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The Ellen Degeneres Show - General Discussion

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On 9/26/2020 at 9:44 PM, chenoa333 said:

Yeah...I don't want to believe any of it's true even though it probably is.

It's like being told Santa Claus is a serial killer. As for "next please..." there's always Drew Barrymore. LOL.

Drew is a wonderful person by all accounts, and is certainly charming when interviewed, but when you flip the sides and she interviews others it hasn't been... very good.

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1 minute ago, opus said:

Fallon-level bad?

Fallon is bad because he's simpering and insincere.  Drew is neither of those things, but that epic level of awkwardness she has just doesn't work when she's asking the questions instead of answering them.

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Ellen has tested positive for Covid

Ellen DeGeneres has COVID-19 | EW.com (Edit--That's supposed to be a link to Entertainment Weekly. Don't know why it's not linking)

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On 12/10/2020 at 11:38 AM, opus said:

Ellen has tested positive for Covid

Ellen DeGeneres has COVID-19 | EW.com (Edit--That's supposed to be a link to Entertainment Weekly. Don't know why it's not linking)

Covid and Cancer don't care if you're black, yellow, white, rich, poor, young or old. I hope Ellen gets well. 

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On 5/1/2020 at 7:08 PM, Pearson80 said:

I find the backlash against Ellen to be over the top and unfair.  It is why I am so happy that I am a nobody that noone knows. Being a celebrity, there is this expectation to be perfect and wonderful at all times. Nobody is nice all the time, we all have our moments when we are not at our best.. I am sure Ellen has had moments when she was a bitch, who has not had those. She is a human and she is allowed to be flawed at times..

It's not about being "a bitch." See farther down. It's about being loyal and supportive to your employees as someone with half a billion dollars during a national crisis when they have no other income. She failed to do that, and it's public record. She is also one of the ONLY ONES who did not do so. So -- yeah. She's a jerk.

On 8/3/2020 at 9:13 AM, KLJ said:

I'm surprised it's taken this long.  I won't ever watch her show as I knew someone who worked on her show but she wouldn't go into details.  All she would say is that it was a horrible, toxic environment and that Ellen was MEAN.  The truth always comes out.

Yeah, it's been leaked for awhile now. I've been genuinely sad to hear it.

On 8/3/2020 at 9:22 AM, SunnyBeBe said:

I would like an investigation so they can confirm the allegations.  Some perfectionists are labeled difficult, but, there's a difference.  I'd like to know exactly, what they are describing.  I did read that most people are not supposed to speak with Ellen or look at her.  I'm trying to figure out if that was due to the fact that she's on set trying to get her show recorded and if a lot of people are coming up to her to chat, it might make for a challenging situation.  So, I'd like to know what the real deal was.  Most talk show hosts get a fair amount of criticism.  Some of rightly so.  I'm thinking of Letterman, Carson, Kimmell, and Fallon. 

The many industry trade articles and others at the very least confirm the pay situations. While we will never know if she did not interact with crew or many guests (although I 100% believe it, it's very common), we do know she did not take care of her people during Covid, and that is verifiable.

On 9/22/2020 at 5:53 AM, fuzzyreception said:

Ellen DeGeneres is back, and just as she promised, she’s talking about it. The talk-show host returned to her studio during the COVID-19 pandemic to begin season 18 of her show, after fielding allegations of workplace toxicity and sexual misconduct among producers over the summer. Those allegations led to an investigation by WarnerMedia and three executive producers being fired, not to mention a few brave celebrities standing up to the Ellen-television complex and many more coming out in support of their talk-show-host friend. In her first monologue back, addressing a dystopian virtual audience, DeGeneres echoed apologies she previously made to her staff (minus giving the audience five days off). “I learned that things happened here that never should have happened,” she said. “I take that very seriously, and I want to say I am so sorry to the people who were affected. I know that I am in a position of privilege and power, and I realize that with that comes responsibility, and I take responsibility for what happens at my show.” DeGeneres continued, promising viewers, “We have made the necessary changes, and today we are starting a new chapter,” to applause.


Utterly inadequate, and worse, made it all about her. Not the people she let down. Not her loyal staff that she failed. So incredibly sad.

On 9/22/2020 at 10:11 AM, Annifran said:

I was very disappointed in Ellen's so-called apology on Monday's show.  She made it appear that she had little to do with the workplace toxicity which occurred over the years but rather blamed everything on others, specifically the producers who were fired.  During her apology, Ellen made about four very inappropriate insider jokes about the accusations that were not at all funny.  They were totally out of line while supposedly apologizing.

I've never watched the show again after the October allegations, even though I still checked it out, thinking of my late mom. But yeah -- nope.

On 9/22/2020 at 11:23 AM, cpcathy said:

Yes, that was a non-apology. It was word salad. Which most likely means that yes, she's a horrible employer. The buck stops with her. My husband had a customer who worked for her, and said she didn't want people looking her in the eyes. So, she's not exactly going to go on her own show and admit that.

I have no trouble believing this at all. It's honestly pretty standard with many celebs, unfortunately. Which is also (sadly for the celebs) one more way they distance themselves from reality and truly live in a bubble of unaccountability.

On 9/27/2020 at 8:36 AM, Robert Lynch said:

I know people don't want to accept that Ellen isn't a kind person (it's awful to me because she seems so kind, and has promoted kindness, so I get it).

And I want to note -- Ellen's show made my mother so happy during her final years (she passed away in 2013). She adored Ellen like I can't even tell you. Every single day, her timer and DVR were set to 4 p.m. for Ellen. It gave her joy. Every single weekday. And I had fun while caregiving Mom, watching Ellen with her -- and best of all, seeing my Mom's homophobia fade away. Mom had always been conservative, deeply Southern, and I'm sorry to say that while she was a largely wonderful person, she was deeply uncomfortable with homosexuality. She didn't wish harm or unequal rights, but she just sort of kept thinking they just needed to meet the right person of the opposite sex. So -- as someone with many gay friends and loved ones, one of my favorite things with caregiving Mom was being able to say, "You don't need to be scared of something just because it doesn't apply to you," and by the end of her life she was joking about her crush on Ellen, and being jealous of Portia. People can truly evolve and open their minds.

But here's the thing -- I've always loved Ellen, there's one thing that's verifiable. Her actions. And I find them irrevocably unsupportive and insincere. And they are public record.

Talk show hosts who paid their staffers through Covid include the following -- many from their own pockets: 

Trevor Noah (The Daily Show)
John Oliver
Seth Meyers
Stephen Colbert
Samantha Bee
James Corden
Jimmy Kimmel
Howard Stern
“Desus & Mero”

Talk show hosts who did NOT pay their staffers through Covid:

Ellen DeGeneres (cough, BE KIND)
(And, I'm sure, many others, especially on Fox)

PLUS: Ellen personally went out of her way to hire NON-UNION crew to take up the slack, in addition to not paying her staff. Who had not heard from anyone about their work or status until they saw that Ellen's show would continue -- with another crew.

Ellen's personal worth is estimated at $300-400 million total. She earns approximately $88 million per year. So for me, yes, her behavior in this crisis is disgusting.

Articles on this topic to back up facts:








I always loved Ellen. But I'm a publicist who's done a fair share of entertainment PR work. These people's JOBS are to be charming. To be funny and publicly approachable. I've had terrible personal experiences with publicly "sweet" people you wouldn't believe. Who were the worst, meanest, most toxic, entitled people EVER.

So yes, I believe the staffers about Ellen. I think she can probably also be loving and kind in her deeply insular bubble, the problem is, as with most of these -- is that she doesn't remember what real life is like anymore. The moment she compared living in her mansion in Covid to "being in prison," let's face it, this person has no idea of real life anymore. None. 

So that's my 2 cents. I do feel my opinion on Ellen is pretty irrevocably tarnished. But I'm so happy to know of so many who reached into their own pockets to make sure their teams were cared for. I'll love them forever.

The saddest part is, Ellen could have done this, and promoted it as part of her "be kind" initiative, and the world would have loved her, and it would have cost her PENNIES on the approximately $90 million she makes per year. I mean, come on. So her penny-pinching and smugness just makes it worse here.

So yeah, my opinion of Ellen is irrevocably changed. I don't hate her or wish her ill, but yes, I firmly believe she is exactly who the whispers paint her to be -- a rigid, cold, uncaring person whose money has tarnished her so much she doesn't even know how regular people live anymore. And she doesn't care how her own team lives or survives. She has demonstrated that repeatedly (and again with the half-assed "I will do better" apology, which included not one single step for her to actually improve her workplace, and which, I am 100% certain in hypothesizing, also came after she gutted her organization of people she felt were "disloyal."

Ellen is a charming, likable, really good actress who is totally willing to ditch a team of employees who supported her since her first episode. I don't wish her ill -- I hope she learns from this, truly -- but I'm kind of happy that now people know that.

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Since this new season began, I find myself fast-forwarding through most of her show, even the monologue.  So much of each episode seems to be segments we've seen before in the past.  The "celebrity" interviews are mostly people I've never heard of before or D-list celebrities of no interest to me.  The only part of the show I still enjoy is when she surprises people with cash or gifts.  Part of my lack of interest is because there is no longer an audience for her to play off.  

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On 1/22/2021 at 1:35 PM, Annifran said:

Since this new season began, I find myself fast-forwarding through most of her show, even the monologue.  So much of each episode seems to be segments we've seen before in the past.  The "celebrity" interviews are mostly people I've never heard of before or D-list celebrities of no interest to me.  The only part of the show I still enjoy is when she surprises people with cash or gifts.  Part of my lack of interest is because there is no longer an audience for her to play off.  

I'm guessing those D listers are the people who still need her more than she needs them. She's got a few specific celeb pals who were bought in to continuing to support her, but by and large most celeb's agents are probably under instructions to not book them on her show. "Book me on Drew instead". 

Edited by Kromm
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I'm not at all surprised the show is ending.  Whether Ellen is ending it as she says or it's because of ratings and lack of A-list guests wanting to be on it we may never know.  I've been a loyal viewer for quite a few years but in the last year or so, even before Covid, I found myself enjoying it less and less.  Covid seems to have been the final straw, first with repeats, then Ellen broadcasting from her home, then in the studio minus an audience, and then with an audience in the studio on TV screens.  The show lost its energy and spontaneity without a live audience for Ellen to play off of.

What didn't help was Ellen taking off Fridays leaving the show to guest hosts, most of whom were not very skilled at this task.  As much as I like tWitch, his hosting skills were poor.  I found myself fast forwarding through too many segments over the past few months to the point of wondering why I continued to watch.

My thoughts go to the staff who will all be losing their jobs.  They had a great run while it lasted.





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I haven't watched in many years but when I attempted to way back when, I could never get passed the ridiculous dancing she used to do when she first came into the studio as the music played.  Does she still dance her way around the furniture, straddling the coffee tables, etc.?  And this was supposed to be funny?  Entertaining? 

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The real question will be whether the scandal will affect her other projects. Her talk show has taken a major hit in the ratings; it may be different with talk shows vs just producing projects and not showing up on camera (perhaps relatability is expected with talk shows but not other things?). Another question will be how many people will want her to be their boss in the future.

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I stopped watching her years ago.

The dancing was tiring, and I thought she was mean to her guests scaring them and on her game show as well.

IMO she has a mean streak.

And definitely not a kind streak like protecting her employees during COVID.

How many millions does one need to be happy in life?

If the crap of retiring soon is true then why did she need to really ruin her legacy to keep a few bucks in her pocket?


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I always watched the Ellen Degeneres show, even during the pandemic.  However, the laugh tracks are making the show almost impossible to watch.  We can plainly see that there's a limited studio audience watching from their homes.  But, the laugh tracks make it seem like there's a full audience.  Plus every thing that's said doesn't need such loud laughter.  Enough already.    

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On 5/31/2021 at 1:36 AM, maggiemae said:

IMO she has a mean streak.

Yes. I have seen her show perhaps 10 times during the years. I saw that Meghan Markle was on today so I really wanted to tune in, as I do admire her. Ellen had her in a skit where she controlled Meghan as she was out and about in the street. The deal was anything Ellen told her to say or do she had to follow.

I was embarrassed watching this. Meghan handled everything beautifully and with class. And there in the split screen sat Ellen, with her maniacal grin, telling her among other things, to meow like a cat. She's absolutely mean. She has issues, she has to, to get this weird joy controlling (1) another woman and (2) someone in a respected position. (Yes, I know her life has shuffled up a bit). This wasn't funny. This was control. How she gets away with this love of ridiculing people is beyond me. She's not well.

Those games she makes the contestants play where they are going crazy, acting so over the top with greed to win a prize. Apparently she gets great joy over making people look ridiculous while she sits back in the control seat. She humiliates and the contestants on the show just laugh gleefully, no matter how they look.

She could not go away soon enough in my opinion.

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^^^^  x 1000  ^^^^  Everything you said, I second with every fibre of my being.  Once I knew Ellen was pulling that stunt on Meghan, I changed the channel.  Ellen is a mean-spirited beotch.  I don't care who she has for a guest, I'm done with her!!!

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Wow, no one watched the finale or anything eh?  I'm a big Jennifer Aniston fan so I tuned into see her.  I didn't realize it was the finale!  The guests were Jen, Billie Eilish, Pink, and Twitch.

Billie Eilish was a really weird choice I thought.  She didn't perform.  Pink did though.

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26 minutes ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

Wow, no one watched the finale or anything eh?  I'm a big Jennifer Aniston fan so I tuned into see her.  I didn't realize it was the finale!  The guests were Jen, Billie Eilish, Pink, and Twitch.

Billie Eilish was a really weird choice I thought.  She didn't perform.  Pink did though.

I did feel a bit sad watching Ellen's last show, when the show began, I would watch every day, it was so fun & I really found Ellen refreshing, but in later years with all the controversy, etc...I found her living in her 'celebrity bubble", I barely watched.  I liked the segment with Pink & Billie Eilish said she was on ELLEN when she was a Teenager just starting out.   It was nice Ellen had her 2 nieces on & of course, Portia

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I was hoping Ellen's mother would either have been there for mentioned.  Apparently she's 91 now, hope her health is good.  She was a big part of the show years ago, delightful woman.   There was an elderly woman in the audience sitting with the family but did not look like Ellen's mother.

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On 11/18/2021 at 10:17 PM, Medicine Crow said:

^^^^  x 1000  ^^^^  Everything you said, I second with every fibre of my being.  Once I knew Ellen was pulling that stunt on Meghan, I changed the channel.  Ellen is a mean-spirited beotch.  I don't care who she has for a guest, I'm done with her!!!

I agree. I was sad to discover who Ellen really was, after being a huge fan for many years.  Sort of how I felt after Lance Armstrong came clean. I had defended him for years.  Here’s a piece about Anniston saying goodbye.  I guess Ellen was nice to her…being a big celebrity and all.  It makes me question if Anniston realizes how this comes off.  


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Me trying to read that article.  But anyway.  Jen was Ellen's first guest ever and they've been friends ever since.  Obviously she's going to say nice things. I don't think people will hold Ellen's behaviour against Jen.

Screen Shot 2022-07-14 at 9.02.06 PM.png

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11 minutes ago, BuckeyeLou said:

I so enjoyed Twitch, he always seemed so happy, great smile, full of energy & talent, he & his wife seemed a great couple dancing together..its heartbreaking...such a shock, we never know what is really going on in another person's heart.

^^^^^  x  1000 ... He was such a sweet man.  I'll never forget his Patrick Swayze dance with Jessica Biel.  Such a loss for his wife & family.  So terrible!!!

Edited by Medicine Crow
Deleted bad link.
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There are certain celebrity deaths that knock me sideways and this was one of those. I adored Twitch. His light and positivity was so infectious. His dancing was my favorite part of the show and I LOVED watching him and his wife and their family dancing on social media. 

This one really hurts. 

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