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Bethenny Frankel: Skinny Girl

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On 9/27/2018 at 12:22 AM, Rap541 said:

No, whats being diminished is how much a mother needs to be on hand to assist adult children with grief versus young actual children. I think it's fair to say that most adults, even young adults, pass through grief without needing major assists from others. Acting as though Jill is tucking each child to bed each night, fielding their questions about whether daddy will ever come home again and is he in heaven etc etc and burdening her with their grief on top of her own is really an unfair way to represent Jill's children. As I said previously, adult children are usually considered a blessing when one of the parents has passed, not an added burden that the surviving parent has to deal with on top of their own grief. To use a real life example, when my father passed, I was far more worried about my mom's grief than my own.

I'll be honest, when we start with "he knew this one for 15 years and this one for 25 and this one for 2" - I do feel like we're playing grief Olympics because time in is being used as a judging factor.

Perhaps I am an eternal optimist in this respect but by all reports, Jill doesn't appear to be an awful person. I think it's unlikely that  Jill has no one assisting her or no one to turn to. 


What? That's she's grieving? Truth be told, I think she's been rather restrained about discussing Dennis. No excessive tweeting, the rather sweet photo of Dennis and Cookie. She hasn't been overplaying the relationship or lending any credence to the "Dennis gave her a ring/asked her to marry him" - an acknowledgement that even if it's true would be a big giant dagger stabbed in Jill's back. I get that there's people who think she needs to let Jill have the role of Dennis's beloved wife , but frankly all the obvious signs - like dating other people, being separated, and maintaining separate households and lives, indicate things weren't so rosey or perfect. Frankly things weren't so rosey or pperfect from Bethenny either, but the obvious pro Bethenny grief point that she must be devastated to know they were kinda having problems and he offed himself before that resolved and now she has to ask herself if her reactions caused his issue tends to get tossed aside under the "Bethenny is just one upping Jill", as though she can't possible be feeling any grief.

But then, while I often think Bethenny is a fairly terrible person, I'm not in the crowd that thinks she's a grinning sociopath and I do think she's grieving.

I am agnostic on Bethenny vs. Jill but as someone who lost my father at the age of 18, I can assure you that I needed "assists" in dealing with the grieving process, including from my mother. In fact, there is an argument to be made that it is much more difficult for a teenager or young adult to deal with such a loss than a young child because you have formed a significant bond by that time and you are fully aware of what death means.

Anyway, I don't care about either of these women but I did want to correct the mis-impression that somehow, young adults aren't in need of a support system when they experience loss.

Edited by eleanorofaquitaine
  • Love 14
13 minutes ago, eleanorofaquitaine said:

I am agnostic on Bethenny vs. Jill but as someone who lost my father at the age of 18, I can assure you that I needed "assists" in dealing with the grieving process, including from my mother. In fact, there is an argument to be made that it is much more difficult for a teenager or young adult to deal with such a loss than a young child because you have formed a significant bond by that time and you are fully aware of what death means.

Anyway, I don't care about either of these women but I did want to correct the mis-impression that somehow, young adults aren't in need of a support system when they experience loss.

Thank you, and I’m sorry for your loss. I lost my mom suddenly and unexpectedly when I was 25 and I can also confirm everything you’ve said. To assume that every young adult who loses their parent can just breeze through the grieving process without any major assistance from their surviving parent is erroneous and, quite frankly, ignorant. 

  • Love 14

Everybody has their opinion of Bethenny.  She is abrasive, yes I agree to that, and I don’t even think she does it for the camera.  That’s just her, and her comebacks are abrasive, quick and funny in my opinion.  She is sharp.  I didn’t get the pairing of her and Carole at all.  Carole still thinks she’s “ up there” because of her journalism and her very short marriage and who she was friends with.  That’s over, and Carole never came down to earth.  If you want to talk nasty, and cruel, you have Dorinda.  She’s got a mouth like a razor, and professes to be sooo nice, but when drunk the nasty comes out and she is worse than ten Bethennys.  Dorinda hits below the belt with venom and meanness like I’ve never seen.  Without Bethenny, I think the show would be very dull.  I think she is the show, mean or not.  There’s always one that holds it together.  Without her, what would we have?  A cabaret singer, the rest need a story line and boyfriends, and one who needs rehab desperately, but won’t admit it, and a new one who is who knows?

  • Love 8
6 hours ago, Duke2801 said:

have to admit that there's often something I don't understand in many posts.   For example, I have no idea what Dennis  "shooting diamonds" means.   I also don't understand why

Actually Anna said this.  Me too on this one .. frankly, I don’t know what “ bye Felicia” means.  Who’s Felicia?  I don’t get it.

51 minutes ago, eleanorofaquitaine said:

Anyway, I don't care about either of these women but I did want to correct the mis-impression that somehow, young adults aren't in need of a support system when they experience loss.

So, thats not what I said at all, but that doesn't diminish your experience to me . At the same time, I do wonder if you considered yourself a burden to your mother on top of her own grief. Because, I doubt you were. I am sure you and any siblings if you have them were a comfort to your mom and not an extra burden. My point is that unlike young children, adult children are generally of an age to also be supportive and less demanding that mom drop everything and tend their needs above her own. By calling Jill's adult children "young children" and suggesting Jill is burdened by their grief, it infantilizes them and is insulting. I question whether they would appreciate being characterized this way.

In order to paint Jill as Bethenny's victim, so far she is burdened with four young children who she is personally tending  as they grieve with no help, and has no friends or family (not even her boyfriend) to help her as she struggles all alone to handle Dennis's final things.

Likewise, Bethenny's every move when it comes to Dennis is insulting and awful because even though her close friend who she sometimes was in a relationship died, he was separated but still married and Bethenny must understand her only real option to grieve is to be silent and private as Dennis's wife must be allowed to "claim him" because apparently the last two or so years of Dennis's life didn't happen and Jill must be allowed to present herself as happily married... even tho all evidence namely the reality that Dennis and Jill were openly seeing other people, makes this a lie. Bethenny's relationship with Dennis was never a secret, nor a surprise at the time of his death, so I don't think she needs to sit silent about it, and honestly I haven't seen anything from her side that I'd call intentionally disrespectful. 

Edited by Rap541
  • Love 7
55 minutes ago, Rap541 said:

So, thats not what I said at all, but that doesn't diminish your experience to me . At the same time, I do wonder if you considered yourself a burden to your mother on top of her own grief. Because, I doubt you were. I am sure you and any siblings if you have them were a comfort to your mom and not an extra burden. My point is that unlike young children, adult children are generally of an age to also be supportive and less demanding that mom drop everything and tend their needs above her own. By calling Jill's adult children "young children" and suggesting Jill is burdened by their grief, it infantilizes them and is insulting. I question whether they would appreciate being characterized this way.

In order to paint Jill as Bethenny's victim, so far she is burdened with four young children who she is personally tending  as they grieve with no help, and has no friends or family (not even her boyfriend) to help her as she struggles all alone to handle Dennis's final things.

Likewise, Bethenny's every move when it comes to Dennis is insulting and awful because even though her close friend who she sometimes was in a relationship died, he was separated but still married and Bethenny must understand her only real option to grieve is to be silent and private as Dennis's wife must be allowed to "claim him" because apparently the last two or so years of Dennis's life didn't happen and Jill must be allowed to present herself as happily married... even tho all evidence namely the reality that Dennis and Jill were openly seeing other people, makes this a lie. Bethenny's relationship with Dennis was never a secret, nor a surprise at the time of his death, so I don't think she needs to sit silent about it, and honestly I haven't seen anything from her side that I'd call intentionally disrespectful. 


Like I said, I really have no dog in the fight re Bethenny vs. Jill.  But FWIW, I have a younger brother (who was 7 - I also have two older brothers, both of whom were in their early 20s) when my father passed, and my mother specifically rejected the idea that he was a "burden" to her when my father died - because people said that to her, which remains shocking to me 25 years later.  In fact, in a lot of ways, I was probably more of a "burden" to her because I was in college at the time (and therefore contributing to some financial strains) and not to put too fine a point on it, was fairly emotional fragile for a couple of years.  

Realistically, I am sure my mother believes we were all a comfort to her, but believe me, I was MUCH more likely to be leaning on her shoulders than vice versa.

I haven't been following this story close enough to know who is and isn't a victim to whom. When it comes to grief, I can believe that all - Bethenny, his ex-wife, his children - are genuinely upset about the death of this particular person. (FWIW, I don't hate Bethenny, but I do think she inspires irrational opinions from people, both in support of her and in opposition to her).  But I really draw the line at diminishing the grief of young people experiencing loss because it doesn't fit a narrative. 

Edited by eleanorofaquitaine
  • Love 9
1 hour ago, eleanorofaquitaine said:

Like I said, I really have no dog in the fight re Bethenny vs. Jill.  But FWIW, I have a younger brother (who was 7 - I also have two older brothers, both of whom were in their early 20s) when my father passed, and my mother specifically rejected the idea that he was a "burden" to her when my father died - because people said that to her, which remains shocking to me 25 years later.  In fact, in a lot of ways, I was probably more of a "burden" to her because I was in college at the time (and therefore contributing to some financial strains) and not to put too fine a point on it, was fairly emotional fragile for a couple of years.  

Realistically, I am sure my mother believes we were all a comfort to her, but believe me, I was MUCH more likely to be leaning on her shoulders than vice versa.

I haven't been following this story close enough to know who is and isn't a victim to whom. When it comes to grief, I can believe that all - Bethenny, his ex-wife, his children - are genuinely upset about the death of this particular person. (FWIW, I don't hate Bethenny, but I do think she inspires irrational opinions from people, both in support of her and in opposition to her).  But I really draw the line at diminishing the grief of young people experiencing loss because it doesn't fit a narrative. 

Thank you for sharing this. This is a really good post. 

  • Love 5
22 hours ago, film noire said:

My issues with Frankel's decency go far beyond her foul mouth,  rage,  and slut-shaming/ageist/bigoted/etc insults.

I think it's indecent to undermine rape survivors by talking about the "many stories of women falsely accusing men of rape" that you've read.

I think it's indecent to work with a man like Michael Capponi, who put a young woman in a coma, and (unapologetically) harassed her via Facebook with intimate information and photos he used (without permission) captured as screenshots from Brooke Biederman's private instagram account (including photos of her in bed, and in a medical gown in a doctor's office). I think it's indecent to claim your ex stalked you, and then work with a man who harassed someone young enough to be your daughter.

I think it's indecent to post video of an animal in deep distress on social media.

I think it's indecent to bring a man like Michael Cerussi on multiple family outings with your young daughter, when she's far too young to consent to be around a credibly accused sexual predator. I think it's indecent to call up reporters doing stories on the rape allegations, and defend a man you met only a few weeks before in a bar.

I think it's indecent to do an instagram story about your daughter's deeply private, ongoing grief about losing her animal companion.

And if it's true Frankel forced her way into Shield's funeral, after being asked to stay away, that is beyond indecent.


21 hours ago, smores said:

And all of that is fine, I was saying that this is what I see as an issue some people have, but that other people may not view it as the same issue.


... this may be a thing where people come from their own background and view it differently based on what they are used to ...


I agree. I personally don't think there is anything peculiarly evil about Beth.   Most of what she says and does barely rates commenting on to me.  She's just not that significant in my book and I can't be bothered to be offended by her.  She's fun to snark on (and much of her wardrobe and real estate is fabulous) but that's about it. I really couldn't care less if she decides that someone she personally knows is good enough to associate with or to have around her daughter.  She knows the person and I do not, aside from sleazy tabloid reports that glorify lurid details in order to generate hits. I certainly don't expect her to maintain radio silence about any particular subject (in this case false reports of rape) out of a duty she supposedly has to participate in some kind of fantasy land and pretend false allegations never occur, lest she undermine all rape survivors.  

Anyway.  One could write up a laundry list of evil deeds committed by most of the other housewives and end up with as good (if not better) reasons to hate the many of them, too, imo.  It would be easy because many of them are guilty of far more significant wrongs than choosing friends and business associates we don't like or daring to not toe standard feminist lines. I'm talking about true criminal acts and transparent wrongdoing to one's own family members. Things that demonstrate real moral failings, not just a different opinion about a person in their life or a controversial subject. For example, I place robbing your children of millions higher up on the scale of indecency than making social media posts that are in bad taste. But that is just my particular sensitivity showing, I guess, lol. To each their own.

  • Love 17
15 hours ago, Duke2801 said:

Carole did no such thing. She was actually pretty unassuming and very quiet her first  season. Nothing she actually said or did lends credibility to the idea that she “thought she was going to kill it.” 


9 hours ago, Gem 10 said:

Everybody has their opinion of Bethenny.  She is abrasive, yes I agree to that, and I don’t even think she does it for the camera.  That’s just her, and her comebacks are abrasive, quick and funny in my opinion.  She is sharp.  I didn’t get the pairing of her and Carole at all.  Carole still thinks she’s “ up there” because of her journalism and her very short marriage and who she was friends with.  That’s over, and Carole never came down to earth.  If you want to talk nasty, and cruel, you have Dorinda.  She’s got a mouth like a razor, and professes to be sooo nice, but when drunk the nasty comes out and she is worse than ten Bethennys.  Dorinda hits below the belt with venom and meanness like I’ve never seen.  Without Bethenny, I think the show would be very dull.  I think she is the show, mean or not.  There’s always one that holds it together.  Without her, what would we have?  A cabaret singer, the rest need a story line and boyfriends, and one who needs rehab desperately, but won’t admit it, and a new one who is who knows?


I liked Carole during her first few seasons. She was a little different and even though some stuff like the bike riding made me cringe I thought she was a good, mellow match with Heather.


I do think the show changed both Carole & Dorinda and not for the better. Carole seemed to develop some sort of affect that wasn’t there before. Dorinda seems like she needs some time to figure out her unhappiness. Your 50’s must be a very hard time to become famous for basically playing yourself on TV. And to have to answer for your behavior to a bunch of harpies (like Andy) would drive me crazy.

Bethenny got everything she wanted from the show and quite frankly I find her unwatchable. Like LVP I feel like B is always positioning, but there’s no warmer moments with Bethenny to offset any of the crap. I always thought she befriended Carole because she was considered to be a writer and at that time Bethenny was still trying to convince everyone she was an author. Yet Carole never called her on it like she did with Aviva. And then she joined in with the Shaming of Jules and that's when it was kind of over for me with Carole.




9 hours ago, Rap541 said:

So, thats not what I said at all, but that doesn't diminish your experience to me . At the same time, I do wonder if you considered yourself a burden to your mother on top of her own grief. Because, I doubt you were. I am sure you and any siblings if you have them were a comfort to your mom and not an extra burden. My point is that unlike young children, adult children are generally of an age to also be supportive and less demanding that mom drop everything and tend their needs above her own. By calling Jill's adult children "young children" and suggesting Jill is burdened by their grief, it infantilizes them and is insulting. I question whether they would appreciate being characterized this way.

In order to paint Jill as Bethenny's victim, so far she is burdened with four young children who she is personally tending  as they grieve with no help, and has no friends or family (not even her boyfriend) to help her as she struggles all alone to handle Dennis's final things.

Likewise, Bethenny's every move when it comes to Dennis is insulting and awful because even though her close friend who she sometimes was in a relationship died, he was separated but still married and Bethenny must understand her only real option to grieve is to be silent and private as Dennis's wife must be allowed to "claim him" because apparently the last two or so years of Dennis's life didn't happen and Jill must be allowed to present herself as happily married... even tho all evidence namely the reality that Dennis and Jill were openly seeing other people, makes this a lie. Bethenny's relationship with Dennis was never a secret, nor a surprise at the time of his death, so I don't think she needs to sit silent about it, and honestly I haven't seen anything from her side that I'd call intentionally disrespectful. 

I don't think many if any people are talking about the Shields family's burdens. If Dennis had any kind of relationship with his children his wife will have to watch them miss him. She will be the one who understands HOW they miss him when or if they're graduating, getting married and having families of their own. 

I think part of my attachment to this argument is because for some of us girls of a certain age our dads are (or were) a bit distant. I lost my dad when I was 20. There was a lot I couldn't discuss with him when I was younger but going out on my own, when life started kicking my ass six ways til Sunday (as is its wont) my mother's near-constant refrain was 'I wish your father was here. He could talk about this.' I don't think there's any infantilizing here - just acknowledging family and how the grief changes throughout your life.

My other issue is (as I may have posted here 456 times, sorry) I simply do not trust Bethenny's point of view. She has never remained consistently kind about anyone in her life that is present on a regular basis. She pretty much does everything competitively, hence declaring on TV that a married man loves her. And I know this is an incredibly shitty thing to post about someone I don't even know - but watching how she has to crush everyone on TV whilst talking herself up it makes it easy to believe she is trying to crush the widow of a man she was intermittently dating.  

  • Love 15
27 minutes ago, chick binewski said:



I liked Carole during her first few seasons. She was a little different and even though some stuff like the bike riding made me cringe I thought she was a good, mellow match with Heather.


I do think the show changed both Carole & Dorinda and not for the better. Carole seemed to develop some sort of affect that wasn’t there before. Dorinda seems like she needs some time to figure out her unhappiness. Your 50’s must be a very hard time to become famous for basically playing yourself on TV. And to have to answer for your behavior to a bunch of harpies (like Andy) would drive me crazy.

Bethenny got everything she wanted from the show and quite frankly I find her unwatchable. Like LVP I feel like B is always positioning, but there’s no warmer moments with Bethenny to offset any of the crap. I always thought she befriended Carole because she was considered to be a writer and at that time Bethenny was still trying to convince everyone she was an author. Yet Carole never called her on it like she did with Aviva. And then she joined in with the Shaming of Jules and that's when it was kind of over for me with Carole.




I don't think many if any people are talking about the Shields family's burdens. If Dennis had any kind of relationship with his children his wife will have to watch them miss him. She will be the one who understands HOW they miss him when or if they're graduating, getting married and having families of their own. 

I think part of my attachment to this argument is because for some of us girls of a certain age our dads are (or were) a bit distant. I lost my dad when I was 20. There was a lot I couldn't discuss with him when I was younger but going out on my own, when life started kicking my ass six ways til Sunday (as is its wont) my mother's near-constant refrain was 'I wish your father was here. He could talk about this.' I don't think there's any infantilizing here - just acknowledging family and how the grief changes throughout your life.

My other issue is (as I may have posted here 456 times, sorry) I simply do not trust Bethenny's point of view. She has never remained consistently kind about anyone in her life that is present on a regular basis. She pretty much does everything competitively, hence declaring on TV that a married man loves her. And I know this is an incredibly shitty thing to post about someone I don't even know - but watching how she has to crush everyone on TV whilst talking herself up it makes it easy to believe she is trying to crush the widow of a man she was intermittently dating.  

I like Carole, but other than that, I love all the points you made here. 

  • Love 2

Wow the photo of Bethenny with Tinsley from 2007 and the photo of her standing in the Bahamas shows what a great job Bethenny has done with her face.  It's not just the jawline.  She did a great job with her brow.  Her eyes aren't droopy looking anymore.  I didn't recognize Tinsley either. Also the photo of B walking toward the water is probably in the Bahamas. 

  • Love 2
On 9/29/2018 at 9:54 PM, Happy Camper said:

I agree. Problem is Frankelstein continues to be who she is. My God, today she is supposed to be spending time with her daughter. Why is it too freaking important for her to be instagramming 10 times within one single hour? Does she think that she owes this to the public? Does she think that her life is that important to the outside world? What the fuck is wrong with this lady? Just enjoy your kid for crying out loud! Get off the SM and BE WITH YOUR KID! 

It’s funny, but every time I sit down in my chair, I automatically pick up my I pad and see what’s new.  I can’t help it as it’s just habit.  Maybe it’s the same with her .. habit.  Same with my two daughters.  I could be talking to them and they are on those damn I phones, lol.  They told me to “ get with the times”.  I don’t know from twitter or Sm, so ... I go on the housewives.  Habit.

  • Love 3
35 minutes ago, Gem 10 said:

It’s funny, but every time I sit down in my chair, I automatically pick up my I pad and see what’s new.  I can’t help it as it’s just habit.  Maybe it’s the same with her .. habit.  Same with my two daughters.  I could be talking to them and they are on those damn I phones, lol.  They told me to “ get with the times”.  I don’t know from twitter or Sm, so ... I go on the housewives.  Habit.

She doesn't just look at Instagram. She posts instastories so frequently, sometimes 20 times a day. The most random videos, food, her just ramblin' on about nothing, she just overshares, Lol. Sometimes you can hear her daughter in the background trying to get her attention.

  • Love 6

Coffee Tawk with Linda Richman topic --

Bethenny "doesn't support other women". (We assume this is a bad thing since it's usually said with disdain)

If "supporting other women" is a laudable and encouraged goal, and it's pretty terrible to violate it, (the disdain!) shouldn't the other HWs support the woman, Bethenny?

What constitutes "support" and what causes a woman to no longer be deserving of said support?

  • Love 6
On 9/30/2018 at 10:13 AM, Gem 10 said:

Actually Anna said this.  Me too on this one .. frankly, I don’t know what “ bye Felicia” means.  Who’s Felicia?  I don’t get it.


I had heard/seen it several times, too. Finally, I saw an employee at Johnny Rockets wearing a B,F pin. When I asked her about it, she said that she didn’t really know the origins, but she just liked it. So I googled it. 

  • Love 1
3 hours ago, jinjer said:

Wow the photo of Bethenny with Tinsley from 2007 and the photo of her standing in the Bahamas shows what a great job Bethenny has done with her face.  It's not just the jawline.  She did a great job with her brow.  Her eyes aren't droopy looking anymore.  I didn't recognize Tinsley either. Also the photo of B walking toward the water is probably in the Bahamas. 

They should give her cosmetic surgeon an award for ridding her of most of that basset-hound-droopy-eye look. 

I love that she instructed one of her assistants to take a photo of her back as she walked toward the water. “My fans will want to see that.”

  • Love 6
1 hour ago, Happy Camper said:

She doesn't just look at Instagram. She posts instastories so frequently, sometimes 20 times a day. The most random videos, food, her just ramblin' on about nothing, she just overshares, Lol. Sometimes you can hear her daughter in the background trying to get her attention.

Geez, is that true?

  • Love 3
4 hours ago, jinjer said:

Wow the photo of Bethenny with Tinsley from 2007 and the photo of her standing in the Bahamas shows what a great job Bethenny has done with her face.  It's not just the jawline.  She did a great job with her brow.  Her eyes aren't droopy looking anymore.  I didn't recognize Tinsley either. Also the photo of B walking toward the water is probably in the Bahamas. 

Well to be fair, it actually shows what a great job her plastic surgeon(s?) have done with her face!  But, otherwise, I agree with you. She's gone from fug to vaguely attractive.  

34 minutes ago, hoodooznoodooz said:

They should give her cosmetic surgeon an award for ridding her of most of that basset-hound-droopy-eye look. 

I love that she instructed one of her assistants to take a photo of her back as she walked toward the water. “My fans will want to see that.”

Oopps I see hoodooznoodooz beat me to it!  ;)  

  • Love 5
2 hours ago, Happy Camper said:

Sometimes you can hear her daughter in the background trying to get her attention.


On 9/29/2018 at 6:54 PM, Happy Camper said:

 My God, today she is supposed to be spending time with her daughter. Why is it too freaking important for her to be instagramming 10 times within one single hour? Does she think that she owes this to the public? Does she think that her life is that important to the outside world? What the fuck is wrong with this lady? Just enjoy your kid for crying out loud! Get off the SM and BE WITH YOUR KID! 

Probably 90% of the time I made a phone call when my daughter was little, you would eventually hear her in the background trying to get my attention.  Same goes for when I would receive a call from family or friends with kids. You could hear their kids in the background asking urgent questions about why the sky is blue, where is the toy the lost, can they have a snack, can they watch Dumbo for the 9000th time (my niece's personal favorite urgent request).  I don't think it's necessarily a sign a child is attention starved or being neglected. It's more about little kids not being very patient or caring if  they interrupt you over and over and over. 

I do believe that many people are too distracted by social media and the interweb, etc. But I'm not sure that Bryn being heard in the background of an instastory is proof Bethenny doesn't focus on her enough. Or that she doesn't enjoy Bryn the way she should.  It's entirely possible that they could be spending all kinds of quality time together and are very happy, and Bryn might still be heard in the background of an instastory making her presence felt because that's just what little kids do.

  • Love 20
On ‎9‎/‎29‎/‎2018 at 11:32 PM, Happy Camper said:

For those wondering, check Bethenny's twitter for an update (excuse) for the cancellation of Skinnygirl jeans HSN. 

I am. The reason that appearance was canceled was that we sold out & didn’t have enough product to support that show. I am going on in October! We overshot the mark. I tell my partners “if we build it they will come,” but they never understand how loyal you all are. Xo

Bethenny Frankel added,

Bonni @BnatzBonni

@Bethenny are you going to sell your skinny girl jeans on Hsn, it had it in it’s graphics the other day, I was so bummed something else was on??? Let me know , I shop there a lot , Love you girl

2:57 PM - 29 Sep 2018

Great business woman. I don't think that I will be taking your business advice anytime soon.

Well, that certainly makes it sound like she is NOT in charge of decisions about her own "brand."  And I at least assume that her "partners" based the volume to produce on the past success of her other items (particularly clothing).  Or it's also possible they deliberately produced a small amount, so they could then claim to have "sold out" from the "enormous" support.

  • Love 4
16 minutes ago, Mrs peel said:

Well, that certainly makes it sound like she is NOT in charge of decisions about her own "brand."  And I at least assume that her "partners" based the volume to produce on the past success of her other items (particularly clothing).  Or it's also possible they deliberately produced a small amount, so they could then claim to have "sold out" from the "enormous" support.

The situation seems very unprofessional to me. People are complaining about orders not even having been shipped? I think I would scout them out at Costco  or somewhere else rather than order online. At least you are getting the product that you have paid for.

  • Love 2

I'm not understanding how Bethenny selling out of jeans people derided as ugly, unfashionable, and hideously bedazzled with a weird crotch (lol) in a market supposedly saturated with superior products can be characterized as such a huge fail on her part.  Sounds to me like her britches were a hit!I

Sure it would be great if she'd had enough product to go around, but I'd rather be in that unfortunate supply situation than be drowning in stock I can't get rid of. 

2 minutes ago, Happy Camper said:

The situation seems very unprofessional to me. People are complaining about orders not even having been shipped? I think I would scout them out at Costco  or somewhere else rather than order online. At least you are getting the product that you have paid for.

Most retailers don't bill you until they ship your goods.  Has Bethenny charged people in advance?   If she hasn't then people can't really complain. They are free to cancel their order and shop somewhere else.

  • Love 10
1 hour ago, hoodooznoodooz said:

So T H A T ‘ S why it was imperative that she give birth to one child. So she could torture Bryn the way Bernadette tortured her. 

And knowing his child is apparently routinely heard crying "Mom, I'm here, I exist, pay attention to me, why do you hate me, please mom, please acknowledge me, please love me!", or whatever is really said (its apparently comparable to the verbal abuse of Bethenny's mom tho), what does Jason do?

That's right, he continues maintaining join custody and continues dropping his child off every other week and so far his only gripe with Bethenny's parenting is the Dennis situation.

But instead of yet another example of child abuse that Jason ignores because Bethenny's monstrous mothering is better than no mother at all, I think Celia has the right of it with this:

1 hour ago, Celia Rubenstein said:

Probably 90% of the time I made a phone call when my daughter was little, you would eventually hear her in the background trying to get my attention.  Same goes for when I would receive a call from family or friends with kids. You could hear their kids in the background asking urgent questions about why the sky is blue, where is the toy the lost, can they have a snack, can they watch Dumbo for the 9000th time (my niece's personal favorite urgent request).  I don't think it's necessarily a sign a child is attention starved or being neglected. It's more about little kids not being very patient or caring if  they interrupt you over and over and over. 

I do believe that many people are too distracted by social media and the interweb, etc. But I'm not sure that Bryn being heard in the background of an instastory is proof Bethenny doesn't focus on her enough. Or that she doesn't enjoy Bryn the way she should.  It's entirely possible that they could be spending all kinds of quality time together and are very happy, and Bryn might still be heard in the background of an instastory making her presence felt because that's just what little kids do.

I know my own instinct is to get "bad parent judgey" when I see a parent having a bad moment but I also think that societally, parents have mounting pressure to be perfect. There are things I wished my parents hadn't done as parents but the things people get on parents about today? Yeah not so much, My sister is raising the niece to believe adults pretty much exist to give her attention, and that kid is going to have a rude awakening....

  • Love 6
3 hours ago, Celia Rubenstein said:



I do believe that many people are too distracted by social media and the interweb, etc. But I'm not sure that Bryn being heard in the background of an instastory is proof Bethenny doesn't focus on her enough. Or that she doesn't enjoy Bryn the way she should.  It's entirely possible that they could be spending all kinds of quality time together and are very happy, and Bryn might still be heard in the background of an instastory making her presence felt because that's just what little kids do.

The proof for me was when she had the instastory or wahtever it was of Bryn on a boat with no life vest. Unfit. Mother. Frankelstein is a crazy fraud. Always has been always will be she hasn't fooled me since her first season. 

  • Love 5
5 minutes ago, Alonzo Mosely FBI said:

he proof for me was when she had the instastory or wahtever it was of Bryn on a boat with no life vest. Unfit. Mother. Frankelstein is a crazy fraud. Always has been always will be she hasn't fooled me since her first season. 

This is exactly the sort of thing I mean about parenting today. The kid is on a boat without a lifejacket so the mother is deemed unfit.

Gotta be honest - as stupid as I think it is to have the kid on a boat without a lifejacket, if we ripped children from parents for this because of how unfit the parents were... we'd have incredible numbers of kids in foster care. As I am typing this, I am literally watching two kids ride bikes in the apt complex without a bicycle helmet. That's against the law here too if the kids are under ten.

If the boating thing is a hill people want to die on, ok. But then it leads to the question of why Jason does nothing. I mean, if Bethenny is demonstrably unfit on camera, why is Jason putting his child in danger? Willfully?

My thought? The boating thing was probably a lapse, and hopefully Bethenny has heeded the criticism she's gotten from it. If not, I hope she gets ticketed. But does it make her unfit? I don't think so and I think society agrees with me since no one was calling for Bethenny to be arrested due to her unfitness nor did CPS choose to get involved in the case of a parent displaying photos of their unfit behavior publically. 

  • Love 8
3 minutes ago, Rap541 said:

My thought? The boating thing was probably a lapse, and hopefully Bethenny has heeded the criticism she's gotten from it. If not, I hope she gets ticketed.

Brynn always has a life jacket on that boat. There are dozens of insta stories with her in a life jacket. These were pap photos.   The pap photos were initially at anchor, then boat moving and then at anchor where towels were strung on the mast stay so that the paps didn’t have a shot of the two children. I saw this as a boat at anchor with kids getting set to disembark. So while I’m sure we can find a million reasons she’s a fucking monster I don’t think this rises to that level. 

  • Love 14
26 minutes ago, Rap541 said:

This is exactly the sort of thing I mean about parenting today. The kid is on a boat without a lifejacket so the mother is deemed unfit.

Gotta be honest - as stupid as I think it is to have the kid on a boat without a lifejacket, if we ripped children from parents for this because of how unfit the parents were... we'd have incredible numbers of kids in foster care. As I am typing this, I am literally watching two kids ride bikes in the apt complex without a bicycle helmet. That's against the law here too if the kids are under ten.

If the boating thing is a hill people want to die on, ok. But then it leads to the question of why Jason does nothing. I mean, if Bethenny is demonstrably unfit on camera, why is Jason putting his child in danger? Willfully?

My thought? The boating thing was probably a lapse, and hopefully Bethenny has heeded the criticism she's gotten from it. If not, I hope she gets ticketed. But does it make her unfit? I don't think so and I think society agrees with me since no one was calling for Bethenny to be arrested due to her unfitness nor did CPS choose to get involved in the case of a parent displaying photos of their unfit behavior publically. 

Yeah no bike helmet isn't as bad for me inexplicably. The cold unforgiving waters of the Atlantic with everyone on the boat also underwater potentially seems more threatening than pavement where you're in oxygen and others can help you. YMMV. Water scares me. Cold water. Even in August. No PFD is only part of why *I* think she is unfit, just another piece of the puzzle. I think he is doing the right thing resisting against her getting full custody. He would lose if he went all the way like she is trying and it would just hurt Bryn down the road. Throwing the baby out w/the bathwater per se. Throwing the good out w/the bad. 

  • Love 5
7 minutes ago, Alonzo Mosely FBI said:

Yeah no bike helmet isn't as bad for me inexplicably. The cold unforgiving waters of the Atlantic with everyone on the boat also underwater potentially seems more threatening than pavement where you're in oxygen and others can help you. YMMV. Water scares me. Cold water. Even in August. No PFD is only part of why *I* think she is unfit, just another piece of the puzzle. I think he is doing the right thing resisting against her getting full custody. He would lose if he went all the way like she is trying and it would just hurt Bryn down the road. Throwing the baby out w/the bathwater per se. Throwing the good out w/the bad. 

Apparently Bethenny was worried enough about water to put PFDs on her dogs, but not Bryn. 

So it's not like she's not aware of risk.

I guess some of us will just have to agree to disagree on this subject.

Edited by Happy Camper
  • Love 6
11 minutes ago, Alonzo Mosely FBI said:

Yeah no bike helmet isn't as bad for me inexplicably.

Really? Because it's against the law for kids not to wear one and if you want to paint the picture of poor Brynn drowning in the cold Atlantic, ok, but I think Brynn's little head smacking into the pavement after being hit by a car while bike riding and cracking like an egg is equally upsetting and more likely. But mileage may vary.

If Bethenny is an unfit mother, how is Jason helping Bryn by not pursuing custody under the theory that even trying would harm Bryn more? Further, if Bethenny is visibly and demonstrably unfit, why would he lose?

Edited by Rap541
  • Love 7
4 minutes ago, Rap541 said:

Really? Because it's against the law for kids not to wear one and if you want to paint the picture of poor Brynn drowning in the cold Atlantic, ok, but I think Brynn's little head smacking into the pavement after being hit by a car while bike riding and cracking like an egg is equally upsetting and more likely. But mileage may vary.

I would be concerned as well if Bryn was riding her bike without a helmet, but haven't seen evidence of that. The issue here is common sense boat safety. Even if it wasn't a law, it's still common sense. No different than driving your kid out of the driveway without a seatbelt.

Edited by Happy Camper
  • Love 5
53 minutes ago, QuinnM said:

   The pap photos were initially at anchor, then boat moving and then at anchor 

New York State Navigation laws state that everyone under 12 years of age must wear a personal floatation device (PFD) while onboard a boat underway, and that a PFD be available for every individual onboard. 

At anchor or docked? Different for me. 

New York State Navigation laws state that everyone under 12 years of age must wear a personal floatation device (PFD) while onboard a boat underway, and that a PFD be available for every individual onboard

Was she wearing one while the boat was underway. I don't recall the pix entirely just that she didn't have one. It bugged. I can't with water! 

ETA link: Yah I think you need a PFD Here! Just sayin' https://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-6095033/Bethenny-Frankel-enjoys-day-boating-daughter-Bryn-tragic-death-boyfriend.html

Edited by Alonzo Mosely FBI
  • Love 3
6 minutes ago, Rap541 said:

Really? Because it's against the law for kids not to wear one and if you want to paint the picture of poor Brynn drowning in the cold Atlantic, ok, but I think Brynn's little head smacking into the pavement after being hit by a car while bike riding and cracking like an egg is equally upsetting and more likely. But mileage may vary.

If Bethenny is an unfit mother, how is Jason helping Bryn by not pursuing custody under the theory that even trying would harm Bryn more? Further, if Bethenny is visibly and demonstrably unfit, why would he lose?

Hitting your head on pavement is bad. For sure. Boating accidents where you disappear under water w/no oxygen is a notch up for me. 

I think Jason's playing the long game. Ironically like Bethenny's dad did. The fight and exposure would be worse for Bryn. He can monitor and do his best doing the 50/50.  She'll come to him eventually just like Bethenny did to her dad. 

  • Love 2
9 minutes ago, Alonzo Mosely FBI said:

I think Jason's playing the long game. Ironically like Bethenny's dad did. The fight and exposure would be worse for Bryn. He can monitor and do his best doing the 50/50.

I think this is what Jason is doing as well. He just stays quiet, on the sidelines and knows that he is doing what is best by Bryn.  

Anyhow mileage is always going to vary. 

Edited by Happy Camper
  • Love 6
1 minute ago, Alonzo Mosely FBI said:

Hitting your head on pavement is bad. For sure. Boating accidents where you disappear under water w/no oxygen is a notch up for me. 

Yes it's bad. Children used to die from it and one of the reasons bike helmet laws came about was dead kids... pretty sure the boating law came about for similar dead children reasons


3 minutes ago, Alonzo Mosely FBI said:

I think Jason's playing the long game. Ironically like Bethenny's dad did. The fight and exposure would be worse for Bryn.

Again, it's better for Bryn to live with an unfit mother than pursue custody? This just doesn't make sense to me - if Bethenny is like her mm or worse than her mom and isn't fit to raise a child, how is it better for Bryn to live with her? 

If Jason is "doing it for the long term" then he may want to remember that when Bethenny's dad did that to her, Bethenny eventually came to him with a whole lot of bitterness and resentment over her dad thinking that being raised by a crazy bitch was best. 

  • Love 9
33 minutes ago, Alonzo Mosely FBI said:

I think Jason's playing the long game. Ironically like Bethenny's dad did. The fight and exposure would be worse for Bryn. He can monitor and do his best doing the 50/50.  She'll come to him eventually just like Bethenny did to her dad. 


25 minutes ago, Happy Camper said:

I think this is what Jason is doing as well. He just stays quiet, on the sidelines and knows that he is doing what is best by Brynn

So Jason ignoring life threatening safety hazards is ok because one day down the road in the big battle for Bryn's affection, it means he will come out ahead?  

Sorry, but that sounds selfish and irresponsible as hell to me.

  • Love 12

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