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Season 1 Discussion

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TV writers seem to think it's cute to have people cooking and/or eating in labs, but having worked in labs I find it annoying.  (1) There are poisonous materials in the lab that might accidentally drift into the food, even if the cook uses brand new glassware.  (2) Labs like this are subject to surprise inspections from several government agencies; if an inspector found even a gum wrapper in the trash in my lab we could have lost our radiation license.

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So, Pride's wife and daughter both have problems with him because...he's such a good guy?  Really?  That is so lame.  They both need a slap up the head.  I actually felt sorry for him when his daughter was basically telling him to act like an asshole.  


Well, another way to look at it is that Pride, who admits that he hasn't been there for his family because of his job, puts a fair amount of energy into being just generally awesome that perhaps they might have wanted to be spent on his family? 

Edited by Julia
The NCIS team investigates the murder of a retired SEAL who tracked down individuals impersonating military personnel. The case takes a mysterious turn, though, when the lead suspect is found with the Navy jacket of an officer believed to have been killed in the line of duty in Afghanistan. Also, Brody discovers the normally holiday-obsessed Lasalle is inexplicably unenthusiastic about Christmas.



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OH MY GOD, that was the most ignorant set of statements about latitude and longitude I have ever heard from people who should know better. 


Both latitude and longitude can be positive or negative. Yes, in the US, it's positive latitude, negative longitude because of the hemisphere we're in. (Quadrisphere? positive lat because Northern Hemi, negative long because Western Hemi) +31, -66 puts you in the Bermuda Triangle. +31 +66 gets you Kandahar, Afghanistan. Also, just guesstimating, but coordinates that broad give you at least a 50mi square area to search in. When I geocache, the coordinates would look like this : 31* 01.253, 66* 34.159. Degrees, minutes and seconds.

  • Love 6

Yes, and I believe Jag did one back in the day.  It is, unfortunately a continuing problem.   At least this time there was a different twist.

Yep, "Real Deal SEAL" in 2000.  A real SEAL meets a fake SEAL who happens to be running for the Senate, challenges him, ducks a punch and slugs the guy.  Since he's active duty Navy, there is a trial, hence the JAG involvement.  Yada yada and the SEAL was played by Montel WIlliams.  What I especially remember about that episode was that it wasn't a crime to claim to be a distinguished and decorated veteran.


The internet tells me that the Stolen Valor Act of 2005 made it a federal misdemeanor to falsely claim to have received a military decoration or medal.  In 2012 the Supreme Court struck the law down as a first amendment abridgement (freedom of speech).  So the 2013 version of the law amended the definition of the crime to profiting from such false claims.


Bottom feeders, these people.

Edited by kassygreene
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 I've been liking the show better without the drop in visits from the Washington team,  this episode, though, did an awful lot of borrowing from both the recent NCIS-LA episode and several shows from NCIS- the mothership.  I kept comparing it to the shows I've already seen.  If they want to stand on their own they will need to incorporate a fresh new writing team that doesn't fall back on previously written stories.


Still loving me some Lucas Black.  I am sad to say that I think this show would actually be better with the Scott Bakula character.  I don't know if its how they write Pride or how Bakula plays him but for some reason he's just not clicking with me.

Even a anonymous 911 call would have been better for Len Bowers to make then what he do to let William "Bud" Samuel's die. "Separate G.I.Joe's from G. I . Foes". Girlfriend Trish Parker was a hand full. "Backwoods Barbie" and "Bonnie and Clyde" were fun nicknames. I liked Brodie's talk to her. For Trish taking off on the motorcycle and helping Bowers escape she was caught pretty easily. And the take down was good by LeSalle and Brody. I liked LaSalle and Brody talking "Good Cop, Bad Cop" on the Trish interrogation, and Brody said "Girl Cop" and got her to admit he headed for Mexico. Nice old GMC truck he was driving. Glad it wasn't wrecked. Bowers story of trying 3 times to enlist and couldn't, doesn't let him off from pretending to be a a soldier. But he didn't buy a supposedly dead guys jacket on purpose. If he'd only called 911 on Bud!

I felt bad for Sebastian, he was talking to King and he didn't want to hear about his personal life, only the case.

I was glad that Businessman Hameed Azizi was not a terrorist or a criminal.

I did like how the jacket of Zach "Taz" Chase went around from Len Bowers, who bought it from Hameed Azizi, who bought it from Sami who got it in Afghanistan.

The rescue of Zach was nice. The cell phone parts in the hole did make me think he was crafting bomb detonators or helping them in some way. When he was saved from the camp he reminded me in that beard of Marty Deeks from NCIS:Los Angeles, lol.

It was to bad that Soldier Taylor Sands could not be with Zach Chase at the hospital when the team went to visit him. I liked how Marshal Chase thanked Pride.

I enjoyed both Addie and Meredith talked about Chris and his dislike for the Christmas Holiday.It is to bad his family had so many problems at the Holiday. I think that Chris LeSalle and Adele Watkins should get together. They may kid each other but there is a big like there. "Letkins" or "WatSalle" would make a good pair. Brody and Pride will go check the carolers. Nice that Watkins came back to check on LaSalle. Watkins didn't want to ruin LaSalle's "Scrooge Cred"! Maybe they will check out the square also.

It is also interesting that LaSalle found his brothers name out. He had changed last name to mom's maiden name, Cade Lambert. He was an All- American in high school, then got problems. I wonder if he and Watkins will go and try to find him?

Edited by webruce

The actress in question who played Sasha is Callie Thorne, who played Dr. Dani (the shrink) on Necessary Roughness.

She also played Jimmy McNulty's estranged wife on The Wire.

I haven't watched in a while, but I thought this episode was pretty good. Nerdy lab guy seems to have dialed back his schtick a bit, I think. At least it didn't seem as grating as it had been in earlier episodes. Brody seems to have stepped up her game a bit too.

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oh yes, Callie Thorne and John Ceda completely stunk up the final seasons of Homicide: Life On the Street.  So much so that I try to avoid watching anything that they are on now.  (I think his presence on ER was what finally got me to stop watching -- him and John Stamos)  I kept waiting for Sasha to be revealed double crossing someone but I figured it would be Pride.  I'm still annoyed with the lab tech guy that I can't be bothered to remember the name of.  The rest of the cast I enjoy, but he can leave anytime.  

I liked seeing the team at the party. I liked Loretta and Chris dancing. Brody danced too. Pride won't dance. Wondered where wife was? Laurel Pride and bf Orion were there. Then Kaboom, a bomb blows up. Orion and others injured(Orion)/killed,(Allison Lacroix,Herbert Walker). I wondered if hubby Patrick Lecroix was in it some how. Lucky team was not at their table. Bertrand Willis was missing but he had his credit card stolen. We find later Jenks took it. Orion did finally recover at end.

I wondered if when LaSalle brought home the clapping toy from Frank Broussard's business, I wondered if something was up. But I thought at first a bugging device, or a small bomb.

I really like NCIS Special Agent Patton Plame and his enthusiasm. Double P. Also do like Sebastian Lund. He grows on me. We see that Chris talked to one of his snitches, Ross P. But the drug buy with undercover DEA agents went bust when they tried to set up Dante. I thought it funny how LaSalle and the Agent switched to try and cuff each other. And we had Baitfish, and heard his story. He was on Pride had dealt with many times before. He seem to have been paid to take out "Deputy Pride". Prides father was in prison with head of Broussard Syndicate for a short time. But he now has to worry about kids of the mob leaders. Sasha, Ashley, Michael, Dante and Frank are children of the family.Only Dante, Frank and Sasha were in NO. Michael in prison, and Ashley dead. But both boys come up as dead ends on the bomb. And Jenks leaves town.

The package of money and "More Soon" message in Paul "Baitfish" Jenks room made me think of either Sasha Broussard,or even Councilman Douglas Hamilton or his father,(didn't remember name). Interesting to see who it is.

But Sasha at end gave me tears. How she was now free.

Edited by webruce

I think I would have rather had her involved..or held hostage somewhere.  I just felt so bad when they said she was dead.  That baby was hella cute.


I absolutely LOVE Borin.  She has chemistry with whoever she works with.  I always wanted Gibbs to get together with her but she got along well with Pride too.


I like the way they show capable women on the NCIS shows.


Poor Christopher.

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Poor Christopher indeed!  He so wants to help his big brother, but until Cade actually wants the help, it ain't gonna happen.  It sounds like Chris is sort of the rescuer of the family.  He talked about his mother and how she spirals down into depression over his brother.  I wonder if she has some kind of mental illness too?  And is his father still around?  Hopefully we'll get more info as the season progresses.  For once, I didn't see the ending coming!  Good on you, show!  I was actually surprised at the villain.  And yes, baby was a cutie, as was Brody playing with him.  Borin, I like, she can come back anytime.  Lol'd at her and Sebastian trading X-files banter and Sebastian giving her the side eye.  If she has to hook up with anyone, I vote for him!  But, seriously, Borin in action just once again shows up how Brody just doesn't look competent trying to be a badass with a gun.  I like Brody, but they seriously need to stop trying to make her into the next Nikita-esque superwoman.  Overall, though, loving this show!

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Borin really did fit in well, didn't she?  I think this show has room for another regular and she would suit it just fine.



I think I would have rather had her involved..or held hostage somewhere.  I just felt so bad when they said she was dead.  That baby was hella cute.


I was hoping too that they would find her alive somewhere.  I suspected the professor all along - there seemed to be a lack of suspects so she sort of stuck out as an obvious choice.

God, this episode was so freaking depressing! I was holding out hope that the Admiral's daughter would still be alive, and then that was crushed. Ouch. I know these episodes can't always end happily but man, this one crushed me.

Liked having Borin make an appearance-- I like her on the Mothership too and thought she worked well here. I hope she comes to New Orleans again!

I don't think you can have different strains of radioisotopes :P It's just a matter of dose - and if he was given a lethal dose then there's nothing that can be done about it.

I also pegged the wife immediately - but was it made clear why exactly she wanted to kill her husband also? So that she would get all the money?

I really hope Diane Neal becomes a regular. She is by far my favourite guest star, and I would love to see more of her.

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Going by the person you recognize did it theory, I figured Amber from House was probably the one. I don't think you hire her to be a supportive, silent wifey. I'm not clear, though, how she thought marrying a bullheaded guy who was the primary caregiver for a parent in failing health meant she was going to have freedom she didn't have living with her own father.

It know it was a recycled plot but I thought it was very well done.  I figured it was the wife as soon as we found out the land in Taiwan was valuable.  I'm glad the victim and his brother had some time together.


It sure sounds like Diane Neal will be joining the team - I am all for that.


I don't know why Dr. Wade, a coroner, was doing the testing to find out when he got the poison and how long he had to live.  Surely all those tests were done when he first got sick.  That's my only quibble with the episode.

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Even though I immediately thought of the movie with Dennis Quaid, I thought this was a solid episode.  Of course, Cutthroat Bitch was the killer!  I would expect nothing less.  BD Wong was really good with the part.  Russell Wong!  I've been a fan forever, and he is still gorgeous.  Diane Neal needs to come to New Orleans and replace Brody.  There, I said it.  I have just never been able to get into her character, and adding a lurve interest isn't going to help.  I see next week is the Big Backstory episode for her, but I'd rather have one about Pride and his father, or more with Lasalle and his family.  Oh, well.  But Borin and Sebastian for the win!

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