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Current Plots Discussion: Actually Today's Episode

Message added by scarynikki12

Spoilers are not allowed in this thread. Period. Any posts that include spoilers (and casting information qualifies) will be removed. There are several other threads that allow spoilers so take that discussion to one of them.

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Oh Tamara Braun.  You and your scrawny chicken wings are still not sexy.  Some things will never change. 


Theresa and Anne are made of win, as is Steve in a Santa hat.


Kate is a terrible mentor, but I still mostly love her.  I could have really been down with

Eve in a mentor role to Claire, but of course these idiots let KdP go.

  • Love 6

I didn't get to watch yesterday's show.  How did Eve and Claire meet?


Kate's condescension towards Theresa is getting on my last nerve. Loved Theresa calling Kate out for her fashion sense, even though I think she looks good. 
I'm not going to take advice from a woman who dresses like David Bowie."


We need some background on this Joey/Ava thing.


Patchy Claus?  LOL

  • Love 6

Try watching the show sometime.


Kate always seems to be channeling Chrissy Hynde for me. They're both fabulous.


I pretty much hated Belle for saying i wrote a list for my assistant and I don't have an assistant!  Entitled much?  Having said that I don't hate Belle or Ciara.  She's as stiff as her mother.


TB is too skinny and makes a duck face. 

Edited by QuelleC
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Oh boo..i missed Theresa and Anne? And Kate? And Patch varying his wardrobe?


Theresa and Anne were great today.  Kate, however, was a total buzzkill ... not to mention mean.  But then Theresa should thank her lucky stars that she's not sitting on death row because of Kate's machinations, I guess.  It's just fashion (or whatever it is that Tim Gunn says).


Not only did we get to see current day Steve in a Santa hat, we got a wonderful flashback of 80s Steve in a Santa hat.  SN and MBE are just the best.



TB is too skinny and makes a duck face. 


Yes, this.

  • Love 8


TB is too skinny and makes a duck face. 

Too true. It's like Kate Moss is her idol and someone forgot to tell her the heroine look went out with the '90's.  I guess it works for her fake dying routine but really the girl needs a more flattering hairstyle, make-up, and wardrobe for her small frame. She must report to the same people who won't wash KM's hair or fix KdP's roots. 

  • Love 1


TB is too skinny and makes a duck face.

She always reminds me of a ferret.

Dear Show: Joey and Theo are made of win. Joey and Ava are made of ff suck. And Yes! I will be holding Joey accountable for whatever that creature is planning that hurts Kayla. He was told about her and told to stay away from her. If he chooses to act like he knows more than his parents, then he needs own all that goes wrong as a result. The he's a teenager excuse no longer works in almost 2016. If Joey is savvy enough to hack into computer systems, he can easily find out the truth about ferret. He has chosen her over his parents and will be on my ish list for the foreseeable future.

  • Love 4

I won't come for any actress weight on these soaps. Part of the reason most of these soap actresses are skinny is the way they are because stanards, fan pressure of the 80s to be thin, and the budgets of many of these shows watching their pennies to be fitted in a size 00 to 4. Plus other forum members here might be just as skinny as a TB too and might feel some type of way.

  • Love 3

I won't come for any actress weight on these soaps. Part of the reason most of these soap actresses are skinny is the way they are because stanards, fan pressure of the 80s to be thin, and the budgets of many of these shows watching their pennies to be fitted in a size 00 to 4. Plus other forum members here might be just as skinny as a TB too and might feel some type of way.

I agree, her weight doesn't bother me, some people are naturally skinny, it's the ferret face she makes.

Theresa and Anne were great today.  Kate, however, was a total buzzkill ... not to mention mean.  But then Theresa should thank her lucky stars that she's not sitting on death row because of Kate's machinations, I guess.  It's just fashion (or whatever it is that Tim Gunn says).


Not only did we get to see current day Steve in a Santa hat, we got a wonderful flashback of 80s Steve in a Santa hat.  SN and MBE are just the best.


Steve and Kayla make up for a whole lot of dreck, don't they?  And even better, for me anyway, Show doesn't have a whole lot of dreck right now.


Love me some Kate, AND, I love hating me some Kate, so it was a Christmas bonus today.  Kate was Kate 2.0 in all her viperous glory, which in turn brought out the tiger in Theresa.  And we got to see the calm, collected, voice of wisdom Nicole.  Anyone here miss the Nicole of old who spent most of her time walking around Salem talking to herself?  No??  Nobody??  Me either.  

I know that conflict is built into the character description of Kate, and as much as I enjoyed the fire and ice, I also would like it if Show doesn't go too heavy on the women hating on each other.  We've got three strong, smart females running a company together, and the conflict is inevitable.  But I'm also hoping to see more of those three teamed up against the world.

AND now they have a GREAT offensive lineman with Ann.  This team should be unbeatable.  But first, Kate needs to get a little sand kicked in her face.


So Ava runs into Roman in the Square and he DOES NOT haul her ass off to jail, asking questions later?  Why not? Who would mind?


Christmas came early for me, with having Kassie singing the Christmas song while we got that great montage.  If we'd only seen more of this Eve when Paige was around.


Belle needs a swift kick in her padded behind.  


She wasn't on today, but I think I'm over this new Ciara.  Unlike Chase, you can see her "act" in every scene.  She might be okay - just like I thought Guy Wilson might be okay - in other aspects of the industry.  But she just might not be up to making it in the punishing pace of daytime.  

  • Love 3

She wasn't on today, but I think I'm over this new Ciara. Unlike Chase, you can see her "act" in every scene. She might be okay - just like I thought Guy Wilson might be okay - in other aspects of the industry. But she just might not be up to making it in the punishing pace of daytime.

I get we suppose to let younger actors with little to no experience get their footing so they can growing into their roles. No lie, Ari Zucker, Josh Duhamel, Missy Reeves and Kristian Alfonso weren't some great young actors/actresses when they started. They either were bland or really bad. Prime example, it took KA about a good two years just watching her old youtube clips as Hope, then mid-1985 through 1987, and she started to act, especially when the Bradys vs Kiriakis storyline begun!

But I'm sorry with four soaps left wasting time on a girl who can barely open her mouth to say lines and damn near salivating like Chewbacca is not good acting, hell, it's not even decent! We have seen Heather Toms, Sarah Browns, Rebecca Herbsts, Kimberly McCulloughs, Johnathan Jacksons, Marcy Rylans and yes Chandler Masseys that either started somewhat slow or came out guns blazing and became a hit, I'm just over the excuse to keep bad young actors around - it's time for tough love in daytime! Either get this Vivian Jovanni an acting coach or recast. No brainer, Corday and Meng.

Edited by BlackMamba
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Some kids have it when they start and others don't. Most soaps stick with them and usually by year three they are a lot better and are considered veterans by then. Unfortunatly, it's easier to pick them out since they are only 4 soaps. I remember hating Kelly Ripa when she started but then she became a fan favorite. I don't think there is any fixing Jovanni's clenched jaw acting. Also, her voice is grating. I'm sure Corday will stick with her. Even if he doesn't she wouldn't be gone until next summer due to their shooting schedule.

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Ugh, Ava. I don't like the sexual overtones between her and Joey, who didn't inherit his parents' brains, that's for sure. I know some of you like her and TB, but that's not me. At all. 


Loved our little flashback of old timey Patch and Kayla! These two are the show for me these days, with a bit of Chabby on the side. 


Looking forward to the Horton tree trimming and other holiday stuff today and tomorrow. Holiday episodes remind me of when I was a kid and would be home for Christmas break, watching the holiday episodes with my dear mother, who would provide running commentary on what's happened to all the characters in the year since I'd seen them. Only it was ATWT : )

  • Love 1

I honestly don't think KM is that bad. She's the typical soap ingenue. The only problem I have with her is her dishwater hair. It's awful. It's looked like that before, during & after the "pregnancy". I'm assuming it's the hair people on DOOL who are the problem because it's makes her looks like she doesn't wash or comb her hair.

  • Love 3

I forgot about this from yesterday -- Theresa's comment to Kate that she "dresses like David Bowie." LOL! I think Lauren Koslow has a thing for Bowie, based on twitter, which makes this even cuter. 


Speaking of Bowie, I give you all, my DOOL fam, my favorite Christmas performance: 

Edited by Lastwaltz
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Caught up last night while my sister made comments from the kitchen as she was preparing Christmas Eve chili for the crock pot.


I think the best comment from her was 'You look like crap, Carly.' This said when TB's Ava was on screen. That gives you an idea at how long it's been since she watched soaps at all. She also had a 'Shut up, Ned!' there for Justin. A lot of her commentary was focused around Ava and her belief that she is planning on seducing Joey and getting pregnant with Steve and Kayla's grandchild.


I almost had to leave the room. So gross.


Joey is disappointing me epically. Dude. Your parents are full on enraged by the presence of this woman! That's not a misunderstanding! That's a fucking wake up call! Steve and Kayla need to sit his little ass down and go 'You didn't get us back together! You and Ava didn't get us back together! We are inevitable! No one can take credit for us except for us so stop patting yourself on the back and stop hanging around the creepy rake with the soulless eyes! Do we need to get you Fallout 4? How about Halo 5? Call of Duty: Black Ops 3? What will it take to keep you parked in front of your console and away from that walking lamp post?!'


So... this was when KDP was growing her color out, huh? Her stuff with Claire was actually very sweet. Especially when Claire told her that she was the first person to ever tell her she was talented. Eve just looked gutted by that. Aw. Yes, this should have been who Eve was all along. Not the Jen-obsessed cougar.


Although I really do wish that JJ's affair with Eve had come out when Eduardo was grilling him because that would have been hilarious!


So how bad is the budget when you have four women standing in an empty warehouse? Is Kate trying to be Meryl Streep in 'Devil Wears Prada?' It ain't working. Kate's pretty awesome in general but she's not coming across as an astute business woman here so much as a complete bully who sees Theresa as vulnerable and is trying to devour her whole as opposed to, I don't know, treating her like a partner. And what's the whole 'we're scrapping your designs' stuff? Do they have other designers on board? Isn't this whole launch thing supposed to be showing what they're doing now that's different? "Psych! We're just doing the same stuff! Exciting, no?" Of course, the whole situation here is that Theresa is the creative fire and would be better served by having some actual support rather than Kate trying to cut her off at the knees every episode they're on.


I'm not sure where that story is going... it could be really interesting but I think they'll go a rather tired path with it. Alas.

  • Love 4

So ten minutes in and we have Chad boasting that he rarely buses tables (wasn't that all he proudly did back in 2012), Belle boasting that she cheated on SD (classy!) and Ciara flip-flopping on the whole Xmas participation thing.

Lucas is rocking his scenes.

John's prep school was a recruiting school for assassins?! When was that revealed? How...bizarre.

Edited by DisneyBoy
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The Horton Christmas tree triming had some lovely moments--I liked that Chase got an ornament and how emotional he was about it and I love how motherly Hope is with him,.  And while I liked seeing all of the names of missing/dead characters, it's jarring to see Victor hanging an ornament up but we didn't see Melissa or Sarah's name on one but we did see Daniel and Melanie.


And why is Roman allowing Abby to skate on her vandalism?  And she is so stunned that Chad doesn't want a relationship with her anymore, like there is no way a man could not want to be with her, it's just stomach turning.

  • Love 2

Claire:  Out of all the blond teenage actresses in Hollywood they couldn't find who could actually sing?  Ouch.


NuCiara:  I can't even.  All of her lines sound like they're shouted, thug-style. I thought she might cut Doug at the front door.


Will:  Even though he was a Sneasel, I can't believe how much I miss this character.  And a million coals in Corday's stocking for obliterating the small but important gay population of Salem.


Ornaments:  I look forward to this every year.  I've been watching since I was a little girl in the early 70s and my grandma watched.  The hanging of the ornaments always makes me a little teary as it reminds me of her.  But this year was just too, too sad.  Will's death was such a freaking waste.

  • Love 5

Will:  Even though he was a Sneasel, I can't believe how much I miss this character.  And a million coals in Corday's stocking for obliterating the small but important gay population of Salem.


Ornaments:  I look forward to this every year.  I've been watching since I was a little girl in the early 70s and my grandma watched.  The hanging of the ornaments always makes me a little teary as it reminds me of her.  But this year was just too, too sad.  Will's death was such a freaking waste.

At least (the VERY least) they remembered to hang #WilSon ornaments together b/c they were married. 

Someone needs to pull some Dimera Phoenix shit outta their ass and correct this bullshit. 

  • Love 3

Of course Roman didn't arrest that roach infested bitch for vandalism. And of course the store owner didn't press charges. Of course not. I'm not even surprised. JJ was THE WORST for breaking a window after finding out his father raped someone but it's perfectly acceptable for that bag of trash to destroy property because her side piece told her he didn't want her stank ass anymore. The favoritism this scumbag gets is sickening.  


It was nice to see Lucas get some screen time AND with Adrienne no where in sight. Too bad all of it was spent crying over his son that was unnecessarily murdered. 


LOL at Belle whining about her judgmental family. When have the Bradys ever called her out. Did any of them say anything to her for cheating on Philip with Shawn and then cheating on Shawn with Philip and then cheating on Shawn again with someone else? Shut up. 

  • Love 4

I'm glad Chase got his ornament. This makes him an Horton and he feels like family. Liked his embrace with Hope because he views her as his mother.

Why is JJ and Abifail are going to be in charge of Horton Xmas down the road, in the future??? Why not ask Claire and Ciara? They're Hortons too.

And I agree, Roman should had given Abifail a fine for breaking the glass. See what I mean, those Hortons skate even in the smallest offenses.

Lucas had me teary remembering his son. It always gets me on fictional tv and in real life when a man mourns his child.

Touching, yet sad episode.

  • Love 3

Where was Eric this Xmas? Did we see him yesterday or something? And Brady and Theresa...?

The message from Lucas' daughter was perfect. See? Characters can be off-canvas and not vanish into thin air completely.

I find the formality of the ornament ceremony really odd and cultish. "Now Chase!! Even though you presumably spent the last eight years growing up in Salem with us doing this shit every year, NOW you shall become a HORTON!!!!! OOO-AAA, OOO-AAA, OOO-AAA!!!!"

And then they all look at the tree filled with dead relatives names.

No wonder half the cast didn't show.

Edited by DisneyBoy
  • Love 4

I find the formality of the ornament ceremony really odd and cultish. "Now Chase!! Even though you presumably spent the last eight years growing up in Salem with us doing this shit every year, NOW you shall become a HORTON!!!!! OOO-AAA, OOO-AAA, OOO-AAA!!!!"

He is Hope’s stepson. Stepsons counts as family.

Lucas gets a text image from his only living child, can't even speak to her because she's on the run. I feel so bad for him and what he needed was actually and physically Allie. Instead of her being on the run because Sami stole money. 


I get Abby's traumatized/PTSD or what ever trying to understand why Chad's a robot, Chad's brainwashed, but what is Belle's excuse? She seems really stupid going along with this.


I laughed at JJ's "wanna be Horton's line" so true and I apply that to all the people that got ornaments because of Maggie. Loved JJ accepting the responsibility of the future.


Loved all the Horton scenes today. Pure love and family. The emotion of Chase getting his ornament and the extended scenes about family with the close up of Tom and Alice's ornaments. Much better than last year even though it was depressing with all the dead people. 

Now, who among us is really surprised that Abifail was given a pass for vandalism? She could have been the Necktie Killer and would have been petted. She's been through so much. Give me a break! Sami,Lucas,Eve,and Eduardo had children who were murdered and didn't destroy property.

Great move by Hope with giving Chase an ornament.The interaction between the two of them has been seriously lacking.

I may be in the minority here, but I found the ornament hanging very lacking and was looking forward to it being over.

  • Love 7

I may be in the minority here, but I found the ornament hanging very lacking and was looking forward to it being over.


It was depressing. Lets celebrate Christmas with loved ones. Too bad recently murdered Will and dead Bo or Aiden couldn't be there. Oh, and there's Lucas over there crying. 


Is anyone ever going to find out the real reason why Aiden tried to kill Hope or will Chase have to spend the rest of his life thinking his father was an absolute monster?

  • Love 4


John's prep school was a recruiting school for assassins?! When was that revealed? How...bizarre.


Eduardo explained it to amnesiac John when they had their conversation that we saw part of the flashback to.



Why is JJ and Abifail are going to be in charge of Horton Xmas down the road, in the future??? Why not ask Claire and Ciara? They're Hortons too.


They live in the Horton house.


If Belle was so interested in bringing Claire back to town to be close to her relatives, why did she tell her yesterday to go back to Maine?  "They're a pretty forgiving bunch."  Yeah, I'm sure Gabi is perfect proof of that.  Not.


Love Chad's quoting Shakespeare.


Abigail apparently can't believe that Chad might possibly have business with another woman that doesn't involve sex, since she can't have a relationship with a man that doesn't involve sex.


Lucas had no plans until Maggie dragooned him into going to the Hortons', why couldn't he have plans with his mother? And Kate has no plans, either?  Where's Philip?  Obviously not with Victor and Maggie, they're at the Hortons'.


How is it any business of Doug's, who is not a Horton, to be passing on the Horton tradition, especially since Jennifer is still standing upright?


Every time I hear of the Alice Horton donuts, I think of the book club with the spiked donuts.


The giving of an ornament to Chase was really sweet. Why was Abigail upset, though?  Because she was no longer the center of attention?


Another fancy club in town?  Will we see scenes there?

  • Love 3

The giving of an ornament to Chase was really sweet. Why was Abigail upset, though?  Because she was no longer 


She wasn't the center of attention, a man told her no, she thinks Belle is about to steal her Dimera meat, she hasn't had sex in several days.

Edited by LeftPhalange
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Checking in after a while -- Merry Christmas, everyone!


Not a fan of nuPhilip at all, but I actually enjoyed his exchange with Theresa, since we finally saw feisty Theresa again. I'm very glad we've gotten out of the annoying back-and-forth cycle with Brady and Theresa, as that was not watchable, but I'd prefer to see Theresa remain a gray, layered character. She had some good lines in her argument with Kate too.


Ann Milbauer was the best part of Wednesday's show. Her entrance was on point.

  • Love 3

He is Hope’s stepson. Stepsons counts as family.

No, I agree he should have an ornament...just that he would have already had one by now. He literally grew up with Hope and his father together and was SORASed from age eight to sixteen. Wouldn't he have gotten an ornament years ago, during one of the many Christmases he spent with these people? What did he do the past years - watch them dress the tree from the corner of the room? Why is he only NOW a real Horton?! Silly.

And I find the WAY they were handed out really odd. On a year where everyone is in mourning, doing the ornaments really slow and talking a lot about it and saying to the kids "we'll be dead soon and it will up to YOU to continue our tradition!!!!" really felt morose and formal.

Realistically, someone would have tried to keep the mood light and not focused on the pain, for the sake of the guests present. Doug should have sung some corny bit to get them all laughing or rolling their eyes...

Why was Belle at a bar while her daughter was with the Hortons?

I second the confusion over the lack of Kate/Lucas/Philip togetherness. Very odd.

Edited by DisneyBoy

Now, who among us is really surprised that Abifail was given a pass for vandalism? She could have been the Necktie Killer and would have been petted. She's been through so much. Give me a break! Sami,Lucas,Eve,and Eduardo had children who were murdered and didn't destroy property.

Sami, Marlena and Hope would had never been given a passes. And thats saying something! Abifail shouldn't get one. She shouldn't be above the law.

  • Love 3

Is anyone ever going to find out the real reason why Aiden tried to kill Hope or will Chase have to spend the rest of his life thinking his father was an absolute monster?

Oh my dear, Left, you must follow the Agnes Nixon way of storytelling,

"Make them laugh, make them cry, and make them wait..."

We have spoken a bit when maybe the Aiden stuff will come out in the spoiler section. It's only a matter of how it's done and when.

  • Love 1

Naturally Roman, the idiot who saw no need to arrest the woman who skipped out on her trial for murdering his father would find no need for Abigiail to be held culpable for something as petty as vandalism, property damage and fleeing the scene of a crime. I don't know what it is about JT that requires his Roman to be so incompetent. Both WN and DH were aware of things related to the law and attempted to enforce them as much as such things are enforceable in Salem. My heart breaks for viewers who have only experienced JT as Roman, they have no idea that the character used to be so much more than the Inspector Clouseau of Salem, sans the comedic timing and charm that Peter a Sellers brought to the role.

  • Love 6

Maggie hung an ornament with the name Janice. Who the heck is Janice? Maybe, I read it wrong. I know there is Melissa (who should have been back for the 50th. She was just as big as KA & MR back in the day but I digress...) and, Sarah. All In all, it was a very depressing tree trimming. It was basically a tree for the dead. Whatever. Please could someone tell me how the actress who plays Claire passed her audition when she had to sing?! I'm sure that was one of the requirements when the casting call went out, right? I think Casey Moss is okay and he plays the guitar pretty well but when Claire all of the sudden felt the need to sing along with JJ I was dumbstruck. First off, girl sit the hell down and STFU! You can't sing! What did she do with the money her parents gave her when she was supposed to be in singing class or the school choir? Good god! She can't sing.

  • Love 3

Now, now....she can sing. Granted not fantastically, but at least as well as most "talented" high school girls. And it's believable that she would benefit from Eve's coaching. If she was Charlotte Church good it would be really annoying.

Did Original Eve care about singing back when she was first on the show?

Fantastic episode, though the eggnog might have helped.  The scenes at Jenn's, the Maggie/Lucas scenes, the memories.....that's a real DOOL Christmas.  Absolutely loved that part of today's show.

When Hope gave Chase his ornament, and hugged him - that scene really got me and in a good way.


Stalker Abby making a scene with Chad - she's just repellent.  But that was nothing compared to the good stuff.

  • Love 4
Message added by scarynikki12

Spoilers are not allowed in this thread. Period. Any posts that include spoilers (and casting information qualifies) will be removed. There are several other threads that allow spoilers so take that discussion to one of them.

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