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6 minutes ago, Bastet said:

FWIW, I think I'd do that at this point (so long as there's nothing in her blood tests or otherwise to suggest anethesia poses an unreasonable risk unless it's absolutely necessary, of course -- standard disclaimer applies).  I'd have to go back and read the old posts to refresh my memory, but from what's still floating around in my brain it seems clear something beyond the usual suspects is causing her symptoms, and I think it would be wise to get a real good look in there (especially if it's a vet who, if they find something that is removable, would be able to do so right then [as opposed to needing to refer you to a specialist surgeon to do it at a later date).

Best wishes for Ginny to feel better soon -- and for you to learn what this is, and that it's something easy to permanently fix.

Which one is she?  (They're both adorable, just curious whose paws are whose in that cute picture.)

Ginny is the top one, and Luna is the one with some white. 

I do think it is something a bit unusual - and would love if it can be fixed, as my cats historically don’t have the best track record in that department. She was spayed before I got her and nothing was reported to me about not tolerating, so that is good. 

My vet did post a video not too long ago of them removing a polyp so I think it is something they could do on the spot, possibly depending on location of the polyp. Of course, that’s if she even has one. They could anaesthetize her and find nothing. 

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25 minutes ago, Mondrianyone said:

Yikes! A porch-pirate bear!

Can I ask you what general part of the country this is? We live in the Maine woods and have never seen a bear. Moose, yes, but not a single bear. (Well, I don't know if they're single or not. Never spotted a ring.)

Your friends should send the clip to one of those YouTube doorbell-camera sites.

Northeast.  South of you.  We were very annoyed when we went on the touristy Alaska cruise.  We didn't see a single bear.  We did see moose, though.  We've also seen moose in Quebec province.  We've been to Moosehead Lake, Maine, but didn't seen any moose there or bears.

Edited by EtheltoTillie
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When I live in CA up in the Sierras. I was up late one night watching TV. DH was already in bed when I heard a bumping and thumping on the front porch. I thought for some reason DH had gotten up and was outside. I went to the front door to look out  when I found myself face to face with a big ole bear. Eyeball to eyeball we stared at each other a second then it bolted off. YIKES! My door was half glass, it could have barged inside if it wanted to. Thank goodness it didn't though!!

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11 minutes ago, Mondrianyone said:

(I just spent ten minutes looking for a bear emoji. Either there isn't one or I'm bear-blind.)


Between the bat and the koala 🐻, no body profile though

Same one on this site, and easier to see imo, though more scrolling - getemoji.com

Edited by SuprSuprElevated
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4 minutes ago, Mondrianyone said:

Duh. Thanks, @SuprSuprElevated! I thought it was a hairy mouse.

I may also be post-blind, because I can't find the post of mine that you quoted. I give up.

On my screen, it's the post directly above mine.

Stay strong @Mondrianyone!  😄

Edited by SuprSuprElevated
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10 hours ago, SoMuchTV said:


selecting the emoji icon and searching for “bear” gives me the above options. Some of which I can explain and some I can’t. 


11 minutes ago, chitowngirl said:

The first three are for “beards”, so they are the options showing up because of the “bear”

I'm guessing "I'm a gender non-conforming bear so take your snowflake opinions and keep them to yourself!"

But I might be hoping it says that since it is Pride.

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10 hours ago, SoMuchTV said:


selecting the emoji icon and searching for “bear” gives me the above options. Some of which I can explain and some I can’t. 

Okay, this is weird.  When I posted this, I'm sure I just had 6 emojis included - the three "beards" (figured that out eventually!) and three different "bears" - including one that I don't see in my previous post now:


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12 hours ago, EtheltoTillie said:

Friends in northern NJ have seen bears around their house.

Same here across the border. At the moment my neighborhood has a garbage can pirate bear. At least four times this spring, including one in my driveway, I've spotted the work of a bear while walking Norman in the morning. 

This bear knocks over the can, drags the stinky bag that piqued his interest about 15 feet away, and then picks though it looking for his prize, which you will then see another short distance away.  In my case, it was a container of sour cream that hid in the back of my refrigerator until I spotted it and discovered its new green form. 

Should have washed it down the sink and recycled the container, but instead I went "EWWW" and tossed it in the trash.  The bear licked it relatively clean. Not sure what that was all about.

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My mom took Daisy back to the vet about her skin and scratching. He said she has allergies, but since they can't really narrow it down he prescribed a pill that covers most. She also has to take medicine for infection from her scratching. She also had to have her anal sacs expressed again (my mom said she could hear Daisy in the other room crying during it). He gave her a pill to help with that too. They spent a lot of money that day. She looked so sad after and my mom said she went under the bed and stayed for a good while.

It did her good though. I went over the other night and she was all over me as soon as I walked in. I sat on the floor and she was racing around in circles and playing.



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My dog had itching problems that got progressively worse through the years, going from seasonal to all the time. Our vet gave her prednisone shots, which I wasn't crazy about, but they helped somewhat. It was awful to watch her scratching constantly.

Then one day we were in a pet shop in another town, and we got to talking to the owner. We told her about the scratching, and she suggested that we remove all foods that contained corn, wheat, or soy--or any combination. We went home and got rid of everything that had those ingredients on the label and switched the dog's diet to foods that were free of them. Within two weeks the scratching stopped completely. It made me weep to think of all those years we could have spared her. So this is what I suggest to anybody who tells me about a dog with itching problems. Better to approach the problem nutritionally, because if it works, it's like a miracle.

Best of luck with sweet Daisy.

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Kittens are getting really bold and are showing much less fear of me which warms my heart. Last evening I looked out the kitchen window and there were 3 kittens following a mama (three moms "share" care of the bunch) along the wood post of the side yard fence.

9 new kittens, 3 moms that co-raise them. They nurse off any mom and every mom takes care of each kitten that needs help. So sweet to see.

Last summer I had 14 cats in the colony. Several, mostly males have moved on.  Several neighbors have seen them around. So I started this year with 6 cats still here full time.  Adding the 9 new babies I'm at 15 now so only added 1. My son says, sure mom, whatever you want to tell yourself, haha.


Edited by Gramto6
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What do you guys do when a cat goes missing?

One of my friend's cats (1 year old) went missing 10 days ago. He's an indoor-outdoor cat and chipped, but between a bad thunderstorm, smoke from the wildfires, quite some heat, and being nearby a large river, she is quite worried. She and her family do the usual, like leaving scent-infused things out, walking the neighborhood with treats in hand, informing the SPCA, posting on the various local FB groups for lost pets, plastering the neighborhood with flyers.

Anything else you can think of that might help?

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21 minutes ago, supposebly said:

What do you guys do when a cat goes missing?

One of my friend's cats (1 year old) went missing 10 days ago. He's an indoor-outdoor cat and chipped, but between a bad thunderstorm, smoke from the wildfires, quite some heat, and being nearby a large river, she is quite worried. She and her family do the usual, like leaving scent-infused things out, walking the neighborhood with treats in hand, informing the SPCA, posting on the various local FB groups for lost pets, plastering the neighborhood with flyers.

Anything else you can think of that might help?

Beyond just informing the SPCA, visit in person (to SPCA, local Animal Control, anyplace else a stray might end up).  Don't just take the word of whoever's at the front desk that, no, we haven't had a gray tabby brought in recently.  Find out their retention policy for strays and make sure if at all possible that you visit more frequently than that.

And pay attention to any "found" notices you see.  Years ago, our adult indoor cat bolted and went missing.  I did all of the above and after several weeks we resigned ourselves that he was indeed gone.  Then I saw a flyer where someone said they had found an "older kitten" a few blocks away.  Turns out he had started a new life with a new family, who gave him fancier food than we ever did!  He didn't seem to mind coming back to us, though.

Good luck to your friend!

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My late cat (see  avatar) was strictly an indoor cat. Neighbor rescued him under her front porch (she already had 6 of her own). He lived 12 years and passed around 3 years ago. I have never had the heart to have one for my own again. 

The cats that have me now are all feral cats that have adopted me.  They don't come inside but for a few steps and mostly are shy of getting really close to me. But they know they get good food here so stick around. I love them all but they come and sometimes go all on their own and I can only hope they have found a better place. I am surrounded with lots of big fields full or mice so there is plenty for them to forage. One  goes away, I just let it go. It is after all basically a wild animal. There must be something in the air that attracts cats to this little neighborhood! LOL

Therefore I really have not had to search for a missing cat. It sounds like your friend is doing all that can be done to find her cat. I sure hope she does!!

Edited by Gramto6
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18 minutes ago, SoMuchTV said:

Beyond just informing the SPCA, visit in person (to SPCA, local Animal Control, anyplace else a stray might end up).

She does that. Daily. Sorry, I should have been more specific. Our SPCA also posts any pets that come in on their FB page as well.

It all breaks my heart. She's had cats for decades and none of them ever went missing. This one was adopted about a year after her companion for 17 years had to be put down.

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50 minutes ago, SuprSuprElevated said:


OMG, this was my DH this morning. He's driving down to Montesano to visit his sister. Elizabeth tried to get into his backpack, then she threw herself at the front door (Miss Drama) and followed him around all morning. She finally relieved her outrage by using his backpack as a scratching post. Now she's just staring forlornly out the front window.

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39 minutes ago, peacheslatour said:

OMG, this was my DH this morning. He's driving down to Montesano to visit his sister. Elizabeth tried to get into his backpack, then she threw herself at the front door (Miss Drama) and followed him around all morning. She finally relieved her outrage by using his backpack as a scratching post. Now she's just staring forlornly out the front window.

Daddy’s Girl 😺

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7 hours ago, supposebly said:

Anything else you can think of that might help?

It's important to go door to door and speak with as many neighbors as possible.  Plenty of people ignore flyers posted around the neighborhood (especially if they only drive, not walk), aren't on Facebook/NextDoor/PawBoost where they'd get an electronic notification, etc., so it's best to get flyers directly into the hands of neighbors and ask them to hold onto them so that if they spot the cat, they can call immediately.

Escaped indoor cats tend to hide (and nearby), but this one is used to being outside, so that's unlikely -- except the thunderstorm could have spooked her, and the smoke is interfering with her ability to smell her way home if she went beyond her usual rounds.  So it doesn't hurt to also, while scouring the neighborhood, look in potential hiding places.  Not too many lost cats pop out in response to hearing their name called, a treat bag being shaken, etc.  Good to do that, of course, just to know that they're more likely to come home on their own (usually in the wee hours of morning) or be found.

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Also- I saw Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 3 this weekend- (I shared this in the movie thread so forgive me);  but one of the jokes that seriously tickled me was an exchange between Cosmo (a girl golden retriever who has telekinetic powers) and Kraglin (a former Ravenger, like a space pirate), he calls her a “bad dog” because she didn’t finish a trick and she goes “take it back, you don’t think I’m a bad dog” and it’s a gag between them until the end when she uses her powers to get a group of people to safety and he calls her a good dog, and she goes “I knew it! I knew you thought I was a good dog”. 

I probably find this more humorous than it actually is because of my Cosmo. 

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On 6/10/2023 at 7:16 AM, supposebly said:

What do you guys do when a cat goes missing?

I suggest posting flyers. I'm frequently out walking (without staring at my phone) and I have seen flyers and then seen the cat lurking under a car or trailer. If I can't catch them, I can at least let the owners know the general location and that they are safe for now.

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