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12 hours ago, Bastet said:

  Leaving their house this evening, I ran into the neighbor, who, in the course of brief chit chat and upon spotting Chester jump into the bay window to watch me leave, said, "I wouldn't spend any money on that cat; he looks terrible."  I said, "Then I'm glad he's ours and not yours."  (He just chuckled.)

The worst part is, when I told my mom about it, she said he'd made a similar remark to her recently.  (Nicer than me, she replied, "We're happy to do it.")  Seriously?  Piss up a rope, jackass.  

You are both classier than I am. I would have said: "So do you but at least the cat is being treated for an illness. What's your excuse?"  I get really upset when assholes comment on an animal's physical "imperfections".  Most humans have no room to speak about another creatures physicality in the first place.

Edited by AgentRXS
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Casper will be 10 in February. He's still an asshole! I love him, but I won't have another klee kai. 

Crystal just turned 13 this month. She's doing well in general -- still happy to do multiple-hour walks and then come home and throw her stuffed bunny around -- but she's been having some minor seizure-like episodes the vet and I are keeping an eye on.

I don't have recent pics of the red cats, but they're also doing well!



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10 hours ago, Bastet said:

My parents' cat Chester has IBD, that has probably progressed to small cell lymphoma (we did not put him through another colonoscopy to biopsy again, as whether it's now the lymphoma or "just" an extreme case of IBD, the treatment is the same - steroids and a chemo drug with minimal side effects).  He was adopted from the shelter six years ago, as an owner surrender stated to be eight years old.  He had quite obvious intestinal issues, but nothing amiss on standard tests, and after several months of food testing to eliminate any food allergies as the culprit, colonoscopy and biopsy indicated IBD and ruled out cancer.  His symptoms were managed for years on a raw diet, but late last year he started needing mild steroid therapy and this year a major flare-up indicated it was time for the full court press of prednisolone and chlorambucil.

He is otherwise healthy (very; he has the kidneys of a cat far younger, when they're often the first to go), tolerating the treatment well with only one side effect, starting to put the slightest bit of weight back on, and still a very happy boy - absolutely no change in his personality or enjoyment of life.  He looks terrible, though, because he's skinny and has bald patches (the steroid causes hair loss, so much of the fur in places where it's minimal to begin with - e.g. his heels, the outer edges of his ears - has fallen out and his various shaved patches for ultrasound, IVs, etc. grow back in only minimally). 

The neighbor across the street - who has a cat and dog of his own - knows, through conversations with my parents, the overview I've just outlined for you.  I've been cat-sitting this week while my parents are out of town, so going back and forth between my house/cat and theirs.  Leaving their house this evening, I ran into the neighbor, who, in the course of brief chit chat and upon spotting Chester jump into the bay window to watch me leave, said, "I wouldn't spend any money on that cat; he looks terrible."  I said, "Then I'm glad he's ours and not yours."  (He just chuckled.)

The worst part is, when I told my mom about it, she said he'd made a similar remark to her recently.  (Nicer than me, she replied, "We're happy to do it.")  Seriously?  Piss up a rope, jackass.  

I don't have any current pictures on my computer, but here's Chester back when he had more fur and more fat, basking in the glory of having won the wrestling match with the much-larger Bandit over a toy (despite Bandit's fur and the toy's feathers on the rug, it wasn't a violent match).

(And, yes, those are "thumbs" - he's polydactyl, with one extra toe on each paw.)

Chester mid-cuddle.JPG

What a cutie.  Your neighbor can fxck off.

Here in Chicago, especially in the Oak Park area, those extra-toed cats are called Hemingway Cats.  We have a lot of them here.  Perhaps it is a regional thing.

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@Bastet I’m sorry to hear about Chester. Also the neighbor who has no compassion for an innocent animal/member of your family. 

You are a wealth of knowledge and have a smart head on your shoulders. I’m sure that when it comes to helping your parents make decisions about Chester that you will give them good advice and support. I hope he continues to be well enough for a long time to come. 

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3 hours ago, PumpkinPK said:

Here in Chicago, especially in the Oak Park area, those extra-toed cats are called Hemingway Cats.  We have a lot of them here.  Perhaps it is a regional thing.

That's probably because Hemingway was born in Chicago, and while he lived in Key West, he had a number of polydactyl cast starting with one named Snow White.  His old house in Key West is now a Hemingway museum and home to 40-50 cats, about half of which are polys, and the rest carry the gene for it so their offspring might be.

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Thanks, everyone.  I don't understand opening your mouth to say something like that, and it particularly pissed me off given his knowledge of the situation -- if an "outsider" saw Chester, they'd be well within their rights to be concerned he's being either neglected or forced to suffer by owners who won't let go, but this dude knows the story, that he only looks terrible.  So if his own cat was in this situation, he wouldn't treat him (which he could afford just as easily as my parents can) just because of how he looks?  That doesn't even compute, but setting that aside -- If he wouldn't do it, doesn't think my parents should do it, whatever goes through his head, why say it to the people who love Chester?

4 hours ago, PumpkinPK said:

Here in Chicago, especially in the Oak Park area, those extra-toed cats are called Hemingway Cats.  We have a lot of them here.  Perhaps it is a regional thing.

I think it's more common in Key West and Oak Park, given the Hemingway history in those locations, to call them Hemingway cats, but you can find people all over the U.S. who know "Hemingway cats" refers to polydactyl kitties.

I think they're adorable (cat paws in general are cute, so add an extra toe and you just add cuteness); when I was a kid, the print shop in my neighborhood had a polydactyl shop cat oh-so-creatively named "Toes" so he was my introduction to the genetic condition (I hate saying genetic mutation, even though that's accurate).  Chester's black fur makes it difficult to see in photographs, but his "thumbs" are particularly pronounced, so every time a new vet tech handles him, there's commentary on how he really looks like he has thumbs.  Chester has a lot of quirks we've never seen in another cat, so we joke he's from another planet, and it has become part of that to say the cats on his planet are clearly on the brink of world domination, because, as the commercial taught us, the only thing stopping cats is the lack of opposable thumbs:

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@Bastet, I'm reminded of my former boss saying, "I'd have put that cat down," in reference to Bilgisticat and my multi-vet-appointment struggle to get his IBD and pancreatitis stable. This was at the same time his own family dog (well, his "wife's dog") was undergoing cancer treatment. People are wild.

Sending headbonks and chin scritches to Chester. 

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One of my friends is worried because her neutered cat has been licking his penis a lot (I know what some of the guys here are probably thinking...). He used to do it when she first got him but hasn't since. Any thoughts?

My beloved Bear used to do that when he was in his final illness but none of my other males cats did. At least, not while I was looking.

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2 minutes ago, ABay said:

One of my friends is worried because her neutered cat has been licking his penis a lot (I know what some of the guys here are probably thinking...). He used to do it when she first got him but hasn't since. Any thoughts?

My beloved Bear used to do that when he was in his final illness but none of my other males cats did. At least, not while I was looking.

My cat has a history of urinary crystals and licks his penis when it's irritated. If I see it poking out I know I probably need to add some Cornsilk to his wet food a bit to calm his bladder down. Luckily he doesn't seem to mind if it's added in although it probably helps that he likes food with gravy or broth and refuses pate on a regular basis. Pate is ok on occasion though.

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I have a question for cat parents.  Our 9 yr old rescue cat (adopted her 2 years ago; came from a decent home, elderly owner) will have dental surgery on the 16th (broken tooth, gingevitis, & another tooth that needs to go!). The surgical center folks did a blood test and the next day called us, said she's ok for surgery but they'll get a urine specimen on the 16th because the blood test indicated a possible issue with kidneys.  Well...just today, in a guest bedroom that's been repainted and still needs a bit of work done, I looked at the bare mattress & noticed a big but faint stain. Smelled it & I know it's urine.  A week ago she got accidentally locked in that room for several hours.  She'd pooped on that mattress (guess she had to go!) but I didn't see any stain.  So I think this stain is something new.  If a cat is having a possible kidney issue, would (s)he not use the litter box but go on the mattress?  She uses her litterbox.  Mr. P914 says we can clean it but I say we need to buy a new mattress and that's what I'm going to do (and keep the door shut to this guest room). 

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55 minutes ago, annzeepark914 said:

If a cat is having a possible kidney issue, would (s)he not use the litter box but go on the mattress?

It's common, yes, especially in the case of infection.  Anything that makes peeing uncomfortable can cause them to do it elsewhere sometimes, especially someplace soft. 

But they also sometimes return to the "scene of the crime" and pee/poop again someplace they went previously, so the subsequent pee could also be because she can smell that she previously pooped there (they can smell it long after we think it's gone, which is why enzyme-based cleaners are the way to go).

(Were the kidney values elevated on the blood tests?  If so, cats can still easily undergo anesthesia under those circumstances, but there's a special protocol, so just make sure they'll be following that if there's kidney disease warranting it.)

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26 minutes ago, Bastet said:

(Were the kidney values elevated on the blood tests?  If so, cats can still easily undergo anesthesia under those circumstances, but there's a special protocol, so just make sure they'll be following that if there's kidney disease warranting it.)

I don't know.  All the surgery center staff person said was that the blood test showed something that might indicate a kidney issue.  This is a highly recommended surgery center so I believe they'll be careful.  Yeah...I've heard about cats returning to the scene of the crime. That's why a new box spring and mattress will be required (+ a closed door to that room!!) Thanks for the information. 

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One thing that I like about this sudden drop in temperature...Chelsea is learning to become a lap cat. Up to this point she would sit *near* me (or Hubby). She would enjoy being petted for awhile, then move on.

I know that this new cuddliness is in response to the cold, but she sat on my lap for half an hour today. 🙂 

Here's to hoping that she decides she likes to cuddle and the behaviour continues! 

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Thank you @bosawks . I love Alli’s fashion statements. Best dressed dog (without going OTT). 


(I didn’t intentionally add that photo. It was intended for some other post, but anyway Big Boy sends purrs.) 

Edited by Mindthinkr
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On 9/28/2019 at 4:57 AM, Browncoat said:

She is a beautiful girl!  I hope it works out for both of you.

So, poor dog has losr hee lifelong best friend/owner and is in a kennel.

We went to see her in the kennel and she is so sad it is heartbreaking.

She has two "handlers," one (another huge guy like the owner, son of owner, and my husband), brought her out.

Same thing.  She was just evil and vicious with me.  The handler said she has established herself as the alpha with me.  Also that the more frightened I am, the more wary it makes her because ahe does not know what I will do.

He told me I needed to give her a good punch in the head, or better yet hit her hard hitting up from under her jaw.  

Obv I can't do either of those things.

Any advice?

Pics are at home, then at kennel 😞

ETA:  She is am aggressive, unsocialized dog and is not being abused.  They said she just needs a lot of work, time and training to ever be safe to adopt out.  There are people there who are educated in this, and giving of themselves to do this.



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On 9/29/2019 at 1:26 PM, Bastet said:

Thanks, everyone.  I don't understand opening your mouth to say something like that, and it particularly pissed me off given his knowledge of the situation -- if an "outsider" saw Chester, they'd be well within their rights to be concerned he's being either neglected or forced to suffer by owners who won't let go, but this dude knows the story, that he only looks terrible.  So if his own cat was in this situation, he wouldn't treat him (which he could afford just as easily as my parents can) just because of how he looks?  That doesn't even compute, but setting that aside -- If he wouldn't do it, doesn't think my parents should do it, whatever goes through his head, why say it to the people who love Chester?

I think it's more common in Key West and Oak Park, given the Hemingway history in those locations, to call them Hemingway cats, but you can find people all over the U.S. who know "Hemingway cats" refers to polydactyl kitties.

I think they're adorable (cat paws in general are cute, so add an extra toe and you just add cuteness); when I was a kid, the print shop in my neighborhood had a polydactyl shop cat oh-so-creatively named "Toes" so he was my introduction to the genetic condition (I hate saying genetic mutation, even though that's accurate).  Chester's black fur makes it difficult to see in photographs, but his "thumbs" are particularly pronounced, so every time a new vet tech handles him, there's commentary on how he really looks like he has thumbs.  Chester has a lot of quirks we've never seen in another cat, so we joke he's from another planet, and it has become part of that to say the cats on his planet are clearly on the brink of world domination, because, as the commercial taught us, the only thing stopping cats is the lack of opposable thumbs:

Thx for the history and video!

My cats have always had literary names, the last being my beloved Ray Bradbury.  But he was kind of impossible to read with because as soon as I opened a book, he immediately had to sit on it.

Miss him so much.

Found an old Halloween pic of my heart.

Last pic... for our weddimg favors, we gave out playing cards.  Hubby was the king card, I was queen, and our various pets and personal moments and friends/family were the other cards.



B Royal Orange Tabby 10.jpg

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3 hours ago, PumpkinPK said:

Any advice?

There are German shepherd rescue groups around the country. Is there anyway you could email or Facebook any of them? You could try calling the local SPCA as well and see if they know of any. Best of luck. Poor baby. 😢

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8 hours ago, Giant Misfit said:

There are German shepherd rescue groups around the country. Is there anyway you could email or Facebook any of them? You could try calling the local SPCA as well and see if they know of any. Best of luck. Poor baby. 😢

Thanks GM!

The shelter is already doing that...  but I really am finally ready for a new dog after our Golden Retarded of 15 yrs passed, right before my 15 yr old cat.  I've never been petless like this, and I'm so sad about it.

Idk how to explain this, but I KNOW she is my dog.  I love her already, and can offer lots of time, attention, and we can give her a great forever home.

I really need help figuring our how to make her not want to tear 92 lb me apart.  I'm so kind to animals (esp to ones who have been through all she has), but that dog will seriously kill me.  Idk why she hates me so much.  I can't even sit on the ground and put a treat in front of her.

2 hours ago, MargeGunderson said:

@PumpkinPK, thank you for those! I needed a pick me up today. I would love to have a grey cat like that. So handsome! Also, "Vacuum" never fails to slay me. 

So delighted others enjoyed them too.

I rhink "Vacuum" was my favorite!

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4 minutes ago, PumpkinPK said:

I really need help figurimg our how to make her not want to tear 92 lb me apart.  I'm so kind to animals (esp to ones who habe been through all she has), but that dog will seriously kill me.  Idk why she hates me so much.  I can't even sit on the ground and put a treat in front of her.

It may be as simple as she doesn’t like or trust women. Try not to take it so hard or personally. I think that it’s great that you are willing to love her and do right by her, but y’all may not be a good fit together. I applaud your efforts. 

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15 hours ago, PumpkinPK said:

Does anyone else here (is anyone else old enough lol) to remember the "Dear Kitten" commercials?

They slayed me.

I have had a horrible day and I just watched all 13 and I am in tears from laughing so hard.  I don't know what my favorite part is vacuum, santa claws, the one about the bathroom, kitty got a big belly!

They are just all so true!

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14 hours ago, theredhead77 said:

I sure hope so, they came out in 2014.

Oh my goodness, yes, I had a brief moment of "Wait, I know time is really flying by at this point, but Dear Kitten wasn't very long ago, was it?!"

The original is my favorite, especially "human larva".  Next on my list is the Regarding the Dog version.

I think this playlist has all of them; if not, most.

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13 hours ago, PumpkinPK said:

Thanks GM!

The shelter is already doing that...  but I really am finally ready for a new dog after our Golden Retarded of 15 yrs passed, right before my 15 yr old cat.  I've never been petless like this, and I'm so sad about it.

Idk how to explain this, but I KNOW she is my dog.  I love her already, and can offer lots of time, attention, and we can give her a great forever home.

I really need help figuring our how to make her not want to tear 92 lb me apart.  I'm so kind to animals (esp to ones who have been through all she has), but that dog will seriously kill me.  Idk why she hates me so much.  I can't even sit on the ground and put a treat in front of her.

So delighted others enjoyed them too.

I rhink "Vacuum" was my favorite!

I think we (greatly including myself) assign human properties to pets.   She may not be a good fit with a female. Why?  We don’t know bc you’re nice and wonderful and would give her the best life. But she is an animal. It breaks my heart her story- for the dog and her owner.  If she’s not the best fit for you- that is because she’s a dog and can’t say those thoughts to herself (this person  is awesome and even close to my old stomping ground!).  I wish they could. I love your spirit and just overall niceness. I can’t imagine how happy your next pet will be in such a great home.  

@bosawks What is your car setup?  Knox is a frequent traveler in a 4-runner and I’ve got her in a dog bed in the back. That looks secure and intriguing. 

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On 10/26/2019 at 8:35 AM, KnoxForPres said:

@bosawks What is your car setup?  Knox is a frequent traveler in a 4-runner and I’ve got her in a dog bed in the back. That looks secure and intriguing. 

@KnoxForPres it’s a hammock style car cover.  I prefer the kind that almost looks like a rectangular box once you get it secured.

Amazon has a nice selection in the $30-$35 range and if you keep your eye out for deal of the day even cheaper.

Alli is a boisterous one and is hard on them and they still last 3-4 years.

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Yesterday was National Black Cat Day. It is always Black Cat Day at Chez Bay, but Girl Cat accepts it as her due that once a year other plebians honor her.

Two new cat trees, mostly assembled arrived today. The timing is a coincidence with the holiday ^^^ I ordered them now because it's bulk trash month so the old ones can go to the curb. I am, and forever more shall be, in agony after partially dismantling the 7 foot monster and somehow getting down my very long driveway and out to the curb. So heavy and awkward. I thought I was going to pass out before I got back into the house.

Girl Cat will, of course, ignore her new furniture for a few months.

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22 minutes ago, ABay said:

Girl Cat will, of course, ignore her new furniture for a few months.

Until one day when you cannot find her ANYWHERE, and you loudly call for her while checking all her usual hidey-holes.  Meanwhile, you should be looking UP - as she'll be silently watching you while perched unblinkingly on the top level of that damned tree!

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The day that Shadow got her cat tree was the same one in which she took an unauthorized stroll outside, thanks to Grandma not latching the door securely.  When I noticed it was open, I ran outside to find her on the front porch, and when she saw me, she darted around the corner of the building.(Fortunately, about 15-20 seconds after I yelled “SHADOW, GET YOUR A** BACK HERE *NOW*,” she came back.  It had just snowed, and I imagine that as soon as those little dainty feet made contact, she was like “Nuh-uh.”)

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I don't know if anyone else hears listens to The Magnus Archives, but it makes me love badass Gertrude even more that she started waging war on the Fears because Desolation killed her cat.

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7 minutes ago, ABay said:

I don't know if anyone else hears listens to The Magnus Archives, but it makes me love badass Gertrude even more that she started waging war on the Fears because Desolation killed her cat.

I have no idea what Magnus Archives is, but I'll join any warfare against cat killers.  Fuck, I'll take 'em all on, no troops required.

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From the website:

"The Magnus Archives is a weekly horror fiction anthology podcast examining what lurks in the archives of the Magnus Institute, an organisation dedicated to researching the esoteric and the weird. Join new head archivist Jonathan Sims as he attempts to bring a seemingly neglected collection of supernatural statements up to date, converting them to audio and supplementing them with follow-up work from his small but dedicated team."

I'm not really a horror fan but this is easily the best fictional narrative podcast I've listened to. The bit bout Gertrude was just a passing line. No actual cats were harmed, on or off air, in the making of this podcast.

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