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S19.E06: He Delivered Me from All My Fears

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It’s weird how the kids were such a big part of the show for so long, and then, for some of them, it’s like they disappeared, and they’re no longer mentioned.  Especially with Leon, who, as Meri’s only child, was featured a lot.  I totally respect their decision to no longer film, but do they and Meri no longer see each other?  It was weird for Meri to talk about spending Christmas with friends, and again, not even mention Leon.  

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30 minutes ago, islandgal140 said:

I don't need to witness the courtship of Christine by David. Happy for her but Nope.

Tony and Mykelti just strike me as 2 people who I would find very unpleasant to be around for any extended period of time. 

This is how I feel. 
Finally someone told Mykelti to shut up. The fact it came from Ysabel made it even better.

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The most interesting aspect of this season for me is that, instead of manning up and rising above the nonsense, Kody decides to rewrite history and claim that he never loved any of his first three wives.  I have zero doubt that he viewed Christine and Janelle as nothing more than heavenly brood mares (at least at first), but Meri's situation is different.  I have never been a Meri fan, but it makes me so sad for her when she casts that defiant look at the camera and talks about how she's making the choice to leave, formally end the marriage in the church, etc.  Boo, that asshole left you a decade ago.  Just pack up your LuLaRoe sweaters and hit the damn trail.  He doesn't care where you spend your holidays, so please stop telling him as if it's going to impact him in any way.  Continuing to appear in front of Kody to put on her neck-rolling "I am woman, hear me roar" performance does nothing but embolden him.  He is enjoying this, no matter what he says.  He can clearly see that she's flailing and he's loving it.  Maybe he loved her at the beginning and maybe he didn't, but the best thing to do after decades of discontent is to move on.

I also got married extremely young- and to a man who carries himself so much like Kody that it almost makes my skin crawl.  We hardly knew each other when he "proposed" and love was most certainly not involved, but I went along with it because I had just turned 21 and knew nothing whatsoever about the world.  So many marriages start this way.  Shit happens.  It's how you deal with it that shows who you really are in the end.  The person with the biggest mouth, constantly disparaging the people of the past, ultimately shows their hand.  Kody may not have loved any of his first three wives, but his pride and ego have been decimated and I'm here for every minute of it.  I hope his soulmate is able to help him shoulder the load when she's finished weeping for the cameras.

As for everything else, it will be nice to see the beginning of Christine and David's relationship fleshed out a bit.  Other than that, Mykelti and Tony are beyond gross and that's all I've got.  I can't wait until we're current, but I'm really not sure there's much more that justifies a show.

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50 minutes ago, mythoughtis said:

Thank you for the play by play.  My TiVo decided to have a ‘severe hard drive problem’ and  won’t get replaced  until tomorrow.   So I’m dependent on all of you to tell me what I missed.  The actual episode description mentions Janelle- was she in the episode? 

Kody cursed it !

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1 hour ago, islandgal140 said:

I never want to hear the word "orgasm" out of Kody's piehole EVERY. AGAIN. You will not ruin that for me asshole!

That whole fight/f*ck spiel was vomit inducing! I think that was the way he lived his life and might miss it. 

I would've included this in my recap but I couldn't bring myself to type it, let alone have to think about it again.  That unhinged diatribe made me laugh in the way one laughs when they see something so crazy that a laugh is the only way to diffuse the uncomfortable terror.  But as for the bolded above - I think you're definitely on to something, as if this guy didn't already have enough bizarre issues.

But hey - this was the first episode - EVER?  That didn't contain any Robyn!  I almost didn't know what show I was watching without Robyn and the Dry Cries!  Not sure how I will last another week not knowing what she's sad and disappointed in this time around.

Speaking of Mr. and Mrs. Delusional - I discovered a new SW podcast (like I need another one, lol) - The Sister Wives Professor podcast.  The host is a professor of interpersonal family relationships and is great at talking about the body language and tones of voices of the Browns (something I find very interesting).  I listened to his whole recap of Season 1 and found it very spot-on.  He also has a deep dive on Robyn, one on the parentification and infantilization of the Brown kids, and one on who actually "broke up" the family. Highly recommended!

Edited by laurakaye
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2 hours ago, altopower said:

You summed it up beautifully. What a trainwreck this guy is. I hope the OG3 - and Robyn, too, though I don't like her - are wondering how the heck they ended up married to him and staying for so long when he's a raging egotistic lunatic.

I think she married him because he had a convertible and a contract for a TV $how (which he probably wouldn't have gotten if it weren't for the impeding fourth wife).  She doesn't want to leave because she wouldn't have wall space for her "artwork" if she moves back into a trailer.

Someone said something last week that Robyn's ideal would be for them to all be together with her as REAL wife, kowtowing to her.  Then she could put them back into their little Barbie boxes and pull them out the next time she needed somebody to kowtow again.  I actually "saw" that attitude when she was "crying" that they were keeping her from having the Christmas of HER dreams.

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20 minutes ago, VioletNevermind said:

The most interesting aspect of this season for me is that, instead of manning up and rising above the nonsense, Kody decides to rewrite history and claim that he never loved any of his first three wives. 

Showing my age here, but does anyone remember the show St. Elsewhere?  It was a long-running hospital drama (pre-ER, I think), and it ended on an interesting but strange, and I think controversial scene.  The head of the hospital (Chief MD) had an autistic son, and the final episode ended with the boy looking at a snow globe of the hospital, as his dad, now a day laborer of some sort, walked into the house.  The implication was that the entire series was all a figmented story in the boy’s head.  All a daydream, a made-up story!

Watching Kody talk about the OG3 this season made me think of this.  I’ve watched this shit show from the beginning, and now I feel like I’ve been duped.  Kody (and the wives) were all in at the beginning - look at us: we’re polygamists!  We’re one big, happy family!  Now Kody is saying none of that is true.  

I don’t mean to take tv so seriously, but let’s face it, viewers often get invested in a show, so I now feel like I followed along just so the cast and crew could pursue fame and fortune.  Just like with St. Elsewhere, I’m asking myself why I invested so much time into a fake show.  I actually cried over some heartbreaking medical scenes - never happened!  I actually cared about learning about Kody and the wives’ plural family lifestyle - all fake!  



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51 minutes ago, LotusFlower said:


All this crazy talk!!  Of course there was no point for Kody and Meri to meet and it was obviously set up by production for the show, but did you notice Meri frequently looking towards people out of view, ie. producers or camera people when Kody was spewing his nonsense?!  It was like: really?!!  I have to do listen to this?!

I was wondering if this was another out of place scene.  At one point Kody said something about Robyn wanting Meri at Christmas so maybe this was before Christmas and was Kody trying to get her to come so that it looked like not everyone had abandoned Kody and Robyn?

Edited by smarty
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1 minute ago, LotusFlower said:

I don’t mean to take tv so seriously, but let’s face it, viewers often get invested in a show, so I now feel like I followed along just so the cast and crew could pursue fame and fortune.  Just like with St. Elsewhere, I’m asking myself why I invested so much time into a fake show.  

Whenever I get into a discussion about favorite old TV shows, I mention that I LOVED St. Elsewhere right up until the last episode.  Howie Mandel as a doctor who died briefly was AMAZING in his scene in "Heaven." 

Then after watching the last episode, I was angry to have been treated like a sucker for several years.  How dare they steal my time?????

I watched the first several seasons of Sisterwives.  I felt the relationship between the four adults (er . . . three adults and Kody) was believable then.  I think HE changed after the younger, prettier model showed an interest in him.  He manipulated the rest of them to go along with whatever HER cockamamie "idea of the week" was.  

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10 minutes ago, AZChristian said:

Whenever I get into a discussion about favorite old TV shows, I mention that I LOVED St. Elsewhere right up until the last episode.  Howie Mandel as a doctor who died briefly was AMAZING in his scene in "Heaven." 

Then after watching the last episode, I was angry to have been treated like a sucker for several years.  How dare they steal my time?????

I watched the first several seasons of Sisterwives.  I felt the relationship between the four adults (er . . . three adults and Kody) was believable then.  I think HE changed after the younger, prettier model showed an interest in him.  He manipulated the rest of them to go along with whatever HER cockamamie "idea of the week" was.  

Yes!!  Exactly!!

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2 hours ago, mythoughtis said:

Thank you for the play by play.  My TiVo decided to have a ‘severe hard drive problem’ and  won’t get replaced  until tomorrow.   So I’m dependent on all of you to tell me what I missed.  The actual episode description mentions Janelle- was she in the episode? 


Janelle just had a couple of talking head scenes. There was a very brief clip of her and Axel as he opened a Christmas present, and another clip of Christmas at Maddie and Caleb's (I think). She did say that Kody is not the man that she, Meri, and Christine married. I think she also said something earlier in the episode about how she used to hang with Kody and Meri, before her courtship with Kody, and they were just cute and goofy together.


47 minutes ago, AZChristian said:

I think she married him because he had a convertible and a contract for a TV $how (which he probably wouldn't have gotten if it weren't for the impeding fourth wife).  She doesn't want to leave because she wouldn't have wall space for her "artwork" if she moves back into a trailer.


I think the weird art is Kody's (way to hide his money). Robyn is a Precious Moments gal. 




@laurakaye, that was an absolutely stupendous recap. Brava.

Kody's Sonny and Cher divorce devastation was SO WEIRD!

I was a little kid who loved Sonny and Cher, and felt sad when I heard about their divorce too, but my word, I don't remember how old I was, and I haven't thought about it since.

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If I love you, it is your fault. If I don't love you, it is your fault. That sums up Kody in a nutshell. Nothing is ever his fault. Nothing. Ever.

I did love Meri saying that if Kody doesn't like failing, maybe he shouldn't have married the wrong person, one, two, three times.  She also shut Kody down several times in their convo (when she wasn't picking her jaw up off the floor along with the rest of us). Great to see, and long overdue.

While I did think the Christine/David lovefest went on a bit too long, it was nice to see Christine having someone fall in love with her for the first time ever in her life.  There is nothing like being cherished in a relationship, and I am glad she has finally been able to experience that. 


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3 hours ago, islandgal140 said:

That whole fight/f*ck spiel was vomit inducing! I think that was the way he lived his life and might miss it. 

The editors should have juxtaposed it with clips of his early statements that polygamy is all about the covenant, not all about sex, and that prurient viewers would be disappointed if that is why they tuned in.

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I think Kody is increasingly saying he never loved his first three wives because he wants to elevate Robyn above everyone else in his life. He thinks it’s romantic and proves what a good and admirable man he is . Instead it shows his kids and the world that he is a huge liar and capable of twisting his past to try to hurt anyone he doesn’t perceive as loyal only to him.

He is a sad and pathetic excuse for a man and if Robyn ever leaves him he will crumble into dust and be left with no one.

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4 hours ago, altopower said:

You summed it up beautifully. What a trainwreck this guy is. I hope the OG3 - and Robyn, too, though I don't like her - are wondering how the heck they ended up married to him and staying for so long when he's a raging egotistic lunatic.

I believe Janelle that this is not the guy they married, because he's not even the guy we watched the first several seasons.  These women were not cowed by him - they openly mocked him sitting beside them on the sofa, and he BASKED in it.  Aside from falling in love with Robyn (he really does glow when he speaks of her, which is pretty impressive after 10 years, and i don't think it's acting), he clearly fell into some kind of toxic manosphere and entered into a midlife crisis of victimization and anger.  

3 hours ago, mythoughtis said:

Thank you for the play by play.  My TiVo decided to have a ‘severe hard drive problem’ and  won’t get replaced  until tomorrow.   So I’m dependent on all of you to tell me what I missed.  The actual episode description mentions Janelle- was she in the episode? 

She wants to buy some land with Maddie and Caleb, have a hobby farm because there's no way they'd actually have a REAL farm, live the rural lifestyle, grow some stuff. This Kody isn't the guy she was married to for most of the last 30 years. She has no interest in dating whatsoever unless the perfect guy falls in her lap. The thought of dating apps horrifies her, and she learned to enjoy being alone when she realized she basically WAS alone within her marriage and now she can enjoy it full time instead of having her pleasant alone-ness interrupted by intermittent Kody appearances. 

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I know the title of this episode "He Delivered Me from All My Fears" is from the Bible, but why was it chosen for this episode? Kody just continues to increase everyone's fears and God hasn't delivered anyone from all their fears yet. Janelle and Meri seem happy, but they still have financial fears. Christine's rush to marry may not have a happy ending, just like her first rushed marriage.

Edited by Denize
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2 hours ago, smarty said:

I was wondering if this was another out of place scene.  At one point Kody said something about Robyn wanting Meri at Christmas so maybe this was before Christmas and was Kody trying to get her to come so that it looked like not everyone had abandoned Kody and Robyn?

I was also wondering about this. Robyn was the reason Meri and "the boys" weren't invited to LAST season's Christmas, so how could this season's Christmas be Robyn's first one "alone"? She's a horrible actress. Meri would have liked to have seen Ysabel & Truely at Christmas last season.

And skinnyMykelti's talking heads interspersed with footage of her with her newborns must have been filmed recently, not contemporaneously (~22 months ago). 

Edited by Denize
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5 hours ago, altopower said:

You summed it up beautifully. What a trainwreck this guy is. I hope the OG3 - and Robyn, too, though I don't like her - are wondering how the heck they ended up married to him and staying for so long when he's a raging egotistic lunatic.

This is not the Kody I just rewatched for the first 10 seasons. He was actually likeable, engaging with the wives and kids. They seemed to have a good thing going, at least on TV.   I have no idea what the hell happened to him, but it is a 180.  He actually went nuts.  He is unrecognizable now.  Went off the deep end.

 I will say Christine should have never have been involved in polygamy.  She basically admitted early on that she is jealous and miserable. The whole thing is pretty sad especially if you watch from the very beginning. 

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I know the way the conversation with Meri was cut and spliced together probably didn’t help but I found Kody downright frightening. The man is very disturbed. While I’ve laughed about the prize Robyn has won, I actually do feel for her. I can’t imagine living with someone so deranged and who blatantly enjoys emotionally hurting people. He’s quite unwell and doesn’t know it. No wonder Maddie keeps her kids well away. I don’t want to think what he’d do if Robyn left him. 

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I never found Kody likeable. I thought he was an attention hound, but I thought he was a largely harmless attention hound, and he seemed to love his kids. He is definitely not the same guy.

He's really turned. Aside from the manosphere stuff, I wonder if he's on some sort of hormone therapy.


1 hour ago, Denize said:

Meri mentioned "my kid" (no name) once on October 20th


Yeah, and someone (Christine, maybe) called Leon "Leon," on screen, either at the end of last season or the beginning of this season. Mostly though, they don't mention Leon. Robyn talked about "Meri's kids" or "Meri's children" in relationship to Thanksgiving, too. 


1 hour ago, Denize said:

I know the title of this episode "He Delivered Me from All My Fears" is from the Bible, but why was it chosen for this episode? Kody just continues to increase everyone's fears and God hasn't delivered anyone from all their fears yet. Janelle and Meri seem happy, but they still have financial fears. Christine's rush to marry may not have a happy ending, just like her first rushed marriage.


The title made no sense to me, either.


53 minutes ago, Denize said:

I was also wondering about this. Robyn was the reason Meri and "the boys" weren't invited to LAST season's Christmas, so how could this season's Christmas be Robyn's first one "alone"? She's a horrible actress. Meri would have liked to have seen Ysabel & Truely at Christmas last season.



They had Meri over to the McMansion for Christmas Eve, last season. (Meri had offered to host it and have everyone, but Robyn said it wouldn't be "safe.")

I think it was just Robyn, Kody, and their kids on Christmas morning (the crepe breakfast -- but I'm not positive).

The Christmas celebration with Truely, Ysabel, and Mykelti wasn't on Christmas Day. It was after. Meri wasn't included in that, because Mykelti doesn't want to be around her. Savanah wasn't included in it, because Kody forget she exists. 


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4 hours ago, laurakaye said:

I would've included this in my recap but I couldn't bring myself to type it, let alone have to think about it again.  That unhinged diatribe made me laugh in the way one laughs when they see something so crazy that a laugh is the only way to diffuse the uncomfortable terror.  But as for the bolded above - I think you're definitely on to something, as if this guy didn't already have enough bizarre issues.

But hey - this was the first episode - EVER?  That didn't contain any Robyn!  I almost didn't know what show I was watching without Robyn and the Dry Cries!  Not sure how I will last another week not knowing what she's sad and disappointed in this time around.

Speaking of Mr. and Mrs. Delusional - I discovered a new SW podcast (like I need another one, lol) - The Sister Wives Professor podcast.  The host is a professor of interpersonal family relationships and is great at talking about the body language and tones of voices of the Browns (something I find very interesting).  I listened to his whole recap of Season 1 and found it very spot-on.  He also has a deep dive on Robyn, one on the parentification and infantilization of the Brown kids, and one on who actually "broke up" the family. Highly recommended!

I honestly think Robyn is miserable without the 3 other ladies and kids.  Life is pretty boring now, no more big fun gatherings and holidays and a horrible version of Kody all to herself now.  Seriously will not be surprised if she ups and leaves too.  I really do not think she wanted him all to herself, even though that is the popular consensus.

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1 hour ago, Denize said:

I know the title of this episode "He Delivered Me from All My Fears" is from the Bible, but why was it chosen for this episode? 

Maybe it refers to David (boyfriend, not King), from Christine's perspective? Or maybe, like in the Psalm from which the text is taken, it refers to God? Or maybe some writer just liked the way it sounded.🤷‍♀️

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I ended up only watching half of the episode - the rest I fast forwarded through. I am thrilled for Christine but we saw the wedding specials I don't think we all need to see the entire courtship.

I think someone already said this but "stop trying to make Tony and Mykelti happen - they are not going to happen!" I am so over them.

The conversation with Meri and Kody was interesting - I felt bad for her because he was just so mean and you could see her looking at the producers to make him stop or be like why do I have to sit here and take his belittlement?

I think the show has run its course. I would be fine with a few specials here and there updating us, but 6 episodes in what has really happened this season? I feel like the last 6 episodes could have been packed into a half hour of content. 






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1 hour ago, Auntie Freeze said:

I know the way the conversation with Meri was cut and spliced together probably didn’t help but I found Kody downright frightening. The man is very disturbed. While I’ve laughed about the prize Robyn has won, I actually do feel for her. I can’t imagine living with someone so deranged and who blatantly enjoys emotionally hurting people. He’s quite unwell and doesn’t know it. No wonder Maddie keeps her kids well away. I don’t want to think what he’d do if Robyn left him. 

Agree!  That scene was so disturbing.  He was intentionally trying to manipulate Meri, deliberately inflicting injury and trying to strip her of her dignity.  He's such a despicable creep.  I hope she never gives him the chance to speak to her again.  Of the three women who left the relationship, I think she was the one most hurt. For her own emotional health, she would do well to box him out of her life completely.  And notice that his loyal Queen Robyn isn't on hand for this little powwow to witness just how low he'll go to absolve himself of any responsibility for their failed relationship.  He is loathsome.  

And speaking of Robyn, where was she this week?  Perhaps she's taken to bed to recover from enduring The not-Perfect Christmas.  I'm going to guess that Robyn doesn't tune into the news very often.  Otherwise, her tragic Christmas in her big warm house surrounded by family and gifts and gaudy decor might have seemed pretty darned perfect.

Why, oh why, do we watch this drivel? 

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48 minutes ago, Marley GMA said:

I honestly think Robyn is miserable without the 3 other ladies and kids.  Life is pretty boring now, no more big fun gatherings and holidays and a horrible version of Kody all to herself now.  Seriously will not be surprised if she ups and leaves too.  I really do not think she wanted him all to herself, even though that is the popular consensus.

I don’t think Robyn ever wanted him all to herself either.

I think she wanted to be the top wife and have the first three jealous and heartsick and desperate to please her and acknowledge her as the queen of polygamy. It hasn’t turned out as she expected and she has no idea what to do.

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6 minutes ago, Shelbie said:

I don’t think Robyn ever wanted him all to herself either.

I think she wanted to be the top wife and have the first three jealous and heartsick and desperate to please her and acknowledge her as the queen of polygamy. It hasn’t turned out as she expected and she has no idea what to do.


8 minutes ago, nosedive said:

And speaking of Robyn, where was she this week?  Perhaps she's taken to bed to recover from enduring The not-Perfect Christmas.  I'm going to guess that Robyn doesn't tune into the news very often.  Otherwise, her tragic Christmas in her big warm house surrounded by family and gifts and gaudy decor might have seemed pretty darned perfect.

Exactly.  I think I’m stealing this from someone else’s post (or somewhere on SM), but not only should Robyn count her blessings for all that she has, but where are her tears for the OG3 and the OG3 kids?!  For YEARS they have all suffered and made sacrifices that Queen Bee Robyn - and her kids - never had to make, and not once did she care.  And then she has the NERVE to cry and pout and bemoan her not-perfect Christmas??!!!  Are you kidding me?

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Arrggh. Too many great comments to quote. Loved St. Elsewhere- last epi was wild. Denzel Washington was an original on the show and Elizabeth Moss was Tommy's older sister. 

Agree that Robyn wanted to be head and legal wife- she won that one! Play stupid games, you win stupid prizes, Robyn. And agree that Meri is respecting Leon's wishes re the show. I think their relationship is fine. 

Kody's revisionist rantings are that of a small and insecure man. I used to view him as a harmless dolt, running around spreading his scent. Now I see him as the petty, worthless, mean-spirited man-child he is. He and Robyn and their cult-kids are welcome to each other.

The best revenge for the rest of the family is to be happy and successful in their lives without Kody. 

Edited by BAForever
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24 minutes ago, BAForever said:

Too many great comments to quote. Loved St. Elsewhere- last epi was wild. Denzel Washington was an original on the show and Elizabeth Moss was Tommy's older sister. 

I did, too!  And while the ending was a shocker I honestly did not mind.  Such great stories and acting!  I miss that kind of quality.

Thanks to all who watch this schlock and report out because I refuse to these clowns one second of my attention.  I'd rather just read the excellent comments here!

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3 hours ago, Marley GMA said:

  I have no idea what the hell happened to him, but it is a 180.  He actually went nuts. 

Christine, I think, said something interesting last night.  She said if she had the love of her life (David) she wouldn't then want to go off and have to spend time with other people.  THAT, I believe, is what happened.  He finally met his true love and grew ever more resentful of having to be with people he didn't want to spend time with.  Then he has to spin up a story about it to justify it all to himself, and the viewers.  The lesson here is that you can't have polyamory if you have a real love in the mix. 

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3 hours ago, zamp33 said:

The conversation with Meri and Kody was interesting - I felt bad for her because he was just so mean and you could see her looking at the producers to make him stop or be like why do I have to sit here and take his belittlement?

Kody has pretty much abandoned Meri for 10 years.  As someone commented, he has changed a lot in the last several years. Is it possible this was one of the few times Meri has been around him when he’s gone off the deep end the last several years (other than the group talk where he went off the  deep end with Christine? 

Edited by mythoughtis
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