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Teen Mom 2: Past Seasons Disscussion


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I'm wondering when Leah will be preggers with A4. With her track record, I'm thinking it'll be sooner rather than later.

I'm thinking the same thing you are. I bet we find out she's knocked up again before this season is finished airing. I mean, she's been dating the new guy for over a month already. That's plenty of time for her to think having another kid is a great idea. Wedding #3 should be ever so awesome. She's done a camo wedding and an el cheapo beach wedding so far. Does Chuck E Cheese have weddings? The kids could run around screaming (like they do at home), the creepy mascot could officiate and they could cut a pizza instead of a cake. 

  • Love 3

What terrible  name with A can she come up with? Also why is she obsessed with the letter  "A"?And knowing her, it's not going to be a normal "A" name like Ashley or Anna.


We should also keep in mind that it could be a possibility of  twins again. Hey it happened once. Could happen again. 

Edited by WhosThatGirl

What terrible  name with A can she come up with? Also why is she obsessed with the letter  "A"?And knowing her, it's not going to be a normal "A" name like Ashley or Anna.


We should also keep in mind that it could be a possibility of  twins again. Hey it happened once. Could happen again. 

Even if she picked Ashley or Anna, it would be spelled Ashleeigh or Aannna. Or, she would blend them into something like Ashleeighaanna. Another totally WV thing I've noticed is that by calling Aleeah (or however the fuck she spells it) Gracie, she's doing what almost every one of my dad's family back there does. No one in his immediate family and most of other relatives go by their given name. It's either their middle name or some nickname the picked up when they were babies.

Even if she picked Ashley or Anna, it would be spelled Ashleeigh or Aannna. Or, she would blend them into something like Ashleeighaanna. Another totally WV thing I've noticed is that by calling Aleeah (or however the fuck she spells it) Gracie, she's doing what almost every one of my dad's family back there does. No one in his immediate family and most of other relatives go by their given name. It's either their middle name or some nickname the picked up when they were babies.

Really?  That's interesting. I didn't know that. I mean nicknames I sort of get, but going by your middle name instead of your first name. And you are probably dead on about the spelling. I don't know why but I always assumed it was easier for them to say Gracie instead of Alleah. Like they never call Ali Alaiana or whatever her name is, they just call her Ali. Ugh. They really are some terrible names with terrible spelling. Even the baby's name is terrible I never type it because I don't think I can ever attempt to spell it. 

  • Love 1

When 16AP first came on, I thought it a wonderful idea to try to tackle to the teenage pregnancy problem.  I watched a bit but eventually stopped because I found it too sad.  When one episode left me in tears, I was done.  I didn’t watch the first installment of Teen Mom, though I hoped it would continue the battle by showing that being pregnant was only the first rung of the mountain these girls would have to climb.  Ads for TM2 caught my eye because one of the featured moms, Leah, I’d seen in 16AP.  I thought her story was initially tragic (a darn near one night stand resulting in twins), and showed promise for the future – the young man who was the father was a stand-up guy and he was being parented to do what had to be done for his children.  Even Leah impressed me because I found her to be an emotional 3 year old when it came to herself but a surprisingly competent mother to not one but two babies.  And she even managed to get her diploma.  So I signed on for TM2.


Watching the earlier seasons I found myself growing more and more frustrated.  The girls were so annoying and so much of the programming focused on their relationships with the fathers rather than the incredibly hard task of becoming an instant adult so that you can care for a child, even though you ARE a child.  The parents and families did so much of the heavy lifting that it seemed across the board that when all was said and done, they missed the point.  The money they obtained from the show only served to fuel their egos, finance their doomed insistence on pursuing long-term romantic relationships with the fathers in the Holy Grail Quest for “Family”, and make millions of young girls think that not only wasn’t it bad to be 16AP, but somewhat glamorous and a way to jump start a “career” in reality television.  The most troubling to me, by far, was Jenelle, who not only wasn’t raising her child herself but was actively abandoning her child, hijacking her mother’s Golden Years, and punishing her for the favor.  There seemed to be no low that Jenelle would not seek and the crash that should have been her fate seemed to linger just out of reach because the network and its agenda kept it out of reach.  I am thoroughly convinced that Jenelle’s attorney is being paid by MTV and not Jenelle herself. 


By season 3 I simply couldn’t watch anymore and  turned off MTV for good.  I’m all for catering to a demographic and making a profit, but the motto should be, first do no harm.  But harm is indeed being done with this and other shows on the network.  A couple of weeks ago, I cleared my Saturday schedule because I was home sick and I was channel surfing.  I saw a TM2 marathon and thought “Lawd, what are those fools up to now?”  I tuned in.  Within seconds I saw Ali and it grabbed my interest.  I’d always found this part of the story poignant – see girls, you don’t always get a healthy baby who is just a little mini-me to play with.  Sometimes you get a special needs child and you will have to REALLY step up to the plate to be the parent that this child needs.  Ali (and of course her sister) had grown up so much and was healthy and beautiful and full of life and personality.  She’s in a wheelchair but she looks like a child who is loved and cared for – regardless of drama, Corey and Leah did good!  Then I saw Chelsea and something piqued my interest.  At some point between the time I’d last watched, Chelsea did some growing up.  You could see it in her face, in her posture.  She’d finished school (finally!) and had a REAL job and was raising her daughter responsibly and had finally come to the realization that I was hoping for 5 years prior – that a woman should, to the best of her abilities, CHOOSE the man who will be the father of her children – for their sake, not hers.  Chelsea was blessed with a loving, responsible father, Aubree was not.  She got it.  If ONE gets it, then we’re making progress.


I decided to catch up to see what prompted the change and I am caught up to the current season.  Here are my thoughts:


Jenelle – I’ve already posted my scathing thoughts on this girl and the trail of breadcrumbs her crotch leaves behind.   I am livid that MTV thought it okay to show her shooting up heroin.  How was she not arrested from this footage?  How was MTV not arrested as an accessory to this crime?  I don’t get it.  I think that it should be in their contract that if they get in trouble with the law, they will no longer be employed by the show.  It would get rid of Jenelle AND Adam.  Secondly, I think that their “payment” should be college trust funds for the children that they gave birth to on 16AP, not the new kids they make afterwards.


Leah – She’s a mess.  I find her very sad, but I do think she is a good mother.  She needs therapy.


Chelsea – not perfect but on her way.  Hooray!


Kail – I am bipolar when it comes to Kail.  I greatly dislike her but on the other hand I understand what fuels her.  I understand that rage in her and that she can’t really control it.  She was immediately sorry for assaulting Javi, it’s bigger than her intent.  It comes from her childhood.  Her mother is a POS of epic proportions and Kail grew up in survival mode.  She is STUCK in survival mode, and her every action is like a scared animal who trusts NO ONE.  Mercifully she doesn’t take out her resentment on her children.  Quite the opposite, she is very driven to be the mother HER mother never was.  But her rage trigger seems to be jealousy.  She seeks to dominate over all aspects of Joe because she is still so envious of the support system that he has in his family.  Joe, BTW, is doing great.  He is growing up and he seems to view the world and this situation with very clear, mature eyes.  More on that later.  Kailyn resents people who have “help” but refuses that help when offered to her.  I just can’t with the demonizing of the Riveras.  They tried and I will always remember the look that Janet gave Suzie when she made it clear that she was going to leave Kailyn to herself.  They did nothing wrong with her.  Kailyn was just unable to realize that “help” for her was to come out of “survival mode” and allow herself to be parented.  But she’d never been properly parented in her life and mislabeled it as “attacking” her and rejected it.  Damaged people can often be the most self-centered.  Kail acts solely on instinct and never considers how her actions affect others.  When people inform her of the injury she’s caused them, she lashes out at them saying that they are attacking her, and don’t understand her and turns herself into the victim, when she is really the perpetrator.  What’s interesting is that I think Joe has figured this out for himself and he plays his cards wisely.  Issac is very lucky to have Joe as a father and I do believe that when he fully matures, he will be a good man.  Sadly I see Kail de-evolving when her kids are no longer babies that can be controlled.  She needs therapy and that should ALSO be a part of the MTV contract.


Upon my new session of watching a few things stuck out.  When I first watched, I lamented – as we old folks tend to – about the fate of the world with the young people being so dumb.  But I saw something different.  When these girls would talk to their friends, the friends would give them sage advice.  They’d recoil in horror at some of the decisions these girls made.  I realized that it isn’t the youth of America in general, it was these specific girls.  There is something wrong with all of them that led them to their current predicament.  A general flaw in their perspective and decision making that would always have led them to this fate.  It wasn’t chance that put them on 16AP, it was fate.


I also noted that the girls with the deepest problems were the ones who grew up without a strong father figure.  These girls are the most inclined to jump from male to male without a break in service.  They pine the hardest about having a “family” and playing house.  They are the most likely to try to lock in a male by becoming pregnant.  I don’t know what happened to Chelsea (and her sister) to recreate these behaviors in spite of the presence of Randalicious.  Maybe we haven’t seen the problem in its entirety.  However, I don’t think it is accident that Chelsea is the first of this bunch to grow and become productive and who doesn’t have another child or two or three marriages and engagements behind her.  I’m not judging single mothers – many of whom are amazing and make miracles happen with their children, but I am saying that perhaps we should focus on how much creating a stable household affects kids deep into adulthood.


Of the kids I have the most hope for Issac – because of Joe, who I believe will be a STRONG figure in his life and  Ali – but ironically not her sister who I feel may follow in her mother’s footsteps – because Ali is very smart and has a literal army of adults seeing to her care (perhaps to the detriment of her more able but less sensible sister).  I have hope but sadly feel that we will lose Jace and perhaps even Aubree.  She’s a doll but sooner or later who her father is is going to take its toll.  The ONLY thing that can stop that is if Chelsea finds the strength to steer her with a firm hand, but Chelsea doesn’t really have a firm hand.


Sorry for all of this, I just had all these thoughts (two season’s worth) and nowhere else to put them.

Edited by Timetoread
  • Love 8
Of the kids I have the most hope for Issac – because of Joe, who I believe will be a STRONG figure in his life and  Ali – but ironically not her sister who I feel may follow in her mother’s footsteps – because Ali is very smart and has a literal army of adults seeing to her care (perhaps to the detriment of her more able but less sensible sister).  I have hope but sadly feel that we will lose Jace and perhaps even Aubree.  She’s a doll but sooner or later who her father is is going to take its toll.  The ONLY thing that can stop that is if Chelsea finds the strength to steer her with a firm hand, but Chelsea doesn’t really have a firm hand.


I think Aubree's got a really good chance of having a great outcome.  After all, she's got Randy if Chelsea remains with Cole, these two guys could mitigate the fact that Adam is her biological father. 

  • Love 1

I think Aubree's got a really good chance of having a great outcome. After all, she's got Randy if Chelsea remains with Cole, these two guys could mitigate the fact that Adam is her biological father.

I have to agree. And while Aubree can be a little sh!t sometimes, I've seen plenty of little kids like that who matured in to fine older kids and young adults. (In fact, relatives tell me I was a little sh!t like that myself & they didn't have a lot of hope that I wouldn't turn into a spoiled, nasty adult....and they*say* I didn't.) ;)

I also have hope that maybe Corey, Miranda, and Miranda's family will have a calming and disciplining effect on Gracie. The girlies have two potential female role models -1) Leah & 2) Miranda. Leah is Leah. But from what we've seen of Miranda she seems mature (doesn't partake in nasty Twitter exchanges about Leah or anything), doesn't sleep around (and was even married before she got pregnant!), and seems committed to being around for Corey and the girlies. She also had a career as a policewoman before becoming a stay-at-home stepmom/mom. I'm hoping that Leah will get her act together but I'm also hoping the girlies will be able to see that the path Miranda chose leads to more stability/happiness than Leah's choices & choose to emulate Miranda rather than their mom.

Edited by MyPeopleAreNordic
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I am livid that MTV thought it okay to show her shooting up heroin.  How was she not arrested from this footage?  How was MTV not arrested as an accessory to this crime?  I don’t get it.

Long ago I felt that if MTV wanted to present this series as a docu-series, they should not pay the participants. I have posted this before and will do it again. If PBS and other networks can present documentaries and docu-series to their viewers without having to pay the participants, so can MTV. If MTV wants to set up trust funds for the kids, that is fine. Make sure those trust funds can only be accessed and used by the children for college or for use in trade school when they reach adulthood, but nothing more. God forbid if a kid happens to die, then the trust fund money will be returned to MTV and in turn, used for charity. If this were the case, you can bet there would have been no Kail, no Jenelle, and no Leah.


As to your question about why MTV showed that footage of the heroin use. Networks like PBS, have documentaries and other networks have docu-series where participants are forthright about their drug use, engaging in prostitution, and other unlawful activities. Without participants, these shows wouldn't exist. Participants aren't going to agree to be on a documentary if they know they could be arrested for their actions for which they are being filmed.


Amber, Jenelle, and Leah have drug issues.  They likely would be drug users regardless if MTV ever came along.  I am deeply bothered that Jenelle, Leah, and Amber have likely had access to their drugs BECAUSE of MTV money.  How they would have acquired the money for their drugs would have been different than going to the ATM and pulling out their MTV earnings. When I watched Jenelle slamming, I couldn't help but feel that heroin going into her veins, was scored with her earnings. Thanks MTV. You are not only enablers, but pushers too.

Edited by GreatKazu
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I totally get and agree with the idea that MTV enables the girls on the show who are addicts by paying them (and that they'd likely be addicts without MTV). I was shocked that MTV showed Jenelle and Keiffer doing heroin on that one episode. But I was also kind of thankful.

First of all, it did not look to me like they were glamourizing drug use at all in that episode. Jenelle & Keiffer were broke, going to be evicted, desperately plotting how/where to get their next high, and then doing a heck of a heroin nod. Not to mention they also looked like they smelled rank. When we've seen Leah nod off and have that weird phone conversation with Ali's therapist when she was on "anxiety meds." I felt second hand embarrassment for her. She was/is a hot mess. She looks twice her age now. Not glamorous either. Same with Amber's high behind in so many of her episodes when she was supposedly "sober" before she went to prison.

For a long time, MTV tried to act like Amber was sober when she clearly was not and that Jenelle's only problem was weed (remember how she went to rehab for weed?! Whatever! We all know there was something else going on there). I was thankful & shocked that MTV wasn't bullshitting us anymore when they addressed Jenelle's heroin use so directly. I'd rather the series show the girls' addiction issues than try to cover for them (which they did so long for Amber and seem to have done somewhat for Leah until recently). Granted, this would all be less icky if MTV wasn't funding their addictions as well.

Edited by MyPeopleAreNordic
  • Love 4

Oh Gosh, I hope you all don't think I'm defending Kail, in any way, I'm not. I just don't like the way Jo, and his family, handled Kail when she had no choice, or options. My reference to Rivera love comes from the fact that on MULTIPLE websites I read a lot of 'I love Janet'. Frankly, she came off a bit mean, demanding and snarky towards Kail. Yes, I get that she was trying to look out for Kail (Issac) best interests, but she failed in her execution.

Just my opinion.

I agree with you, I don't like Jo's family either. Jo kept on puffy up his chest and doing some kind of hand gestures while proclaiming "How dare Kail disrespect me in my house." It was laughable b/c it is his PARENTS house. And his mom stood there staring at him with pride like "look at my manly son." I thought that situation there sucked for her, yeah she handled it badly, but they acted like they could control her life. I always thought it was weird that Junior was the main babysitter.



She never stands up for herself, he moved himself into her house and thinks he runs the show.

Again, he was not paying the rent but he moved his ass in there and then acted like he could run the show. As if anything with a penis living anywhere is in charge.


Aubree is the cutest, IMHO, and the twins... are not. 

  • Love 1

I didn't mind Jo's parents--Janet and Eddie, was it?  I think she gave Kailyn, a girl with no home, a great opportunity to work on her education and a nice place to live.  She even had a live-in babysitter.  She didn't want to abide by the rules, so she was asked to leave.  "My house, my rules" is a fair policy, and if she didn't like it then she was welcomed to get the fuck out, which she did. 

  • Love 7

I agree with you, I don't like Jo's family either. Jo kept on puffy up his chest and doing some kind of hand gestures while proclaiming "How dare Kail disrespect me in my house." It was laughable b/c it is his PARENTS house. And his mom stood there staring at him with pride like "look at my manly son." I thought that situation there sucked for her, yeah she handled it badly, but they acted like they could control her life. I always thought it was weird that Junior was the main babysitter.


Junior was the babysitter because Kail chose to use him as a sitter as she used the time to go and hook up with Jordan.


Big deal, his house, his parents house. As far as I knew, growing up in the house my mom and dad paid for, it was MY house, my siblings house, the pet's house. If someone acted the way Kail did in the Rivera home, in my home, you can bet I'd be throwing hand gestures, too. She'd be lucky if that was all I was doing as I threw her fat ass out of MY home. No one disrespects my home, my family, or me. Kail had no respect then and to this day still has no respect. It is not in her vocabulary.


Kail was being disrespectful to everyone in the Rivera house. She used Junior as her babysitter and then, lived for free with the Riveras without at least following the rules set forth by them. If I had nowhere to go and someone was allowing me to live under their roof with a set of rules, you can bet I am going to follow the damn rules. If I don't like the rules, there is the fucking door so I can walk my ass right outta there.

  • Love 5

The Rivera's let Kail live in their house even when Jo and Kail weren't together because they cared about Isaac and making sure that he was safe.  Kail should have been kissing their feet considering she lived there without paying rent (correct me if I am wrong) but instead she disobeyed their rules and wasn't particularly respectful.  I can't remember what the rules were exactly but IIRC, Kail was pretty terrible at keeping her room clean which was one of the conditions.  What's more is that they put up with her bad attitude for a reasonable amount of time because they loved their grandson and were prepared to overlook his selfish mother.  Jo was a bit of dick back then but Kail seems to have forgotten everything he and his family did for her which meant that she and her newborn weren't on the streets.  Plenty of single parents would love to have that sort of support from their in-laws who gave Kail a roof over her head and food on her plate.  Even after all that, Kail does everything she can to spite Jo and his family.  I remember the episode last season where she complained about how Isaac was spending 6 weeks over summer with Jo and couldn't go on their holiday.  Suck it up princess!  That was Jo's time with Isaac and given the hell she put him through, he obviously wasn't going to give it up. The tears about how Isaac couldn't go on family holidays because of Jo and Lincoln could, was pathetic. That is exactly what Jo goes through when he sees little kids playing soccer or going to school or doing normal family things when he can't because Kail seems to need Isaac 24/7. Besides, she doesn't need to worry about Isaac worrying about family holidays with Lincoln seeing as they will probably both be with their separate dads over summer when Javi and Kail divorce.  

  • Love 5

I agree with you, I don't like Jo's family either. Jo kept on puffy up his chest and doing some kind of hand gestures while proclaiming "How dare Kail disrespect me in my house." It was laughable b/c it is his PARENTS house. And his mom stood there staring at him with pride like "look at my manly son." I thought that situation there sucked for her, yeah she handled it badly, but they acted like they could control her life. I always thought it was weird that Junior was the main babysitter.


But that was Jo's home. Hence "his house." She disrespected him in his own home.  He was young at the time, and it was the only home he had. He was a kid, who'd recently become a father, and experience a rather ugly break- up with the mother of his child--- I am willing to cut him some slack with regard to bratty behavior, given his age and emotional turmoil at the time. He's definitely matured into a good father now. Kail certainly didn't behave well back then and continues to be a piece of work now.


I think the rest of the Riveras were also pretty neutral when negotiating Kail and Jo's relationship. At least, until she started disobeying their rules. I feel like they made every effort in the world to make it work. Can't really say I blame them for ultimately kicking her out. Also, I really can't be hard on Jo for the "my house" comment, He's at least 6-8 years younger than me--  I am in my late twenties and I still think of my parent's place as my 'real home' :-). To be fair to me, I live in a big city and rent so I  probably won't be a homeowner anytime soon. 


I do/ did have sympathy for Kail ,given her age and life circumstances at the time, but she's definitely kind of a monster. If I had a Kail in my life, I don't think I would be as patient as Jo and his family. 


ETA: I get that when Kail left the Riveras she had nowhere else to go. But, I really don't think they would have kicked her out if it was between them and the street. She went to her mother's apartment. In any case, while I have all the sympathy in the world for someone who was raised the way Kail was, she was very difficult to deal with, and the Riveras are not trained social workers. I think, by the end, they just didn't know how to deal with all her damage and were reacting to her. I can't really say I blame them, she needed and continues to need more help than non-professionals can give her. 

Edited by evilmindatwork
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I am pretty sure Kail left on her own accord. She wasn't literally kicked to the curb, but I wouldn't be bitching either if that is what the Riveras had done. After watching Kail over the years and reading up about her, it makes so much sense why Jo treated her the way he did. If how she treats Javi is any indication of how she treated Jo and his parents IN THEIR HOME back in the days, then I could give a shit as to how Jo came off to Kail. She deserved it. I don't believe for one second anyone else in Jo's position would have given Kail any ounce of patience or any sort of respect towards her after what she did. Considering he didn't report her for assault when she put her fucking hulk-like hands on him, tells me that Jo has been quite considerate to the mother of his child. I don't think anyone else would have been as kind.

  • Love 5

Mid season two right now, there's the episode where Kieffer and Jenelle steal Barb's credit cards and go to his brother's house in New Jersey. One scene that stood out to me was when they go out to dinner with the brother and his girlfriend who seems like a fairly nice woman. Barb ends up calling Jenelle and she's like "ugh! Why is she calling?" to which Kieffer's brother replies, "The same reason any parent calls - to be irritating." And you can sort of tell it emboldens Jenelle, who just sits there while Barb yells at her, making all these obvious points about what bullshit their prank is, and that Jenelle doesn't have a place to live. It's so cringeworthy after that, it's like Jenelle wants to impress her new friends and act all badass so she starts in with, "Well I don't care but I will be back for my stuff! I don't care that you'll call the cops on me, it's my property!" Really escalating the fight in FRONT of these strangers in the MIDDLE of dinner. She thinks she's showing off how no nonsense she is but the girlfriend looks really uncomfortable and Kieffer is very obviously embarrased so shuts it down with a, "Tell her you can't talk right now, man." and without stopping, mid-rant Jenelle goes, "and I can't talk about this right now because I am at dinner!" But the scene goes on for a while and the girlfriend makes the face that any normal person would in the situation.


Man, Jenelle really cannot read a room. Ah, secondhand embarassment for KIEFFER? Haha. Never thought it'd happen.

  • Love 3
14 minutes ago, TheRealT said:

I've only watched the pilot episode so far, but it's interesting seeing it all knowing how things progressed (or didn't). Kail looks 20 years younger. Jenelle is (still) insufferable. Chelsea and Lea are dumbasses. The good old days!

When they were actually teens?? Lol. Awwww I’d be rewatching with you but I’ve committed to The White Queen & Dawson’s Creek January 4th. 

  • Love 2

If anyone wants a good laugh, go to Leah's wedding episode at the end of season 1 and watch Corey's mom (not his stepmom, believe this is Corey's bio mother's only appearance in the series) just stare at Leah with barely contained loathing.


I believe Papaw Jeff and Corey's stepmom (Joelle?) had an honest affection for Leah in the early years. They may not have liked how she treated Corey but they were still empathetic to a 17 year old girl trying to manage infant twins mostly on her own (as Corey worked a lot and Leah was punted from Mama Dawn's trailer) and I think they believed she was a good mother to their granddaughters. Jeff was always quick to defend Leah on social media when someone insulted on via the comments on the pictures Jeff posted.


Had MTV not come along, Leah might have been a little less blase about cheating on Corey. You'll never convince me that Leah's reconciliation cornbread was not prompted by Leah panicking at the thought of being a single mom in the holler to two babies and figured Corey was better than nothing. Once MTV came along and the first season was filmed I think Leah started thinking she could do a little better, even with two kids.

  • Love 7
On 12/22/2020 at 9:45 AM, Tatum said:


Had MTV not come along, Leah might have been a little less blase about cheating on Corey. You'll never convince me that Leah's reconciliation cornbread was not prompted by Leah panicking at the thought of being a single mom in the holler to two babies and figured Corey was better than nothing. Once MTV came along and the first season was filmed I think Leah started thinking she could do a little better, even with two kids.

OMG this cracked me the fuck up. Yummm cornbread- I am having some tomorrow!

I absolutely agree with you. Corey was always way more into Leah than she was into him, but at the start of filming Teen Mom 2, Leah realized she had two babies, Robbie wasnt going to take her back and marry her, Corey was a good man who cared about her and was interested in being a good Dad. I think if TM2 had never come along she would've worked it out with him and tried to stay faithful for at least a few years until the girls were in middle school. But I do think she would've eventually left Corey because she never really wanted him and felt she was "stuck" because of the pregnancy.

After TM2 started airing and getting big, well Leah saw her way out. I do feel kinda bad for Corey because he did have genuine feelings for her and she treated him badly.

  • Love 6

@Tatum I’m intrigued by the early seasons now. Ah we were all so much younger then- but I don’t think I can watch Jenelle treat Jace and Barb so badly again. Also watch Kailyn mistreat Janet & Eddie’s home when they really were more than generous to her. Ugh. The only TM that’s actually in a better place is Chelsea- who for all her Adam pining I never thought Aubree was in any actual danger with her (like Jenelle or Leah on the pills); I don’t think Kailyn would endanger her kids physically but she starts fights with others and then claims she’s the victim!

  • Love 3
On 12/21/2020 at 9:47 PM, TheRealT said:

I've only watched the pilot episode so far, but it's interesting seeing it all knowing how things progressed (or didn't). Kail looks 20 years younger. Jenelle is (still) insufferable. Chelsea and Leah are dumbasses. The good old days!

Where are you able to watch the old stuff?

12 hours ago, Scarlett45 said:

@Tatum I’m intrigued by the early seasons now. Ah we were all so much younger then- but I don’t think I can watch Jenelle treat Jace and Barb so badly again. Also watch Kailyn mistreat Janet & Eddie’s home when they really were more than generous to her. Ugh. The only TM that’s actually in a better place is Chelsea- who for all her Adam pining I never thought Aubree was in any actual danger with her (like Jenelle or Leah on the pills); I don’t think Kailyn would endanger her kids physically but she starts fights with others and then claims she’s the victim!

I cannot think of a single redeeming quality of Jenelle. Yes, Chelsea and Leah are lazy and vapid, and Kail is a violent hosebeast, but at least all three women have some measure of legitimate affection for their kids, even if they don't always do right by them. I am convinced Jenelle feels nothing for her kids if she can't weaponize them against some adult in her life.

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4 minutes ago, Tatum said:

I cannot think of a single redeeming quality of Jenelle. Yes, Chelsea and Leah are lazy and vapid, and Kail is a violent hosebeast, but at least all three women have some measure of legitimate affection for their kids, even if they don't always do right by them. I am convinced Jenelle feels nothing for her kids if she can't weaponize them against some adult in her life.

Yeah Jenelle is one of those people that I feel theres no hope for. They dont want to be a decent person or contribute anything to society- they just take and take and take. 

  • Love 5
3 hours ago, heatherchandler said:

Where are you able to watch the old stuff?

I signed up for a free trial of CBS All Access.

They have all seasons up to season 8 of this, as well as Teen Mom, 16 and Pregnant, and a host of other reality TV train wrecks shows.

Mini Persnickety and I have been re-watching the old episodes and catching up.  We're on season 7 now, where the Eason house is starting to sink into the swamp.  

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1 hour ago, Persnickety1 said:

I signed up for a free trial of CBS All Access.

They have all seasons up to season 8 of this, as well as Teen Mom, 16 and Pregnant, and a host of other reality TV train wrecks shows.

Mini Persnickety and I have been re-watching the old episodes and catching up.  We're on season 7 now, where the Eason house is starting to sink into the swamp.  

Oh, I will do that..  I didn't watch most seasons, or I was barely watching.  

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3 minutes ago, heatherchandler said:

Oh, I will do that..  I didn't watch most seasons, or I was barely watching.  

I've decided to go ahead and pay for the monthly subscription.

What better way to suck up free time during a lockdown than watching this mess, the OG series, 16AP, etc.  

I signed up for the commercial free package, so I can start this crap and just let it run all day 😂

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7 minutes ago, Persnickety1 said:


I've decided to go ahead and pay for the monthly subscription.

What better way to suck up free time during a lockdown than watching this mess, the OG series, 16AP, etc.  

I signed up for the commercial free package, so I can start this crap and just let it run all day 😂

I may have to do that too!

The cost isn't much, but I am getting sick of paying for cable AND Netflix AND Hulu AND Amazon AND Disney+ and all the rest... it may be time to cut the cable cord.

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13 minutes ago, heatherchandler said:

I may have to do that too!

The cost isn't much, but I am getting sick of paying for cable AND Netflix AND Hulu AND Amazon AND Disney+ and all the rest... it may be time to cut the cable cord.

I never thought I would cut the cord and then my cable provider dropped NFL Network and that was it.  That’s what pushed me over the edge.  I don’t think I’m saving all that much monthly because obviously I still need internet service and then we have Netflix, Amazon, CBS, Britbox and Disney +, but we are able to watch cable tv on all our TV’s now instead of just the one in the family room that had the receiver.  We went with YouTube TV as our provider, I know there are other options but they had NFL Network and Bravo (among many other cable channels) and the monthly subscription price is manageable.  

Do these bizzles get residuals or royalties from the Netflix deal?  Ugh I hope not.

Edited by geauxaway
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4 hours ago, geauxaway said:

I never thought I would cut the cord and then my cable provider dropped NFL Network and that was it.  That’s what pushed me over the edge.  I don’t think I’m saving all that much monthly because obviously I still need internet service and then we have Netflix, Amazon, CBS, Britbox and Disney +, but we are able to watch cable tv on all our TV’s now instead of just the one in the family room that had the receiver.  We went with YouTube TV as our provider, I know there are other options but they had NFL Network and Bravo (among many other cable channels) and the monthly subscription price is manageable.  

Do these bizzles get residuals or royalties from the Netflix deal?  Ugh I hope not.

According to the Ashley, no residuals for any of them. 🙌🏻🙌🏻

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19 hours ago, MaggieG said:

Omg did Jenelle finally get her Netflix deal?


I saw that episode last night.

What was she talking about regarding a deal with Netflix?

I thought she was trying to promote her eyebrow crap, but Netflix has zero to do with beauty products.

At some point, did she think she and the puppy murderer were going to get their own documentary?  

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32 minutes ago, Persnickety1 said:

I saw that episode last night.

What was she talking about regarding a deal with Netflix?

I thought she was trying to promote her eyebrow crap, but Netflix has zero to do with beauty products.

At some point, did she think she and the puppy murderer were going to get their own documentary?  

I think she thought they would get some sort of show about homesteading or whatever it is they think they are so admirable for.  Just like Chelsea, Jenelle also thinks she is on par with Joanna Gaines.

Also, the thumbnail pic Netflix is using for TM2 is a very unflattering picture of Kail where she appears to be yelling at someone (go figure).  I thought it was kind of funny because it is really a bad pic.  

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I've been watching the old episodes on CBS All Access, because putting the first two on Netflix sent me down the rabbit hole. CBS All Access is so glitchy with both of the MTV shows I've tried to watch on there and it's really irritating. I've tried troubleshooting by clearning the cache and restarting and it's still happening. I'm really annoyed, but too stubborn not to finish this show. Anyway, I had forgotten what a piece of shit Dr. Drew is until I watched the reunions for season 2 and 3. He kept telling Chelsea to give Adam credit for being a good dad, and then he asked Leah what happened with her miscarriage in a way that was really blaming. Miscarriages happen all the time and sometimes for NO REASON, you dick! She already feels bad about it, stop shaming her!

There was always something about Jennelle for me that made me feel so sad for her. If she would have had a different upbringing, I think things would have been so much different. I'm not blaming Barb, although she has made a ton of poor decisions of her own. I don't want it to seem like I'm saying "poor Jenelle". Every once in a while, in the early seasons, I see a glimmer of...something. Like if someone could just pick her up an move her away from all the trash and mentor her, things could have been so different. After season 3 it seemed to be the point of no return though. 

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6 hours ago, sara416 said:

There was always something about Jennelle for me that made me feel so sad for her. If she would have had a different upbringing, I think things would have been so much different. I'm not blaming Barb, although she has made a ton of poor decisions of her own. I don't want it to seem like I'm saying "poor Jenelle". Every once in a while, in the early seasons, I see a glimmer of...something. Like if someone could just pick her up an move her away from all the trash and mentor her, things could have been so different. After season 3 it seemed to be the point of no return though. 

I think that like Kailyn the MTV money was the worst thing for her. In a life without MTV money OR drugs, Jenelle would’ve had to minimally function just to survive. She would’ve had to make minimum strides to improve her life and make peace with Barb because Barb did take a stand with kicking her out and getting legal custody of Jace. 

Likely without MTV money and social media fame I don’t think she would’ve been a “great person” but she wouldn’t have had the encouragement for all of her toxic choices. 

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7 hours ago, sara416 said:

I've been watching the old episodes on CBS All Access, because putting the first two on Netflix sent me down the rabbit hole. CBS All Access is so glitchy with both of the MTV shows I've tried to watch on there and it's really irritating. I've tried troubleshooting by clearning the cache and restarting and it's still happening. I'm really annoyed, but too stubborn not to finish this show. Anyway, I had forgotten what a piece of shit Dr. Drew is until I watched the reunions for season 2 and 3. He kept telling Chelsea to give Adam credit for being a good dad, and then he asked Leah what happened with her miscarriage in a way that was really blaming. Miscarriages happen all the time and sometimes for NO REASON, you dick! She already feels bad about it, stop shaming her!

There was always something about Jennelle for me that made me feel so sad for her. If she would have had a different upbringing, I think things would have been so much different. I'm not blaming Barb, although she has made a ton of poor decisions of her own. I don't want it to seem like I'm saying "poor Jenelle". Every once in a while, in the early seasons, I see a glimmer of...something. Like if someone could just pick her up an move her away from all the trash and mentor her, things could have been so different. After season 3 it seemed to be the point of no return though. 

Is it the miscarriage that was actually an abortion?

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5 hours ago, Scarlett45 said:

In a life without MTV money OR drugs, Jenelle would’ve had to minimally function just to survive. She would’ve had to make minimum strides to improve her life and make peace with Barb because Barb did take a stand with kicking her out and getting legal custody of Jace.

I don't think Jenelle cared a bit about Barb getting custody of Jace, other than something to fight about.  And Barb did kick her out, but always let her back in.  I don't consider that much of a stand.

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5 hours ago, StatisticalOutlier said:

I don't think Jenelle cared a bit about Barb getting custody of Jace, other than something to fight about.  And Barb did kick her out, but always let her back in.  I don't consider that much of a stand.

I thought Barb didn’t let her come back after the drug use. And that’s when she got with Kaiser’s Dad (whatever his name was) and hasn’t been back since. I could be 100% wrong. 

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Like many I found the first few seasons on Netflix and decide to watch because why not?

With how much Kail and Jo went back and forth at each other, it's hard to believe those two ever actually dated. And Jo puffing himself up about kale disrespecting him in "his house" when it was actually his parents made me roll my eyes so hard I saw the back of my head.

Chelsea..eh. I ended up muting most of her stuff because hearing her wax on about Adam was just...ugh. Glad she finally moved on from him though.

Leah was..Leah. 

But I gotta say the best part was when Jenelle's boss ripped into her over the phone for skipping work and not answering her phone. (it was also during that time that she stole her mom's credit cards and drove with Kieffer up to New Jersey). I wonder how many watched that scene on TV and just up and decided to never hire her based off that

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On 1/5/2021 at 12:22 PM, sara416 said:

There was always something about Jennelle for me that made me feel so sad for her. If she would have had a different upbringing, I think things would have been so much different.

I hate to be a contrarian asshole, but honestly, out of all of the girls, Jenelle has always struck me as the most cold and lacking, as far as emotions and basic humanity goes. Kail is a stone cold bitch a lot of the times, Chelsea is a bit spoiled and dim, and Leah is dumb as a box of rocks, but they all, even Kail, have some sort of emotions and ability to feel. Honestly, I’ve always thought that Jenelle is pretty close to being a psychopath, in the sense she doesn’t experience more the very shallow emotions, seems to lack empathy and is extremely selfish. So while I can see her upbringing did her no favors, I’m not sure if she would’ve been that much different if her childhood had been different.

Edited by HeySandyStrange
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2 hours ago, HeySandyStrange said:

I hate to be a contrarian asshole, but honestly, out of all of the girls, Jenelle has always struck me as the most cold and lacking, as far as emotions and basic humanity goes. Kail is a stone cold bitch a lot of the times, Chelsea is a bit spoiled and dim, and Leah is dumb as a box of rocks, but they all, even Kail, have some sort of emotions and ability to feel. Honestly, I’ve always thought that Jenelle is pretty close to being a psychopath, in the sense she doesn’t experience more the very shallow emotions, seems to lack empathy and is extremely selfish. So while I can see her upbringing did her no favors, I’m not sure if she would’ve been that much different if her childhood had been different.

I mean, we'll never really know, unfortunately. I don't think she was correctly taught how to be a human. There are some really sweet interactions on film between her and Jace, and I think she would make an okay aunt. But I think her human emotion skills were just never developed because of her upbringing. I don't tihnk  you are being a contrarian asshole, I just happen to be softer toward people in general, probably more often than I should be. I'm a therapist and I just see the potential in people more often than not. There really was a turning point with her though. Obviously we don't have any concrete evidence of anything before she was 16, but if someone could have gotten her away from the shitshow she was in, I still believe things could have been different. She reminds me a little of one of my good friends in high school. in some ways and some of the kiddos I have worked with over the years. Obviously, YMMV. 

On another note, watching these early seasons makes me remember that I though of all people,   Chelsea was the last one I would expect to get her life together as much as she did. 

1 hour ago, sara416 said:

On another note, watching these early seasons makes me remember that I though of all people,   Chelsea was the last one I would expect to get her life together as much as she did. 

But did she?  I’m sure she is living the big life in South Dakota.  She has 4 kids and some cows and pigs.  Yah for Chelsea and her homer Hubs.

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10 hours ago, sara416 said:

I mean, we'll never really know, unfortunately. I don't think she was correctly taught how to be a human. There are some really sweet interactions on film between her and Jace, and I think she would make an okay aunt. But I think her human emotion skills were just never developed because of her upbringing.

I mean, I definitely can agree that Jenelle’s upbringing wasn’t the best, but I would say that while Barb is by no means a healthy individual, emotionally or mentally speaking, she doesn’t seem to lack emotions and she doesn’t appear to have been a complete monster of a mother. Hell, she was an abused woman herself, who pulled herself out of it and seemingly worked minimum wage jobs to take care of her family. And pretty well, because when we met Jenelle in 16&P she appeared well taken care of. So Jenelle lacking those emotions and empathy seems to be on a deeper level to me.

Personally, I’m not without compassion towards people at all, but after a while it’s hard to feel compassion through all the BS you see and hear. It’s hard to sustain compassion when all you really see is selfishness, manipulation, martyrdom and a lack of responsibility. And at some point, Jenelle has to take responsibility for her own failings. Yeah, Barb was lacking as a mother and her dad was a violent wife beater, but she’s an adult, and had/has the resources to improve her mental health. 

Edited by HeySandyStrange
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14 hours ago, geauxaway said:

But did she?  I’m sure she is living the big life in South Dakota.  She has 4 kids and some cows and pigs.  Yah for Chelsea and her homer Hubs.

I think it's successful for her, and pretty stable considering the shit show that the other girls turned out to be. I really thought she'd just be holding on to Adam forever and find herself in another abusive relationship that she couldn't get out of. I don't think living a fairly calm life in some rural area is anything to dismiss. It seems like she got what she wanted as far as a family and stability. 

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