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Current Plots Discussion: Actually Today's Episode

Message added by scarynikki12

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Anyone else think Abigail looks more like Hope's daughter than Jennifers?  Hope even seemed more motherly towards her than Jennifer.  I guess they really have ruined the Jennifer character throwing her in the "kiddy pool" with Eve.

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Shadowsixx, you didn't miss much today the highlight being Adrienne and Justin. There's no way that marriage is over, no way at all.


I'm getting the feeling there is nothing of value on that land the Phoenix was lauding Chad about. Methinks he knows all about Clyde's bug and is just setting Rapey up for a big time fall.


My God, Sneasel you came this close to actual growth and trust in your husband for about 2 microseconds and then relapsed. Take a clue from what is probably one of your daughter's favorite Disney characters and just "let it go". What's next, are you going to freak out if you walk in to Sonny's club and see JJ giving Sonny a back rub for his shoulder while both of them are fully clothed? Has he even had a session with a new shrink yet? He needs one asap. Either that or Thorazine.

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Thank you buffynut and madhacker, appreciate it. Looks like I didn't miss anything important except for who Adrienne seen which I guess we'll find out on Monday.


Maybe Sneasel needs to find friends in the gay community to help him because Sonny is level headed as he's comfortable with his sexuality.


Adrienne doesn't want to divorce Justin, she still wants him. I mean who would she rather deal with Victor or Kate?


So Stephono wants Chad to suffer and marry that species for the sake of some property? Oy. If Stephono wants her that bad then why doesn't he visit the science lab and see if they'll give her away. Why is nanny only giving it to her, is the property a secret alien space center?? Are you only allowed to pass it down to other creatures?? I see why Stephono wants it, he's a creature his damn self. 

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The sick nanny in Ireland has willed her high value property to Abigail, and only Stefano knows why it is so valuable.

Great. So now, on top of everything else, Abigail is independently wealthy.



Didn't Will and Sonny have a whole gaggle of gay friends?

If they did, Will has almost certainly slept with them all, which is probably whey they don't hang around anymore.

Edited by bnichol
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Aww the couple that cheats on each other is getting divorced. Devastated. I can't wait for Sonny's mother to cheat on Lucas with Justin and get back together with him so Lucas can be free from that freak.


So are we to believe Stefano is broke and that's why he needs this property? Why can't he just murder Abifail and take the land? Why can't Hillbilly Rapist murder her for cheating on his precious son? Why can't Victor murder her for sucking up all the oxygen?

Edited by LeftPhalange
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Sonny had a lot of gay friends.  Will doesn't.  Though he did go on a date to a gay bar once which was his alibi for Stephano's shooting.


I wonder why Abigail would be inheriting that land instead of the nanny's daughter, who was the one who called her the other day. I wonder if Stephano is helping the nanny to die early. Wait till Stephano finds out Abigail is pregnant and might be carrying Chad's baby.


See, Show?  This is why you keep actors around for years.  So you can run flashbacks like these with Adrienne and Justin. Instead of the made up ones filmed through gauze with Jennifer and Eve.


A mention of Bill Horton?  I wonder what that was about.


Are they setting up a Kate/Justin pairing?

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Yeah, let's just give the overpriviledged creature some more money.  I said this a while back, Stephono and Creepy Clyde would fight over who could cage the Jar Jar.  Creepy knew she'd come into money someday.  Any ETA on when Creepy's leaving town?  As if it wasn't Already All About Abifail.

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Great. So now, on top of everything else, Abigail is independently wealthy.


*barf* This is going to be unbearable.



What would Salem ever do without Abigail?






Abigail is so awesome, I'm surprised that more people don't disinherit their own children to give her their worldly goods.



Yeah, let's just give the overpriviledged creature some more money.  I said this a while back, Stephono and Creepy Clyde would fight over who could cage the Jar Jar.  Creepy knew she'd come into money someday.  Any ETA on when Creepy's leaving town?  As if it wasn't Already All About Abifail.


This series of posts are just absolute laugh-out-loud perfection.  Thank you, one and all, for giving me a laughing fit!

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For anyone who thinks the show is trash/hates Sonny's mother/hates Sparkle/hates Abifail, please read these tweets,



Thanks Leftphalange, I love that name for  Paul, he is truly the Gay Daniel...Tomsell have anointed him the heir to Daniel's throne....It is a shame because the actor is good..I am hoping that Higriff can give him a better storyline...He should be a Dimera and team up with Chad against Philip and the Kiriakis brothers with Sonny caught in the middle...Dimera vs Kiriakis the next generation, instead of the old tired trope of Stefano vs Victor..

Edited by Apprentice79
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I think the scenes between Adrienne and Justin on Friday were reshoots inserted into the show.. It was a drastic change from the Justin who served the divorce papers to Adrienne and refused to discuss it. All of a sudden the old understanding and reasonable Justin was back. And Justin asking Adrienne to explain to him his actions was a not so subtle dig at the old writers. I also think the scenes between Eve and Eric were reshoots, to give some humanity to Eve..Tomsell were really going to make Eve evil, with her latest scheme,when she was never that...Higley was a breakdown writer on the show, throughout most of Eve's tenure on the show. So she could be trying to minimize Tomsell's character assassination of Eve Donovan...


 I think they cut a lot of scenes. Friday's episode felt very uneven and strange in terms of the flow. It's was choppy and there were a lot of random stuff, like Stefano sitting in the confessional bench & threatening Rafe. I think the Sonny/Paul HTSQ scene was strange. Maybe there was something cut. I also think the Sonny/Ari/Rafe scene was a prelude to Gabi's return. We might actually see Marlena and Ari with Gabi. Why else mention it? And Camilla did say some of her scenes were inserted into earlier episodes. 

Edited by Apprentice79
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I've only been watching sporadically lately, but did watch Thu and Fri and at the end of Fri, I actually thought they came back from commercial with the wrong episode. That's how random and odd the last few scenes felt to me.  It is good to know it's intentional.  It must be hard trying to fit in new ideas / stories into a show that was written / filmed 5 months ago, but at least they finally realize they need to change direction, and for that I'm cautiously optimistic.

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I've only been watching sporadically lately, but did watch Thu and Fri and at the end of Fri, I actually thought they came back from commercial with the wrong episode. That's how random and odd the last few scenes felt to me.  It is good to know it's intentional.  It must be hard trying to fit in new ideas / stories into a show that was written / filmed 5 months ago, but at least they finally realize they need to change direction, and for that I'm cautiously optimistic.


It would be better if they just skipped ahead three (or more) weeks. They can have an insert at the beginning of the new episode explaining what we missed, which probably wouldn't be much anyway. 

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Abigail is so awesome, I'm surprised that more people don't disinherit their own children to give her their worldly goods.


This is so fabulous!  The Abby propping has now reached new levels--shouldn't the writers ask themselves if they have to work this hard to make the character relevant, maybe she just isn't that interesting?

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Who last played Bill Horton? They randomly mentioned him and I was wondering if the character was coming back for the 50th. I still think it would be great if Susan Flannery came back for a week for the 50th Anniversary as Laura Horton. It would be great to see her with Bill & Susan Seaforh Hayes.

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I felt embarrassed by today's episode--I was mortified to watch Sonny having to deal with both Will and Paul posturing and trying to act sex without their shirts on.  You'd think Will would be ashamed to walk around half-undressed in front of Sonny with Paul standing right there as a reminder of his infidelity.  I cringed for Sonny and I was actually stunned that Rafe and Chad were acting as if it's perfectly cool to be hanging with the guy Will cheated on Sonny with.  I just don't get it.

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Tomsell's Days of our lives is very weird indeed..lol...I think there was alot of editing today, the show was just weird from beginning to end...Justin is actually likable again..I hope Kate and Justin do not start to bump uglies...It seems like Kate is the woman that the men use to get comfort....lol


Ari is truly the princess of Salem....She is loved by all...She was cute with her uncle Chad......It was also an anvil that JarJar's little cretin will be his...

Edited by Apprentice79
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Who last played Bill Horton?

The last time we saw Bill was at Alice's funeral. He was played by John H. Martin, according to IMDB.


i can't believe it's been five years since I came back to watching this show.

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I think there was alot of editing today, the show was just weird from beginning to end...Justin is actually likable again..


I agree. The whole basketball game felt like it could be a replacement for edited scenes.  And the episode picked up from Friday's weird ending and everyone was nice and in a good mood.  I mean, since when has Will been likable.  Not once in the year I've been re-watching, yet today I found myself not hating him.  If they keep this up, I may find myself back as a regular viewer again.

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Princess Abifail while late for work took time to spy on Chad./

She already knows that Chad is good with children since she saw him with Johnny many times.  So why would that be a shock to her.

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7/20/2015 Recap :)



Sonny's phone rings as he's waiting on T to show up so he can meet Rafe. Sonny is now on the phone with T as T can't make it cause something is up with his girlfriend she's sick or something and T doesn't want to leave her because she's hot (sexy hot not fever hot). Chad enters TBD and asks Sonny what he's doing right now. Rafe is on the phone chit chatting and hangs up, Ben comes to the park and throws football at Rafe as they're waiting on T, Sonny, & Lucas. Ben hopes they hurry as he has to meet Abby later. Rafe and Ben chit chat about Abby. Sonny arrives and they ask about T which Sonny says he can't make it so replaced T with Chad. They ask if Lucas and Will are coming and Sonny doesn't know. Will shows up and they ask about Lucas and Will says he's injured and Will replaced Lucas with Paul. 


It's a 3 vs 3 Team of Sonny, Chad, & Paul vs Will, Rafe, & Ben. Sonny asks Paul what's going on and Paul says Will invited him and they leave it at that and go off to join the rest of the guys. They finish the game and Sonny asks Ben if he was a little hard on Chad and Ben says he was playing a game.  Chad and Rafe talk to Paul about working at Mad World. They talk about the horrible name for the ad which is "Vanquish" which a general consensus they all hate. They chit chat and all laugh and have a good time with the exception of Ben who's on the bench sipping water looking upset, Sonny & Rafe head off to play. Ben asks if Chad is okay and Chad says he is and Ben says he has a whole lot of game left and Ben goes off to play another round. Chad and Will who talk about Will inviting Paul and Chad says Will is keeping his friends close and his enemies closer and walks off to play.


They come back to the park and Ben and Rafe chat about Chad's work hours and Rafe talks about how Jordan feels about him and Clyde working on their relationship which Ben says they don't discuss it. Ben leaves. Rafe then leaves after chatting with Sonny. Sonny asks Chad if he's going back to the club which Chad says no and Will asks Paul to help him get some things back and Will and Paul leave.


Lucas comes by with Ari and asks where are Sonny and Will and Chad says they went off with Paul. Lucas' phone rings and he has to get on the deal that Mad World is beating them out on. Chad says Lucas can't take Ari to the meeting and Chad calls Will and tells Will to tell Lucas that it's ok to leave Ari with Chad which Will gives the go ahead. Chad holds Ari and Lucas goes off to the meeting.


Adrienne enters TBD and asks for Sonny and Will says that Sonny is in the back with Paul and Adrienne asks if Will is ok with that which Will says he is and Will asks if Adrienne is ok and Adrienne says she needs to talk to Sonny and Will goes off to get him. Sonny and Paul are in the TBD office and Sonny asks why Will invited him and Paul says Will was being nice which Sonny says is good and healthy and Will enters and says he just wants them all to get along and Will tells Sonny that Adrienne needs to talk to them and Sonny leaves. Paul says he owes Will an apology. Will says Paul doesn't owe him an apology and Paul says it wasn't fair and Will says he had a good time which Paul did to. Will says he knows Derrick and Paul aren't a couple but maybe they should do something together with him and Sonny which Paul agrees and Paul leaves.


Outside Sonny and Adrienne hug as Paul sees and Paul asks Sonny how is Adrienne which Sonny says she's shellshocked but alright and Sonny says they're getting divorced. Will comes out and Paul motions to Will that Sonny needs Will and walks off. Will hugs Sonny and Sonny can't believe Justin and Adrienne are over.


Abby walks through the park and sees Chad with Ari. Chad talks to Ari and are real cute together and how Ari got her middle name. (Last scene of the day.)



Paul says he can't keep doing this even if it's necessary as he's not after Sonny. Will tells him to stop right there as he wants a minute and Paul says for what and Will says he spoke to Kate about him. Paul says if he spoke to Kate then they have nothing to discuss. Paul says Kate is going to make his life a living hell and Will said he spoke to Marlena and how Marlena likes him cause she doesn't have a choice since he's John's son. Paul says Will already made the choice on whether or not he likes him and Paul says he'll stay clear of him and Sonny and walks off.



Adrienne knocks on Sonny's door hoping he's home and Lucas opens up. Lucas says he's watching Ari cause he pulled a quad but doesn't mind help and Adrienne enters and Lucas asks what's going on. Adrienne says there's nothing to tell which Lucas doesn't want her doing that as he can tell there's something wrong and Adrienne says nothing she wasn't expecting which Lucas says it's Justin. Adrienne says she signed the divorce papers and gave them to Justin. Adrienne says her and Justin have history but there is no going back. Lucas asks if she would go back and Adrienne says damn right she would.


Lucas didn't see that coming and Adrienne asks if he could go back and make things work with Sami would he and Lucas said he would. Lucas asks what is she going to do now and Adrienne says Justin said she can stay at the mansion for a little bit. Lucas says sounds like a lot of fun and Adrienne knows not to push Victor too far. Lucas says let him know if Adrienne needs to talk to someone and Adrienne says Lucas will be the first person she calls. Lucas asks if they can do dinner soon and Adrienne says she loves that very much. 



At Vic's house Kate enters and talks about Paul being the spokesman which Justin thanks Kate for handing the meeting and Kate wanted Justin at the meeting. Justin looks at the divorce papers. Justin tells Kate to focus on business and Kate says she is and Justin is the one that hired Paul and complains about Paul which Justin calls Kate a broken record. Justin says Paul is part of Mad World and told her to suck it up and make it work with Paul or she can leave. Kate shuts the door to the living room and says she can handle Paul and that Paul is a diva but she can take care of him. Justin asks why she's throwing a fit then and Kate says it's between them as they have to find a way to make things work. Justin isn't in the mood for a fight and Kate isn't either but not leaving until they straighten things out.


Kate shows Justin some reports for the company and Justin is glad that Kate is on their side and not everyone can throw their child under the bus. Kate says it's just business and Kate has more documents and Justin tells her to e-mail them to her. Kate says she can do her job which Justin apologizes for snapping at her. Kate understands and asks Justin is that what he wants as she says Justin's look isn't the look of someone who wants a divorce and think they should save their marriage. Justin asks if she has a motive for him to fight for his marriage and Kate says she wants Justin to focus on work. Kate also says she doesn't want to see Adrienne and Lucas together and if Justin has any advice and Justin says to stay out of it. Kate says Justin sounds like Lucas and that she doesn't feel sorry for Justin and how Justin had other motives for bringing Paul to Salem. Justin says he let things happen and Kate says they can create a possibility to keep Adrienne and Lucas apart. Justin calls Kate relentless and has a hard time thinking of Lucas as anyone's baby boy.


Justin says he wants to blame Lucas but he can't and it's his fault because he cheated and there's a time when you need to work on your marriage or not. Justin says Kate isn't going to make him feel good about it and Kate says Justin will move on and Justin says eventually and Kate hopes soon as she has plans and needs Justin. Kate says she'll send Justin the files as soon as she gets back to her office. Justin wants Kate to do him a favor and that's for her to look out for herself and Kate thinks he's talking about Clyde which she says she can take care of herself.



Chad tells Ben they need to talk to about Abby and if she's ok. Ben says Abby is fine and Chad says Abby wasn't fine and Ben says Abby explained that she was dizzy during the picnic. Chad says it's good to hear and walks off.



Abby says she needs a little time as it's a lot to process. Abby says she needs to process before telling Ben and there's a knock at the door which Abby thinks is the Supervisor to fix the drain but it's Clyde and he asks what's wrong. Abby says she's fine and Clyde says she doesn't look fine and Hope says Abby is with her. Clyde says since Abby is living with Ben they're family and wondering what he can do to help. Abby says Clyde doesn't have to worry about it and Clyde says Ben told him about the drain and he'll fix it and enters the house as he received a text from Supervisor about not making it. Abby tells Hope that nobody can know about her being pregnant.


Clyde says valve needs to be replaced and he'll go and buy a new one. Abby says she has to go to work and Clyde says he'll leave his tools and be back another time and Clyde leaves. Outside Clyde is listening. Hope asks if there's anything else Abby wants to tell her which Abby flashes back to Will asking her that she doesn't know who the father is. Abby wants to make sure she has all the answers before saying anything. Hope says she doesn't have to have all the answers as her and Ben are there for her. Hope hugs Abby and says she loves her and going to get through it together. Hope wants Abby to text her and Hope leaves. Outside Clyde walks up to Abby's door.


Abby is sending a text and goes off to shower and Clyde sneaks in the house and goes through Abby's phone. He sees no new messages are sent to Chad and Clyde takes a photo of something that I didn't catch and leaves just as Abby gets out of the shower. Abby sees Ben's watch and wants to give it to him and will make a detour through the park and says in 2 weeks she'll know who the father is and calls herself a mess. Abby leaves.



Rafe and Hope run into each other outside of TBD and talk about drugs and Rafe says they have a source and talk about Clyde. Hope asks what Rafe knows about Ben and Rafe knows Ben and Clyde hated each other but resolved their relationship and Rafe says they've been hanging out lately and Rafe wants to know why Hope is asking about Ben.



Kate runs into Clyde at the Square and hope he's ready to eat but Clyde has to cancel. Kate wanted to spend some time together and Clyde says they will and heads off. Ben walks through and asks that he thought Kate was going to be with Clyde and Kate said he cancelled. Ben says that Clyde is crazy about Kate and wouldn't cancel without a good reason which Kate hopes so. Kate tells Ben to think twice before taking Abby for granted as he could be in for a surprise and walks off.



Clyde is researching and reading prenatal vitamins.




I don't have that much to say about this episode except upset that Sonny didn't go shirtless I mean Chad and Rafe didn't either but still. 


Will Mr. Rapey and Jar Jar kill themselves now please.


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Maybe Clyde will have some sort of oddly fatal valve-related mishap. (What? I can't be an optimist?)

Fine, fine: Kate poisons the prenatal vitamins that Grabbigail and, oddly, Clyde both end up taking.

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Since when do Will, Sonny, and Rafe play basketball together? Rafe and Will have barely had any scenes together since Sami left. And why are Will, Sonny, and Sparkle hanging out like Sparkle and Will didn't have sex and Sparkle didn't spend months begging Sonny for another chance? ]


It would be great if Lucas caught a clue and ended things with Sonny's mother before she cheats on him with Justin.


I hope Clyde poisons Abifail's pills. 

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Leftphalange, this is Tomsell's Days of our lives..nothing makes sense....They are all about going from one plot point to the next, even if it is nonsensical and distorts established character history..

Edited by Apprentice79
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You think Lucas would catch the hint when Adrienne said if she could go back with Justin she would. Seeing Adrienne's reaction to getting divorced you think Lucas would want to taper off a bit but no, he wants to go out to dinner with Adrienne. SMDH. It is never a good thing to date someone who's just divorced or going through the process of a divorce. All those two talk about is Justin and Kate, that's no foundation for a relationship.


I wish they burn down Stephono's backyard/San Francisco/Salem Park it's such an ugly ass set. Didn't this set win worst set in soaps? I mean it's like Stephono's extended backyard. I'm surprised he's not hearing every conversation that's going on in Salem when people are at the park & San Francisco. I mean they can tear down those sets and build one nice park set and use it to build someone a house set like Kate or Sparkles, cause how long is he gonna stay in the hotel? Lucas doesn't even have a house, he's living in a hotel. Why? I mean if he goes to pick up Allie to come to Salem for a visit, what stay at the hotel. Lucas has roots in Salem why not give him a set. Maybe he'll get one once Serena leaves and they tear down her hotel set.

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Who last played Bill Horton?


John H. Martin was on "Mistresses" last season, but apparently isn't on this year.


"I didn't say you were whipped.  I was thinking it really loud, but I didn't say it"  Dammit, Show, we want T!  Brendan Coughlin said that he hasn't been let go, but they aren't calling him back, either.


Clyde walking in while Abigail was taking a shower wasn't creepy at all.


Here comes Horita ...


Ari in the sunglasses was too cute.

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I wish they burn down Stephono's backyard/San Francisco/Salem Park it's such an ugly ass set. Didn't this set win worst set in soaps? I mean it's like Stephono's extended backyard. I'm surprised he's not hearing every conversation that's going on in Salem when people are at the park & San Francisco. I mean they can tear down those sets and build one nice park set and use it to build someone a house set like Kate or Sparkles, cause how long is he gonna stay in the hotel? Lucas doesn't even have a house, he's living in a hotel. Why? I mean if he goes to pick up Allie to come to Salem for a visit, what stay at the hotel. Lucas has roots in Salem why not give him a set. Maybe he'll get one once Serena leaves and they tear down her hotel set.

Stefano's backyard is contiguous property with all purpose park, San Francisco, and the Vatican City, isn't it neat? For every "location" shoot they'll just use that set and move a bench to a different angle or add a plastic shrub and have a character make an off hand remark "wow Miami sure is different than Salem." Or whatever.

They needed Abigail to forget Chad was good with kids -even though she just observed that one week ago at the picnic and has seen it for years - but forget so she can realize he might be a good dad after all. Still she can't choose the father of her tot after already being knocked up inspite of all her amazing abilities.

Is kiddie rapist ever going to be exposed? Maybe the writers think viewers will hand wave pedophilia and abuse.

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So, while I despise Abigail, I loathe Ben's casual misogyny even more.  In Friday's episode, he explained away her moodiness by saying, "well, she's a woman."  And he did something today (I forget) that was just as bad.  Fuck off, you stupid piece of plastic.


The basketball scenes were indeed weird.  Why is Sonny not upset by all this?  And where was the snarky Rafe of Friday?  Galen Gering is at his best when he gets to play Rafe as a smart ass. 


Poor LK.  Not only does Kate have to play a fool in order to be with that gross hillbilly, she has to prop Abigail, too.  I am a little worried about the new writers, but if they change the focus of this show away from Dr. Tan and Abigail, it will be an improvement.

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Poor LK.  Not only does Kate have to play a fool in order to be with that gross hillbilly, she has to prop Abigail, too.


Why the fuck was Kate encouraging Ben to be happy with Abifail, or whatever the hell it was she was saying? Kate's only experience with that alien was when she was helping Sami get revenge on her for sleeping with EJ. And isn't she aware that Abifail tried to bust up Austin's marriage?

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The only thing that remotely interested me today was Lucas admitting he wished he had tried harder to make things work with Sami.  It would be nice if one of the writers would remember that Sami and Lucas were once very much in love and happy.  It sucks Lumi was thrown under the bus for Ejami.  A couple Ken Corday did not like, and never wanted to put together.  I'm still baffled as to why Lumi, Safe, and Ejole all had to be trashed just so the writers could trash Ejami some more.


Kate isn't allowed to remember things like that.  Kate like everyone else in Salem is needed to prop the boring twit because Slappy can't carry her own SLs, and the writers are determined to force the viewers to like Jar Jar.

Edited by TigerLynx
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Why the fuck was Kate encouraging Ben to be happy with Abifail, or whatever the hell it was she was saying? Kate's only experience with that alien was when she was helping Sami get revenge on her for sleeping with EJ. And isn't she aware that Abifail tried to bust up Austin's marriage?

Yes. Classic Kate would have poisoned her or framed her for murder due to those transgressions.

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I know that Show was on today, and I know I watched it.  But other than that, I remember very little.  


Rafe and Ben and Kukla, Fran and Ollie were playing basketball, Adrienne was sniffling, Kate was snarking, Justin was sulking, Abigail was slouching and Clyde was sleazing.


And THIS is what they call an episode?   


To a degree, I get with them cutting in new material to the current episodes, but if this is the best they can do they should just rerun the Best Of until the new stuff starts because this crap is hardly worth the time.

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Why the fuck was Kate encouraging Ben to be happy with Abifail, or whatever the hell it was she was saying? Kate's only experience with that alien was when she was helping Sami get revenge on her for sleeping with EJ. And isn't she aware that Abifail tried to bust up Austin's marriage?


Seriously.  Why she didn't arrange for Abigail to end up on death row or something for gaslighting and stalking her son and trying to ruin his marriage and career is beyond me.  Kate should despise Abigail, when she thinks of her at all. 

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Man Abigail is an idiot & although the anvils are falling everywhere that her baby is Chad's - I'm still hoping it will end up being Ben's - I really don't want Chad saddled with that twit.


Chad & Ari were adorable - can we have tons more scenes with those two?


I actually enjoyed the Kate/Justin scenes - I don't want them hooking up but I do enjoy them working together.


I really hate that Lucas is going to get his heart broken (even if he should know better going after Adrienne) - I adore Lucas & want him happy & in a good story.


And so now that Clyde has snooped & knows Abifail is taking prenatal vitamins - how long before he blabs it all over town?    


And can Abifail stop her damn crying?   

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I think I might be free.  FREE, I tell you.  I've fast forwarded the last week+ of shows.  I got the idea of what was going on and I don't care about a single story.  I was interested in Paul-Sonny but since it doesn't seem like they'll get together at ALL before Sonny leave, my last "give a shit" has left the building.  I don't even look at spoilers anymore and that's saying a lot. 

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Man Abigail is an idiot & although the anvils are falling everywhere that her baby is Chad's - I'm still hoping it will end up being Ben's - I really don't want Chad saddled with that twit.


Chad & Ari were adorable - can we have tons more scenes with those two?


I actually enjoyed the Kate/Justin scenes - I don't want them hooking up but I do enjoy them working together.


I really hate that Lucas is going to get his heart broken (even if he should know better going after Adrienne) - I adore Lucas & want him happy & in a good story.


And so now that Clyde has snooped & knows Abifail is taking prenatal vitamins - how long before he blabs it all over town?    


And can Abifail stop her damn crying?   

Those Udell twins who play Ari are a true find..They always react to their scene partners with aplomb and  I loved that Chad remembered his baby girl Grace...The little girl that Sami, Rafe and Will mourned. I love it when the show remembers it's history.The baby switching story involving Sami/Mia/Nicole was a great story penned surprisingly by Higley....Nicole who was the villainess in that story was sympathetic and I still get chills, when she screamed NO!, after Sami told her that she was taking Sydney back...Everybody was great in that story.....Sami, Nicole, Chad, Will, Rafe, EJ and even that drip Mia....The real tragedy in that story was Chad and Mia never knowing their daughter Grace...Nicole's scenes as she miscarried her daughter were hard to watch....Ari was flawless as usual and she broke my heart....

Edited by Apprentice79
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