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Current Plots Discussion: Actually Today's Episode

Message added by scarynikki12

Spoilers are not allowed in this thread. Period. Any posts that include spoilers (and casting information qualifies) will be removed. There are several other threads that allow spoilers so take that discussion to one of them.

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Ava is way too insane for me to deal with. 


Nicole and Sami could be very delusional when it came to men, but there was still something human about them that would bring you to at least thinking they were capable of being not so insane that you'd still be willing to have a cup of coffee with them. I don't like the kind of crazy Ava is doling out at all.  


So much this. When they were well written Nicole and Sami were like Russian nesting dolls. Crazy, wrapped in delusion, wrapped in bravado, wrapped in insecurity, with a soft nugget of little girl lost vulnerability hiding deep seated pain and damage. Ava is just crazy, on top of insanity, wrapped in delusion, topped with another crunchy layer of  crazy.  It is too damn much!


I think JPL has aged a lot, probably sun, smoking, and being too lean.  And genetics.  Because  Philip looks older than Deimos. VI has good genes.


I think its voodoo. Someone's got a doll of him and is scraping an eagle claw against both sides of his face.

Edited by islandgal140
  • Love 6

I really had no idea that Claire had aspirations of going to Julliard and becoming a professional singer. I'm assuming much of the studies involve classical singing/opera. Was it just a good idea to get away from her parents? She may have more success on a reality show competition.


Bored of the Theresa and Brady ukelele session.


Fynn needs to store his videos on some hidden hard drive or USB stick. Never store them on a laptop or in some cloud.


Belle really shouldn't be spending Sami's money. Eventually one of the DiMera smart goons will figure out she has spent a good chunk of change that appeared in her account only recently.

Edited by Frozendiva
  • Love 1

Taking off from the person who helped you get your audition is kind of irresponsible Claire. Nice knowing ya Eve! I did like the scenes between Shawn and Claire. I don't think Belle and Shawn are getting back together so I think they both need to sit down and tell her if that happens. She clearly can't stay away from Philip right now. And where is Shawn staying? The Pub?

So now Theresa also has to compete with Dream girl?

And Fynn you are free to film yourself with your "dates" but how could you think it's a good idea to hit on the police officer taking your statement? Don't be a creep Fynn.

  • Love 2
Kayla is about as good as they make them and family does mean a lot to her but it's from a completely different place as the character of Blair in that situation. I don't have the same history with Steve and Kayla as I did with Blair and Todd but I can see similarities here and there. Steve had a shitty upbringing and, because of that, children in trouble is one of his major hot buttons. I already know that due to the introduction of Frankie and Max. Todd and Blair both had abusive childhoods and children were buttons for both... although Todd got to a point where he didn't much care for other people's kids while Blair swooned over any child she saw ever (both actors were impossibly good with kids, too.)


I don't know exactly where Kayla draws the line with Steve whereas Blair repeatedly drew it in regards to her kids. She loved Todd with everything in her but if she had to make a choice, she'd choose the kids every time. It didn't hurt that Sam (the baby that Margaret got from Not!Todd) turned out absolutely fucking adorable and given Not!Todd's rather bizarre mood shifts it happened that Blair wound up being his primary caregiver and became his mother, fought for him in court against Not!Todd and Marcie and Michael (who had adopted him illegally (to be fair, they didn't know that) and went after him when Not!Todd went off the rails for a bit) and won. Sam became hers.


Kayla's whole thing in the 80's was taking in strays; that's how she got Steve.  She didn't have a bad childhood per se, but she was overlooked and taken for granted, which helped explain why she had a heart for kids in need.  I would actually not mind a long term storyline that really got into her raising a kid of Steve's with another woman, especially since I think her motherly side has gotten short-changed this run.  (Last time, she had a lot more to do with Stephanie during her rape storyline; sometimes I'm not convinced she and Joey have met.)  That would have been an interesting story for her while they were divorced and he was off the show.  I'd be interested, too, in an adult child of Steve's coming in with a boatload of resentment for Kayla, only to have to come to terms with the fact that her life with Steve hasn't exactly been a bed of roses.  I don't sense a long term commitment to this story, though.

  • Love 3

Kayla's whole thing in the 80's was taking in strays; that's how she got Steve. She didn't have a bad childhood per se, but she was overlooked and taken for granted, which helped explain why she had a heart for kids in need. I would actually not mind a long term storyline that really got into her raising a kid of Steve's with another woman, especially since I think her motherly side has gotten short-changed this run. (Last time, she had a lot more to do with Stephanie during her rape storyline; sometimes I'm not convinced she and Joey have met.) That would have been an interesting story for her while they were divorced and he was off the show. I'd be interested, too, in an adult child of Steve's coming in with a boatload of resentment for Kayla, only to have to come to terms with the fact that her life with Steve hasn't exactly been a bed of roses. I don't sense a long term commitment to this story, though.

I've been thinking about this, too. I'd be down for a sullen, chip on the shoulder young adult/teen being won over by Kayla. It's what she does. She'd challenge them and then love them into submission. It'd be inevitable. I wish the show had writers who could do a story like this justice.

  • Love 4

I'm really liking the vibe between BB's Shawn Douglas and Claire.  I didn't mind Beemer when he was on B&B but didn't think he was capable of very much.  Clearly I was wrong about that.  He's more talented than I gave him credit, and that's a nice surprise.  I'd like to see him with someone other than Belle, though.


Fynn is growing on me but him liking to make sex tapes is a little creepy.  Why doesn't he just watch regular porn?


Theresa and Brady were sweet today.  JL has a lovely voice and it's nice to see her character enjoy singing without it becoming a defining characteristic. 


Well played, Deimos.  Hopefully he's really not interested in that stupid formula and was just trying to push Philip into betraying Victor.  I want this psychic-vision producing drug story to go away forever. 


I really liked how they had he and Maxine go to WilSon's wedding. What ever happened with that...or did they drop it? Anything to give Maxine a story...like #MaxineSon (Tony!)


They decided to just remain friends, though it happened off-screen and was only relayed to the audience one day when Maxine had lunch with Daniel.  At least I think that's when/how it happened.


Is that young actor who plays Joey getting worse?


He really is, but he's always been the weakest of the teens.  Claire, Theo and Chase are still pretty far ahead of Ciara, but she's improving as she becomes more comfortable.  IDK.  Maybe if they give him something more to play than awkward dumbass he'd be better? 


I think its voodoo. Someone's got a doll of him and is scraping an eagle claw against both sides of his face.




Probably not, since she married a wealthy poker king.  I think they have homes in Vancouver and Vegas.  JPL is way in her rear view mirror.


As he should be.  I watched the two of them on that awful, behind-the-scenes reality show a couple of years ago and he couldn't have been less interested in being her boyfriend.  Anyway, good for her.  I wonder if her choice in hairstyles has improved along with her taste in men?

  • Love 3

I would rather Sami had shared the money with Kate and Lucas, but I think it is hilarious that Sami gave supposed good daughter Belle the Dimera money.  Marlena and John's precious golden child who can do no wrong that spends stolen money, cheats on her husband with anyone that crosses her path, and ignores her child.

  • Love 5

Maybe giving Belle the money is Sami's way of compensating her for that time she kidnapped her and tried to sell her. 

I don't like Belle much, but at least she's more interesting this time around. I'm trying to remember how old everyone was when Belle/Shawn/Phillip/Mimi marriages and embryo swapping businesses all went down, but they were all pretty young. They could address that and have Belle feel that she settled into family life too quickly or something; it could help to explain Belle's current all around screwed-upness as a sort of mid-life crisis. Or they could just go the route that she's a lousy human being and it's just now really becoming obvious.

Why is Joey lying to Kayla about how he found her and what he walked in on? I get why Steve doesn't want to say anything over the phone but Joey's so pissed at dear old Dad you'd think he'd be all too ready to tell his mother what happened when a) he put his trust in Ava and b) she put her trust in Steve. This should be a situation where Joey's feelings about Steve being dead-beat for so long come roaring back and he's more than happy to dismantle what he thought he wanted. As far as he can see, he's got good reason to torpedo Steve and Ava and tell Kayla everything.


Meanwhile, over in wherever the hell they are... Ava is fucking nuts. I mean... seriously? What am I supposed to be feeling in regards to her other than pure revulsion? Am I supposed to be rooting for her to coerce Steve into sex? Am I supposed to be on her side when she flings her arms around him like they're an actual couple and is then completely surprised when Steve throws her off him and spits at her to never touch him again? Am I supposed to actually feel sorry for this loon when some baby she may or may not have even had is allegedly dead? Am I supposed to sympathize with her as she weeps her copious tears as Steve leaves? Seriously... they ended the show the other say with her crying... so I think they want me to feel some twinge of pity or sympathy.


All I was doing was rolling my eyes and wondering how much more of her I had to suffer through.


Moving onto Belle... I was sort of getting behind her when she came to Salem lamenting the end of her marriage, owning what she did and vowing to get her life together. I didn't even mind her bouncing between Philip and Chad because, why not? Her marriage was over so why not play the field? Now, though... her obvious neglect of Claire had grated on me. Claire confided in things to Eve because she felt that her mother either didn't listen to her or just flat out didn't care and given that we saw Belle blow Claire off more often than not and also tell her to stop singing because she was clearly annoyed by it... well, you can't blame a girl for seeking out a more sympathetic ear, especially during a trying time. I do like Shawn-Douglas' relationship with his daughter, though. That's very nice.


At the moment, I really don't care about Deimos all that much save for the fact that he's lording it over JPL!Philip and that's enjoyable. The OLTL!Rex stinkface made a roaring comeback in yesterday's show and man it is as punchable as ever. So I hope someone goes for it there and soon.

  • Love 5

Deimos' cast of character revenge photos with I presume short bios written on index cards taped to the back are killing me softly. Why he needs to continually thumb through them while he just sits in his hotel room is beyond. Its like 6 people! I hope he doesn't watch Game of Thrones - I still can't keep those people straight. 


I am glad someone asked how Deimos managed to have a thriving investment portfolio that enabled him to invest with Kate while locked up in a Greek prison for 30 years. The answer wasn't all that satisfactory, but still -- LOL!


The Ukuele scene would have been cuter if it was with a more cemented couple that came together organically and built over time as opposed to being insta in love. Jen holding up her iphone with a picture of a candle was kinda fun though and she does have a nice voice. 


Daniel, Daniel, Daniel. I swear he is getting his revenge on us in death. 


We don't hear about Will because the only person who gave half a damn isn't given an airtime - Lucas. I am appalled at how little of a shit Kate has been shown to have about her grandson's passing. 

  • Love 6

We don't hear about Will because the only person who gave half a damn isn't given an airtime - Lucas. I am appalled at how little of a shit Kate has been shown to have about her grandson's passing. 

Yeah. It's weird and wrong. I mean, the woman hated Sami and fought for 20+ years to get that kid for herself and her son. Sami almost died b execution b/c of Kate.

I think she loved Will more than she loved all of her children combined. 

Edited by swtrgrl
  • Love 3

That ukuele scene was probably supposed to be like the harmonica scene with Steve and Kayla. Not by a long shot. Steve and Kayla are a loving and long time couple on this show. The other two imposters have no chemistry and was stupid.


Speaking of loving couples, how cute was Chad today telling his son a story and feeding him while Abigail looked on. I haven't been a KM fan but with BF and their chemistry together I like them as a couple. I  really like BF and can't wait to see what's next for him when KM leaves this show. Either they recast or they find someone else for him. He has that leading man charm.

I missed yesterday's show, so I missed the ukulele scene.   


And only half-watched today.  I saw the end of the Philip and Victor fight, with the picture of dead-but-still-on-our-screens Daniel prominently displayed as Victor told his son to get out.


I also saw the ending with Chase's backpack catching fire, though I missed most of the Chase/Andre scenes.  Did they show him put the explosive device in Chase's backpack?  And does Andre just carry one around with him, because wasn't his and Chase's run-in random.   Oh this show, it makes my head hurt sometimes.

  • Love 1

I am glad someone asked how Deimos managed to have a thriving investment portfolio that enabled him to invest with Kate while locked up in a Greek prison for 30 years. The answer wasn't all that satisfactory, but still -- LOL!


What was Deimos' answer? I missed it.


I wish Shawn would just tell Belle to fuck off and move on with his life.


Chase is stupid. 

  • Love 1

Actually Deimos wasn't involved in the conversation. It was Phillip questioning Kate and her answer was that she doesn't question Kiriakis men about how or where they get their $$. 


So I guess where he's getting his money from is just going to be glossed over like so many other things on this show. 

  • Love 1

Gee, Rafe just instituted a conversation with his father.


Why did Hope dream that Andre had a messed up face?  Has anybody told her he has a messed up face?


Uhoh, they mentioned Mama Hernandez and Dario.


Move on, Shawn, Lani is right there.


Why would any teenaged boy not run screaming from a creep like Andre?


I guess Philips is going to be all up in Belle's bank account now.


So Deimos is planning on investing in Kate's company in order to ruin her?

  • Love 3

"Hello, Andre, I know you are crazy, but YOU killed Renee and Benjy, and held Lexie prisoner which led to her dying from tumor/cancer.  Stefano set off the bomb that killed Megan.  EJ was killed by one of the Dimera henchmen who was really working for Clyde.  Kristen was attacking Marlena and went out a window.  Tony was killed during the Dimera/Kiriakis fued.  So on and so forth." 


I guess Andre really is taking Stefano's place with the blame everyone else when their idiotic schemes backfire and one of the Dimeras ends up dead.  Why were the Dimeras ever feared in the first place?  Sami, Kate, Nicole, and Gabi have a better track record at getting rid of people than the dimwit Dimeras do.


And so does Hope.  Hope deserves a medal for killing Stefano.  At the very least, Kate and Sami should have high fived her.


I did like Kate's answer about where the money comes from.  That is the real Kate.  The Kate who wasn't allowed to team up with Lucas and Sami to destroy Will's killer is an imposter.

Edited by TigerLynx
  • Love 7

I hoped that Chase - motivated by wanting to protect Hope - was pretending to be naive with Andre in order to play him like a violin.  DOOL needs a smart, likable, but devious young man.  Further, It'd be great if Chase learned of and was able to get some sort of revenge for the part the Dimeras played in Aiden's downfall. Of course the complete opposite happens and Chase is acting as stupid as Joey.  Boo.


Gabi was really cute today.  It's so strange that CM has been back for months but has only been on a handful of times.  Why are they wasting her return?


I sincerely wish they would replace JPL as Philip.  Those faces he makes are ridiculous, and he's just not compelling or sexy in any way.

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Galen Gering is one of the worst actors on the show. Its  amazing how he hasn't improved at all the entire time he's been on soaps. Why do they keep forcing him as the lead of this soap? 


I'm not even sure why Gabi is around? She barely has a story and it seems Camila is often off doing other gigs anyway. 

  • Love 1

I'm a day behind and likely to stay that way since we dropped cable and I can only find the show on the network one day later sine the YouTube crackdown.  So I doubt I'll be posting much in this forum anymore.


BUT, I can't partially bow out without commenting on John Paul Lumpaleer and his continual mugging.  What he did with Kate on Monday, and then with Deimos was so bad it was funny.  He's looking more and more like a rabid pug.  


And not a terribly talented rabid pug.


To my surprise, Brandon Beemer has gotten better, much better than I remember.

  • Love 6

Oh no!  Say it ain't so boes!  I know it's selfish but I look forward to your wonderful, laugh-out-loud take on the saints and morons of Salem.  I'd be so sad if we lost you here.  :-(


Thanks.  I love this forum but day old snark is sort of stale, isn't it?  I'm hoping TPTB will let up on YouTube so Show can be uploaded again.  But I won't be gone in any case.

  • Love 1

I'll take your day-old snark anytime, boes.  :-D  You post on the Y&R  board, correct?  I don't participate there because I've only been watching for a little while. 


By the by, why does NBC.com delay DOOL by a day?  Is it because there are affiliates who don't air the show until the wee hours of the AM? 

  • Love 4

Every network delays their shows for a day on their websites.


Not Y& R, they run theirs on the same day, after 6 pm so I'm able to watch that show on the same day.

I'll take your day-old snark anytime, boes.  :-D  You post on the Y&R  board, correct?  I don't participate there because I've only been watching for a little while. 


By the by, why does NBC.com delay DOOL by a day?  Is it because there are affiliates who don't air the show until the wee hours of the AM? 


I didn't know you were on the Y&R board!  Great board, just like this one is.  But I think DOOL is the better soap, no matter how much I snark on it.

  • Love 4

I'm a day behind and likely to stay that way since we dropped cable and I can only find the show on the network one day later sine the YouTube crackdown.  So I doubt I'll be posting much in this forum anymore.


BUT, I can't partially bow out without commenting on John Paul Lumpaleer and his continual mugging.  What he did with Kate on Monday, and then with Deimos was so bad it was funny.  He's looking more and more like a rabid pug.  


And not a terribly talented rabid pug.


To my surprise, Brandon Beemer has gotten better, much better than I remember.


You could always put a pair of bunny ears on your tv  so the local channels will come in.

  • Love 3
I didn't know you were on the Y&R board!  Great board, just like this one is.  But I think DOOL is the better soap, no matter how much I snark on it.


Good to know!  I don't post there and haven't actually read there in quite some time.  I've watched Y&R a bit over the years - never for more than a week or two at a time - so the characters are familiar on a superficial level.  I've been watching regularly for a little while now and should take the plunge and join the fun.  The last time I was there I recognized some names from the B&B board.  So I'll see you there, then!


Maybe it's a CBS thing to post their shows the same day?  I was sure I'd watched some episodes of Survivor and The Mentalist on cbs.com the same night, but that was years ago (when I could still tolerate Jeff Probst and pre-Red John being killed) but my brain doesn't retain stuff like that.  How strange that NBC doesn't do it.  You'd think they would want to capture as many viewers as possible by putting the episodes up by the end of the day.  Now I'm curious about ABC's shows.


Anyway, I totally agree about Days being a better soap.  Wish I'd tuned in to it much earlier and been a part of the 80s glory.

Edited by Kitty Redstone
  • Love 2

I've lurked on this forum since TWoP was shut down and have never had the courage to post, but want to tell Boes to please keep snarking no matter what! You are one of the big reasons I lurk because some of your comments have had me in tears from laughing so hard.  There is a way to watch the show the day it's aired, but I'm not sure if I should say here because what if those tyrants read these boards and then start cracking down elsewhere? The videos are on a very public site, but I guess TIIC over at Days don't pay much attention to it.


Should I just spill where to find them, or send a private message?

Edited by Polaris
  • Love 5

To my surprise, Brandon Beemer has gotten better, much better than I remember.

Right?!? It hit me yesterday how much he's improved. He was good with both Belle and Claire, and I loved his reactions to Fynn's bumbling explanation of what was on the videos.

Oh, and I always watch the next day, too. I do it between dropping my daughter off at school and the time I have to leave for work. You know, instead of doing dishes or whatever


Andre and those "To Catch A Predator" vibes he was giving off with Chase! I was more than a little uncomfortable, even though I didn't actually believe that they weren't going down that road. It just goes to show that the same tactics work whether you're trying to seduce a teenage boy or just put a bomb in his backpack.


I am really liking Hope and Ciara in mother/daughter mode. Their relationship is quite the contrast to that of  Belle and Claire.

  • Love 7

I've lurked on this forum since TWoP was shut down and have never had the courage to post, but want to tell Boes to please keep snarking no matter what! You are one of the big reasons I lurk because some of your comments have had me in tears from laughing so hard.  There is a way to watch the show the day it's aired, but I'm not sure if I should say here because what if those tyrants read these boards and then start cracking down elsewhere? The videos are on a very public site, but I guess TIIC over at Days don't pay much attention to it.


Should I just spill where to find them, or send a private message?


If you're PMing the link to people include me, please. Thanks.

I am really liking Hope and Ciara in mother/daughter mode. Their relationship is quite the contrast to that of  Belle and Claire.


Belle would probably be shocked to know that her relationship with Claire would probably improve if she actually bothered to show genuine concern and interest in her life and well being.

  • Love 7

Seg 1

Stayla reunites; Ava is nuts.

Boring Jarlena scenes.

Lol they playing ride of valkyries

in the background as Hope’s house go up in flames as Andre watches the show.

Seg 2

Steve not trying to tell Kay he and Ava hit it. Ava is still crying.

Hope put out the fire. They're safe.

Edited by BlackMamba
  • Love 1

BOES, don't go! Yes, like Kitty said, day-old snark is better than no snark from Boes. I just lost a good work friend to another firm and that's hard enough : )


Oh, boes, say it ain't so! Aside from loving your posts on the Old and the Toothless board, I get to double my pleasure, double my fun over here.


Yes, Days is a much better show, and after a few months' watching, I'm gearing up to start posting over here.

  • Love 4
Message added by scarynikki12

Spoilers are not allowed in this thread. Period. Any posts that include spoilers (and casting information qualifies) will be removed. There are several other threads that allow spoilers so take that discussion to one of them.

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