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Current Plots Discussion: Actually Today's Episode

Message added by scarynikki12

Spoilers are not allowed in this thread. Period. Any posts that include spoilers (and casting information qualifies) will be removed. There are several other threads that allow spoilers so take that discussion to one of them.

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That's what I thought. I'm hoping that Victor did it and framed his brother. And everyone finds out and remembers that Victor is actually a really bad guy.

Now that would be awesome :)


Today's episode taught me that no matter how weird and inappropriate the Abby love scenes were--especially the scenes with EJ and Ben--nothing prepared me for the gross out factor of Phillip and Belle.  Holy crap but watching them made my stomach turn.


And Shawn is insane for wanting to get back with the multiple cheater--does he have any self-respect?  Does Belle?  The answer is no, in case you were wondering :):)

  • Love 5

Andre is like "Hope killed Fathaaa, but what are we gonna do about it" Ummm Andre why dont you dust off your Roman mask from 1984 and get the knife you were going to use once upon a time as the Salem Slasher. Not saying I want him to kill Hope, better not, but maybe a good scare would be good. And if he does try though Hope oughta kill Andre in self defense.

Eww is Roman liking Hope... I cant...eww gross... BYE!!! Dont even. Can these men at least let Hope go see a therapist and get some mental healing before they want to get in her draws. Good god!

Hope did make me giggle when she told Roman "I know where you live." My Hope is Roman homeless.

Edited by BlackMamba
  • Love 2

Belle really is disgusting.  And joyless, charm-free, entitled ... or like someone up-thread said, the new Abigail. 


I have faith that John is a sort-of modern-day Mithridates.  Hopefully this newest backstory will turn out interesting.  Dunno why but I'm liking DH these days and want him to have a good story.


Not sure where to put this, but just saw this:  https://www.yahoo.com/tv/days-lives-renewal-ahead-nbc-150053851.html  

Mods, please move if you feel the need.



  • Love 3

Huh?  When did Jenn's back seize up and why was Chad there to bring her in?  Did I miss a scene?


"You can start by losing the smarm," says the guy with the most smarm in town.


Daniel's still in the morgue, huh?


How DARE Claire talk about Shawn giving up on "us"?  SHE's the serial cheater.  smdh.


Jesus, Hope, get a hold of yourself.


Why is Chad the one responsible for choosing a house for the two of them instead of them choosing a house together?


'"If you quit the force, it's going to set off alarms."  I thought she had already quit the force?

  • Love 4

'"If you quit the force, it's going to set off alarms." I thought she had already quit the force?

She didn't quit, shes on suspension.


I mean Salem is now "Dead Man Walking" and "American Horror Story: Asylum" Two different sides of the town. Death and mentality unstable.

Edited by BlackMamba
  • Love 1

Belle and Abby continue to disappoint.

John being duped -- You don't say.

Way too much Roman since last week.

BB is just back and his Shawn has already been morphed into the 90lb emotional weakling he was last go round.

I would love to see Hope and Rafe lose their jobs and face prosecution for their actions. If you feel so righteous in your actions, own what you have done.

  • Love 4

Saw a bit of today's show and couldn't believe that the writers were trying to make Belle and Philip - the cheaters - seem cute. They broke up her marriage off-camera and are now rolling in the sheets and playing strip poker to what.....get viewers thinking they're hot?

I don't understand the writing. Why would Philip be calling her The One That Got Away if he banged her already while she was married? And wouldn't that memory make this quickie sex in Vegas less forbidden? Why the card game?

*throws up hands*

Edited by DisneyBoy
  • Love 6

I feel like writers want to do a modern day version of Roman/Marlena/John with Phillip/Belle/Shawn, because why else would they keep revisiting this triangle!

I still would had found it way more entertaining and fresh if they done Chad/Belle/Shawn. You would have the Dimera (yet Marlena's mother loves him), the daughter of Jarlena and the son of Bope. MM has chemistry with both those boys and it been hot trig.

  • Love 2

Random thoughts about today's show....

So Claire hears  Belle crying in her room and she thinks it's because she misses Shawn.
More likely it's because the batteries in her dildo are dead.


A stripped and plucked JP Lumpaleer resembles nothing so much as Chucky on steroids. 
Or a brined chicken from Trader Joe's.


How GREAT for Abigail that Jenn is in such terrible pain that she collapsed and is miserable because now maybe Mommy will be thrilled she's boning Chad.  Such a dear girl, and a devoted daughter.


Why did Eric need to look at toe tags to find Daniel's body?  Couldn't he look for the transmission sticking out of his brain, or at the very least follow the scent of rotting flesh overlaid with Coppertone?


When Shawn and Claire clasped hands in the Square for a moment I wasn't sure which one had the Jungle Red nails.
Brandon Beemer is better than he was.  I'm actually impressed.


Roman got a new dye job. 


Ducking, just in case I'm alone in this - I like Claire, I think she's got some talent, the same way I thought Casey Moss did when he first came on.  Best of the teen scene, IMO, followed by Chase.  I think she looks a bit like a young Uma Thurman.


Belle says she has "more important things to focus on".   Well, she's got self-absorbed narcissist down pat, so what's next?


Jawn's mother is a low rent Blanche DuBois? 

  • Love 13

So, Abby hears her mom is back in the hospital, rushes over there, and at the sight of her mother walking stiffly and painfully out with Fynn, goes and throws her arms around.........Chad.


Belle doesn't bother me like some of you. I like the actress, first of all. Second of all, I am finding her terrible mothering comical, not upsetting. I fully admit this means I am not that good of a person. :D

  • Love 8

I also like Claire.  The young woman playing her is a cutie and the most natural of the teens. 

It's a damn shame they cut KdP since Eve and Claire were on their way to a believable friendship.  Eve could have taken on a more typical motherly role than she did with Paige, and Claire could have had a more concerned motherly type in her life than Belle is able to provide.  Such a missed opportunity.


How GREAT for Abigail that Jenn is in such terrible pain that she collapsed and is miserable because now maybe Mommy will be thrilled she's boning Chad.  Such a dear girl, and a devoted daughter.


They were so gross.  What kind of psycho cackles about how her mother's pain and misfortune came at just the right time for them?

  • Love 13

Random thoughts about today's show....

So Claire hears  Belle crying in her room and she thinks it's because she misses Shawn.

More likely it's because the batteries in her dildo are dead.




LMAO!!! QFT!! Belle don't give a flip about saving her marriage. Claire talking about how much her mom needed him. Yeah, right. Shawn need to cut his loses and move on. I don't think Shawn seemed to thrilled to take her back anyway. I think he's doing for Claire.


I agree about Beemer, I'm enjoying him so far.

Edited by Sidney
  • Love 6

Belle and Philip seemed to stay in a cheap Vegas room. With the Kiriakis money, you'd think he could splash out for the Venetian or a high-end hotel with a spacious room. And playing strip poker in the hotel room? Um, yeah, the casino set would be too pricey, as would a location shoot.


John the Pawn seemed a bit too.... gullible. If something is too easy, hello red flag.


Eric discovered the incredible smell wafting from the hospital morgue. Dearly departed Daniel should be residing in some funeral home by now.


Except for wedding deposits, what is Abigail's rush to marry another dude? Spend time with your baby and do yourself a favour and have some 'me' time. Why is there an addiction to having a man in your life at all times? Women today are independent. Is Jenn asking for some rent?

  • Love 4

I don't understand the writing. Why would Philip be calling her The One That Got Away if he banged her already while she was married? And wouldn't that memory make this quickie sex in Vegas less forbidden? Why the card game?


I don't think Phillip is the one Belle cheated with while she and Shawn were in Maine. When she cheated on Shawn the first time it was with Phillip but I don't think she and Shawn were married yet.


They were so gross.  What kind of psycho cackles about how her mother's pain and misfortune came at just the right time for them?


Failure is a subhuman piece of disease ridden trash.


Except for wedding deposits, what is Abigail's rush to marry another dude? Spend time with your baby and do yourself a favour and have some 'me' time. Why is there an addiction to having a man in your life at all times? Women today are independent. Is Jenn asking for some rent?


Failure wants to hurry up and get married so when she cheats she will be cheating on a husband instead of just a boyfriend. It's more thrilling for her that way.

  • Love 5
Also, unless he cheated on Kayla, Ava's "baby" would have to be at least in his early twenties, yet Steve keeps referring to it as a baby. Does he think that whoever got the kid possessed some magical potion to keep the kid a perpetual infant.

I think the show is playing a bit " fast and loose" with the timelines, sort of like SORAS. Remember when Ciara, Chase, and Theo were fourth graders on Friday and high school sophomores on Monday? I was actually confused when Steve and Bo came back- the show was playing the story as if they were gone for several months, when they had actually been off the canvas for YEARS- admittedly it has been easier to buy with Steve and Kayla because she's been off the canvas for much of that time as well. So who knows? Ava's baby may actually be a young child, or the character may be a young adult (if the person really exists, and isn't just one of Ava's many,many ,MANY tricks).

Frankly, I'm face-palming with most of this storyline. Why did the show even bring these characters back? How has Steve been earning a living? Why is he still wearing that jacket? Has Ava really done nothing all these years but obsess over Steve? Why?And why not give Steve and Kayla something else to do? They get back together (sort of), and the first thing they have to contend with is AVA? Again? Haven't we seen this already?

  • Love 5

Belle is leading her husband on, had Chad sexually attracted to her, and has a thing going with Phillip. Abigail won't stand for that challenge to her ratchet title. Also she's not been part of an affair for weeks now.


Having the baby was a bit of an inconvenience.


She was able to fit in to her old clothes quickly and didn't seem to have any common issues/challenges of just having a kid - excess weight, being tired/no sleep, needing to heal, etc. etc.


She'll tire of Chad soon enough. Someone better will come along.

  • Love 7

Belle is leading her husband on, had Chad sexually attracted to her, and has a thing going with Phillip. Abigail won't stand for that challenge to her ratchet title. Also she's not been part of an affair for weeks now.

Well hell Abifail already wasted no time being a judgmental little trick when she told Belle "YOURE MARRIED"

That line still makes me

Edited by BlackMamba
  • Love 6

The timeline is confusing me: Daniel is dead, Brady had the heart transplant and is recovered, Nicole is trying to get over her grief and move on, but the funeral hasn't happened yet? 

Not to mention hope killed Stefano, disposed of the body, had a confrontation with Andre, turned herself in for another murder, had the charges dropped and was released, and is now thisclose to kissing Rafe? 


I better not skip any more days. It's hard to keep up. 

  • Love 6

The timeline is confusing me: Daniel is dead, Brady had the heart transplant and is recovered, Nicole is trying to get over her grief and move on, but the funeral hasn't happened yet? 

Not to mention hope killed Stefano, disposed of the body, had a confrontation with Andre, turned herself in for another murder, had the charges dropped and was released, and is now thisclose to kissing Rafe? 


I better not skip any more days. It's hard to keep up. 


It seems like each storyline is being handled by different writers who can't be bothered to consult with each other. Sometimes it seems like each character within a storyline is being written for by different writers. 

  • Love 6

I missed yesterday. Was that cringy-worthy fashion show dirge playing yesterday too?   It was playing during the fashion shoot today...and what kind of weird filter were they using on the camera?  I thought I was watching an infomercial at first, until  I recognized Kate.


A Martinez.  I've never watched him before, either on other soaps or the primetime show he's on now....what is up with all the weird micro-expressions he does, and the way he grimaces or twists his mouth up when he's talking? I never really noticed it before, but it was really evident today.


Ciara....omgosh....did  no one ever tell you not to talk with a huge chunk of pizza lodged in your cheek?  At least Hope covered up her mouth as she spoke around her mouthful of pizza. Gross!


I feel lost having missed a day.  John and his mom?? Nicole got herself together pretty well and showed up at the fashion shoot.  Rafe/Hope....meh.

  • Love 4

Deimos as Victor's brother works if he is a much younger half-brother or adopted.  And since Deimos did the awful thing to Vic by seducing his fiancee, I can totally buy Vic saying he has only 1 brother and cutting Deimos completely out of his life.


Anyway that's my backstory and I'm sticking to it.

  • Love 6

This is such a silly question, but here goes .  . . what's with some of the female characters' inability to cook?  Marlena, Hope, and about a month ago Ciara made a crack about Jennifer sucking at making Maggie's banana pancakes.  I guess I'm remembering details that don't matter.


I was distracted by the Nicole/Theresa scenes.  Ari Z towers over Jen Lilley!  Jen has pretty lashes though.


As for Aiden/Hope-- I'm unfamiliar with their history.   Hope had a non-reaction to Ciara's mention of Aiden today considering Hope's PTSD is due to Aiden.  Did Hope love Aiden?

  • Love 1


Nicole got herself together pretty well and showed up at the fashion shoot.


Nicole had a talk with herself (one drunk and in sweat pants, one dressed nicely and well made up) and told herself to get it together.  And then Theresa showed up and told her they needed her at Basic Black.


Damn, Nicole has shoulder pads like a football player.


What ever happened to Victor's club The Edge of the Park?


Shall we compare and contrast Hope's mothering skills to Belle's?  And by the way, Hope, maybe you should think about getting involved in your granddaughter's life, she could use it right now.


Love Theresa calling out Kate's age. And I loved Theresa and Nicole's making the photo shoot work.

  • Love 2

As for Aiden/Hope-- I'm unfamiliar with their history. Hope had a non-reaction to Ciara's mention of Aiden today considering Hope's PTSD is due to Aiden. Did Hope love Aiden?

Well considering the loser almost choked her out, PTSD or not, I wouldn't give two

Edited by BlackMamba
  • Love 2

Well considering the loser almost choked her out, PTSD or not, I wouldn't give two s about him neither.

They haven't had a scene together since the Thanksgiving Brady Pub episode. Not to mention, Claire hasn't called Hope "grandma" "meemaw" or "nana" yet to her face.

"GiGi"....maybe she'll call her "GiGi"....

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Message added by scarynikki12

Spoilers are not allowed in this thread. Period. Any posts that include spoilers (and casting information qualifies) will be removed. There are several other threads that allow spoilers so take that discussion to one of them.

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