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S02.E05: Regent

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The CC for Aegon's treatment was almost worse than the sight of it, *squelching pus*.

So Aemond's got what he wanted, at the cost of his own family. Small price to pay, I guess.

I loved Rheana shaking Corlys out his grief-stricken stupor.

This was pretty much a palate-cleanser episode, like GoT after big battles.

ETA: I screwed up the episode number, hopefully mods can fix?


Edited by AimingforYoko
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Alicent to Cole: well bye bitch. You're useless and I never liked you anyway.

I liked the council meeting where Ali realized just how little authority she really had as everyone just talked over her.

I am really, really tired of the pervy Daemon dreams. It's overplayed by now. This time he bangs his mum?

Edited by Is Everyone Gone
  • Like 10

Good job, Cristy and Aemond. Parading Meleys' head through the streets of Kings Landing has taught the small folk that the dragons and, by extension, the Targaryens themselves, are not the gods they'd been led to believe. Now the small folk know they're flesh and blood like any other animal and human. Will they do something about it tomorrow? No as they're focused on getting food but the seed is planted and it could lead to an uprising in the shadow of the Red Keep.

There's not a single Targ who isn't super creepy when it comes to the Team Incest thing but Daemon manages to be the creepiest of them all. The hallucinations are because of external forces but I think it's his own brain choosing what to see so he's the one deciding to fantasize about screwing his mother. Who knew marrying his own niece would NOT be the creepiest thing about him?

I bet Alicent and Cristy aren't done fucking but they're no longer pretending to be friends now that he's sided with Aemond against her. I'll grant her confidence in making a claim to be the Regent but she still managed to be naive in thinking that room would actually vote in her favor. You and your father based your coup on Rhaenyra's vagina so don't act surprised and hurt when they reveal to value yours as little as hers.

Jace did well in his meeting with the less disgusting Frey ancestors and his dragon is a pretty shade of green. Once again a stark contrast between Rhaenyra's relationship with her kids and Alicent with hers. Maybe Alicent will turn out to get along well with Daeron whenever he shows up but I doubt it. I don't know if it will occur to any of the Greens to find dragon riders to add support to their cause but I'm so ready to watch Jace and Rhaenyra go searching. Lots of potential.

This is episode 5 by the way.

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I loved that people were talking back to Daemon this episode - Alys, Simon, and the disgruntled nobility.  He isn't shit and I'm glad people aren't all rolling over for him.  It's disgusting he dreamed of fucking his own mother.  I'm surprised he isn't more hostile to Alys, since he knows she's a witch and he's having hallucinations all the time. 

I'm glad the King's Landing people didn't cheer at the sight of Meleys' head.  Criston is a fool and a coward, I'm glad Alicent dumped his sorry ass.

The extreme close-ups on what happened to Aegon were gross.

Rhaenyra seems to be treading water.  Daemon was supposed to be her big gun, but he seems to be an enemy now and her own people seem to be loosing faith in her.  I wonder if she's going to get a win anytime soon. 

Edited by peridot
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This was very much a team black episode.

The decision to parade Melys's head and the revelation about the mortality of dragons was a foolish move, and I fear it may have serious consequences in the future. I suspect it was Cole's misguided idea.

Alicent, this is what happens when you, as the queen, parade in misogyny. Larys is right can't start a war over Rhae's right to rule while at the same time having a queen regent. Kinda kills the message. Yea Larys and Cole betrayed you, but they were right. Looks like Aemond might at least be more sensible by having the rat-catchers cut down.

Not sure how I feel about Baela scolding Corlys while he just sits there and takes it. He doesn't strike me as somebody who would listen. I'll take it because it at least gives Baela something to do. 

Lady of the Vale being pissed that she was given baby dragons is relatable. I'd be pissed as well since they're providing very little protection.

They're really playing up this sexism. Gentler sex? Could ole dude have been more condescending? Glad Rhaenyra sent him to be smacked around by Damon.

The Damon stuff is boring. I'm getting the feeling that Helena will be Aemond's Alys Rivers.

I dig Jace's relationship with his mother. He's a hothead, and it annoys her, but she accepts it to a certain level because he means well and gets results. Love their plotting at the end. I especially love that they're finally addressing the unmanned dragons that they have access to.

Team Green might be in serious trouble as the only advantage they have is Vhagar.  A starving kings landing is serving as a prison at the moment.




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1 minute ago, Is Everyone Gone said:

Anyone think Aemond is actually the best choice to lead at the moment? He's not a good person (nobody on Team Green is, and neither is Team Black tbh), but he appears to be calm and calculating. 

He may be the best choice in the sense that there aren't any good ones but I think he's already doing a bad job by locking everyone in Kings Landing with no food. 

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When Heleana looks at you in that way and asks you that question you have screwed the pooch young sir.

Harrenhall is deconstructing Daemon and I could have lived without seeing his desire for his own mother.  I think Alys has gotten a whiff that Daemon may have a side that is not decent but maybe in the neighborhood of capable of it. You have to tear it out of him kicking and screaming.

Aegon's suffering makes him so human and frail looking.   While Aemond looks less and less human by the scene.

A long time ago French aristos learned in a very brutal way that you shouldn't drive the people beyond the breaking point.  I think the brain trust of Kings landing is about the find out what happens when the Hoi Polloi  gets pissed.

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Finally Crispy got too much dip on his chip. Poor Meleys; and dare I ask what happened to Rhaenys' body? (Having flashbacks of what happened to Rob and his direwolf... shudder) I really could have done without watching the maesters peel Valyrian steel off of Aegon. Now Alicent wants to play the Game of Thrones? Too bad she is female. 

Rhaenyra had no real choice but to make Corlys her Hand. He does have reason to be salty about all the losses he endured; but he should take Rhaenyra's offer. That backhanded offering of Driftmark to Baela? That wasn't right. He needs to stop disrespecting Rhaena! Speaking of Rhaena, she appears to be having a time in the Vale. Jayne Arryn is a spitfire, but alas, she also suffers from that pesky female condition. I'm glad that Rhaena at least let her know not to talk crazy to her. Yes, Rhaenyra knew she wanted a fighting dragon, but what could she do? I don't think that Rhaena is going to Pentos anytime soon, so hopefully she and the boys will be relatively safe for now.

At least Ser Alfred respects his Queen a little. I wonder how successful he will be in getting Daemon back into the game.  So Daemon does want to claim King's Landing for himself. And yet again, he doesn't give clear instructions. Simon Strong made me snort laugh when he told Daemon of the "complications" of his mission in the Riverlands.

I have to admit. Jace was a bit slick, but not slick enough to keep his mother from knowing where he went. Now, the dragonseeds have been introduced into the storyline (spoiled by book readers, of course); since Rhaenyra can't go out and make war, she can research to strengthen her advantage.

20 minutes ago, Is Everyone Gone said:

Anyone think Aemond is actually the best choice to lead at the moment? He's not a good person (nobody on Team Green is, and neither is Team Black tbh), but he appears to be calm and calculating. 

While Aemond certainly doesn't have the temperament to be a good leader, he certainly is the smartest of Team Green at the moment. He cut down the ratcatchers, only to seal King's Landing up to keep the smallfolk from leaving...


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I thought Daemon was dreaming about Aemma, Viserys’s wife. Actress looked the same, that was supposed to be his mother 🤢 

I liked this episode, I felt like we were getting some more plotting. I have to give it to Jacerys, he’s at least making moves and wants to fight but his dragon is young. Speaking of dragons, parading Meleys was not a good idea at all. The small folk are already on edge and starving and now they’re scared of dragon retribution and being locked in. Aemond may be good for war but he will suck at diplomacy and everything else. I’m assuming that Alicent is referring to him being a monster ? She clearly knew he had something to do with Aegon’s condition. Speaking of Aegon, ick he looked bad and he said “mummy” just as Alicent walked out. At least now I know she cares a bit for her kids. Next weeks preview looks interesting with Aemond/Aegon. 

About Daemon, looks like he knows that Aemond is in his own image. However, I am tired, tired of him being in some side story time for him to be in the main plot. Surprising he let those people live and didn’t burn them with his dragon, but clearly he’s thinking strategically he needs men not burnt corpses.

Baela was great this episode. Loved her response to Corlys offering her Driftmark - she’s a dragon. 

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I initially wanted to quote Brooklyn Nine-Nine's "Why is No One Having a Good Time?  I Specifically Requested It!" line for Cole and how his "Lets parade Meleys severed head amongst the common folks" idea backfired miserably, but I feel dirty even comparing fucking Cole to CAPTAIN Raymond Holt!  But, yeah, he wanted his moment to posture and gloat, and all he's done is made the common folks realize the dragons are not immortal and maybe, just maybe, the Targaryens themselves aren't as strong as they want everyone to think.  Whoops!

So, Aegon isn't out of the game yet (and it sounds like even Sunfyre isn't?  Was confused about that part), but he's definitely seen better days.  But while he's bedridden, a new Regent is running the show and despite Alicent's best efforts, it's actually Aemond larege and in charge!  Hey, at least one of his first acts was to cut down all of the dead rat-catchers, so he's at least got that going for him.  Granted he's also locking all of the common folks inside King's Landing against their will, so that probably won't really endear him.

At first, I thought Daemon was hallucinating himself hooking up with Aemma; as some form of him wishing he had everything Viserys had; but nope, it was.... his mother.  Nothing else really to say, honestly.  Not even surprised at this point.  But I do think I'm at the point where this whole plot has run it's course, so hopefully we'll be moving past trippy Harrenhal shenanigans soon.  At least it's now more in the open that he really is trying to make his own play here, and that will likely not sit well with Rhaenyra.  Also liked seeing a glimpse of Laena.  I do think he really did care for her in his own weird way.

Cool seeing an Arryn ancestor!  And some Freys... well, actually, I'm usually not about mass murder, but I kept thinking Jace could have solved a lot of future problems if he let his dragon roast that entire family!

Rhaenyra and Daemon might be cratering, but that leaves Jace and Baela as new potential power couple!  They both came through big time here.

Rhaenyra (and Jace) are finally going to try and recruit some folks to ride those big ass dragons they have in the basement!  They just need to have some Targaryen blood in them!  How much is needed will be determined if the dragons don't just roast any candidates on the spot!

Kind of a typical "follow up to a previously big episode" that was kind of slow and felt almost fillerish at times.  But I'm curious to see what is in store for the final episodes of the season.

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"But I never thought the dragons would eat MY face," cried Alicent, Dowager Queen of the Dragons-Eating-Faces lineage

Larys said basically exactly what I was thinking, which makes me feel like I need a shower. It's all well and good that Alicent knows how to do stuff, and she was absolutely right about herself (and about her son), but she was the one who went full steam ahead with the patriarchy to begin with; did she really think that doors she was happy to shut wouldn't be shut on her in turn, by her own logic? But I did enjoy that moment where she looked about ready to flip the table and kill everybody in that room. If only.

It was intriguing to see that Criston seemed genuinely shaken by his experience at Rook's Rest, and that probably caused him to miscalculate with parading Meleys around like a trophy. I guess from what I'm given to understand about Dorne, they never had the same level of reverence for dragons there as any of the other kingdoms did, so maybe it's a bit of culture shock. Maybe he'll suck a tiny bit less now that he's seen that stuff up close.

The less said about Aegon's scenes, the better. Cooked into his own armor, yikes.

I'm actually enjoying the smallfolk perspective as well, because they're maybe the only people in this show who are completely innocent as far as this war goes. For example, I didn't expect to see Dyana at all after she was dismissed from the Red Keep, but we've seen her a couple of times now. I'm interested to see how Mysaria's plan develops.

If that's Daemon's mother, does that make him a moth--eh, I guess we already knew that anyway. Honestly, it seems like he's one of those people who tends to be his own worst enemy. He may be dangerous to the people against him, but for his own cause he's basically lethal. There was something gallant about him being willing to pick up an axe and join in the restoration efforts, but of course that was hugely overshadowed by him going on his old fallback of doing war crimes. Good luck to Sir Alfred, since we've already seen Daemon go ape on one messenger.

Not sure what to expect re: Rhaenyra and Jace casting about with 23andMe but maybe they'll get that guy from the tavern that was bragging about being an illegitimate Targaryen. It's a bit wild to think that he might end up riding Vermithor or something. I am glad that Rhaenyra decided to make Corlys her Hand; it seemed overdue tbh. I was surprised that she hadn't made Rhaenys the Hand before, but at least now she has one.

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3 hours ago, thuganomics85 said:

(and it sounds like even Sunfyre isn't?  Was confused about that part),

The guy said they'd left a small force to protect their newly acquired castle (Rook's Rest) and a dragon, meaning Sunfyre.

He then added that Sunfyre took a long time to die. So, Rook's Rest is now being protected only by the men they left behind and Sunfyre is no more (RIP).

Basically, that castle can be taken back by the Blacks in a sneak attack with a couple of young dragons, just as long as Vhagar doesn't show up. But the overall point, I think, is that such a small castle can be taken back and forth by Green/Black and it's really of no great consequence in the war. It wouldn't provide more territory, or a significant amount of men.

The only reason the Greens took it, was because it was close to Dragonstone. They were trying to send the message to Rae that they were stronger and could get close to her, taking a castle right under her nose. They didn't achieve any significant advantage, lost a dragon in the process, and probably their King (I suspect given the extent and severity of Aegon's wounds, he's not long for this world). And they got a real psycho as Regent to boot. Cole knows it. He lied about what he saw because he's afraid Aemond will come for him. If Aemond could fry his own brother, what would he care about Cole?

I think Allicent realised, during the Small Council, that the only reason she was Regent when Viserys was incapacitated was because her father was Hand. She understood she never had any real power because none of these men would actually follow a woman. They all believed her father was the real power behind the throne. Otto chose her as Regent because he didn't have any claim and the children were too young.

If she had any introspection at all, she might have even sympathised with Rhaenyra at that moment. But who knows? At the very least, she now knows how disposable they all think she is, and how very little power she really has. I suspect she'll be in survival mode from now until the war ends, or she dies, whichever comes first.

Edited by WearyTraveler
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38 minutes ago, ottoDbusdriver said:

Rook's Rest is quite a way from Kings Landing and should have taken days if not weeks to get to King's Landing by land.

Aegon should have already been dead by the time he was returned for treatment of his wounds suffered in battle -- but it looked like he was fresh from the battlefield.  

True, considering that it probably took some effort to cut Meleys' head off. The handwave explanation could be that Vhagar brought Aegon back to King's Landing...

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The little dog was still hanging around his master's corpse when they cut it down, and he followed the cart of dead bodies out into the courtyard. My eyes started to puddle up when I saw that. And now that Kings Landing is on lockdown the poor puppy will probably be eaten by starving peasants. I hope they don't make that a scene in a future episode.

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23 minutes ago, Stardancer Supreme said:

True, considering that it probably took some effort to cut Meleys' head off. The handwave explanation could be that Vhagar brought Aegon back to King's Landing...

Vhagar had already broken Meleys's neck, so the handwave is that the impact from her fall snapped the head clean off.

9 hours ago, scarynikki12 said:

I don't know if it will occur to any of the Greens to find dragon riders to add support to their cause but I'm so ready to watch Jace and Rhaenyra go searching. Lots of potential.

Do the Greens actually have any spare dragons?  Seems like all of the unclaimed ones like to hang out on Dragonstone.  Maybe there are a few eggs and hatchlings at the Dragonpit, but that doesn't solve the immediate issue.

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5 hours ago, DigitalCount said:


"But I never thought the dragons would eat MY face," cried Alicent, Dowager Queen of the Dragons-Eating-Faces lineage


How does that crow taste, Alicent? You usurp the throne for your unbalanced son on the basis that women are unfit to rule…and then have the audacity to get upset that they won’t let you be regret because they believed your family you claimed women are unfit to rule. Didn’t quite think that through, did ya?!

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2 hours ago, baldryanr said:

Vhagar had already broken Meleys's neck, so the handwave is that the impact from her fall snapped the head clean off.

Do the Greens actually have any spare dragons?  Seems like all of the unclaimed ones like to hang out on Dragonstone.  Maybe there are a few eggs and hatchlings at the Dragonpit, but that doesn't solve the immediate issue.


dreamfyre, Helaena’s dragon, is older and experienced, but she doesn’t do that kind of flying

Edited by Affogato
Maybe spoiler sorry
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And we thought Aemond had mommy issues!

Also, for all the bullshit about Aemond 'stealing' Vhagar, turns out it's not the first time someone claimed a dragon to whom someone else thought they had a right.  Huh.

Alicent was correct about being the best choice for regent but Larys pointed out the problem with it.  Some, if not most, of the houses supporting Aegon are doing so because they don't want a woman on the throne, so a female regent was not going to fly.

I love Aemond, but oh, this prince regent thing is NOT going to go well.

Rhaenyra has been absolute shit at conducting a war.  She should've been the one sending Jace to the Twins, not him having to do it on his own.  And she should've reined in Daemon right after he left.  At least she's finally getting a clue but damned if she hasn't left it late.  That the side who had to do their coup planning in secret, thus limited their reaching out to form alliances, is so far ahead of the woman who expected to succeed is down to her wishy-washyness.

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Am I remembering correctly that Daemon’s mother died in childbirth?

ETA: Yes, Alyssa died giving birth to a third son, Aegon, who died shortly after birth.  Daemon was about 3-4 years old  

I thought the blonde woman was Aemma at first too but then she called him “my favourite son” 🤮

Edited by PatsyandEddie
Addition info added
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10 hours ago, scarynikki12 said:

I don't know if it will occur to any of the Greens to find dragon riders to add support to their cause

I don't think they have any spare dragons.

10 hours ago, Stardancer Supreme said:

So Daemon does want to claim King's Landing for himself.

Was there really any doubt about that?

10 hours ago, bluvelvet said:

I thought Daemon was dreaming about Aemma, Viserys’s wife. Actress looked the same, that was supposed to be his mother 🤢 

It wasn't the same actress.  Emeline Lambert played Alyssa Targaryen in this episode.  Sian Brooke was Aemma Arryn in season 1.

10 hours ago, thuganomics85 said:

So, Aegon isn't out of the game yet (and it sounds like even Sunfyre isn't?  Was confused about that part), but he's definitely seen better days. 

Sounds like Cole expects Sunfyre to die but the dragon isn't dead yet.  I think.

1 hour ago, Spartan Girl said:

You usurp the throne for your unbalanced son on the basis that women are unfit to rule

That wasn't Alicent's reasoning.  It was Otto's and everyone else's, but she thought Viserys had changed his mind.  She heard what she wanted to hear, of course, but that doesn't mean she didn't truly believe it.

1 hour ago, Lamima said:

It was Aema the first wife of Viserys and mother of Raenerya. The dream was meant to show that Daemon wants everything his brother had. Probably even his mother's love.

No, it wasn't Aemma.  It was a completely different actress.

8 minutes ago, PatsyandEddie said:

Am I remembering correctly that Daemon’s mother died in childbirth?

I thought the blonde woman was Aemma at first too but then she called him “my favourite son” 🤮

I knew it wasn't Aemma because it didn't look like her except for the blonde hair.  Couldn't figure out who it was until that line, though.  As you say, 🤮

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Not sure how Corlys as the hand will fly; I'd imagine that a couple of weeks of people deferring to Corlys will probs piss Rhae off. Also, it's kinda crazy that she's just getting a hand. 

I tend to believe most Targ kings(or kings in general) would be shit without a proper hand. Hell, Joffrey had a decent reign, and he was worse than anybody on this show in terms of ruling. 

Love that Daemon tries to threaten with his dragon and the Brackens (?) just dare him to use it, thereby calling his bluff.

This show shows the importance of training for king. Neither show had any real training to rule and the lack of training shows.

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13 hours ago, AimingforYoko said:

The CC for Aegon's treatment was almost worse than the sight of it, *squelching pus*.

So Aemond's got what he wanted, at the cost of his own family. Small price to pay, I guess.

I loved Rheana shaking Corlys out his grief-stricken stupor.

This was pretty much a palate-cleanser episode, like GoT after big battles.

ETA: I screwed up the episode number, hopefully mods can fix?


I believe that you are able to edit the titles you create since the shows don’t have specific moderators

Edited by Affogato
12 hours ago, Is Everyone Gone said:

Anyone think Aemond is actually the best choice to lead at the moment? He's not a good person (nobody on Team Green is, and neither is Team Black tbh), but he appears to be calm and calculating. 

Hmm. His decision to lock the gates wasn't bright but he is young. He does seem decisive and prepared. Professional.  

I loved the nearly silent scene with Alicient and him when she looks down at his dagger. 

He is such a silent character which is a pity. He has a nice voice.

I think it's interesting that Allicent is questioning his fitness to lead. Neither of her sons is a prize. And she was there the whole time! 



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I liked seeing the Freys and the Riverland lords. And how in some ways they have forgotten what a dragon can do. 

It's also interesting that Rhynaera is just now realizing she needs to get battle ready. One thing I appreciated about Arya was her 8 season journey to becoming a skilled fighter. I can't believe that none of women dragon riders bothered to get some martial training! As if the dragon was enough.

I like seeing her do research but it feels a bit late!

I am also tired of Daemon tripping out in Harrenhall although it is showing his ability to be patient. He doesn't execute people for being straight speakers.

It would be interesting if he actually IS being poisoned. There's so much food in his scenes.






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When Alicent walked out of Aegon's room and you could hear him quietly calling "Mummy" I actually went "Awwww!"

I also loved the scene where the camera lingers on Alicent's fuming face at the small council meeting after Aemond is voted regent. 

Really, really bored with Daemon's endless hallucinations or visions or whatever the hell is happening to him. This strikes me as stalling. I'm not overly familiar with the source material but I'm guessing the character doesn't have a lot to do during this part of the story but they have to keep the actor busy so we get these never ending pointless scenes just to keep him on the show.

Good episode otherwise, not what I expected in terms of fallout. They took down Meleys but things aren't going so well for Team Green.

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2 hours ago, proserpina65 said:

Alicent was correct about being the best choice for regent but Larys pointed out the problem with it.  Some, if not most, of the houses supporting Aegon are doing so because they don't want a woman on the throne, so a female regent was not going to fly.

Maybe she's the best choice compared to Aemond, but how is she a good choice in general?  Has she studied battle tactics and strategy?  Does she know how to navigate the petty self interests of the Small Council without Otto to back her up?  Hoping for peace and praying to the Gods isn't all that useful as a strategy.

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10 minutes ago, baldryanr said:

Maybe she's the best choice compared to Aemond, but how is she a good choice in general?  Has she studied battle tactics and strategy?  Does she know how to navigate the petty self interests of the Small Council without Otto to back her up?  Hoping for peace and praying to the Gods isn't all that useful as a strategy.

Well, I did mean out of what was available.  It was either her or Aemond.

2 minutes ago, proserpina65 said:

Well, I did mean out of what was available.  It was either her or Aemond.

I suppose Otto could return. Aemond certainly knows the power of staying silent.

I kind of hope Haelena gets to play a bigger role. The fact she is always lurking makes her possible player. But again we have another female dragon rider with seemingly zero martial skills. Only Baela with her aggressive father and assertive mother seems to have any training. With Rhyners gone she may be the new quiet badass. All the Blacks trust and value her. She sensible and brave. If she can avoid being sidelined by pregnancy, she could be a very effective war leader.

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Rhaenyra sending ser Alfred to get Daemon into line might be one of the dumbest ideas anyone has had in the entire show and that's saying something. It would take a lot of time since he ain't a dragon or a raven and Daemon barely obeys Rhaenyra when she is around, why would he listen to this guy? Rhaenyra whining that she "must wait here" is pretty funny considering her jaunt to King's Landing mere days ago and the fact that she claims to be queen, so she is free to do whatever she wants, regardless if her councilors agree or not.  And it sucks that she wasn't taught how to fight as a child but she has had many years ruling over her own household in which she could have taken lessons in swordfighting or whatever if she wanted. Not that I see what use this kind of thing would be to a dragonrider, mind you.

Daemon's "innovative" method of defeating a noble house by burning and pillages some villages did make me chuckle. This was literally warfare 101 in an era where every minor lord had a stone castle that could take a lot of time to conquer via a siege, so you hit them in the pocket as a matter of course. It was cruel and inhumane, of course, but entirely expected. Very much not something a guy with Daemon's rap sheet of all people would have nightmares about.

So Rhaenyra still hasn't raised any army on Dragonstone? What about Corlys' men, are they all sailors and marines or they are chilling in their castles too for some arcane reason? Speaking of sailors, Rhaenyra's blockading the capital, the people are starving because of that and yet Mysaria thinks they will rise to defeat thousands of armored men and a huge dragon?

Speaking of that, why is the Greens brain trust trying to keep people in the capital? Starving people and a crowded city means they are begging for an epidemic in addition to the thousands dying of hunger and dead people don't tend to pay much taxes, you know.

Why is Alicent surprised she was snubbed for the regent position? Aemond just won a big victory, is a man and a Targaryen. When she was a regent, it was Otto calling the shots anyway, wasn't it?

5 hours ago, ottoDbusdriver said:

Aegon should have already been dead by the time he was returned for treatment of his wounds suffered in battle -- but it looked like he was fresh from the battlefield.  

The fake out with the "corpse" Aegon was entirely too long as well. And yeah, if he really had such burns and a gazillion broken bones, no way he would have survived a bumpy road of so many miles. And even if he had, someone would have wondered why his brother didn't use Vhagar as the fastest and coolest ambulance ever.

Edited by Jack Shaftoe
  • Like 7
3 hours ago, proserpina65 said:

And we thought Aemond had mommy issues!

Also, for all the bullshit about Aemond 'stealing' Vhagar, turns out it's not the first time someone claimed a dragon to whom someone else thought they had a right.  Huh.

Rhaena was really the one that said that and she was what, 7 or 8 at the time right after her mom died. While her sister and cousins were there as to support her & may have believe it a little as well because they were all more children than Aemond, none of the adults confirmed with her that Aemond "stole" Vhager.  But it allowed Aemond to have his self pitying declaration that he traded his eye for a dragon, when really he lost his eye because he insulted Rhaena and she lost her temper and attacked him, thereby getting Baela, Jace and Luc involved and the fight escalating. 


Alicent was correct about being the best choice for regent but Larys pointed out the problem with it.  Some, if not most, of the houses supporting Aegon are doing so because they don't want a woman on the throne, so a female regent was not going to fly.

I love Aemond, but oh, this prince regent thing is NOT going to go well.

Two things were working against Alicent: she has no real blood right for the position and two of her older sons of age. It was one thing when Viserys was alive and bedridden, because her position was equal to his and he was still alive, but now that he is dead, she has to publicly defer to Aegon and unfortunately Aemond is next in line and is of age. 


Rhaenyra has been absolute shit at conducting a war.  She should've been the one sending Jace to the Twins, not him having to do it on his own.  And she should've reined in Daemon right after he left.  At least she's finally getting a clue but damned if she hasn't left it late.  That the side who had to do their coup planning in secret, thus limited their reaching out to form alliances, is so far ahead of the woman who expected to succeed is down to her wishy-washyness.

Of course Rhanerya would be jumpy sending out Jace again. She is now thinking too much like a mother and not enough like a Queen. Luc died in what was supposed to be a relatively safe trip to send a message, now they are at war. And who the hell reigns in Daemon? In episode 1x03, Lord Lyonel Strong mentioned that the even Jaehaerys had trouble reigning in his own children and he was their dad. Look what happened to Aegon when he went off to war. No one is mentioning that Jace and Baela should be getting a quickie marriage and have Baela produce an heir so their line is less vulnerable. 

2 hours ago, Oscirus said:

Not sure how Corlys as the hand will fly; I'd imagine that a couple of weeks of people deferring to Corlys will probs piss Rhae off. Also, it's kinda crazy that she's just getting a hand. 

I believe before Daemon got a toddler murdered in his bed, he was the defacto Hand. He sat in the position when she was running her small council meeting. Then it Princess Rhaenys, who was always present. 

  • Like 2
30 minutes ago, Jack Shaftoe said:

So Rhaenyra still hasn't raised any army on Dragonstone? What about Corlys' men, are they all sailors and marines or they are chilling in their castles too for some arcane reason? Speaking of sailors, Rhaenyra's blockading the capital, the people are starving because of that and yet Mysaria thinks they will rise to defeat thousands of armored men and a huge dragon?


I imagine that Corlys is her navy and they're currently participating in the kings landing blockage

  • Like 5
57 minutes ago, Jack Shaftoe said:

Speaking of sailors, Rhaenyra's blockading the capital, the people are starving because of that and yet Mysaria thinks they will rise to defeat thousands of armored men and a huge dragon?

She's not talking about the smallfolk marching out into the open field.  If they get desperate enough, the people could riot, and those thousands of armored men aren't all inside the city.  Even if Vhagar answered a telepathic distress call from Aemond and roasted the rioters the collateral damage would be enormous.  It's not a good look if you destroy your own home.

  • Like 4
10 minutes ago, Uncle JUICE said:

YOU WERE ON JEAOPARDY? Honestly, I didn't think you could get much cooler, and that's not me being sarcastic! :)

I don't know about me being cool, but yes, I was on Jeopardy in 2008.  I didn't win but it was a great experience.  And I got to meet Alex Trebek, which definitely was cool.

1 hour ago, Ambrosefolly said:

Rhaena was really the one that said that and she was what, 7 or 8 at the time right after her mom died.

I wasn't referring to the kids on the show.

  • Like 2
1 hour ago, Ambrosefolly said:

I believe before Daemon got a toddler murdered in his bed, he was the defacto Hand. He sat in the position when she was running her small council meeting. Then it Princess Rhaenys, who was always present. 

Problem was, neither were named as Hand, and obviously Rhaenys had no authority to act in Rhaenyra's stead while she was away on her stupid mission to Kings Landing.

  • Useful 1
44 minutes ago, baldryanr said:

She's not talking about the smallfolk marching out into the open field.  If they get desperate enough, the people could riot, and those thousands of armored men aren't all inside the city.  Even if Vhagar answered a telepathic distress call from Aemond and roasted the rioters the collateral damage would be enormous.  It's not a good look if you destroy your own home.

…and roasting your own capital city is a quick way to lose allies.

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