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S02.E04: A Dance Of Dragons

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Having read the book, I knew the fate awaiting the fabulous Rhaenys.  I was hoping the showrunners might change the story somewhat to keep Eve Best on longer, but no such luck.  For a minute I thought she was going to leave and flee back to Dragonstone, until she foolishly decided to take on Vhaegar.......we will miss you Rhaenys!

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I thought Rhaenyra had the foresight to let her council know where she was.  If I was on her council, I would be so pissed that the Queen and King just leave without providing any updates.

Harrenhal is a creepy place.  I'm surprised that Daemon drank the potion that Alys gave him.  I wonder if she's working a spell on him to drive him insane?  He's such an asshole to suggest that the Tully kid kill his grandfather just to get power.  I was shocked that he killed his wife during his dream/vision.  I guess they really are done.

I was surprised that Cole went behind Aegon's back to plan the ambush.  He doesn't even try to appear honorable anymore.  Holy crap at the murder attempt by Aemond, though!  Wasn't he worried about what the witnesses would say?

I teared up a bit at Rhaenys' death.  I thought she was home free and that giant dragon jumped out.  I hated that she saw the proof of her husband's infidelity right before she passed.

The dragon fights were really cool.  I jumped a few times.

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I really appreciate Alicent telling Aegon to his face he's nothing more than a figurehead. She should have followed up with the truth that he's existence is to ensure the Hightower hold on power but I think he'd have probably attacked her in response so it's wise she didn't.

I'm far more entertained by Daemon's vision quest than I thought. He's so freaked out by what he's seeing.  It's great.

I'm glad Jace feels secure in his position to speak up at the council. It was a nice contrast to Aegon who doesn't care to know things but also wants to be ignorant in charge. Then Rhaenyra told Jace the story. Their relationship also stands out in contrast to the other familial ones on the show including her own with Viserys.

This episode really demonstrated why it's a bad idea for the Hand and the Lord Commander to be the same person. Cristy's out fighting battles and there was no one to keep things running in King's Landing and, more importantly, keep Aegon from doing stupid shit.

Sunfyre's a pretty dragon. Aegon doesn't deserve him. And I love me some Vhagar but I wish she was just hanging out, watching the fight and eating some popcorn, refusing to fight any more battles. I actually wish all the dragons had refused to fight each other but that was never going to happen.

There's no way in hell Aemond didn't know EXACTLY what he was doing when he told Vhagar to dracarys Aegon. He'll pretend his only thought was taking out Meleys but he knew the brother he hates was in the path and called it anyway. We said when Vhagar ate Luke his only recourse was to lean into the Kinslayer title and he did it twice. 

I know Aegon's not dead because Aemond had drawn his sword to finish the job (up to debate whether it would have been a mercy killing or one he'd relish doing up close). Aemond doesn't have to be successful when he goes after family members, he just needs to make the attempt. Alicent will be so proud.

RIP Rhaenys and Meleys. Imagine how things would have been if Jaehaerys and the aristocracy weren't such sexist assholes and let you be queen. 

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the dance has officially begun.

Aemond reading his brother for filth in valyrian was outstanding as  was his dont give a fuck attitude and blasting whoever got in his way. Should've treated him better Aegon.

Speaking of Aegon, Im hoping the historians change his name to Aegon the useless cuz he's just in the way and nobody even really fears him. 

Alicent doing the lord's work and making sure that Criston doesn't reproduce.  Dont get to whine about Aegon being a shit leader since you're solely responsible for putting him on the throne.

Jace showed why hed be a much better leader than Rhaenyra, he at least knows that her death/ disappearances are a bad thing. Cant imagine that she'll be able to protect Jace much longer.

So Daemon is actually needed, but he's wasting time in a broken castle that nobody really cares about other than the king. Cool dream sequence, but still, you're wasting time. 

R.i.p Rhaenys the queen that never was what a way to go out.

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2 minutes ago, peridot said:

I teared up a bit at Rhaenys' death.  I thought she was home free and that giant dragon jumped out. 

Vhagar has twice ambushed smaller dragons in a clear and open sky which really demonstrates how good she is in battle. She's so big and neither Arrax nor Meleys had an indication as to her presence when she made her final attack. I can only imagine what she was like at her peak. I also think Aemond still doesn't have the kind of bond with her he needs it's just their desires are aligned right now so she's not resisting him.

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RIP Meleys and Rhaenys - I knew it was going to happen but my heart broke for those dragons. Rhaenys got a few good licks in though with Vhagar. I had a few tears,  I will not lie.  I love those dragons

Sunfyre 😢

I really liked the bit with Aegon/Sunfyre before they flew out, where he was smiling and it looked like the dragon was smiling too.

Same with Meleys/Rhaenys before the battle - when she rested her head against Meleys - you could see the bonds between both sets..

 😭😭😭 😭😭

Edited by bluvelvet
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2 minutes ago, bluvelvet said:

I really liked the bit with Aegon/Sunfyre before they flew out, where he was smiling and it looked like the dragon was smiling too.

That was a nice moment for sure. In a different version of this story Aegon and Sunfyre would spend a lot of their time flying around together and enjoying the sights without a care. 

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Sunfyre is such a beautiful dragon, well was.

Tom  is such a fantastic actor that he is making me feel for Aegon in a way the character does not deserve on the page at all. When he leaned against his dragon and smiled...

Well, Aemond was already a kin slayer, he's only doubling down now.

Daemon better complete his vision quest soonish because the Blacks sure need him. I can't believe he actually drank the witch potion.

Last season I forgot sometimes where this was  all heading but now I have to face up to that it's all heading into the crapper.

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8 minutes ago, scarynikki12 said:

That was a nice moment for sure. In a different version of this story Aegon and Sunfyre would spend a lot of their time flying around together and enjoying the sights without a care. 


Agreed and Vhagar would be chilling somewhere eating cattle and enjoying her retirement.

Completely agree with whoever said Sunfyre is a beautiful dragon.

Have we ever seen Dreamfyre up close - Heleana's dragon.  Aemond got a Vhagar since he didn't bond with or claim a dragon early on.

I am noting the similar dragon names in families Syrax (Rhaenyra) Arrax (Lucerys), Vermax(Jacerys), Tyraxes (Joffrey).


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9 minutes ago, bluvelvet said:

RIP Meleys and Rhaenys - I knew it was going to happen but my heart broke for those dragons. Rhaenys got a few good licks in thought with Vhagar. I had a few tears,  I will not lie.  I love those dragons

You can see it coming. It just became "when" and you just had to brace for it.

11 minutes ago, scarynikki12 said:

Vhagar has twice ambushed smaller dragons in a clear and open sky which really demonstrates how good she is in battle. She's so big and neither Arrax nor Meleys had an indication as to her presence when she made her final attack. I can only imagine what she was like at her peak. I also think Aemond still doesn't have the kind of bond with her he needs it's just their desires are aligned right now so she's not resisting him.

I think we just witnessed the difference between an experienced rider and an inexperienced one (or two).

Rhaenys was experienced enough with her dragon to decently hold her own against two inexperienced riders. Meleys held her own against Vhagar, which was very cool to see. Unfortunately, they were ambushed which appears to be Vhagar's signature move.

I'm kind of hesitant to say Vhagar's ambushing skills means she's good in battle. I say that only because that won't be possible all the time. The setting was used to Vhagar's advantage where they had this cliff they hide behind and ambush (or in the sky where they use the clouds to cover their approach). In this one moment where Vhagar's opponent clearly sees her coming, the rider's inexperience shows.

9 minutes ago, Spartan Girl said:

Damn it, when will I learn not to get attached to GOT characters? RIP Rhaenys.

We need a red witch and the Lord of Light! Immediately!

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17 minutes ago, AntFTW said:

I think we just witnessed the difference between an experienced rider and an inexperienced one (or two).

Rhaenys was experienced enough with her dragon to decently hold her own against two inexperienced riders. Meleys held her own against Vhagar, which was very cool to see. Unfortunately, they were ambushed which appears to be Vhagar's signature move.

I'm kind of hesitant to say Vhagar's ambushing skills means she's good in battle. I say that only because that won't be possible all the time. The setting was used to Vhagar's advantage where they had this cliff they hide behind and ambush (or in the sky where they use the clouds to cover their approach). In this one moment where Vhagar's opponent clearly sees her coming, the rider's inexperience shows.


Id argue that Vhagar vs Meleys was more a case of Melys using Vhagars size against her. The way Vhagar quickly regrouped and got to hiding in the sky was a pretty good trick and since id imagine it was done at the direction of Aemond, Id argue he's fairly experienced probably learned that from the Luke death. The way to beat vhagar appears to be to get underneath her and don't let go.

With Melys gone, team black better find riders for those unaccompanied dragons asap.

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I wish Rhaenys had gotten some more licks in. Aemond is too cocky. 

Poor Sunfyre, probably never had any battle experience or training. I can see Aemond training with Vhagar but Sunfyre probably thought they were going for a joyride 😭 

Meleys knew what “attack” meant and I completely agree that Vhagar snuck up on Meleys. She was lucky there was space to hide.  I agree that getting under her is the way to go and just tear into her underbelly.  

Also - Corlys knows that’s his son?? I thought he was unaware. 

Edited by bluvelvet
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1 hour ago, Oscirus said:

Id argue that Vhagar vs Meleys was more a case of Melys using Vhagars size against her. The way Vhagar quickly regrouped and got to hiding in the sky was a pretty good trick and since id imagine it was done at the direction of Aemond, Id argue he's fairly experienced probably learned that from the Luke death. The way to beat vhagar appears to be to get underneath her and don't let go.

With Melys gone, team black better find riders for those unaccompanied dragons asap.

I'd agree. Vhagar is humongous. It seemed like Meleys was quicker and that worked for her. Vhagar being a very large dragon leaves a lot of room for Rhaenys and Meleys to get in, strike a blow, and get out.

For Rhaenys, it seems like she knows that enough to utilize it... but Rhaenys sure did take her sweet time leaving, enough time that it gave Aemond and Vhagar could set up for an ambush when she tries to head back to Dragsonstone.

Edited by AntFTW
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I hope Ser Criston and Aemond die the most slow and painful (think Ramsey) style death possible.

Eve Best, one of my favorites, gone way too soon.  She will be greatly missed.

I hate seeing any animal in pain so seeing what those dragons went through broke my heart.  I don't care that they're CGI.  I don't care if you laugh at me.  That was painful to watch.

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Episode title checks out.  There were dragons and there was... kind of a dance.

I knew shit was going to go down and it wouldn't be a happy one because as little as I think of Cole as a human being in general, even I know he wasn't stupid enough to just attack in daylight when he knows dragons were near-by.  So, I knew he had something up his sleeve and it ended up being a big one.  Damn Aemond and Big Ass Vhager show up and deal Team Black their biggest defeat yet.

Because, yep, Rhaenys; the Queen that Never Was; and poor Meleys are no more.  They put up a hell of a fight and had not one, but two other dragons on the ropes.  But in the end, I suspect Vhager's size and power were just never going to be toppled like this.  Damn, that was painful to watch.  Fare thee well, Rhaenys and Meleys.  Eve Best definitely left a lasting impression on this series.

That said, Team Green didn't get out unscathed as Aegon went all "I'm the king!" with the proceedings and rode into battle himself with Sunfyre.  And then preceding to get owned by Rhaenys at first and then Aemond "accidentally" roasted them mid-battle.  Yeah, I'm sure everyone with a working brain knows that Aemond was totally trying to take out his brother after everything he said and did.  You might want to rethink all of that taunting there, Aegon!  Seems like he's still alive though, but I'm curious to see how much damage he took.

Nice seeing the likes of Jace and Baela be more vocal and push back against the elder council folks.  I get their frustrations over Rhaenyra leaving like she did, but they seemed to be getting a bit full of themselves there.

Still mainly Team Black, but the Green Council are kind of sneaking up on me.  Their reactions with all of the squabbling were priceless.  Really want to know what they are saying about this family behind closed doors.

Sure, Alicent!  Just leave your Milk of the Poppy cup lying out in the open for any person or suspicious "ally" to see.  Really, I'm not sure if Larys is that intelligent or is she just making it that much easier for him to do his schemes.  Also pretty sure the Grand Maester knew exactly what was really going on when they had their little conversation earlier.

Meanwhile, Daemon seems to be having it easier compared to everyone else by trying to get the Blackwoods to rally behind them, bullying the poor Tullys, and continuing to have more hallucinations: this time of him killing a younger Rhaenyra himself and I think seeing himself as Aemond with the eye patch and everything?  I'm sure that will all come into play at some point, but for now, I'm just rolling with it since it's getting Milly Alcock back on the screen!

Brutal episode, but I have a feeling it will end up feeling much tamer when this is all said and done.  This is going to get ugly, y'all! 

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37 minutes ago, Oscirus said:

With Melys gone, team black better find riders for those unaccompanied dragons asap.

Enter Corlys' new sons? And the fact that Laenor's dragon was restless and circling around the younger one last week?

Fuck Vhagar and Fuckleberry McEyepatch and especially fuck Crispy Cole. When he gave that big sigh and got up, I threw the remote across the room. Yeah, I knew if was too soon for a most satisfying death of that POS, but I was still hopeful. 

And my my my MY, Queen Dowager of Hypocrisy. We certainly slammed that Plan B tea, didn't we? 

RIP, Rhaenys and Melys. I won't get over this one. Such was the trauma of their demise that King Rapey Dopey being incinerated was just an "ehhhh" on my radar. 


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I really hate Crispy and the Daemon wanna-be  which probably means they’re both not dying anytime soon. 

Yes the dragon deaths were painful. Sunfyre was with Aegon since the crib from what I read. I assume Meleys/Rhaenys was similar. So so sad 😞 

Daemon - stop having fever dreams and get your ass back to Dragonstone!!

Edited by bluvelvet
Corrected spelling.
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50 minutes ago, AntFTW said:

I'd agree. Vhagar is humongous. It seemed like Meleys is quicker and that worked for her. Vhagar being a very large dragon leaves a lot of room for Rhaenys and Meleys to get in, strike a blow, and get out.

For Rhaenys, it seems like she knows that enough to utilize it... but Rhaenys sure did take her sweet time leaving, enough time that it gave Aemond and Vhagar could set up for an ambush when she tries to head back to Dragsonstone.

Yeah it seemed like Rhaenys was looking to finish the job after her dragon knocked Vhagar to the ground.

That thing is humongous.  How is it not being seen and sneaking up on others?  Thing's breaths must make the earth rumble.

Previous episode, Baela saw men on horseback from way up high and Rhaenys was flying low, towards the castle when Vhagar attacked and she couldn't see that huge aircraft carrier sized thing?

So Rhaenys was only expecting to strafe Cole's forces on the ground, not deal with two dragons.  She was fighting both instead of fleeing after the first clash with Aegon's dragon.

Maybe she regretted not killing Aegon and Alicent and the rest of Team Green before so she got overaggressive.


Also, I thought dragons hadn't fought each other.  So how would the riders get experienced in dragon to dragon combat exactly?

Melysys clawed and took out chunks of both of the dragons' breasts.  That wounded the smaller dragon but apparently didn't slow down Vhagar very much.

It also seems like the long necks are an obvious weak spot of these dragons.  Even without decapitating them maybe rip out the artery feeing the brains?


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27 minutes ago, aghst said:

BTW, why did Damon's previous wife have Vhagar burn her?

She was sick or dying?


She wasn't going to survive childbirth so she had Vhagar roast her.

58 minutes ago, aghst said:

Yeah it seemed like Rhaenys was looking to finish the job after her dragon knocked Vhagar to the ground.

That thing is humongous.  How is it not being seen and sneaking up on others?  Thing's breaths must make the earth rumble.

...and where did Aemond find enough space to land and park that thing in a forest that was supposedly dense enough to hide from dragons?

ETA: They were chopping down some trees so they may have done that to hide Vhagar.

Edited by AntFTW
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54 minutes ago, Oscirus said:

Melys was rhaenys's grandma's dragon. She carried viserys on it as a baby.

Melys’s rider was Alyssa Targaryen prior to Rhaenys. Alyssa was Rhaenys’s aunt, not her grandmother. Alyssa was the sister of her father Aemon and mother to Viserys and Daemon. Alyssa took both Viserys and Daemon flying on Melys as babies. Rhaenys claimed Melys after Alyssa’s death.  Viserys and Daemon’s father Prince Baelon was Vhagar’s rider before his death.  Daemon is actually very familiar with Vhagar as he spent time with her when married to Laena. He knows that taking out Vhagar is a two dragon job.  He told Rhaenys in the first episode of this season. 

Ironically, Daemon claimed his dragon Caraxes after Rhaenys’s father, Prince Aemon died.  

Edited by KBrownie
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Seeing those two dragons intertwined with each other like really helps being too kind why people called this war the Dance of the Dragons. 

After the way Aegon disrespected Aemond at his one place of peace last week, I dearly enjoyed seeing him get put in his place. Even his own mother thinks he's a loser. 😭

This wasn't like Vhagar's previous oopsie, Aemond saw Aegon out there, let Rhaenys beat him up a little first, then when he saw Aegon in the way figured revenge is best served with dragonfire. 

I despise Cole with the fury of a thousand suns but the man does know what he's about on the battlefield. Seeing him slump to the ground on despair after actually saving Aegon from Aemond was pretty hilarious as well, seeing as everyone else from his army cheered when Aegon got roasted in front of them. 

Daemon putting all that kingly diplomacy training to use, I see. He's much better at this stuff when he's wearing that cloak he uses when he's committing crimes, but alas, can't dress like that at court. 

I do give him props for actually sleeping the night in Harrenhal. The way my ass would be be rubbing from that creepy place... 

Looking forward to next week. 

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2 hours ago, thuganomics85 said:

Sure, Alicent!  Just leave your Milk of the Poppy cup lying out in the open for any person or suspicious "ally" to see.thh

That was not  Milk of the Poppy, it was Moon Tea. Milk of the Poppy is basically the equivalent of morphine. It's what they use as palliative when people are in pain. Moon Tea is what they use to induce a miscarriage.

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When fantasy becomes too much like real life: good people are taken too soon, and the awful ones never seem to die.

In this moment, I can't think of any compelling reason to keep watching.

I was accidentally spoiled by a newsfeed headline around 10:30 pm, just before I watched the show.   "HOUSE OF DRAGON SHOCKER! MAJOR CHARACTER DIES." (btw, wtf?  -- why do news agencies have to be spoiling half an hour after the show airs?)   I averted my eyes before seeing who it was, but I spent the whole episode dreading it would be Rhaenys.   I was flooded with relief when Aegon fell out of the sky but then my heart sank as I realized the writers were going for the fake-out. 

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Meleys was Daemon's mothers dragon I think.  He may not be pleased about her demise. Something has got to get his ass in gear.

I really cannot stress enough that we are watching a tragedy.  If you are somehow  expecting a happy ending and for people and dragons you like not to die - don't. 

I am concentrating on the acting and the fantastic special effects and try to think happy thoughts about certain characters getting killed eventually.

Edited by magdalene
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13 hours ago, magdalene said:

I really cannot stress enough that we are watching a tragedy.  If you are somehow  expecting a happy ending and for people and dragons you like not to die - don't. 

Being from the mind of GRRM, I think most of us know this won’t have a happy ending.  That doesn’t make it any easier to watch unfold.  I’m already sad we only have four episodes left.

Also, being my favorite genre, all the behind the scenes artists bringing it to life are doing such an incredible job, you can’t help feel some sort of heartache and pain when creatures & characters you’ve grown invested in, experience a bad ending.

I also cannot say enough about whoever did the casting, young & old alike.

But losing Rhaenys & Meleys, especially the bond they shared, has been a particularly bitter pill to swallow.

Edited by go4luca
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2 hours ago, KBrownie said:

Melys’s rider was Alyssa Targaryen prior to Rhaenys. Alyssa was Rhaenys’s aunt, not her grandmother. Alyssa was the sister of her father Aemon and mother to Viserys and Daemon. Rhaenys claimed Melys after Alyssa’s death.  Viserys and Daemon’s father Prince Baelon was Vhagar’s rider before his death.  

Ironically, Daemon claimed his dragon Caraxes after Rhaenys’s father, Prince Aemon died.  


Thanks for the correction. I meant rhaenyra's grandma must've gotten stuck on rhaenys cuz it was currently her dragon.


Now that the one person advocating for peace is dead, this is pretty much the real start of the war. I wonder if rhaenyra will stay on the sidelines or if she'll eventually tell people to fuck off cuz she wants to fight.



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5 hours ago, bluvelvet said:

Aemond is too cocky. 

It's been awhile since I read the book so I don't remember who killed who anymore, but I assume at some point Aemond and Daemon are going to square off. I'm looking forward to the battle of the The Resting Sneer Faces.

HBO spent big bucks this season on the CGI dragons, and it's glorious.

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5 hours ago, paigow said:

Is Jace the lost twin of Eddie Redmayne?

That's funny, because there was a Gwayne Hightower scene where I thought, "he kind of looks like the Danish Girl."

4 hours ago, paigow said:

Corlys and his bastard navy should design a way for dragons to tow battleships.

Corlys is SO boring.   When you're watching with the hope that the action will soon pick up, every scene with Corlys becomes painful.   I don't care about Corlys or his illegitimate sons.   Not to mention, Corlys let Rhaenys down time and time again, from his annoying obsession with her stolen succession to going to off to sea and leaving her alone, to now cheating on her.  She went to her death knowing she had been betrayed.  

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5 hours ago, magdalene said:

Meleys was Daemon's mothers dragon I think.  He may not be pleased about her demise. Something has got to get his ass in gear.

I really cannot stress enough that we are watching a tragedy.  If you are somehow  expecting a happy ending and for people and dragons you like not to die - don't. 

I am concentrating on the acting and the fantastic special effects and try to think happy thoughts about certain characters getting killed eventually.

What was that line again “If you think this has a happy ending you haven’t been paying attention” or something along those lines.  I didn’t read the books but I read the synopsis. It still hurts. 

😭 😭 

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5 hours ago, magdalene said:

I really cannot stress enough that we are watching a tragedy.  If you are somehow  expecting a happy ending and for people and dragons you like not to die - don't.

At this point, I think it would be foolhardy to expect a happy ending (or even a good ending) from anything Game Of Thrones.   What I find tragic about Rhaenys' death is that it came so soon.   The theme of her life seems to be great potential cut short.

As a viewer, I enjoyed Eve Best's performance.   IMO, the show will be diminished by her absence, even as less intriguing actors/characters continue.

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9 hours ago, Oscirus said:

Jace showed why hed be a much better leader than Rhaenyra, he at least knows that her death/ disappearances are a bad thing. Cant imagine that she'll be able to protect Jace much longer.

Yeah, not naming a Hand is pretty stupid.  The heir isn't the default second in command, so pick someone.   Daemon was able to unofficially do it because everyone was worried he'd kill them if they put up a fuss.

When the Greens sell this battle as a great victory next week, I hope they have the foresight to talk about it as justice for the hundreds of deaths in the Dragonpit.  That should help rally the smallfolk to their side.

If the Blacks are willing to go all in, this is their chance to end the war.  Caraxes and Syrax versus Vhagar is a fight they might be able to win.

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9 hours ago, AntFTW said:

I'm kind of hesitant to say Vhagar's ambushing skills means she's good in battle. I say that only because that won't be possible all the time. The setting was used to Vhagar's advantage where they had this cliff they hide behind and ambush (or in the sky where they use the clouds to cover their approach). In this one moment where Vhagar's opponent clearly sees her coming, the rider's inexperience shows.


This was literally the ONE problem I had with this show, and I'm going to sound like every shitty nerd at a convention, but it's just such an easy fix it bugs me. Melys, Rest In Power, is ambushed from below at the cliffside, which oof, the impact was powerful. The problem for me is in order to execute this explosive upward thrust, we've seen that Vaghar, and really all dragons, need a 'runway'. Think about how long it takes Vaghar to get airborn from a standstill, right? They show it in this episode. In order for a dragon that size to have that much speed from below, it would have had to be far enough over the water to gain that speed, which would of course have given Rhaenys plenty of time to see Vaghar and react. Where is the run-up? Vaghar can't just leap to that speed, you know what I mean? 

If you have her attack from above, though, where maybe she went and used some cloud cover and then just dive bombed Melys, it's a little easier for me to digest I guess. 

Also I think on rewatch later today, I want to have a look at if I think Rhaenys absoutely knew she wouldn't be returning when she left. That would make her "Attack, Melys," even more heroic and sensible, having mentally dealt with her own demise already, she knew her mission to be 'keep going until they're all dead,' and that is why she didn't just beat feet.

Incredible episode of television. 

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I knew it was coming as a book reader - didn't make it any easier to watch :( RIP, Rhaenys, you went out like a badass. Also really interesting scene with her and Alyn - confirming she knows and likely HAS known who Alyn is (and presumably his brother as well). Eve did a fabulous job throughout the episode. 

Westerosi travel continues to be WTF. Took Rhaenyra 2.5 seconds to get TO Kings Landing, but apparently took 84 years to get back.

Daemon's dreams are very interesting, especially as someone who has never really seemed to believe in things like prophecies and curses. Poor Ser Simon, though. LOL. Dealing with Daemon is handful enough, let alone delusional Daemon.

Criston is T-H-E W-O-R-S-T. "Whore of Dragonstone." Every week, every second he's onscreen, I just want him to die.

Aemond was definitely going to, erm, put Aegon out of his misery, heh. Not mad about it - Aegon is someone at least who has earned Aemond's wrath.

NFTG Alicent is more interesting than hyper-religious Alicent.

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