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Thomas Ravenel & Kathryn Dennis: Will He Put A Ring On It?

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those of you who have a smart phone - at least looking at my own - the person's phone number and name only appears if you scroll back to the first text.  Any screen shots after the first page does not contain the person's name or number.

My iPhone  and my boyfriend's Samsung both always have the name of the person at the top of the text thread from the first "page" to the last. In fact I have never seen a phone that didn't always display the name or phone number at the top regardless of where you are in the text thread. I can only imagine how many times I would have sent text messages to the wrong person if it wasnt always at the top.

I have no idea if they are true but text message hacks are fairly common. They go into the cloud, it's happened to numerous people more famous than Kathryn.

Edited by biakbiak
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What I want to know is how that happened?!? I have seen some pretty nasty cases of child abuse where ge mom still maintained some form of custody of the children. I know he is rich and has good lawyers, but I am blown away that he would be given full custody when he is just as bad as her, if not worse!

  • Love 8

Are family court records sealed?

You'd think some reporter would have dug up the rulings.

Also, that Thomas can take the kids to the other side of the country so that it's hard for Kathryn to have a chance to see them is unusual too.

Divorced couples sometimes get in trouble for taking kids out of state, to make them difficult or impossible for the other parent to see them.

  • Love 2
2 hours ago, scrb said:

Are family court records sealed?

You'd think some reporter would have dug up the rulings.

Also, that Thomas can take the kids to the other side of the country so that it's hard for Kathryn to have a chance to see them is unusual too.

Divorced couples sometimes get in trouble for taking kids out of state, to make them difficult or impossible for the other parent to see them.

Yes, the judge finally sealed the court records last summer. If she doesn't even have visitation  than there is a good chance he has full legal custody as well as physical custody so she has no say in where the kids live.

It is very confusing. I am not too sure if she could even lose full custody with a failed drug test. It is possible, I am sure, but I think it is pretty sketchy when mom's who prostitute their children out for drugs are still able to maintain visitation. It also doesn't help matters that he has broken several of the rules the judge put in order and it has been shown time and time again through his Instagram account (drinking around the children and having other people around while keeping the kids). He deletes those posts pretty fast, but that in itself shows either his mental stability or his lack of sobriety. 

I wonder if he was able to avoid a drug test again? You can't tell me he wasn't enjoying some drugged up fun with those guys that are about 20 years younger than him and that one young girl that keeps tagging him in pictures. 

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In any court down south, usually the mother gets visitation unless she's done something really, really bad, from cases that made the news. Kathryn's secret will eventually come out, whatever it is she has done. The only way she got visitation before was if she was living with her parents and they were present while the children visited. But she couldn't stop partying and going out all night so she lost that deal. Unless she gets into rehab and stays there, goes to regular counseling and drops her party lifestyle, she's going to pay by losing all contact with her kids.

  • Love 2
17 minutes ago, Major Bigtime said:

In any court down south, usually the mother gets visitation unless she's done something really, really bad, from cases that made the news. Kathryn's secret will eventually come out, whatever it is she has done. The only way she got visitation before was if she was living with her parents and they were present while the children visited. But she couldn't stop partying and going out all night so she lost that deal. Unless she gets into rehab and stays there, goes to regular counseling and drops her party lifestyle, she's going to pay by losing all contact with her kids.

I live in the south and have grown up in the south my entire life. To me, the ruling was way off base. It is very clear that TRav is still a raging alcoholic, partying with druggies, and partying with very young girls at his house. I am sure Kathryn is doing the same or similar, but she is able to cover it up more. Someone is obviously being paid off within their case for him to get custody. Coming from a family of lawyers, police officers, social workers, and judges in the south, it is very clear that money is winning this case. Kathryn may be a crappy person and a crappy mother, but she is no different from Thomas and his dealings. This court case is clearly one sided. 

  • Love 7

And I will add that I have witnessed first hand women who have prostituted their children out for drugs (as young as 7) and they were still given visitation rights. This also happened in the south and it involved wealthy people and lower income people. For Kathryn to have absolutely no rights, someone is getting paid off. Other than killing a child and doping them up (which I might be convinced that Saint has FAS), I really don't know what a worse crime would be to lose custody. 

  • Love 3

If it is true that Kathryn has no visitation, then that is truly very sad. Either she is very very far gone or Thomas cruelly pulled strings to punish her.  I sincerely hope it's not true. It will be no fun to watch this seasons drama if the end ponot is Kathryn loses any right to her kids to Thomas.

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Kathryn just gave a huge spoiler for this season:



And speaking of crazy, remember last season, at the Southern Charm reunion, when Landon and Thomas Ravenel  kept trying to convince Kathryn that there was nothing going on between them, and when Landon went with Thomas to Savannah on Kathryn’s Valentine’s Day trip, it was simply platonic, even though they shared a room at the plantation house? Well, Southern Charm season four will have Landon and Thomas making it official (even if it doesn’t last, hint, hint).


  • Love 1

I'm among the multitudes re-watching Season 1 and I am amazed that Kathryn:

a) is drinking, drunk or hungover wearing the clothes from the night before in every one of her scenes

b) delivers most of her lines with food in her mouth (Cam you don't get a pass on this one because you're the cutest)

Didn't they teach her any manners in Tri Delt? 

c) the clothing in Whitney's room in episode one, which we are eventually lead to believe belonged to Kathryn, those shoes were HUGE.  

Edited by RedDelicious
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On 3/21/2017 at 9:14 PM, slowpoked said:

Yeah, I'm not buying anything that psycho is selling. Nothing we've so far in season four indicates Thomas and Landon are a thing. Sure, Thomas wants there to be a thing, but he wants there to be a thing with all the single (and probably some married) women in Charleston. So, the fact he's hound-dogging Landon should come as a surprise to no one.

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Rewatching season 1 and am on the episode where Kathryn/Thomas leave the pool party early to go to drugstore and get a pregnancy test. Kathryn takes the test at T. Rav's house and it says "error." I've never heard of anything like that. What was the common theory about this? Or do pregnancy tests occasionally say "error"?

  • Love 1
1 hour ago, The Ascension said:

Rewatching season 1 and am on the episode where Kathryn/Thomas leave the pool party early to go to drugstore and get a pregnancy test. Kathryn takes the test at T. Rav's house and it says "error." I've never heard of anything like that. What was the common theory about this? Or do pregnancy tests occasionally say "error"?

From Yahoo: "Best Answer:  yeah its happened to me....the tests, especially the digital ones, are really sensitive, and if you don't follow the instructions EXACTLY they read error and blink. This happens especially with the tests that come with more than one test. Try dipping the stick in a cup of urine, not in the stream because they will read error if the test gets too wet. It may seem like common sense, but you should really read and follow the directions perfectly, It took me 3 times before I actually got something other than ERROR!!!...Good Luck!"

I just picked the first answer that came up on google. I didn't think the tests were that sensitive.

  • Love 1
19 hours ago, MissMel said:

Really?!  I'm so old, I had no idea.  My first pregnancy tests looked like test tube experiments.  I was happy when the 'just pee on the stick' ones were available.  Now they are digital and have errors? Huh, the more you know...

You're not the only one old. When I was 21 and my girlfriend took one of those tests, it was the plain "just pee on the stick" variety. I'm only ("only"?) 45 now and so too young to remember the first ones you remember, but I'm with you in not understanding the need to make them digital.

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Kathryn must still think that bearing his children obligates Thomas to marry her, provide for her and put up with her reckless and despicable behavior.

As if he was going to run to marry her with her screaming at him and generally being unpleasant to be around.

Her parents must have coddled and enabled her sense of entitlement.


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I had to rewatch Season One because I honestly didn't remember all of the Katherine drama & how she took over the show.  The fact that Kathryn slept with three guys in two weeks is not that big a deal.  The fact that she slept with three of the four main male cast members raises the sketch factor.  The fact that she slept with the three wealthiest cast members increases the sketch factor even more.  The fact that Thomas knew this combined with the pregnancy "scare" and didn't run for the hills is completely insane.   He cemented his fate when he told her he would give her everything if she was pregnant.  She didn't even attempt to conceal the delight she felt when she heard him say this. 

I have to add that Craig has lost a lot of weight since his first season.  Thomas has aged a lot and Cameron has only gotten more beautiful.  

  • Love 10
3 minutes ago, AttackTurtle said:

I had to rewatch Season One because I honestly didn't remember all of the Katherine drama & how she took over the show.  The fact that Kathryn slept with three guys in two weeks is not that big a deal.  The fact that she slept with three of the four main male cast members raises the sketch factor.  The fact that she slept with the three wealthiest cast members increases the sketch factor even more.  The fact that Thomas knew this combined with the pregnancy "scare" and didn't run for the hills is completely insane.   He cemented his fate when he told her he would give her everything if she was pregnant.  She didn't even attempt to conceal the delight she felt when she heard him say this. 

I have to add that Craig has lost a lot of weight since his first season.  Thomas has aged a lot and Cameron has only gotten more beautiful.  

I remember the promises and he did come through Season 2-she had a lovely home on the old plantation.  Kathryn just wanted a party pad downtown.  All I can remember is the couple having to have a second christening because Kathryn fired the first Godmother.  I think that was probably a first for a lot of the Southern Charmers. 

  • Love 4

I felt kinda bad for Kathryn back at the beginning of S2, because to some extent on camera it appeared that she was genuinely trying to be a domestic goddess, cooking more and attempting to learn some effective stay-at-home mom skills.

Mind you, she also had a full-time NANNY too, so I didn't feel all that bad for her. But Thomas was on his campaign trail at that time and gone a lot, so she did seem a bit isolated and lonely, left on that quiet plantation with only her baby and the nanny for company, literally waiting for her babydaddy to return whenever he felt like it.

When Thomas finally relented and rented her that little apartment downtown after her endless begging and whining to him about being so far from town is when it all went downhill though---she then started going out all night, leaving her baby with Thomas or alone with the nanny. Maybe Thomas suspected on some level that she couldn't be trusted to live downtown and be a good mother/wife, because she immediately proved why she was best left far away from her "Bar star" temptations and local dealers. 

She has no one that blame but her own sick self for not nailing down a marriage with T-Rav. He honestly gave her everything she demanded in the beginning, and she repeatedly blew every one of those chances.

Edited by Sun-Bun
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I can't truly blame Thomas because he is pretty much an addict himself and one person cannot answer for someone else's sobriety beyond not giving them drugs or enabling. The last thing one addict needs is to become enmeshed with a second.


As much as Thomas is a douche, he is a reasonably sober douche. And he has taken the basic steps to be a primary parent to those children. Kathryn is too wrapped up in her own head to achieve either of those.

Brought from the "Craig of All Trades" thread: I can truly blame Thomas for being a man well into middle age when he made promises to a much younger woman he should have realized was unstable and addicted before he created a second child with her. They're both messed-up individuals with addictions but he's basically functional, and he has had years and years more chances to introspect, learn better, and change his ways than her. I will always feel he took advantage of her, and that if he'd walked away before Kensie was conceived Kathryn might have continued down her addiction path but at least two children wouldn't have been born enmeshed in it without one truly healthy parent to care for them. 

I believe he loves his children and is doing what he should to care for them and give them a good life, but overall he was a louse and although she was never his wife, he should care more about what happens to their mother. He does little things on this show that annoy the hell out of me and are targeted toward her. For example, when he was talking about how Landon would help him host the polo match, he made negative comments about someone (Kathryn) not knowing how to cook, and a clip was shown of her trying to make salmon for their dinner back when they co-habited. I get that he's angry with her, but that was so unnecessary. Just made him look like a huge, vindictive jerk rather than a man with some amount of compassion or one who realizes he also contributed to his children's difficult situation.

Edited by RedHawk
  • Love 5

We have no idea what Kathryn or Thomas have done to each other off-camera, or out of the prying eyes of the tabloids. Overall, I have heard that she is difficult, it's her way or no way, and will reneg on promises to stop drinking, drugging, etc. She has no interest in her children except keeping them away from Thomas, thereby punishing him for not marrying her. When she did have them, she'd go out to party and leave them home all night with the nighttime nanny.

  • Love 2
7 minutes ago, Major Bigtime said:

We have no idea what Kathryn or Thomas have done to each other off-camera, or out of the prying eyes of the tabloids. Overall, I have heard that she is difficult, it's her way or no way, and will reneg on promises to stop drinking, drugging, etc. She has no interest in her children except keeping them away from Thomas, thereby punishing him for not marrying her. When she did have them, she'd go out to party and leave them home all night with the nighttime nanny.

Well one sure is certain, he had sex with her, even after she showed herself to be a disinterested mother according to your post.

  • Love 5
3 minutes ago, Major Bigtime said:

We have no idea what Kathryn or Thomas have done to each other off-camera, or out of the prying eyes of the tabloids. Overall, I have heard that she is difficult, it's her way or no way, and will reneg on promises to stop drinking, drugging, etc. She has no interest in her children except keeping them away from Thomas, thereby punishing him for not marrying her. When she did have them, she'd go out to party and leave them home all night with the nighttime nanny.

I do not defend her behavior. Yet it didn't come out of nowhere two weeks after Saint was born. Thomas knew what she was like from early on and participated in drinking and partying with her. Even after he saw how she truly was, he kept going back to her. If she was keeping Kensie from him to punish him and extort "child support" cash, then he was a damned fool to risk having another child with her, especially if/when he was aware she was doing drugs/drinking heavily and might not stop while pregnant. 

  • Love 4
23 minutes ago, Major Bigtime said:

We have no idea what Kathryn or Thomas have done to each other off-camera, or out of the prying eyes of the tabloids. Overall, I have heard that she is difficult, it's her way or no way, and will reneg on promises to stop drinking, drugging, etc. She has no interest in her children except keeping them away from Thomas, thereby punishing him for not marrying her. When she did have them, she'd go out to party and leave them home all night with the nighttime nanny.

Yeah there's no way her screeching behavior is just a bad edit.

She had him cowed and probably suffering from PTSD after her many screaming jags if he was late or whatever.  The way she blew up at Whitney, is there any doubt Thomas was the target of similar or worse blow ups several times a week?

He might have intended to marry her, for her "physicality" and if she managed to be a little pleasant at least some of the time when they were together.  But it appears she was just a pain in the neck and he must have realized what he'd be signing up for.

  • Love 2

Adding a bit more: You can have compassion for an addict without enabling them further. You can set boundaries and expectations. From what we've seen on the show, on social media, in interviews, etc. I get the impression that Thomas was pleased to get his children all to himself and then firmly shut the door on their mother. Did he have reason to do so? Absolutely. And he made it clear to her that she should not push him to the point where their custody case went into the court system. He certainly didn't want that, for one reason because he's already been involved in the court system himself and he didn't want those prying eyes on his lifestyle once again. When he got full custody he posted pics on social media making himself out to be Daddy of the Year and so much better than Krazy Kathryn. Have we forgotten that this guy is a felon convicted for his illegal drug use while he was an elected official? And that he continues to joke about that and does little to show that he's truly reformed and matured? He was responsible for some part of Kathryn's downward spiral, but he sure seems to accept zero responsibility for his choices and contributions that led to his and her current situation. 

Kathryn is a mess. I hope she gets help, gets therapy, gets clean and sober, matures, and gets to be part of her children's lives. My belief is that Thomas hopes she'll continue to screw up so he doesn't look so bad by comparison.

  • Love 6

One thing I have heard from several people, Kathryn had told Thomas she was on the pill when she got pregnant with Saint. It allowed her to continue her drinking and drugging without him being on her case about it. She wasn't taking birth control.

And regarding her not caring for her children, and partying while the nanny cared for them, read the article posted in the media thread, I'll relink it here. Yes, it's a tabloid, but I've been told this before the tabloids knew about it, before Saint was born.


  • Love 2
1 hour ago, Major Bigtime said:

One thing I have heard from several people, Kathryn had told Thomas she was on the pill when she got pregnant with Saint. It allowed her to continue her drinking and drugging without him being on her case about it. She wasn't taking birth control.

And regarding her not caring for her children, and partying while the nanny cared for them, read the article posted in the media thread, I'll relink it here. Yes, it's a tabloid, but I've been told this before the tabloids knew about it, before Saint was born.


This blogger seems to be very much obsessed with Kathryn and I posted a link on the other thread where she reveals that Kenzie has some bonding issues.

EVen if I is true, it is wrong for the psychologist to speak about a patient and the blogger is a bitch for letting this info out, imo.

Edited by LIMOM
  • Love 3
3 hours ago, Major Bigtime said:

One thing I have heard from several people, Kathryn had told Thomas she was on the pill when she got pregnant with Saint. It allowed her to continue her drinking and drugging without him being on her case about it. She wasn't taking birth control.

Kathryn may have lied to him, but Thomas has been around the block many times and I've never heard anything about illegitimate kids (other than the current ones), so apparently he knows how to prevent conception. The pill isn't 100% effective even if taken correctly. His best choice and the only 100% guaranteed prevention method would have been to abstain altogether. Guess he didn't even bother using a condom even though she'd already shown him she would have sex with other men. After having one "scare" and one child, my opinion is that he was an immature, irresponsible jerk for continuing to have sex with her when he knew she had drug and alcohol problems. And he knew about them since he was "on her case about it". He wasn't thinking of Kensie or the child they might accidentally conceive. I know Kathryn was doing things to try to control him, but it pisses me off that he continues to act like a victim of her manipulations. They both need to accept their roles and their failures.

Edited by RedHawk
  • Love 7
43 minutes ago, Major Bigtime said:

I doubt they got the info from a psychologist. More likely one of her friends repeated what Kathryn told them. I wouldn't know what I know if she didn't have a big mouth.

WIth friends like that, who needs ennemies? :-0

29 minutes ago, RedHawk said:

Kathryn may have lied to him, but Thomas has been around the block many times and I've never heard anything about illegitimate kids (other than the current ones), so apparently he knows how to prevent conception. The pill isn't 100% effective even if taken correctly. His best choice and the only 100% guaranteed prevention method would have been to abstain altogether. Guess he didn't even bother using a condom even though she'd already shown him she would have sex with other men. After having one "scare" and one child, my opinion is that he was an immature, irresponsible jerk for continuing to have sex with her when he knew she had drug and alcohol problems. And he knew about them since he was "on her case about it". He wasn't thinking of Kensie or the child they might accidentally conceive. I know Kathryn was doing things to try to control him, but it pisses me off that he continues to act like a victim of her manipulations. They both need to accept their roles and their failures.

Not only pregnancies but what about STDS????


  • Love 2
3 hours ago, Major Bigtime said:

One thing I have heard from several people, Kathryn had told Thomas she was on the pill when she got pregnant with Saint. It allowed her to continue her drinking and drugging without him being on her case about it. She wasn't taking birth control.

And regarding her not caring for her children, and partying while the nanny cared for them, read the article posted in the media thread, I'll relink it here. Yes, it's a tabloid, but I've been told this before the tabloids knew about it, before Saint was born.



NO ACTUAL DOCTOR WOULD SHARE a (Childs!)DIAGNOSIS WITH ANYONE. Much less the Media.  Anyone who believes this article is a fool.

  • Love 2
21 minutes ago, Nancypants said:


NO ACTUAL DOCTOR WOULD SHARE a (Childs!)DIAGNOSIS WITH ANYONE. Much less the Media.  Anyone who believes this article is a fool.

It says a source close to the case, so I presume either T-Rav's team brought this up in court to prove she's a bad parent OR Kathryn's team could have had a doctor testify to such to prove why she SHOULD be in their life. This could really go either way, I guess.

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Whomever the leak is, it is incredibly sad for those kids. Yes, they are young but one day, they will be able to read and see all those horrible reports regarding their parents and their own childhood.

Those bloggers are even worst than the tabloids. They don't give a shit and obviously are not trained whatsoever in ethics and the like.

Thomas and Kathryn need to get out of the show before it is too late. Those children will be so damaged by all the vile gossip. They already have such an uphill battle in their short life, imo.

He is rich and already famous, what more does he want???

As far as the psychologist talking, while they are professional, I have heard plenty of gossip from MD, PHD regarding other's people health. So I am far from being foolish. Lol.

Charleston is a small town , so all it takes is one person talking and you know the rest....

  • Love 3
12 hours ago, Nancypants said:

NO ACTUAL DOCTOR WOULD SHARE a (Childs!)DIAGNOSIS WITH ANYONE. Much less the Media.  Anyone who believes this article is a fool

As I said, the source was most likely one of her friends. Thomas doesn't have to spread gossip about Kathryn, her posts on social media and blabbing to her friends do her in every time. She can't keep her mouth shut, when she should. She's only digging her hole deeper.

  • Love 1
47 minutes ago, Major Bigtime said:

As I said, the source was most likely one of her friends. Thomas doesn't have to spread gossip about Kathryn, her posts on social media and blabbing to her friends do her in every time. She can't keep her mouth shut, when she should. She's only digging her hole deeper.

Who ever is blabbing to the tabloid is no friend to anyone.

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