if they have Sparkle make an appearance every once in awhile people will stop accusing them of being homophobic.

Probably but he's the only gay character left so they need to find him a storyline. I wonder what happened to that guy Paul went on a double date with on New Years along JJ/Gabi...

  • Love 2

Victor acting like some sort of victim is hilarious. Deimos had sex with his fiance and in return he let him rot in prison for decades. His lack of remorse and self righteousness just makes me want Deimos to ruin him. 

This could be so much more fun if Victor was taunting Deimos and telling him to take his best shot.  With his giant ego, I don't see Victor being intimidated by Deimos, or trying to chase him out of Salem every other week.  


Unless we're supposed to believe that Victor has a sliver of guilt over what he did to his own brother, and he doesn't want to face it.  But I don't know that the writers are smart enough to play that angle.  

  • Love 1

After the way they handled things I have no interest in seeing a Sonny/Sparkle redux.


Ain't that the truth?


They think if they have Sparkle make an appearance every once in awhile people will stop accusing them of being homophobic.


See above. Not that it would work.


Unless we're supposed to believe that Victor has a sliver of guilt over what he did to his own brother, and he doesn't want to face it.  But I don't know that the writers are smart enough to play that angle.  


In my head Pop-Up Victor only taunts Deimos by calling him ridiculous variations on his stupid name, like PanicAtTheDisco or something. And, yes, it sounds like Pop-Up Victor only exists in my head now. Ah, well.

  • Love 1

I personally love the reminder that Victor, is, was and always will be the villain. It never occurred to me that Victor hadn't framed Deimos, no doubt he killed Helena as well, notice how that was glossed over in Friday's questioning.

Kate remains true to her role as the town doorknob.

When am I going to be free of KM on my screen, between her and Bummer, I had to suppress the urge to vomit in my mouth.

Could Sparkle be any more bland and pointless? Is he the only other gay person in Salem that new gay kid can talk to? Their scenes made me sad because it reminded me that RuPaul's Drag Race is starting its new season and my new service provider only offers Logo as part of the premium package I don't have -- this dreck is such a poor substitute.

Edited by Happytobehere
  • Love 2

I was not around for early Days, so didn't know how evil Victor was until the past was discussed re Kimberly and Shane.  So I feel the same way now about Victor as I did Stefano.  Somehow he has more respectability.  He's like the Victor Newman of Salem, where his friends and family all just gloss over his various indiscretions.  But sending your 20 year old brother to prison for a crime he likely committed?  And he's the one who is pissed off?  It's outrageous.  And I love VI so he can hang around Salem and stick it to Victor as much as he wants.  I just hope he stops playing solitaire with those photos he has.

  • Love 9

Marlena getting kidnapped with Ari... You jinxed yourself last week! Oh my a Will mention. I already love Monday!

Poor put upon Victor. Yeah that's not working for me. Deimos is no saint and out for revenge but Victor is not innocent and he can stop pretending like he's the victim.

So Chad didn't want JJ to tell Abs that Ben was on the loose. But a SERIAL KILLER had escaped from the institution! I imagine that would be news no matter if Chad wanted to keep that from her or not. I don't much care about him taking her but it seems she was going to find out anyway.

  • Love 5

Could Sparkle be any more bland and pointless?


Another reason why I'm not interested in him - the writers haven't really bothered to define the character. Being gay, playing baseball, and being obsessed with Sonny are his three personality traits. Even Failure has more personality than him.

So Chad didn't want JJ to tell Abs that Ben was on the loose. But a SERIAL KILLER had escaped from the institution! I imagine that would be news no matter if Chad wanted to keep that from her or not. I don't much care about him taking her but it seems she was going to find out anyway.


There is a talking animal (Failure) walking around and no one is concerned. People escaping from the mental institution is probably a regular occurrence. 

  • Love 4

Another reason why I'm not interested in him - the writers haven't really bothered to define the character. Being gay, playing baseball, and being obsessed with Sonny are his three personality traits.

He likes to smile. Smiling's his favorite.

Probably but he's the only gay character left so they need to find him a storyline. I wonder what happened to that guy Paul went on a double date with on New Years along JJ/Gabi...

That's Melanie's RL boyfriend.

  • Love 3
This doesn't belong in current plots no matter how this thread has been stretched.  I'm going to the bitterness thread now,.


Now, now...don't get upset. I was just trying to put the word out. Cause it was a great episode. And YT has been in total crackdown, so...yeah. I'm not savvy enough to figure this out, LOL.


Why isn't Chad inviting Kate to his raggedy wedding to that girl? I guess the writers are just going to pretend like he and Kate were never close.


Very good point, and yes. It's strange how much emphasis is put on Theo being part of the DiMera family considering the virtually nothing the character has actively shared with Stefano and Chad, and Kate - KATE! - who helped him run the company is off to the side, forgotten. Annoying as heck. Is the actress despised by the producers? Cause she's woefully underused and sidelined.


SMH at Kate hopping into bed with another shady man that she knows nothing about.


See, I had to laugh at how quickly that plot was escalated today. One minute, she's nursing his wound, the next he's roughly throwing her on the bed (I totally changed channels, fearing it was Rape Time! yet again), and then they're cuddling in afterglow, and then they're parading around town like they've been engaged for months and he's buying his wife-to-be a new wardrobe. WTH show?? Was it really necessary to fast-track their entire relationship in one episode just to set-up Eddie getting jealous?


Maybe I wouldn't mind Sonny/Sparkle if they hadn't spent a year trashing Will and then killed him off to give their cheap serial killer story some relevance. Or even if they had bothered to give the Will/Sonny/Sparkle triangle from hell a decent resolution. After the way they handled things I have no interest in seeing a Sonny/Sparkle redux.



Preach. No one walked out of that looking good. I mean, I liked Sonny a lot up until then...but waffling between these two nimrods? Really, man? Yikes.


Still, I won't lie - I loved Will and Sonny being referenced organically. Maybe it is to set up returns or something, but I wish characters would be able to reference each other without it necessarily being set up for plot to come. Normal people talk about their loved ones all the time...


I really, really liked the scenes of Mar and Gabi talking about her being a single parent (how overdue WAS that!? She's been parenting solo since the Fall and yet the show has acted like she's footloose and fancy free) and the scenes with Gabi being offered the job by Theresa and Nicole.


Today had a lot of good stuff and it flowed really well. Hate Summer and Deimos annoys because he's a retcon, but overall pretty good. I'll be keeping my eye on this kidnapping storyline.


Abi, of course, it awful. I couldn't believe her non-reaction to the news of Ben's escape..


Abby, you were just informed that Ben has escaped.  Please move your face into a worried expression or upset or whatever. Your face did not change expressions when JJ told you that.  You are way too young for a frozen Botox face.



Eeeeexactly. And JJ and Chad keeping it from her was such manufactured drama.


Was anyone else sad the big Stefano Portrait in the living room was apparently replaced by some dull landscape painting. Better than an Abi Portrait, though...


LOL@ Ann giving Chad and Abby a melon baller.



Oh right - thanks for reminding me. I LOVED that line! Best line of 2016.

Edited by DisneyBoy
  • Love 5
Very good point, and yes. It's strange how much emphasis is put on Theo being part of the DiMera family considering the virtually nothing the character has actively shared with Stefano and Chad, and Kate - KATE! - who helped him run the company is off to the side, forgotten.


:Prior to the recast, Chad was shown to be pretty involved in Theo's life, and he was often seen taking him out/spending time with him.

  • Love 2

They didn't make a lot of sense to me. Sparkle is just so damn thirsty. Also Sonny is a very humble hard worker and tradesman and seems more into earnest lowkey types and activities. I could see Sonny running his club and dating a sweet teacher or pediatrician that looks like a young Michael Vartan or Jake Epstein.

JMHO hahaha

  • Love 5

They didn't make a lot of sense to me. Sparkle is just so damn thirsty. Also Sonny is a very humble hard worker and tradesman and seems more into earnest lowkey types and activities. I could see Sonny running his club and dating a sweet teacher or pediatrician that looks like a young Michael Vartan or Jake Epstein.

JMHO hahaha


I know what you mean.  Sonny has a straight-forwardness, a deep core of integrity, that Sparkle lacks.  Paul just seems way too slick and very fake.


Watching the sheer gorgeousness of Nicole, Theresa and Gabi sharing some scenes just being beautiful and interesting and I'm damn near blinded, but then we got to see the weirdly unattractive Abby getting to be the center of attention and I just rolled my eyes at how stupid and clueless this show is.  Come on Ben--make me proud :)


So now we're supposed to think that Daniel and Summer are twins even though there is a twenty year age difference between them?

Edited by kitmerlot1213
  • Love 5
Message added by scarynikki12

Spoilers are not allowed in this thread. Period. Any posts that include spoilers (and casting information qualifies) will be removed. There are several other threads that allow spoilers so take that discussion to one of them.

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