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Bethenny Frankel: Skinny Girl

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 One thing about the Medical Issues/Maladies/Journeys of Any Housewife Franchise?

They are always sold as the most extreme cases/illnesses in the history of man/woman.

As in, "I had fibroids, that is why I acted the way I did."

So, a fibroid is like the evil succubus that takes over a woman's body and being?

I understand it's a PITA to have to deal with such problems, but damn, is it THAT easy to shed any kind of responsibility for your actions?

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13 hours ago, ryebread said:

She's in Vegas - quickie marriage capital of the world - with a coy look on her face. Wearing, what she wants us to believe, is a wedding band.  She'll do anything to draw attention to herself.

I'll admit, I prefer this to seeing her pee in a bucket.  Or on the side of the road.  Or on a stick.

She's trying to beat the Countess to the altar.

No one GAS or cares about her - hence the rush of photos with the hardware front and center - to get people to surmise what is going on with her.

I DO want a Bethenny Gets Married, AGAIN and the Bethenny Gets Pregnant and Ruins Her Marriage programs on BRAVO.

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49 minutes ago, ElDosEquis said:


I DO want a Bethenny Gets Married, AGAIN and the Bethenny Gets Pregnant and Ruins Her Marriage programs on BRAVO.

I'm all for if it means she is off the NY show! LOL

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Bethenny is the biggest creator of drama and always at someone else's expense.  There was no reason for her at Dorinda's bra party to start in with the "selling of John", she was more upset that Dorinda ended up being angrier at Ramona than big bad Bethenny.  It was nothing but manufactured drama in the Berkshires, her treatment of Sonja more manufactured drama, confronting Luann and making her cry-more manufactured drama. Holding a meeting to plan the drama of not inviting people.   A real person knows the difference between express a concern or a perceived slight vs. just vomiting up and attacking another whatever has crossed her pea brain.

As to Carole and Ramona.  Carole does nothing.  her writing career is stalled, her big thing is tag along with Bethenny on promos, with Bethenny picking up the tab, paid vacations with Bethenny because most likely no one can stand to be around Bethenny for more than a few hours.  When Bethenny is doing her truth vomit, why no mention of Carole exaggerating her claims of working as a consultant on the TV show, "A Widow's Guide to Dating", or exactly what does Carole do to support herself other than RHONYC?    Or how wrong Carole is when she claims having babies and raising children is so much less than what she contributes in life?  I don't see either Bethenny or Carole blazing the charity circuit.  Same goes with Ramona-why is she pointing out how Ramona's so called businesses are not all smoke and mirrors-just endorsements (and apparently without compensation), and that she has rents her Hamptons house in the high season?  Or that Ramona doesn't really have a date every night, she isn't dating and skating, just gathering with the UES folks and eating and drinking and waiting for gossip so she can drop a dime to Page Six

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for all her faults.(and they are numerous) Ramona was in a long term marriage and has many REAL girlfriends.

Also, while Ramona is out there, she truly took care of her MIL. That makes her a kind and special person, imo.

In addition, career wise she managed to make a decent living on her own, prior to being on the show or even being married to Mario.

Beth is simply hateful at this point of her life and she might consider zipping it before she PO someone who is going to truly be offended and make her goal in life to ruin hers.

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6 hours ago, Lady Grump said:

Beth has to be suffering from extreme low self-esteem, and it's presenting as narcissism, right? I have to think that somewhere, deep down, she's realized that she is a lonely, mean person, with very few friends, who has hurt a lot of people, and it's largely her fault -- but she doesn't know how to deal with her realizations and resulting emotions. Maybe she even fears it's too late to change and build friendships (it's never too late!)?


I don't think it is deep down at all.   And not just because I think she is extremely lacking in depth of any sorts.  I do.  But the reason I don't think it is deep down is because several seasons ago, in that hilarious bridge scene, Ramona took it, slapped her in the face with it, and when it fell to ground as Frankel just stood in shock, Ramona picked it off the ground, didn't bother to brush it off and slapped right in her face again with a turn and shrug that for me will always be classic RHoNY.


4 hours ago, Knuckles said:

I do think the only reason she came back on the show is because Beam told her to...they wanted the free publicity. Her deal with Andy seems to include product placement in every episode.  If the sales for Beam are slipping, that's a problem. But acting out and having screaming rampages is hardly consistent with trying to sell  the brand. You'd think the marketing department would have a word with her. And her bestie Carole has reneged on her book deal, and her editor has walked. Neither of them seems to realize that their behavior reflects on their business interests. 


I disagree.  Beam didn't even wait until the ink was dry to distance itself from Frankel.  They got the license and the built in immediate buy audience and then did everything to put a distance between her.  No commercials starring her as the pitch woman.  No ads with her as the model.  And this when she was at the top of her fame -- coming out of a very solid success with her own show on BRAVO and heading into a talk show helmed by Ellen Degeneres production wise aimed at national markets.   Yet Beam pretended once the deal was done she did not exist except to send her a check. 

I think she needed the attention that cameras bring.  I think she wanted a one-sided forum to show the world how right she always is that she lost with the talk show and found she desperately needed with the divorce playing out as it did.  And I think she wants the money the show brings.  She likely gets a big payday as well as gets to push the Skinny Girl collection.  The beverage line is flattening and the rest of the stuff she sends out doesn't bring in top dollar since she doesn't actually produce the items.   Beam might have handed her a nice check upfront but in the end she was counting on that payout that depended on sales and profits and that has had to diminish by Beam's own reports.  She also thought the talk show would be a success and likely still on.  She might have spent fast with money she had but also money she thought would be replaced.  And then the divorce.  Just what she spent in court costs alone had to be pretty big.  And she strikes me as someone who has to always have more even when she has a lot. 


Maybe Beam thought it wouldn't hurt when she announced she was going back to the show since sales have plateaued so quickly.  But I can also see a bunch of the ad executives popping the antacid the minute they heard as well.  Beam likes the money Skinny Girl brought in.  There is no sign they like Frankel herself let alone her incredibly poor public image she pushes on this show.

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One thing to think about?

IF any of us went apeshit on a co-worker and began to yell at them at a work function or on the job, we would have been summarily suspended or fired.

Isn't this 'REALITY'?

You get tossed off a program for being boring and not 'bringing it', yet you ARE allowed to slander your co-worker?

Beffy is that one fucked up employee that is left alone - her connections to Beelzebub Cohen allow her to do pretty much what ever she wants - and she does.

Methenny stopped maturing some time ago - her whining, crying and carrying on are signs that she refuses to grow up. I ain't buying into the Beffeny Frank-hell redemption tour.

Once you step over that line, you can't go back.

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2 hours ago, tenativelyyours said:

Beam didn't even wait until the ink was dry to distance itself from Frankel.

This is from 2014...explaining why sales tanked 26%...the last year that Beam, now owned by Suntory, released sales figures for Skinnygirl...

"In explaining the reverse in fortunes, Chief Executive Officer Matthew Shattock said on conference calls last year that it was tough to cycle against “really explosive growth.” He blamed bad summer weather for hurting Skinnygirl’s sales, because it caused retailers to devote less display space to the brand, which is “three times more reliant on impulse purchases.” The whole ready-to-serve cocktail category, which makes up 60% of Skinnygirl’s sales, was hit by the unfavorable weather, he said. 

He remained optimistic on Skinnygirl though, saying that “calorie control cocktailing for women is an important concept,” and Frankel, who was on The Real Housewives of New York City, might help reinvigorate the brand with her new talk show.

“Bethenny Frankel, our partner, will be coming back on the airwaves herself with her new daytime talk show, which I think will help inject the awareness and excitement that the brand needs,” he said at a conference sponsored by Barclays in September."

Talk show tanked as well...so back on Rhony....any financial incentives apart from the upfront money are tied to sales...so, it's product placement in every episode.

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When I think of bonehead quotes by brand ambassadors I can't think of any more stupid than Bethenny Frankel. Queen of Skinnygirl liquors saying to Carole, she doesn't eat lunch on the Upper East Side, or go to cocktail parties because of the bullshit conversations.  I guess that means Skinnygirl is best consumed alone and of course responsibly.  There go the sales.  Passing blame to Sonja or anyone else for affecting her brand-just maybe she needs to take a look at how she behaves. 

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11 minutes ago, zoeysmom said:

Skinnygirl is best consumed alone and of course responsibly.

Beam, now Suntory, was promoting Skinnygirl as a drink for "ladies". Their term...cue Beth screaming fuckdoll, whore and whatnot in a holiday themed rampage. Again, where is the Suntory marketing department? They have real money invested in this...and supposedly Skinnygirl is still being run out of the Chicago office...are they not correlating falling sales with their brand spokesperson running amok on television?

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17 minutes ago, zoeysmom said:

When I think of bonehead quotes by brand ambassadors I can't think of any more stupid than Bethenny Frankel. Queen of Skinnygirl liquors saying to Carole, she doesn't eat lunch on the Upper East Side, or go to cocktail parties because of the bullshit conversations.I guess that means Skinnygirl is best consumed alone and of course responsibly.  There go the sales.  Passing blame to Sonja or anyone else for affecting her brand-just maybe she needs to take a look at how she behaves. 

Drunk out of a Tupperware tumbler, while you sit on your couch and wonder how you ended up alone and getting a buzz without the extra calories?

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Beam, and now Suntory can try to spin it anyway they try but the truth is that neither Beam, the last year they had Skinnygirl,  and now Suntory are giving out sales figures for Skinnygirl.  The brand is pretty much a bust.  Sure, the product has modest sales and therefore income, but it's a small brand.  The commercials have all but disappeared and those commercials did not include BF, the face of the product. 

Beth (and let's not forget her partner) made a great deal with Beam, not a 100 million plus deal, but a significance deal none the less.  Beth came back to RHNY to promote her brand.  Why?  Because the brand isn't doing all that great.  It's all relative.  She certainly could live comfortably for the rest of her life on what's she made but the brand has lost its luster.  Beth didn't plan for 'skinny' being out.  It is.  The reality is that millennials aren't into skinny.  And many apparel manufacturers are regrouping.  Look at Victoria's Secret, Niki, Under Armour, etc.  They're all re branding their products to appeal to 'real' women:


And for Beth, and Carole, to play this shock game with Jules regarding weight is totally hypocritical and shows how much 'they' are out of touch because they're 'skinny' girls and are in no position to play that game.

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7 hours ago, breezy424 said:

Beam, and now Suntory can try to spin it anyway they try but the truth is that neither Beam, the last year they had Skinnygirl,  and now Suntory are giving out sales figures for Skinnygirl.  The brand is pretty much a bust.  Sure, the product has modest sales and therefore income, but it's a small brand.  The commercials have all but disappeared and those commercials did not include BF, the face of the product. 

Beth (and let's not forget her partner) made a great deal with Beam, not a 100 million plus deal, but a significance deal none the less.  Beth came back to RHNY to promote her brand.  Why?  Because the brand isn't doing all that great.  It's all relative.  She certainly could live comfortably for the rest of her life on what's she made but the brand has lost its luster.  Beth didn't plan for 'skinny' being out.  It is.  The reality is that millennials aren't into skinny.  And many apparel manufacturers are regrouping.  Look at Victoria's Secret, Niki, Under Armour, etc.  They're all re branding their products to appeal to 'real' women:


And for Beth, and Carole, to play this shock game with Jules regarding weight is totally hypocritical and shows how much 'they' are out of touch because they're 'skinny' girls and are in no position to play that game.

It would be interesting to see sales figures, but I doubt you will see much of that.

Beam sold to Suntory in 2014, and Suntory is a private Japanese company. As far as I've been able to see, they haven't released sales figures on any of their brands since the acquisition - not just on SG. The last numbers I've see are for 2014, before the acquisition. 

I've no idea how well the brand is doing, but certainly know sales were down in 2014. You cannot really confirm much with any lack of advertising. Any way you slice it, SG is a small brand for Suntory, as it was for Beam. It is rare for such a small brand to have much advertising. Certainly not commercials. Less than 80% of the items you see on grocery store shelves have ever had a commercial made to market them. Just take a look into your pantry and see how few things have commercial support. My eye went quickly to 3 things I always have in my pantry: Ghirardelli Brownies (I am obsessed), Sweet Baby Ray's BBQ Sauce, and Red Bull. All brands that are larger than Beth's, but not big enough to make a commercial about them. Beth's brand will rely on the occasional magazine promo, but mainly it will be all about social media. 

The one thing that stands out to me is that Suntory continues to launch new items in the SG line. This is a big deal. Launching new items (or line extensions) is the most expensive thing a brand will do. Development of new recipes, tastings, marketing research, etc. It can easily take 3 or more years for the new item to start making money, so if the brand itself is not healthy enough to support it, It is the first thing to go when a brand is in trouble. I've just had a brand ditch the launch of several new items for next spring because the brand isn't doing well enough to justify adding new items. I don't know a lot about alcohol, or if it is vastly different. Might be, and perhaps they invest in new items despite lagging performance. 

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The one thing that stands out to me is that Suntory continues to launch new items in the SG line. This is a big deal. Launching new items (or line extensions) is the most expensive thing a brand will do. Development of new recipes, tastings, marketing research, etc.

Every summer they have added a new flavor margarita.  Last summer was the spicey that Ramona called for at Bethenny's apartment as a chaser to her pinot.  (Points to Ramona for calling for the hostesses brand.)  This summer is watermelon lime.  The store I usually find SG can't get enough.  I've yet to find it.  Quite frankly I have rose, prosecco and a bottled cocktail in my frig at all times.  My home is within walking of downtown with a generous driveway.  So this is the bar we all do our first drink of the night.  I like that I can pour something for a cocktail without dragging out the whole bar.  And SG seems to be the most accepted pour. 

So do I think SG is selling as much as when it was the only reduced calorie on the market?  Hell no.  But Like MotorCity said - I don't believe they would keep rolling out new blends if they couldn't sell it. 

Its been a long hot summer so this should be a good year.

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Red Bull, SBR BBQ sauce and Ghirardelli are established brands that are past the point of advertising to make sales.

Red Bull not only does have commercials, they sponsor race teams for car, motorcycle and extreme sports- they probably have a marketing budget that is 100xs the money that SG has for ads?  Sweet Baby Ray has a cult following of people who grill and Ghirardelli has been a San Francisco staple for years - people would ALWAYS come back from SF with one of the giant chocolate bars they sell.

There are rules about selling booze on the tube and advertising it. The fact that the Japanese own SG doesn't bode well for the line. They don't suffer fools, poor performers or bad products lightly....

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On July 18, 2016 at 7:55 AM, motorcitymom65 said:

It would be interesting to see sales figures, but I doubt you will see much of that.

Beam sold to Suntory in 2014, and Suntory is a private Japanese company. As far as I've been able to see, they haven't released sales figures on any of their brands since the acquisition - not just on SG. The last numbers I've see are for 2014, before the acquisition. 

I've no idea how well the brand is doing, but certainly know sales were down in 2014. You cannot really confirm much with any lack of advertising. Any way you slice it, SG is a small brand for Suntory, as it was for Beam. It is rare for such a small brand to have much advertising. Certainly not commercials. Less than 80% of the items you see on grocery store shelves have ever had a commercial made to market them. Just take a look into your pantry and see how few things have commercial support. My eye went quickly to 3 things I always have in my pantry: Ghirardelli Brownies (I am obsessed), Sweet Baby Ray's BBQ Sauce, and Red Bull. All brands that are larger than Beth's, but not big enough to make a commercial about them. Beth's brand will rely on the occasional magazine promo, but mainly it will be all about social media. 

The one thing that stands out to me is that Suntory continues to launch new items in the SG line. This is a big deal. Launching new items (or line extensions) is the most expensive thing a brand will do. Development of new recipes, tastings, marketing research, etc. It can easily take 3 or more years for the new item to start making money, so if the brand itself is not healthy enough to support it, It is the first thing to go when a brand is in trouble. I've just had a brand ditch the launch of several new items for next spring because the brand isn't doing well enough to justify adding new items. I don't know a lot about alcohol, or if it is vastly different. Might be, and perhaps they invest in new items despite lagging performance. 

That's not correct Red Bull has had many commercials. Ex "It gives you wings!" I also think social media is important but not as critical as you value it. Many consumers don't use social media. And many consumers are influenced by sales and the end caps and store displays. And finally QUALITY. 

I work in pricing for a supermarket chain and set the sales and see the response or requests. 

Edited by Petunia13
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I'm pretty sure I've seen Sweet Baby Ray's commercials. A funny one with sports commentators calling foul on a steak dipped in ketchup?

About a year ago I saw a SkinnyGirl logo-emblazoned delivery truck and later saw a rep. wearing a polo with SG embroidered logo. Now I wish I had stopped to talk to him! He was in a Publix supermarket but I sure don't remember seeing SG products there so maybe he was a JimBeam/Suntory rep. I might have seen SG bars on their deep-discount sale-display.

Anecdotal evidence (or lack thereof) but it's all I got.

She's not helping the brand, imho.

Edited by NewDigs
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So, don't quote me on this but the last time Beam reported sales, it was 2013 or 2014?  Skinnygirl was down 25%.  Then we have the new Beam Suntory reporting sales for their products including RTD.  Sales are up in this catagory but no mention of Skinnygirl.  No mention of any Skinnygirl products period. 

I wonder how long the deal is with Beth.  She has no significance with Beam Suntory.  And I doubt she's making much money off the spirits/wine brand at this point.  Sure, there are introductions of new flavors of her brand but that doesn't equate new products.  Change a flavoring and slap on a new label.  Nothing else changes.  I remember when Skinnygirl got a prominent spot in liquor stores.  That's just not happening anymore, at least in my area.  I take notice because I'm a stupid fan of the show and I just can't stand Beth.  Heck, I was in a very large spirits chain (very large) a few months back and we had to do aisles because we were looking for something for someone else.  I couldn't 'find' any Skinnygirl products and I looked.  It probably was there... somewhere in an aisle.  Is it a regional thing?  Maybe. 

'Skinny' just isn't in anymore.  Times are changing.  Are there certain groups that still want to attain that status?  Sure.  But it ain't like it used to be.  Just like 'jeans' and 'soda'.  Times are changing.

IIRC there were some instagram photos of Carole and Beth in Chicago.  This happens to be the headquarters of Beam Suntory.

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It's funny because someone just commented that Mila Kunis is starting to look like Bethany Frankel and they did not mean it as a compliment (this was pre-pregnancy Mila).

One of the problems is that Bethany equates the Skinny Girl brand to women wanting to look like her.  I really do not think that is the case.  Most people liked the original Bethany because she gave witty talking heads and seemed like an underdog that worked hard.  She also got a lot of sympathy after Jill targeted her.

There is nothing wrong with being skinny, if you are also healthy.  This is similar to there is nothing wrong with being a little thick if it is not unhealthy.  There are many skinny women with rocking bodies that also look strong and beautiful.

Bethany always looks sickly and unhappy to me.  I do not think the pictures she posts help her brand.

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I tried skinny girl when it came out years ago. Yuck...hated it. Hey ladies, if you want to drink and keep the calories down, cut out the sweet juices that you put in your booze.

Every store I go into these days has skinny girl discounted. Almost like they just want to unload what they have left of this crap and cut their losses.

Bethany annoys me. She's always the victim..boo hoo fucking hoo.

Grow up bitch, you are someone's mother. Get over your past shit and throw every ounce of your love,heart, mind and soul into Bryn.

And please for the love of God, don't have any more kids. Thanks Beth!

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5 minutes ago, LilaFowler said:

Didn't stop her from looking happy as a clam on social media on Wednesday.  (She looks dreadful.)


Dang, she does look bad. LisaV looks younger around the eyes than Bethenny does (I know Lisa had makeup on but still), they both have the line under their noses from too much Botox and Lisa's neck looks older but overall, Lisa looks better/younger than Bethenny.

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27 minutes ago, WireWrap said:

Dang, she does look bad. LisaV looks younger around the eyes than Bethenny does (I know Lisa had makeup on but still), they both have the line under their noses from too much Botox and Lisa's neck looks older but overall, Lisa looks better/younger than Bethenny.

Bethenny might want toad some fabric along the crotch of her bathing suit.  Gross.

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2 hours ago, LilaFowler said:

Didn't stop her from looking happy as a clam on social media on Wednesday.  (She looks dreadful.)


Whoa.  She talked about on an episode (last season?) about lazering  'everything' but TMI in that suit. 

Looks a little different from her instagram with Carole where she declares no makeup where everything is smooth and skin tone is even.

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That assistant who was with Beth, giving her some sensible advice, is the clear winner. And Beth with her, "I don't want to disappoint my child" rap is beyond silly. And why would you inform your child that you bleed when you urinate? That info is more than a child should be asked to process. 

If someone is not well, you cancel a trip and focus on your health...simples. A child relies on a parent to make responsible decisions. And to withhold info that would be potentially frightening to a small child. Saying "Mommy does not feel well, so we will be staying home now, and doing our trip together later" would be sufficient.

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All the boo-hoo about not wanting to cancel the trip for Bryn's sake was such bullshit.  Bethy had just finished her talking head crowing about how awesome it is to be rich because that means she and Bryn can just pick up and travel whenever they want.  So, if this trip is canceled, big deal.  Can't they just pick up and go to Aspen some other time then?

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35 minutes ago, izabella said:

All the boo-hoo about not wanting to cancel the trip for Bryn's sake was such bullshit.  Bethy had just finished her talking head crowing about how awesome it is to be rich because that means she and Bryn can just pick up and travel whenever they want.  So, if this trip is canceled, big deal.  Can't they just pick up and go to Aspen some other time then?

nouveau riche & beyond tacky....(said the lady who paid for her morning coffee with quarters)

Edited by teapot
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13 hours ago, zoeysmom said:

Bethenny might want toad some fabric along the crotch of her bathing suit.  Gross.

Camel toe in a bathing suit is not a good look.

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Why is she posting so many pics in bathing suits?

while I think that she has great figures, I am sick and tired of seeing her.

While I was driving, I briefly listened to her show. She had the doctor who fixed her jaws. It was actually very informative and since she let the doc talked, it was really enjoyable.

If you wonder what is up with her jaw. She said that she has TMJ and it made her jaw huge. Not sure that I am actually buying it but the doc said that he fixed her with botox.

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On July 19, 2016 at 10:47 AM, Petunia13 said:

That's not correct Red Bull has had many commercials. Ex "It gives you wings!" I also think social media is important but not as critical as you value it. Many consumers don't use social media. And many consumers are influenced by sales and the end caps and store displays. And finally QUALITY. 

I work in pricing for a supermarket chain and set the sales and see the response or requests. 

Ok, bad brand as an example (I've haven't seen a TV ad for it in a long time. but they might not purchase in my area) but the fact is, most brands have zero TV advertising. If people spent time walking around the grocery store and looking at products you realize how few of these products advertise on TV. Not that they never have at all, but it's not part of most consumable brands marketing spend any longer. This is what I do for a living, and very few of the brands I work on have ever been on TV in the last 5 or so years.  It's just too damned expensive, and people don't watch commercials like they use to. Folks can fast forward right past them. It's not just about social media alone, it is all the many ways brands announce and inform via a digital footprint. The amount of consumers exposed to advertising and brand analytics on their computers, iPads, iPhones, etc. is huge and overtaking TV. My only point is that a brand not doing TV ads says nothing about how well they are doing based on that measure alone. 

I certainly agree about the endcap and store displays. They drive trial and sales in a very efficient manner. That's one of the things that Beam did for Beth. They have the distributor network and people working in the stores stocking their other products and negotiating encaps and can tie her stuff in with some of their other brands. 

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Never you mind about Lisa's arms! ;)  Lisa is aging and is eating and drinking and enjoying her life.  I have to say that Lisa looks so much more beautiful than Bethenny because I think Lisa is happy and because she has some body fat. Her skin color isn't sallow. Bethenny just doesn't look that healthy.  Now Lisa may have the pancake caked on, but as you scroll down, Bethenny's coloring just is off.  Her eyes have dark circles and her skin tone isn't healthy looking. In the first photo Bethenny's smile is one of the cat who ate the canary; it just isn't genuine.  

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23 minutes ago, jinjer said:

Never you mind about Lisa's arms! ;)  Lisa is aging and is eating and drinking and enjoying her life.  I have to say that Lisa looks so much more beautiful than Bethenny because I think Lisa is happy and because she has some body fat. Her skin color isn't sallow. Bethenny just doesn't look that healthy.  Now Lisa may have the pancake caked on, but as you scroll down, Bethenny's coloring just is off.  Her eyes have dark circles and her skin tone isn't healthy looking. In the first photo Bethenny's smile is one of the cat who ate the canary; it just isn't genuine.  

The truth is...Lisa started out so much more beautiful then Bethany.  She is a very pretty woman and Bethany is more the unconventionally attractive type, even after all the work she has done.

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43 minutes ago, qtpye said:

The truth is...Lisa started out so much more beautiful then Bethany.  She is a very pretty woman and Bethany is more the unconventionally attractive type, even after all the work she has done.

It's not that, Lisa just looks healthier.  Bethenny looks way better facially than she did before her "work" if you scroll down, but in the lower photo with her and Jason at the Knicks game, Bethenny's skin has a healthier glow than she does in the pool photos or walking out of the ice cream shop. IMO it's the lack of body fat.  And please how unfair that Bethenny is in such great shape, and she is beginning to get the armpit fat that Lisa Rinna had?  Don't look at LVP's - it's full on. 

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9 minutes ago, jinjer said:

It's not that, Lisa just looks healthier.  Bethenny looks way better facially than she did before her "work" if you scroll down, but in the lower photo with her and Jason at the Knicks game, Bethenny's skin has a healthier glow than she does in the pool photos or walking out of the ice cream shop. IMO it's the lack of body fat.  And please how unfair that Bethenny is in such great shape, and she is beginning to get the armpit fat that Lisa Rinna had?  Don't look at LVP's - it's full on. 

Yeah, I have noticed this as well.  It is not that she looks bad (except for the skimpy crotch), it's more that she looks sick in a lot of her pictures.

It almost seems like she was happier before she made her fortune.

Edited by qtpye
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1 hour ago, jinjer said:

Never you mind about Lisa's arms! ;)  Lisa is aging and is eating and drinking and enjoying her life.  I have to say that Lisa looks so much more beautiful than Bethenny because I think Lisa is happy and because she has some body fat. Her skin color isn't sallow. Bethenny just doesn't look that healthy.  Now Lisa may have the pancake caked on, but as you scroll down, Bethenny's coloring just is off.  Her eyes have dark circles and her skin tone isn't healthy looking. In the first photo ]Bethenny's smile is one of the cat who ate the canary; it just isn't genuine.  

Bolding mine.

Ugh, that's that smug look that just completely turns me off. Uckgh.

Her swimsuit is too small. Or the maillot cut is too high or something. Too much crotch skin.

How old is LVP? 55?  I think her arms look older though I'm sure that the direct sunlight isn't helping. Not a LVP fan but I think she looks nice there. And, imho, more approachable than B.

Edited by NewDigs
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Take Vanderpump out of her ridiculous heels that are always too high and she never learned to properly walk in (like most of these idiots -- I will give Kyle props for wearing shoes that sometimes do nothing for her in terms of silhouettes but at least she looks comfortable and can walk properly).  Cut her out of those ridiculous white jeans that make her look like a can of Pillsbury rolls in the second between whack and pop.  Pull off yet another of her shiny silken homages to the women of Dallas and Dynasty.  And she'll look good when propped next to that bitter prune.


I wonder what the limit is for these two women to stand each other.  Both are such huge attention sucks.  When we saw them on the show there was so much other little stupid dramas going on that we never really saw them engage.  LEt alone have to deal, say, with vying for Kyle's attention.  I could see that getting nasty especially if it was just the three of them for any extended time and a camera crew was present.  Like two dogs over a bone.  Sure both can play nice if it suits them but deep down I see a picture of two women whose smiles drop faster than a service person's does on any of these shows when the camera starts to move away.  Heck, if Kyle was there and being Frankel, snarling over a bone is perhaps the wrong metaphor. Kyle just might find herself getting pee'd on since Frankel seems to like to mark her territory so much.

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2 hours ago, tenativelyyours said:

Cut her out of those ridiculous white jeans that make her look like a can of Pillsbury rolls in the second between whack and pop.  Pull off yet another of her shiny silken homages to the women of Dallas and Dynasty.  And she'll look good when propped next to that bitter prune.

Agreed.  And I will add that she needs to remove the fake lashes and stop stenciling on her power brows with a brown Sharpie.  I think Lisa is a naturally beautiful woman, but all these accoutrements - designed to make her look more glamorous - just make her look older.

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Remove most of the makeup and false eyelashes and Lisa is a stunner.  Oh, yeah, toss the too high heels that she can't walk in.

Beth is attractive but she's not a stunner.  She's got a great body (albeit too skinny and the implants are obvious) but she's no Lisa.  I'm being objective because I don't like either of them.  They're both chess players but Lisa is better at it.

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On 7/20/2016 at 10:45 PM, LilaFowler said:

Didn't stop her from looking happy as a clam on social media on Wednesday.  (She looks dreadful.)


I had a bathing suit almost exactly like that back in the 80's (not quite the same cut on the leg and crotch, though).  Given a few of the last outfits we've seen Bethenny wearing, and this bathing suit, I wonder if she's shopping vintage these days. 

From the vantage point of the one photo, it's clear that Bethennny has just been to the waxing specialist.  

LVP looks fabulous!  :-)

Edited by njbchlover
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1 hour ago, njbchlover said:

I had a bathing suit almost exactly like that back in the 80's (not quite the same cut on the leg and crotch, though).  Given a few of the last outfits we've seen Bethenny wearing, and this bathing suit, I wonder if she's shopping vintage these days. 

From the vantage point of the one photo, it's clear that Bethennny has just been to the waxing specialist.  

LVP looks fabulous!  :-)

I think she squeezed into a too small suit. The crotch...

I remember the maillots and wore one. Loved it. I remember the leg cut being a bit higher and the crotch providing actual coverage. 

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9 minutes ago, stewedsquash said:

And also, on her twitter thing, she says she was off her game at the reunion filming because she had 102 fever from strep throat. I see you b. 



She probably makes up these stories 'cuz she was raised by wolves. Never got to go to the playground, never had a birthday cake, never got to ride a horse like daddy, never had any friends, always wanted to learn how to ski. Oh, wait...

She's turning into YoYo part duh.

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2 hours ago, NewDigs said:

I think she squeezed into a too small suit. The crotch...

I remember the maillots and wore one. Loved it. I remember the leg cut being a bit higher and the crotch providing actual coverage. 

Maybe Bethenny is still trying to wear Bryn's clothes...  ;-)

You're right about the maillots.  Definitely a very high cut leg (supposed to make your legs look longer), but much more coverage in the crotch.  

Edited by njbchlover
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4 hours ago, stewedsquash said:

Nope, don't you remember last season? She told everyone she got her crotch a laser treatment and was completely bald down there. And I think she said she didn't have to worry about doing it anymore, it was bald for good. Did I get that wrong? She's bald forever down there right?

Yeah, she said she had everything lasered. 

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How many hours a week does this woman spend working on her looks? 

It takes some serious commitment to get to those yoga/flex moves. 

Then the long-term "fixes".

Stir in some daily cosmetics and after-cleaning, take some time for "brainstorming and flogging her crew, etc. and what's left?

eta And I almost forgot the therapy...

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