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S16.E40: Live Finale

Tara Ariano

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Donny and Jocasta have both explained their vote for Cody. They had promised him early on that he would get their vote. And they didn't respect Derrick's gameplay. Perfectly understandable. You don't have to agree with how people vote to understand why they voted the way they did.


I don't agree with everyone in BB14 voting for Ian simply because they were mad Dan outplayed them, but I understand that inclination.


The fact that there's no criteria for how to vote for the winner and that it's based on each jury member's own criteria is a really important aspect of this game IMO. It's infinitely frustrating and interesting at the same time.

Edited by peachmangosteen
  • Love 15

Donny and Jocasta have both explained their vote for Cody. They had promised him early on that he would get their vote. And they didn't respect Derrick's gameplay. Perfectly understandable. You don't have to agree with how people vote to understand why they voted the way they did.


I don't agree with everyone in BB14 voting for Ian simply because they were mad Dan outplayed them, but I understand that inclination.


The fact that there's no criteria for how to vote for the winner and that it's based on each jury member's own criteria is a really important aspect of this game IMO. It's infinitely frustrating and interesting at the same time.


Exactly. Getting people to vote for you is jury management. If you didn't get people to vote for you, you didn't effectively manage the jury. This is why I think a unanimous vote is such a feat: you have to appeal to a variety of people, for a variety of reasons, and have them all judge you -- by their own set of whatever criteria they choose -- as better than your opponent. Derrick got enough people to do that to win, which is great. He managed the jury effectively, but not perfectly.


When a political candidate does poorly with a certain portion of the population, does anyone ever talk about a "bitter electorate?" More likely the focus is on how the candidate failed to appeal to those people. The onus is on the candidate, not the ones voting.


Likewise in reality voting. Jocasta and Donny not voting for Derrick doesn't make them "bitter." It merely makes Derrick's arguments to them ineffective.

  • Love 14

I would recast every single one of the 240 votes I tediously sent Donny's way all over again just to see Frankie's reaction again.  Oh, wait - I can, thanks to you guys!


(Oh, and I would watch Zach and anyone else on earth on TAR if it meant not seeing FJG again.  And his outfit for the finale reminds me of the little kid who wears a tutu to kindergarten - you just can't get her to understand why it's not appropriate.)

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Exactly. Getting people to vote for you is jury management. If you didn't get people to vote for you, you didn't effectively manage the jury. This is why I think a unanimous vote is such a feat: you have to appeal to a variety of people, for a variety of reasons, and have them all judge you -- by their own set of whatever criteria they choose -- as better than your opponent. Derrick got enough people to do that to win, which is great. He managed the jury effectively, but not perfectly.


When a political candidate does poorly with a certain portion of the population, does anyone ever talk about a "bitter electorate?" More likely the focus is on how the candidate failed to appeal to those people. The onus is on the candidate, not the ones voting.


Likewise in reality voting. Jocasta and Donny not voting for Derrick doesn't make them "bitter." It merely makes Derrick's arguments to them ineffective.

I think comparing a political candidate to a BB candidate, I guess, is comparing apples to oranges. The voters don't live with the candidate and didn't start out competing for the same prize.  The voters didn't get kicked out along the way. I agree that people can vote however they want, for whatever reason, but that doesn't mean some aren't bitter especially after seeing interviews after. I don't disagree with Jocasta and Donny not voting for Derrick, it's their right, whether they did it to keep their word, bitterness over how they viewed game play or a combination of factors, it doesn't really matter but it doesn't mean others are right/wrong in their perception of them being bitter, it just means we all see things differently, which is great because if we all agreed then the world would be a boring place.

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I kinda liked that moment. It showed that when all was said and done, they were still bros. Cody easily could have been driving the bitter train after his Overwhelming Loss, but that shows he didn't. It made me happy.

I agree. All in all, Cody is a good guy. I think if Derrick had lost, he'd be bitter.

I thought Derrick was a jerk making faces during Cody's Q and A. Cody was respectful.

Also, I believe Cody would have lost no matter who he took to the end. The jury would have voted for Victoria out if spite.

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I was impressed that Nicole was able to correctly guess two of the three TA members; no surprise she missed Derrick as he hid that as well as he hid being puppetmaster, always pushing the others to do the dirty work.


The producers must hate Victoria to have made her climb a wall for a half hour. She isn't anyway near athletic enough to have had a chance at winning and they could have had a clock expire at the end of Derrick's time, like they used on the face comp v2.


Does the prize money on BB work the same as other shows, where the grand prize is doled out over 40 years, but the lesser amounts are paid right away? If that's the case, Cody and Donny didn't actually do too bad compared to Derrick. Even if Derrick can take a lump sum, it'll be a fraction of the $500K.

Another terrible season finale, and I don't mean because of who won, I mean how badly organized it all is. I simply do not understand why they don't use the previous couple of episodes to finish the HoH comps and evict the final HG. The final jury member doesn't even get to participate in the group discussion. Granted, Victoria was practically a non-entity, but making the F3 is still an accomplishment and that third placer always gets the short shrift. 


The final HoH is such a crap-shoot, it's a joke. The jury members are sat down by producers and asked generic questions that could apply to anyone, like "What was the most surprising thing that happened in the house?" and "What was your biggest mistake in the game?" and then the F2 are given two generic choices, either of which could realistically be the way the jury member answered. It's only fitting they tied so it could come down to "pick a number." I mean, honestly! To make it that far, and have it all come down to that. 


Then, so little time invested in what should be one of the most important aspects of the game: the jury questioning the final two. This used to be a grueling, drawn-out process where each jury member got to grill both houseguests at their leisure. Now it's a set of generic questions ("Why should you win, instead of him?") written by the producers and directed at only one of the final two. And, did Jocasta and Zach even get to ask any questions? I don't remember either doing so. 


What's the point of bringing out the first five evictees if you're not even going to talk to them or let them say anything? How one earth do you waste that much time on the Team America montage when the clock is ticking and the winner hasn't even been announced yet? 

Cripes, whoever produces this shit-fest should be fired.


Whoever Will Kirby's date was looked like a plastic surgery nightmare. So does Will, for that matter. Lay off the Botox, dude. You don't look younger, you just look  . . . weirder.


I doubt we'll see Zach and Frankie on AR. I wouldn't be surprised to see Nicole and Hayden, though. CBS has been shoving that fauxmance down our throats all season long. I have no idea why they find this couple of dim bulbs so fascinating.


I honestly think Cody thought he was the one dragging Derrick to the end all along, up until the jury questioning started. 

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I was not a Zach fan, but I thought that whole mission was BS. I don't think CBS should have encouraged house guests touching other people's items in the first place and then to let Zach be the scapegoat for the whole thing was totally unfair. It broke my heart to see him in the DR talking about Frankie's "charity" and crying to just write Frankie the check and that he was wasting his time there. I hope Zach watches & sees what a wonderful friend he has in Frankie. <sarcasm>


I am also not a Zach fan and I felt the same way about the mission.  I didn't like the idea of missions that could be used to hurt the games of other players.  Since I saw how one of Zach's ways of entertaining himself was to make other people feel bad, I must admit that having him bear the brunt of this made me less annoyed by it.  Similarly, TA knew that Zach thought it was fun to hurt other people's feelings so they immediately went to him for the TA "start a fight at a ceremony task."  As soon as TA heard what the mission was, they saw Zach as the embodiment of Chekhov's gun and all the previous days as the first part of the play.

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When did we see Derrick "fake praying"?

It wasn't on the show, but he would pray with her every night. The  night before she was evicted he promised he wouldn't vote her out while they were praying. When Nicole came back in the house he mentioned to Nicole it was the one thing he regretted in the house praying with Jocasta every night and not telling her she was leaving. The interesting thing was Nicole said Jocasta did not hold it against him. So my theory is Nicole told Jocasta this in the jury house and that is why she was angry.


Honestly, I don't think Jocasta and Donny were all that bitter. Especially since Donny and Cody did not seem to get along in the house near the end. So it seemed to me not knowing Donny had promised Cody his vote that Donny was voting for the person he liked least and was trying to be fair as possible. Jocasta seemed closer to Cody while in the house and I was surprised when Nicole said Jocasta was bitter towards Cody. Again I don't think Derricks social game was all that great towards the beginning. I would say last years jury towards Gina Marie and the BB14 jury was much more bitter. Even All-stars and Season 10 were more bitter.

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I think comparing a political candidate to a BB candidate, I guess, is comparing apples to oranges. The voters don't live with the candidate and didn't start out competing for the same prize.  The voters didn't get kicked out along the way. I agree that people can vote however they want, for whatever reason, but that doesn't mean some aren't bitter especially after seeing interviews after. I don't disagree with Jocasta and Donny not voting for Derrick, it's their right, whether they did it to keep their word, bitterness over how they viewed game play or a combination of factors, it doesn't really matter but it doesn't mean others are right/wrong in their perception of them being bitter, it just means we all see things differently, which is great because if we all agreed then the world would be a boring place.


Good point about voters not living with candidates. However, what I object to is the characterization of "bitter" to describe any juror. It's a negative word and it removes the onus of responsibility from the contestant for not convincing them (how could someone "bitter" be convinced?) It also automatically ascribes a negative motivation to their vote. By calling them a "bitter" juror or saying they voted on "bitterness," it reduces their motivations for voting to purely negative ones.


Donny and Jocasta may have voted based on personal motivations (a neutral word), but calling them bitter implies the contestant (Derrick) could do nothing to sway the personal votes of Donny and Jocasta. For every personal vote, there is a contestant with an ineffective argument. Donny and Jocasta were not bitter (onus on them) -- Derrick's argument to them was ineffective (onus on him).


Here's an analogy some may like better: Dan played everyone in BB14, but his arguments were ineffective to most of that jury.

Edited by Eolivet
  • Love 5


Good point about voters not living with candidates. However, what I object to is the characterization of "bitter" to describe any juror. It's a negative word and it removes the onus of responsibility from the contestant for not convincing them (how could someone "bitter" be convinced?) It also automatically ascribes a negative motivation for their vote -- by calling them a "bitter" juror or saying they voted on "bitterness," it reduces their motivations for voting to purely negative ones.


Donny and Jocasta may have voted based on personal motivations (a neutral word), but calling them bitter implies the contestant had no control over their voting. For every personal vote, there is a contestant with an ineffective argument. Donny and Jocasta were not bitter (onus on them) -- Derrick's argument to them was ineffective (onus on him).

ITA. Even "personal" is used in a disparaging fashion by some people, but I think it's fine to vote based on personal reasons. It makes no sense to me that it's inherently better to judge whether someone deserves to win based on a prescribed set of criteria that determine "good gameplay." Donny and Jocasta aren't obligated to vote for Derrick because he "played the best game." The fact that he failed to convince them to vote for him/to hide his deceit from them/to win them over personally is his failing (in a game sense), not theirs.

  • Love 3
Nice to see Jacosta living out that most Christian of virtues: forgiveness.

She’s got turning the other cheek down pat, too!


AFP reveal would have been more entertaining had it not been filmed from three football fields away.  Since they knew the finalists and winner, there’s no excuse not to have done a split screen of the three nominees ... and Frankie ;)


The final HoH is such a crap-shoot, it's a joke. The jury members are sat down by producers and asked generic questions that could apply to anyone, like "What was the most surprising thing that happened in the house?" and "What was your biggest mistake in the game?" and then the F2 are given two generic choices, either of which could realistically be the way the jury member answered.




Because the jurors were obviously (badly) acting out what they were reading on cue cards, I am open to the possibility that they “performed” both answers, enabling the producers to air whichever one served their purposes.

Edited by kassa
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I think it's on all of them, TBH. I don't think Derrick played the most amazing game ever but he did a great job working with who and what he had. There are some personal feelings that cannot be swayed regardless of how effective an argument is for whatever reason. I don't think any of this is purely black and white. There are negative motivations being ascribed to pretty much everyone in this game that are based on each individual's perception, that's a human outlook, I don't think anyone is 100% neutral because we all have our favorites and are generally more forgiving towards them regardless of who they are. I haven't seen the word "bitter" ascribed to just Donny and Jocasta either, I think there were a lot of emotions on stage which is natural.

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I have not missed one minute of any season of TAR. It is easily my most favorite reality show. And I will not watch one more minute of it If Frankie is on. I will read recaps until he is eliminated and then start watching. Although I might not even do that because he would still be seen in the opening credits. Shouldn't the favorite player vote tell CBS something?

  • Love 6

So Cody wins final HOH. The usual thing anyone would do now is go to him and tell him why he should keep you and take you to F2. Derrick may have felt that he didn't have to because that had already been decided. But this is when Victoria should have stepped up. She should have told Cody that he's not guaranteed to beat Derrick but if he took her he would definitely win. Even if you've never heard of this game before, it's such an obvious move, and it's human nature anyway to just come out and say, stick with me, I'm your best bet. Yes of course I realize she's a sweet dim bulb, but I don't think that why she didn't. I honestly think she didn't go to Cody and tell him to keep her because she was perfectly content with Derrick winning. Derrick had her so snowed, she was thrilled just to be in 3rd, just to be there till the end, just to be their "little sister". She played the last week or so feigning anger at Derrick in a plot that could only benefit him and made no sense for her. She called him loyal to her to the end, which is something he never had to prove. She was delighted to hand him the win. That's another feather in Derricks cap, just the way he manipulated the other two members of the final 3. Either one would have brought him to F2, and Victoria basically campaigned for him to win instead of herself. That Derrick, he's something else,

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I would watch Zach on TAR, but not with Frankie. I was pretty impressed by his attitude last night, if anyone got screwed over, it was him with the TA tasks that they used him for. He seems to take things in stride, though, except for his anger towards Victoria lol. I see him as someone that, for the most part, compartmentalizes and realizes that this game is about manipulation and he seems to separate the player from the person. It's probably one of the reasons why it's easy for him to forgive Frankie, he knew not to expect honesty and that backstabbing is a big part of the game even from his closest "friend". At the same time, I respect Cody as well, even though he gave away $450k, he seems to take things in stride, too. I liked the Cody I saw yesterday, I wish he and that version of Zach had been there all season.


I think Derrick wrote Victoria's question for her. He seemed to be nodding and kind of encouraging her to go on.

Edited by willpwr


Does the prize money on BB work the same as other shows, where the grand prize is doled out over 40 years, but the lesser amounts are paid right away?


I'm pretty sure the winner of this show, Survivor and The Amazing Race (all CBS shows) receive full checks after the finale airs; I've seen some photos of some winners depositing their checks.  May I ask which shows you are speaking of that dole out the winnings over 40 years? 

  • Love 2

So Cody wins final HOH. The usual thing anyone would do now is go to him and tell him why he should keep you and take you to F2. Derrick may have felt that he didn't have to because that had already been decided. But this is when Victoria should have stepped up. She should have told Cody that he's not guaranteed to beat Derrick but if he took her he would definitely win. Even if you've never heard of this game before, it's such an obvious move, and it's human nature anyway to just come out and say, stick with me, I'm your best bet. Yes of course I realize she's a sweet dim bulb, but I don't think that why she didn't. I honestly think she didn't go to Cody and tell him to keep her because she was perfectly content with Derrick winning. Derrick had her so snowed, she was thrilled just to be in 3rd, just to be there till the end, just to be their "little sister". She played the last week or so feigning anger at Derrick in a plot that could only benefit him and made no sense for her. She called him loyal to her to the end, which is something he never had to prove. She was delighted to hand him the win. That's another feather in Derricks cap, just the way he manipulated the other two members of the final 3. Either one would have brought him to F2, and Victoria basically campaigned for him to win instead of herself. That Derrick, he's something else,


She actually did spend a large portion of the last few days in the house doing that.  She drove both guys insane by mostly begging and whining, but she made that argument and definitely put her time in trying to get one of them to take her to the F2.  Of course, it was way too little, much too late.

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Cody's not the brightest crayon in the box, but he's pleasant

I don't think that were I asked to come up with descriptions for Cody that "pleasant" would make my Top Ten. The guy showed again in his final mutterings that he is a major douche IMHO but then i'm not dazzled by his "pretty".


I'd love to see Wu and Caleb ninja'ing and judy-chopping across the world on TAR! Best. Pairing. Evar.


May I ask which shows you are speaking of that dole out the winnings over 40 years?


America's Got Talent's "million" is an annuity. I think there are others as well that I can't think of right now.

Edited by Wandering Snark


America's Got Talent's "million" is an annuity. I think there are others as well that I can't think of right now.

To be fair, AGT is at the extreme end with their 40 years; most are shorter than that (AGT started out at 30 years and changed it to save money).



Oh right, my bad, I also think I read somewhere that X Factor's $5 million was more of an "up to 5mil" versus being a straight payout to a winner.

I believe it was $5 million split across 5 years, which is pretty speedy for that big a payout.



I do think the CBS-type shows are straight payouts.  Otherwise Richard Hatch may have never gone to prison!:)

There's usually the option of a lump sum reflecting the cost of buying the annuity, not even close to the advertised prize, but sizable enough for the IRS to be concerned with, especially if it's a high-profile win.

Sorry if this is the wrong thread for this.....Can someone explain a recruited HG? Not sure I understand the term as it relates to BB.

A recruited houseguest is one the production team sought out, maybe they saw them at a bar and thought they'd be good for the show. In most cases, they have never seen big brother before. In contrast with someone who applies for the show.

Thank you, Eolivet and TheRealT for your latest posts. They both explain so beautifully my thoughts on the matter of 'bitter jury' much better than I ever could. 


Donny and Jocasta aren't obligated to vote for Derrick because he "played the best game." 


Also, they're not even obligated to believe he 'played the best game.' 'The best game' means different things to different people. Some people believe winning competitions is a very important aspect of the game and therefore might feel the 'best player' is one who won a lot of them and yet I think winning competitions is mostly meaningless and would never consider someone a 'good player' based on that. Or say some people think if you lie to and manipulate everyone that makes you the 'best player,' while others feel that type of play is too much and don't believe someone who's so deceitful is 'the best player.'

Edited by peachmangosteen
  • Love 4

I don't think Derrick was SO deceitful.  I think Derrick was good at conversations and getting someone to agree with and even think it is their idea to do what works for his game.  I also think he was a pretty kind and decent guy and that also helped him in the game.  


I never thought Derrick would get a 9-0 vote and I actually thought he'd win 6-3, so he did one vote better than I thought he would.  I think it is fine for Jocasta and Donny to vote for Cody and that it doesn't make them bitter, but it also doesn't mean IMO Derrick didn't plan a masterful game.  I think Jocasta showed herself in not such a positive Christian light with her attitude, but I've seen that type sitting next to me in church more often than I'd like.  


I still think Derrick would have taken Cody if he won HoH.  I think Derrick knew he could beat Cody and I think he might have worried about people not voting for him if he took the floater to the end.  

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Derrick has expressed that he's surprised he didn't get Donny's vote because they were on TA together and he [Derrick] was loyal to TA. Derrick, why are you still lying to the audience?! Man, give it up! We can see! How condescending that he thinks 'America' is as dumb as these HGs were.


Meh.  I think that Derrick stayed loyal to Donny and TA until it came down to Donny or someone in his alliance.  Derrick also probably would have considered keeping Donny longer too if Donny didn't make it clear that he saw his game and would have gone after him.  That is just smart play IMO.  I don't see Derrick the same way you do though.  I don't think he's condescending at all.  I think he played a pretty impressive game, so I thought Donny as such a fan of the game might have voted for Derrick over Cody, but he didn't...which is his right.  

  • Love 5


Derrick has expressed that he's surprised he didn't get Donny's vote because they were on TA together and he [Derrick] was loyal to TA. Derrick, why are you still lying to the audience?! Man, give it up! We can see! How condescending that he thinks 'America' is as dumb as these HGs were.


Thank you! Derrick was dismissive and insulting to Donny the entire season, yet expected his vote?  And Donny was "bitter" not to give it to someone who didn't manage his vote better?  Especially, when Donny is telling the truth about telling Cody that he would have his vote if he made F2 (I saw it on the feeds)?


Isn't part of jury management making sure voters don't feel "bitter"?  That's as much (if not more) on Derrick as it is on Donny. A dictionary definition spelled out for me isn't going to change my mind that Derrick blew Donny's vote.

  • Love 11

Caressing my cat Spooky was more entertaining than last night's finale!


Kudos to Derrick!  Nukka played everyone like a fiddle and those he couldn't he had a hand in their elimination....if that's not great game play I don't know what is.


No Cody, you weren't Derrick's puppet, you were more his bitch!  All you needed were hooker pumps and a hearty 'Toot-toot, awwwww beep-beep!' as you sashayed your fine young ass down the stroll.  All you did was skate harder than Rudy Galindo in the Olympics and snitched everything back to Derrick, who made the real decisions.  And being a 'ride-or-die' dude should have ended when it came to $500,000 moron....you likely would have won against Victoria in a landslide!  Girl, bye!


Asshole to the end, eh, Zach?  God, he was insufferable, from outing who he voted to win to being his usual mean self to Victoria, I can't believe anyone would consider voting for him to win AFP.  Speaking of which, what in the bluedilly fuck did Victoria ever do to him to warrant such bullying?  Go away, douchebag.


Watching The Talk today....juuuuust couldn't let Derrick have the sole spotlight, they hadddddd to put Frankie on too?!  Another go away, douchebag, and STAT.


Co-sign on 'why were the first evicted houseguests there if they don't get anything to say'?  I wanted to hear from them.


Was glad for Donny to win AFP.



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I don't think anybody's disagreeing that Donny could vote for who he wants for whatever reason or that Derrick could have managed the jury better. There's no perfect game here because one person can't please everyone. The same way Derrick was dismissive and insulting to Donny the whole season is the way I view Donny throwing shade at everyone, I view that as dismissive and insulting, too. I think they're all adults and it's not really anybody's job to "manage" them or babysit their feelings 24/7, Derrick focused on who he did and it won him the game, these people were all pretty emotionally high maintenance IMO. In a game where so much money is involved and people were sequestered together, there will be hurt feelings, it's natural. If we, as viewers get so caught up in this, I can't imagine what it's like for the HG's.

Dan said this last night -

@DanGheesling: What a pleasure to watch Derrick play the game the way it was meant to be played. One of the best winners we have seen in a while. #BB16

And since I never played the game with Dan, I have no reason not to trust him. Dan has been a Derrick fan from the beginning.

James (season 6 and All-Stars, not crazy) also tweeted a pic of his viewing party and it must have been in Cali because GM was in the pic. I recognized Howie, Amanda, her pizza boy, Andy and I think Judd.

I hope this link works for those with Twitter, I can't figure out how to get the pic in my post. James's pic

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I think they're all adults and it's not really anybody's job to "manage" them


Of course not!  I was talking about managing votes.  And the primary way to manage a vote in the house is to manage your relationship with another HG.  I think Derrick either didn't care about Donny's vote or horribly mismanaged his wrangling of that vote.


Would it be fair to say that it is ironic that Derrick is bitter about Donny being bitter?

Edited by pennben
  • Love 6

I don't think anybody's disagreeing that Donny could vote for who he wants for whatever reason or that Derrick could have managed the jury better. There's no perfect game here because one person can't please everyone. The same way Derrick was dismissive and insulting to Donny the whole season is the way I view Donny throwing shade at everyone, I view that as dismissive and insulting, too. I think they're all adults and it's not really anybody's job to "manage" them or babysit their feelings 24/7, Derrick focused on who he did and it won him the game, these people were all pretty emotionally high maintenance IMO. In a game where so much money is involved and people were sequestered together, there will be hurt feelings, it's natural. If we, as viewers get so caught up in this, I can't imagine what it's like for the HG's.


What is funny for me is that I never saw Donny's true personality until he left the house and was in the jury.  I thought he played a character pretty well of the home town country boy who was just trying to be everyone's friend and make his way through the game.  I believed his crocodile tears which is more evidence of just how horrible I would be if I ever played this game.  I kinda think he's an arse now and am surprised I didn't see it before.  


And if Dan thinks Derrick played one of the best games in a while, wow...that's a compliment.  I personally enjoyed watching his game as well.  I know many people found it boring, but I didn't.  Yes, it was predictable, but I like watching the strategy and skill.  Money well earned IMO.  

  • Love 3

Of course not!  I was talking about managing votes.  And the primary way to manage a vote in the house is to manage your relationship with another HG.  I think Derrick either didn't care about Donny's vote or horribly mismanaged his wrangling of that vote.


Would it be fair to say that it is ironic that Derrick is bitter about Donny being bitter?

Per his interviews, Donny made up his mind from the beginning that he didn't like Derrick. Their relationship or lack thereof was on both of them. I can't fully blame one or the other for that, they just didn't click. That's why I think it's on both of them. As mature adults, I think if they had put effort into it then they could have worked together but they were both dismissive of each other from the start because quite frankly they disagreed or maybe they are both too stubborn and thought they were too smart for their own good, who knows really? They might not even know why they couldn't get along until they remove themselves from the situation and do some serious self-reflecting. I'm actually happy they both won, I threw Donny over 1k votes. I think both Donny and Derrick fans should be pleased by the outcome, there's really no need to argue, they're both winners in my book. :) Personally, I see flaws in both of them as well as positive qualities but I have more respect for one as a strategist, I understand others might have more respect for the other as a person and TBH I can see why, but I saw kindness as well as mean streaks from both.

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She actually did spend a large portion of the last few days in the house doing that.  She drove both guys insane by mostly begging and whining, but she made that argument and definitely put her time in trying to get one of them to take her to the F2.  Of course, it was way too little, much too late.

Thank you, forgetmenow! I never saw that and had no idea. Ok well then I feel a little better about her now!

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Asshole to the end, eh, Zach?  God, he was insufferable, from outing who he voted to win to being his usual mean self to Victoria, I can't believe anyone would consider voting for him to win AFP.  Speaking of which, what in the bluedilly fuck did Victoria ever do to him to warrant such bullying?  Go away, douchebag.

Thank you, Vixenstud! I never found Zach funny. To quote Boys in the Band "he doesn't have charm; he has counter-charm". I can't even imagine the depths of his joyful assholeness had he made it any further in the game. He really did take pleasure of making fun of people and kicking them when they were down. It's no wonder he and Frankie 'clicked'. This, as Bianca Del Rio would say, bears repeating: Go away, douchebag!


Yeah, listening to Derrick on Rob Has A Podcast today ... well ... i'm not surprised. I guess you can't just go from being in the BB house all that time and then suddenly be back in the world without some adjustment time but the way he was talking about Donny was still very much Big Brother In The House 'HOLLA!' Derrick Mode and, asshole, we've seen (or read them here like me) the feeds. You ain't kiddin' us, copper!


Oh, and when I saw that pic of Arianna in the audience sitting between Jeff (take about douchebags!) and Rachel (who I have an odd, off-beat liking of) was just great! Even though I love Rachel I know she's not everyone's cup of tea and I'm sure she rubbed Arianna's nerves RAW last night, lol.


My fave pic of last nights show that's been circulating was of the very end and you see Derrick and family hugging and,off to the side and very much The Cheese Stands Alone, the legend in his own mind, sniveling, F. J. Grande! Perfect last shot!

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I agree that Cody gave away $450 thou.  He only had a final two with Derrick and felt duty bound to honor it.  Derrick, on the other hand, had final twos with Cody and Victoria.  If he had won the last HOH he'd have felt completely justified in taking Victoria to the end.  Part of Derrick's devious and manipulative gameplay was trying and succeeding in getting the ultimate floater and the ultimate loyal guy with him at the end, with promises to both of them.  Derrick's win will help his family--he seems like an excellent husband and father--and that's good, but I think Cody's good looks, sweet personality and sense of loyalty will carry him a long way.

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