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Current Plots Discussion: Actually Today's Episode

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Alot of her motivation was seeing John and Marlena screwing on the Titan board table

That is actually retconned. Yes, she saw John and Marlena , but what really started Sami in the path to bad girl infamy was when she and Lucas were scheming to come between Austin and Carrie and Lucas told Sami she was too fat for Austin to ever really be interested in her. That's what started the schemes and manipulations. The sex scene was just the cherry on top of Sami's already starting to go fruity cake. Sami in fact used that to guilt Marlena whenever she was being called out for one of her schemes.

Edited by Happytobehere
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I think Sami fully turned against Carrie when Carrie kept insisting that Sami should testify against Alan at the rape trial, and Carrie promised nothing could go wrong (what a dumb promise to make). Then on examination, Carrie had to testify to all the bad things Sami did. I can see why Sami lashed out at her sister after that -- in the sense, that I don't know why Carrie was so insistent that Sami HAD to testify and went as far as promising that all would be well. And I do think Marlena's favouritism of Carrie weirdly showed during that storyline. 


I think Sami and Lucas were mischievous with coming between Carrie and Austin, but I don't think Sami went full on psycho until after the rape.  Before the rape, she just  seemed somewhat bratty  rather than psycho (which is what Abigail seemed like when she was going after Austin). I think Sami may have blamed Carrie for the rape happening since Alan wanted Carrie but couldn't have her, and decided to take out his weirdness on Sami?  All I know is that Sami's transformation seemed gradual, because I do remember her being a bit  of a cutie-pie (like when Lucas was going to escort her to some military ball?) before she became unhinged in her delusional love for Austin. 


I think Ciara is a more obvious case of someone being a nutcase from a startlingly young age. 

Edited by bantering
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It wasn't a retcon.  The SLs of Sami and Lucas wanting Austin and Carrie, and scheming were inter-mixed in with the other SLs.  Sami saw John/Marlena, she went on a diet because she was insecure about her weight (because of Lucas' comments, and other things that happened), Marlena confronted Sami about having an eating disorder, and Sami told Marlena she knew about Marlena's affair with John.  Sami switched Belle's paternity test, and after Roman threw Marlena out, Sami was taking care of Belle and Roman.  When it was finally revealed that Belle was John's not Roman's, Sami decided to sell Belle on the black market, and then changed her mind, and decided she would leave Salem with Belle, and raise Belle herself.  Sami decided to try to make Austin jealous by dating Alan.  It was after the rape trial, and after Alan attacked Sami again and Sami shot him that Sami's crazy really kicked into high gear.  Sami was very close to John before John/Marlena's affair.


The build up they gave characters like Sami, Nicole, and Kate doesn't happen anymore.  They just label characters either good or bad, and expect the viewers to accept the narrative.


Poor Andre has been tossed into the kiddie pool.  Andre was entertaining in 2007 because he was a bad guy who created chaos wherever he went, was dangerous, and Stefano couldn't control him.  Andre killing himself to frame Shawn, Sr., was a good exit SL for the character.  There are several characters I would love for Andre to kill this time around, but it won't happen.

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A day of Deveraux family dysfunction!  Gosh, how I've missed those.  You know, when the whole family gathers and behaves in such a way that psychiatrists start to question their career choices, exorcists thank Heaven they only have to deal with Marlena and Andre looks like just a garden variety crazy person.  

The Deveraux's - Salem low rent version of a Tennessee Williams play.


So JJ is just MAD AS HELL at Chad because Chad made Abigail - well, not cry, she's not actually able to DO that - because she's got the mopes, I guess.  And he storms off to give Chad hell and, I thought, a punch for good measure.  But JJ pulled his punches this time.  

JJ always has to overdo it with his sister and mother, because he knows, even if he'd never admit it, that they'd kick him to the curb without a second thought.  Jenn has always favored Abigail over JJ and showed that favoritism when she was ready to ship him off to jail for the drugs and the vandalism.  And Abigail, well, she projected little more than smug "I told you so" to him at the time.  So JJ, he overreacts, has to prove that he's worthy of these two.

And Jenn, a once smart woman, gets dumb as dirt around her daughter.  Why??  


Maybe - and I know this is just a possibility, here - maybe they might want to consider that Chad might have dumped their pewwwshus pwenncess because of her obvious pesonal hygiene issues?  At this point a shower or bath won't do it.  Abigail needs to have the fire department hose her down.  

And she might just want to reconsider her Zippy the Pinhead hairdo.  Or not.  I think it suits her.


And yes, I think that is the same window JJ broke.  The Horton Square merchants must just hate those entitled twits.


I hope that the soap press NEVER uses the term "soap opera superstar" about JPL ever again.  He was almost in full Rex meltdown mode today - with the voice hitting the high screech setting, the brittle smile, the ovvvv er  e NUN SEE atuunnnnn.  

If Kate Roberts had given birth to this twit, she'd have exposed him in the Salem woods, left him for Julie and Doug to find and bring up as a ukele player.  He should be grateful Vivian carried him to term.


I know I'm pretty much alone in this, but still enjoying the Ava game.  She's got more up her sleeve than fake tissue and stolen blood. Oh - that phlebotomist was so offhand, so uninterested you'd think she got the job because she's a Horton.


I know there were Chad and Belle scenes but they had all the interest of unflavored jello.

Edited by boes
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It wasn't a retcon. The SLs of Sami and Lucas wanting Austin and Carrie, and scheming were inter-mixed in with the other SLs. Sami saw John/Marlena, she went on a diet because she was insecure about her weight (because of Lucas' comments, and other things that happened), Marlena confronted Sami about having an eating disorder, and Sami told Marlena she knew about Marlena's affair with John. Sami switched Belle's paternity test, and after Roman threw Marlena out, Sami was taking care of Belle and Roman. When it was finally revealed that Belle was John's not Roman's, Sami decided to sell Belle on the black market, and then changed her mind, and decided she would leave Salem with Belle, and raise Belle herself. Sami decided to try to make Austin jealous by dating Alan. It was after the rape trial, and after Alan attacked Sami again and Sami shot him that Sami's crazy really kicked into high gear. Sami was very close to John before John/Marlena's affair.

The one of the best moments of Sami was when she shot Alan in the nuts.

And how didn't Wayne Northrup not get an Emmy nomination when Roman ripped Marlena a new asshole after that christening is beyond me. That was one of the few times I hated Marlena's guts how she did Real Roman.

Edited by BlackMamba
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Why is JPL a "soap opera superstar"? This is only his second role after OLTL, right? Did he win a lot of awards or other stuff I am unaware of? Someone mentioned last week that there is an extreme resemblance to Scott Reeves and now that's all I can see. They have the same leathery-face thing going on, it is almost uncanny.

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Hell no JPL never won any awards.

I think it was just Meng and Steve Kent getting a hot nut snatching and grabbing another actor from another popular, yet cancelled soap. They both definitely sucked at doing research because had they, they'd known JPL was never popular even on OLTL where he and Farah ate the show over there (they were like the pre-Crabbys) if memory serves. Boes could tell you.

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I think the writers are picking and choosing which parts of Days history they are using. As above posters said, when Shawn and Belle left in 2008, her and Sami were good. And even before that she's never hated her sister even with all the drama Sami brings to the family. This animosity/jealously is new. But with no appearances to be made by Sami anytime soon ,we will just have to hear about her from her family.

Devereaux children, you should never be allowed by that window again. Oh JJ, I see that temper still rears its ugly head at times. Yelling at Chad doesn't help anything. Even without the brainwashing, Chad needing a break is not that crazy. He was put into a coma, framed for murder and nearly burned alive. Flirting with Belle wouldn't be on that list without the hypnosis but I like it. Weirdly, even though the lawsuit was just a way to get an in with her I am definitely interested to see if they go forward with that. He has a case so we may see.

Philip and Theresa's scene I believe was a chemistry test with them. While Philip will probably be involved with Belle's storyline eventually, they need him interacting with others too. I don't think Theresa is a terrible person but turning into a goody two shoes is probably not going to happen for her no matter how much she loves Brady and Tate. And honestly I prefer her more as a gray character anyway.

The long soap tradition of medical staff being terrible at their jobs at key moments continues. No one could tell Ava had on fake skin of course so now she's going to play on whatever sympathy she can get from Kayla.

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Nice trick Ava, but I already had this one figured out. Someone did the very same thing on an episode of one of my crime shows not long ago.

I cant even with this NuPhillip.

Oh fair Abby Princess, please feel free to destroy public property due to lack of Dimera penis. Your amazing nature will earn you automatic forgiveness.

JT should have stuck to Chris. Chris, appeared to be more intelligent. JT's Roman is apparently viewing Victor's offer as some sort of an attempt at a geriatric threesome.

Brady, just let uncle-needs-a-haircut run Titan into the ground by being a immature moron who is money hungry. (((Like his pampered self really needs it)))

Steve, get the brain cells working and get Ava off of my screen STAT!

Edited by jlrd2000
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But how gross was that when Ava a) s-l-o-w-l-y ripped off that bandaid and, worse, when she 2) ripped off that fake skin thing? Yuck.And a teeny point here, but I think JJ vandalized a book shop, not a clothing store (he reacted to seeing Jack's book, right after learning about Jack/Kayla). 

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I get that Abigail went through a very trying ordeal with the kidnapping and giving birth in the cabin, but how she is okay with spending so much time away from her newborn (preemie?) son? At a motel with Chad telling her fairy tales, then the next day handing him off to Jennifer while she ambles around the square. I guess everyone is different but when I had my daughter, she did not leave my sight for the first week and a half. I remember I had to run an errand when she was a couplw weeks old and I was rushing because I couldn't wait to get back to her and was anxious to see her again. I think Jennifer will be raising this baby..


Anyway, Merry Christmas to this wonderful board! :)

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Nice trick Ava, but I already had this one figured out. Someone did the very same thing on an episode of one of my crime shows not long ago.


I remember a case with a creepy dentist guy who raped a patient while she was under the gas.  When he was forced to give a sample for DNA analysis, he hid a vial of someone else's blood under his rolled up sleeve.  The person drawing his blood somehow didn't notice, and s/he drew blood from the vial instead of his vein.  Of course the DNA didn't match and the guy got away with it for years.  The victim knew he did it and was relentless about getting another DNA test done.  The guy tried to do the vial trick again, but that time the nurse or phlebotomist noticed what was going on and busted him.


Anyway, what is the guy who used to play Roman doing these days?  I can hardly ever understand a thing Josh Taylor says.


KM is playing the least believable mother I've ever seen on soaps.  I will never understand why Days continues to give this woman such heavy material.  She can't play it.

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Judi Evans was glowing today and I actually liked her and Lucas for a hot second. Guess the actors are just making the most of their table scrap storyline. Or maybe the Santa costumes put some bounce in their step.

Kassie is so delightful. I'm amazed how much Eve has changed over the course of this year.

Did Lani deserve to become Detective already?

Edited by DisneyBoy
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NuCiera is super annoying. I just cringe every time she's on screen. 


So Edwardo nailed the overprotective father role and welcome to Salem, Eddie, where everyone is too close for comfort. Six degrees of separation there is not. He's already put together that JJ has dated both of his daughters but JJ stopped short of telling him he also slept with his ex-wife. Awkward. Of course, it's probably only a matter of time before Eddie sleeps with Kate who already slept with his son. 


Meanwhile over at the town square, Julie, I-married-my-mother's-husband, Williams passes judgement about Victor moving in his ailing geriatric ex lover. 


I'm starting to feel like this show is scraping the bottom of the barrel. 

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Julie married her mother's husband? Doug is Julie's stepfather?!?

Claire, that was the most depressing caroling I've ever heard. Your group needed accompaniment. And a different song.

Edited by DisneyBoy
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Judi Evans was glowing today and I actually liked her and Lucas for a hot second. Guess the actors are just making the most of their table scrap storyline. Or maybe the Santa costumes put some bounce in their step.

Kassie is so delightful. I'm amazed how much Eve has changed over the course of this year.

Did Lani deserve to become Detective already?


I, too, for the first time enjoyed Lucas and Adrienne together.  Hope this medical re-testing isn't the beginning of a story that will have Adrienne dying. 


And Eve is actually likable when she is written as an adult, not a jealous teenager.


It does seem early for Lani to become a Detective, but I don't hate her character, so I'm ok with it. 

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KM is playing the least believable mother I've ever seen on soaps.  I will never understand why Days continues to give this woman such heavy material.  She can't play it.


But if you'll notice, the writers may have KM in all of these story lines, she is rarely if ever doing any of the heavy lifting.  It was RSW's Ben who carried the kidnapping scenes and he had an assist from BF's Chad in bringing the drama--Abby was yet again non-existent where she should have been a featured player.  I also have no doubt that it will be Chad who is a stand out in this brainwashing storyline.


Gabi and JJ continue to be adorable together and yes, Gabi is also very beautiful, I also think she's improved as an actress, so I look forward to more interaction with her dad and JJ and maybe more characters at Basic Black.


I really can't stand Adrienne's whole put upon attitude when it comes to Justin.  Why can't she be an adult when she has conversations with him instead of acting like an eye-rolling teenager?  

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Really??? Lani is detective that fast. I must missed something.

Sometimes I feel like this show wants to do Justin and Hope really bad but doesn't have the cojones.

And there is Ciara being a pathetic, anxiety mess in Rafe's office.

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Justin is doing exactly what he did with Chad, accusing someone of a crime they didn't commit now this time with Hope.

Aww I kind of feel sorry for Ciara here. She actually remembered Rafe use to teach how to be an umpire and baseball in general. Hence that was back in July with Lauren Boles.

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James Reynolds has such a beautiful smile.  I'm hoping with the addition of Lani that Abe will have more to do.  Besides Lucas, he's the most under-utilized actor on the show.  And he's wonderful!  Why has he only had crumbs for the last several years?


But if you'll notice, the writers may have KM in all of these story lines, she is rarely if ever doing any of the heavy lifting.  It was RSW's Ben who carried the kidnapping scenes and he had an assist from BF's Chad in bringing the drama--Abby was yet again non-existent where she should have been a featured player.  I also have no doubt that it will be Chad who is a stand out in this brainwashing storyline.


Quoted for truth!  Abby's unnecessary baby just makes me angry, because it will be yet another anchor around Chad's neck and it'll give this terrible actress even more screen time.  Heather Webber of GH is a more maternal character, and she's a certifiable psychopath who sold one of her babies on the black market and gave the other one away for someone else to raise (unless that retcon has been un-retconned).  She be crazy and twisted, but Robin Mattson always played Heather as someone who nevertheless loved her kids. 

Edited by Kitty Redstone
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Why does Maggie get that look on her face every time she sees Carolina and Victor together? I swear of Victor and Carolina hump I'm going to react.


I wish Lucas were allowed to have screen time with someone other than Adrienne. I find it hard to believe that she and Justin won't get back together so this is just setting Lucas up for heartbreak once again. 


I keep getting Ciara and Claire mixed up. 

Edited by LeftPhalange
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To be fair, I think they were just glad none of them got murdered during it.

This made me LOL...for real. BWAH...but only b/c it's probably true.


Yes, Julie and Hope share the same mother, Addie who Doug was married to first. So Julie is Hope's stepmother and half-sister. 

My head just exploded.


WRT: Justin/Hope...I wouldn't hate that. I mentioned it today on twitter while reading the recaps.

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Why does Maggie get that look on her face every time she sees Carolina and Victor together? I swear of Victor and Carolina hump I'm going to react.


WRT: Justin/Hope...I wouldn't hate that. I mentioned it today on twitter while reading the recaps.

Dena Higley did try this pairing back when all the Carbo and Bope was happening. I think they even kissed once. However when Higley did that god awful NT Hope storyline, I think Hope was trying to hump Justin once while she was on ambien. Creepy. I turned my tv off for several months til Dena left. Edited by BlackMamba
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I remember a case with a creepy dentist guy who raped a patient while she was under the gas.  When he was forced to give a sample for DNA analysis, he hid a vial of someone else's blood under his rolled up sleeve.  The person drawing his blood somehow didn't notice, and s/he drew blood from the vial instead of his vein.  Of course the DNA didn't match and the guy got away with it for years.  The victim knew he did it and was relentless about getting another DNA test done.  The guy tried to do the vial trick again, but that time the nurse or phlebotomist noticed what was going on and busted him.


Anyway, what is the guy who used to play Roman doing these days?  I can hardly ever understand a thing Josh Taylor says.


KM is playing the least believable mother I've ever seen on soaps.  I will never understand why Days continues to give this woman such heavy material.  She can't play it.



That was the same show I watched. It was crazy!


I wish that Wayne Northrop could come back as Roman.


The million dollar question is "why", when it comes to KM and Abigail.



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Yes, Julie and Hope share the same mother, Addie who Doug was married to first. So Julie is Hope's stepmother and half-sister. 

Please correct me if I am wrong but weren't Doug and Julie the "on again off again couple" and then Doug married Addie while him and Julie weren't together?  So yeah technically Doug was Julie's step-father at one point.

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Yes, Julie and Hope share the same mother, Addie who Doug was married to first. So Julie is Hope's stepmother and half-sister.

If you could only see the face I'm making now...my jaw is hanging so low I look like Susan Crumb.

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Please correct me if I am wrong but weren't Doug and Julie the "on again off again couple" and then Doug married Addie while him and Julie weren't together? So yeah technically Doug was Julie's step-father at one point.


If you could only see the face I'm making now...my jaw is hanging so low I look like Susan Crumb.

Lol how long have you been watching Days

Thankfully Julie had no kids with Doug. Alexis did on GH with Sonny and Ric. Ew.

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Lucas, its good to see you. I'm sad he's not on more. I don't love him and Adrienne but I am glad he will be getting a storyline...maybe. He's so underused it's sad.

I agree with Ciara that Hope could have at least warned her and Chase about Hope being arrested. She is understandably freaked out after being kidnapped and Bo just dying. She doesn't want to lose her only parent. And Hope this case isn't going away quickly.

Gabi and JJ are still very cute. JJ's face while being grilled by Eduardo was too funny. If only he knew you slept with Eve too. He would probably love that.

Lain already a detective? Ok. She hasn't been given much to do so I wonder what they are going to do with Lani/Abe/Theo in the future.

I can't believe we are getting this over 70 triangle. Or Caroline would move in with Victor. It's kind of crazy.

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I must say that Judi Evans, Bryan Dittilo & Wally Kurth look amazing. Have they found the fountain of youth, lost weight or is it just good lighting? Kurth looked 20 years younger in his leather jacket. He looks awesome for 57. Hopefully, he goes back to GH and put on contract. And, both Judi and Bryan looked great even dressed as Santa & Mrs. Claus. It's too bad we have to put up with Ciera (her clenched mouth hurts me) and, Claire "singing" while they can Kassie DePavia and take Evans, Dittilo and Kurth off contract. Boggles the mind. IMO!!

Edited by ByaNose
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This made me LOL...for real. BWAH...but only b/c it's probably true.


My head just exploded.


Hold on to the top of your skull because Doug and Julie dated off and on prior to his marrying her mother and Doug was on the verge of proposing to Julie when Mommy Addie swooped in and basically used the money she inherited from Julie's dead daddy (yes, that is where Hope's fortune came from, Julie's wealthy father) to buy her younger, "willing to be bought husband." So basically, Doug has been a kept man since the 70's. First Addie and then Julie have essentially used Steve Olson's (I think this was the name of Julie's father) money to provide the best for Doug and his Princess. Doug's extremely questionable past was widely remembered when he was getting on working-class, bad boy Bo for not being good enough.

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Julie is like a breath of bad air, isn't she? Leave it her to bring on the rain clouds to Maggie about Victor and Caroline. I know it might happen, but that woman lives and breathes gossip, judgement, interference and all around busy bodyness. In real life people would run the other way when they saw her approaching, jaws a-flapping. And then there's Doogie, pitchpipe in hand, ready to break out in a song.

Time for another cruise - a very, very, long one.

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Why does Maggie get that look on her face every time she sees Carolina and Victor together? I swear of Victor and Carolina hump I'm going to react.


Oh, please...Victor can barely hold his head straight up on his shoulders, never mind anything else.

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Doug was a con man and was in jail with Bill Horton when he started on the show

Thats what killed me back in the 80s when Bo was having to deal with Victor being his gangster daddy, Hope would throw it in his face "Youre not a Kiriakis you're a Brady. Victor is a thug. Shawn is jesus." Doug was a con man! Yes, Hope, your daddy was Ryan Lavery (Boes is going to love that Edited by BlackMamba
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I see Victor's motivation for moving Caroline into his home as this.......

1. She is the mother of his dead son and he cared about her.

2. He blames himself for Bo being held captive and tortured while trying to get that life saving drug and wants to protect Caroline.

3. Knows that the Salem PD (including Roman) aren't the brightest tools in the shed.

4. Has knowledge (most likely underhanded) on any suspicious movements by the suspected thugs responsible for wanting the drug.

I would definitely trust Victor more than the Salem PD!

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I see Victor's motivation for moving Caroline into his home as this.......

1. She is the mother of his dead son and he cared about her.

2. He blames himself for Bo being held captive and tortured while trying to get that life saving drug and wants to protect Caroline.

3. Knows that the Salem PD (including Roman) aren't the brightest tools in the shed.

4. Has knowledge (most likely underhanded) on any suspicious movements by the suspected thugs responsible for wanting the drug.

I would definitely trust Victor more than the Salem PD!

I expect the Salem PD, similar to the Port Charles PD to be snowed for the millionth time.

Everyone is going to say "Stefano! Stefano! Stefano!"

Hell it just begun yesterday "It's someone right under our noses doing this" Yeahhh let the Dimera blaming beginning, folks. Whoever is in town or coming to town should just keep playing these people like chess til someone smarten up.

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And one more thing about this Lani chick,

Does anyone else find it strange that Abe never asked this chick for a DNA test to be a 100% sure he's the daddy. Again, we're suppose to suspend our disbelief with what alot of soaps pulls, but speaking as a minority, what person do you know just have a 20-something year old daughter claim you are the father and just accept it?? Bullshit! Abe should had been like "Let's go to the Salem U Hospital and be sure". I don't care if she would had got mad, we need to find out.

Edited by BlackMamba
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Just can not see a dimera guilty this time.  Maybe in the past but now they do not have sense enough to get out of the rain.

The entire Dimera clan is neutered. It's insane. It's fine if they want to move away from them always being "The Big Bad" but let them not be spoofs of themselves. Billy's Chad could pull off layered good guy who lives in a grey area of morality. I'd go for that.

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