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S19.E04: Week 2: Results & Elimination

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I know nothing about Sia and her video, but if Maddie was in the video dressed similar to the DWTS segment, I don't see what all the fuss is about.


She wore exactly the same outfit in the video, which I think fully deserved its nomination for MTV video of the year.  I personally saw nothing wrong with Maddie wearing a tan colored leotard that (at least in cut) is not all the different than what many girls wear to my daughter's dance classes.  Particularly since I can see what they were aiming for in trying to heighten the raw emotional impact of the performance.  But that also works in part because the video is set in a bare run down shabbily furnished apartment that helps set the tone.  I almost wish they had put her in a black or white leotard for these TV performances because when taken out of the context of the video, the outfit seems to bother some viewers and may end up actually detracting from what Sia is trying to get across.

Edited by viajero
  • Love 3

Tavis committed the one unpardonable sin on this show: Militantly declaring how other things are more important than the show.  Buh bye.


I called it last week and am happy for Sharna.  She deserves a committed partner.   She deserves a whole bunch more support from TPTB, too.  Grrrr.


I'd bet everything I own, and you own, that Sadie was not in the B3 by actual results.   I severely doubt Waltrip was, either.  That Betty woman had to be.   


I didn't see anything particularly egregious with Julianne wearing a bodysuit which covered everything but the back from above the waist.  That she is on the show in any capacity is, itself, egregious.

  • Love 1

The reason for all the Twitter callouts on shows these days is simple: it's a way to engage viewers that they have to watch the show live (at least on the East Coast) in order to participate in.  Whether it works to draw viewers away from delayed viewing or just rewards the core fans who would likely watch live or nearly so anyway, I don't know.


I love "Chandelier" and the original video; personally, I found the young lady's performance in it to be particularly powerful and compelling, and I loved one interview I read where she said that she went in with so many competition rules in her head -- point her toes and all that -- that the director and choreographer had to urge her to just let go of all that and feel it.  I also feel -- and this is just my interpretation and it could be wrong and it could be banal and ultra-obvious -- that using a child in the video is an effort to represent the innocent smothered in the heart of the self-destructive party girl in the song.


Having said that, I think adding Allison to the performance detracted from it.  I've seen the video and I've seen the vid of the live performance on Ellen (Sia was turned back-to then, too), and the second dancer made it a muddled mess.  Just throw Sia and Maddie out there, put a Macy's Stars of Dance tag on it, and let them roll.


I like Sharna, but I'm fine with the result.

  • Love 3

I find it amazing that people think that Maddie performing in a nude bodysuit to be OK.  This is not a dance class that's confined in scope, but a world wide video that purposely put her in a bodysuit, which made her look totally nude.  I watched the video, and there are parts where you could see the buttocks and because of the bodysuit color, she DOES look nude.  I don't care...she was 11 years old when she did the video, and regardless of how great a dancer she is, and how powerful a dance it was, it's not appropriate.  There had to be a reason why they chose an 11 year old for this, so one has to wonder.  Why didn't they use a 16 or 17 year old?  Probably because they wanted a pre-pubscent girl.  Like I said, this has got to be every pedophile's dream.


I hope Nascar fans don't keep Michael on for too long.  He's terrible and he appears to think he's far better than he really is.  I am surprised that he didn't get booted off, because there are a whole lot of Nascar fans who hate the Waltrip brothers.


I thought Betsy did a very good job.  Just being as flexible as she is, for her age, is amazing. 

  • Love 5

I'm really liking all the male pros and Whitney.. I thought the dance with Val, Karina, and Peta was fantastic. I can't believe they showed Val dropping Julianne in rehearsal and think it might have psyched them both out a little for the dance. I felt bad for both of them that the clip was shown and that they messed up in the dance. Julianne looked great in her costume, and I'm really warming up to her. I just wish she'd brush her hair. Mark was a really good sport about the audition video. His reaction was fun.


The Sia dance was disturbing to me. Not only was the girl's outfit a little too revealing considering the format, but I couldn't figure out the other dancer. At first, I thought it was a man in drag then realized it was a really unflattering costume and wig. I don't get what she was going for with that dance. Was she supposed to be mentally ill? The last part of it at the desk looked like a rubber room scene from old movies. Give me more fluffy dances like Mark and Whitney last week or more like Val/Karina/Peta this week. Even the Julianne dance was fun enough. I don't need stuff like that Sia thing ever again.

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That Sia dance...it's bad enough they dressed up that little girl in such a manner, though I know it's the same look from the music video, but as for Alison...? Possibly the worst look they could have given her, imo, it did her absolutely no favours whatsoever. And those faces she kept making, I haven't seen those since SYTYCD...I hadn't missed them, at all.




I know it.  Right when it started, I forgot for a minute who was supposed to be dancing.  And not knowing the song or dance or anything I thought it was a parody (to be fair, they were doing comic bits all night with movie commercials and A-Z) and a man dressed in a blond wig and leotard was going to dance. It was then I realized that was Allison. I feel horrible for saying that, but that's exactly what I was thinking.


In other parts of the show my favorite? BERRRRGERRRONNN...


The Sia dance was disturbing to me. Not only was the girl's outfit a little too revealing considering the format, but I couldn't figure out the other dancer. At first, I thought it was a man in drag then realized it was a really unflattering costume and wig.


Kayma, we think alike!

  • Love 2

If Julianne is an example of someone who's out of shape, then I've been clinically dead for years.


I was sorry to see Tavis go. He looked like someone who would get better as the season went along because he's got decent timing and musicality. Michael, on the other hand, is already as good as he's going to get. I don't particularly dislike him, but it's uncomfortable seeing how much he wants to be there when he's already on borrowed time. And while Emma seems like a sweet person, I hate how almost every dance she choreographs has to be around a gimmick or character. I know she's always been given weaker dancers, but a lot of her work is thisclose to the "Michael Bolton crawls out of a dog house on all fours" debacle.


Janel is growing on me. I loved her for how delighted she was for Betsy, and I was really impressed with her in the encore performance, more so than on competition night. The fake showmance doesn't bother me (it's SOP for this show) so long as they both know it's fake, which it seems they do. Of the three young women, she's far and away the best dancer.

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The fake showmance bugs me because I see less-than-no spark between the two.  Way more sparks between Karina and Val and Peta and Val.


Tavis is a smart man.  He has to know that looking like he was angry and about to throw up throughout a disco dance with an afro wig was not going to win him votes.  I think he deliberately sabotaged himself after watching his first dance.  The stuff he said in interviews about his natural rhythm and his "black card" makes me think that he might have been somewhat taken aback by the truth as revealed on tv.  I'm sorry he's gone because I could look at Sharna for days.  She's my idea of a gorgeous woman, despite her rotten taste in crotch-display dance moves.


Nearly all the woman dances (bumpers and etc.) look like stripper dances these days.  I wish that they could visit some other meme occasionally (and I don't mean contemporary pedo dream plastic doll dancing).  Granted, they look like VERY VERY pricey and beautiful strippers...

The reason for all the Twitter callouts on shows these days is simple: it's a way to engage viewers that they have to watch the show live (at least on the East Coast) in order to participate in.  Whether it works to draw viewers away from delayed viewing or just rewards the core fans who would likely watch live or nearly so anyway, I don't know.



The Nielsen ratings are now using social media in their metrics. It started last fall. That's why we're now getting all the twitter clutter on the tv screen and urgings to tweet this or that on DWTS and other shows.

I didn't see any pixelating last night.  Not that I'm looking.

 I only saw the pixelating once on Allison right after girls did the side-by-side split.

As I understand it, the song is supposed to be about the dark time Sia went through when she was younger with drugs and/or alcohol. I wish they had used an older dancer rather than an 11/12 year old child or used costuming that didn't imply nudity.

The producers are clearly thrilled that they now have twice as many Houghs to do vanity numbers for.  


I don't believe I'm about to take up for Mark, but...  I thought it was kind of shitty of the show to decide to include that "Len doesn't know anything about country or jazz" bit in there.  I think that it was something off the cuff Mark threw out there to try to make her feel better, and I'd be willing to bet that they could fill an hour long show with clips just like that from the other pros over the years.  Sometimes, when someone is feeling down like that, you throw something like that out there to try to make them feel better, whether you believe it or not, especially someone young like Sadie who they've already said is very sensitive.  


I think her father's tweet was miles worse.  


Wish Michael would have gone.  Fingers crossed for next week. 

  • Love 5

I thought Janel/Val's encore was much, much better than their original performance, much less frantic, Janel seemed to relax into it.

Loved the Val, Karina, Peta dance, but my gosh, at one point I thought Val was going to yank out a chunk of Peta's hair. But this is what I miss in going to 1-night per week - the pros dancing full-out with each other. For me, this is THE best part of the show.

Val sure was a busy guy last night. I was not opposed to showing the rehearsal clip of Julianne falling. I think it's good to be reminded just how much work goes into these performances and how dangerous they can be. I wonder if they changed the lift or if they showed the rehearsal in reverse negative. Rehearsal she entered the lift right-to left. In the dance, she entered left to right.

Anyway, after watching several times in slo-mo, it looked to me in rehearsal that Julianne went up on Val's shoulders completely out of balance and Val wasn't ready to catch her. On the show, it looked like she was supposed to balance momentarily on his neck, but her weight was too far forward (her center was pitched a little too far to the right), and she couldn't hold it. I've been seeing some other-forum comments blaming Val and making some pretty horrible accusations. I think the rehearsal was just a bad accident and maybe Julianne isn't quite yet up to speed for this type of trick.

I enjoyed all the little "movie preview" and A to Z videos they did. Harkens back to the days when they had time for fun and silly stuff instead of cramming too much into too little time. I don't know which was funnier, Mark's audition video or his reaction to seeing it.

Why did they put Sadie in jeopardy? No way was that believable. Tavis was the right one to go, IMO. Worse than flubbing a dance, is showing bad attitude and a grumpy demeanor.

All in all, a good results show. I'll miss them going back to Mondays only.

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What drama with Sharna?


That Michael guy bugs to no end, which is why I know he'll be around for loooong time.


Before Sharna was added at the last minute, her boyfriend went ballistic on Twitter (when the pro cast was announced and she wasn't on it.)  He said they didn't even bother to give her a call to let her know, and he griped that she did half of everybody else's choreography!  She was out of town when this happened and tweeted this to calm him down:


Sharna Burgess @SharnaBurgess  ·  Aug 14

Loves ur support is amazing! please know 2day wasnt a shock 2me! #dwts has been very respectful! Keep an eye out 4 me very soon #dwtsfam


It's been announced Sharna will be on the final two HAL cruises for the year, along with Kym Johnson and Artem Chigvintsev (who's replacing Tristan, who'll still be busy with Strictly Come Dancing in London at the same time the cruises are scheduled in the Caribbean, Nov 29-Dec 13)

Edited by Morrigan

I can't believe Tom and Erin practically begged the audience to vote for Tony's audition video and then the dumb Twitterverse voted for Mark Freaking Ballas. WTF, Twitterverse? Then they did the same thing with the encore dance. I feel so bad for Leah and Tony, knowing they lost in a live popularity contest. 



I really, really, really wish they'd get rid of all things Twitter in this show.


Oh me too. Or at least if they insist on putting Tweets across the screen, show some real ones, like "Wow that number really sucked. #SuckyDance."


I can't believe I'm saying this but I'm starting to think Brooke Burke was better than Erin Andrews. I know, that's damning with faint praise, but even though Brooke was sort of lame and pointless, she had better poise and wasn't usually as flustered and tongue-tied as Erin always seems to be.

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I have no idea who this Sia person is and I really don't care.  I also don't care that the little girl is on Dance Mom's since the only time I've forced myself to see and of Abbie Lee and Co. is when she disastrously judged last season.  (I have nieces that love the show but after seeing one commercial, I avoid it like the plague)  I haven't seen the video that goes along with this singer's song and I'm not going to look it up, especially after seeing those hideous wigs and hearing the awful vocals.  I enjoyed the other two male singers more and I've never heard of them either.  They at least sounded in tune.  


As for the dancetestants, I knew as soon as Tavis started bitching in his clip the night before that it wouldn't go over well.  Not sorry he's gone.  Michael or Betsey need to go next.  The duck girl, if you're that sensitive you can't make it thru the judges comments, don't go on a competition on television with on air critiques.  

  • Love 1

I can't believe Tom and Erin practically begged the audience to vote for Tony's audition video and then the dumb Twitterverse voted for Mark Freaking Ballas. WTF, Twitterverse? Then they did the same thing with the encore dance. I feel so bad for Leah and Tony, knowing they lost in a live popularity contest. 



Isn't the entire show basically a prettied-up popularity contest?


Of course Janel and Mark were going to win the Twitter war - their demographics would most likely (1) have a Twitter account and (2) have a phone attached to their hand at all times thereby making Tweeting as easy/natural as breathing.

Isn't the entire show basically a prettied-up popularity contest?


Of course Janel and Mark were going to win the Twitter war - their demographics would most likely (1) have a Twitter account and (2) have a phone attached to their hand at all times thereby making Tweeting as easy/natural as breathing.


The only way Janel would have had a battle on her hands regarding a twitter vote is if she were up against Bethany and Sadie.  Then I'm not sure who would have won.   The three young females will hands down beat everyone else, even Alfonso.


I can't believe Tom and Erin practically begged the audience to vote for Tony's audition video and then the dumb Twitterverse voted for Mark Freaking Ballas. WTF, Twitterverse?


Totally agree! I was bummed when Mark was chosen. Not because I have anything against Mark, but because if Tom says Tony's audition video is his choice, then I have to imagine it's going to be entertaining in some really great way because Tom has a terrific sense of humor. I wanted to know what it was about Tony's audition video that should be seen. I was disappointed that even after Tom's comment, people still voted for Mark. So disappointed.


And I didn't really care to hear "Call Me Maybe" again. I was rooting for Lea to revisit her dance. Alas... disappointed in the voting audience all around last night.

The Sia piece would have perhaps been more meaningful if I could have understood the lyrics to the song.  It was if she was singing with a mouth full of marbles or something, most likely it's just her style.  All I could understand was 'one two three' occasionally.  I'm not a fan of contemporary dance, and this was contempo at its worst, so the entire thing fell completely flat for me.


Tavis was the right choice to go home; he's not a good enough athlete or a natural dancer to be able to put together performances given his limited available time.  


Loved seeing all the backstage moments.  I wish we had a results show every week, artsy-fartsy contempo dance numbers and all.


Julianne's awful hair drowns out everything she says or does.  A professional hairstylist is sending her out looking like that? Crazy.

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I love the Sia song and the video so I wasn't surprised by the dance.  Maddie danced alone on Ellen and as mentioned Sia was facing backwards.  The show probably wanted Allison to be included.  In some ways, I saw Allison as the present Sia and Maddie as the child version (which she is in the video).  So I saw a lot of moves where they comforted each other.


I didn't care whether Tavis or Michael went home.  Tavis was a complainer and his schedule is his fault.  Michael gives me the creeps.  The only time where I saw a better side of him was last night when he told Emma that because of her, he can hear the music and other compliments.  I love Emma's reply.  If that's the real Michael, then he should act like that and not put on this show of trying to be funny and loving women in skimpy bikinis.


Julianne definitely looked out of shape.  The show shouldn't have shown the fall because Val is getting all the blame.  I didn't like Val's, Peta's, and Karina's dance in some parts.  It looked too rough.  I did like the singers.

"Why didn't they use a 16 or 17 year old?  Probably because they wanted a pre-pubscent girl.  Like I said, this has got to be every pedophile's dream."


I think using an underdeveloped girl is much safer than using an adolescent. No worries about showing boobs, etc. I thought nothing sexual of the performance. It doesn't matter what you wear, people who fetishize certain things and people will find you sexual even if you are covered up. Who really thinks putting that child in black would stop a pedophile from fantasizing about her?

I thought the performance was quirky, a little strange, but entertaining.

  • Love 6
It doesn't matter what you wear, people who fetishize certain things and people will find you sexual even if you are covered up. Who really thinks putting that child in black would stop a pedophile from fantasizing about her?



This is kind of where I am with the whole debate about the costume. Let me state that I respect people feel the way they do but honestly I saw the video when it came out and never thought anything of the costume and didn't last night either and I think that's largely because the performance, in my opinion, is not sexual. There is really nothing sexual about the dance and/or the song. As others have noted it's about Sia's struggle with addiction and the dark place she was in and came out of. So I think having that in mind I didn't look at the video or the dance and think "10 year old dancing nude".


I saw it as what dance truly is in my opinion, using your body as art. Now the style may not have been everyone's cup of tea but again all I saw was body movement as art. Personally I would be far more scandalized by a 10 year old who was covered up but was booty popping and grinding all over the place to a song about sex. And trust me, just search Youtube, there are plenty of those out there.

Edited by truthaboutluv
  • Love 10

The Sia piece would have perhaps been more meaningful if I could have understood the lyrics to the song.  It was if she was singing with a mouth full of marbles or something, most likely it's just her style.  All I could understand was 'one two three' occasionally.  I'm not a fan of contemporary dance, and this was contempo at its worst, so the entire thing fell completely flat for me.

The lyrics. I have to admit, I didn't really "get it" until I really started to catch the words, and once I did that and then watched the video I really found it to be a compelling package combining the song itself, Sia's vocals (which to me have a tragic quality to them, and in fact deliberately become more slurred as the song progresses) and then the dance added in.  MMV on contemporary dance, obviously.  There's footage on YouTube of Sarah Bareilles doing an acoustic cover of the song which is easier to understand.

  • Love 1


.......after watching several times in slo-mo, it looked to me in rehearsal that Julianne went up on Val's shoulders completely out of balance and Val wasn't ready to catch her. On the show, it looked like she was supposed to balance momentarily on his neck, but her weight was too far forward (her center was pitched a little too far to the right), and she couldn't hold it.

I believe Tanisha and Ryan performed this lift in their Argentine Tango on SYTYCD. Watch the lift at 1:10......


If Julianne is an example of someone who's out of shape, then I've been clinically dead for years.

She's in great shape for the general population, but the dance just served to highlight how far off her game she is, relative to her glory days on the show. She looked like an amateur relative to the male pros. Fairly certain that wasn't the intended message, although, I actually have no idea what the intended message was. If she's on the show to judge, then why is she dancing at all? None of the other judges get a prolonged dance with every single dancer of the opposite gender (and the answer isn't that she's the only one of them capable of it, because see above - she really isn't anymore). My knollish tendencies lead me to suspect that she and the show are plotting some end-game for her that is bigger than having her just quietly plop herself and her terrible hair in the space between Len and Bruno. 

  • Love 3

I believe Tanisha and Ryan performed this lift in their Argentine Tango on SYTYCD. Watch the lift at 1:10......


Ahhhhh Tanisha's such a gorgeous dancer!


The entry is very similar. If it was supposed to be the same lift, Julianne should have come down on the other side of Val's head. Her weight was too far to the right (Val's left). You can see Val's right arm go up to guide her down but she's not there.


After comparing the two a bunch of times, I think you're right, the Tanisha/Ryan lift was what Julianne/Val were trying to do.

If she's on the show to judge, then why is she dancing at all? None of the other judges get a prolonged dance with every single dancer of the opposite gender (and the answer isn't that she's the only one of them capable of it, because see above - she really isn't anymore). My knollish tendencies lead me to suspect that she and the show are plotting some end-game for her that is bigger than having her just quietly plop herself and her terrible hair in the space between Len and Bruno.



Well being one who's never been a resident of the Grassy Knoll, I actually do think it's because of her past history on the show, whether or not some believe she isn't capable anymore. And as many mentioned above, she did just do a fairly successful summer tour with Derek that was all about dancing so I  can very much believe the Producers and maybe even Julianne herself thought she was up to it. As for the other judges, Carrie Ann has no background in ballroom and neither does Bruno and Len is practically 100. I honestly think the performance was simply that Julianne got her start on the show as a Pro. The people who watch the show and have watched from the beginning likely still remember her as such and so the producers figured they would enjoy seeing her dancing again. 


eta: All I really got from that blog was the couples can now just change their assigned dance? I always knew they could request a different song but didn't know they could arbitrarily change their dance style. Okay then.

Edited by truthaboutluv
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I am glad to see that others thought that was a man in drag "dancing" with the little girl.  The whole thing was just bad.


And Julianne is no where near what she was back when she was on the show.    I wonder if she looked that bad on her tour this summer?  Whatever hairdresser told her that haircut looks good was just lying to her,  It is a shame when she used to be so pretty.

  • Love 1

I'm thrilled to see Julianne dance on the show again and I think her styling has been wonky but her hair looks better now than when she was on the show as a pro.  It's edgier but before it was just so... ballroom.  


If she's 'off her game' I'm guessing it's because now her only game isn't ballroom dancing, it's much broader.  She wouldn't be sitting there if she had stuck to ballroom alone.  

I have always loved the song Chandelier, I didn't know about the video until this show. At first I was repelled by the dance in the video, but after watching it several times (and the various parodies) I started to understand it. As an artist myself, I do understand the highs and lows and living on the edge of sanity to be truly creative (and the drinking to make it all just stop so I can be normal for a change, or better yet, forget this world completely) I really appreciated Sia on a deeper level because of her performance on this show. It is hard to judge unless one has had similar experiences, I can totally relate to her wanting to perform the way she does. I love her songs, her lyrics and her voice. She can stand on her head, in drag if she wants to I will still be a fan.


I did find Allison as an addition to the dance a bad choice. Her dance was so forced, Maddy was so comfortable with it (well she has done it a bazillion times...) Maddy is very talented, and likable, Allison was pretty much the opposite. I can't quite understand the comments about the nude leotard, I started dancing at the age of seven, we had all colors, and thank god, not limited to the colors of the Royal ballet... black leotard and pink tights. I wore light blues, pinks, beige and at times black. I know people project the worst these days, but perhaps that is all it is, a projection. I had no issues with the costume.


I kind of agree about Julianne Hough's dance, it was okay, there were good parts, but not good enough for such a featured spot with so may supporting male dancers doing basically the same thing over and over. I would rather see a more artistic and lyrical dance with one, maybe two partners. In a way the simple statement that is made by Maddie doing the spits in Chandelier illustrates this. I have seen several dance interpretations to that song now, but the timing of how Maddie does the splits is what transforms the simplest of moves to a statement and reflection of the song. I saw no art in Julianne's dance, just a bunch of flinging and fluffing about. Maybe she needs to sit and have a tea party with Maddie...

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I've enjoyed the results shows the last two weeks.  Without them, the performance shows will have even more crammed into them.


I'm thrilled to see Julianne dance on the show again and I think her styling has been wonky but her hair looks better now than when she was on the show as a pro.  It's edgier but before it was just so... ballroom.


I agree. I think she looks great. I much prefer her edgier look to her previous Barbie style.  I love ballroom dancing, but I'm not a fan of the ballroom "look". 

  • Love 1


f she's 'off her game' I'm guessing it's because now her only game isn't ballroom dancing, it's much broader.  She wouldn't be sitting there if she had stuck to ballroom alone.

I'd argue Julianne is sitting there because her movie career tanked and she needs a job.  I really don't think Julianne ever envisioned herself returning to DWTS in any way because she was so set on becoming a huge star.  She probably just figures it's less embarrasing and less time consuming to come back as a judge as opposed to a pro.

  • Love 4

I think Julianne looked good. Kind of punkish. She also didn't seem out of shape. Nothing about her dance really screamed out shape physically. What seemed to be the problem imo is that she isn't used to this group of dancers really and they were going all out with tricks and such. I just think she didn't fully relax to sell the fun. This pieced needed the freeness and fierceness since that was the point. Her not being able to relax is also probably what happened with lift. But the dance just seemed like if they had given it one more week to rehearse it, it could have been an outstanding moment. 

Edited by tarotx
  • Love 1

I can't believe Tom and Erin practically begged the audience to vote for Tony's audition video and then the dumb Twitterverse voted for Mark Freaking Ballas. WTF, Twitterverse? Then they did the same thing with the encore dance. I feel so bad for Leah and Tony, knowing they lost in a live popularity contest. 

Here's a sneak peek of Tony's audition tape https://twitter.com/DancingABC/status/500025745154924544

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I'm old and don't do Twitter.  But I was hoping that Tony's audition would get picked.  The audience was stupid since both Tom and Erin begged them to choose Tony.  So I knew it would be hilarious.  This Twitter thing will always go to the younger pros and contestants.  I knew Janel would beat Lea.


I already commented on Maddie and Allison in a previous post.  But I wanted to add that this is the best that I've seen of Maddie.  She dances like a typical competition kid on Dance Moms which is what I would expect.  She had two facial expressions: big grin or angsty.  She is showing so much more emotion in this dance.  I also like how she is free.  She didn't worry about having perfectly pointed feet or technique and ALM is really picky when it comes to feet.  ALM is so into feet that sometimes I don't think she sees the beauty of a dance, e.g. when she judged Meryl's foxtrot last year.


I also think Allison did a good job because she only learned the dance in a few hours.  That's tough to do on such an emotional piece and there were lots of side by side movements that were done perfectly in sync.  As I previously posted, I like how Allison played the adult Sia while Maddie was the child version.

I'm thrilled to see Julianne dance on the show again and I think her styling has been wonky but her hair looks better now than when she was on the show as a pro.  It's edgier but before it was just so... ballroom.  


If she's 'off her game' I'm guessing it's because now her only game isn't ballroom dancing, it's much broader.  She wouldn't be sitting there if she had stuck to ballroom alone.  

Julianne is a mature woman now and I agree her look is more edgier than when she was a pro on the show. I could never pull that look off so more power to her for owning it.


I've read comments that Julianne looks "out of shape". I would imagine they mean out of dancing shape because she certainly looked marvelous in that costume.....another look I could never pull off.

I miss the cheese and elegance that was this show. I remember when Jonathan and Anna would come out and do a beautiful ballroom number. Cheryl, Karina, Tony, Louis would come out and do an insane latin number. I miss the artists that came on(ie Barry Manilowe, Gloria Estefan, etc) and sing their hits while the pros danced. Now the pro numbers basically consist of posing, flashing your crotch, whipping your hair around, and more posing. I am hoping to see a group dance this season because I loved those. It was fun to see the contestants joking around and becoming friends with each other. The show has lost a lot of the fun/cheese that it used to have.

  • Love 2

DWTS often gets billed as a "family show" but it really hasn't been so to many people for a long time now. I found out a few years ago that the FCC has gotten complaints about the show almost from the beginning from Christian and Parent organizations who have always thought some of the costumes and performances were too raunchy. The complaints have always been minor though and ABC still makes money off of it so no one really cares. 

Edited by truthaboutluv

For those wishing Tony's audition tape had been shown...

I took a count of the hashtag votes around 9pm, right after the results show ended.

The counts were:

Mark 3924

Val 2795

Tony 1630

Cheryl 621

Karina 354

and I guess 19 people wanted Derek's to be shown again (or 1 person voted 19 times?)


The first week it looked like the Derek and Val fans raced each other and Derek topped out. (Mark, Cheryl, Karina, Tony fans didn't really even bother. I know in the group I chat with only 1 person tweeted 1 token vote.)

The second week Mark fans were ready and went hard and you can see the numbers above.

I'm sure all the audtion tapes will be shown in the weeks ahead, but if you guys want Tony's next, tweet your fingers off for the time of 1 commercial break. It's East Coast time so maybe someone can announce to "tweet NOW" for those in other time zones. Val's fans are working hard, so Good Luck!

I'm gonna swing...from the chanda lee ear....the chanda lee eeeear.

I usually love nekkid sparkly dancers but Julianne seemed unclothed for sport and not related or enhancing the dance. Unless the point was to attract more casual male viewers or distract us from her weak dancing. If that was the goal then point taken. It seemed even skeevier when she was dancing with Derek.

When does Waltrip go home?

  • Love 2

Finally got a chance to watch the results show last night.  Tavis was probably the right person to go because of attitude, but in terms of dance, it should have been Michael.  Once again I loved seeing and hearing the backstage stuff.


The one exception was Mark and Sadie.  I'm not sure what we were supposed to think about that, but it annoyed me.  The criticism, such as it was, that she received was very mild.  Mostly Len saying it didn't work for him.  If it causes her such distress that she's sitting there all mopey and downcast reminding herself she's a "tough little duckling," then what is she going to do if she has an off-dance and gets some real criticism?  And I was annoyed with Mark for choosing to diss Len rather than take that moment to explain to Sadie that she did a good job but not everyone is going to like everything and not to sweat it.  You can't please all the people all the time.  But Len's point was a good one - I know I had the exact same reaction - it didn't work for me.  From reading some of the boards, it didn't work for a lot of people.  Just dismissing it as Len doesn't know jazz or country was understandable, but it was the easy way out and ultimately is not really going to help Sadie learn to deal with this show or with criticism in life, which is inevitable.


No big surprise that Janel got the encore over Lea.  Ditto that they wanted to see Mark's audition tape and not Tony's, as Tom suggested.  Their fans aren't going to tweet.  I really wish the show would get over their fascination with using Twitter - it leaves out a large percentage of their audience, and I seriously doubt it's going to get them a lot of new, younger viewers.  Unfortunately, I seem to remember reading somewhere that Nielsen takes into account twitter traffic or something as part of their ratings now, so I'm assuming this is to bump up the ratings and is probably here to stay.


Loved the dance with Val, Peta and Karina.  Really nice.  I also liked Julianne's dance with the male pros.  Too bad about the lift, though.  The other dance I just didn't get.  I've never heard of the song or the singer, and I honestly could not understand a word she said except the occasional 1-2-3.  So it was a big nothing for me, and the dance seemed like just a lot of frantic running around.  There were some really nice moves in the dance, but overall it was a miss for me.


I thought the A-Z of DWTS was fun.  Thoroughly enjoyed that.  And as I said I loved the backstage glimpses and the pros talking to their celebs during the dance.  I miss that so much. 


So next week is Movie Night.  That's one I usually enjoy a lot.  One of the better theme nights, imho.  Apparently the switch-up is back as well.  Don't get that one at all.  It was a whole lot of nothing last season; can't imagine why they thought it was worth repeating.  But since it's all done by Twitter, I won't be able to take part.

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