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S5.E12: Mazel, Meredith

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4 hours ago, JenE4 said:

Did we know that Meredith has a third child?! The reveal of Reed was almost as surprising as Melei showing up and suddenly remembering she has been in the background of several events so she must have been cast as a friend of…but ended up so boring or falling so far into the background of Bronwyn and even Brittani that they pretty much edited her out entirely.  I swear they showed Meliei arriving at the scout event last week, but I don’t even remember her sitting in the circle when they were all hollering at each other, etc. It’s like when social media sleuths out a problematic Bachelor contestant early on in a season, and the producers try to edit them out. What did Meliei do?? Other than apparently not fighting with anyone…and not having a sketchy relationship to exploit. I mean, come on! At least commit some crimes for the Feds to bust you on or create a  “finsta” to cyberbully your castmates or something, Melei! 

Angie screaming how she doesn’t use crass language like “dick” as she screeches “dick” at the top of her lungs 34 times in the middle of a bat mitzvah. Here comes Todd to silence his wife, yet again. Angie thinks he’s being nice to her, but he’s just trying to extract his wife from an embarrassing scene—embarrassing for him,  that is.

Brittani gushing that Bronwyn wants to be her friend…and Bronwyn immediately leans over to Angie—her current frenemy—and says that Brittani called her a slut. Lol! No wonder why poor Meliei never had a chance of screen time. Lol at Lisa—you don’t have slutty hair, but you do need a keratin treatment.

Security at a bat mitzvah?! Oh, this is Meredith’s thing, isn’t it? I think she called for “security” (aka the poor waiter) at the “huzzzbin”/“You can leave!” dinner last season. I do like that the security dudes coordinated “uniforms” of black shirts, jackets, and silver chains as an homage to 90s Dwayne the Rock Johnson.

The Rock Fanny Pack GIF

I knew that Meredith had a third child because I looked at her IG a couple of times, and she posts old, and recent photos of her kids, and tags them. 

Meredith didn't invite Angie, Bravo did, and she found her chance to call security, and tell her that "she can leave", something that didn't happen two seasons ago in California!

Edited by ZettaK
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Wow, is everyone’s contract up? Was Angie threatened with being made a ‘friend of’ next season? They were all on hyper alert for ‘insults.’ Nothing about this whole episode was authentic.  Except maybe Meredith putting her name on every piece of swag possible. Now we know where Brooks gets it. 

Mary lurking in the background and peaking in the windows was hilarious. ‘You did so great, I’m so proud of you’ what!? lol Mary didn’t even see 90% of it. 

Brawny saying she was Britney’s friend-Then, immediately throwing her under the bus was such a Housewives move. She earned her ticket to another season. Not sure Todd will be back though. 

What’s slutty hair? Not straightened? 

Brittany I’m Leaving! I’m leaving!! Walks around the entire room twice—did you all hear me? Where’s the camera? IM LEAVING! 

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Well all the HW's acted like 13 year old girls.

I don't know why the spoiler box showed up, personally I think the Spoiler box is slutty so just ignore it.



Meredith is so nasally her Hebrew sounded so whiny and Hebrew is not a whiny language.

Bronwyn's outfit was a little show girl for a Bat Mitzvah.

I cannot believe that Mary just launched in to that speech about getting along, not once did Mary say Mazel Tov or you did great. This would have been a perfect party to ask for a to go box like Mary often does, it would be a party foul for sure but that is our Mary.

I don't know how I never realized how awful Angie is. 

Britani needs a stylist, her hair looked like she stopped looking at hair styles in 1968 from Vegas.

I swear I never knew about the oldest son, from here on out I shall call him, "Not Brooks."





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Mary peeking in the windows during the Bat Mitzvah ceremony was the best part of this episode. It always amazes me when these women are outside in the cold wearing skimpy dresses with no coats. I live in a cold climate too but I’m always wearing two layers of clothes even inside.

Getting tired of all the dumb fights these women get in, it’s the same fights every week. 

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55 minutes ago, JenE4 said:

Angie screaming how she doesn’t use crass language like “dick” as she screeches “dick” at the top of her lungs 34 times in the middle of a bat mitzvah. Here comes Todd to silence his wife, yet again. Angie thinks he’s being nice to her, but he’s just trying to extract his wife from an embarrassing scene—embarrassing for him,  that is.


The Rock Fanny Pack GIF

I think Todd was very measured and even offered to get Angie a drink. He did not want his wife brawling at a bat mitzvah, like any good husband, and that argument could have gotten way out of control. Bronwyn also showed more of a back bone when talking about the scene with him and he minded his own business for the rest of the evening, while Bronwyn continued to participate in the mess. He didn't drag her away to stay by his side like an obedient wife, but anyone could see there was no good ending and Angie was really amped.

My former husband would have done the same thing and we are the same age. Bronwyn has a lot more to lose than many of the other ladies, and I'm not talking about her husband's support. She has her own reputations to uphold outside of SLC and runs in some very serious philanthropic and arts and advocacy circles.

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We know one thing about Meili (and nothing else, I'm afraid); her husband is very tall. 

The arrival in a sleigh was so Meredith.

Lisa was laughing and was enjoying it when Angie called Brittani's hair slutty.

When the other women were wearing heavy fur coats (I'm afraid real ones...), Bronwyn was wearing a bra top and skirt. Outside.

Edited by ZettaK
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I really enjoyed  Meredith's  Bat Mitzvah, there's  something  about the Jewish faith, I really  like.

Poor Mary, peering  through  the windows, I was hoping someone  would  go and help her, what was I thinking. The way Angie was screeching  was so embarrassing,  especially  after such a lovely event. Has Meredith's  mom had a face-lift? 

I don't  think  this show needs Britni, twirling  around  for the camera. I'm glad Todd got Bronwyn  away from the table, she's  a handful, maybe  he's had to do that many times before. She has sure stirred  things up the past couple  of episodes.

Puerto  Vallarta  is lovely,  I'm looking forward  to seeing them ruin  it! 

Edited by dancingdreamer
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26 minutes ago, bosawks said:

Bronwyn has reached the point with me that I just shrug over her negative opinion about everyone at these various functions under the guise of being a straight shooter.

Calm down, it's not a sprint it's a marathon.

I still prefer Bronwyn over Monica but she’s has proven to be another pot stirring asshole. I find her husband’s behavior amusing as well as her hideous, ugly clothes. She looked awful at the bat mitzvah. 

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6 hours ago, dancingdreamer said:

Has Meredith's  mom had a face-lift? 


When they all lined up for a photo, I thought, wow, Lots of plastic surgery in that family.  Even the daughter looked tweaked.   

Meredith does the oddest shoulder shimmy when she talks, especially in her talking heads. She can't keep her torso still. Its so odd.

Sleigh was pretentious as hell, but I loved it. Who wouldn't want to arrive in a horse drawn sleigh? That whole thing was such a vanity project.  Her quick mention about anti semitism was admirable, but the rest was MEREDITH MEREDITH MEREDITH!  Are bat mitzvahs like that in real life? Like a rich teenager's sweet 16?

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What was with the random "2 days ago. 5 hours ago. Last week" rewinds? Was Puerto Vallarta meant to be some kind of "oh snap!" reveal or are the editors just trying to be artistes?

I take it getting thrown out of a Bat Mitzvah is what secured Angie's center snowflake. Meredith missed a golden opportunity for her patented "YOU. CAN. LEEEAVE." I think everyone was put on notice that they needed to act up. Maybe they threatened to dial up Monica for a cameo. There's Mary practically banging on the window behind Meredith rather than looking for the fucking door. Bronwyn immediately being like "where's my apology?" before Angie has a chance to speak after the pleasantries. Angie going from 0 to 11 and going Greek Mafia on everyone. Bronwyn basically telling Britani "SIKE BITCH! We aren't friends!" Lisa screeching LIAAARRRR at Whitney. Britani crying because her hair is slutty.

Poor Meili. Finally gets some screentime just to be told she has kinda slutty Bumpit hair.

Is it me or was there little love lost between Seth and the older son? "That's Dad, star of the show" in a response to Seth insisting on wearing a  pink yamulke. I'm curious where pink yamulkes fall on Angie's scale of sluttiness.

Edited by dmeets
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Britani just sucks tho she’s trying so hard to be a dramatic housewife but she just comes across as a huge idiot with mental issues. I don’t care about any of her high school bs. I thought she was the one who said she was dating 10 guys at their fake camping thing. No one called her a slut. She is fake with her religion bs. Whenever I see her on screen I get annoyed. Nothing about her is entertaining.

Meredith only invited Angie so she could kick her out.

Not trying to be a judgy bitch but Meredith’s mom has way overdone it with her plastic surgery. Yikes.

Britain running around crying saying she was upset was bullshit. She just wanted attention & to have a moment. She kept saying she was leaving - ok then just fucking leave. That is such an attention seeking move. She got it from crazy Meredith who was forming at the mouth to have her she can leave! Dramatic moment lol.

Edited by Marley
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Britneys thirst is so obvious. I think that's why none of them take her seriously. They just laugh at her, right in her face like she's a joke. She's like a collage of Housewives stereotypes vs an actual person.  

Has Angie ever gone through an entire episode without mentioning that she's Greek? So weird. I don't know anyone who constantly mentions their ethnic background let alone Every Single Time we're together.  Its not like something you accomplished. You were born and your family comes from Greece.  Ok. Strange flex, just saying. 

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3 hours ago, Pi237 said:

Are bat mitzvahs like that in real life?

Yes they can be crazy big and fancy, usually a Saturday night event to celebrate the occasion, I won't tell you that my daughter's Bat Mitzvah was an intimate affair.  The kids love to get dressed up, the DJ usually plays games with them, lot's of hand outs (think Oriental Trading crap), lots of food and booze for the adults. lots of dancing for everyone...not a cheap event, now I am staring down the barrel of my daughter's wedding in March in Miami South Beach, I feel like the Bat Mitzvah was a dress rehearsal.  My son's Bar Mitzvah was a different vibe, we had a catered BBQ and all the kids wore shorts and tees. At neither party did I have security, lol.

Meredith didn't make mention of her parsha or torah portion, it usually relates to the person and they explain what it means to them in today's world. Also there is usually a mention of a charity the kid is giving too out of the money gifted to them.

Meredith's mother's face, oy vey, so much work it was puffed up and odd looking. 

Heather's dress, oy vey a baggy silver sack, so unflattering.  DId she invite her plastic surgeon to the Bat Mitzvah as her plus two or did Meredith invite them? 

I thought Lisa looked great, I loved her dress but wasn't she cold? My Jewish mother came out and I said to the screen for her to put on a sweater.

Angie and Bronwyn are arguing for the sake of arguing.

Mary peeking in the windows was too funny but I wonder how she missed the front door.  I was confused about the venue, was it a house or a business or catering venue, it wasn't a synagogue, was it Jenn Shah's rental from her first season?


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@Baltimore Betty I was wondering if it was unusual to not hold the Bat Mitzvah in a synagogue. They were definitely in some kind of event space and I thought that was odd, but just wasn't sure. 

I was loving Angie K this season until this episode... she insists she wasn't slut shaming but the "high body count" comments are doing just that. It implies that women who sleep with less people are somehow better. Not so. I think her real point was probably Brittany's hypocrisy in putting up the pure Mormon woman front while not following any of the rules. I cannot stand Lisa, but at least she is upfront about her Mormon 2.0 views. 


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2 hours ago, Marley said:

Britani just sucks tho she’s trying so hard to be a dramatic housewife but she just comes across as a huge idiot with mental issues. I don’t care about any of her high school bs. I thought she was the one who said she was dating 10 guys at their fake camping thing. No one called her a slut. She is fake with her religion bs. Whenever I see her on screen I get annoyed. Nothing about her is entertaining.

Meredith only invited Angie so she could kick her out.

Not trying to be a judgy bitch but Meredith’s mom has way overdone it with her plastic surgery. Yikes.

Britain running around crying saying she was upset was bullshit. She just wanted attention & to have a moment. She kept saying she was leaving - ok then just fucking leave. That is such an attention seeking move. She got it from crazy Meredith who was forming at the mouth to have her she can leave! Dramatic moment lol.

Britani reminded me of Eden Sassoon from RHOBH - she was, at times, so over-dramatic, and loved to announce her exit to everyone on her way out the door.

She was also desperate for attention. (but then, aren't ALL housewives???)

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16 hours ago, politichick said:

I think Todd was very measured and even offered to get Angie a drink. He did not want his wife brawling at a bat mitzvah, like any good husband, and that argument could have gotten way out of control. Bronwyn also showed more of a back bone when talking about the scene with him and he minded his own business for the rest of the evening, while Bronwyn continued to participate in the mess. He didn't drag her away to stay by his side like an obedient wife, but anyone could see there was no good ending and Angie was really amped.

My former husband would have done the same thing and we are the same age. Bronwyn has a lot more to lose than many of the other ladies, and I'm not talking about her husband's support. She has her own reputations to uphold outside of SLC and runs in some very serious philanthropic and arts and advocacy circles.

I'm always perplexed at the disdain shown for anyone trying to rein in an embarrassing housewife scene. I mean I understand it's a reality show but to honestly REQUIRE the participants to lean all the way into the trash behavior like it's freaking written in the contract completely baffles me. I'm not going to be mad if one of the participants gets in over their head or doesn't actually follow the script as we expect them to as if it isn't their right to do so. I mean that just screams "dance monkey dance" to me and I'm not into that level of degradation. 

As ridiculous as these shows are there is a semblance of actual real life component to it all and I do not find it at all offensive or troublesome when those outside of the main cast make attempts at restraining the mayhem if at all possible. That doesn't make them some sort of abusive brute or controlling spouse. 

I for one applaud moments when there seems to be an actual consideration for real world repercussions. I'll shut shit down if I feel it's crossing a line or maybe will cross a line that goes outside of the ridiculous reality bubble. It doesn't bother me to see these sort of considerations interfere with the staged filming moments these events are designed to create.  I actually enjoy seeing a bit of push back on what a cast member or cast members family will ALLOW when it comes to their own exploitation. I'm here for the lightweight, petty and catty, lowkey "scandals". Plus the actual fun stuff like trips, scenery, fashion and glitz. I'm not here to watch people get led like sheep to the slaughter where once filming stops there's some very real wounds that affect their day to day and overall life. Definitely not interested in watching lives get ruined because of some nonsense that transpires on a reality show. 

I'm all for Todd chaperoning and being a hall monitor. It's his life too and I'm not mad at it. 

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2 hours ago, Yours Truly said:

I'm always perplexed at the disdain shown for anyone trying to rein in an embarrassing housewife scene. I mean I understand it's a reality show but to honestly REQUIRE the participants to lean all the way into the trash behavior like it's freaking written in the contract completely baffles me. I'm not going to be mad if one of the participants gets in over their head or doesn't actually follow the script as we expect them to as if it isn't their right to do so. I mean that just screams "dance monkey dance" to me and I'm not into that level of degradation. 

As ridiculous as these shows are there is a semblance of actual real life component to it all and I do not find it at all offensive or troublesome when those outside of the main cast make attempts at restraining the mayhem if at all possible. That doesn't make them some sort of abusive brute or controlling spouse. 

I for one applaud moments when there seems to be an actual consideration for real world repercussions. I'll shut shit down if I feel it's crossing a line or maybe will cross a line that goes outside of the ridiculous reality bubble. It doesn't bother me to see these sort of considerations interfere with the staged filming moments these events are designed to create.  I actually enjoy seeing a bit of push back on what a cast member or cast members family will ALLOW when it comes to their own exploitation. I'm here for the lightweight, petty and catty, lowkey "scandals". Plus the actual fun stuff like trips, scenery, fashion and glitz. I'm not here to watch people get led like sheep to the slaughter where once filming stops there's some very real wounds that affect their day to day and overall life. Definitely not interested in watching lives get ruined because of some nonsense that transpires on a reality show. 

I'm all for Todd chaperoning and being a hall monitor. It's his life too and I'm not mad at it. 

It’s an old man chastising his much younger wife. I’ll admit the exchange at the bat mitzvah wasn’t too bad but it’s been episode after episode of him lecturing or correcting her. It’s uncomfortable to watch. I love it. Bronwyn’s been acting like a pot stirring asshole. She has a credit bard but let’s face it, it comes with a grumpy old man.

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22 hours ago, angelamh66 said:

@Baltimore Betty I was wondering if it was unusual to not hold the Bat Mitzvah in a synagogue. They were definitely in some kind of event space and I thought that was odd, but just wasn't sure. 

I . 


Typically they are held in a synagogue for logistical purposes because you need the Torah. But otherwise you can hold services so long as there is a minyan - traditionally 10 Jewish men. ETA I suspect there wasn’t a minyan as I doubt there were 10 Jewish men there  🤷‍♀️😂

Typically you host a Kiddish for the congregation after the service which can be simple or elaborate.

Many events are lunches because they are held after the Kiddush which would be lunch since the actual service might be offer by 11 and the Kiddish would be right after and then those who were invited to the reception would go on to lunch.

More elaborate events are held in the evening and sometimes there will be both. Ky friend had the lunch which was a more formal adult event and then an evening party with  DJ and mostly kids  

But since the rabbi was female and the food was not kosher the whole event was a bit non traditional. 

ETA Lunches are logistically easier because of the timing. The actual service is in the morning. And then are you going to have your guests leave and then come back in the evening? 

Weddings are different because they can be held before dinner since there is no service. As the Jewish saying goes for a wedding you need the kallah, the chossan, the rabbi and the chuppah 🤷‍♀️ And the ketubah which is the actual marriage contract which is signed which states the responsibility of the chossan towards his kallah. 

Edited by amarante
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4 hours ago, angelamh66 said:

@Baltimore Betty I was wondering if it was unusual to not hold the Bat Mitzvah in a synagogue. They were definitely in some kind of event space and I thought that was odd, but just wasn't sure. 

I was loving Angie K this season until this episode... she insists she wasn't slut shaming but the "high body count" comments are doing just that. It implies that women who sleep with less people are somehow better. Not so. I think her real point was probably Brittany's hypocrisy in putting up the pure Mormon woman front while not following any of the rules. I cannot stand Lisa, but at least she is upfront about her Mormon 2.0 views. 


I have been to a couple of Bar/Bats outside of a synagogue, they are called Havdalah services, (separation of Shabbos from the rest of the week), most people hold them at the synagogue, the rabbi, cantor, etc...are all there already but if you are not a member of a congregation then you can have it elsewhere. After paying for Hebrew school and Mitzvah lessons you have paid plenty to hold it in that building.

Yeah so Angie has taken a nose dive in the "I thought she was kinda cool, Greek but kinda cool" category, lol.


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Does the white outfit that Angie wears in her talking head segments remind anyone else of this?   🤣🤣

These are French Palmier cookies, and that's all I see when Angie is giving her opinions in that white outfit.  



BTW - if you've never had these, they're delicious - light, crunchy and not too, too sweet!  



Edited to add a photo of Angie's outfit.





Edited by njbchlover
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36 minutes ago, Chatty Cake said:

It’s an old man chastising his much younger wife. I’ll admit the exchange at the bat mitzvah wasn’t too bad but it’s been episode after episode of him lecturing or correcting her. It’s uncomfortable to watch. I love it. Bronwyn’s been acting like a pot stirring asshole. She has a credit bard but let’s face it, it comes with a grumpy old man.

Is it possible that Bronwyn may have a history of having a short temper and a quick mouth, and Todd may be aware of it, so he tries to remove her from a situation that could set her off?  

She seems to go from 0 to 100 really quickly at times.  

And, yeah, he seems to be a grumpy older guy, but there's obviously something there - whether it's a true love or a transactional love.  

We'll see - in the previews for the Puerto Vallarta trip, there was a snippet of her saying something about what she really has to put up with from Todd.  That snippet was probably a red herring - she will probably go on to confess about how much he adores her and takes such wonderful care of her and her daughter!!  

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44 minutes ago, amarante said:

But since the rabbi was female and the food was not kosher the whole event was a bit non traditional. 

Thanks!  All of this is new to me.  I do have a follow-on question for you.  Since this is a religious ceremony, should the clothing choices be more modest?  As in no bare midriff and no bare shoulders?  I've never been to a Bar/Bat Mitzvah.

Random observations:

1.  I would think raclette would be de rigueur at a ski /ski adjacent town.

2.  Bronwyn's top was too big for her and didn't look good.  She sure starts shit, doesn't she?

3.  I thought Heather's dress was purchased before she lost a lot of weight.

4.  Was Whitney there?  😎  The less of Whitney, the better.

5.  These dust-ups they keep having are stupid.

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21 minutes ago, njbchlover said:

Is it possible that Bronwyn may have a history of having a short temper and a quick mouth, and Todd may be aware of it, so he tries to remove her from a situation that could set her off?  

She seems to go from 0 to 100 really quickly at times.  

And, yeah, he seems to be a grumpy older guy, but there's obviously something there - whether it's a true love or a transactional love.  

We'll see - in the previews for the Puerto Vallarta trip, there was a snippet of her saying something about what she really has to put up with from Todd.  That snippet was probably a red herring - she will probably go on to confess about how much he adores her and takes such wonderful care of her and her daughter!!  

I thought she said "gone through with," but you're probably right about it being a red herring. I read an interview in which she mentioned Gwen having some severe mental health struggles that required hospitalization, which he surely would have helped them get through.

Bronwyn was definitely at 50 at the high top with Angie heading toward 100. I thought it was a sign of love that he saw her body language and went over there so she wouldn't go all the way, and then left her free to squabble with the rest of the chickens. And he employed a far softer approach. 

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36 minutes ago, albarino said:

Thanks!  All of this is new to me.  I do have a follow-on question for you.  Since this is a religious ceremony, should the clothing choices be more modest?  As in no bare midriff and no bare shoulders?  I've never been to a Bar/Bat Mitzvah..

It is a bit like a wedding in a church. 

For the actual ceremony in the church most women would cover up in same way even if they were wearing party dresses for an evening reception. So shrugs or shawls if they are flaunting décolletage. 

At the reception really anything is appropriate just like a wedding although Bronwyn’s dress was a bit much even for an evening reception not at a church. Most women don’t typically dress that way in my experience unless they are clubbing 🤷‍♀️

I wanted to add that I suspect that it wasn’t held in a synagogue because it woiod have been hard to get permission to shoot so logistically it was easier to just bring the rabbi and Torah to an easy to license venue. 

Also I found that the kind of party held was very odd because typically there is gong to be a meal served and the drinks and nibbles would have only been the start of the party as some kind of sit down dinner with assigned seating would be part of the event. I was wondering if logistics in terms of shooting was the reason since they needed to have the housewives freely able to mingle and they couldn’t seat them at the same table because typically the family would sit at one table. 

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21 hours ago, Pi237 said:

What’s slutty hair? Not straightened? 


I wondered the same thing. I guess if you have curls in your hair, it's slutty. 

I had no idea Meredith had a third child. 


18 hours ago, ZettaK said:

When the other women were wearing heavy fur coats (I'm afraid real ones...), Bronwyn was wearing a bra top and skirt. Outside.

And it wasn't flattering. But her worst look for me is the orange/red number with the garish makeup in her THs. I get devil vibes from it. 

Edited by Sweet-tea
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17 hours ago, dancingdreamer said:

I'm glad Todd got Bronwyn  away from the table, she's  a handful, maybe  he's had to do that many times before. She has sure stirred  things up the past couple  of episodes.

Agree. I know he isn't liked on here, but I understood his behavior in this episode. I think he was trying to avoid a big scene/knock-down, drag-out fight. 

7 hours ago, Marley said:

Not trying to be a judgy bitch but Meredith’s mom has way overdone it with her plastic surgery. Yikes.


Yes. She's bordering on scary. When they said she looked stunning, I was thinking. "Uh... stunning like Donatella Versace?" Ok maybe not that bad but still... 

Edited by Sweet-tea
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8 hours ago, Pi237 said:


Has Angie ever gone through an entire episode without mentioning that she's Greek? So weird. I don't know anyone who constantly mentions their ethnic background let alone Every Single Time we're together.  Its not like something you accomplished. You were born and your family comes from Greece.  Ok. Strange flex, just saying. 

Reminds me of my Big Fat Greek Wedding.  Especially the dad.

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I'm a Jewish woman a little older than Meredith, and I thought the whole thing was lovely (sans the slutty hair fights, lol).  I was Bat Mitzvah'd at 12 (actually on my 12th birthday), but if I hadn't, I could see wanting to do it as an adult.

On Thanksgiving, I wore my Star of David, which I never wear.  Never ever.  It was my parents' gift to me on my Bat Mitzvah, 50 years ago.  I don't wear it for the reasons Meredith stated:  so. much. antisemitism.  I never call attention to the fact that I am Jewish.  But you know what?  F 'em.  It's a treasured item, as is my Jewish heritage.  Of course, it was just around my family, but I did bring it out.

So I really enjoyed this episode.  I realize, per Bravo contract (wink wink), the ladies have to get in some sort of fight every episode.  But damn, that Angie can get mean.

Mary running late was inexcusable.  It's a once in a lifetime thing, and it was disrespectful, barring any major excuse.  Writing it off as a "Mary thing" is not ok.

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15 hours ago, Pi237 said:

When they all lined up for a photo, I thought, wow, Lots of plastic surgery in that family.  Even the daughter looked tweaked.   

Meredith does the oddest shoulder shimmy when she talks, especially in her talking heads. She can't keep her torso still. Its so odd.

Sleigh was pretentious as hell, but I loved it. Who wouldn't want to arrive in a horse drawn sleigh? That whole thing was such a vanity project.  Her quick mention about anti semitism was admirable, but the rest was MEREDITH MEREDITH MEREDITH!  Are bat mitzvahs like that in real life? Like a rich teenager's sweet 16?

The bat mitzvah service itself, at least in the temple I go to, is an extremely serious event. These 12-13 year olds lead an entire service, read the Torah portion, and give a d’var/sermon. It’s really quite incredible what they do and have put 1-2 years into preparing. 
Now, the after parties can be extravagant and ridiculous like a sweet 16. 

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On 12/4/2024 at 10:02 PM, politichick said:

Bronwyn has a lot more to lose than many of the other ladies, and I'm not talking about her husband's support. She has her own reputations to uphold outside of SLC and runs in some very serious philanthropic and arts and advocacy circles.

Well I think she's an asshole and her tattling on Brittani cemented it for me last night.  She's so eager to yell "She said this about you" into group settings.  If I worked with her outside of the show I'd give her a wide berth.  And her whole beef with Brittani started because Brittani complimented her "costume" when she was wearing a giant furry heart.  And her bra top at the bat mitzvah was tacky and unbecoming.

3 hours ago, Starlight925 said:

Mary running late was inexcusable.  It's a once in a lifetime thing, and it was disrespectful, barring any major excuse.  Writing it off as a "Mary thing" is not ok.

Mary claims to be a "minister" and doesn't understand that you can't just show up at any old time for a religious ceremony?  I found her entire presence on this episode to be over-produced.

ETA:  I think Angie explained that it was the bump-its that made the hair slutty! 😄

Edited by princelina
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