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Season 2 Discussion


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That lawyer didn't have a clue about immigration... I'm going through the process myself so I know what I'm talking about. I came to the US with a K1 visa, got married and did the paperwork (called AOS, Adjustment of Status) myself. You do not need a Green Card to work, you need an EAD (Employment Authorization Document) I have the EAD already and I am looking for a job but the Green Card could take a long time.

TLC actually contacted me about participating in season 2 but my fiance said absolutely not!! Watching this season I realize we wouldn't have been chosen, we're way too normal and thus boring.

I was visiting him last year when they started season one and watched the rest online when I went back home. It's always interesting to see other people that are going through the same thing as you. But this season... Jeez, they turned it into a freak show. Shame on me for still watching it!!! I wish they would have chosen more normal people but it's still interesting.

  • Love 7

islandgal40 brought up an interesting point, which is that Danielle doesn't seem to care about Mohamed-the-Person at all.  She is unashamedly selfish and wholly unconcerned with his feelings.  I suspect, with some sadness, that she is probably as horrid with her own daughters, and that purple hair especially is trying to demarcate herself from this pathetic bunch, at least in appearance.  I have hope for her.


Danielle lies to him about everything.  She doesn't give a crap about the situation she has put him through.  She has no compassion, no connection, she's just whining like Mohamed is nothing but one of her creepy dolls on whom she projects feelings.  To her, he is a doll that "loves" her and is empty inside, he is just a shell of a man.  She's wrapped up in the rings, the dress, the grabbing Mo with pork sausage fingers and breathing in his neck, but it's like he barely exists as a person outside her lalaland fantasies.

I have visions of Cassia, this is how it will end:


"Soylent Green is... people!!!"

  • Love 8


Mo saying he could have gone home, but was chosing to stay for the girls was pure malarkey.

Funny for that to be the ONLY reason he's staying too.....not a darn thing about that loser Danielle.


I honestly don't know why Mo hasn't thought yet to tell his secret....that he's impotent.  Hey, Danielle keeps secrets, he can too - until after the wedding!  Big reveal!


I continue to feel bad for Cassia!  She kept saying, "he's not understanding me".  Sadly, I thought she was doing just fine expressing herself!  Jason the dolt just couldn't get it.  He makes my blood boil probably as much as Danielle. 

  • Love 4

Also, you not only need a sponsor to bring someone with a K1 visa, after you get married you have to include all the sponsor's info again so good luck to Danielle! She'll need a co-sponsor for sure because they're really strict about that and legal documents are required (tax returns, pay stubs, etc.) What a mess... And Mohammed, thank you so much for making stereotypes real! He makes me want to go inside the screen and kick his butt!!!

  • Love 1


For some reason, I don't see Chelsea as being selfish, I believe, she's the only one of the Americans who actually speaks the language of the person they're going to marry, there are many scenes where Chelsea and Yamir are speaking to each other in Spanish.

Chelsea didn't learn Spanish because of Yamir.  Chelsea learned Spanish so she could do her missionary/volunteer work.  And then she met Yamir.  So while I might give her props for speaking another language, she didn't go out of her way to learn the language or culture of her beloved, she met him because she had done so.


As for Daniell's debts becoming Mo's, I would really like to know what Ohio's laws are on that.   Not all states are community property states.   Where Iive, if the debt is in your name and your name only, the other person is not responsible for it.   Furthermore, the creditors cannot legally come after Mo, I don't think.   HE didn't sign the contract agreeing to pay the debt.   Just marrying someone does not make you automatically a signatory to a debt acquired prior to the marriage.   I think I smell producer set up here.

Definitely something Mo should have googled prior to coming to the states.  I'd think the lawyer could have advised if a prenup or other legal document might help protect Mo from Danielle's past or future debts.


 Cassia really does seem into that fool Jason. In fact, she seems more into him than he is into her. What is this world coming to??!?!

I think Cassia is really into whoever she's with.  And it just happens to be Jason.   Jason spends a lot of time 'running' his business probably because he's inefficient and unorganized.  Maybe he was hoping Cassia would do the sorting and listing for him?  He'd be better off not collecting hundreds of low value items and concentrate on items that he can sell for $50 and up each.


I can't hate on the El Camino.  Haven't been in one in person but it was Hyde's car in That 70's Show and it seems like a cool throwback kind of car that if restored, would be fun.

  • Love 2

I found myself agreeing with Danielle when she told Mo how shitty and unfair it was for him to have visited a lawyer on the DAY of their wedding to discuss whether or not marrying her made sense. At least go the day before, dick. It's not like she wasn't this intolerable yesterday. Her behind-closed-doors change in voice and attitude sounded to me just like she was angry, and not unjustifiably so.

Agreeing with Dani has made me feel all confused and grotty so I'm going to go now, with a quick salute to Chelsea's mom, doing her passive-aggressive damndest to convince her adult daughter to get the hell out.

  • Love 3
 Yay for Chelsea's Mom. I love that she pointed out that Chelsea needs to consider how much Yamir has given up to be with her. The compromise of getting established first makes sense. Yamir needs to brush up on his English and they need to get jobs and save up if they plan to move to Chicago. 

When Chelsea was having that discussion with her mother, I thought Chelsea was going to offer a compromise to Yamir of staying in Galesburg (?) for a while  to save money, etc and then she'd look for a job in Chicago so they could at least make rent.  But no, it's Yamir who comes up with the compromise (at least on camera) and Chelsea acts as if she's doing the compromising!  I do hope it's different off air and this is just an act for the cameras.

  • Love 2

Chelsea's parents can put money in her back account just like they do now - whether she lives in Chicago or Galesberg or Managua. I don't see thee issue with "needing" to be in BFE. And Yamir could take English classes (or learn from Chelsea) in in Chicago or Galesberg or Managua, too. The big issue is lighting a match to Yamir's career. Lightning doesn't strike twice, as they say. 

Edited by PityFree
  • Love 1

I don't think Dani has any mental problems, I think she's just a desperate, manipulative, stupid ass. .

I don't think that's mutually exclusive.  My opinion is she's both plus delusional.


Chelsea has a degree, yes? She's the more likely of the two to find a good-paying job which would allow them to move that much sooner. She's not showing much ambition about providing for the two of them, but instead is happy to let Mom and Dad do it.

Yes.  I believe Chelsea enjoys living off her parents' dime. She comes across to me as not being ready to grow up.

  • Love 1

Yes.  I believe Chelsea enjoys living off her parents' dime. She comes across to me as not being ready to grow up.

I got that impression as well. It's possible it's been edited out, but Chelsea hasn't mentioned job searching or any career aspirations. I wonder how exactly she plans on making a living.

Edited by trimthatfat
  • Love 1
Chelsea's parents can put money in her back account just like they do now - whether she lives in Chicago or Galesberg or Managua


But Chelsea and Yamir are living in the basement and if her parents are giving them money, it's probably not much. How much do you need if you live in your parents basement? Rents in Chicago are high, so I can't imagine that Chelsea's parents could afford to pay for that. How old is Chelsea anyway? Isn't it time for her to start looking for a job and support herself?

Edited by poeticlicensed
  • Love 4

I feel bad for Cassia after last night.  He just doesn't "get" it.  I'm older - closer to Jason's age - and that would be boring to me, let alone a 23 year old, and I enjoy auctions.  But doing them all day every day?  No thanks.  He should have taken her home and told his dad to call when it was time to come get him.  If it was too far of a drive to go home and back, then take her to a park or shopping center or SOMETHING.  I don't hate on the El Camino - I hate on the fact that it's in bad shape.  I'm hoping that's his "beater" car and he has another one.  I could understand him wanting to take that to auctions to haul things, but I am hoping he has a nice car stashed away somewhere.  I was also interested to hear that they also buy cars and other things, because no way they'll live off his eBay store.


I get like Danielle did when I'm extremely upset.  I end up crying, but all the while, I'm also getting angry (depending on the situation).  And if I were confronted with him coming back in like that, I'd be straight and firm and to the point.  Otherwise, I'm nothing like her.  I hope her daughters all have friends they can take off to, because their life seems to be so unstable.  Growing up, I had a friend who had a really unstable home life, and she practically lived with us in the summers.


I don't know where Chelsea got her Valley Girl accent, but it's annoying.  I have friends who live all over Illinois, and they sound NOTHING like her (not factoring in the vocal fry, but rather her annoying vocal affect, like the old Valley Girl way of pronouncing words oddly).  No one around her speaks like that either.  Again, I think she's in "Little Fish/Big Pond" mode when she thinks of moving from her small town to a big city in the US, since it's different from being in another country.  Props to her mom, but she blew it off as usual.  I read - I think on the spoiler thread - that she's working but she's working for an organization that doesn't pay well, IIRC, and one that I thought she was too old to be in, but I could be wrong on her age.  The tiny town I grew up in had a kid that went on to play a major league sport.  He didn't go very far, but his name is still on the "WELCOME TO" sign (as in "HOME OF").  In any other place than a tiny town, he wouldn't be even mentioned, unless he'd been a winner in a Super Bowl, or World Series.  Maybe she thinks she won't be "as special" in Chicago.  Who knows?


Evelin convinces Justin to let his mom come, and 3 seconds later, the whole family is coming.  His mom could have said "Thank you.  Would you consider inviting your brother and his wife if I talk to them first and convince her to hold her tongue?". But nope....it's his mom's show now.  I wonder how long before this all backfires on Evelin?


Glad Danny said something, but his dad is still a major-league chode.  Harping on virginity, etc, is the hallmark of your more hardcore religions.  Look no further than the Duggars.

  • Love 4

Cassia acts so miserable. Is a green card that important to her? Go home already!

Seeing a lawyer on the day of your wedding would be a huge red flag to me. Mo just wants to stay in this country, plain and simple, Dani was just a stepping stone for him in getting here.

I think Danny's racist Dad mellowed a little bit by the end of the party. I don't think Danny and Amy will be living close to this guy so they probably don't have to see much of him.

Looks like things have smoothed out for Justin/Evelin and Daya/what's his name.

I think maybe it is a good idea that Tamir and Chelsea are waiting a year to move to Chicago. Chicago is super expensive to live there. They can sponge off her parents, save money, Tamir can learn more English, and then make the big move. These two at least seem to really love each other.

The whole focus on Amy and Danny being virgins thing freaks me out. I have zero issue with waiting until marriage, but the way they focus on it is just bizarre. It is almost like I can picture their guests waiting outside the door to listen in on when the virginity loss happens because they harp on it so much. I don't know. And they discuss it all on camera. Ugh.

Maybe they'll go really old school and after Danny and Amy DO EET, they'll hang the bedsheet out the window so everyone can see the blood stains.



I'm not sure why Cassia continues to stay with Jason. She does seem to love him

She does? I'm not picking up on that at all.


I found myself agreeing with Danielle when she told Mo how shitty and unfair it was for him to have visited a lawyer on the DAY of their wedding to discuss whether or not marrying her made sense.

I don't think there was anything at all wrong with him going to an attorney. If she was smart, and if she really cared about him, as well as her own finances, she should've gone with him, and they both should've gone weeks before, so they both understand exactly what they're getting into. They both know the score here. They're not marrying for love, and they both know it.


He should have taken her home and told his dad to call when it was time to come get him.  If it was too far of a drive to go home and back, then take her to a park or shopping center or SOMETHING.


She complains when he goes without her. She complains when she goes with him. If he dropped her off somewhere, she'd complain about that too.

Edited by sleepyjean
  • Love 2

Biggest LOL funny moment to me? Mo in the attorney's office struggling to find the right word/turn of phrase to describe something. That word phrase he was grasping for and wasn't quite sure about? Green Card! Come now Mo. You got to do better than that. 


Of course Dani, a woman in her mid 40s, would have a bunch of creepy dolls on her dresser and teddy bears at the foot of her bed.Of Course!!  Jeez lady!  Dani is no dummy. As has been mentioned her, she stopped her blubbering and wounded sparrow routine, she had bass in her voice as soon as that door close. It is like she transformed into a pimp named Alabaster. Deal or no Deal Mo? 


I really would have liked to have seen the look on her face when she said that.  Maybe Danielle's more Keyser Soze than I realized.  


I'm glad Mohamed was miked up during that surreptitious phone call.  That was all sorts of interesting, particularly the, "I didn't even want to come to America" part.  Did it ever clarify to whom he was speaking during that call?


Whomever it was, I'm gathering they told him to nut up and go say his I do's and stick with the plan at all costs.  


I'm still processing why I want to yell RUN FOR YOUR LIFE!!!! to most of the 90-day fiances this season.  I don't recall having such a visceral reaction to any of them last season.  

  • Love 3
If she doesn't love him then why all the tears and begging him to spend more time with her?

She wants to be the center of his attention. That's not the same as loving him.


Here's what I don't understand about the whole "Cassia doesn't want to be at the auction" thing. That's four hours out of the day. Maybe 5 or 6 if it involved a long drive. What's he doing the whole rest of the day that he can't spend any time with her? It's really not clear to me whether he really is making zero time for her, or if she simply resents any time he's focused on something besides her. I have a hard time believing he's spending every waking moment at auctions, and we know by looking at that house he's not spending copious amounts of time getting his crap in order.

Edited by sleepyjean
  • Love 2

I don't think Chelsea is necessarily wrong about Chicago right now, if they can't afford it, they can't afford it. A year is a good compromise, but it would have been nice if she had countered, if we have x amount of money saved sooner then we go sooner or if she got a well paying job there. I don't know that they will make decent salaries as an aspiring musician and whatever someone who volunteered for years can do. I presume Chicago has a high cost of living. But yeah, I think they should have stayed in Nicaragua in the first place; but now that they are in the US I don't think staying at her parents' home for a bit is terrible if Chelsea is truly willing to follow through with the compromise.

Eta: they could probably rent a place in her parents' town too for far cheaper than rent in Chicago for a bit. I don't want to imply that I think they should mooch off her parents. I am not saying I don't think Chelsea is selfish, but I think they need a plan before they go to Chicago both without jobs. And living in a cheaper town for a bit to save isn't the worst idea.

I agree - I actually agree with Chelsea this time around.  They can not afford to live in Chicago right now.  Could they move up and get a really shitty apartment?? Probably but you have to be REAL careful of where you live in Chicago right now.  I wouldn't want to move there unless I could live in a decent and nice neighborhood.  I doubt her parents would afford even half rent for a place up there.  They need to save up some money first, then find a job, then move.


I think it seems to be a responsible decision on his part.  However, if he wants to get into entertainment, you strike while the iron is hot... i.e parlaying off of the album his band just put out and the popularity of this show.  If he waits a year he may miss whatever opportunity he had. 

Well then he needs to take the train trip up there and work on his stuff. There is nothing stopping him from doing that. That would probably be a lot cheaper than living up there. 


I'm guessing the show paid for it.


As for Evelin's family, didn't her mother come to help her pick out her dress, or was that Amy again? 

No way did the show pay for that.  Isn't Amy's family the first family in the entire series that was able to come for the ceremony??? 

I wonder why it was so hard for other families (other than financial) to come yet Amy had a huge crew.

  • Love 1

Danny's mom looks SO uncomfortable every time her husband speaks!!


I actually think Cassia is super into Jason as well.  I think most guys will not put up with her crap and Jason does.  Perhaps she has a daddy complex.

I am going to be SO pissed next week if he left her ALONE in vegas while he left with his friends.  That preview made me really sad.

  • Love 1

Mo saying he could have gone home, but was chosing to stay for the girls was pure malarkey.  I believe the only reason he stayed was because he didn't have the money to leave. 


I kind of got the impression whomever he was on the phone with instructed him to stay and stick it out.


Damn, I would have loved to have heard both sides of that telephone conversation and to have seen rather than just heard that bathroom conversation between Dani and Mo.


Dammit, dammit, dammit.


I often wonder if Chelsea isn't trying to sequester Yamir in order to keep him to herself.  Maybe having him trapped in Galesberg with her and knowing full well that after a year (at which point he'll be about 30), his "boy band" glory days will be far behind him and she won't have to worry about competition from other women.


I guess it's never occurred to her that WOMEN work in those meat packing plants, too, some of whom are fluent in Spanish and drop dead gorgeous.


My dad used to manage one of the country's largest poultry packing plants and he was always amazed at the amount of lovely young women who worked there.  


Keeping Yamir to yourself in Galesberg and taking him out of the public eye in Nicaragua doesn't mean you've removed him from all temptation, Chelsea.  

  • Love 2

I don't get the impression that she's worried about him straying. The feeling I get is that this is very simple. Chelsea wanted to go home. Chelsea did not want to be separated from Yamir. Therefore, Yamir went home with Chelsea. And because America is awesome, surely something great will work out for the two of them.


I am convinced that was the entirely of the plan and the sum total of forethought that went into it.

Edited by sleepyjean
  • Love 8

There's plenty of affordable places in the subburbs of Chicago where both of them would have more opportunities to get day jobs besides chicken factories and Yamir could still METRA in to the city to do his music.  So I call bullshit on Chelsea.


I don't know what is up with Dani, but the voice switch caught me off guard and I'm starting to think the "boo hoo I'm so scared and pathetic" act is just that.  Either way, this is more fucked up than I even thought.

  • Love 7

There's plenty of affordable places in the subburbs of Chicago where both of them would have more opportunities to get day jobs besides chicken factories and Yamir could still METRA in to the city to do his music.  So I call bullshit on Chelsea.


I don't know what is up with Dani, but the voice switch caught me off guard and I'm starting to think the "boo hoo I'm so scared and pathetic" act is just that.  Either way, this is more fucked up than I even thought.


But you have to have money FIRST to actually move up there and find a job.  There's no way they have that. Especially not after carting Yamir all the way to the US.  Her parents are probably broke after that. They probably paid for the plane tickets home.

  • Love 2
No way did the show pay for that.  Isn't Amy's family the first family in the entire series that was able to come for the ceremony??? 

I wonder why it was so hard for other families (other than financial) to come yet Amy had a huge crew.

Aziza from last season's parents wanted to come, but they were turned down for travel visas.  Never said why.  I think money was the factor for the rest of last year's families from sitting out, and probably this year's too.  Amy's family may have money, or they may travel abroad frequently, and have the travel visas already sewn up.

I have a totally different take on Cassia then most other people. She seems to resent ANY time Jason spends working. What would she do if she was with a person who worked outside of the home for 8+ hours a day and she couldn't go with him? Some days he says he is only gone for a couple of hours and she complains that he is giving attention to something else other than her. I just don't get it. If he didn't have a job she wouldn't be here. I think she is a bit immature.

  • Love 3

I wonder why it was so hard for other families (other than financial) to come yet Amy had a huge crew.


Every year, thousands of visitors enter the US and don't leave.   So in order to be issued a visa, you have to have strong ties (property, good job) in your country of origin which will necessitate your leaving the US, plus show proof that you can support yourself while in the US.  Amy's family seems pretty well off.  And if they are world travellers, that is also a plus, because it shows that they are apt to return home. 

  • Love 7

I have a totally different take on Cassia then most other people. She seems to resent ANY time Jason spends working. What would she do if she was with a person who worked outside of the home for 8+ hours a day and she couldn't go with him? Some days he says he is only gone for a couple of hours and she complains that he is giving attention to something else other than her. I just don't get it. If he didn't have a job she wouldn't be here. I think she is a bit immature.

I think the problem is that she has nothing to do here. She doesn't have a girlfriend to distract her or a job of her own to go to. She likely feels very lonely when he is not around. Most people would be depressed in that kind of situation.


I am realizing that Yamir, Cassia, and Amy are all isolated from regular city life which likely makes the adjustment to America doubly difficult.

  • Love 2

I felt so badly for Yamir tonight. To leave everything he knows, a successful career, a semi-hot boy band and moves to a country where he doesn't even speak the language for a woman who can't even move down the road from her family for him.



The thing is why DID he give up everything he had going in his country for the unknown? He doesn't seem that smitten so I imagine it is a money/opportunity thing. Just because he was successful in his country, does not mean he can duplicate that here in Chicago or smalltown USA. 


And why would Chelsea who does not seem to be able to support herself think that she could bring Yamir here and be able to support both of them until Yamir can contribute  (this actually applies to a few of these couples).  It's not like he is going to get his green card and suddenly have this record contract fall in his lap.  How much money are these couples getting from the show?

  • Love 1
I think the problem is that she has nothing to do here. She doesn't have a girlfriend to distract her or a job of her own to go to. She likely feels very lonely when he is not around.

I would buy that if they didn't have this exact same problem before she even got here. In the very first episode when these two were introduced, she was having a hissy fit because he hadn't texted her that morning because he was working. In fact, if I recall correctly, her anger over that was why she was threatening to not show up at the airport.

Edited by sleepyjean
  • Love 2

Definitely something Mo should have googled prior to coming to the states.  I'd think the lawyer could have advised if a prenup or other legal document might help protect Mo from Danielle's past or future debts.



There are a lot of things/research these idiots should have done prior to coming to the states. Like save some money of their own. Where is Yamir's money if he was so successful? What did any of these people (aside from Yamir) do before coming here? just sitting on there asses trolling the internet for "rich" Americans?  


Edited by demarti
  • Love 3

Every year, thousands of visitors enter the US and don't leave.   So in order to be issued a visa, you have to have strong ties (property, good job) in your country of origin which will necessitate your leaving the US, plus show proof that you can support yourself while in the US.  Amy's family seems pretty well off.  And if they are world travellers, that is also a plus, because it shows that they are apt to return home. 


These are the same requirements for a stay at Casa Persnickety.


I've had too many friends gain uninvited roommates by virtue of letting them come for a weekend and then they have no deadline to get their asses back to their own abode (i.e., no job to which they must return).


It's a great system to make sure houseguests will have a need to depart within a set timeframe.


I totally agree with those VISA guidelines.  I also recommend their institution for those looking to make sure any houseguests have a need to depart in a timely fashion.  

Edited by Persnickety1
  • Love 8

I think that by in large, most of the couples didn't think about what life was going to be like on a daily basis once they got to the US. The foreign fiance can't work, can't drive, most are in suburban or rural areas, so they are basically stuck at home while their "betrothed" is at work. That coupled with not being fluent for some, adds up to a pretty boring existence. They all seem to be fairly cash strapped, probably Brett and Justin are in the best shape, money wise, so it's not like they can really do a lot. So it's basically sitting around waiting on the other person.  And when that other person gets home, not doing much even then. Not exactly a recipe for wedded bliss.

Edited by poeticlicensed
Favorite scene: watching Jason unlock his car door with a key! I can't even remember the last time I witnessed this simple act, but it's been years and years.



It's not THAT weird. My husband and I have a 2009 Nissan that unlocks with a physical key. We were too frugal to pay for keyless entry (and only bought a brand-new car because of Cash for Clunkers).


The way Danny spoke about his family meeting Amy's family really rubbed me the wrong way, too--he was talking about how "overwhelming" it would be for his family. He certainly didn't speak that way about Amy meeting his family, and she was alone; his family has each other.

  • Love 5

When I was 9 years old, this girl told me she would give out Halloween candy to everyone but me because her family didn't give candy to black people. I'll never forget the look on that bitch's face when I told her I was calling the police and a lawyer on her and her ugly mother. It's the same look that Danny's ugly father had when he saw how deep Amy's family rolls.

He looked nervous and afraid, like most racist cowards. The sitting in the corner and fast Burt Reynolds-like gum chewing were clear indicators to me that he was anxious and afraid of being confronted. He sure didn't walk and talk with the same gait and arrogance that he had when it was just Amy on her own. He shook Amy's mother's hand, but I don't even think he looked her in the eye. And then he ran to the corner right after.

I don't remember if Amy ever mentioned her own father. Is he alive? If he is, I hope he's Billy Blanks or some ridiculously huge Goliath of a man who will make piece o' shit dad pee on himself. Although Danny's mother seems very sweet, I could not, with any confidence, leave my children in her care, knowing what kind of asshole she lives with. But I hope Amy runs far and fast before any children are conceived with this foolish boy.

Edited by charmed1
  • Love 14

So here's my impression of this episode.


Evelin and Justin: Evelin thinks she's crazy like a fox kissing up to the matriarch and possibly building an alliance to stonewall the future SIL. BUT, she went a step too far in allying herself against her future husband by joining his mom in emotionally manipulating him into changing the plans to a family wedding. When SIL jumps up to object during the ceremony and gives a tacky drunk toast about the kids she believes E has back at home, she will have no one to blame but herself.


Cassia and Jason: Jason seemed like a very different guy than the one who was practically crying in the airport thinking Cassia might not show up. Funny how getting on home turf makes a guy stand a little straighter. Cassia probably saw "sucker" across his forehead in Brazil, but pretty soon, she will realize who's boss.


Also, people like Cassia drive me nuts. How in the world does she look in the mirror and see model? I'm all for high self-esteem, but let's not go into delusion. Many working models are from Brazil. Did you try walking into an agency for an assessment? Do you see Giselle Bundchen or even a Kardashian style herself in anyway similar to you Cassia? Stop it and learn a marketable skill because modeling isn't it.


Everything that can be said about Mo and Dani last night has already been said. Plus, they kind of deserve each other.


Amy & Danny: Where to begin...Yes, Danny's dad is a tool. Like someone else said earlier in the thread, I fully expected him to point out that at least Amy isn't dark.


Danny is a doormat and Amy is I don't know. I still can't figure out why Amy has moved to another continent for this man.


The other thing that drives me insane about this situation is a general concern I have about black and brown people who are so eager to marry into racist families when their partner does not show any ability to defend them or stand up to his/her parents. I just don't get it. I wonder if on some level you do believe yourself unworthy because why else volunteer to receive such poor treatment? I also cannot believe a family full of people who were of age during South African apartheid have not provided Amy any council on why this is a bad idea for herself and her future children. I know people who grew up with grandparents who loved and acknowledged all the grandkids in the family except them. It's horrible. Amy, please do not do this.


Lastly, I don't know the laws of Penn, but Amy might later regret not having a pre-nup.

It's not THAT weird. My husband and I have a 2009 Nissan that unlocks with a physical key. We were too frugal to pay for keyless entry (and only bought a brand-new car because of Cash for Clunkers).


The way Danny spoke about his family meeting Amy's family really rubbed me the wrong way, too--he was talking about how "overwhelming" it would be for his family. He certainly didn't speak that way about Amy meeting his family, and she was alone; his family has each other.

I agree with you lisalionheart. I wonder how overwhelmed Danny will feel if one of their children has kinky hair or is darker than a manila envelope? Neither he nor Amy have any concept of what they are signing up for.

  • Love 7

Aziza from last season's parents wanted to come, but they were turned down for travel visas.  Never said why.  I think money was the factor for the rest of last year's families from sitting out, and probably this year's too.  Amy's family may have money, or they may travel abroad frequently, and have the travel visas already sewn up.

US tourist visas are very difficult for Russians to get. If Amy's family is wealthy enough to pay for all of those family members to come to the wedding, that makes them more likely to be granted a visa.

Edited by deltaburkefan

I still can't figure out why Amy has moved to another continent for this man.

My only guess is that Danny is her first real boyfriend/first love. She might just be very sheltered and inexperienced due to being a young, wealthy, only child from a religious family. But, IMHO, that is all the more reason to wait and not rush into an international marriage. Danny is clean cut, but he's not especially handsome. And he is so tiny that Amy probably carried him around in her pocket on campus. 

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There is a link to TLC's site for bonus clips and full shows online, which has its own thread here in this forum. If you find other links that are NOT spoilers, you may post them there.

All other links -- Facebook, Twitter, any other reputable sites for gossip or spoilers -- need to stay within the Media Links/Spoilers thread.

It's just a reminder because there are a lot of readers here who don't want to know what's getting ready to happen next on the show, so it's a courtesy to them. You'd be amazed at how many people hit these threads that just read. :)


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It's not THAT weird. My husband and I have a 2009 Nissan that unlocks with a physical key. We were too frugal to pay for keyless entry (and only bought a brand-new car because of Cash for Clunkers).

Me too.  My keyless entry remote malfunctioned, was not covered under warranty, and I was not about to spend $200 to get a new one and get it coded.

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I have a totally different take on Cassia then most other people. She seems to resent ANY time Jason spends working. What would she do if she was with a person who worked outside of the home for 8+ hours a day and she couldn't go with him? Some days he says he is only gone for a couple of hours and she complains that he is giving attention to something else other than her. I just don't get it. If he didn't have a job she wouldn't be here. I think she is a bit immature.

I questioned this the first time she through a fit about him 'working'.   He may be on his computer/phone 24/7 and if so then that would annoy the crap out of me... but from what we're seen, she's acting like a spoiled brat 


I don't remember if Amy ever mentioned her own father. Is he alive? If he is, I hope he's Billy Blanks or some ridiculously huge Goliath of a man who will make piece o' shit dad pee on himself. Although Danny's mother seems very sweet, I could not, with any confidence, leave my children in her care, knowing what kind of asshole she lives with. But I hope Amy runs far and fast before any children are conceived with this foolish boy.


i think they only mentioned that it was only amy and her mom growing up. the only mention of the dad was this last episode when her mom made one comment about him... oh, how he wanted the big wedding and she was glad she went along with it. 

That's really sad that the day before your wedding you're seriously having to reconsider doing it because there is a more than 50% chance that your husband is going to destroy you as soon as he gets what he wants from you, to top it off you're being reminded of this by one of your best friends who just went through it. No mention of love or broken hearts if it doesn't work out. It's just so cold, sterile, and methodical.

Danielle has been living her life in survival mode for so long she doesn't even remember how to dream.

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