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Current Plots Discussion: Actually Today's Episode

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For example, at the hospital Abby was holding her baby rather stiffly and showed no emotion or tenderness, didn't kiss his head- instead the only emotion was resentment and bitchface that Maggie was chosen to read the Christmas instead of her.

Also, she had very bland and empty reactions to Paige and Will (her cousin and close friends) violent murders.

These are just a couple of times where she makes strange acting choices and responses that make her unlikable. When another actor- a Sarah Michelle Gellar, or Rachel Bilson, or Tiffany Amber Theissen - all whom played self centered and eccentric bitches like Abby, would have played more vulnerability or authentic warmth.

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For example, at the hospital Abby was holding her baby rather stiffly and showed no emotion or tenderness, didn't kiss his head- instead the only emotion was resentment and bitchface that Maggie was chosen to read the Christmas instead of her.


Haha, I was going to post something similar the other day.  It was like she was holding a sack of potatoes or something. 


Abby is just not believable as someone who could truly love another person, even her own child.  She's just too self-centered, manipulative and entitled, and her lack of self-control, penchant for violence, and hypocritical judgment of other people don't do her any favors in the warm and snuggly department.  I wish they'd kill off the character in such a way that she was all dead and not mostly dead.

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These are just a couple of times where she makes strange acting choices and responses that make her unlikable. When another actor- a Sarah Michelle Gellar, or Rachel Bilson, or Tiffany Amber Theissen - all whom played self centered and eccentric bitches like Abby, would have played more vulnerability or authentic warmth.

KM could had studied from them as well as Alison Sweeney how to play a devious heroine. Sami has to be one of the best troublemaking heroines in the history of daytime tv. You love to hate her but damnit she's so good you hate to hate her. That's why I never want Sami to grow up. She's so much better when she causes drama and when she gets dealt with that you almost semi feel bad for her. I think Jen Lilly has definitely taken a page from the Alison Sweeney playbook even if she's not as good as her right now, but with yhe right writing the sky could be the limit for Theresa.

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Now, that Brady (I actually typed Blackie. Am I show my age or what? Wrong character & wrong soap. LOL) is in "love" with Theresa it's kind of boring. Now what? NuPhillip will play the spoiler? Since, I don't like nuPhillip I'm not looking forward to that.

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This shitstorm is really getting to me.  The Horton Christmas was the most pathetic to date - no cause for celebration, and hardly anybody was there.


At first I was excited by the new/old writers, but it has all gone so dark and joyless, I feel like I need to get a scrip for Xanax just to be able to keep watching.

There has been nothing but death, destruction and sadness since the fall.  Some 50th Anniversary Celebration... 


Did I miss something when Paige was on?  Seems the writers are all over the place retconing her, as well as others.  Eduardo setting up a music program in her memory??  I didn't even know she listened to music, let alone make music with anyone, least of all her mother.  They seem to be just randomly writing in other tidbits never before eluded to with others, as well.  Theresa with the design stuff, Belle the next bright shining singing sensation, etc.  Is this the writers just going rogue? 

Edited by salvame
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I can blame KM for not making Abby more sympathetic though--Theresa can be horribly self-centered and yet Jen Lilley manages to make Theresa vulnerable and you find yourself rooting for her, despite some of her more misguided moments. I want Theresa to succeed at the fashion show because JL has made me want good things for her character--we've watched her soften the character and while she's still has sharp edges, she is nowhere near the insane wolverine she was when she was snapping at everyone. That takes a skilled actress to pull off--Abby is supposed to be a heroine yet there is an aura of unlikeability to her that is completely Mansi's portrayal.

And I'd like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas, a Happy Boxing Day and may we all have a lovely New Year!

This is it exactly. She is just blah no matter what. I do not feel anything from her. With Hope, Kayla, and Theresa as well as several others I can feel the emotion that they are trying to convey. I cannot feel sympathy for Abigail because the only thing that comes across the screen to me is how she can do whatever she wants and all is well. That is not a rootable or sympathetic character.

Edited by jlrd2000
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This shitstorm is really getting to me. The Horton Christmas was the most pathetic to date - no cause for celebration, and hardly anybody was there.

At first I was excited by the new/old writers, but it has all gone so dark and joyless, I feel like I need to get a scrip for Xanax just to be able to keep watching.

There has been nothing but death, destruction and sadness since the fall. Some 50th Anniversary Celebration...

Did I miss something when Paige was on? Seems the writers are all over the place retconing her, as well as others. Eduardo setting up a music program in her memory?? I didn't even know she listened to music, let alone make music with anyone, least of all her mother. They seem to be just randomly writing in other tidbits never before eluded to with others, as well. Theresa with the design stuff, Belle the next bright shining singing sensation, etc. Is this the writers just going rogue?

In the Paige situation, I do not recall Paige herself having an interest in music other than listening/watching JJ with his guitar and the mentions of her enjoying Eve singing.

With the Clair singing thing, this is a new thing that came along with the soaras. It could be a supposed honor to Doug or just pulled out of thin air.

With Theresa's designs, this was brought out months ago at the beginning of her "transformation". Her sketches or designs were basically unknown to anyone including family until this point. She spearheaded the " Basic Black " purchase by enlisting Nicole and Kate which introduced her designs.

Edited by jlrd2000
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I'm going to give Abigail some slack for feeling a bit off this Christmas. The girl's just come through a brutal kidnapping, a wild west birth in the middle of nowhere, and then survived a FIRE for god's sake, in the immediate aftermath of which she wanted nothing but to find her baby. Now, the one person who looked for her, wouldn't give up on her, survived that fire with her, has gone all cold on her mere hours after indicating that he would spend the rest of his life with her and the baby. She's not just pining for a boyfriend who dumped her -- she's rightfully concerned that an about-face like this means something happened to him. 

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Has she abused the baby? Shown she hates him? Left him in the snow?  Where is the little concern for the baby coming from? She spent 10 minutes getting a coffee leaving Thomas with her mom. She was planning to sleep in the hospital on call room the night Thomas was in the hospital and Chad took her for his better idea a few minutes walk away, she got a couple hours sleep (since that was the end of the never ending day) and woke up at 7 to go feed her son. She was with Thomas and her family for the Horton Christmas. She spent a few minutes seeing Chad to see if he'd snap out of it before going to the hospital with Thomas for the Christmas story. Which obviously Chad had originally planned to attend and be there, since Maggie asked where he was like he was supposed to be there. 


Are new mothers not allowed to sleep?  Go anywhere without the baby or focus on anything else for a few minutes? Without it being declared they are showing no concern for the baby? It's not like she's refusing to touch him, she's feeding him, always holding him and shown with him yesterday at the hospital for the story reading. However, she's also showing she cares about Chad and is worried/confused about what has happened to him. 


After the past few months she's had a combo of PTSD and PPD occurring with her would be more normal than anything since all she's been through but she's still trying to be a parent and help the person who saved her life.

Edited by Artsda
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The only part of being a new mom that KM is projecting is her hasn't-been-washed hair. But then she's been sporting that look long before she ever gave birth.(It's not a by product of actually getting up every 2-3 hours to feed the baby and skipping the shower so she can nap when he does.) Otherwise, she acts like she can't pass the baby off fast enough--most new mom don't want to put theirs down. One would think that a baby delivered prematurely in the woods would be the sole concern of a new mother--as in wouldn't want to let it out of their sight. But instead we're seeing a blooming obsession over everything Chad. Not surprising since chasing men who reject her has been Abby's MO. It's one thing to be thankful that he saved her life, another to keep pestering him when he says he not interested in a relationship or playing daddy to a kid that's not his.  Admittedly Abigail is surrounded by a team of enablers who throw her a pity party and crucify the person who hurt her ittty bitty feelings every time Abs shows the slight semblance of cluing in that the world doesn't revolve around her.  But even with the Horton mob behind her, what does Abigail expect once again when she starts sleeping with a Dimera?  Chad belongs to a dangerous and deranged family who are going to do illegal and unethical things. And they are going to expect him to do them too. You don't just walk away from a mob family. Hell EJ had to fake his death and Sami had to steal all their money just to get a chance to live in secrecy so their children wouldn't grow up in that world and be groomed to take over.  So instead of being content to cuddle her newborn and raise him in the sanctimonious Horton bubble, she thinks bitch slapping the man is going to make him come crawling back to her so they can live happily ever after???  

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I don't think soaps let new mothers spend too much time with their babies on the regular, though. How often has Tate been on scene? Usually it's the plot point -- hat/tip boes : ) -- and after it's done destiny's business for its parents, they're off in an (empty) crib for the rest of their infancy. To be sorased or re-parented when it suits.  

Edited by Lastwaltz
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Every time I see Abifail near that baby I wonder why these writers were stupid enough to go this route. What is the purpose of this? She doesn't have a maternal bone in her body and giving her a baby is only going to make her look worse since she's incapable of putting aside her own selfishness, delusions, penchant for violence and sexual needs long enough to take care of her child. I know these people seem to be obsessed with KM for some reason but she's an extremely subpar actress who is incapable of elevating the material even a little. And I'd love to know why Chad had to be the one to be forever tied to this character. Why couldn't serial killer or some other character I don't care about be the father. 

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Well, one thing we do know -- happily ever afters do not happen in soaps or Salem, despite the babies. So as usual, as sure as things will bring Chad and Abby back together, something will break them apart eventually anyway. 

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And I'd love to know why Chad had to be the one to be forever tied to this character. Why couldn't serial killer or some other character I don't care about be the father.

Yeah like Daniel.


But shit you somewhat answered your own question. Both Chads played by Casey and now Billy have been good leading men for her/Abby character to gloss over what she's lacking. The producers know she isn't some great thespian (yet or ever) so pairing her with a strong actors takes away from the blandness.

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But instead we're seeing a blooming obsession over everything Chad. Not surprising since chasing men who reject her has been Abby's MO. It's one thing to be thankful that he saved her life, another to keep pestering him when he says he not interested in a relationship or playing daddy to a kid that's not his.

The kid he said hours ago that he wanted to be a family with and them to live happily ever after. A kid he risked his life to save then also went back and found to bring to her. A kid he ran out of the Dimera house to see telling Andre/Stefano no to all their requests of help. Now an hour of being in a session with Marlena (which Abby has clued in on as a key to what has happened to Chad based on her seeing the file with her name on it) Chad's team Andre and wanting restraining orders and hating on a baby? Chad went from making plans for that same day to restraining order in 2 seconds.


He's got a different personality and she's  trying to find out what happened to him. Real Chad would not be saying or doing any of this. So why should Abby just sit by and ignore he has a different brain? Marlena didn't. Bo didn't. Abby's supposed to say ok and just let Andre and Stefano rob him of the life he wants to do their bidding. Seduce Belle without his real actual consent to want her.


How will real Chad react to all he's said and done, to missing Thomas's first Christmas than Andre robbed him of, I'm thinking not well against the people who did this to him not the person fighting for him. It's not Abby that's the villain for trying to save Chad. 

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Phillip was always polished and classically handsome, now he's this angry guy who resembles a Thundercat.

I've only seen one scene with him, but wow...you nailed that visual comparison. Hooooo!!!

Question.... wasn't Kate hiring some famous designer for BB? I don't know why T is getting to show her work at all...but I might have missed something.

Edited by DisneyBoy
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Did I miss something when Paige was on?  Seems the writers are all over the place retconing her, as well as others.  Eduardo setting up a music program in her memory??  I didn't even know she listened to music, let alone make music with anyone, least of all her mother.


She was always portrayed as being interested in music.  It's how she and JJ hooked up in the first place, she could hear his guitar playing while visiting with Daphne at her house next door.



I don't know why T is getting to show her work at all...but I might have missed something.


She's a partner.

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The kid he said hours ago that he wanted to be a family with and them to live happily ever after. A kid he risked his life to save then also went back and found to bring to her. A kid he ran out of the Dimera house to see telling Andre/Stefano no to all their requests of help. Now an hour of being in a session with Marlena (which Abby has clued in on as a key to what has happened to Chad based on her seeing the file with her name on it) Chad's team Andre and wanting restraining orders and hating on a baby? Chad went from making plans for that same day to restraining order in 2 seconds.


He's got a different personality and she's  trying to find out what happened to him. Real Chad would not be saying or doing any of this. So why should Abby just sit by and ignore he has a different brain? Marlena didn't. Bo didn't. Abby's supposed to say ok and just let Andre and Stefano rob him of the life he wants to do their bidding. Seduce Belle without his real actual consent to want her.


How will real Chad react to all he's said and done, to missing Thomas's first Christmas than Andre robbed him of, I'm thinking not well against the people who did this to him not the person fighting for him. It's not Abby that's the villain for trying to save Chad. 

Because she has a newborn baby whose care and attention should be the most important thing in her life.   


If Abby truly wants to be with Chad (which I'm not convinced she does for the long run), then she'd have to accept the craziness that comes with getting involved in the Dimera family.  Chad's hypnotic suggestions at the hands of Andre is nothing compared to some of the things that have gone on in that house of horrors. Chad's not in any real danger other than of slipping between the sheets with Belle.  But hey, if Abs misses that kind of Dimera attention so much maybe good old Stef can create a doppelganger of Chad to keep her occupied till they get their money back.  

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I will say KM does get a lot of airtime. I'd be curious what her episode count is compared to others in the cast. I guess Billy Flynn might be a close second. I know the soaps actors have an episode guarantee built into the contracts. Maybe, I'll start counting starting tomorrow. LOL!!! Is it Corday who loves her, the writers, NBC or the fans?

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I will say KM does get a lot of airtime. I'd be curious what her episode count is compared to others in the cast. I guess Billy Flynn might be a close second. I know the soaps actors have an episode guarantee built into the contracts. Maybe, I'll start counting starting tomorrow. LOL!!! Is it Corday who loves her, the writers, NBC or the fans?


Since you asked, here's a link for the episode counts till the end of November.  Just scroll down a little bit.  http://www.jason47.com/days/2015episodes.html

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I will say KM does get a lot of airtime. I'd be curious what her episode count is compared to others in the cast. I guess Billy Flynn might be a close second. I know the soaps actors have an episode guarantee built into the contracts. Maybe, I'll start counting starting tomorrow. LOL!!! Is it Corday who loves her, the writers, NBC or the fans?


This is for 2015, not including December.


1. Billy Flynn (Chad DiMera) 130

2. Kate Mansi (Abigail Deveraux) 128

3. Kristian Alfonso (Hope Brady) 112

*. Shawn Christian (Daniel Jonas) 112

5. Arianne Zucker (Nicole Walker) 111

6. Robert Scott Wilson (Ben Weston) 107

7. Eric Martsolf (Brady Black) 104

*. Casey Moss (J.J. Deveraux) 104

9. Guy Wilson (Will Horton) 103

10. Jen Lilley (Theresa Donovan) 102

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This is for 2015, not including December.

1. Billy Flynn (Chad DiMera) 130

2. Kate Mansi (Abigail Deveraux) 128

3. Kristian Alfonso (Hope Brady) 112

*. Shawn Christian (Daniel Jonas) 112

5. Arianne Zucker (Nicole Walker) 111

6. Robert Scott Wilson (Ben Weston) 107

7. Eric Martsolf (Brady Black) 104

*. Casey Moss (J.J. Deveraux) 104

9. Guy Wilson (Will Horton) 103

10. Jen Lilley (Theresa Donovan) 102

Billy, Kristian, Ari, RSW and Eric are the only understandable names to have a lot episodes.

But the with exception of KA (who was paired with DC and he was a ATWT/GL actor and TomSell loves P&G actors since they worked for Another World) , this whole top 10 are TomSell people who carried 2015. Hmm behold who has been fired.


I'm sure Guy Wilson would had been number 1 had his character not been killed off. And look Shawn Christian lolll again in the top 5 without major story. And we know Ari and CM has had their time slowed since TomSell got canned.

Look at 2014 Leaders (TomSell was writing and producing)

Rank. Actor (Character) # of Episodes

1. Kate Mansi (Abigail Deveraux) 170

2. Shawn Christian (Daniel Jonas) 158

3. Alison Sweeney (Sami DiMera) 150

4. James Scott (E.J. DiMera) 145

5. Greg Vaughan (Eric Brady) 143

6. Arianne Zucker (Nicole Walker) 138

7. Casey Moss (J.J. Deveraux) 130

8. Jen Lilley (Theresa Donovan) 129

9. Melissa Reeves (Jennifer Horton) 128

10. Eric Martsolf (Brady Black) 124


Rank. Actor (Character) # of Episodes

1. Alison Sweeney (Sami Brady) 173

2. Shawn Christian (Daniel Jonas) 165

3. Melissa Reeves (Jennifer Horton) 161

*. James Scott (E.J. DiMera) 161

5. Eileen Davidson (Kristen DiMera) 154

6. Eric Martsolf (Brady Black) 150

7. Greg Vaughan (Eric Brady) 145

8. Arianne Zucker (Nicole Walker) 142

9. Chandler Massey (Will Horton) 133

10. Kate Mansi (Abigail Deveraux) 132


KM - 91 episodes, rank 15


KM - 85 episodes, rank 17 (her debut season)

All stats can be seen at Jason47.com

The proof is in the pudding folks.

TomSell was trying to cement KM/Abby as the Sam McCall of Days.

Edited by BlackMamba
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Wow! So, it wasn't my imagination that KM & BF are on a lot. That said, soap actors go in waves and right now it's KM all the time. In two years it will be someone else......I hope.

I wouldn't have a problem if she was a good actress. Trust me, I watch GH and YR where all their top actors are usually on everyday! Eileen Davidson was on 213 episodes in 1998 and KA was on 217 in 1999 because they played multiple parts. God, help us if these writers get the bright idea to make Abby a doppelganger or say Jennifer had two daughters at birth and someone stole a twin baby. I think I might just imploded... I might not make it to see the outcome. Edited by BlackMamba
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Checking the episode counts for Days is always an exercise in frustration.  Bryan Dattilo is tied with John Taylor, fer cryin' out loud.  What the fuck is that all about?  Lucas has no more story than marble-mouth Roman!  And both of them have been in less episodes than MB/Melanie Jonas ... who was only around for a few months!!


Also distressing, beyond the ridiculousness of that no-talent KM having the number 2 spot, is that LK/Kate has been in less episodes than SR/Maggie, and Maggie is only a supporting character!!!


I say that none of this is right.


At least MBE is working her way up, though, and that is something to be grateful for.  I will never forgive the previous writing regime for using Kayla to do nothing more than prop the simpering, useless Abigail.

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Wow! So, it wasn't my imagination that KM & BF are on a lot. That said, soap actors go in waves and right now it's KM all the time. In two years it will be someone else......I hope.


From your words to the writers blank pages.  

I don't care who the actor is, if we see them four out of five days a week (and five days a week a lot of times) I'm going to get tired of them, I want to see other storylines, not just the one the writers are pushing.  I'm enjoying the Basic Black storyline, but I feel like I get it one day a week (looks like more this coming week) versus Abby and her drama four or five days a week.  Maybe if KM was a stronger actress and I felt like she was pulling me into how Abby is feeling, I would feel different.  My mom watched DOOL with me over Christmas and without me saying anything, she asked "is that a baby that girl is holding?" When I told her the baby was Abby's kid, "She acts like she doesn't care about it."   


At least MBE is working her way up, though, and that is something to be grateful for.  I will never forgive the previous writing regime for using Kayla to do nothing more than prop the simpering, useless Abigail.


I've always been a huge MBE/Kayla fan, but until SN returned, I had trouble with her because it was all about Abby all the time.  I jokingly told a friend no wonder Joe left the boarding school to find Steve (before James Lastovic started).  Kayla spent more time with and was closer to Abby than her own son.  

Edited by Lisa418722
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Also distressing, beyond the ridiculousness of that no-talent KM having the number 2 spot, is that LK/Kate has been in less episodes than SR/Maggie, and Maggie is only a supporting character!!!

I voted in this poll on Twitter just for the pure curiousity, this makes me glad we don't have the SOD Awards anymore. Those awards usually were popularity contest not based in logic.

Behold... logic... goes out the window here


I almost want a strong drink and it's not 1PM yet.

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I voted in this poll on Twitter just for the pure curiousity, this makes me glad we don't have the SOD Awards anymore. Those awards usually were popularity contest not based in logic.

Behold... logic... goes out the window here


I almost want a strong drink and it's not 1PM yet.


It's five o'clock somewhere. Drink up. 

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Lucas and Maggie's talk outside the book store window broke my heart :(  I cried the ugly cry.  I really liked Maggie in the Christmas episode.  She was really there for Lucas even helping him hanging Will's Christmas ornament.  That was such a sad scene but it was nice they remembered Will. 

  Speaking of Lucas he had the funniest look on his face when JJ and Claire were singing.  Guess he did not like their song.

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Who else was loving Abby's dismissive "I know you have confidentiality laws, but tell me about Chad" attitude?  Just me?  :):)  Abs really is an entitled princess and the good people of Salem keep giving into her demands, and what a weird way to talk about Chad--she tells Marlena that she loves this man but then in the next breath she's implying that he keeps manipulating her with his blue eyes--WTF??!!


And I really hate Kate and how unkind and demoralizing she is treating Theresa and her designs.  I've only seen Kate go after women who've hurt her sons in this cruel a fashion--what exactly is her problem?  I will say that Nicole and Anne continue to be awesome and while I love how proud Brady is of Theresa's work, I want Theresa to be proud of Theresa;s work.

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Marlena is the worst mother ever.  She talking about Sami business to Sami's worst enemy.

Abi is making her rounds again. Now shes bothering Marlena about Chad today. Oh brother. Chad's penis has Abi very d**matized. Are we sure she isn't brainwashed?

Brainwashed to chase penises.

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If I had been Marlena, I would have thrown Abby out of her house.  Coming in and blaming Marlena for whatever happened to Chad.  "What did you do to him?  He was fine before he saw you, etc".  Move bitch, get out the way!


I wouldn't have explained or told her anything at that point.  She was rude and snippy.  I sometimes think it's KM's delivery that makes it sound even more harsh.  She always sounds, snippy and bratty and bitchy.  Her expressions convey it too.  She does not come off as soft or kind or sweet.  Though that's what we are told of her.


Take for example, the actress playing Claire and give her the same lines.  She speaks sweet and looks kind.  It would probably come off differently.  KM, not so much.


To mr, at this point, Chad just wouldn't be worth it.  if a guy treated me like that again and again as he has lately, I'd say, to hell with him ...even if my heart (or in her case, her vajayjay) had to catch up with my brains.  I would want to save face and have a little pride.  She is just seeming clingy and obsessed.   Concentrate on the baby...say, where the hell is her baby right now?

Edited by LadyJaney
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I know you can't tell me because of patient confidentiality laws but tell me anyways.


That was my 11 year old paraphrasing Abigail w/Marlena today. Yes, even an 11 year old thinks Abs is a moron.


And what was that delusional crap she tried to tell her newborn--"every time I leave you it's to make your life better."  If she truly took that to heart she'd put the kid up for adoption. But instead what she really means is "I can't be bothered to waste my time holding you, feeding you, changing you, and bonding with you because it interferes with my ability to chase after Dimera dick."


Meanwhile, watching today was a family event and both hubs and I are confused why Nicole and Theresa can't out-vote Kate if it's a three way partnership. Plus don't they still owe Brady money so he'd have a say too???   Loved Anne with the scissors. Too bad she didn't use them on Kate.


Why did Rafe and Hope looked shocked that Stefano is behind Bo's kidnapping? After years on the force and being the object of his torture in the past wouldn't that be the first possible suspect?  

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Who the hell is watching the spawn baby while Abifail is trying to figure out whats wrong with Chad?? What a typical baby mama move leave the child with her g'momma.

Hope snapping photos of the burner phones. Just proves shes smarter than most of the Salem PD if they can leave her by herself with the evidence folder.

Nicole is telling Kate off. Kate knows shes wrong when even if she doesn't want to admit it.

Theresa is crying in the park. See and I believe her emotions way better than Abi.

Marlena talk to Abi about Sami. Marlena kick her ass out.

Edited by BlackMamba
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Thrady actually didn't bore me today. Their scenes wasn't that bad.

Shawn-D filed for divorce. Good boy.

Abi's baby is sicky. Now she can probably watch him instead of chase Chad around town.

Oh so Stefano's name is up in the burner numbers. Yeah I can tell this is going to get real messy.

And yes Rafe and Hope didn't feel forced compared to most days. They acted more like friends taking things slowly. I know some will disagree but some of the Days Twitter folks lose their shit when they are in each other's orbit. They are not bad IMO.

Decent episode.

Edited by BlackMamba
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