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S14.E16: Sutton on Trial at Sea

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Not the hairdresser Dorit stiffed and accused of lying being in a shot with her .. lol


alright Sutton apologized for the comment if they bring this up again I riot lol  

Yay for Boz for once taking a side that wasn’t upside Dorit’s ass when she was telling her Sutton was apologizing and stop blowing it off and hear her 

Kyle demanded Denise private life be aired out Erika .. fair is fair 

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1 minute ago, Keywestclubkid said:

Erika pokes pokes calls Sutton everything but her Christian name and gets offended when Sutton snaps back? 

Erika and Dorit sure have low standards for their own behavior but really Hugh ones for Sutton that keep shifting.

I’m with Garcelle on Sutton wanting to be friends with Kyle making no sense. Kyle isn’t anyone’s friend.

Kind of liked Boz for not defending Dorit

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Dorit will Never be satisfied, no matter how many times Sutton apologies. So, Sutton needs to stop feeding that troll. Just completely ignore her - and Erika. They want Sutton to grovel and it’s ridiculous already. 

Boz earned another season for shutting Dorit down. And she held her ground later as well. Loved that. Also loved her look of vomit when Erika started plopping her hair on the table. 

Kyle and Dorit looked so desperate with their cover up robes pulled to one side to show off their bikinis. They have enviable bodies, but that made me laugh out loud.  So forced. 

I definitely see where Garcelle is coming from, but Kyle dodged Morgan questions for an entire season. She’s not giving up any info now.  If they keep pushing her, they’ll just end up looking like the bad guys and there’s nothing Kyle loves more than playing victim.  I’m not sure what she expects Sutton to do-keep hammering her with ‘are you a lesbian with Morgan!?!’  That will go nowhere and cause us to have to hear that fake gravely crying voice Kyle does. 

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1 hour ago, WaltersHair said:

Happy to see Boz is wearing the spare anchor in her hair.

And a bathing suit from the boardwalk store in Seaside Heights, NJ where Snooki used to shop on "Jersey Shore".  (I live at the Jersey Shore, and that neon-ombre leopard print is very prevalent in those tacky shops!)

Boz does have some interesting hair fashions - in one of her talking head styles, it looks like she's got rolled up curtain tie-backs pinned on her head.

Edited by njbchlover
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46 minutes ago, Pi237 said:

Dorit will Never be satisfied, no matter how many times Sutton apologies. So, Sutton needs to stop feeding that troll. Just completely ignore her - and Erika. They want Sutton to grovel and it’s ridiculous already. 

Boz earned another season for shutting Dorit down. And she held her ground later as well. Loved that. Also loved her look of vomit when Erika started plopping her hair on the table. 

Kyle and Dorit looked so desperate with their cover up robes pulled to one side to show off their bikinis. They have enviable bodies, but that made me laugh out loud.  So forced. 

I definitely see where Garcelle is coming from, but Kyle dodged Morgan questions for an entire season. She’s not giving up any info now.  If they keep pushing her, they’ll just end up looking like the bad guys and there’s nothing Kyle loves more than playing victim.  I’m not sure what she expects Sutton to do-keep hammering her with ‘are you a lesbian with Morgan!?!’  That will go nowhere and cause us to have to hear that fake gravely crying voice Kyle does. 

I get the feeling that your statement that I bolded is one of the main reasons PK decided he wanted to separate.

It is obvious that Dorit cannot just accept and apology and move on.  But, she expects others to just move on from what she has done, with or without an apology.

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So it's all of them,  just about all, picking on Sutton  this season.There's always  one.

I was happy  Boz heard Sutton  apologize to Dorit, and tried to say so. Of course  that's all blown over, probably  with the miserable  windy day on the boat.

When Sutton  was saying,  what do you want  from me? I wanted her to rip that huge hat of Dorits,  that I've always  hated, and throw it overboard,  followed  by Erika's  smug look.

Does Boz even  know Mo, taking  him on would  be pretty stupid. ..

Was Kathy's  hair wet at supper? It looked like it.

Pretty petty episode. 

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Memo to self, never click on a link about Kyle’s confessional dress because then you will see it pop up on every feed for weeks. Nicki Hilton’s sequin monstrosity designs will haunt me forever. ☠️

Can someone please explain Poorit the grifter’s hat to me? What was she hiding in it?  Spare food to pretend to eat later? Kathy’s skin care? Wallets of the boat staff? Or PK’s balls?

I never thought I’d say these words but “thank you Boz”. I’m glad she saw through the immediate gaslight after the apology. And really Poorit? Sutton has been taking shots at you? When exactly could she get a word in edgewise with your cursing ant people all season? 

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5 hours ago, Straycat80 said:

These arguments are getting old and booooring! I’m more interested in what they are eating. Whatever Kathy is eating looks good but why is her hair so greasy looking? 

Maybe she needs blush in it.

Erika: "Sutton does a lot of things and apologizes for them..." Hmm. At least she APOLOGIZES for things, Erika? Have you tried apologizing to, oh, those fire and accident victims?

3 hours ago, RealHousewife said:

Late watching, but I am digging this Boz. 

Exactly. This is the Boz I hoped we'd have.

Edited by ivygirl
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Sadly Boz reverted back at the very end. She has no clue that this pile on happens every year but now that she’s finally snapping back, it’s a side of her you don’t want to know? Back to up Doorit’s ass it is, I guess.

i seriously can’t with Erika (and Bravo, for that matter) behaving as though she’s been fully exonerated of all wrong doing and everyone who questioned her should be groveling for forgiveness.

Edited by dmeets
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4 hours ago, funnygirl said:

Sutton apologized, Dorit is an asshole, Erika is a hypocrite, Kyle deflects. 

Correction: Erika is also an a- -h- - -.

But that’s an understatement.

Erika nauseates me. She deserves really, really bad things to happen to her.

Really bad.*

It consoles me only that she’s looking pretty rough this season. Her makeup artists are not as talented as the ones she paid with her (so she idiotically hoped) bottomless pit of blood money. Her current minimum-wage stylist is apparently shopping at Forever 21.

* Living day after day with that MLB wall paper (that HE loves surrounding himself with) qualifies as pretty bad.

Edited by hoodooznoodooz
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Boz changed her tune again at the end, on the boat. She said that she saw a different side of Sutton, lashing at everybody. 

Sutton asked legitimate questions about Erika's finances, etc. after an article on the LA Times. There is no comparison to what she said to Dorit as Erika claimed. She shouldn't have apologized to Erika (my personal opinion). 

Sutton apologized to Dorit, but as Garcelle said on Watch What Happens Live tonight, there is always a "but" after. Sutton called Dorit "Brokey" on a confessional in this episode which filmed months after. She also doubled down on another confessional two weeks ago, again filmed months after, and on last week's WWHL, where Andy Cohen asked her if she doubled down after apologizing. 

How rude of Kathy to let her poor brand manager wait on the phone until she took her vitamins, and put her facial creams on. 

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When are these ladies ( Erika & Dorit) gonna learn that because they are so awful UNLESS Sutton does something just as heinous they come across even worse trying to brow beat her into submission ..


and all the gang ups on her does is get fans to take up for her .. honestly learn from all the past gang ups that failed .. Jesus Christ 

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8 hours ago, dancingdreamer said:

Was Kathy's  hair wet at supper? It looked like it.

All of the women's hair seemed to go limp and lose the curls or height they had before going outside to dinner, I thought all that money for hair and makeup and the hair couldn't withstand the humidity.

I think this episode could have been a turning point in allegiance for Boz, she has seen Dorit in action twice now...maybe she will rethink about hitching her wagon to Dorit.

How many times is Sutton going to apologize to Dorit before she accepts it because by the fifth time it absolutely does sound less than sincere.

Erika does not have a dime in that dollar so she should butt out of anything between Dorit and anybody.

Kyle's attempt to stay neutral was so obvious, she even tried to talk about the weather.

So we know that nothing good happens in a Sprinter Van or on a boat (of any kind) because I am 100% sure if the group was shipped wrecked and a rescue boat picked them up, they would start arguing. 

The bathing suit within a bathing suit that Boz was wearing looked uncomfortable.

Erika thought she was on an episode of Jersey Shore with that hideous purple coffin lining looking outfit on.

Kathy looked like Granny in her dress on the boat, she could have worn something nautical or something, (I did not expect her to wear a bathing suit).

Sutton is all about the open back this season...Sutton's Back!! Her coverup reminded me of a sheer hospital gown.

Garcelle looked great in her swimsuit, I am sure that Boz thought about the lack of strings and color of G's suit just might be a flattering look after all!

Garcelle saying that Kyle's style is not good then shows up in the same dress I can say that Garcelle was right about Kyle's style, it was not a great dress.

Oddly, I really liked Boz's white dress, there is a first time for everything I guess.

I think it is funny that Avi magically appears wherever Sutton travels, does she keep him in her luggage and he pops out when they land? I imagine he flies coach.



Edited by Baltimore Betty
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     Most of these ladies are always made up and styled within an inch of their lives. How refreshing it was to see Garcelle sans make up in her pajamas chatting with Sutton before bed. 
      Before  the catamaran trip Boz mentioned what they’d be doing on their excursion and included the the activity of swimming. You know nobody was going in the water. Not Boz or Erika with their hair extensions. Jennifer with her one of a kind D &G earrings or any of them with their faces fully made up. Nobody I know wears large flappy hats on boats either. Why bother to go out to sea? 
    Kathy was funny digging into the food which looked good. No doubt it was her breakfast as she wanted to go on board at 10 even though the schedule was for 9:30. I wonder what was said to get her there on time. She probably looked the most appropriately dressed. I’m in awe of how many products she needs for her beauty routine, and then double duties on blush. 

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6 hours ago, ivygirl said:

Listening to Erika piss on about kindness to women and proper apologies makes me nauseous.

Erika must think that an apology comes with a Birkin or some sort of jewelry otherwise it is not sincere apology so maybe when Sutton does give Porit an expensive gift then Erika and Porit will know it is real. 

36 minutes ago, Mindthinkr said:

I’m in awe of how many products she needs for her beauty routine, and then double duties on blush. 

I was amazed at the amount of product she travels with, no travel sizes for her!


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5 hours ago, ZettaK said:

Boz changed her tune again at the end, on the boat. She said that she saw a different side of Sutton, lashing at everybody. 


this confuses me about her comment  .. like did we just watch the same thing? she literately was being attacked by all sides... on her own she was defending herself.. what was she supposed to do just let them shit on her?  .. lashing out? she apologized and it STILL wasn't good enough for these ladies

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I think Boz is just spending too much of her time with the two witches and they have her looking for any minor flaw in Sutton as proof that they're right about her.

That or producers reminded her Doorit needs a partner and she'd better stick with her. Reminds me of how every RHOC newbie for a couple of seasons (Kelly, Peggy, Lydia part 2) was forced to be buddy-buddy with Vicki while Tamra and Shannon were icing her out in the aftermath of the cancer scam.

Edited by dmeets
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8 hours ago, ZettaK said:

Boz changed her tune again at the end, on the boat. She said that she saw a different side of Sutton, lashing at everybody. 

Sutton asked legitimate questions about Erika's finances, etc. after an article on the LA Times. There is no comparison to what she said to Dorit as Erika claimed. She shouldn't have apologized to Erika (my personal opinion). 

Sutton apologized to Dorit, but as Garcelle said on Watch What Happens Live tonight, there is always a "but" after. Sutton called Dorit "Brokey" on a confessional in this episode which filmed months after. She also doubled down on another confessional two weeks ago, again filmed months after, and on last week's WWHL, where Andy Cohen asked her if she doubled down after apologizing. 

How rude of Kathy to let her poor brand manager wait on the phone until she took her vitamins, and put her facial creams on. 

That person needed to hang up and give it about 20 minutes before calling back.

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Sutton’s ’Kyle is my friend and now everyone else knows it too!”  Major cringy shades of “you like me! You Really like me!”

Kyle’s tour ‘friend’ until she doesn’t need you anymore. She’d cut her own mother to stay on tv.  

Im going to steal Garcelle’s “beautiful.” Reply when she’s pissed. She does it a lot when she’s had it and has given up arguing. Beautiful.  Lol I like it. It’s not yelling the hard C at everyone or crying, it’s succinct and you get it’s meaning immediately.

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14 minutes ago, lasu said:

I will forever be mystified why Erica brings up her own past at every turn. It's just an unforced error, over and over again. She shouldn't be upset with Sutton; Erica is by far her own worst enemy, reminding the audience at every opportunity why we shouldn't like or enjoy her. Absolutely bizarre. 

I think in her head if she just continues to lie about the past it becomes true … 

People tend to have a short memory especially with disposable entertainment and she is hedging her bets if she just continues to play the victim people will just go with it 

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I cannot stand the onslaught of bullies once again on this show. Can not stand it! I wonder if Boz watched prior seasons of this show. Because if she had, she would have seen Dorit smack in the middle of most ugly situations, and indeed at times the instigator. She is unlikeable at BEST. I hate seeing Sutton be berated repeatedly. The woman can do no right at this point. That said... Garcelle was correct to let Sutton swing in the wind on the boat given that Sutton let Garcelle swing in the wind at dinner the night before as she fan girled at Kyle . I do not understand Sutton's obsession with being Kyle's friend. It comes across very much as the not cool kid in high school trying to befriend the home coming queen.

Could Erika be any more of a hypocrite? And I am not a fan of these women taking out their hair anywhere and everywhere! Its gross! Keep your dirty habits to yourself!

Kyle and Dorit wearing their bikinis open to one side at all times seemed a bit "look at me!" I suppose that's all they have these days, so I'll let them have it. Personally, I thought Garcelle rocked her entire look the best. Woo! 

Boz describing her ride or die moment for Kyle when she saw Mau at the restaurant? Why was it that Kyle looked slightly embarrassed at the retelling? And I don't think it was just that Mau was up to no good again. I don't feel like she wants the other ladies to see her and Boz as friends. 

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1 hour ago, Crazydoxielady said:

Boz describing her ride or die moment for Kyle when she saw Mau at the restaurant? Why was it that Kyle looked slightly embarrassed at the retelling? And I don't think it was just that Mau was up to no good again. I don't feel like she wants the other ladies to see her and Boz as friends. 

I think Kyle was uncomfortable to bring up seeing your husband at a restaurant “with his girl”.  I know I would feel a little humiliated by someone mentioning it in public and on camera.

Edited by Cosmocrush
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7 hours ago, Keywestclubkid said:

When are these ladies ( Erika & Dorit) gonna learn that because they are so awful UNLESS Sutton does something just as heinous they come across even worse trying to brow beat her into submission ..


and all the gang ups on her does is get fans to take up for her .. honestly learn from all the past gang ups that failed .. Jesus Christ 

Exactly. Some of the other women got a lot of flack for how they treated Sutton season 12. Sutton brought up Erika calling her the c word during the season 11 reunion. Diana said "but you are one," and she and Erika cackled. It was so gross to see Sutton treated that way, and fans were disgusted. 

A lot of us are really over picking on Sutton. Enough is enough ladies, and I use the term loosely. 

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