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S19.E04: Week 2: Results & Elimination

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So according to ABC's press release, Julianne will be dancing with Derek and the male pros.  Odd wording - Derek is one of the male pros, so why not just say she'll be dancing with the male pros? 

 I saw that and I'm wondering if this is a dance from their tour with the male pros that were on the tour with them (just my guess).  Very awkward wording. If they meant the DWTS pros, they should have either named all of them or none of them.

I really hate this Sia dance. And after it's been parodied to death by the likes of Jimmy Kimmel and Lena Dunham, I think it's really time to kill the thing.


Wait, was that ... something that has been done before? LIke, that was the music video for the song?


Wow, that was awful. And definitely didn't endear me to Allison - what little enjoyment I got from that dance, it was from watching Maddy and thinking "wow, she's good, but she's going to be fantastic when she's older".

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Wait, was that ... something that has been done before? LIke, that was the music video for the song?


Wow, that was awful. And definitely didn't endear me to Allison - what little enjoyment I got from that dance, it was from watching Maddy and thinking "wow, she's good, but she's going to be fantastic when she's older".


Yep. Always with this dance. Official video


Jimmy Kimmel version:


Lena Dunham version: 



We get it. Kill it. Kill it dead.

I'm kind of disgusted that they had that little girl in a costume that called for her pixellation on her private area.


They did it to Julianne, too, but she should be aware of what her costume is revealing.


There was pixellation? I don't recall any pixellation.


Tavis had the misfortune of being lost in the shuffle and not all that recognizable. Sorry Tavis, better luck in the finale?

Edited by McManda

That Sia dance...it's bad enough they dressed up that little girl in such a manner, though I know it's the same look from the music video, but as for Alison...? Possibly the worst look they could have given her, imo, it did her absolutely no favours whatsoever. And those faces she kept making, I haven't seen those since SYTYCD...I hadn't missed them, at all.


Julianne's dance...another terrible outfit choice, imo, far too skimpy for my tastes and it added nothing to the dance. The singers struggled with the song as well, they really should have just played the real vocals. I guess the dance was okay but it was so hectic and all over the place for the most part, too many male pros for one female dancer. I wouldn't have minded it if Julianne had just danced with Artem and Keo as the two new guns.


I liked the dance Val did with Karina and Peta though, really nice work from them. There needs to be more of that and less from Mandy as in stop using Mandy already show. Whoever suggested Louis be the lead choreograph for the group dances is spot on, imho, I love his work and I miss him on this show, he truly is one of the best.


The right bottom two for the night I thought, didn't care which went as long as one did.

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Sia generally hides her face when she performs, so that's not really new.  The only reason I can think of for Allison was just to give Maddie someone to dance with.  I don't know.  Maybe they thought she would be nervous or something?  Either way the dance did nothing for me.


Well, I totally called Tavis going home.   The only reason I care is it means less Sharna.


Julianne looks pretty rusty, no?  It's to be expected I guess, but wasn't she just dancing on tour with her brother?  Her costume was hideous too.  I also don't think I've ever seen Val mess up on this show ever and he almost dropped Julianne for a second time.  


They just need to show all the pro videos.  What's the point in voting?


Speaking of voting, if the encore is going to be twitter voted and it's between a younger person with a huge social media following versus someone without a huge twitter following, why even go through the pretense?   The only way Janel would have had any competition is if she were up against Sadie and Bethany.  Got to love those demos.


Abby Lee Miller was there.  Just be thankful she didn't get any screen time.

Edited by spanana
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Betsey and Leas movie previews were hilarious. Why are they putting Sadie in the bottom group of people?? There is no way she needs help in the votes. By the way Kevin heart as a judge is just a big pile of bs. Why can't we bring in actual dancers from the world of ballroom to judge? As soon as it was down to Waltrip and Tavis I knew Tavis was gone. I'm going to miss Sharna. I liked the A-Z dance segment that was cute. 


Edited to add: I was really pissed that they had viewers vote on the encore. Of course Janel was goig to win! This is one of the reasons I stopped watching the show. 

Edited by Dancingjaneway

No surprise there. I had Tavis picked as the first week boot until I saw how god-awful Lolo was. I figured he'd be one of those not pulling a lot of viewer votes and with a very lackluster dance, yeah I didn't see him surviving that. Putting Sadie in jeopardy was ridiculous since we all knew she wouldn't leave but it's going to fire up her voting base and since I imagine it's likely already pretty huge, she's all but guaranteed to make it to mid-season at this point.

The Julianne/male Pro number was okay save for the point where Val very nearly threw her on her head. Boy did he struggle on that lift. And hello bodysuit...well then. All I could think was Peta was probably backstage going, "wait no one told me I could get away with the nude bodysuit" since you know she'd have worn one by now. I love Sia and I absolutely love Chandlier (one of the best songs in years in my opinion) but yeah I'm with others with the jerky, seizure inducing dance and also, that is a very hard song to sing live and Sia was struggling at points. The Nico and Vin performance was great and the dancing to it was also good but it got pretty manic at times and I swear at one point I thought Val would rip Peta's hair out with how he grabbed her.

Edited by truthaboutluv

Hated that Maddy was in a nude bodysuit. I could not watch it, the artistic expression is not worth it. A 12 year old on national TV should be wearing clothes, and a second layer of clothes just taped to her body or something. 


What I loved was Julianne's body during her dance. She looks great and she is 27, so her clothes have different rules. 


That bunny is my favorite picture ever as of this moment. 

  • Love 3

There was pixellation? I don't recall any pixellation.


They did it once with Maddie (that I saw) and at least twice with Julianne, when they were doing leaps or something that exposed their crotch area.


Val dropping Julianne in rehearsal and almost again on the live show makes me wonder if he's still holding a grudge over her comments to Maks last season. ;)

I don't know who the heck Sia is and after that performance, hope I never come in contact again.  The "dancers" were horrible.  And putting that young child in the nude costume was creepy.


Then we were subjected to the Julianne peep show.  For heaven sakes, put some clothes on!!


And putting poor Sadie in the bottom three was just cruel.  There is no way she was anywhere near the bottom.

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That horrible Sia shrieky noise masquerading as music AND an encore of "Call Me Maybe"? Why was that necessary? Have some mercy on my ears, universe.


Maddy outdanced whoever it was that she was partnered with. If that was the much-lauded Allison, color me unimpressed with her much-lauded contemporary.


And I thought Julianne's dance was terrible. She was nowhere near as good as she used to be and nearly all of the men ran circles around her. She fell over at the end, too, correct? Or what was that weird flip she did with Val? I dunno, once you become a judge, then just sit down and judge already.

  • Love 5
She fell over at the end, too, correct? Or what was that weird flip she did with Val? I dunno, once you become a judge, then just sit down and judge already.



I'm pretty sure that was on Val...he messed up the lift and the whole thing was so awkward and jerky that it affected her landing and made her stumble slightly. 


We are going to be stuck with Michael for a while. Yikes please save me!



Seriously. I adore Emma but Michael bugs the effing crap out of me. As they say, "Michael, I knew Bill Engvall and you are no Bill Engvall"


Val dropping Julianne in rehearsal and almost again on the live show makes me wonder if he's still holding a grudge over her comments to Maks last season. ;)



Well we know they're all about "the Fam..." and it's all "Fam for life" like they're in some goddamn mafia. So I wouldn't be surprised. 

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Sia and her weirdness irk me to no end. if you don't want to be seen, then don't sing. Write songs, make albums,whatever, just don't go on shows and sing and be some prima dona who thinks she's unique. That dance that went along with that song was beyond lame as well. They should have let the pros do something really cool with it.

And i think that was the original version of the song that Juliane and the boys danced to. What is up with her hair? Tres tacky.

Is it really sad that I don't know who 2/3's of these supposed "Stars" are?

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Why does this show keep pimping Abby Lee Miller and her students?  If anyone had spent thirty seconds researching the video, they would have learned that a lot of people were uncomfortable with an eleven year old in a nude leotard.


Sadie's harmless enough, I guess.  She'll make it to the end, unless those that voted for Bristol Palin split their votes between Sadie and Michael.


Michael really gets on my nerves, and I finally realized why.  He could be the twin of Jim Bob Duggar.  His aw-shucks act grates.


I think Tom found Sia a little absurd, and didn't try very hard to hide it.


I've never liked Julianne, and I doubt I'll start now.  She was completely out of shape and it showed.  And yes, her hair was pretty disgusting.

  • Love 3

They did it once with Maddie (that I saw) and at least twice with Julianne, when they were doing leaps or something that exposed their crotch area.


I've watched Julianne's dance a couple times (I watched Maddie's again once, but I still didn't like it) and I didn't see them blur anything. Maybe your TV has better resolution than mine. Still whatever the implications or connotations, both dancers were appropriately covered, so I see no reason for ABC to blur anything.

Whether or not it was a good idea to put an 11-year old in a nude leotard and nothing else was a good idea is another debate (Julianne's old enough to decide her costuming for herself), but there's nothing inherently wrong with it in either case that it would need to be blurred.

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I follow Kyle Busch on Twitter and he tweeted asking his followers to vote for Michael. I wouldn't be surprised if all the drivers were doing that. NASCAR nation strikes again! But I think Michael actually wants to be there more.



I believe Junior also said he is voting for him, plus I've seen various drivers and NASCAR reporters, track presidents and various other personalities from the NASCAR realm say they are also voting for him.

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What drama with Sharna?


She wasn't included in the original cast announcement, causing much wailing on twitter.  Later when she was named as the surprise 13th pro, people thought she'd be paired with a big star. When it turned out to be Tavis, it was a letdown and left fans wondering just what TPTB were doing with Sharna.

Sia and her weirdness irk me to no end. if you don't want to be seen, then don't sing. Write songs, make albums,whatever, just don't go on shows and sing and be some prima dona who thinks she's unique. That dance that went along with that song was beyond lame as well.



Actually, Sia has her reasons for not showing her face while performing and for refusing to tour.  Perhaps because of this, she is much better known as a song-writer than as a performer.  The long list of hits she's written for other artists is quite impressive.  She decided to keep Chandelier for herself because the lyrics are so personal, dealing as they do with her battles with alcoholism and drug abuse that arose from childhood neglect.  I'm glad she did, because I've always loved her voice.  This goes back to when she sang her song Breath Me over the final scene of Six Feet Under (my all time favorite ending to a TV series):




I also think Maddie's dance to Chandelier is pretty fantastic.  I do prefer it when she does it alone (particularly the version she did on Ellen).  I don't know if Allison really added much to it. 

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The only good thing about tonight is that Sharna is out.  I just don't enjoy her work.  But the bad thing is that they will probably use her to dance on the show anyway.


I don't know this chandelier song and hope to never be exposed to it again.  That so-called dance was terrible.  This show has made some questionable performing choices in the past, but that one may be the worst.


And ITA with those who have said that Julianne seemed out of shape and not up to her past dancing standards.  Wasn't she out performing all summer?  

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I wouldn't have been surprised to see Julianne out of dancing shape if not for the fact that she was just on a dance tour a few months ago.  Which makes me wonder what her dancing looked like on tour.


I did catch Val dancing with his brother's two ex-girlfriends.  Though they all seem to be one big happy family these days, which is something I would never have imagined a few years ago.  I know a lot of whatever thawed between Karina and Maks when they did that Broadway show over a year ago, but even this past summer the two of them were performing together in Ballroom With a Twist and posting all sorts of cute pictures together.

Radishcake, I LOVE the bunny puppy. I had a Boston Terrier like that many years ago.

I'm sorry, but the bodysuit they had on the poor 12 year old was beyond irresponsible. That dance segment is going to be on every pedophile's computer by tomorrow morning. Shame on ABC, shame on Abby Lee Miller and a BIG shame on that girl's parents for allowing a 12 year old to appear on TV like that. Where is Child Protective Services in cases like this? And I don't care that she was in a video or that she's a good dancer, you don't sexualize a child in that manner.

The costume designers on this show have been pushing the envelop for a few years now, but they have stooped to new lows. I know Julianne is an adult, but that outfit, or lack thereof, belongs at a strip show in Vegas. Why even have a sequined butt when half her ass was handing out. And did anyone else notice that on one lift the male dancer had his hand right smack dab on her crotch????? He moved it where it was probably supposed to be, on her thigh, but the crotch grab was obvious.

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Sia and her weirdness irk me to no end. if you don't want to be seen, then don't sing


I was cool with it, because I think seeing the singers on a show about dancing is a pain. It annoys me when we're watching some really amazing dancing and then the cameras keep cutting to the singer. I don't want to see the singers; I want to see the pro dancers do beautiful dances. Cutting to the singer distracts.

I wanted Michael to go home, but if there was a second choice, Tavis was it. He just didn't seem to be having any fun.

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I, for one, was really excited to see Julianne back on the dance floor (where she never should have left) but, yes, it turned out to be underwhelming. Loved her costume, though! It was sensational. I also appreciate that she has an attainable (now that she's not dancing every day) gorgeous, healthy figure, and dance in general doesn't promote hiding your body, but showcasing it. As well, I'm enjoying her on the judging panel so far since she's on her best behaviour to thwart (Derek favouritism) controversy. 


Mark's audition was cute as was his reaction. He looks way better with this hair and I'm glad Sadie was saved. I knew Tavis' negativity wouldn't fare well. He didn't have time to be on the show so bye.

Edited by anonymiss
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I watched Julianne's dance back in slow motion; Val did a valiant (heh, pun!) job of covering for Julianne who probably reached too far for what she is able to do tricks-wise, she's nowhere near where she was when she was 22. He got her up and over and got her down and safely on her mark, what happens in the air is on her, he was certainly a sturdy enough base for her to work off of if she was still able to do that kind of stuff.


"Dropping her" in rehearsal probably prepared Val to be able to handle her mishap when it occurred live. The rehearsal mishap is not something that should have been shown on television because it's part of the process of bringing new tricks to the dance floor and the general public are just not familiar enough with what it takes to create these "Wow!" moments to watch it without prejudice; in the end, it's not good for anyone involved to have this peak behind the curtain. These folks are pros and I'm sure this is mild compared to the stuff that happens in Ice Rinks, for example (Yes, I'm missing seeing Meryl on my TV every week).

Edited by Glaadrial
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