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Teen Mom 2: Past Seasons Disscussion


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You'll live. We can make fun of Tyler until TM2 returns. I'm sure Maci has a mush mouth boyfriend. Plus, you know you want a little single April - teaser - she still isn't taking care of her kids.

Meh, I doubt I will be watching much (if any) of the original TM girls in 2015. I really have no interest in them anymore, they're all about 25 now (right?), and definitely past the teen mom stage. I don't care about Maci and her love life, Amber's sobriety, Cate and Tyler's.....anything, and they kicked Farrah out of the club. I am pretty sure that even though they are older the main focus of their stories will be the same. Amber and Gary co-parenting is always gonna have problems which will drive Amber to the brink of DV or using again. Cate and Tyler may have their own house and be more financially secure, but they still never finished any sort of degrees or found jobs. That tv money won't last forever. Oh, and of course the new baby, Nova. Taking care of her will probably cause drama, especially with Tyler. I think he likes the idea of fatherhood, but I bet he won't be able to hack it full time. Cate is probably hoping that Nova will save their relationship and Tyler will finally marry her. Doubtful. Maci is gonna whine about whatever man is in her life....or not in her life. I am also guessing she's started and quit community college a few more times since we last saw her. I also couldn't care less about Ryan and his love life. At least in TM2 we have Jenelle/Nipples and Leah/Germy to keep it trashy and interesting. The original chicks I am sure are just going to try and show us how mature and grown up they are now, which at their ages and since they are parents should be a given. Blahhhhh.

Edited by fliptopbox
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Meh, I doubt I will be watching much (if any) of the original TM girls in 2015. I really have no interest in them anymore, they're all about 25 now (right?), and definitely past the teen mom stage.

It's starting to remind me of the old SNL skit about Sally O'Malley, the proudly 50 year old woman who keeps showing up at young women's tryouts for cheerleading and gymnastics. I haven't seen the newer 16 and Pregnant episodes that often, but I've been struck at how some of those teenage women come across as more grown up than the TM2 crew.

Edited by cheatincheetos

Okay, this seems like a good spot to post about the trailer, right? So the trailer and accompanying article features...


*attractive new booooyfriend, Cole

*Adumb pretending he's going back go court for more time with Aubree.

*Aubree being the cutest.


*Lincoln is still precious

*Kail and Javi are having marital issues (who didn't see that coming?)

*Jo and Vee are expecting and moving to Delaware to be closer to Isaac. Cue Kail-Smash



*half of the scenes in the trailer, she looks high. For all the others, she's crying or yelling. Seems legit.

*Corey going for custody and Jeremy (hopefully) dumping her ass. Hopefully we'll find out what happened on that deer cam.


*acting like she's a mom

*torturing my beloved Barbara by saying she'll take Jace away from her (even though we all know how unlikely that is)

*Nathan crying and getting arrested. Hellz yeah.

  • Love 7

Okay, this seems like a good spot to post about the trailer, right? So the trailer and accompanying article features...


*attractive new booooyfriend, Cole

*Adumb pretending he's going back go court for more time with Aubree.

*Aubree being the cutest.


*Lincoln is still precious

*Kail and Javi are having marital issues (who didn't see that coming?)

*Jo and Vee are expecting and moving to Delaware to be closer to Isaac. Cue Kail-Smash



*half of the scenes in the trailer, she looks high. For all the others, she's crying or yelling. Seems legit.

*Corey going for custody and Jeremy (hopefully) dumping her ass. Hopefully we'll find out what happened on that deer cam.


*acting like she's a mom

*torturing my beloved Barbara by saying she'll take Jace away from her (even though we all know how unlikely that is)

*Nathan crying and getting arrested. Hellz yeah.


Besides Chelsea, the only tolerable adult is Barbara. I want to feel sorry for Javi, but I just can't understand his hurry to rush Kail down the aisle and knock her up. He had every warning possible to RUN the other way and ignored it.

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Wow Leah looked crazy high in that trailer. I'm glad she's supposedly in rehab. I'm excited for this whole deer cam/Robbie thing to get exposed. I want details!


Nipples crying and pleading with Jenelle as he's getting arrested? Please. That girl has a heart of stone. Listening to her talk to Barb about taking Jace away was heartbreaking. Good thing is, there's no judge in the world that would award her primary custody. Not gonna happen. She can talk all she wants, but in the end she always ends up ruining whatever progress (heh) she might have made.. I think all she really wants is Barb's reaction anyway, she has no real interest in taking care of either of her sons.


Yay Chelsea! I agree with Maharincess about Adumb...he's only around for the paycheck/z-list fame. How else would he attract his skanky chicks? It sure isn't his charming personality. I'm willing to bet he disappears as soon as the camera crew does, and all his custody crap is strictly for the show.


Kail and Javi...yeah I saw that coming. She's so not over Jo and it's obvious. Now that Vee is pregnant I'm sure it's sending her into a tailspin. Jo's going to have a family with another woman....and he better not care more about that baby than Isaac! You know that's going to be an argument at least once this season. And I am sure she will take out everything on Javi, as she always does.

Edited by fliptopbox
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That clip of Jenelle just confirms that she is a vindictive piece of work, especially with her mother.  She kept Jace because Barb recommended an abortion or adoption.  She hung around Keiffer because Barb hated him (and presumably, the drugs).  Now she is threatening to take Jace away which would break Barb's heart, not to mention the emotional trauma for Jace.  

I feel that if Barb says "white", Jenelle has to say "black" and then add some offensive comment about Barb's methods of raising Jenelle's son.  She needs to get her sh*t together and start learning how to be grateful.  

Edited by ChocolateAddict
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The Ashley wrote a little blurb about the upcoming trailer, and mentioned that she'd heard from some inside sources that the cast of TM2 are pretty over being filmed and that this is likely the last season, and that the cast is ready to move on with their lives.


That makes sense for Chelsea, and possibly Kail, who probably consider this show a source of embarrassment, but WHAT exactly does moving on mean for Leah and Jenelle? How is Leah going to hook another fish without her D list fame? How will Jenelle pay her legal bills?

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I get why all of the girlses, even Leah&Janelle, might be tired of filming. The scrutiny must by a lot. But I think all of them might have overestimated their ability to live without the MTV paycheck. Chelsea and Kail may be fine without it, since both are pretty stable, have career training and family support. Leah and Janelle, however, have proven they have little to no work ethic and seem to enjoy blowing money. I see a lot of in-touch "exclusives" and other quick cash grabs from the two lazy ones.

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Last night they showed the preview for the new season during the airing of the reunion show.


I had no idea until watching the trailer here (thank you for posting it) that the person screaming "Shut up" in the car was Leah. The editing showed Jenelle screaming "Shut up, shut up shut up!!" and then suddenly there is Leah yelling it. But last night it seemed so quick that I didn't even notice that it was Leah, not Jenelle. Whoa! Bitch has gone bonkers. Poor kids.


Jenelle's boyfriend is just like Jenelle. They are identical, right down to the bone. Pathetic.  He has no room to say that to her since he is just as trailer trash as her.


I am beyond sick and tired of Jenelle threatening to take Jace away from Barb. At this point, Barb needs to tell her, "Go ahead." Jenelle knows the only way to hurt her mother is by telling her that. It is the only weapon she has to work with. No sane judge would give Jace to that twat. With all the footage that MTV has, not to mention Jenelle's arrest history, the violence, and I am sure Nathan won't mind signing a declaration stating what a whack job Jenelle is, a judge would surely put an end to that shit quick!

Edited by GreatKazu
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I feel like Chelsea kind of checked out awhile ago. She made her money, bought her house and got her certification. Now she's got a relationship with a guy who seems really stable and good for her. I think she seems ready to move on.

Kail loves to fancy herself as a martyr, and through her struggle she can inspire millions. So I think she enjoys the show more than Chelsea, but I think she's a little over it too. I'm also predicting she files for divorce from Javi 6mos-1yr after the end of the 6th season. Javi can then join Jermy in the "we're sorry we bashed the ex, because now we're in the same position" club. I wonder how Papi will react when Kail's next guy wants to have Lincoln with him on Father's day.

Jenelley has absolutely no shame so I don't think she would ever turn the show down. I don't know who in the world thinks she is doing any better (some sad little girls clearly do). I think as long as MTV's money is green, she would do the show forever.

Leah has more shame than Jenelle. After being caught cheating on her second husband (with the same guy) and being accused of being on drugs (which is definitely true) and possibly losing custody of her girlses, I don't know how much more humiliation the girl can take. She was saying she would quit when the deer cam thing happened, if I remember correctly, but drugses are expensive.

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Jo is moving to Delaware to be near Issac??? I would move to be closer to my son too if he had Single Latino Male Javi  for a step-dad! And speaking of Javi, I guess Kail actually knocked some sense into him and he realizes he married  a grifting she-hulk and now he wants a divorce.


Jenelle complete lack of self-awareness continues to amaze  me!  She has zero shame or remorse for her trashy behavior. Have to say I think I experienced the maximum amount of schadenfreude a person can feel seeing Nathan pleading with Jenelle and crying in the back of the squad car. Serves him right to experience Jenelle's trashy, vindictive ways since  we all know he is using her.


Can't wait to see Leah go through her second divorce in less than 5 years!

Edited by FlowerofCarnage
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This season I really need Babs to hit Janelle with a "Bitch, Please" the next time Janelle threatens to take Jace away.

Barbara knows good and damn well no court anywhere would entertain that shit. Just like she knows Janelle isn't coming for Jace. Jace is broken to Janelle. He's old news, why bother bringing him home.

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Why exactly does any of Janelle's threats of taking away Jace affect Barbara?  I don't even understand how that is a threat.  What has Janelle done to progress towards getting custody of Jace back?  Has she filed any legal paperwork?  Even if she has, I sure as hell hope that the courts will laugh in her face and throw it right the hell out.  (I say "hope" because I have seen in the news many times where courts have made some very, very questionable decisions - custody and other legal matters - that you would think would be open-and-shut cases, but aren't in the end and outrage many people.)

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IIRC, Jenelle had petitioned the court to have a hearing on custody several months ago. Shortly before the date of the hearing, the big blow up with Nipples getting arrested again happened and I don't remember reading anything about the hearing happening. I posted something to the effect of how great their latest round of trash hitting the airwaves would look at her custody hearing. I'm sure she was so traumatized after another Jenelle/Nipples throw down that she couldn't drag her ass out of bed for a month and the hearing became another thing she just couldn't handle, so she blew it off. I really, really hope Barb has a good lawyer and they're doing everything they can to help Barb and Jace. The best thing Barb could do is keep Jace far away from the trashy train wreck that gave birth to him. Poor kid was dealt a shitty hand and having her pop in to play mommy when the mood strikes her is just cruel and the last thing he needs.

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I wish there was something Barb could do to get permanent sole custody of Jace, so that Jenelle's threats and #1 way to hurt her wouldn't work anymore. I don't even know what would be involved in doing that, but I wish she would.

I'm hoping that during this season of Trainwreck 2, we see Barb taking the steps to do just that. I know that she's been holding out hope that Jenelle would somehow grow up and get her shit together. I get it. Even though Jenelle is a juvenile piece of crap, she's Barb's daughter and she loves her. Parents  always want to believe their child will start to make the right decisions, no matter how slim the chance of that happening is. But, in this case, Jace's well being is at stake and  while she's not June Cleaver, Barb loves him to the moon and back. With Jenelle's well documented history of ALWAYS making the wrong choice, I doubt a competent family court judge would give a second thought to modifying whatever custody arrangement they have in place now. It'll break Barb's heart - AGAIN - but she needs to let go of the idea that Jenelle will ever be a mother to that little boy. If she can't stick to cutting off any and all contact with her, make it so any contact Jenelle has with Jace is supervised by Barb and any talk by Jenelle to Jace about 'getting him back' will result in her being in contempt of the order.

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This is a little bit of a conspiracy theory, and I doubt Jenelle is smart enough to pull this off, but bear with me....

I think Barb having "temporary" custody of Jace was the plan all along.

Jenelle didn't want to have an abortion or place him for adoption. She wanted to keep him, but she clearly didn't want to do any heavy lifting in terms of raising him. She knew Barb would take care of him. So she signed over "temporary" custody of Jace to her mom, because if Barb only had temporary custody, Barb couldn't have him placed for adoption, which I think we can all agree would be the best thing for him. (Nothing against Barb or any grandma's raising their grandkids, but it's generally not the ideal situation. There's a reason why people are fertile in their late teens, 20s and 30s.) Jenelle can proceed to use her son as a tool to manipulate her mother, and pay attention to him when it benefits her (ie getting to be on Teen Mom 2, which paid for her drugs and Kesha tickets).

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Why exactly does any of Janelle's threats of taking away Jace affect Barbara? I don't even understand how that is a threat. What has Janelle done to progress towards getting custody of Jace back? Has she filed any legal paperwork? Even if she has, I sure as hell hope that the courts will laugh in her face and throw it right the hell out. (I say "hope" because I have seen in the news many times where courts have made some very, very questionable decisions - custody and other legal matters - that you would think would be open-and-shut cases, but aren't in the end and outrage many people.)

According to Instagram she put an inflatable pool in the back yard... So clearly she is ready for her mother of the year award presented by Michelle Duggar.

I'm so tired of these "moms" (I use that term loosely because I consider Barbara as Jace's mother figure) thinking they can come and go as they please but get a few expensive toys and call it a day. And I'm super tired of Janelles threat of taking custody away, it's right up there with waiting for Leah's truth to come out.

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I secretly loved Nathan calling Jenelle "trailer trash."

I did too, but I'm also wondering if the scene was taken out of context for the purpose of the trailer (pun intended)....Jenelle seemed to be sitting too calmly while Nathan was saying it, which leads me to believe that he was possibly relaying a story of someone saying it to him. At any rate, the back of the cruiser & Leah's eyes rolling back into her head are decidedly NOT out of context. Bring it on!

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Awhile ago I thought I might finally have to stop watching the TM/TM2 franchise.  It was just getting too depressing to watch these girls make the same mistakes over and over again.  Then I saw the preview and said, "Screw that.  Game on."  That Nipples scene alone is reason enough to tune in for a whole season.  Well played, MTV.

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As much as I hate myself for it, I could really just watch a Jenelle show for an hour every week. Nathan crying in the cop car is probably going to be the highlight of my summer.

Don't say that too loudly. MTV might hear and actually give that hot mess a show of her own. I'd also love to be a fly on the wall for Jenelle's school externship and see how she spins all those arrests she's had. Her mugshots alone make a great collage! I think she believes people live under a rock and won't know about her multiple arrests, fights, and drug charges even though it's all over TMZ, YouTube, MTV, etc. I bet she honestly thinks that potential employers will take her at face value, and believe whatever bullshit she tries to feed them about her (not so recent) past and nobody will so much as Google her ass. Please. I shudder to think if I ever went to a doctors' office (in some parallel universe) and Jenelle came out as the MA. Oh hell no. I'm not even sure I'd trust her with a thermometer, much less access to any type of drugs. And if she'd get caught stealing drugs from a doctor's office she's gonna be in some deep shit....and I wouldn't put it past her.

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I can't imagine any doctor's office even hiring her. I happen to know of a nurse who got caught stealing drugs. I wouldn't call her a friend, more of a friend-of-a-friend, but for some reason she loooooves to tell her story to everyone she meets.  She claims it was all a big mistake, something about the previous person who had been in the drug cabinet forgot to 'log out' correctly or something.  That was ONE incident, and a semi-reasonable explanation for how it happened (ahem, other than the fact that they found opiates in her system - oops) - but anyway she had to go to 3 months of rehab plus didn't even have the option to get her license back for a year after that.  If Jenelle's going to spend any time at all on schooling I really think she should go for just about anything else except the medical field.

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Don't worry, I wasn't (entirely) serious ;) and I think MTV sees her as too much of a liability to have a show all to herself. A long time ago, there were rumors that Being Maci was a pilot for a spin off for her. While I know Maci doesn't have many fans here (understandable) she would have been a safer option to spin off. They could have cleaned up her partying enough to put together an hour per week.

I've said many times that I have very little legal background, and 99% of what I know about the law comes from common knowledge and tv. That being said, I thought it was illegal for known (recovering) drug addicts to hold certain medical certifications? Or maybe it's just highly discouraged? Wherever she winds up working (if she ever does) I think it's safe to say it will be a total crap hole.

Don't say that too loudly. MTV might hear and actually give that hot mess a show of her own. I'd also love to be a fly on the wall for Jenelle's school externship and see how she spins all those arrests she's had. Her mugshots alone make a great collage! I think she believes people live under a rock and won't know about her multiple arrests, fights, and drug charges even though it's all over TMZ, YouTube, MTV, etc. I bet she honestly thinks that potential employers will take her at face value, and believe whatever bullshit she tries to feed them about her (not so recent) past and nobody will so much as Google her ass. Please. I shudder to think if I ever went to a doctors' office (in some parallel universe) and Jenelle came out as the MA. Oh hell no. I'm not even sure I'd trust her with a thermometer, much less access to any type of drugs. And if she'd get caught stealing drugs from a doctor's office she's gonna be in some deep shit....and I wouldn't put it past her.

Do you remember her job interview at a day care center a few seasons ago? She talked about how good she was with kids and how she never, ever yells?

Yeah, she totally thinks people buy her bullshit.

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Holy. Shit. You guys. I know it's not good to be so entertained by the suffering of others, but I honestly cannot help it. Especially when so much of it is by their own hand. Leah is a MESS. I feel marginally bad for her because you know this isn't how she imagined her life working out, but she really made her own bed. That scene with her eyes rolling back in her head? Jesus. Them's some strong pills she's on, if they're even pills anymore. She's breaking down, you can tell, screaming at the top of her lungs at the girls in the backseat in front of the cameras. Any see the side eye she inherited from her Mom that little Aleah shot her?


Jenelle, no surprises there, her life is still basically an eleven car pile up. Same threats to Barb, same apathetic monotone except when she's screaming at people. I don't know why Barb even humors her at this point, crying every time Jenelle says she's taking Jace away. Both of them have to know by now that's not gonna happen. Nathan crying in the back of the cop car, taking turns looking at Jenelle and the camera imploringly was made of lawls. He was so puffy and drunk I could almost smell it on him.


Javi's getting tired of Kail? You don't say. I imagine with Jo revealing Vee's pregnancy her bitchiness kicked into like ten thousand percent overdrive. The sad thing about Kail is she'd be okay, probably, if she could just calm down. She has a more or less amiable husband who adored her, at least at first, and he loves Isaac as well as Lincoln. Jo and Vee reached out to her so often before she would actually be friendly with them. I do wish for her own sake she matures fast, her life coudl be so much easier.


Chelsea looked so heartbroken when Aubree was saying "He promised. And you don't break a promise." Aubs is old enough to start getting really hurt and eventually bitter because of the shit her dad pulls. Who would have thought out of all the girls Chelsea would end up with her own career and the most well adjusted? Her boyfriend seems adorable too, as is Aubree. Good for her. And because it can't be said enoug, fuck Adam.


Can't wait!

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I always knew my girl Chelsea would be just fine. I knew once she grew up and matured a little she would do great.

It sounds so strange to say but I'm proud of her. She's the only one who is looking beyond Teen Mom and into the future.

I also love how she's been driving the same car for years now and hasn't had plastic surgery.

It shows she's not blowing through her money like the rest of them. I also heard that she had Randy invest some money for her.

  • Love 8

I always knew my girl Chelsea would be just fine. I knew once she grew up and matured a little she would do great.

It sounds so strange to say but I'm proud of her. She's the only one who is looking beyond Teen Mom and into the future.

I also love how she's been driving the same car for years now and hasn't had plastic surgery.

It shows she's not blowing through her money like the rest of them. I also heard that she had Randy invest some money for her.


Yeah, of all the teen moms, Chelsea is the only one who has the combination of a responsible, intelligent parents, and the personal maturity to recognize that her parents are usually right and have her best interests at heart. I think Maci has pretty sensible parents as well, but if she doesn't like their advice, she doesn't follow it. I expect Randy has had a heavy hand in managing her personal finances and encouraging her to stick to a budget, which she appears to be doing.


Really, except for taking forever to get her GED and continuing to flirt/sleep with Adam (both of which have been resolved for years now) I can't think of too much Chelsea has done to annoy me over the duration of the show. Good for her, and good for Randy for being able to advise her and encourage her.

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Yeah as dingy as Chelsea can be, she hasn't had another kid, she hasn't jumped from boyfriend to boyfriend, she has a steady job and she's finally realized that Adam is an incorrigible douchebag who will never change. It sucks that poor Aubrey will be set up for a lifetime of disappointment by having him as her father, but she still has Randylicious and Chelsea's new man seems like a good guy.

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