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S01.E07: The Wedding

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That was a great episode! 


At first, I was a little put off about the flashback style.  Then, I realized that, without it, the last 30 minutes would have been one long sex scene, and I really believe this worked better and showed their increasing intimacy, culminating with the gift of the pearls and the confession by Jamie that Claire is precious to him.  Until then, he made it seem like he was simply marrying her to protect her.


Episode 6 belonged to Tobias and Caitriona.  This one belonged to Sam.  His expressions absolutely made the episode, in my book. 


The Ceremony: 

  1. I felt sad that Claire did not smile once during her wedding.  :(  At least a friendly smile to Jamie would have been nice. 
  2. Beautiful ceremony and the dress was gorgeous.  I would have liked a "grand entry into the church" so we could have been wowed with a full shot of the dress before they zoomed in on the details.  However, the conversation between Jamie and her worked well too.  I loved his description of seeing her and the fact that he remembered every detail.  I loved how Dougal and Murtagh gave each other a look after seeing her dress.
  3. One thing that was odd --she said she didn't know his name, but she had seen it on the marriage contract.  That seemed like a missed detail unless I misunderstood something.
  4. I loved that they had a passionate kiss at the end of the ceremony and that was what gave Jamie some hope.
  5. I was really disappointed that Claire was drunk at her own wedding.  Girl needs to join Alcoholics Anonymous!  I hope that going forward, she'll avoid the alcohol because she won't need to desensitize herself to her life with Jamie.
  6. I thought the Murtagh scene talking about Jamie's mother was very moving.  Given how gruff he's been to Claire, it was really nice to see how open and big-hearted he is when it's just him and Jamie.
  7. Jamie's three conditions were awesome.  A true romantic!  I can see why women have loved him for 20 years.  I especially liked Ned's visit to the brothel.  I didn't even mind the gratuitous whore nudity because it was so hilarious.  Smart move to send Ned on that errand.  Rupert and Angus would never have emerged from the brothel!
  8. Battle of the Bible between Willie and the drunk priest was great.  It reminded me of those rap battles when then have to spontaneously make up rhymes.  :)
  9. Does anyone know why the ring was put on her right hand?


The Consummation:

  1. I loved how awkward things were between Claire and Jamie at first and his sadness that she had to drink so much in order to be with him.  That Jamie is certainly the most modest man in Scotland, and possibly all fiction.  I do think Claire could have confessed to Jamie that part of her hesitance was that she felt guilty about her dead husband.  It might have made him feel less insecure and realize that it wasn't a lack of attraction to him that was making her drink.
  2. I would have really liked to hear more of the stories that Jamie was telling Claire about his family and what she told him.
  3. I laughed out loud when Jamie confessed that he thought they would have sex like horses.  Although I didn't get my scene with Murtagh and the others giving him advice on the wedding night (see the Episode 6 thread), I appreciate the fact that Jamie referred to such a scene.  Please let it be an additional scene on the DVD!
  4. I thought it was interesting in the scene with Dougal and Ned that Jamie appeared to be a little surprised that the marriage would be consummated and expressed some doubt that Claire understood that.
  5. Sex scenes were very well done.  Very hot, but not gratuitous.  Showed the increasing passion and feeling very well.  The makers of this show should teach a master class (and the makers of Game of Thrones and every other show should attend)!
  6. I liked the way the Claire was initially very reluctant, but by the end was really initiating the sex.


Interaction with others

  1. Did not quite understand why Claire went out of the room in her shift.  Surely, she would know better than that!
  2. Angus wanted to see her breasts--typical!  LOL.
  3. In an earlier episode thread, I mentioned the idea of a triangle with Jamie, Claire, and Dougal. Based on his actions after the wedding, I gotta say that I think I was on track.  Completely despicable behavior on his part.  I did think it interesting that he didn't avail himself of the opportunity to marry her, but still wanted to have sex with her.  If it is true that he had an affair with his sister-in-law and fathered Hamish (which is just a theory at this point) then he may have a pattern of behavior with married women...He doesn't want the commitment, just the sex.  Not happy with him!


Other stuff

  1. What was with the key?  Did I miss something or is that a mystery for later?
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I just want to thank the actors for putting their bodies out there for my gratification. Very brave thing to do.


It was so nice to see Jamie getting laid instead of getting flayed.


(And did you see where she bit him? Good laird I'm hungry!)

Edited by insubordination
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I just want to thank the actors for putting their bodies out there for my gratification. Very brave thing to do.


It was so nice to see Jamie getting laid instead of getting flayed.


(And did you see where she bit him? Good laird I'm hungry!)

I can't imagine that such scenes are easy to do.  However, the events in this episode seem to be critical in order for us to believe the shift in Claire and Jamie's relationship, so I too appreciate the actors for being so brave.  I'm also inspired to hit the gym!

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I was really impressed. Wow. When Jamie was undoing the laces on her corset I completely forgot to breathe! Then when Jamie was lying on his back and Claire was busy, my goodness. You never get to see a man's reaction like that. So well done and intimate. I can't believe there's only one more episode.

I am hoping that Dougal was just testing Claire. I don't know why they had to throw that scene in there. More naked Jamie please. I feel like Claire. First few episodes he was okay. Kind of cute and sweet but after tonight I'm sold.

Edited by Sasha
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I am completely onboard with how Jamie and Claire were presented in this episode - I think you folks have said all that already, and I don't want to repeat.  But I am more than slightly peeved at how Dougal is being presented. I know it is annoying to be such a book purist, but I hate how TV seems to feel a need to simplify things.  I always thought that book Dougal was a really intricate creation of a character - fully rounded, and totally gray in his motivations and actions.  I feel like the show has wanted to simplify him too much - he is being painted in darker and darker shades... and it is the one thing that is upsetting me amidst this otherwise spectacular adaptation.

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The only thing bad was that I now really dislike Dougal again.


Seriously.  Ew, Dougal, ew.  QUIT PUTTING YOUR HANDS where they are not wanted!

My only wtf moment... Jamie is awfully manscaped for 1743. Lol


His make-up in the bedroom -- the guy liner especially -- was a bit much.



I was really disappointed that Claire was drunk at her own wedding.  Girl needs to join Alcoholics Anonymous!  I hope that going forward, she'll avoid the alcohol because she won't need to desensitize herself to her life with Jamie.

I love drunk Claire.  If I didn't have to drive, or work, or do anything (like Claire), well, I'd be hitting the whiskey, too. 



Does anyone know why the ring was put on her right hand?

Some Euros do it that way (Germans, Austrians, etc.).   My mom's always after me to take my grandmother's rings off of my right hand, lest some man think I'm married.  Too bad, I say. 



I have to say, Sam's expression re: the tiresomeness/bother of the corset laces was fantastic.  

Edited by annlaw78
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Very sexy love scenes but I found the ep as a whole kind of boring.  I'm disappointed to say that. 


I haven't read the books but are we supposed to feel that these characters are falling in love?   I wish I felt that more in this ep but I didn't. 

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After last episode I needed a kitten and a half hour of recovery. After tonight I needed a cold shower and a smoke. Serious kudos on some fine performances and a good adaptation from the book, which I just finished about an hour before tonight's episode aired. Only two things irked. One was Dougal; I agree with others here that he's being painted quite unjustly on the screen. The other was the civil marriage to Frank vs the church in 1743. Oh, and didn't James refer to that building as 'kirk' earlier? Why call it a church now? Especially to Dougal. And did I actually just write a sentence with James and Kirk in it and not be referring to, well, you know....


This is a magnificent show in every way, and now with both Breaking Bad gone and Mad Men ending, I can see this racking up some very serious hardware in coming years--much as I'd love to see Game of Thrones win it all, personally, since I'll go to my grave loving the stories of Westeros.

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So, I rewatched this episode almost immediately. I was happily watching, then my teenage son came in from homecoming dance (NO), then my husband came in from a work commitment, and then the phone rang.  Ugh.  Anyway, it was interesting because the first circularity I noticed was Frank sweeping her into the county courthouse (registrar?) for a civil ceremony without ever meeting his parents.  In direct contrast to Jamie's insisting on a church wedding, with all propriety observed, and ultimately his mother's pearls.  One of these things is built to last, no?


And Dougal is in deep.  He comes across as straight-up jellus.  He wants Jamie's "thanks" and then he wants Claire on the side.  And at the same time he has to protect the clan by protecting Claire, and he has to protect his own ambition by not marrying Claire, right?  Him confused.

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I agree with DaisyChain - I thought that Dougal's behaviour is all about the fact that he has feelings for Claire that he's not able to resolve internally. He keeps trying to put her into a typical place and she keeps not fitting in there. Her refusal of him and the simplicity of her disbelief "Dude, I'm Jamie's WIFE, WTF" has made her honourable on top of everything else. He *likes* her and he hates that. Hence, his hitting the man who disrespected her instead of laughing along with him as he did earlier.

My favourite detail of the episode was Jamie's beard growing in as the day went on. During the wedding he was the cleanest shaven we've seen him, and by the final scenes he's got a real scruff going. THAT is the kind of attention to detail I wish all shows had.

On the topic of teaching a masterclass - these are the folks that brought us Battlestar Galactica. Masterclass already provided!

On the topic of whether this episode was supposed to show them falling in love - From my perspective, Jamie's been 100% gone on Claire since she swore at him after he got shot. It's taking her a lot longer to fall for him (quite reasonably), and this is another step along that path. It's not the whole way though, yet, for me.

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I somehow managed to hold off watching Rent and The Garrison Commander for the past two weeks, spoiled as I was for those episodes by all the online chatter, with my brilliant idea that I would watch them running straight into The Wedding, and the latter would be my reward for two difficult hours.  And then I found this episode so unutterably sad.  


It's not that it wasn't beautifully shot, and well acted, and all the other positives that posters have mentioned.  But it was also nonstop heartrending.  The Garrison Commander was difficult to watch, but with this episode, I must have said, "ooooohhh, poor Claire; ooooohhhh, poor Jamie...." at least 10 times.  Claire was, completely understandably to me, far more tortured in the heart and soul than BJR could accomplish with a sucker punch and a few kicks.  Her guilt, her conflict, her desolation, in the context of moments of joy and discovery was really painful and complicated, and Jamie so full of satisfaction, self-doubt, hurt and hope.  Yikes.  I don't think I could bear to watch it again for a while.

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reverent attention to passion.


I love this turn of phrase. It describes this wonderfully. I was dismayed by all the "will we see his butt" talk. Not that there is anything wrong with nudity but it is okay to go find a nice nude body to look at (you know, as long as you have permission.) You don't have to wait for Starz to roll one out for you. (General you.)

I am such a dork I dressed up for the wedding. The historical reenactments I do are earlier but I found one dress with a similarish bodice and found some plaid in my fabric stash. 

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I do think Claire could have confessed to Jamie that part of her hesitance was that she felt guilty about her dead husband.


I'm surprised she didn't bring this up. It's a reasonable excuse. I actually thought they were going to fake the consummation and just tell everyone they did it. I was really surprised how Claire just went for it. But they explained pretty clearly why they had to and she was actually drinking *all* day. Fair enough, but she was definitely into it. So I guess she didn't mention Frank because she was trying to forget for a time. I did like how she clearly was thinking about him at the end though. It wouldn't have been right if they didn't address this. She did have a v/o about him too. 


I get why this episode was needed, and I liked it, but I just prefer the show when everyone is involved. I suppose they were to a point, but obviously it was the Claire and Jamie show tonight. 


I do not want to be spoiled, but I really wonder if she gets back to 1943, what the hell would happen. I'm also wondering if she will get pregnant. 


I would have liked a scene between Dougal and Black Jack. I assume Dougal was drunk too. It seems drinking makes him horny for Claire. 

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I'm a bit confused about the timeline.   Was the wedding the same day as the gut punch?  I thought the wedding was the next day because eating breakfast, brawl in tavern, washing at spring, lunch with a general, conversation and gut punch with Randall, St. Ninian springs, reading marriage contract, dealing with the three requirements, Murtagh traveling 10 miles, getting Claire sobered up enough to stand, etc all seemed like way too much for one day.  However, it seemed like they didn't get to the consummation until well into the evening but Dougal was supposed to deliver Claire to Randall before sundown.  I'll have to rewatch, but I thought Dougal was still there when Jamie and Claire came out of the room that first time.  Does anyone have a good rundown of the timeline?

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Your mention of sex in the Wire reminded me randomly of Lance Reddick's fine ass. Which can give Sam Heughan's a run for his money. Okay, both asses are highly acceptable!<br /><br />(Blushing...it's this episode that's got me gushing about asses!)

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As an asexual viewer, I always find sex scenes a bit weird...

But I will say that the scenes in this episode felt like they were there to advance an emotional arc and also more about communicating intimacy between characters rather than gratuitous exploitation. It was a smart choice to focus a lot on the actors' facial expressions.

I also really appreciated the trope subversion with the man being a virgin rather than the woman and thought the scene put the two characters on equal footing in a refreshing and not often seen way. Felt more like a collaboration between two partners than the typical traditional romantic fantasy with the power dynamic skewed towards the dude. As a female viewer, I was not alienated by obvious objectification and as an asexual, I was still able to find a lot to connect with amidst all the fucking.

I was kind of dreading this episode because the buzz made it out to be all about the sex, so I'm pretty amazed that I actually found a lot to like in spite of it all.

One thing I didn't like and continue to find jarring are the voice-overs. I think we could have taken the point away from the scene where Claire and Jamie talk about their families, without Claire telling us that's what they were doing.

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One thing I didn't like and continue to find jarring are the voice-overs. I think we could have taken the point away from the scene where Claire and Jamie talk about their families, without Claire telling us that's what they were doing.


This.  A thousand times this.  I don't like saying, "Shut up, Claire!" to my television screen.  It's not fun at all.  I felt we were moving in the right direction over these last episodes with fewer interruptions...and then comes that ridiculous "Jamie told me stories!" voice-over as the viewers watch - wait for it - Jamie telling stories.  It can't be a coincidence that the amount I like Claire in any given episode is indirectly proportional to amount she is talking my ear off.


Now, that last image of Claire staring at her hands, her two wedding bands...that worked like gangbusters, and it was blessedly silent.  Trust this actress, show.  She can handle it.

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I really liked the performance of the actor who played the priest with the bad head cold and his small knife. He didn't have a lot of air time but he was very vivid and funny.


I have tried to remain as unspoiled as possible, not seeking out spoilers but of course I couldn't help catch on early that Claire and Jamie are the couple in this show, not Claire and Frank. And tonight, even had I been living under a rock without exposure to any media, I would have have known Claire and Jamie are it. Claire of course remains conflicted - I would think poorly of her if she wasn't at this point - but she is already charmed by Jamie and they have scorching chemistry. And the narrative signs and hints that this is some great love and passion that we are seeing the beginning of. The church wedding with the ancient blood ritual of the mingling of their blood. I got chills when Jamie said that his spirit belongs to Claire.

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I liked how Claire compared losing touch with her past to a broken string of pearls disappearing into nooks and forgotten.  At the end she now has a complete string of pearls while her first wedding ring goes rolling across the floor, falling into a nook between the floorboards.


I like how well they showed how invested Jamie is in this marriage, telling Murtagh he plans to only wed once, giving Claire his mother's pearls.  making sure she had a proper dress was a nice gesture also.  Ned's adventure in getting the dress was fun.  Claire is still trying to resist getting too close but she seems to be accepting the fact that she at least needs a friend and ally in this time.  I enjoy her visible conflict in her situation.


Jamie's face when Claire kept refilling her glass during their toast was priceless.  Him raising his glass each time, thinking it was another toast while she just downed the whisky without more words was funny.   So was the room full of "witnesses". 


Dougal was clearly trying to assert his alpha male position by trying to make Jamie stay downstairs afterwards and propositioning Claire even later.  He seems to want to try and force a wedge between them now that they are married.   Him hitting Rupert appeared to me an act of frustration more that a smite of Rupert for his lewd comment about Claire.


The sex scenes were nicely done.  It was an interesting perspective to see an experienced woman with an unexperienced man.  Kudos to both actors for their ability to portray all of that.  Also to the writer and director.  Glad to see that women were at the helm for this episode.


After Ron Moore's podcast last week, I expect to hear this week that the cat on the table was one of his.


Edit: Oh yeah, and this exchange: "You're a regular Bob Hope." "Was he a funny man?" "I always thought so." Love the anacronistic touches.

Edited by Glaze Crazy
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"Do i look like a gypsy to ya?" Oh, Murtaugh, in some light you actually might... But jokes aside, it was a lovely episode.


I had tears in my eyes a few times. I love/hate getting emotional over a tv show... 


Frankly, I adore asynchronous narration - it leaves some blanks to be filled and hightens the tension. As a book reader (but not a fanatic, I don't mind the changes at all), I like when I'm surprised. And I was.


When I saw "consultant: Diana Gabaldon" in the crddits, i had a vision of Diana sitting behind the camera during the love making scenes and interrupting: "Sam, put your arm higher. Higher! No, Cait, look, I'll show you how it should be done..." (sorry. I couldn't help myself...)


I always wonder how do the actors refrain from giggling throughout scenes like these. It's uncanny.

Also, i kind of needed a shower after watching the last two love scenes. Sam's got the smoulder perfected. I was never into blonde guys, and now look at me: Alexander Skarsgard, Sam... I'm lost!


The scene with Dougal was necessary, i think. Claire needs to know she's not perfectly safe with the Scots. Also, it's not that all Scots are good and all English are bad. Dougal would want her for his own, but no strings attached. On the other hand, Rupert and Angus were like everybody's drunk cousins at a wedding: blurting stupid jokes, giving stupid advice, but also being totally adorable in the morning.


As a cat person, I clapped at the scene post the opening credits.

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I liked the bit near the end where Claire took Jamie's plaid and wrapped it around him so they were both inside of it -- calling back to the pilot episode where he wrapped her in it while they rode in the rain.


Especially loved all the little touches between them, hands, face, shoulders... so small and intimate and lovely. That impulse when you're so drawn, those little touches, rang so true. 

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Shocked that Claire enjoyed the first go. It looked accurate for a male virgin, but really, she liked the stabbing and the crushing? I wondered if she being truthful or just making him feel better.


So many women could identify with that kind of sex - it may get you bothered but it doesnt get you OFF. Well, at least the undressing scene was hot - nice foreplay.


I'm not a book reader but I thought for sure that Claire was going to teach Jaime about her magic button. 


I'm so over vaginal orgasms on TV. 75% of women don't have them.


I wanted them to show him learning how to do her oral or masturbate her. Would have been way hotter. 

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Shocked that Claire enjoyed the first go. It looked accurate for a male virgin, but really, she liked the stabbing and the crushing? I wondered if she being truthful or just making him feel better.


So many women could identify with that kind of sex - it may get you bothered but it doesnt get you OFF. Well, at least the undressing scene was hot - nice foreplay.


I'm not a book reader but I thought for sure that Claire was going to teach Jaime about her magic button. 


I'm so over vaginal orgasms on TV. 75% of women don't have them.


I wanted them to show him learning how to do her oral or masturbate her. Would have been way hotter. 

Totally agree with you. 5 thrusts and she gets something out of it, wow!  Could that make it a bit more realistic?

Or maybe she was sex-deprived for so long that she actually did enjoy it?

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I think some of the hottest parts for me were while they were more or less clothed. The first undressing, with all the laces was really hot (although I couldn't get over the fact that Jamie was still wearing his boots that whole time). The other really hot part for me was when he was talking about her hair and just gently touching her neck.


The dress was pretty, but the slow-mo pan down the length of it felt a little gratuitous to me. At least they should have given us a slow-mo pan of Jamie too. Some girls like looking at pretty dresses, yes, but some girls would rather focus on other things.


Bless Murtagh, he's so amazing. Jamie and Claire need to get him a really nice thank you present or something after all he's done for them.


I was so afraid Claire was going to lose Frank's ring forever. Thank goodness it just got a little stuck. I really think Claire should have mentioned that she was feeling conflicted about Frank or missing him or something. They had all that time when they were chatting at the beginning when it wouldn't have been too awkward, and then later Jamie would have been able to understand better why she was a little reluctant and moody. I felt bad for him that he thought it was all about him, when it was really more personal demons.


Whatever that key goes to, I hope it's either long gone or that Jamie has another one, because as nice of a symbol as it might be, that key is never going to work again now.

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The photography as the ring rolled into the crack in the floor and how it reflected Claire as she walked over and reached down to retrieve it was stunning- just beautifully shot. It likely took them forever to get that right it was worth it! Lord that was gorgeous.

As was the dress. Uncomfortable, sure. But damn I thought it was beautifully made.


I was unhappy with Jamie's tartan- he was resplendant, yes, but this tartan simply hadn't the impact of the proper one. And he was, for me, a bit too cleaned up.

Ditto pearls- they needed to be more distinctive. But I'll adjust.


Initially I did not like how they jumbled up the timeline of the wedding with flaskbacks, but on second viewing it worked better for me. I did like how they brought resplendant Jamie into view, and also the way they panned up to the actual ceremony. The candles, the church, those in attendance- it was all quite beautiful.


I felt so bad for Jamie that Claire needed to swig 3 gallons of wine just to be in the room with him. You know you're gonna do it, why risk vomiting on the poor guy?


I think they have Sam bulked up a bit too much. I know why they are doing it, but still, he's at the point now where it's making his neck and face look wrong to me. He looks stuffed into his clothing at times.


I think his blow job orgasm rang a little false, but I so feel for actors in these situations that I will forgive that. Otherwise the sex was fine. As a leg girl I do protest the lack of seeing more of his. He kept those boots on for far too long.


No show- we do not need a Dougal triangle here.

That's just wrong.

Edited by Pestilentia
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Shocked that Claire enjoyed the first go. It looked accurate for a male virgin, but really, she liked the stabbing and the crushing? I wondered if she being truthful or just making him feel better.


So many women could identify with that kind of sex - it may get you bothered but it doesnt get you OFF. Well, at least the undressing scene was hot - nice foreplay.


I'm not a book reader but I thought for sure that Claire was going to teach Jaime about her magic button. 


I'm so over vaginal orgasms on TV. 75% of women don't have them.


I wanted them to show him learning how to do her oral or masturbate her. Would have been way hotter. 

I think she was being truthful that she enjoyed the first time even though she was tactful about not mentioning the lack of orgasm.  The fact that she berated herself for being a bigamist, adulteress, and enjoying the sex right afterwards supports this idea because she wouldn't have to lie to herself.


As for teaching Jamie other stuff, that's what the next few episodes are for...

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What I really liked about this episode is that instead of the usual gratuitious sex scenes we get on cable shows, these sex scenes were used to illustrate their growing intimacy with each other. No matter how attracted they have been to each other (and no matter how many times Claire changed his bandages), this was the first time that they really looked at each other in an intimate way. Most of the time on tv and in movies, we don't get to see that awkward post-sex stuff after the first time the deed is done. The cameras usually cut away but here we got to see their interaction before, during, and after each time so that we could see the transition as they became more comfortable with each other.

I did feel bad for poor Jamie throughout the episode. First she shows up at the church and blurts out that she can't marry him, then she looks miserable throughout the ceremony, and after the wedding she's drinking like there's no tomorrow. Afterward she tells him that she was really hung over all day and doesn't remember everything about the wedding itself, and later she pulls away from him when he touches her. The poor guy was probably feeling rejected as hell.

I found Claire's come and go modesty hilarious. She turned away from the door when Rupert and Angus burst in so they wouldn't see her while she was in her corset, but after she and Jamie do the deed she marches out into the tavern wearing only her shift. Heh, I also loved that Jamie had no problem walking down in just his shirt and boots to get her some food.

I loved that Jamie's reaction to Claire being mostly undressed was to grab her boob. Totally typical of a guy who hasn't had sex before to go straight for the boob at the first opportunity. It reminded me of high school!

I like that Claire is a mature woman who is not afraid to tell Jamie that he's squashing her and that later she apologized after she pulled away from him. I think she was being honest when she said that she liked it the first time but she didn't go over the top with "OMG it was the best!" Why am I not surprised that the guys (Murtagh, Rupert, and Ned) told Jamie that most women don't like sex. You guys are all doing it wrong if the girls you are with don't like it.

There was some really beautiful lighting, but I also really liked the shot where Claire propped herself up and the camera framed Jamie through the triangle of her arm.

But what I really liked was that although their growing intimacy was illustrated through the sex scenes, it wasn't just about the actual sex. All the subtle touching (mostly their fingers/hands but also when they touched each other's necks and faces) and their gazes really sold it.

Jamie's full 80s blowout hair during the wedding was epic.

I appreciate that Claire's ups and downs were a result of her hangover on top of her guilt, but damn, girl. She avoided looking at him for most of the wedding ceremony.

Jamie has been painted as this noble almost flawless man with Claire being the one keeping secrets, so part of me likes that he is obviously hiding something about the key that he used to make her wedding ring.

When Claire told Jamie to take off his shirt so she could look at him, I thought maybe the reason he had kept his shirt on for their early sexy times (aside from, you know, wanting to do it) was that he was self conscious about the scars on his back, so taking his shirt off was about having him be vulnerable with her.

I liked that they made sure to show the scars on their wrists throughout the episode.

ETA: And the toast! Jamie gave her this lovely toast about his new wife being beautiful and awesome and her response was to chugalug her drink then refill her glass without toasting him in kind and then keep drinking.

The less said about Dougal, the better, but suffice to say that his conversation this week definitely clarified his position. He's opposed to rape but he's okay with, ahem, persuasion. GROSS. You know if he took a time machine to 2014, he'd be the creeper with roofies.

Edited because toasting someone is not the same as tasting someone!

Edited by ElectricBoogaloo
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The photography as the ring rolled into the crack in the floor and how it reflected Claire as she walked over and reached down to retrieve it was stunning- just beautifully shot. It likely took them forever to get that right it was worth it! Lord that was gorgeous.


Yes!  I was going to mention this.  Best ring shot since the one of Gollum holding the ring in LOTR.  LOL


But what I really liked was that although their growing intimacy was illustrated through the sex scenes, it wasn't just about the actual sex. All the subtle touching (mostly their fingers/hands but also when they touched each other's necks and faces) and their gazes really sold it.


Yes, that was superbly written and directed.  Loved the growing intimacy throughout the episode.  But as lovely as it all was I couldn't help but laugh.  I had the closed captioning on (although I'm getting used to the accents now and may not need it any longer) and it was hilarious:  "<Claire groans>  Oh. Ah. Mmm."  For several minutes this is what the CC read.  It really was ridiculous.


The other thing that crossed my mind?  How long since either of them had had a bath?  They must have reeked.  And the furs they were lying on must have been quite crusty.  Eww.


Oh, Dougal.  Sigh.

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Very sexy love scenes but I found the ep as a whole kind of boring.  I'm disappointed to say that. 

I haven't read the books but are we supposed to feel that these characters are falling in love?   I wish I felt that more in this ep but I didn't. 


Oh dear, I kind of agree. There were parts of it I found useless and boring and felt annoyed that the conversation between Clarie and Jame getting to know each other was fast forwarded. I didn't find it as hot as I thought I was going to.  The problem I think with Jamie falling for Clarie is that she is hiding herself from him. He doesn't really know her. She never tells him much. But on a positive note. I enjoyed the first round of sex as being realistic and a good portrayal of how it would likely go. I also thought Jamie looked amazing in his wedding garb. Most of the time he is a mess on the show, it is nice to see him cleaned up.  I think this should have been the "bottle episode".


Dougal, well I have thought for a bit that he wants Claire. I feel like he keeps throwing obstacles in his way to try to slow his desire and it isn't working. First making her out to be a spy and then marrying her to Jamie.   But I do think that is where they are going with it.

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I was thinking about the "Was it good for you?" conversation and it seemed to me like she didn't want to lie but she also didn't want to hurt his feelings since it was his first time, hence her initial response of "Eh."

But after Jamie said the guys told him most women don't enjoy sex, she felt compelled to say that she liked it (and you can enjoy sex without an orgasm, even if it's not quite as satisfying) so that he would not think that she was going to just endure sex for the rest of their marriage.

During round 2, he said he didn't know a woman could have an orgasm every time and she told him a woman could every time but ONLY if the man was a good lover, subtly explaining to him that he should make an effort to make sure she gets there. Already teaching him!

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Shocked that Claire enjoyed the first go. It looked accurate for a male virgin, but really, she liked the stabbing and the crushing? I wondered if she being truthful or just making him feel better.


So many women could identify with that kind of sex - it may get you bothered but it doesnt get you OFF. Well, at least the undressing scene was hot - nice foreplay.


I'm not a book reader but I thought for sure that Claire was going to teach Jaime about her magic button. 


I'm so over vaginal orgasms on TV. 75% of women don't have them.


I wanted them to show him learning how to do her oral or masturbate her. Would have been way hotter. 


I could get that she enjoyed the first time because he's sweet and he's hot and being near him was nice, but she definitely didn't...er... ENJOY it, right? <g>  And just didn't mention that part.  I'm okay with that bit of tact.


But when she did have an orgasm and she says it happens with a good lover... Good lover???  He fondled her for about ten seconds and then bounced on top of her for a bit with no particular skill!  I'm less bothered than you by the TV, movie, and romance fiction ubiquity of the vaginal orgasm... but calling him a good lover at this point was what crossed into eye-rolling territory for me.  


Jamie's full 80s blowout hair during the wedding was epic.



All of that hairspray took me out of the scene completely!  I was actually analyzing the weather to see if there was a reason for all of that-- everyone else was blowing a little bit, but it didn't look like the helmet head was necessary.  Jamie:  King of 18th century AquaNet.

Edited by Bad Example
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Dougal, well I have thought for a bit that he wants Claire. I feel like he keeps throwing obstacles in his way to try to slow his desire and it isn't working. First making her out to be a spy and then marrying her to Jamie.



Very good point!

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The other thing that crossed my mind?  How long since either of them had had a bath?  They must have reeked.  And the furs they were lying on must have been quite crusty.  Eww.


Jamie had clearly shaved for the occasion, so I'm going to assume he bathed too. 

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I liked how Claire compared losing touch with her past to a broken string of pearls disappearing into nooks and forgotten. At the end she now has a complete string of pearls while her first wedding ring goes rolling across the floor, falling into a nook between the floorboards.

I like how well they showed how invested Jamie is in this marriage, telling Murtagh he plans

Jamie's face when Claire kept refilling her glass during their toast was priceless. Him raising his glass each time, thinking it was another toast while she just downed the whisky without more words was funny. So was the room full of "witnesses".

Dougal was clearly trying to assert his alpha male position by trying to make Jamie stay downstairs afterwards and propositioning Claire even later. He seems to want to try and force a wedge between them now that they are married. Him hitting Rupert appeared to me an act of frustration more that a smite of Rupert for his lewd comment about Claire.

The sex scenes were nicely done. It was an interesting perspective to see an experienced woman with an unexperienced man. Kudos to both actors for their ability to portray all of that. Also to the writer and director. Glad to see that women were at the helm for this episode.

After Ron Moore's podcast last week, I expect to hear this week that the cat on the table was one of his.

Edit: Oh yeah, and this exchange: "You're a regular Bob Hope." "Was he a funny man?" "I always thought so." Love the anacronistic touches.

It's like you read my mind....I loved all these moments too. As others have also said, the symbolism of the two rings was enough, and Caitriona is more than capable of expressing the conflict she feels won't out voiceover.

I felt bad for Jamie raising his glass three times only to see Claire down hers instead of clinking his glass. But she made up for it later!

Not that it hasn't already been obvious, but it is clear that Dougal has always been smitten with Claire, and that his one of the reasons he is willing to go to the lengths he has to protect her. He has never met anyone, much less any woman quite like she (none of them in the 18th century have), and he wasn't going to let her be victimized by the same bastard who nearly killed Jamie. I liked how he told Jamie about BJR punching Claire and how through this we find out that Claire hadn't even brought up this detail to Jamie or even Dougal (bough she may have assumed he knew because he helped her up from the floor). He recognizes that Jamie and Claire have this in common - silent pride and fearlessness in the face of adversity. But his inadvertent matchmaking still doesn't squelch his infatuation for Claire. And even though it should be creepy, Graham MacTavish's portrayal of Dougal actually evokes sympathy from me. I am repulsed AND I feel sorry for him.

ETA: I thought of the cat fight in the background of last week's podcast when I saw the episode title credits...lol at Ron Moore letting his cat person flag fly. And from the looks of Caitriona Balfe's Twitter profile, she must have enjoyed the cat's appearance too. But it made me wonder...did people at this time believe cats were witches' familiars? They already think she is probably a witch because of her healing talents...

I liked the bit near the end where Claire took Jamie's plaid and wrapped it around him so they were both inside of it -- calling back to the pilot episode where he wrapped her in it while they rode in the rain.

Especially loved all the little touches between them, hands, face, shoulders... so small and intimate and lovely. That impulse when you're so drawn, those little touches, rang so true.

I totally agree. I liked how Jamie gave her the pearls at the moment he did and not just before the ceremony as in the books. It made it a poignant and intimate moment. And with her wrapping the kilt around both of them, it was a symbolic acceptance of their union, a lovely callback to the night they first met, and how his tartan (his name, clan, body) will protect them both. I was reminded of the cloaking ceremony in Game of Thrones weddings, but in this case, she puts it on both of them instead of the groom putting it on the bride. Edited by romantique
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You can't say Dougal isn't one to seize opportunity where he finds it.


Just after he tells Claire that the issue with Black Jack is settled (because of the marriage he arranged), Dougal propositions her. You know, because she must be feeling both extra grateful for his help and perhaps unsatisfied by her wedding night with an inexperienced husband. So he's trying to get in on the ground floor so to speak.


I think the latter is why he slaps Rupert. Because it was rather clear to him that she was more than pleased with how the night was going and Dougal's "assistance" in the future would not be required.


Overall, I thought this episode was really well done and their way of getting Jamie's perspective into the episode by have him relay information to Claire was rather clever. One missed opportunity, though, was the part where Jamie was telling Claire about his family. We only heard fragments of the conversation. Jamie is still a bit of a cypher so the audience hearing more of what Claire was hearing could have opened his character up to us a little more.  

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Heh, I also loved that Jamie had no problem walking down in just his shirt and boots to get her some food.


I've seen a couple of mentions of Jamie wandering around in just his shirt.

These types of shirts were always worn with a kilt and IIRC when Highlanders went into battle they ditched the cumbersome kilts and fought only in the shirts.

I think that, to a Highlander, a man walking around in 'just a shirt' would not be that unusual at all.

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Very sexy love scenes but I found the ep as a whole kind of boring.  I'm disappointed to say that. 


I haven't read the books but are we supposed to feel that these characters are falling in love?   I wish I felt that more in this ep but I didn't. 

I'm glad I'm not the only one who felt this way. I looked at the clock multiple times. 


Beautifully shot and acted, as always, but honestly I liked the Dougal moment at the end because at least it added some tension and depth. I don't think his intentions are creepy at all (non-book reader here, so I honestly don't know). I think he's actually in love with her and doesn't know what to do with that.


That's more interesting to me than pretty-boy sex. (and what was with the "good lover" thing? that made me laugh out loud... seriously, Clare?? Also, just because she said it didn't hurt doesn't mean this guy would have the first clue about a woman's orgasm, so to say "does that happen every time?" was absurd to me.)


I realize I'm in the minority here but this was just .... meh.

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I am completely onboard with how Jamie and Claire were presented in this episode - I think you folks have said all that already, and I don't want to repeat.  But I am more than slightly peeved at how Dougal is being presented. I know it is annoying to be such a book purist, but I hate how TV seems to feel a need to simplify things.  I always thought that book Dougal was a really intricate creation of a character - fully rounded, and totally gray in his motivations and actions.  I feel like the show has wanted to simplify him too much - he is being painted in darker and darker shades... and it is the one thing that is upsetting me amidst this otherwise spectacular adaptation.


Not a book reader so I don't know how Dougal behaves in the books (in any case, that's probably better discussed in another thread) but I actually don't think that him hitting on Claire is that bad or evidence of him being portrayed as darker. 


Don't get me wrong, my first reaction to that scene was WTF, but when you think about it, his behavior kind of makes sense.  He has no idea of the interaction between Claire and Jamie in the bedroom and that they have started to bond.  Yes, they clearly consummated the marriage, but Dougal was the one who instructed (forced, even) them to do so.  She was miserable throughout the wedding, so anyone would be justified in believing that she had no affection for Jamie and was taking no pleasure from the sex.  From his perspective, offering her some fun on the side was not such a horrible thing.  Terribly tactless to do it right after the wedding, but I'll put that down to the requirements of episodic television.


Part of me wonders whether they're emphasizing the Dougal + Claire interaction due to the chemistry between the 2 actors.  Many people on this forum have commented on that, so it would surprise me if the showrunners didn't notice the same thing and capitalize on it.  (Personally, I am Team Jamie all the way!)

Edited by nara
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I'm surprised she didn't bring this up. It's a reasonable excuse. I actually thought they were going to fake the consummation and just tell everyone they did it. I was really surprised how Claire just went for it.


I still have to say I don't understand this. Even from the episode there was no way the witnesses could actually tell if the deed was done.  Clearly if Claire didn't want to do it, she could have avoided doing so. She wanted to do it.  I wish that the show would be honest about that.  Tomorrow Claire could end up back at the stones (she has no idea) and back to Frank. If I were her, fairness to Jamie or not, I would not give in so easily.  In fact I would have thought that she would have told Jamie the truth.

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Don't get me wrong, my first reaction to that scene was WTF, but when you think about it, his behavior kind of makes sense.  He has no idea of the interaction between Claire and Jamie in the bedroom and that they have started to bond.  Yes, they clearly consummated the marriage, but Dougal was the one who instructed (forced, even) them to do so.  She was miserable throughout the wedding, so anyone would be justified in believing that she had no affection for Jamie and was taking no pleasure from the sex.  From his perspective, offering her some fun on the side was not such a horrible thing.  Terribly tactless to do it right after the wedding, but I'll put that down to the requirements of episodic television.

I don't really care to look at it from his perspective, though.  And, even from his perspective, Claire has given him absolutely nothing from him to infer any desire for him on her part.  Last ep, when she briefly thought Dougal's plan was to marry her himself, her face and tone revealed her total disgust/revulsion.  There's no way he can think that she'd want "fun on the side" with him. 


Dougal has a pattern of assuming that his doing something "for" Claire entitles him to touch her and make demands on her, which is gross and predatory.  He stops his men from assaulting her at the gathering?  There's a price to be paid.  He arranges it so Randall can't compel her?  He presses that advantage.  So Dougal's "saved" Claire from Randall, only to make it clear to her that while Randall won't be assaulting her, he would love nothing more than to sneak into her bed anytime Jamie's back is turned.  


And this doesn't even account for what a betrayal this is of Jamie, who, in case there were any doubt about his not "sharing" Claire with anyone (and I don't think there would be any reason to doubt this), specifically told him to quit thinking and talking about her like that.  

Edited by annlaw78
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Clearly if Claire didn't want to do it, she could have avoided doing so. She wanted to do it.  I wish that the show would be honest about that.

I thought they did address that. After they do the deed Claire voice overs that she is a bigamist and an adulteress and that she liked it. They could have had her agonizing over "Ugh, I had to do it! I had no other choice!" but she doesn't take that easy way out. She admits to her willingness with the sex.

Edited by absnow54
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As a leg girl I do protest the lack of seeing more of his. He kept those boots on for far too long.

But the man thighs!  From Jamie sitting on the bed reacting to Claire's admission that she did enjoy their first time, to his walk down the stairs in naught but his shirt, to the carefully deployed, modesty-providing nekkid thighs during their second encounter when Claire *ahem* headed south for the winter; this episode was a veritable smorgasbord of man thighs.  Color me grateful.  And shallow.


People have already covered so many of the wonderful aspects of this episode so I'm going to focus on the little things that made me happy. 


I loved the dissolve from Claire kissing Frank to Claire kissing Jamie at the wedding and the subsequent mind-fuck I experienced.  I actually said out loud "Wait -- you skipped the ceremony! What about the dress?" before settling back down, confident that all would be revealed.  Wicked, tricksy, false writers.  I love you.


I loved how the episode is book-ended with Claire likening the loss of her past life to losing pearls, only to receive a new string of pearls at then end.


Great line: "We're all about to embark on a boat built entire of paper."


I loved the ambiguity of the argument between Jamie and Dougal when Jamie says "If" I marry her and Dougal says there is no "if" about it.  My take-away from that conversation is that what Jamie heard and acted upon was that he must marry her or let her fall into the hands of Black Jack Randall, who will hurt her.  Dougal, on the other hand, wants her "safe" because he doesn't think she will be able to stand up to the torture Black Jack will use if he questions her again (though he grudgingly complements her having already taken a couple of blows for the team).  Jamie's concern is for Claire.  Dougal's concern is primarily for himself and the clan. Concern for Claire is a very distant second.


"They're related to you?"  "Rupert only."  Well thank goodness for small favors.


When Jamie says "To bed?  Or to sleep?" I swear he suddenly looks 16 years old.  I felt myself transported into a John Hughes film for a split second.


I think it is wonderful that the part of the undressing scene that felt the most revealing was when he removed the ribbon around her neck.  Somehow she seemed more vulnerable and exposed in that moment than even when the corset came off.


The variety of reactions playing on Jamie's face after the consummation are just wonderful.  The half-laugh, the checking in with Claire, the disappointment that she didn't seem to like it, the look on his face when she admitted she did like it.  Sam was brilliant throughout the episode but that moment in particular rang so true.


I also loved the act that Jamie put on for the benefit of the guys downstairs, taking the required abuse so that they would all bugger off and leave the two of them alone.  Clever boy.


I loved that Murtagh did not join in the teasing, just gave Jamie a clap on the shoulder with a look of happiness and pride that said "Well done you."


I love the fact that the first thing Jamie does after Dougal tries to get Jamie to delay returning to the room, is to tell Claire about it.  It signals their intimacy.  In that moment he's telling her everything.


Another great line:  "Ah Christ, it would be easier to just kill both ye both."


The Willie-and-Dougal "persuasion" tag-team.  Good cop / bad cop if ever I saw it.


Waldo was at the wedding (small cheer!)


I like that the scars on Jamie's back bring you up short (or brought me up short) just as you are preparing to enjoy a good look at Jamie in naught but his skin.  His  back is like a silent reminder of the serious reasons underlying the marriage, which I think helps keep the nude scene from toppling over into something merely titillating.


Jamie looks so adorable while sleeping.  There, I said it.  I'm a fan-girl.  I admit it.



Unanswered questions

1. What is the significance of that key and

2. Why did Jamie carry his dirk and sword into the bridal suite at the beginning of the ep?

Edited by WatchrTina
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