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Social Media: Whaa?

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Javi might be doing what Adam's girls do, trying to get under a certain someone's skin.  I wouldn't doubt it if Kail puts him up to it. She is all about wanting to ensure that it is her and Javi that Isaac loves more.


Javi is not looking bright at all with his comments. I think people like Javi and Leah should be mandated to attend some kind of Twitter school before they can post.


Thank you wrestlesflamingos for this thread. :)


Cory's dad, such a sight. :)

Edited by SPLAIN
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All I know for sure is that Javi is in a different Military than I was in.  As a junior enlisted man, the dude always has time for tweeting or facebooking or driving his new SUV to the beach or to Jo's place three hours away.  Never see him in uniform, going to or coming from the AF Base.  Always rockin' the expensively tattooed arms in wife beater shirts, too.


It seemed like I was always in friggin uniform, either taking my kid to daycare in the early morning, working, or dragging my ass home from work at the end of the day in my crappy ten year old car.  My "free" weekends were spent in the Laundromat and grocery store.  If I didn't have "duty" that weekend.  I obviously didn't know how to "live large" like Javi and his Dependapotamus bride.  I wonder how they'd be doing without the Teen Mom money that keeps flowing in to their bank account. 


More on the Dependapotamus here:



Edited by Bella Roche
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And it is even worse because of the number who tell her she is doing a great job! 

I fear for the future when little 12, 13, 14 and 15 year old girls think Jenelle is someone to be admired and praised, or even (gulp) emulated.


Where are these young girls' parents? Oh wait, who am I kidding??  Pre-teen and teenage girls know everything already and they certainly are not going to listen to their PARENTS, who are uncool and know nothing.


I just thank whatever higher being that my son is now in his 20s, and that he never showed any interest in watching this show.  Because he might have ended up thinking Nipple Shirt or DUI Adumb are someone to admire, praise and emulate.

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All I know for sure is that Javi is in a different Military than I was in.  As a junior enlisted man, the dude always has time for tweeting or facebooking or driving his new SUV to the beach or to Jo's place three hours away.


Definitely not! When Javi was talking about Kailyn going to school and then being able to pick Lincoln up from campus.  I was wondering what kind of time he's got on his hands because in the 24 years my husband has been in the military, his schedule have never been a 9-5 type situation.  He leaves at 5-5:30 for PT and he comes home sometime around 7 pm--or when "the mission is complete" as they say.  They're definitely not leading the average military lifestyle.

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I think it was ghoulina who came up with Cheetos. My gosh, that never gets old and is still as funny as the first time it was posted.


Leah's twin - Grace? Damnit, I don't think I will ever know her true name. It is confusing. What nickname does she have now? Evil twin? That child is psycho, just like her mama.

Edited by GreatKazu
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Jo and Kail are at it again. Apparently, Kail tweeted this and then deleted it but someone took a screenshot!  Jo's reply was epic. LOL

That passive-aggressive manatee is at it again. Bitch never learns. Who wants to bet this is payback for the racist shit that made it to air or this is payback for Jo daring to have Isaac on his court-ordered day and not giving in to that manatee?


See, this is why Jo, as nice as he was to Kail, was not going to give in to her because he knew down the road she would screw him over. The disgusting part of this is, Isaac is paying the price, not Jo. That bitch is using her child to get back at Jo. What the fuck is it going to take? Is Jo going to have to screw Kail and give her the best sex she's had since the last time they hooked up? Kail is one psychotic piece of trash.

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Leah says on her Facebook: I don't know who nor do I care who went to a magazine and started rumors but I DID NOT LOSE CUSTODY OF ALI AND ALEEAH. The custody agreement remains the same as it always has.

This makes me sad.

It didn't fall under twitter( I haven't even checked that in a day or two) so if I have posted in the wrong place feel free to move it.

Edited by Mkay

According to what I've read in the the lastest In Touch magazine, they are going back to court on December 8th over custody.  Corey's lawyer is quoted in the article about it and (of course) says he feels Corey will get a ruling in his favor. So, if the magazine is to be believed, Leah is leaving out info to mislead, as usual. She really needs to get better at that move if she is going to utilize it so much.

Edited by HeySandyStrange
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So yea, Javi and Kail would let Jo have Isaac this weekend to make up for last weekend. (you know according to those tweets Kail deleted http://thestir.cafemom.com/entertainment/177933/kailyn_lowry_jo_rivera_cops ) And now, they don't even HAVE the kids tonight!!! To me it sounds like Javi likes rubbing it in. Or maybe I'm so, so tired of their crap.



6 hours ago
Finally going on a date. @kaillowry been a long time. Thank you @kerry_lynnn_ for watching the boys #dinnerandamovie

Edited by Mkay
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Rhoda is a great name for her... yes, you do have to watch the classic movie. The original and not the remake.


I wonder if the people at Turner Classic Movies follow this thread; they're showing the original version of The Bad Seed next month, on November 7.




"In 1956, Warner Bros. brought the most evil child short of the Anti-Christ to screen in the person of Rhoda Penmark, a murderous moppet so cold she could practice her piano lessons methodically while her latest victim was burning to death in the basement below."


Sounds about right.

  • Love 4

I wonder if the people at Turner Classic Movies follow this thread; they're showing the original version of The Bad Seed next month, on November 7.




"In 1956, Warner Bros. brought the most evil child short of the Anti-Christ to screen in the person of Rhoda Penmark, a murderous moppet so cold she could practice her piano lessons methodically while her latest victim was burning to death in the basement below."


Sounds about right.


I think I'm the guilty party who first equated Gracie or whatever her name really is with Rhoda and the Bad Seed.  Oops.


"What would you give me for a basket of hugs?"

"I'd give you a basket of kisses!"


Or in this little monster's case, a plastic baseball bat to torment the cat with.


As I said in the other thread, hopefully Ali never wins a penmanship medal and hopefully Leah and Germy don't live near a pier.

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I wonder if the people at Turner Classic Movies follow this thread; they're showing the original version of The Bad Seed next month, on November 7.




"In 1956, Warner Bros. brought the most evil child short of the Anti-Christ to screen in the person of Rhoda Penmark, a murderous moppet so cold she could practice her piano lessons methodically while her latest victim was burning to death in the basement below."


Sounds about right.

Thanking you for this one!!! Can't wait to get reaquainted wih Leroy!!!

  • Love 2

Thanking you for this one!!! Can't wait to get reaquainted wih Leroy!!!


Germy should proceed with caution.


I can totally see him in Leroy's role.


Hopefully he doesn't have a hidden bed of sulfur.  


Or ever squirt Gracie's shoes with a garden hose.


I wonder if Gracie has half-moon taps on her shoes.  


Or if the family has a neighbor with a love bird that Rhoda...er, Gracie covets.  

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