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Current Plots Discussion: Actually Today's Episode

Message added by scarynikki12

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I can't with Daniel's funeral anymore.  Will and Bo, legacy characters who had been on the show longer then Daniel, were barely given funerals let alone time for any other character to grieve them, and how many weeks have we been "treated" to everyone in Salem in mourning mode?  I can't take anymore, I really can't.  Wake me when it's over :):)

  • Love 12

I don't think I am taking this funeral as seriously as the show wants me to.

Me neither. Parker looks like a vampire baby. Nicole saying nothing lest she "lose it" means - to me anyway - that she wants to scream about what a useless judgmental ass Tan always was and how pissed she is to have been paired with him.

Brady getting Parker to listen to his father's heart is SUPER GRUESOME and CREEPY.

Is everyone getting spray tanned in the town square?

Wouldn't a tribute has been more fitting at the hospital where he worked?

That's right Parker, give the stethoscope away the first chance you get.

LOVED Melanie's reaction to Theresa's weak tea and poorly timed mea culpa.

Edited by DisneyBoy
  • Love 2

Why is Jen still wearing hills while complaining about back problems? 


What's going on wit Abifail? She actually acted like a human today. I still don't believe she cares about anyone but herself but she did a decent job pretending. Except for the part where she still isn't showing much concern for her future drug addict mother. Oh, and the part where she said she couldn't go to the memorial because she couldn't find a sitter. Isn't Plot Point Baby healthy now? Why couldn't she take him to the memorial with her? It was only a few hours. 


Dan got a shine but Bo didn't and Will's name is hardly ever mentioned. Ok. I'm not even particularly mad that people are honoring Dan I'm just wondering why Bo and Will couldn't get the same treatment. 

  • Love 7

No play by play of Daniel or that funeral... I'm just glad his funeral was today.

After 4 weeks, regardless of timeline or not, ruined my Daniel being killed off experience.

They even gave him a shrine at Horton Sq. You know what this means, he probably will get a statue (like someone playfully hinted at) by the end of the year. Watch. I got the feeling.

And awww he got flashbacks! BUT what made me shiver "You will see me again." Uhhh, no, no, NOOOOOOO.

  • Love 3

Did Nicole go out and get streaks in her hair before the funeral?


Aw, little Parker was so good  "I've never been to a funeral before.  I don't know what I'm supposed to do there."


It's bad enough that the funeral was in a bar, but they were drinking, too?


Oh, please, people just spontaneously put up a memorial spot for Daniel?  Please.


We got this waterworks for Daniel but nothing for Will and Bo. And the flashbacks.  But no Will flashbacks.


They had to give us an explanation as to why Abigail wasn't at the funeral?  Why not just have her attend the funeral?

  • Love 6

Why is Jen still wearing hills while complaining about back problems? 

Actually, when I suffered from back problems a while back, shoes with a slight heel actually relieved the pressure I was feeling. Naturally, I wasn't wearing heels on the level of Jennifer, but I'm willing to go with it for now.

  • Love 1

Are they serious? They're having Daniel's funeral in a coffee shop?

When I saw I was thinking for real, I've had to listen to you people cry about Daniel for a month our time and you celebrate him in a coffee shop? I barely remember Daniel even going there as a customer but ok. I want to stop being bitter but he got flashbacks! (via Nicole) and a shrine? I will never not be angry that Will Horton didn't get flashbacks at his paltry funeral after nearly two decades on this show. I'll let go soon.

I am kind of interested in this Jen gets addicted to pills story. Her back still hurts and no one is really paying attention to that. It gives MR some new material at least.

  • Love 5


I can't with Daniel's funeral anymore.  Will and Bo, legacy characters who had been on the show longer then Daniel, were barely given funerals let alone time for any other character to grieve them, and how many weeks have we been "treated" to everyone in Salem in mourning mode?


Exactly what I was coming here to post.  Really majorly pissed that Dan gets this totally emotional tribute for a funeral (though it was a strange setting), while they did the most lame tribute for Bo and then just brought on more crazy from all those close to him.  

That being said, I think the actors did a bang up job, though you could see the whole heart sl coming the minute Parker picked up the stethoscope.  I actually liked the tribute in Horton square - made sense, since he was obviously the well rounded Dr. who could take care of everything from splinters to hearts.  It is just getting so hard to be invested in this show anymore.  The time line is so screwed up and everything is dark and sad.  Is there anyone currently happy or at peace?  Oh, right, Daniel, Stefano, Bo, Will ...  

  • Love 4

Why is Jen still wearing hills while complaining about back problems? 


What's going on wit Abifail? She actually acted like a human today. I still don't believe she cares about anyone but herself but she did a decent job pretending. Except for the part where she still isn't showing much concern for her future drug addict mother. Oh, and the part where she said she couldn't go to the memorial because she couldn't find a sitter. Isn't Plot Point Baby healthy now? Why couldn't she take him to the memorial with her? It was only a few hours. 


Dan got a shine but Bo didn't and Will's name is hardly ever mentioned. Ok. I'm not even particularly mad that people are honoring Dan I'm just wondering why Bo and Will couldn't get the same treatment. 

It does not appear that abifail wants to show off her dimera baby to Salem because few people have seen him.

  • Love 1

Now I'm as sloppy and sentimental soap fan as the next guy - maybe more.  Give me an Alice flashback and I'm a warm gooey center - same with long term characters on my other soaps, mostly now off the air.  But SERIOUSLY?? 


An ALTAR in Horton Square that people are kneeling to?  What's next - the two required miracles for sainthood?  Which, I guess, would be Holy Coppertone Lotion and his sharks tooth necklace raising the dead - or at least the inert penis that even viagra can't fix.  Gotta stay in Daniel's wheelhouse of abilities, right?


How come nobody showed up to tell the story about how Daniel gave them crabs, or an anal fistula, or at the very least, how creepy it was when his dead skin would flake off on the operating table?  Or how brave he was to go through life with a three inch penis?


Overkill much, Show?  

Edited by boes
  • Love 12

New Parker is really very pale.

He looks like those creepy kids on AHSHotel.

How come nobody showed up to tell the story about how Daniel gave them crabs, or an anal fistula, or at the very least, how creepy it was when his dead skin would flake off on the operating table? Or how brare he was to go through life with a three inch penis?

OMG... Lmfaoooo

  • Love 1

Are they serious? They're having Daniel's funeral in a coffee shop?


Perhaps the writers decided that they wanted a more perky funeral.


Something is brewing in Salem, as townsfolk are dropping like flies. Andre has yet to spill the beans regarding Fatha. A town steeped in rich DiMera history and evildoings.


Usually floral type shrines/markers are placed at the accident scene. Maybe the Town Square was a stand-in.


Thought Melanie's backless dress was a tad inappropriate for her father's funeral.


Too bad none of the former patients dropped by to talk about Daniel's renowned bedside manner.

  • Love 3

The only bad link in the bunch was JJ. His speech was so short (that's the writers fault) and he didn't even shed a tear. I thought Casey Moss would,have been more broken up since Daniel was such a huge influence on JJ. It seems ages ago when JJ hated Daniel and tried to set up with every dirty trick in the book. I also think nuParker is too pale. I think if they kept his hair looking a little neater he wouldn't look so much like one of the orphans in Annie. I don't like picking on a kid so I will put the blame on the makeup & hair department.

  • Love 2

They were all busy setting up their own shrine to Daniel outside the Salem STD clinic.

And I hear the Tanning Salon shut down for the day out of respect - and the need for a very deep cleaning.


There will be some type of secret coming out about Taniel. Even though he's buried, the show must keep his legacy alive.

So did anyone else think Parker was going to pull the elephant statue out of the fort?


LOL that would have been hilarious.  That tacky statuette was his favorite thing in the whole world, don't you know.


I'm really over all the crying and sadness and killing ... unless Abigail is next, then more killing is just fine.


Hopefully once Dr. Tan is finish being sanctified and the rest of the stories start moving, someone will start paying attention to the damn timeline.  How can Brady be recovered from a heart transplant, and Eric be over a life-threatening heart infection, arrested and bailed out, by the time Daniel has been turned to ash and memorialized? 

  • Love 7

I think Greg Vaughn has been doing a great job showing his quilt & pain. All the while looking like a male model with a scar. Even, with bed head, a scar, scruff with tears he is still good looking. He can't even make himself look bad. It's physically impossible. I saw him on Afterbuzz and he said he might be landing some other non soap job. He really is too perfect looking not to be on television.

  • Love 8

I did notice Melanie's backless dress. Just a tad inappropriate for your father's funeral but it was in a coffee shop so I can't really admonish your outfit choice. Also cue the awkwardness between her, Brady and Theresa. Nice try on the apology Theresa but you are a little late. And with her watching Melanie and Brady interact, I bet my girl is thinking, "How many women am I going to have fend off Brady now?"  With him having dreams of Nicole now and what not. Good thing Melanie is going back home though.  

  • Love 3

Parker's paleness doesn't bother me; I actually think he's pretty adorable. My daughter is super pasty and her eyes had that shadow under them when she was a baby (seriously, I pass down the *best* genes!), so I kinda feel bad for him. It's just so jarring in comparison to his on screen parents! But a big fat no to a retcon (of a retcon? I don't remember quite how his paternity reveal went down) that would make Philip his father.

I liked the goofy old Parker, but I couldn't see him pulling off that scene in the fort. And I like Chloe (my affection is still running on Ghoul Girl fumes), but what the hell? Could she have seemed more un-maternal during that scene? AZ is great all around and I love how she is with kids, but I don't know how I feel about Nicole once again being a surrogate parent, even if she is better at it in this instance! (And, no, show...that was not a hint to have her knocked up with Daniel's kid!)

  • Love 4

I haven't liked Chloe since Ghoul Girl days but I found her very maternal in the way she wanted the best for Parker.  It's pretty generous of a mother to let your ex's fiance help your child through a hard time.  She knows Nicole and that very dark, stuffy apartment mean a lot to him.  I liked it when Nicole and Chloe went out for drinks back in the day.  Chloe comforted Nicole, and Jenn too.  I think it would be healthy to take down the fort now, though.  I hope we're done with Dan's apartment with the magically increasing bedrooms.


Thank goodness for NuParker and that line, one of the best ever.  I've never been to a funeral and I don't know what I'm supposed to do. 


I was ok with Dan's funeral because I expected something big, until the shrine.  Flashbacks pissed me off and the stupid framed pictures.

  • Love 4

I haven't liked Chloe since Ghoul Girl days but I found her very maternal in the way she wanted the best for Parker.  It's pretty generous of a mother to let your ex's fiance help your child through a hard time.  She knows Nicole and that very dark, stuffy apartment mean a lot to him. 

I hadn't thought of it that way, but I like it. 

  • Love 2

Actually, when I suffered from back problems a while back, shoes with a slight heel actually relieved the pressure I was feeling. Naturally, I wasn't wearing heels on the level of Jennifer, but I'm willing to go with it for now.

And after I snarked on Jennifer's back pain a few days ago, I wake up today with a huge muscle spasm myself. Karma! 

  • Love 2

Nice the Horton Cabin. We found the budget for that instead of St Luke's.

Ms Andre's face is so dirty and black did he wash??

Brady is finally home with Theresa. Talking about the dreams he's getting from Daniel. *rolleyes*

UGHH Taniel flashbacks. And heres Eric.

He said he can't go away with things the way they are. Nicole said things will never be right again.

Did Andre pay the electronic bill? Why is it so dark at his shoebox living room?

  • Love 3

Ciara and Hope are dressed alike.

Andre is having them trail with his minion's help he can't afford.

Fynn is in a scene with Brady. Brady asks if the feelings can be transplanted from the donor. Ok Higley.

The Daniel drinking game continues. Nicole says Daniel was the love of her life and Eric put them in hell and stay out of her sight. Poor Ericole.

  • Love 1

First, still creeped out about the flirty crap going on between Hope and Rafe - bonding over murder is just, well, a tad unseemly to me.


Second, how many days has it been since the accident?  Brady is out and about after a heart transplant like this?  


Eric thinks NOW is a good time to turn up at Nicole's house?  


If they are setting him up to try to kill himself (wouldn't be surprised given the rising number of dead bodies in this thing) - they could at least not have him act like a total dingbat - Go and visit her in a few months, and then, maybe.  


I do hope Nicole and Theresa ditch Kate - she bores me.  I used to find her amusing in her selfishness, now I just find her uber annoying and obnoxious with no redeeming fun/qualities.


The actress playing Nicole looks really terrific make-up free - much better, in my opinion.  (shallow note of the day)

  • Love 6
Message added by scarynikki12

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