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All Stars Season 4 Spoilers

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Because Lifetime apparently does not care about spoiling their shows, the trailer for the upcoming season of Project Runway All Stars makes it pretty clear who leaves early and who sticks around for a while. 


Shot of the top 11:


It looks like Alexandria, Patricia, and Chris are the first three to be eliminated. 


Also, it appears that Helen, Michelle, Samantha, Sonjia, Benjamin, and Fabio (among others, potentially) make it London. There is a lot of footage of Helen and Michelle from different challenges, so I'm afraid that this season will be mean girl-heavy. 

Edited by ThatsDarling
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Oh my gosh, I am so conflicted. This season has some of my all-time favorites returning - Dmitry, Fabio, Kate, and Chris. I also really like justin, Patricia and Gunnar's personalities, and Samantha's return completes the trifecta of robbed beauties from Season 11 returning. Sonjia had some killer designs herself, and I can look past Michelle's rankness at her talent.

But Helen. I just can't. Especially since she will be pit against Alexandria, forcing me to root for somebody that I found overrated throughout her entire season, and will continue to suck the otherwise lovely Kate into her mean girl vortex.

And Benjamin. I hated looking at him, I hated listening to him, and I hated his designs.

I am hoping Jay has grown up a bit, because he was one of only two designers I disliked in the otherwise glorious Season 7 (the other was waterworks Janeane). His dismissiveness toward Mila was unnecessary and he had such an air of superiority. Ick.

Hearing the first three eliminations makes me sad, so I am hoping Fabio and Dmitry will bring the awesome to keep me on board.

Well, crap, crap and crap.

I was so looking forward to Chris March. Patricia, too; I always liked her weirdness and unlike Korina from season 13, her southwestern sensibility without cliche.


HATE that Helen is there at least for the long-ish haul.


I guess this is going to be another annointing of someone undeserving, like season 2 All Stars, when Anthony Ryan Auld won with the same shite that got him eliminated on his original season.

I can't figure out who they're trying to set up as winner, though. They already did the previous champ winning All Stars thing with Seth Aaron, so it's probably, hopefully, not Michelle. Dmitry, I could live with; he's not the most innovative designer ever, but he's still one of my all time favourites.


If it's supposed to be a redemption for either Kate or Helen, DEAR GOD, let it be KATE.

Edited by PepperMonkey
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Guess that means I'm out.  I would have suffered through a few episodes of Helen in order to see Alexandria, Chris, Dmitry, and Jay, but no more than that.  She is just too repulsive of a human being.  She is to me what that Hantz clan was to Survivor. 


Stupid Project Runway.  Why did they have to bring back that hateful, mediocre whiner?

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I know that is likely not true but I'm crossing my fingers what with seeing that lovely "DQ" next to Helen.

ETA: I'm not exactly a spoiler phobe but I have stayed away from spoilers in the past with Project Runway. The fact that I didn't think twice about checking this thread says a lot of what I think about these designers (and the current competition in general).

Edited by joelene
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And we knew Chris March wasn't going to WIN; after all, he's from the Bravo seasons, but yeah, I was hoping he'd be around for a while.


I know, I know: Daniel V won that one-off "all stars" competition that they aired the night of the premiere of the first season on Lifetime, but Bravo season contestants were all they had so it had to be one of them, right? (shoulda been Korto)

Edited by PepperMonkey
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I was surprised to learn that Alexandria got the boot so early, because I remember Alyssa Milano going on Craig Ferguson right after S12 ended and the two of them talking about how she totally should have won (apparently, Mr. Ferguson is a big PR fan). 


Knowing that Alex, Patricia, and Chris go home early and that Helen and Michelle make it pretty far is pretty telling in terms of what will be valued by the producers this season. I don't think I'll watch, either. 

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Reading the spoiler chart (because I have to know how much this show is going to wreck havoc on my blood pressure)


1. Is there a mentor save?  Chris comes back, but maybe its because Dimitry withdraws


2. I can roll with this show as long as I get the pleasure of seeing Helen and Michelle get the boot.  I only wish that MK was there to do it, although Issac can be pretty mean too, but MK just brings a certain je ne sais quoi (spelling) to the whole thing.  And if Helen gets two wins in a row you know what will be especially insufferable and arrogant so having her taken down will make me smile with all my teeth


3. Does no one get booted on episode 6?



Camomile, did you grab that shot personally? I'm just wondering if it's something doctored that is floating around or if anyone saw it first hand (which doesn't eliminate it being faked). Looks like the editing history for the wiki entry is quite lengthy for a show that hasn't aired a single episode yet.


Upon second look, I think that grid is fake. The titles ring very phony to me. It seems like something someone would doctor up to get viewers interested in watching ("Why does Dmitry withdraw? How was Helen disqualified?").



Call me wacky, but I'm thinking spoof. l can't imagine PR having a challenge with Obesity in the title.


Also: DQ?


I was hoping that maybe the titles were fake, but that the grid results were real.  But it seems possible that it may be a giant fake.  It seems like a lot of work just to completely fuck with people.


ETA: I did notice though, that the chart has 14 designers starting the season, someone posted a picture of the top 11 with Dimitry.  But the chart shows him withdrawing in the third episode.  If he is in the top 11, he couldn't be out until the 4th episode.  Boo on the chart!

Edited by RealityGal
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Count me in as bummed Chris is eliminated early.  But in all fairness he seems to have the most chances as anybody to win a PR competition; if he still can't do it meh maybe it's time to just find another route all together, Bravo just doesn't seem to like him.


Maybe Helen won't be such a hateful person on this season; I seem to remember alot of so-called villans from last season use AllStars as a chance to improve there image. 


What chart are you guys speaking of?  Can I get a link to that?  I'll be rooting for Dimitry and boo if he gets eliminated early.

Count me in as bummed Chris is eliminated early.  But in all fairness he seems to have the most chances as anybody to win a PR competition; if he still can't do it meh maybe it's time to just find another route all together, Bravo just doesn't seem to like him.


Maybe Helen won't be such a hateful person on this season; I seem to remember alot of so-called villans from last season use AllStars as a chance to improve there image. 


I'm not even sure my love for Chris March can overcome my hatred of Helen to convince me to watch this season. Now, I'd watch a season with Helen if Laura Bennett was also on. I'd love to see Laura put Helen in her place.

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Another huge Laura fan here.  She was above all else, CLASSY.  Her designs, her execution and her personality.  But very down-to-earth and not snooty.    I seem to remember her color-blocking being just exceptional.  It would be hilarious to see her cut Helen down with just a look, cause Laura could do it! 


I adore Chris March, but he is pretty well known and HAS had his own Bravo TV show, "Mad Fashion".  It was entertaining.  And he dressed Jennifer Cooldge and Chrissy Teigen, so he's not languishing in design obscurity these days.  I'm ok with him not hitting the finals, but he is fun to watch in the workroom. 

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Oh well I was only going to watch because of Chris (in particular because there are others in the cast I am definitely not interested in spending time with again).  They should employ him as a permanent workroom sidekick; not in lieu of Tim, or in any kind of advisory role.  Just have him sit there and hold court while everyone else works.  Love his energy and banter.

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I do wish they'd been able to get Laura instead of Helen. Laura is one of my all time favorite designers and personalities on this show, and I agree she could reduce Helen to pudding with one chic high-heeled shoe behind her back.


I don't know what spoilers to believe, but I'm going to continue to believe/hope that Chris lasts a bit longer than some spoilers claim. And maybe I'll stop reading spoilers.

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the producers scraped up Snookie for the judging pool


OK, this? Is almost going to make it worth it to me. Because whether Snookie likes her work or hates it, Michelle's face is going to be money. Think about it - either Snooki is going to try to tell Michelle what's wrong with her work, or Snooki's going to be one of Michelle's Girls, the kindred spirits in edgy hipster urbanity who totally Get her. 


This? Makes me happy.

Edited by Julia

Snooki has about as much credibility with me as a judge of fashion as she has as... well, an actual celebrity.


Of course she does. That's the beauty of it. Michelle the lone wolf who thinks critical feedback means only means that the person isn't hip enough to hang with her socially has to stand on the runway and listen to what Snooki thinks of her work. It'll be epic.

  • Love 3

OK, this? Is almost going to make it worth it to me. Because whether Snookie likes her work or hates it, Michelle's face is going to be money. Think about it - either Snooki is going to try to tell Michelle what's wrong with her work, or Snooki's going to be one of Michelle's Girls, the kindred spirits in edgy hipster urbanity who totally Get her. 


This? Makes me happy.

You know, I was pretty bummed about michelle, but reading this actually makes me excited, I had not thought about it.

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I was kind of excited about this season of All-Stars, but...BUT...




Would somebody please, please take her Portland hipster behind back to her special Bat Cave so I can be rid of her face for the rest of my life??!! I only liked her cat, 'cause she looks like my baby girl Sarah, but cats aside - I CANNOT STAND THIS WOMAN. Person. Or whatever she is. I feel a bit bad, because I didn't recognize her on the heavily Photoshopped group shot that's on the site. And then I kind of threw up a little in my mouth when I found out she was on the show. Eck. Santino would be better off for snark appeal - at least he's funny (to me, personally). I know he wasn't very popular on his season, but I still laugh to myself at his comment about Magic Pants: "You can't polish a turd!"

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Just for me, my goal is to try to focus on the fact that  this is still supposed to be a contest of designs and it is the fashions I'd rather see criticized instead of personal attacks on people we don't actually know.    Count me not on board the bully train.


I think the word bully is overused.  Now, expressing an opinion about the actions or behavior someone undertakes is called "bullying", anything but ego petting, and highest praise has suddenly become the basis for an accusation of being a bully.  I certainly think bullying exists, but I think its a slap in the face of people who actually go through bullying to say that snarking on someone from a reality show is the equivalent of being a bully.  


I'm starting to feel like the "no bullying" movement has been overrun by people who simply want to behave poorly, but don't want to be criticized for their poor behavior.  But that's not really how the world works, nor should it be, if you want to be a bold personality, and you want to behave in a certain way people are going to judge you for the actions you've chosen to take.


If this was just a show about design the show would be about 20 minutes long.


But having said all that, I will gladly take your train ticket, because I do love snark, so I don't want to risk not getting on the snark train because I lost my ticket!

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I'm not interested in anyone being bullied.


I'm also not interested in watching Michelle and Helen, two people who were catered to outrageously, bullied others and excused it by saying that they were just being honest and real and everyone else needed to toughen up, and melted down blubbering like overtired four year olds when they had to face any adversity at all, get special treatment again.


I'm very sure that not getting special treatment will be wildly unpleasant for them. I really can't bring myself to be too disturbed about that.

Edited by Julia
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I can't believe Alexandria leaves before Helen and Kate.  Helen's a one-way gown-making crybaby fucked-up monkey, and Kate is a spineless fake-assed talent-free craven kiss-ass, with fatally frumptastic taste, poor skills and no eye.  (And no character.  Helen is evil and Kate is the banal basic bitch that lets evil thrive when it might benefit her.)  Ask either of those idiots to make separates that actually fit - but don't hold your breath.  Eff!


I can't even wrap my head around a universe where Chris March, Alexandria and Dmitry might depart before Helen, Kate, Ben and Gunnar (though I'm sort of loving Mr. Deatharage's 'Jackie O.' black sleeveless turtleneck and big necklace confessionals.)  Each of those 3 have actual ability and a great sense of what works on the body - Chris dressed Meryl Streep in one of her best, least-fuddy-duddy looks in recent years.  I don't think he was worried about getting 'burrito smells' into Meryl's 'thousand-dollar gown,' either, Helen*.  




* Helen sounded as delusional as Gob Bluth describing the expense of her garments:

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Chris dressed Meryl Streep in one of her best, least-fuddy-duddy looks in recent years.



Agreed.  As I was admiring how wonderful and elegant she looked, she mentioned that Chris March had designed her gown and I let out a big cheer.


I really hope the spoilers are wrong. Dmitry and Chris are two of the reasons I'm watching this iteration. (Also Fabio and Sonjia)

Sadly, it seems like the judges no longer like any kind of beautiful gowns or couture in general. The past few seasons, they have favored urban grunge/street wear above all else. I realize Sean just won with his fringe gowns, but I don't see the judges liking the typical gowns of Chris March, Laura Bennett or Michael Costello (all of which I loved).

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